Just tell them the true sacrafice is in the story and if they don't have one to share just like it, they should pack their bags and move to Mexico.. see story below and know that the mother of this child to this day, is sending care packages to our troops in memory of her son..
She is a true patriot whom must keep her mouth shut for the sake of DEMOCRACY.. It's a road less traveled, because it appears not to be a safe one.. (also note the others involved)
Enjoy the story..
You know, I have a story to share..
My girlfriend who hated this war, had her son join the Marines back about two years ago.. She was so upset about it.. Back in Nam, her brother was a POW twice and her and her family were not happy about their son's wanting to go and free those who lived in a very hostile country..
Well, just within 2 months of going to Iraq, a flash flood took his and many others lives.. A search went out for him, but for 7 days they could not find two of the men..
Then, the Marine command received word that one Marine was found and they sent out some guys from that unit to go and check it out..
Low and behold, it was one they had been trying to find.. I won't go into alot of the detail, but will say, an Iraqi found the Marine, dead along side a flash flood bank.. Because he knew what would happen to him, the Iraqi took his body and hid it until he could find one of our soldiers to come and get it.. Our Marines took a collection for this Iraqi and gave him 300.00 as a thank you.. He didn't want the money, but they made him take it..
He risked his life so that a son could be brought home.. And if the truth be known, there are more stories like this one that can not come out, or they would surely lose their heads..
They are treated with more respect from those Iraqi people then they are here..
Just makes me want to cry..
God Bless our troops and give them wisdom to fight this terrible war..