Yes or No. Is it OK with you having a liar for a president? ?
2020-09-28 15:04:02 UTC
Proven lie. Trump downplaying the coronavirus. He said it was no worse than flu, but told Bob Woodward it was five times as bad. Proven lie. He told us he was rich. His Tax returns prove otherwise. Proven lie. Said he did not call John McCain a loser.

Here's more:
333 answers:
2020-09-29 12:14:09 UTC
This is hopeless.   Trump supporters seem to be so misguided and uninformed that I'm losing hope in America.   I'm 70 yrs old, a combat Vet and long term tax payer who thought he'd seen everything.  But, these simpletons are hard to take 
2020-10-02 15:25:51 UTC
He’s not only a liar but he’s a TERRIBLE and compulsive liar. Every politician stretches the truth and lies that’s the nature of politics. Trump lies for the sake of lying and possibly the worst part is he is terrible at it and frequently tells such whoppers that everyone on the face of his words knows it’s complete and utter bs. The worst worst part is that HE is the only idiot dumb enough to even buy into some of the dumber stuff he lies about.  

Lying is not good but he makes himself and America look stupid because he doesn’t even do it well.
2020-10-02 13:54:52 UTC
So is Biden, he says he's not going to raise taxes on anyone making less than $400,000 but intends to take out the step up rule which will cream the inheritance of middle class people like me. I figure that rule alone will cost me $100,000 or over two years salary someday. 

Also taking one sided WaPo word for anything is foolish.  
2020-10-02 00:55:04 UTC
No, I don't want Biden for president. He's a liar and an idiot. You can't show anything that shows Trump has lied. Only those of lesser intelligence believe that.
2020-09-30 19:21:19 UTC
Try harder, "Good Christian".
2020-09-29 16:46:28 UTC
Has no effect on me as said president is not my president. (I'm not an american) In my opinion all politicians lie through their teeth and you can't trust a single one of them. 
rev ricky
2020-09-29 12:54:04 UTC
He's a liar, a conman and a thief. All he's done is brought scandal, lies and incompetence.

So there reason he lied about covid was because if the had done what should have been done, his shaking business empire would have went bankrupt. If we shut down, then no one goes to his hotels and resorts. 

This has cost thousands of lives. So no we don't want a President who at his core is a liar.
2020-09-29 10:59:35 UTC
The answer would have to be yes since every President at least appears to have lied. Because lying is off the table, we are left looking at the "actions" of a President where Trump has hands down beat most other Presidents in actually working for the people and not the establishment. Joe Biden is not fit for office and the Democrat Party is not fit to have power of any kind.
2020-09-29 07:54:18 UTC
Obviously Trump is dangerous and needs to go but everyone lies, particularly including politicians.
2020-09-29 03:17:28 UTC
No. Actually, it is not.
Warren T
2020-09-29 02:26:52 UTC
Stop This Chaos
2020-10-03 00:41:01 UTC
Take Trump and shove him in your tax return instead of the money you will owe to pay for the mishandling of his administration and corruption over the last four years.
2020-10-02 06:30:23 UTC
No not ok having a liar for a president
2020-10-01 22:48:05 UTC
Yes it would not be right to have the Good Guys always losing
2020-10-01 20:07:01 UTC
HELL, NO! ---------------------
Everett K
2020-10-01 18:14:34 UTC
It isn't good that we have a president who lies. However, Bill Clinton went on tv and lied to America. (I did not have sex with that woman, or similar) That was much bigger than getting a statistic wrong. To me, the issue is " are these the best America has to offer?" If it is, we are all in trouble.
2020-10-01 17:12:18 UTC
There's really no point in listing them off. Some dedicated fans of the topic have compiled a list of 20,000 proven lies and misleading statements by the President since 2016. You can Google if interested.
2020-10-01 08:40:27 UTC
Support him if he can build American to build America . Our Australian ties with there world is a right to build relations .,Those stronger in sdustry is lighter than the sword ..Cars industry in Australia the electric car industry is a right and the arabics and oils barons want to stop China and others producing the electronic cars .mother earth is dieing .go China and build my dream of a tower clean air skyscrapers.complete buildings that filter air
Donnie Doom
2020-10-01 02:39:34 UTC
The Washington Post is owned by Jeff Bezos, who Trump criticized for paying zero taxes.
2020-09-30 09:44:29 UTC
Its OK. 

