Do masks really help prevent the spread of the coronavirus?
2020-07-10 02:56:41 UTC
Do masks really help prevent the spread of the coronavirus?
305 answers:
2020-07-14 20:43:23 UTC
They are good at weakening your immune system too. 
2020-07-13 00:46:42 UTC
Not according to the package they come in.
2020-07-12 22:31:46 UTC
Our US surgeon general just said 3 hours ago to wear a mask.

Singaporean study came out in March saying as a mass population of everyone using a mass it drastically brings down the new cases. It's because fewer droplets from our breathing and speaking pass through a mask than without it.

Molecules from infected CoVid-19 can stay in the air for longer than 10 mins. It is a virus where air is one of the modes of transmission.
2020-07-12 20:15:52 UTC
though many people wearing masks but they are getting covid -19 is said that prevention is better than cure. so it is  safer to use mask.
2020-07-11 16:47:13 UTC
I just watch on t.v. them testing with a mask and without a mask. And wearing a mask does protect from many germs.
2020-07-11 07:55:23 UTC
Nothing can thwart God's purpose. Better to throw yourself on His Mercy than trust in more masks, symbols of all your false faces. You have the Leader you deserve and shall follow him whither he leadeth. Most of you are chaff. Who is like unto him who leads you. Marvel ceaselessly. God's plan is inexorable. God has given you into the Beast's hands for your sins. Still you play your knavish tricks and you ignore God and do not love Him with your whole heart and nor do you love your neighbour as yourself and so the first and most important two you have already destroyed. Next you cast the first stone and as many eagerly as possible. You cry out for the blood of the saints and Jesus hears you like the pack of vampires you are. How you sound in His ears. You bear false witness and seek to destroy others, have murdered the son of the son of David and stomp around in your pride trusting in your silly masks. 
2020-07-11 04:53:03 UTC
The size of the virus is 120 nanometers. A very good surgical mask may stop the particles, but all of these homemade or cheap fabric masks that most people are getting off of Amazon will do nothing to stop it. All it does is give people a false sense of security, so they end up not social distancing, exposing themselves to the virus. 
Bobby Jim
2020-07-10 22:12:12 UTC
Mine sure does! It is so uncomfortable to wear that I am constantly reminded to keep my distance from people so they won't see me looking like a twitching nutcase as I try to get comfortable with it in place. 
2020-07-10 22:03:15 UTC
As a doctor I can assure you that if you cough with a mask on, the particles won't get as far with them on. If you want to have a full shift at your job and a prom at school, put them on and social distance if you don't need to go to work or have to get food or something like that. please.
2020-07-10 16:44:07 UTC
Better than not wearing them.
2020-07-12 16:22:14 UTC
Yes it does actually 
2020-07-12 15:54:39 UTC
Yes, wearing a mask helps block water droplets expeled by the nose and mouth which carry the virus. The virus needs this medium to spread. 
2020-07-12 04:53:37 UTC
I saw this yesterday but I had no time to respond. Just a few facts

-The Covid-19 virus is 70nm (.7um) in size whereas a N95 mask can only block particles that are 130um and larger.

-The science the media cites is actually Observational Science, which survey of what doctors and nurses think.  There isn't a controlled study on the effectiveness of facemasks.

-Per Capita, the U.S. Ranks 4th, behind Chile, Kuwait, and Peru. What to look for is Per Capita statistics, not the overall number or how many people per second. Kinda a common sense thing here. 

-The United States isn't on lockdown, just individual cities. My city is still on lockdown but people have been ignoring the lock down orders for some time.
2020-07-11 23:50:00 UTC
Coronavirus lays dormant in the lungs, and is activated through a compromised immune system aka illness. So yes wear that pandemic mask.😷🤧
2020-07-11 22:38:44 UTC
It does. The mask significantly helps lessen the chance of someone infected passing the virus to someone else. If that someone else is wearing a mask too, the chances becomes slimmer further. When social distancing is also observed, the chances of infection becomes very low.

To clear things up, you wear the mask is to prevent yourself from infecting others. Since there are lots of people who are asymptomatic (show no signs they are infected), it is good practice to wear a mask when going out in public. It's your responsibility to prevent the virus from spreading further. Wearing a mask should not be a question about personal freedom. It should be viewed as a small token of effort that goes a long long way to help mankind. 
2020-07-11 22:00:11 UTC
Popular new grave headstone says "See, I am still not wearing any goddamn mask!"
2020-07-11 20:33:26 UTC
I think so. They should be worn properly.
Warren T
2020-07-11 14:19:51 UTC
2020-07-11 11:17:11 UTC
For the most part, yes.
Whizzing Admin
2020-07-11 11:04:10 UTC
Yes, because it covers your mouth thus, the small particle of saliva will not spread.
2020-07-11 02:36:44 UTC
Over 99% of masks are worn incorrectly, or are not effective enough to completely stop virus transmission. They help some, and distancing helps some; but the only hope we really have to completely be safe is a vaccine. 
2020-07-11 01:10:33 UTC
Maybe to some extent but I question the whole idea of people wearing them every minute of the day when they’re driving by themselves in their cars when, they’re  taking a walk on the beach when nobody is even near them etc. And I have seen these things. In that case you’re just re-breathing the same waste material that your lungs are trying to exhale and get rid of. So that can’t be good for your immune system either And if your immune system is compromised because you’re not breathing in healthy air,  then you’re going to be more susceptible to any virus. Including this one. But people don’t like to think too much I guess. Just be a “good citizen” And obey the authority of the medical establishment which after all HAS been known to actually make people sicker rather than healthier oftentimes. In fact you can Google it. Mainstream medicine is the third leading cause of death in this country. Your best bet against  illness is a strong immune system from diet, exercise, maybe certain

supplements. But Americans in general aren’t known to be the healthiest nationality in the world
2020-07-11 00:59:57 UTC
Yes, wearing a face mask help prevent the coronavirus...I think a bandanna to cover your face is better. They are easily washable.
2020-07-10 22:40:53 UTC
Masks only help if you cough or sneeze.  If you cover your coughs or sneezes it’s the same.
2020-07-10 21:59:13 UTC
Rules compelling people to wear face masks on public help prevent the spread of the virus is to avoid  more people the risk of death is the same reason that on boats a lifejacket shall be provided for every person on board the ship... just to prevent quick death of people by drowning...
2020-07-10 20:53:42 UTC
The coronavirus is a hoax 
2020-07-10 20:47:28 UTC
I used to always be the first to get the flu and infect my family. Then I started wearing masks and haven't got the flu since... that was 10 years ago. Yes, wear your mask!
2020-07-10 20:43:26 UTC
Surgical masks, yes. Cloth masks, not necessarily
2020-07-10 19:27:05 UTC
2020-07-10 03:00:01 UTC
Do you really think some homemade cloth mask does anything whatsoever? No, it just goes through it like it's not there. The virus is airborne. It's going to get in your eyes, go through the mask, go into open wounds and whatever other way it can. A mask does nothing.  
2020-07-14 14:12:31 UTC

It is the loving thing to do and an intelligent choice.
2020-07-13 20:28:13 UTC
Yes they help stop the spread.
2020-07-13 17:44:30 UTC
Yes...they sure do.
2020-07-13 13:35:28 UTC
They help prevent it, but they won't stop it. It's a good case of "it's better than nothing" but it's not perfect.
Matt Bruns
2020-07-13 03:27:56 UTC
No. It's false information. It only protects you from catching it.
2020-07-13 01:43:47 UTC
With a 5% effectiveness, probably not.
2020-07-12 22:26:03 UTC
If masks work , then WHY did they let 100,000 criminals out of jail?
2020-07-12 19:15:45 UTC
Every doctor says they do and doctors wear masks.
2020-07-12 09:01:38 UTC
I believe yeah... It lessen the chances...
2020-07-12 06:03:00 UTC
No, they're s security blanket
2020-07-12 05:26:16 UTC
I firmly believe in the effects of masks, because it helps cover the mouth and nose. Avoid the infection of Conona virus. I am Vietnamese and we do a good job of wearing this mask
2020-07-12 03:05:59 UTC
NO! THEY STOP OXYGEN FROM ENTERING THE LUNGS!! make my pp small mmmmmmmm   8=====D
2020-07-11 22:08:38 UTC
There is documented proof that wearing a face covering in public in the correct manner will cut the risk of you infecting others around you!
2020-07-11 15:22:37 UTC
I think it has like a 5% chance of stopping you from getting it, which is better than I would have expected. The pores in the average mask are like an interstate highway in comparison.

