1. Why is it in politics? Wearing a CLOTH on your NOSE is NOT a controversial issue... except if you're in The Great United States of America with bright, talented people to shine the pathway to the future of mankind... blegh.
2. Yes. It does. Think of it like this; a person is about to pee, but they don't wear any pants. You, about to be peed to, also don't wear pants. If the person snapped and peed, you'd get pee on your legs because the person didn't wear pants and you didn't, too.
If both of you wear pants, the person who's about to pee will only pee in their pants. It's embarassing for him, sure, but you'll be 100% safe from yellow, stinky water... weird analogy, yes, but it sure explains a lot.
3. If you have a breathing "problem", that doesn't MATTER. I have seen many testimonies of people with asthma, and they're fine with wearing masks. I don't know about you, but wearing masks DON'T take your oxygen away. There are little pores on the masks for you to breathe in normally. It does feel weirdly uncomfortable, but you are NOT suffocating.
4. If you REALLY, REALLY don't want to wear a mask, STAY AT HOME! Most of the things you can do outside you can do inside now from modern technology, like running errands, food delivery, having a conference, heck, you can play video games and enjoy the scenery you couldn't enjoy due to quarantine.
5. Okay, this has nothing to do with the first four, but please don't "shower" me with "facts" in the comments section. Leave your crappy anti-vaxx flat-earther conspiracy theories on Facebook, better yet forget they ever existed and go on with your life as a well-liked intellectual being.
6. COVID-19 is not a simple flu. It kills 3%, sure, but if I gave you 100 Skittles, and I told you 3 of them will kill you instantly, you sure won't want to touch any of them, right? (Thanks for the idea, Twitter!) It is real. It is killing people. I am no 4.0 GPA at med school, heck I haven't even finished high school yet, but I have the common sense to know that this time, the government actually said something that helps people.
7. Last one before I go to bed. Don't be ignorant. Search for COVID-19 news on Reddit or Twitter, I prefer Reddit but both of them are well and good. Remember, you have the freedom to do what you want, so use that freedom to help people and yourself... now, wear a mask.
P.S: Sorry I didn't cite any sources. I wanted to, but it's getting pretty late and I wanted to, you know, do something else more important than writing an essay to freakin' Yahoo Answers.