Even the most pious and holy people , we don't know truely what lies inside. 
2020-09-30 02:46:26 UTC
A president is a politician. 90- 95% of them are liars
2020-09-30 02:09:08 UTC
The way I see it - if you lie about 1 thing you will lie a about anything.  Just like in our personal lives - if someone lies to you how can you ever trust them to not lie to you again?  I divorced this same kind of liar.  It never stops. 
2020-09-29 18:45:40 UTC
If tRump was lying when on Jan 21, 2017 he took oath of office to swear to uphold and defend the Constitution, then he really has never been president at all.
2020-09-29 17:06:51 UTC
Few Politicians s have ever been known as particularly honest.  But the lies they tell are usually very subtle.  Trump has taken his carnival barker image to a new low, but since he rarely follows up on his most outrageous lies, little has changed.
2020-09-29 15:52:13 UTC
There isn't one elected official in government that isn't a liar, let's be clear, Trump made it clear that everyone in Washington D.C. are snakes, and it takes someone who is used to the environment of business and government to navigate the corruption, All businesses use disinformation to promote their products, all politicians promote promises to better our lives, all you need do is look has held their offices for greater than 20 years and determine how wealthy they are and then look at the districts they represent, People don't care about Trump's ego, they only care if he is making meaningful change unlike Obama, they only reason you think Trump lies more is because you want to believe what you are sold by media pendents who are supposed to be objective in their reporting..... What's going to happen to your opinion when you learn democratic leaders ties to Epstein?   you have not heard any dirt on democrats because the media is sitting on their hands.....I was a democrat for years, trust me, this is not a democratic party, this is something worse than Russian communism or Socialism...supporting rhetoric without being open minded will lead you into believing any lie.
2020-09-29 15:48:58 UTC
It's unrealistic to expect any politician, let alone a president, to not be a liar. An honest politician will never get elected in the first place, let alone become a president. 
2020-09-29 12:09:41 UTC
Lying is a deliberate means of misleading someone or someones and the president does not lie.
2020-09-29 04:51:21 UTC
This virus has many experts puzzled.  The problem is too much news coming out about this virus at one time, some are conjectures that are rushed to the news media only to retract it later on or down play it because the findings were not conclusive. 

As far as his taxes go perhaps he is not rich but he still owns a number of properties that makes him rich, asset wise.
2020-09-29 01:18:10 UTC
"If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor."

"Obamcare is NOT a tax and will lower healthcare costs across the country."

"Benghazi was caused by a radical YouTUbe video form the previous June." 

Yet you were not only alright with all of that but would have gladly voted a third term for him.  
2020-09-28 15:06:22 UTC
My president isn't lying, maybe yours is .............................


TRUMP 2020 !! ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><
Andrew S
2020-10-02 14:57:44 UTC
Every time Obama lied he did so for a large sum of money. If I get a cut I am willing to forgive him... I have been waiting for a while.
2020-10-02 02:35:48 UTC
No. I’m in Australia and I wouldn’t really class Scott Morrison as a ‘liar’ necessarily. He’s quite good. In the U.S, Biden is less of a liar than Trump. Vote Biden and not Trump.
2020-10-01 04:58:57 UTC
To those who vote him back in - obviously they don't care.

They are voting emotionally - like someone who votes for their own brother or sister in some sort of matter even though they know the other person is more qualified. 

Reality is that the 'majority rules' system has always had this flaw - and we lucked out for the most part all of these years - until now.
2020-10-01 02:42:49 UTC
Trump's niece says he is a psychopath.....and then she added that Trump is a White Supremacist.  By the way, 37 psychiatrists wrote a book 3 some years ago called "The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump" where they basically called him dangerously crazy,
2020-09-30 18:07:44 UTC
Okay or not - we already put up with a liar, as President, for 8-years....Obama.
2020-09-30 14:03:02 UTC
The only thing I've seen that could even be considered a lie is him smoothing over the Coronavirus so a panic would not start.  Nominated for 3 Peace Prizes; shut down the borders and built a wall; got rid of ISIS top generals; appointed 3 Supreme Court Justices; Confronted Big Pharma for favored nation status; deregulated to increase jobs; Right to Try Act that saved lives; better trade agreement w/China; shut down NAFTA & started USMCA w/Mexico & Canada our neighbors.  Etc.  Call him what you want, but our President has been working for the American people for a change.