Masks stop a person who has coronavirus from sneezing/coughing and rocketing millions of virus particles through crowds of people and getting them stuck on everything. The air stays around you, which is still not great, but better than the alternative.

It also has a cascading effect. Every person who doesn't get the illness also doesn't spread the illness to anywhere between zero and hundreds of other people, who also don't have to worry about spreading it to etc. etc.

So yes, they can have a significant impact on the illness.
2020-07-11 02:08:15 UTC
No, the Fake Pandemic only exists because the government wants to test the waters of authoritarianism. If you get the virus, spread it to as many people as possible.
Kim Sweetheart
2020-07-10 23:01:08 UTC
Yes they do and it should be mandatory for everyone to wear one in public. If not, jail.
2020-07-10 21:09:51 UTC
Has there ever been something that Americans can ever say we agree on about anything, I wonder
2020-07-10 21:04:30 UTC
Face covers do help curtail the person-to-person spread of this virulent deadly virus, T.O., but one should also do the social distancing and personal hygiene as well. The latest mutation from autopsies of COVID-19 patients who died show damage to the brain, to body organs, and evidence that COVID gets inside blood vessels in otherwise healthy young patients, especially men, causing blood clots as well as strokes and heart attacks.  

Large gatherings of people have proven to be dangerous as the people from those large-group gatherings tend to carry the virus home with them, infecting others who did not attend.  Health care providers remove the clothes they wear into work in a sterile environment, placing those likely-contaminated clothes in sealed plastic bags, but do ordinary people take such precautions?  Masks is the least we can do to prevent the spread.
2020-07-10 19:53:45 UTC
No. There is no proof. It's about democrats controlling your life
The Raging Platypus
2020-07-10 14:28:13 UTC
Now, they march they didn't.   It's  almost like they lied to us because there weren't enough masks.
Common Sense
2020-07-13 17:40:45 UTC
Help prevent....yes, yes, yes. 

Wear a mask, the life you save could be your own or perhaps save the life of someone you love. Wearing a mask is an elementary practice to help prevent the spread of what could be a deadly demise. So is washing your hands.  Even "healthy people are dying of Covid-19, so do not fool yourself into thinking you are safe from this virus.

Nope, I am far from paranoid, but I am not stupid.
2020-07-13 15:35:04 UTC
In China, almost everyone wears a mask.

In the United States, a large part of the population walks around without a mask, ... even their president does not wear one.

In China, out of a population of 1,500,000,000, about 84,000 have been infected, or 0.00056%

In the States, there are more than 3,000,000 people infected with a population of 300 million, a rate of more than 1%.

Yes, the mask makes the difference. You are largely protected and you do not infect others.
2020-07-13 13:52:23 UTC
Most of the findings are that yes, wearing a mask offers some protection from the virus.  However, a mask really only works when combined with other common sense precautions, such as washing your hands, keeping surfaces clean, and minimizing contact with others.  My view is, if I can reduce my chances by even a few percentage points, then the inconvenience of a mask is worth it.
2020-07-13 04:22:51 UTC
They help some 
2020-07-13 03:12:22 UTC
At least it helps.

Better than not wearing mask.
2020-07-13 01:09:16 UTC
No. Guns don't kill people. It's the bullets that cause most Of the problem. If I own many masks and don't wear them, They do nothing.
2020-07-12 11:31:29 UTC
You can you use anything as a mask. Because it's not safety is about compliance.
2020-07-12 09:32:10 UTC
Masks do mitigate infection due to the airborne nature of the virus ( i.e. infection via air droplet ). However, there is no absolute due to the imperfection of masks - better prevent harder to breath.
2020-07-12 05:40:24 UTC
According to "Masks alone will not prevent the spread of COVID-19. You must consistently and strictly adhere to good hygiene and public health measures, including frequent hand washing and physical (social) distancing."
2020-07-11 19:39:36 UTC
Yes it does indeed help prevent the spread of germs.
2020-07-11 16:26:53 UTC
Yes, it helps with the virus. It controls the contamination and spread. 
2020-07-11 05:52:53 UTC
What some humans don't want to accept is that we are now biological enemies of each other - willingly or unwillingly...

'I'm not sick!' 

'They're uncomfortable!' 

'I KNOW I'm not sick!'

This is why the virus is trampling us... 

There does not seem to be any real consistency as to who it spares and who it takes... and when and if it takes a demographic that is thought to have been less prone to fatality the weird thing is - the data is very limited - but then I assume that privacy laws have to do with that... 

If we were to do away with privacy laws for a deceased person we might still be "infringing" on morality?

New situation demands new things - and as we are all concerned for health (I hope) I would think that someone who ends up on the bad side of it would want their death to provide the necessary data that will help slow this thing down.
2020-07-11 05:09:45 UTC
The size of the virus is 120 nanometers. A very good surgical mask may stop the particles, but all of these homemade or cheap fabric masks that most people are getting off of Amazon will do nothing to stop it. All it does is give people a false sense of security, so they end up not social distancing, exposing themselves to the virus.
2020-07-11 03:31:53 UTC
it will help cause you always get unhygienic  ones dont cover mouth when they cough of sneeze  { stays in air 3 hours  or so..

same as when people are out and about  and because they dont see any one about they cough etc  and dont cover mouth,

so masks  are  good if all use em..other wise ya need to cover ya eyes too   ,as sneezes /cough germs can go in them also 
2020-07-10 23:03:40 UTC
I dont.

The world health organization reccomentlds you ONLY wear one if you're around infected people or the elderly/extremely young.
2020-07-10 21:09:50 UTC
COVID-19 is a HOAX!  FRESH AIR is VITAL for immune health and Common Sense.

If you're sick, with anything, you stay home.  If you're NOT sick - GO OUT!
2020-07-10 20:25:20 UTC
Yes but unfortunately they don't fix dumb. 
2020-07-10 15:50:41 UTC
Maybe a little bit. I personally would prefer not to wear a mask but so many people are scared and freaking out I don't wanna scare anyone. I consider the masks only for show and when I wear it it's just a silly costume for this political theatre we're all forced to participate in.....but I wear it. Who am I to terrify people
2020-07-10 14:44:19 UTC
I personally don't think they do. You would have to have a PROPERLY fit N-95 to guarantee protection, and let's face it, those aren't ever going to be readily available to anyone who isn't directly on the frontlines.

The vast majority of the people I see wearing masks don't do it correctly -- they leave their nose uncovered, they're constantly adjusting it, meaning they're constantly touching their face (this is my biggest issue when I wear one), or they keep using the same single-use mask for weeks instead of throwing it out and buying a new one. I also know plenty of people who freak out and insist upon wearing a mask when they go to the grocery store...but then, they go home to family members who don't wear masks ANYWHERE.

Basically, you'd have to wear an N-95 24/7 to be fully protected.
Little Big Man
2020-07-10 12:09:11 UTC
So it would seem my friend.
2020-07-15 07:33:47 UTC
Social distancing helps prevent the spread of the coronavirus. Something that's used to cover your face may help to prevent the spread, but number 1 is social distancing. It should be very hard to get infected if you are alone, and the odds of you getting infected increase with the more people you are surrounded with.

I heard of 1 person who was wearing a mask, and that person was on a plane. That person who was on the plane never removed her mask according to what I read, and she still got infected with the coronavirus. I suspect the mask she wore was not good. I worn the same type of face mask as her, but I own a better one, so I can wear a better face mask, and I have bought something else that should be good enough to protect my face.
Mr. anonymous
2020-07-14 03:24:02 UTC
Yes. Coronavirus spreads through the air. If a guy next to you sneezes and you're not wearing a mask, then you're screwed.
2020-07-14 02:53:37 UTC
To a certain extent. But you must still take precautions and practice social distancing.
2020-07-14 00:36:04 UTC
Not by using the masks that most are using.  A hospital grade N95 mask is good but not these other fake KN-95 masks.  Have a look around.  Like at Subway and their wearing of gloves to make our sandwiches..People are not donning masks with any evidence of effectiveness.  But its all we can do without widespread issuance and testing of N-95 masks for each user.
2020-07-13 22:46:08 UTC
Yes, it helps although it doesn’t totally prevent it from spreading.
2020-07-13 06:49:30 UTC
No, it only helps those selling them.

