2007-05-25 18:58:25 UTC
I know terrible things happened but it wasn't just to Jews. I would be more understanding if they were to include other than "6,000,000 Jews" in their quest for sympathy. I am familiar with their now rhetorical "never again,"but there are others who have been oppressed, killed, gassed, murdered, hanged, maimed, lynched, starved, burned grotesquely, worked to death, and otherwise treated horribly as well.
I know the United States and Israel are joined at the hip. I also know that the United States funds Israel to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars every year, not to mention a huge amount of military aid.
But. What is it about Isreal and Jewish people that holds the United States at their every beck and call?
Are we as strong as we want others to believe? or are we really afraid of Israel?
[sorry. Israel can say anything it wants. But I am wary of them, or perhaps I should say I just don't trust them.]