2020-09-30 13:52:49 UTC
Yea, that's why I'm not voting for Biden, he and his son gets easily persuaded by money and power, he is not their to help the people that could possibly vote him in
2020-09-30 12:15:14 UTC
Biden is a liar. 
2020-09-30 05:37:49 UTC
Biden wants to shut down the country again.  I'm voting Trump
2020-09-29 23:22:41 UTC
You mean like when he said that if I like my doctor I can keep him. And if I like my plan I can also keep my plan. That kind of lying? Wow....... Oops sorry wrong president.
2020-09-29 20:07:59 UTC
Every single person on Earth lies and is therefore a liar. You can't really avoid it
Socialist Feminist
2020-09-29 17:29:04 UTC
If you can't stop a chronically lying president, then the presidency should be abolished.
2020-09-29 14:05:41 UTC
As a former Trump supporter, HELL NO, I started to agree with Trump on 70% on his stances and still do, until he started doing things I was against such as gun control measures, what pushed me over the edge, are his supporters, Trump can say the sky is green and Trump supporters will DIE defending him, the problem I see in  politics is when someone gets dedicated to their party, they defend everything they do, which is dangerous, I stopped supporting Trump because he is a power hungry tyrant with loyalist that will do anything he says, and democrats will go against anything he does, even if it will be great for us, we should honestly ban all political parties and focus on sole issues and instead of one collective party thought, have 435 different insights, until then, we are fu**ked as a country
2020-09-29 10:45:54 UTC
We may, sometimes, expect Presidents ,to lie for their country -- we never expect them to lie for themselves 
2020-09-29 02:27:52 UTC
It's either him or Harris who once withheld DNA evidence that would later exonerate a death row inmate.
2020-09-28 22:22:00 UTC
Nope and traditionally we boot anyone from office for lying. I expect that to be the case in 2020.  The contards will say Obama lied about keeping your own doctor, well that is partially true as some about 5% to be exact did lose their doctors. Trump however came in as a known liar and will go out as an even bigger one in November. And I do hope it is the most humiliating defeat in history! Lying about the Health and Safety of Americans will be severely punished at the polls. Republicans have been warned. 
2020-09-28 21:59:32 UTC
It's not okay but the Obama years are now in the past.
2020-09-28 21:01:46 UTC
No, but I'm stuck with him anyway.
2020-09-28 20:44:37 UTC
No. There is a big difference between being wrong about something and telling actual lies, and Trump lies every day
2020-09-28 19:19:17 UTC
Blessed are those who still believe in Santa Claus, the tooth fairy, and honest politicians.
2020-10-02 23:31:48 UTC
Reported your stupid rant
2020-10-02 21:45:10 UTC
Apparently tRumpsters have no problems with it, in fact they love it for some reason.
2020-10-02 17:46:55 UTC
As human being,  father,  brother, friend, husband, i  do not want to be treated  like an 08 year as .y 9 yr old can see through  the lies.   That is not saying much for the intelligence  of this president. 
Mao Bidden
2020-10-02 14:51:02 UTC
Missed the debate?  Biden was lying through his teeth.  LOL
2020-10-02 03:34:23 UTC
no...i dont think i NO
2020-10-01 20:12:13 UTC
They all so called lie so unless I am president the answer is yes!  Simple!
2020-10-01 14:45:04 UTC
I don't know why Americans come up with two  bad candidates for president. Maybe they choose between worse and worst.
2020-10-01 12:36:02 UTC
No, I would not think so Jim 2, And the one in question has lied many times. 
2020-09-30 16:57:16 UTC
Not ok at all. Liar he is. 
2020-09-29 23:21:11 UTC
You won't find a US President in your lifetime that less than 30% of the population doesn't believe is/was a liar.

With the exception of Nixon, you won't find a lie that 50% of the population believes is a lie.

Politifact exists for the SOLE PURPOSE of claiming Republicans lie, even when that is objectively false.