Masks are just one big racket.
2020-07-12 21:43:43 UTC
The so called bio war chinese covid 19 saga states that the germ is 5 microns in size and the cloth shirts used for protection masks are 1000 microns in size so not mutch protection bro ham look it up 
2020-07-12 18:49:52 UTC
Who knows? Doctors don’t care really.
2020-07-12 04:17:21 UTC
Yes it does. Science informs us to wear it
2020-07-12 00:38:43 UTC
Yes, according to science. 
2020-07-11 19:07:14 UTC
Not really. The mask prevents, to some extent, people who have a virus from spreading it; it does not protect those who do not have the virus from contracting it.
2020-07-11 05:48:08 UTC
A good mask does many home made ones do not.
Mr. Wizard
2020-07-11 04:20:19 UTC
If you look at those "legal disclaimers" on retail store sold face mask product packaging from major undershirt/underwear manufacturers--you will likely get your answer, however vague it's stated on.

Put it this way: If the face mask is NOT medically recommended for use in operating room surgeries......... 

I think it's fair to say that aside from the highly coveted "N95" hospital surgical grade face mask---all others, IF worn properly, serve to REDUCE the chances of contagious spread of viruses; they won't totally PREVENT COVID-19.It's my advice that WE ALL SHOULD NOT LIVE IN GERMAPHOBIC FEAR; if we do, then the bio-terrorists who ATTACKED THE U.S. WITH COVID-19 have won....and I'm a DEFIANT American Patriot; I refuse to allow terrorists to win.Wear face masks with a good measure of common sense; know WHEN to wear them and when you don't have to by practicing "social distancing" and responsible immediate scene hand sanitizing.The pandemics of "Swine Flu/Legionaire's Disease" ( circa 1976--anyone remembers THAT? ) and COVID-19 are suspiciously eerily similar!! They all carried THE SAME symptoms and ALL were lethal to the critically ill and elderly with weakened immune systems.We emerged fine from the Swine Flu pandemic; I think we'll do the same with COVID-19. 
2020-07-11 04:18:54 UTC
Some do, but the most don't protect YOU.
2020-07-10 19:14:19 UTC
The infectious disease experts say they do. I'll trust them over people making political statements about masks any day. Dr. Fauci has nothing personal to gain by getting you to wear a mask. Trump has everything to gain by getting people to think it is a hoax
2020-07-10 18:54:13 UTC
They don't protect a non-infected person from it but prevent an infected person from passing it to other people.

2020-07-10 15:19:20 UTC
You can read various articles that claim they do and that they don't. Since I know plenty of people in the medical field and they mask-up and feel is IS appropriate and helpful in REDUCING the spread, I opt for masking-up when appropriate.

Your post belongs in Health>General Health>Infectious Diseases, not Politics. 
2020-07-10 14:37:03 UTC
They certainly do.
oil field trash
2020-07-10 03:22:33 UTC
Even a N95 mask is 100% effective but any mouth and nose covering provides some protection. Even if a mask doesn't stop all of the virus cells it can reduce the number. The smaller the number of virus cells that get into you body the easier It is for your body to fight them off. 
Donnie Porko
2020-07-10 03:05:34 UTC
Yes. It’s been proven over and over again. 

Look at countries that made it mandatory to wear masks (most Asian countries). They have few cases and fewer deaths. Then you look at countries where wearing masks is optional (USA and Brazil). They’re #1 and 2 in cases respectively. Closer to home, look at states were masks is mandatory and where it’s optional. In the New England states, they flatten the curve. Look at Arizona, Florida, Texas. Masks are optional (Texas recently made it mandatory) and they became hot spots. 

There is scientific evidence that masks helps to contain respiratory droplets or made it harder to travel far, which comes in handy when you can’t social distance. 
2020-07-13 23:17:58 UTC
YES. Omg morons wear the damn mask!!!!!!
2020-07-13 09:54:42 UTC
A little bit. Not a lot.
2020-07-13 02:27:55 UTC
Nope, I really don't think so, there's more to meet the eye and the pandemic levels of Coronavirus are not getting better... I just pray a vaccine is made 
2020-07-13 00:09:03 UTC
Obviously NOT.. because the spread of the virus is not slowing, it's speeding up.  However, the DEATH rate has been declining - but the media ignore that fact.   Government agencies LOVE to test people for Covid-19 though.  The tests are being used to make a massive database of your DNA!  Almost nobody considers that fact!
2020-07-12 19:22:25 UTC
Yes. Between two people with masks on close to one another; if one has COVID, the chance of transmission becomes very low. It would be very high without it.
2020-07-12 17:54:57 UTC
No. I don't think so.
2020-07-12 16:26:10 UTC
Up to a point, yes.
2020-07-12 03:36:25 UTC
I hate wearing them because it’s hard to breath but if I did I would want masks with guns on them 
2020-07-11 15:55:42 UTC
Yes. It stops droplets fro flying. 
2020-07-11 15:41:24 UTC
Any form of prevention is a good thing and something everyone should be doing. 

Masks do help the spread of a virus, bacteria, or germs but they are not 100% protection. The fact that is getting confused is that wearing a simple mask that is basically just a piece of cloth over our nose and mouth does more to prevent things from getting out of the person wearing it than it does to prevent things getting in. 
Raymond L.
2020-07-11 00:49:52 UTC
They do little to nothing....... its all to get Trump out of office. and It wont work either.
2020-07-10 23:53:05 UTC
yes because if we dont were the mask we might get rona.
2020-07-10 21:31:22 UTC
I dont think it's doing much, but I wear it around my mouth only, if I also cover my nose I can't breathe and my glasses fog up. Its torture to fully wear it and Corona is trumps fault so I don't need to suffer and risk bursting my lung. 
2020-07-10 19:33:41 UTC
Of course it does. Similar to how condoms protect against stds.

The more people that wear masks who are in close proximity, the more it helps. Either way what to you have to lose. It is a small inconvenience to save lives. Even if you don't die you can lose lung capacity or spead it to someone you love.Look at an example like NY and FL. NY had the most cases in the world at one point. Now is has among the lowest infection rate in the country. How is that possible being so densely populated. They have a higher compliance with wearing masks and the shut down measures were more strict.  Other the hand there is such luck in FL and their outbreak numbers have skyrocketed. Either way we have the highest infection rates in the world. 

Ironically the next two countries with the highest infection rates also have racist, anti science, psychotic, far right wing presidents. These disaster responses that we have received are happening for reasons of either pure incompetence or depopulation. No president that was both competent and cared about its citizens would have allowed this to happen. Especially if were talking about an all knowing all powerful perfect stable genius like trump. 
Nekkid Truth!
2020-07-10 19:32:19 UTC
No, they don't.   Its to make crybabies feel "safer".   Nothing more than a security blanket
2020-07-10 19:22:16 UTC
Yes, but improper use of facemasks defeats the purpose.
2020-07-10 12:52:29 UTC
Yes, especially people who were infected by that virus.
2020-07-10 04:04:51 UTC
Yes they do. All the health officials are saying that. No exceptions. 
2020-07-10 03:07:44 UTC
Only N95 certified masks that only healthcare workers can get will.  For the rest of us, masks are only 2% effective even though liberal media gives you the impression that they will protect you.