Actually, they also claim Democrats were merely misunderstood, when they make to statements in the same breath that directly contradict each other.
General Martok
2020-09-29 21:44:54 UTC
NO!!!  That is why I am NOT voting for Biden!!!!
2020-09-29 16:26:01 UTC
All political figures lie.  The issue with Trump is that he lies almost constantly, even about things that do not matter, usually just to make himself look a little better (often at the expense of others).  Someone so disconnected from reality should not hold such high political office.
2020-09-29 16:10:35 UTC
This is a PERFECT example of the complex question fallacy. Thanks for the refresher I almost forgot about that from 10th grade English. :p
2020-09-29 15:51:44 UTC
Whine harder, loser.
Common Sense
2020-09-29 12:53:38 UTC
Get a grip.....all politicians lie. Wake up.

Of course it is not okay that ALL politicians lie, it is a hidden part of their job description. Just like doctors have to have horrible hand writting!
2020-09-29 12:15:50 UTC

First president in 50 years that hasn't started a war. Brokered a peace deal between UAE and Israel. South Korea is talking ending their 75 year old war with North Korea. Pulling our troops back from places we really ought not to be. Asking allies to pay their fair share. Unemployment among blacks down to its lowest level in decades, before we were hit with Kung Flu.

Failed record? Why, because he doesn't roll over and squeal Black Lives Matter? Because he's unpolished? Because he took a critical look at critical race theory and said, "not on my watch"? Civil unrest? After offering help on the Federal level and being refused? Then doing an end around by deputizing local police as federal marshals, ending the catch and release of vandals, looters, and arsonists brought to you by "progressives", so they can be held in federal custody and ending the nonsense in Portland, et al? I'll admit, sometimes I wish he had more filters, but, then again, he DOES speak his mind, unlike real politicians who carefully consider every utterance to make sure they never offend anybody. 

2020-09-29 08:20:42 UTC
yes its dangerous healt 1st
2020-09-28 22:56:54 UTC
We got rid of Obama and Joe doesn't stand a chance against Donnie. What you call lies are exaggerations and sarcasm. Donnie has never lied to us. Remember this: "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor", or this "You will save $2500 each year on your health insurance premiums", or this "If you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan". JUST SAYIN
No Chance Without Jesus
2020-09-28 22:15:42 UTC
We had Obama for 8 years, never heard you complain
2020-09-28 15:05:52 UTC
Since they all lie to a degree.. As long as he is doing a great job like Trump.. Yes..!
Dr W
2020-10-02 00:48:04 UTC
Nope.  I'm not ok with that.  That's why I voted for Trump and not Hillary. 
Marion T
2020-10-01 01:52:07 UTC
All politicians are liars/ like most fake news reports that stop the general public from making comments on their fake democratic news boosting articles/ you know that Trump will still prevail because he is the best choice out of available candidates/ stop blowing smoke up our keasters with your phony biased democratic headlines.
2020-09-30 21:47:54 UTC
2020-09-30 13:44:01 UTC
yes because all politicians lie
2020-09-30 04:52:55 UTC
Doesn't matter. They all lie so why not? Life goes on anyway!

It is..what it is ;-)
2020-09-29 19:25:03 UTC
try again. YOU people lie and trump represents you. soo..sooo..sorry...

I havent lied. youve lied. so noone can trust your 'trump lies' bull.

and you cats that claim other countries? you dont even know what maps are let alone who your parents are, IF you know where you are and what country you belong to I'd be surprised.

you do what your told.

produce evidence real evidence your from another country. like actual foriegn grass not kentucky bluegrass.
2020-09-29 15:47:20 UTC
If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor...right?
2020-09-29 15:42:21 UTC
The President should never lie to his people. This why we should have never voted for Obama who promised "hope and change," "affordable healthcare", "better income" knowing perfectly well that he was lying. 
2020-09-29 13:04:00 UTC
No! Not OK with me! Trump’s reign of terror is soon coming to an end!
2020-09-29 10:34:28 UTC
I could tolerate lies, but when his people fight ANTI FASCISTS, because they are FACIST. It makes me wonder if Chrump would support our Losers and Suckers or join Der Fuhrer in exterminating unnecessary Deterrence. This man is scary on steroids.
2020-09-29 10:06:07 UTC
ALL presidents lie.

ALLL OFF THEMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

difference is,   trump is talking to the media every single day while the rest almost never spoke to the media.

obama lied plenty of times. and so have everybody else before him.  the REAL question is, how many PUBLIC APPEARANCES they had ?
2020-09-29 09:27:01 UTC
Yes, Virginia all people in politics will lie eventually.
2020-09-29 05:18:00 UTC
Nope. That's one of the biglier reasons we HAVE TO get rid of him.
2020-09-29 04:26:31 UTC
Lmao I'm not American but trump may lie or come of as a an arrogant prick but Obama was worse Bush was worse you think trump keeping his cool about covid is bad u try creating a war over oil you clown
2020-09-29 03:13:49 UTC
We have a much larger problem than the 300 lb. liar pretending to be our president.  It's that there are 30 million Americans who believe every word he says, and they cling to him like infants to their mother because of his racism. 
2020-09-29 01:57:15 UTC
Been there since Washington. Nothing new here
2020-09-29 01:33:34 UTC
No, not at all. We need someone sincere and who has compassion for others to run our country, not a haughty and inconsiderate man.
2020-09-29 00:07:01 UTC
The Washington Post! Almost as fair and unbiased as the NY Times!
2020-09-28 23:08:33 UTC
everyone has told a lie/ they can't get we american's into panic mode.
Randy R
2020-09-28 17:16:55 UTC
Yes or no, Was it ok when Obama lied ? .....

Trump is by far more Transparent that Obama was , Yet the SHEEPLE of America think Trump is a bad Dictator and Obama was a great guy !

The main reason for that is the Media manipulated you in to thinking Obama was good and Trump is bad !

Trump (in 1 term as Prez.) Brought America's Economy out of  Obama induced recession and it broke US RECORDS ! (Not a peep from the Media/Propagandist).

Trump got N&S Korea to hold peace Talks, he brokered significant Pease Talk with the Middle East that are HISTORIC !!! Yet again not a Peep from the Media/Propagandists ! But Obama Got a Noble Peace Prize for making Pretty Speeches and being half African !.....

Obama's first major actions was to usher in Obama Care ! He went live on TV told AMERICA that you could keep your Dr. Keep your current Insurance and that Obama Care would not cost the American Taxpayers "ONE RED CENT" extra !!!!....
2020-10-02 02:25:22 UTC
You are behind the times! Barack Hussein Obama the Liar is out of office. Donald Trump lies less than any other politician. If Donald Trump is not rich, why does he donate his entire salary to charity? You believe 20 zillion lies the Lunatic Left Fake News Media tells about your president. Oh no, I always shudder when I see :Fact-Check". That always means agreeing with Lunatic Left Lies. You are so gullible. . 
2020-10-02 01:04:25 UTC
Trump is USA. Biden is allied with the enemies of the USA Marxism and Islam, globalism in short. China, Russia, Iran, Cubans, Palestinians, regime Syrians, Hezbollah, they all want Biden to win. The conclusion is tremendously easy.
2020-10-01 23:22:52 UTC
Hell NO. I know people say all politicians lie but Trump makes all politicians look like St. Francis of Assisi. 
2020-10-01 20:18:52 UTC
I always want an honest president. 
2020-09-30 22:07:01 UTC
He's in illustrious company. Every post-war president has been a lying, murdering scumbag.
2020-09-30 20:23:15 UTC
Yes it's okay because all presidents are liars.
2020-09-30 17:18:45 UTC
Same with Richard.  And I think trump is a liar,  so now I'm crazy with him!
2020-09-30 10:24:47 UTC
They fought hare yesterday.
2020-09-30 08:18:40 UTC
No that is why Biden cant win.
2020-09-30 07:50:35 UTC
we need to really think about the candidates in action. Who do we think would be valuable to our country for the next 4 years. Do your research instead of putting on your horse blinders...its easy to get distracted about both parties' nitpicking. 
2020-09-29 21:28:28 UTC
If you believe everything a source like the Washington Post publishes you are truly a complete idiot. That is one of if not THE worst sources for accurate information that exists. 