My brother is a doctor with a private practice and he tried to get some N95 certified masks, but they won't even sell them to an individual doctor.  They would only sell them to health organizations.  I was able to find N95 certified filters for existing full face masks though.
Prison Mike
2020-07-10 02:58:53 UTC
They help prevent the spread and prevent the wearer from getting it. Japan provides a good example, as do South Korea, Vietnam, and Thailand. 
2020-07-16 06:57:43 UTC
it help to prevent but not 100% working.
2020-07-14 18:54:58 UTC
I think so, just wear it. 
Paula A
2020-07-13 15:01:02 UTC
It’s better than not wearing one 
2020-07-13 10:43:21 UTC
Yes mask are necessary 
2020-07-13 00:38:29 UTC
Well, like DUH, yes.
2020-07-12 16:45:27 UTC
Some say it does and others say it doesn't , so I recommend u to wear it . but , I believe that well made mask can protect u from any virus or disease but cheap masks never do a thing so u better buy the surgical ones or the expensive ones 
2020-07-12 16:40:37 UTC
These normal maxis are not very useful for me, so I think the doctors say so I put it in my mouth
2020-07-12 13:54:30 UTC
Yes it prevent the spread of covid19 always use your mask when going out of the house 
NEVER SUBMIT... to evil
2020-07-12 00:19:48 UTC
somewhat.... but it depends on a LOT of variables...... the vast majority of people do not wear them as they should...... and the material, and the way they are designed, makes a difference..... and then take into account the  living circumstances which vary a Lot.....the list of variables is almost incalculable.. and in the end... outside of being in direct contact with a carrier...... the mask is no more than a symbolic item 
2020-07-11 23:21:48 UTC
Yes; its not absolute but if everyone wears a mask it does slow down the spread of the virus considerably.
2020-07-11 23:18:28 UTC

The "experts" told us beforehand that they wouldn't so as to prevent a shortage (and panic buying) of masks -- but people used common sense anyway and bought masks that created a shortage for medical professionals.
2020-07-11 20:03:37 UTC
Yes, it does. People can catch it in any way.
Jeff D
2020-07-11 16:15:07 UTC
They probably help, for some definition of help.
2020-07-11 00:44:00 UTC

Most face masks don't seem to do much to stop you from catching the virus, but they reduce the risk that you spread the virus.  Basically, the virus spreads when particles containing it emerge from someone's mouth or nose when they cough, breath, speak, etc and then enter someone else's nose, eyes, or mouth.   Normally, particles from a breath can go about six feet.  When you wear a mask you cut down on the distance that these particles can travel.  A recent study, using simulated breaths from a mannequin showed that a home made double layer cotton fabric mask limits the spread of particles to about three inches in front of your face.  Other masks have varying levels of effectiveness, but they all cut down on the distance that particles can fly.  This can be stunningly effective at stopping disease spread.  In Missouri they had a hair salon which opened up early against recommendations.  Critics expressed some schadenfreude when it turned out that two of the stylists tested positive for coronavirus and had potentially exposed several dozen customers.  But it turns out that no one caught corona in that salon because people, including the two infected people, were wearing masks.  
2020-07-10 23:39:33 UTC
It is possibly 
2020-07-10 21:50:32 UTC
yes, they do...
2020-07-10 20:51:13 UTC
No peer reviewed studies that prove the spread of any respiratory virus is slowed by wearing a mask
2020-07-10 16:30:37 UTC
I’m not 100% sure but if it makes people feel safer then I say wear a mask.  

Plus nowadays allot of us kinda have to.

In my state of WA alone wearing masks has been somewhat mandated into law in that you gotta wear one in allot of places nowadays so I’m like I know allot of people hate it but in reality it would just be easier to adapt to the times and simply accept it all & just get used to that we may need to wear masks and for quite some time.
2020-07-10 13:52:36 UTC
2020-07-10 08:41:12 UTC
The ideal mask is the N95 mask which can block tiny particles.   DIY masks made by cloth and polyester are OK but not safe enough because it cannot block even a fart gas (from other people bvtt).   If the mask can block the smell of the fart, yes it can block the virus. 

Your question is like asking "Can I get healthy by eating vegetables?"  and the answers is it depends on what kind of vegetable and how often do you eat.   Eating once a week of salad with a lot of dressing wont make you slim and healthy.    A mask can prevent you from getting infected of any disease but it depends of what kind of mask and how often you wear it in public. 
2020-07-14 11:28:49 UTC
At least you are not spreading through nose and mouth
2020-07-13 23:20:18 UTC
No, they will not. But making every body live and fear will lessen the chance that Trump gets reelected, and isn't that really our end game?
2020-07-13 18:27:35 UTC
No, but they are cute AF
2020-07-12 21:29:06 UTC
They decrease your chances of inhaling contaminated water vapour and your chances of spreading it to others. It is not 100% effective but it does decrease the likelihood of getting the crippling disease. 
2020-07-12 18:02:13 UTC
The mask doesn't protect you so much as it protects others. When you breathe you produce a vapor of water molecules. If you have Covid19, you may not know. The mask severely depletes any vapor/ molecules you may be putting into the air. The mask doesn't block what you breathe in. Besides your eyes are completely exposed so you can get it that way.
2020-07-12 04:30:28 UTC
No, face covering accelerate the spread of the china fuu. You are putting a landing pad, collection net, magnet,  on your vital intake system and think you are protecting yourself? Lol
2020-07-11 23:59:22 UTC
I think masks help quite a bit.. not perfect maybe but at least something.  Whats the problem with trying it?
2020-07-11 19:58:16 UTC
According to a tv report,masks do help but do not guarantee your safety. 
2020-07-11 04:22:05 UTC
Yes, but only in one direction:

They really help to prevent the person wearing the mask from infecting anyone else.

They don't work as well for preventing someone not wearing a mask from protecting someone who is wearing one.
2020-07-11 00:00:15 UTC
Yes and why ask in Politics?
2020-07-10 23:53:35 UTC
No. Covid19 is a hoax. It is the flu renamed by certain manipulative psychopaths. Face masks do not stop the spread of any virus it says so on the facemask packaging.
2020-07-10 23:50:52 UTC
not much..........................................
2020-07-10 21:44:48 UTC
good question that really has never been answered. The media never brings out someone who has caught corona when wearing a mask. The experts themselves were iffy in the beginning.
2020-07-10 19:45:41 UTC
It does not prevent it completely, but it does slow down the spread of it. There is still a lot they do not know about it, but that much they do know now. Areas where they refused to mandate masks at first are now getting hit hard. Trump is stubborn, but many of his staff are now recommending masks. Its common sense, the spray of very fine droplets would be reduced if coming from a person wearing a mask.
2020-07-10 19:29:11 UTC
No they do not don’t be a sheep
2020-07-10 18:27:31 UTC
yes it does. Yes it does.
2020-07-10 14:43:29 UTC
It do the trick, but not too much, right.
2020-07-10 11:31:39 UTC
Yes, but:

You have to wear them properly, and you have to wash your hands afterwards.
2020-07-10 03:03:57 UTC
Scientists has actually conducted an experiment on this as to how effective it is in preventing the virus.

When people are sick and cough or sneeze without wearing a mask, the droplets they produce which contain viruses can travel 2-3m away. If these droplets land on someone else’s face, or a surface which is touched by someone else, it may make the person sick.

But when any type of mask is properly worn over the nose and mouth, most if not all droplets are blocked from getting out into the air or landing on someone else.

But masks are not effective if not worn properly so its important to cover both your nose and mouth properly. Also avoid touching your masks or face because hands are dirty.
2020-07-10 02:58:15 UTC
Tom S
2020-07-15 11:49:28 UTC
Doctors say it does, morons think otherwise.
2020-07-14 22:19:41 UTC
Wearing the right kind of mask (n95/n99) can help prevent the spread of the coronavirus. It's not 100% effective, but studies and tests show that it's better than not wearing a mask. You also need to ensure that you wear a new pair of disposable gloves, wash your hands, use sanitizer, refrain from rubbing your face etc to help stop the spread. A visor can also help because it stops the virus from getting into your eyes.
2020-07-14 21:40:54 UTC
Yeah. It does. It prevents droplets from spreading
2020-07-14 16:18:10 UTC
That question is like a yes or no.  I mean there's been some cases where people still get the coronavirus.
2020-07-14 09:17:34 UTC
Doctors & Nurses despite wearing masks & face shield still got infected & have died. The spread will continue despite mask as with Sweden, Japan, Korea, China... Back in march Dr. Anthony Fauci was adamant that wearing mask isn't going to protect anyone from getting infected, that only symptomatic & coughing people should wear mask. 
2020-07-13 15:02:50 UTC
I'm counting on it.
2020-07-13 09:52:20 UTC
Going by what the WHO report, yes. But, isn't it wise to do everything that will help keep one safe? Several studies found that masks could help limit the spread. Let's all be safe.
2020-07-12 16:39:13 UTC
It doesn't prevent nothing, because the virus doesn't exist. Or at least it does, but it's just a simple flu.
2020-07-12 12:07:44 UTC
Wearing a mask, whether it is a conventional surgical or cloth mask, reduces the risk of code 19 for this person by 65%.
2020-07-12 04:17:49 UTC
Wearing a mask is not meant to protect you. It is meant ro protect those around you.
2020-07-12 02:49:50 UTC
Yes.  They stop you from projecting your snot/throat crap all over creation.  The don't necessarily block already airborn covid.  N95 masks will stop YOU from getting airborn virus
2020-07-12 00:39:28 UTC
It helps but now they say it might be airborne.. stay safe..
2020-07-11 02:10:14 UTC
1. Why is it in politics? Wearing a CLOTH on your NOSE is NOT a controversial issue... except if you're in The Great United States of America with bright, talented people to shine the pathway to the future of mankind... blegh.