The virus IS no worse than a common cold or flu. It has yet to even reach affecting 1% of the population in the United States. Currently it has only effected .08%. And something like 90+% of those who unfortunately contracted it survived with no more than the sniffles, a sore throat, and a minor cough. Those are the true facts. 

The President of the United States job is to command the military. He has done that, and everything else he's touched, very well. An example is the fact that not even one country has threatened the US during his current seat in office. Diplomacy with other countries has improved, even with countries no other president has been able to communicate with peacefully. That is what should be most important to voters, not whether they/we like what or how he says things. 
The Indian Guy
2020-09-29 20:34:02 UTC
It's never been a yes or no question, there has never been a president that is not a massive psychopath and liar. 
2020-09-29 19:28:10 UTC
Answering my own question: "There are lies, then there are DAMNED lies". If I tell a woman she doesn't look fat (but I really think she does) it's a lie. If I tell the American people that Coronavirus is no worse than flu, after admitting to Bob Woodward that's it's like 5 times as bad as the most 'strenuous' flu, it's a DAMNED lie.

No, it's absolutely not OK for a president to lie in the manner Trump has lied. But he can tell all the women he wants they don't look fat!
2020-09-29 16:27:46 UTC
They all lie even Clinton Obama and Biden
2020-09-29 04:05:25 UTC
Trump banned all travel FROM China on January 31, 10 days after the 1st case showed up here in America, a move that " Duh - Mencha " Joe called " xenophobic " . If it hadn't been for that move, I shudder to think how many more woulda died from the virus, idiot !
2020-09-29 02:01:41 UTC
Politician and Liar are synonyms.  Trump is just the first politician to have a media lie-counter attached to him.
2020-09-28 22:05:38 UTC
Maybe you preferred the Perjuror in Chief who lied to a Grand Jury.
2020-09-28 21:17:22 UTC
I don't know what is sadder.  People and Organizations that have made it their sole purpose to analyze every word Trump says to try and spin it to some huge horrible statement, or someone who just accepts what they are told as fact and refuses to do their own research.

Trump says "Good Morning" and you have 50 news organizations claiming that he said it was a good morning because he is going to go out an personally kill another 1000 people that contracted COVID. 

The fact is that there isn't a single President who has ever been 100% truthful(or even close) in the last 100 years at least.  Is Trump the best President..No.  But I will take him over two-faced Joe
Jeff S
2020-09-28 15:20:27 UTC
Nope that's why I call him a pathological Liar every chance I get!
2020-09-28 15:05:21 UTC
You’re right , Corona virus isn’t nearly as bad as flu.
2020-10-02 14:51:21 UTC
This is another election where I dislike both candidates. Yet again, I am faced with choosing the lesser of two evils. 

I have always been Independent, registering for no political party. I grew up in a very Democratic family, in a community where most people were Democrats. But, my husband and other friends are voting for Trump. I can see both sides; there are valid reasons for both candidates. There are also very serious reasons not to vote for either of them. I might just skip this election. My vote doesn't really count for much, anyway. It's really all in the hands of the Electoral College. But, that's another story for another day.
2020-10-01 22:32:09 UTC
There hasn't been one in my lifetime that wasn' I guess I've just gotten used to it. 
2020-10-01 14:53:26 UTC
I think that maybe that may or may not be ok possibly
2020-10-01 11:41:03 UTC
This is the only thing I'm saying on the matter, and I won't respond to anything else : EVERY POLITIAN LIES. You'd think it was in the freakin job description. That said, we need Donald Trump to continue being president. Period
No Bozos
2020-09-30 22:32:01 UTC
Groucho Marx had a line he used on men. "Do you beat your wife often?". Which was a forgone conclusion that the man beat his wife. Which brings us to YOUR question...
2020-09-30 15:06:49 UTC
Biden/Harris would be a disaster for the USA. Take a moment to remember where the USA was in 2019 before CCP induced virus hit the world.
2020-09-30 03:18:49 UTC
Actions speak louder than words and trump is wealthy not rich learn the difference 
Obi Wan Knievel
2020-09-29 23:45:18 UTC
It better be okay.  The last honest president your country had wore a stovepipe hat and a goatee.
Little Ms Sunshine
2020-09-29 19:05:48 UTC
I choose to have a president who has integrity and dignity, who knows right from wrong, and guides the country with a steady hand. 