2. Yes. It does. Think of it like this; a person is about to pee, but they don't wear any pants. You, about to be peed to, also don't wear pants. If the person snapped and peed, you'd get pee on your legs because the person didn't wear pants and you didn't, too. 

If both of you wear pants, the person who's about to pee will only pee in their pants. It's embarassing for him, sure, but you'll be 100% safe from yellow, stinky water... weird analogy, yes, but it sure explains a lot.

3. If you have a breathing "problem", that doesn't MATTER. I have seen many testimonies of people with asthma, and they're fine with wearing masks. I don't know about you, but wearing masks DON'T take your oxygen away. There are little pores on the masks for you to breathe in normally. It does feel weirdly uncomfortable, but you are NOT suffocating.

4. If you REALLY, REALLY don't want to wear a mask, STAY AT HOME! Most of the things you can do outside you can do inside now from modern technology, like running errands, food delivery, having a conference, heck, you can play video games and enjoy the scenery you couldn't enjoy due to quarantine. 

5. Okay, this has nothing to do with the first four, but please don't "shower" me with "facts" in the comments section. Leave your crappy anti-vaxx flat-earther conspiracy theories on Facebook, better yet forget they ever existed and go on with your life as a well-liked intellectual being.

6. COVID-19 is not a simple flu. It kills 3%, sure, but if I gave you 100 Skittles, and I told you 3 of them will kill you instantly, you sure won't want to touch any of them, right? (Thanks for the idea, Twitter!) It is real. It is killing people. I am no 4.0 GPA at med school, heck I haven't even finished high school yet, but I have the common sense to know that this time, the government actually said something that helps people. 

7. Last one before I go to bed. Don't be ignorant. Search for COVID-19 news on Reddit or Twitter, I prefer Reddit but both of them are well and good. Remember, you have the freedom to do what you want, so use that freedom to help people and yourself... now, wear a mask.

P.S: Sorry I didn't cite any sources. I wanted to, but it's getting pretty late and I wanted to, you know, do something else more important than writing an essay to freakin' Yahoo Answers.
2020-07-11 00:22:21 UTC
If you are infected it may help slightly to prevent spreading the virus to others, but since the masks do not fit tightly and only allow air that has been filtered to reach your nose it is not likely to reduce the risk of you getting infected.  The actual N-95 masks with the bendable metal strip on the nose bridge has a better chance of blocking any airborne pathogens but even that is not 100% effective.
2020-07-10 22:59:57 UTC
Yes, it saves you most of the time!
2020-07-10 22:12:32 UTC
Yes and here is the reason why....

When you breathe you "mist".  Breath on glass real close and you will see it fog up. That is out of you.  That is what carries the virus in a cloud that is OVER 6 FEET.  With a mask, you stop misting to others and stop other mists from coming into you.  That is WHY DOCTORS HAVE ALWAYS USED MASKS IN SURGERY. Even a cloth mask is better than NO MASK. So they do not infect the patient so proven to work there so PRETEND YOU ARE A DOCTOR ALL THE TIME.  OR A BANK ROBBER ALL THE TIME. IT WORKS plus social distancing - I do not need to smell someone else's B.O. or stanky perfume.

. Your other choice is stop breathing FOREVER but that is not good enough for the mist goes into the eyeballs.

Think like spray paint out of an aerosol can. You don't want to snort that stuff yet it gets up the nose.  And the eyeballs get it too.  You tear up to wash it out of your eyes.

 The virus mist is much finer and wetter so it lands on the eyeball and gets in to you.  You are now infected. Which is bad for you. And your friends, and that little red-haired girl you wanted to talk to.  You are screwed Charlie Brown.
2020-07-10 19:55:47 UTC
Yes, it is that simple.
Ralph G
2020-07-10 17:31:19 UTC
Does it matter? I live in Pennsylvania where masks are MANDATORY, and I still see people walking around without masks. What good is a rule if it isn't enforced?

I'm going to wear a mask because both Dr. Fauchi  and Gov. Wolf says I should.
2020-07-10 14:02:01 UTC
apparently the virus is NOW mutated so it IS 'airborne', but the original virus was not ........................
2020-07-10 10:13:54 UTC
Yes, masks really help to prevent the spread of Coronavirus. 
2020-07-13 17:44:19 UTC
I suppose if everyone is wearing them they do.  

Your non-medical grade mask in theory doesn't protect protects others from your droplets.  If everyone wears one in public spaces, it should help to ensure that very few viral particles can make their way to other people.
Chân đang bị đau
2020-07-13 17:00:23 UTC
yes they can,and also they can help prevent the spread of stupidnity.
2020-07-13 11:49:43 UTC
I’ve heard that it’s not to prevent you from getting it. But to prevent you from spreading it if you may have it. 
2020-07-12 23:20:00 UTC
Yes, they do help the spread of COVID. We know this because the states that don't push for their citizens to wear masks, the numbers have skyrocketed such as Texas, and California. Places like the East coast our numbers stay low because it's heavily pushed for us to wear masks. 
2020-07-12 20:39:32 UTC
They do, they dont really do anything to protect you but they do a lot to prevent you spreading it to other people.
Weasel McWeasel
2020-07-12 19:18:29 UTC
Yes , they do.                                          
2020-07-12 17:43:39 UTC
A protective mask does help.
2020-07-12 17:12:07 UTC
Somewhat, yes-heard that n-95 is one of the best-95% protection rate. But they’re hard to come by and it’s what the medical field uses.
2020-07-12 14:13:07 UTC
Of course.  Surgeons, doctors, and nurses all wear masks when performing in surgery to prevent them from catching any airborne decease the patient might have or giving the patient anything they might have.
2020-07-12 13:31:28 UTC
No, it airborne meaning you will still get sick even with the mask on and all it takes is for someone who sick with covid or has symptoms of it to sneeze and spread right next to you and if it contacts you just right then your infected, the mask dont do a damn thing. Frequent hand washing is by far the best defense against getting covid. That why I wont ever understand why it became a law now, totally freaking stupid with a bunch of sissies crying about getting sick without a losely mask. When actually what you should be doing is avoid being in that area in the first place plain and simple dont show up for work for 14 to 21 days if your feeling the ill effects of it. Your not only protecting yourself but to others from spreading it as well, 1 person yourself does save millions just by doing your part!!! Literally you could save the world just you alone by just avoiding people if you do your part by riding the sickness out, I'm dead serious it a virus but people are not seeing it this way as there taking it lightly that why everyone getting sick 
2020-07-12 03:24:12 UTC
Certainly,  I worked in medical field, where we were required to wear them in many cases of viral and flu spread and they're proven to be effective.  I also worked for TSA  through Homeland Security at Airports, and I can't tell you how many suitcases I've opened that smelled badly as though people threw dirty laundry, rancid underwear on top of clean clothes with stains amuck.  
2020-07-12 02:24:39 UTC
Not like you'd hope. A mask can't stop a submicro virus. But, it keeps your snot in your face & your fingers out of your nose.
2020-07-11 17:42:01 UTC
An n95 mask will protect you from particulates down to .3 microns.  The Covid 19 virus is .1 microns.  You're wasting your time, effort, and money.
2020-07-11 12:11:31 UTC
Better to throw yourself on Allah Mercy than trust in more masks,
2020-07-11 11:18:08 UTC
Nope, they sure don't.
2020-07-11 10:58:39 UTC
yes,do.mask really prevent spread out coronovirus
18 gibbs 20
2020-07-11 00:39:19 UTC
Yes they do.  The virus is microscopically airborne.  The mask helps prevent someone that has it from spreading it as well as helps protect someone that doesn't have it from breathing it in.
2020-07-10 23:23:43 UTC
Well, as it happens, that's a scientific question, not a political question as so many people are trying to make of it. My own opinion is that there's quite a lot of uncertainty because of the inability to reduce the problem to reliable data that has a univocal meaning. Furthermore, there's a huge political component that feeds the feud between the right and left segments of our society. Each side seems, to me at least, to be more interested it blaming the other rather than finding the most scientific answer.  
2020-07-10 20:16:50 UTC
If you are a democrat, yes. If you are a republican, maybe not.

Its not a huge conspiracy and its not worth the entire world shutting down for a year over even 4 times more deaths.
2020-07-10 20:06:54 UTC
Well it depends on your intelligence level, if you are of average or above intelligence you would realize that yes, wearing a mask does help to prevent the spread of the Covid 19 virus.  Although initially not thought to be that effective, studies of the virus since it started have shown that the wearing of a mask can severely limit the spread of the virus and greatly reduce the numbers of people affected.
Miguel Angel
2020-07-14 08:03:30 UTC
The best way to prevent Coronavirus is staying home 😩 
2020-07-13 19:19:19 UTC
It should despite of the people say. 
2020-07-13 15:11:48 UTC
Do your own experiment. You really can't trust the 'experts' or the photos you see online such as 'Mask vs No Mask' because.... You know.... Photoshop.
2020-07-13 06:24:00 UTC
yes mask do provide you a security so can be safe and there are less chances of getting infected but this not the only way there are various reasons you could get covid so take all the preventive measures
2020-07-13 00:12:31 UTC
The answer has to be yes because racist Dem mayors being protest by BLM didn't require them for the protests....the Dem mayors wanted the protesters DEAD.
2020-07-12 18:59:15 UTC
I don't know   
2020-07-12 16:57:01 UTC
Of course they do
2020-07-12 08:37:39 UTC
If the infected person is wearing the mask, most of the virus will be blocked from spreading from the mask, as those virus particles leave as droplets, making the spread , as most people don't show symptoms, but  can spread the virus, if someone uninfected by the virus wears a mask, it will only do some reduction for the spread,

thus if everyone wears masks properly, it can slow down the spread of the virus by a factor of 50-100 times!, thus making lockdowns unnecessary!
2020-07-12 00:28:39 UTC
It's a matter of the odds.  Masks prevent at least some of your breath droplets from going out ahead of you.  Not all, but some.  And every drop you don't spray into the air is a drop that can't infect someone else.  (And of course, vice versa.)

So, yes, they HELP.  Not totally prevent.  But HELP.
2020-07-11 20:57:18 UTC
Wearing a mask in public, around the shops and at work, prevents you from touching potentially contaminated surfaces and then touching your face. While the evidence isn't conclusive it makes sense to wear one, rather than take unnecessary risks with your and other people's health. 
2020-07-11 16:33:14 UTC
The statistical evidence coming from the right places suggests that they do.
2020-07-11 12:48:23 UTC
Yes and for those who refuse see you in the afterlife.
2020-07-11 05:28:25 UTC
I like to use the analogy of a water filter because most people understand a water filter can clean your water to the point where it's healthy to drink, but there is still contaminants within filtered water. A mask, like a water filter, will filter out a percentage of contaminants and is better to use in public than no mask at all.
2020-07-11 01:45:37 UTC
yes.. if  a viral infection travels via a cough then a mask will prevent that, it's common sense and yet everyone is fighting it
2020-07-10 23:14:08 UTC
According to the latest research a definitive yes. Also, Hong Kong has a very low infection rate and few deaths even though a lot of people travel between it and Wuhan China because as soon as the Hong Kongers heard about the virus, they immediately went out and brought masks. The masks were in such short supply that prices skyrocketed 10 times. In the USA, Black Lives Matter protests resulted in few infections because most people wore masks. Yet the Tulsa Oklahoma Trump rally resulted in hundreds of new infections.
2020-07-10 22:06:06 UTC
When mask-wearing went into effect in New York, the daily new infection rate fell by about 3% per day, researchers said. In the rest of the country, daily new infections continued to increase.
2020-07-10 18:53:58 UTC
Not much. It's mostly media propaganda used to scare people.
2020-07-10 15:42:46 UTC
Help prevent?   Of course they do.  "An ounce of prevention goes a long way."
2020-07-10 03:34:36 UTC
Yes they do, but masks have their limitations.  Problems arise when people assume masks have the protective benefits of respirators which they do not.   
2020-07-10 02:57:30 UTC
2020-07-14 16:20:09 UTC
of course not. protesting and rioting are the caused of the high number of COVID!
Freethinking Liberal
2020-07-13 14:54:05 UTC
Admittedly it is correlational data... however compare the USA states where mask wearing is not happening and those states where it is...

You will note that there is a massive difference.
2020-07-13 14:53:38 UTC
I think the key is not that you wearing a mask prevents you from catching the virus, but that reduces the chances that you will spread the virus to others.

Many have the virus and do not even realize it.  If they were to cough, sneeze, or even talking can release droplets into the air that may spread the virus to others.  If, however, that person were wearing a mask, most of those droplets would be contained and would not end up in the air that others breathe or on surfaces.

The droplets contain the virus; therefore, if you contain the droplets, you reduce the risk of transmitting the virus.  

The virus is too small to be filtered by the masks, but many of the droplets are not.  The droplets are the "vehicle" upon which the virus travels.

The best (although crude) analogy I have seen is this.

If everyone was naked, and the person next to you peed on you, you would get wet immediately.

If, you were wearing pants, some of that pee would be absorbed by the fabric or deflected by it, so while some of the liquid would reach your skin and you would not get as wet.

But... If you both were wearing pants, the one who peed would get wet, and you would stay dry.
2020-07-13 12:52:11 UTC
They do help stop the spread of ugly liberal women's faces
2020-07-13 11:24:37 UTC
no it's a trend supporting the old world order
2020-07-13 09:45:04 UTC
No, because of human stupidity, I've seen people  pull down there mask to talk and stuff which defeats the whole purpose no matter how much protections are put in place people will always do something stupid to defeat the purpose of it.
2020-07-13 07:34:15 UTC
Only masks can't help prevent the spread of the virus
2020-07-12 19:59:14 UTC
Yes.  In order to end the pandemic, masks don't need to be 100% effective, they just need to prevent each infected person from creating more than one new infection (on average).

If the rate of new infections per existing infection is less than unity, the pandemic will decline exponentially.

If the rate of new infections per existing infection is more than unity, the pandemic will increase exponentially.
2020-07-12 16:21:07 UTC
Honestly masks worn improperly and not combined with social distancing and good handwashing are not much of help, 

to the extent that Finland which has done very well containing the epidemic in their country, did not go with a mask mandate but did heavily enforce social distancing and very seriously.  Finland also did not close primary schools because children that age have mental health needs and are much lower risk....but adults were very strictly kept to orders that Americans are refusing to follow and it helped them control both the spread and keep economy going better than us. 

Forcing masks is not the answer but severe adherence to social distancing is a necessity 
2020-07-12 05:49:37 UTC
Yes, I'm believing a mask can do wonders it can also keep dust out of our nose, keep pallin out, keep tree dust out of our eyes. it can even make it easy to go from place to place without any restrictions 
Londo Mol
2020-07-11 11:25:38 UTC
Of course they do. If EVERYONE wears a mask, practices social distancing and pays attention to hygiene, then we would be well on the way to an end of the pandemic. The cotton masks have to fit properly, incorporate a filter and, when removed, be regarded as contaminated and added to the 95°C washing. (the paper filter discarded). Wearing a mask is also a constant reminder that one must be careful and alert at all times. Avoid large gatherings, actually avoid other people where at all possible. If we ALL do this, we won't have spikes, infections will tail off.
Christine P
2020-07-11 10:45:53 UTC
a good maks will help prevent any virus particles you exhale out (through coughing, talking, etc.) to not go as far. Thus helping to prevent the spread of the virus to others. If you wear the mast when around other people it helps reduce the risk of spread even though you might not know you are infected. If it is a good mask it can REDUCE the risk of any virus present from being inhaled by you. An N95 mask is the best but those generally aren't available to the average person, so research what works best. (Multiple laters of a tightly woven fabric with a filter inserted in-between. You want a mask with a snug fit! This used in conjunction with social distancing can help alot!!
I'm blunt, get over it
2020-07-11 01:36:23 UTC
not if you actually take a step back and think about it logically, no. 
2020-07-10 21:52:00 UTC
Do seatbelts work 100% of the time? No, but statistics show that you're far more likely to survive a crash wearing one, so much that it's the law. Will a mask prevent 100%? No, but wearing a mask is only part of the equation. Wearing a mask, washing hands frequently and social distancing is the most effective thing besides staying home for the rest of your life. So yes, wearing a mask is more effective than not wearing one.  
2020-07-10 20:06:40 UTC
There is plenty of evidence. 
2020-07-10 18:50:44 UTC
Yes.  If we are both wearing masks, we are protecting each other.  The droplets from coughing, talking, singing, etc can spread 6' or more.  Not wearing one is a selfish decision.  There are vulnerable people out there who need protection.  Wear a mask. It's not an infringement on your rights.   It's the right thing to do.
2020-07-10 17:33:05 UTC
Only if you wear them.  It's not hard or too much to ask.
2020-07-10 16:05:04 UTC
Yes masks actually help! It’s common sense when you think about it. You’re covering your mouth & keeping your germs/bacteria to yourself and not spreading them.
2020-07-10 12:22:13 UTC
Maybe not perfectly 100% but it makes a difference.
2020-07-10 03:02:01 UTC
I can't believe after months of dealing with this, this is still a question...Japan has managed to do it and they didn't have to shut down anything. However, it only worked because their people are smart, unlike many of our own fellow Americans.
2020-07-14 04:47:52 UTC
I remember seeing somewhere it helps by 70 percent. Not sure how true it is. What I don't get is this is something they have been doing in the "older" side of the world since pandemics began, obviously for a reason, so why are American inbreds having a tough time getting their act together and doing something (better then nothing) to flatten the curve? I had to say inbreds Because that's how they are acting here
2020-07-13 21:20:19 UTC
They would, if everybody wore them.
Mostafa Dewan
2020-07-13 04:03:16 UTC
health experts say the evidence is clear that masks can help prevent the spread of COVID-19 and that the more people wearing masks, the ..
Exploring Eternity
2020-07-13 00:10:11 UTC
I bet they do just exactly that.
2020-07-12 22:36:13 UTC
It is because it is not illegal to do that and they still get 2 points for doing it.  Their answers are not 100% the same so there is no copyright infringement.
2020-07-12 19:48:26 UTC
There people who spit profusely whilst talking and are extremely oblivious to this, oblivious is one of the main spreads of this virus. Oblivious of what you touched, oblivious of the finger food that you're sharing with YOUR BARE HANDS, oblivious of the shotgun spread of germs that you're shooting out when you sneeze/ cough and not covering it into the pocket of your elbow.

There are many that are oblivious and then there is ignorance and stubbornness, that is another story. :) 
2020-07-12 19:04:10 UTC
Depends if you are a libstain or conservatard.

 You know likey? Reask question in science category.
2020-07-12 03:29:02 UTC
The idea is that should you cough or sneeze, you prevent or reduce the spread of germs in the radius around you. Thus aiding in the prevention of spreading coronavirus.

So governments and people encourage wearing masks so that if it happens that you do have COVID-19 and are not aware of it, it reduces the chances of you passing it on.

However it will not save you from getting coronavirus and it doesn't completely stop the chances of you spreading coronavirus if you have it.

I hope that helps.
2020-07-12 03:24:03 UTC
I do not know if it does
2020-07-11 23:58:24 UTC
Decorative homemade T-shirt and paper towel masks? I think not.

The masks that have people touching their face with their hands constantly? I think not.

Masks with valves that let the exhale out. Experts say no.

Mask covering mouth but not the nose. I think not. 

Too complicated for the average person as most things are. 
2020-07-11 22:03:36 UTC
Yes, but it's effect is a bit exaggerated.
2020-07-11 21:50:47 UTC
Obviously yes. Use your brain.
2020-07-11 15:37:15 UTC
The cloth or paper masks people are wearing won't prevent the spread of a corona virus. A corona virus isn't an airborne illness - It's not floating around in the air, waiting to infect you if you're not wearing a mask.  It's spread by direct physical contact with an infected person, or by touching something an infected person has touched. 

Because it's not airborne, you could be mask-less in a room full of infected people, but you're not going to contract corona virus from simply being in the same room with them and breathing the same air they're breathing. In order for you to contract corona virus, one of the infected people in the room would have to come up to you and intentionally cough or spit directly into your face and spew the infected droplets of his saliva into your mouth and nose; or one of them would have to touch you, or you would have to touch one of them.  
2020-07-11 11:09:02 UTC

Hope that helps
2020-07-11 09:40:15 UTC
If both people wear a mask the appropriate mask that is and wear it correctly then yes they can greatly reduced the spread. 
2020-07-11 02:18:54 UTC
no if the smell of a fart can get through so can covid
2020-07-10 13:13:34 UTC
Yes they do help
Jake No Chat
2020-07-10 11:41:56 UTC
Absolutely YES they help.  Some masks are better than others, but they all help.  And it does help when all people wear them, and they practice social distancing.  There is no doubt about that.
2020-07-10 04:08:33 UTC
Of course they do, any barrier you can cover your nose and mouth with in order to stop and restrict the travel of droplets of saliva and mucus is going to help and has to be better than nothing!

It should be just simple common sense, but of course in land of lunatics USA nothing is ever that simple is it?
Judy and Charlie
2020-07-10 03:02:33 UTC
Yes, it does help.  But remember that there are several types of medical masks and non-medical mask.  If you are serious about protecting yourself, buy an N-95 medical mask.
2020-07-14 07:53:06 UTC
Definitely not.  The whole point of wearing a mask is to enforce Social conformity.  Even worse, wearing a mask cuts your oxygen intake, leading to a slower metabolism and cloudy thinking.  That is at least part of the reason why people are so paranoid nowadays.  ("Legalized" marijuana is making paranoia even worse.). "A brutish man knoweth not; neither doth a fool understand this" (Psalm 92:6, KJV).  Even so, come, Lord Jesus!  Establish the Kingdom in Jerusalem, and keep the world safe from Democracy!
2020-07-13 21:11:48 UTC
2020-07-13 16:29:41 UTC
They can become just as bad as if you didn't have them if they aren't used properly. In fact they could contribute to the spread even more. Some people think sticking a mask on means suddenly none of the other rules matter, and that's just one problem it leads to. People are stupid, with masks, or without. That's the true plague.
2020-07-12 22:46:38 UTC
F*ck the bible I want to attack God for creating that sh*t
2020-07-12 18:57:49 UTC
In short yes, in detail not so much depends on what type of mask and its purpose and in the context that it is used.

Such as the cheap basic ones in a crowded place some you can blow a candle out with and some people reuse them and therefore not effective. More so in a crowded place.

The correct masks the ones with filters are effective.
2020-07-12 14:45:41 UTC
Masks don't really help spread the corona virus. Masks help protect against the corona virus.
2020-07-12 09:16:34 UTC
Yes I would so or there wouldn't be any rules
2020-07-12 06:05:50 UTC
Not 100%, but they're better than nothing.
2020-07-11 18:07:08 UTC
NO, Infact they likely will increase cases. Do u think those poor people living in slums of india will  buying new masks every week or washing their mask everyday? No they will just keep wearing the same dirty mask everyday cause they are forced to and get sicker.India gets 25000 cases or more everyday, it seems the masks aren't working despite having mandated them from early march.
2020-07-11 16:29:18 UTC
yes it does, as long as  it is recommended type of mask but as much as it does, social distancing and proper hand washing are equally important to prevent the spread of the corona virus.
2020-07-11 14:34:55 UTC
They stop cough and sneeze at first,well these never let a quite shape of a breath for one,who uses that!It is a dizzy thing in touch with microbes.But if we have powerful a nose for breathing or for a good clean mouth,we never catch!
death by cgi
2020-07-11 10:30:14 UTC
not completely, but they sure do help
2020-07-11 07:44:46 UTC
The purpose of COVID-19 is to reduce the populations or this world you live in will look like hell soon. If this virus will not work, humanity have to create WW3..!

But...there is always but. Promise you will behave and Christ Jesus will forgive you.

2020-07-11 06:10:51 UTC
Yes. But wearing cloth masks doesn't make any sense. 
2020-07-11 02:37:38 UTC
No, cross contamination doesn't prevent the spread of coronavirus since everyone reuses the same mask. Everyone who wears a mask has touched their masks multiple times after touching the same door knobs as everyone else. 
The Football God
2020-07-11 01:56:27 UTC
Help? Yes. So does distancing help. How about overall good health care. Controlled diabetes will help/ Proper rest will help. Staying away from peaceful protests will wait.
2020-07-10 19:20:14 UTC
Depends on which mask. N95 yes. But normal cloth masks do not really. 
2020-07-10 18:57:36 UTC
I doubt it. I heard that people with breathing problems shouldn’t wear them at all.
2020-07-10 07:43:13 UTC
If you can enjoy washing hand too.
2020-07-10 03:31:23 UTC
It is well established public health practice to wear masks when you are afraid of giving someone else what you have or may have.  Asia has understood this for years. 
2020-07-15 07:05:21 UTC
I don’t know, but you can sure as hell bet I’m using this time to rob as much banks as possible, they won’t recognize me and I am allowed to wear a mask. Your welcome in advance for the idea. 
2020-07-14 02:59:37 UTC
Only for profane simps who are blind to free mason tactics of domination and mind control. 
2020-07-13 23:15:33 UTC
Yes of course no question about that
2020-07-13 20:08:50 UTC
Yes it does. Especially sick people should wear them. People are selfish when they know that wearing a mask protect the other human being more than themselves they don't wear it. Humans are disgusting. If we all wear masks the spread will go down.
2020-07-13 15:26:14 UTC
Yes. Mask realy prevent the spread of covid19
2020-07-13 14:00:43 UTC
 depends on the mask -

The type people normally get- waste of time -1 they do NOT prevent you from catching it from other people , and only have a limited effect on THEM catching it from you

  That is-- gives no protection for YOU against other people

 so YOU catch it (when wearing the mask) then go spred it to other people when NOT wearing t

. The type those dealing with the virus 1st hand - pretty good , but not perfect
2020-07-13 07:56:04 UTC
Yes, I believe it works. At least we have a layer of protection, which is better than exposure to air.
2020-07-12 17:42:20 UTC
Yes help a great deal in perventing the spread yes
2020-07-12 15:47:56 UTC
If you are sick, stay home.  That helps more than any mask.
2020-07-12 07:44:52 UTC
yes, they can:

slow it a little


protect you from the virus


protect the others from the virus


protect you and the others from the virus
2020-07-12 03:22:36 UTC
The virus can spread through moisture exhaled from the lungs.  Anything which blocks this is obviously going to mitigate that spread.

It's no big deal, folks. Just put on a mask when you need to be in a crowded area, like a grocery store for instance, and stand a little apart from others.  This should be automatic and if it becomes so, it'll do much to break the back of this damned plague.

Yes, you have your rights but others have the right not to become ill because you think your rights supersede theirs.  No matter if you believe in the COVID-19 crisis or not, give others the same break you'd want others to give you. 
2020-07-12 03:13:35 UTC
Yes, do as you wish. Soak in corona virus stuffs till you are one with it. 
2020-07-12 02:29:20 UTC
No but picking your nose does
2020-07-12 00:35:49 UTC
They must! 

A little or a lot, 

they still help.
2020-07-11 19:14:18 UTC
if your sick and cough a bit while infected while wearing a mask it would slow the mist of infection,and if your social distancing then yes it helps
2020-07-11 11:51:36 UTC
I read somewhere that it doesn’t prevent you from catching the virus, but can help stop spreading it. But I have no clue. 
2020-07-10 23:51:37 UTC
Yes. Next question.
2020-07-10 21:17:31 UTC
A new study shows that wearing a mask reduces your own risk of contracting the coronavirus by 65%.  The risk of transmitting the virus is greatly reduced, of course, by wearing a mask. Researchers are learning more about this virus every day.  

Some of this is common sense. Obviously, the spread of a virus that is transmitted by human contact can be reduced by certain barrier methods as well as by social distancing.  Note also that healthcare personnel aren't wearing masks just to look cute. 
2020-07-10 19:28:30 UTC
If you're out in public around others, I say no.
2020-07-10 18:27:50 UTC
There will be a lot of that virus on the mask instead of in the air, but plenty will get into the air. It reduces the risk, so to answer your question does it help prevent? Well, prevent is the wrong word altogether. It helps reduce the spread, but nothing will prevent side from people staying quarantined and fasting so that they won't have to frequent the market too much. Probably should even consider water filters on your faucet.
2020-07-13 20:57:27 UTC
Yes . and anyone who thinks otherwise is dumb
2020-07-13 10:00:17 UTC
Yes that's if people around you  are wearing there masks  too because  the N95 masks are almost impossible to get these days
2020-07-13 07:41:27 UTC
Not much. Even if you wear a mask you can still catch the virus
2020-07-13 01:31:48 UTC
Earlier this year, we experienced a deadly pandemic spread very quickly, its scope is worldwide. Health experts have stepped in to prevent the spread of the disease, and in addition to treatment procedures that are a preventive phase, measures have been introduced by many experts, including wearing masks. This is a safety measure to help people minimize the possibility of transmission, as it is known that a medical mask has a feeling of causing respiratory discomfort, but it is an essential tool to prevent disease prevention. This is a best measure now, everyone join hands to fight the disease.
Merilee N
2020-07-12 23:41:11 UTC
I also think that this is a way of selling a lot of PPE's.
Alex Martin
2020-07-12 20:21:14 UTC
They prevent you spreading it to other people, but you'll still have to use YOUR ELBOW to cover your mouth when coughing or sneezing as they can't stop all of the germs being blasted out.
2020-07-12 19:09:05 UTC
I know right? Wearing a mask doesn't do anything. They actually just gather germs and feel uncomfortable. We just follow anything the government and media tells us to do like blind sheep. We've gotten through many pandemics, what makes this one any different?
2020-07-12 17:25:50 UTC
Yea, but there is no 100% prevention technique. Social distance ! Quarantine ! 
Dh Morris
2020-07-12 14:40:02 UTC
yes it does help prevent the spread
2020-07-12 06:37:04 UTC
We were one of the first countries to be hit hard with the virus.

I did as much research as possible and looked at the ONLY medical facility not to lose a doctor/surgeon or career to this dreaded disease (Burgomo in Northern Italy) and found this information.

For 100% protection you need a PAPR mask/ body suit. For people not dealing with covid-19 wards that wish to remain safe you need an N99/ FFP3 protection respirator. OR a respirator with N95/ FFP2 protection for something that is a balance between comfort and safety.

Failing using a respirator, ANY form of mask will offer at least some protection providing everyone wears one.

Of course, you could be lucky and never catch the disease just by managing to avoid someone who has it, but then you have to ask yourself, "do I feel lucky?"

Personally? I have a full face respirator with FFP3 protection for when I have to go inside (where there are other people congregating) and I have just the lesser face coverings for walking outside.

But what i do is my choice in the hope I can keep myself and those who rely on me safe. I do not tell others what they must or must not do.

Everyone has a decision to make regarding their own and their family's safety.

The important thing to note is though, this virus will kill whether a person believes it exists or it doesn't. It makes no distinction.

Stay safe everyone.
2020-07-11 20:04:39 UTC
Probably but it won't stop with the masks if hospitals are already incentivized to report things as covid when they're not or report deaths as covid when covid was incidental. Masks should also cut down on the common cold but I've been wearing a mask, I go nowhere and I've had the common cold like 3 times since this started. I think we're going to find out, years from now, that this was 1% actually dealing with the virus and 99% politics and media hype. People think they know something about the virus b/c the media says X or Y but the media are consummate liars and at this point, everyone should know this.
2020-07-10 19:41:21 UTC
Yes. They're not perfect, but it helps.
2020-07-10 15:22:22 UTC
Like condoms, it doesnt give 100% protection 
2020-07-10 15:20:11 UTC
Yes I think so to an extent
2020-07-10 14:04:14 UTC
Pffff, I've been wearing a mask for weeks and people are still getting sick. I look like Jason Vorhees and the bank said I had to leave the property and they won't give me my money. Wendy's has been super cool about it through, I've gotten a free lunch every day this week.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.