I'm looking for a guy who's not gonna shoot from the hip tonight, because he's actually got a plan! 

Ya know, it occurs to me that a whole lot of Trump supporters must have unresolved daddy issues of their own, just like Trump does. Sometimes, though, you have to become your own best parent.
Citizen Awesome
2020-09-29 18:02:11 UTC
No, its not okay. There are little omissions which and then there are flat out absolute phucking lies and this president'a corruption, deceit, & lies are detrimental to public health, our strength as world power, our security as a nation, our mental health, and uniting the nation. This is all before we get into his using his power as president to rig the court systems to lean toward decisions that affect the whole nation, thar only a minority of the population want like reversing of Row v Wade and removing birth control coverage from insurance which is on this admin's agenda and with stacking the Supreme Court with judges who hold the position 30+ years, we will have our lives altered for decades.

I also want an articulate president who does not sound like the "bigliest" idiot with his 3rd grade level vocabulary. I'm tired of hearing incorrect terms like "herd mentality" as well as words like "phas-E-ology," and him repeatedly mispronouncing Yosemite as "Yose-might."
2020-09-29 16:32:59 UTC believe that you know more about business tax law and tax exemptions/credits than the IRS or Trump's army of accountants?  Did you know that despite making all the claims about Trump's tax returns, the NYT FOUND NOTHING WRONG with the filing? You may as well be criticizing a surgeon for making an incision to remove an appendix.

Biden lied about going to school at a Historically Black College.

Biden lied about his record on H1N1 -- if it were Covid-19 the number of infections would be 60 MILLION and death toll close to 2 million.  Mathematically speaking, Trump did over 10x better.

Biden's son somehow received 3 Million from the mayor of Moscow and a similar amount from Ukraine.  Biden and his son's only hope of avoiding prison is to win the election and to block the Senate investigations.  You cannot prosecute a sitting President and they can sweep the investigation under the rug if they gain the Senate.  Yeah, that's not corrupt. 

Biden has had 47 years in government and has made sure that African Americans have remained challenged and in poverty so that the Democrats could con them for their vote every 2 years with false promises..

Biden was a segregationist democrat that stood against integrating schools and school choice.

Biden's law enforcement policies essentially doubled jail time for African Americans for ALL crimes.

Not only is Biden a clear liar and complicit in corruption.  His actions and words paint him as a racist as well.  Remember "If you don't vote for me, you ain't black,"?

So why don't we talk about REAL issues?  Why are you voting for someone who has been a demonstrably proven racist for the last 47 years?!.  "C'mon, man!"
2020-09-29 15:19:42 UTC
Every president in history is a liar, it’s not ok but im used to it obama uscthe biggest so far
2020-09-29 15:08:01 UTC
t's contrary to the concept of logic that anyone who agrees with the anti-factual Democrats should post a question in this forum accusing the president of being a liar.

You people don't have a clue about the facts. You're still shell-shocked that Trump won 4 years ago and have been crying ever since.

Remember Biden's Ukraine phone call "transcript"? You people still believe that to be true even after it was proven to be an outright lie?

You people don't want the truth - you're willing to accept lies and promote them yourself just to get Trump out of the White House.

You're so "out-of-it" on the facts that you can't even see where you're pushing the country because you have no idea what Socialism or Marxism or Communism is all about - all you care about is getting Trump out, and you'll cut off your own heads to do it.

You're a disgrace to this country and a disgrace to humanity.
2020-09-29 12:16:23 UTC
no it is not right and someone should tell him that his nose is growing bigger by the second
2020-09-29 10:23:38 UTC
It is okay with me.  We need Hillary for a truthful and honest president.
2020-09-29 05:29:59 UTC
All politicians lie. It's what they do. But there is a measure of degree. Trump is such a frequent, willing and above all, BAD liar. He contradicts himself, he makes things up (Some people have told me ... who? The man in the street doesn't get to talk to the President) and then he repeats his obvious falsities until the more simple believe it. I used to wonder how respectable people like the Germans followed Hitler. Now < know. Trump is not Hitler, but Trump's followers sure act like Hitler's did. 
2020-09-29 04:55:54 UTC
Prove it.
2020-09-29 03:04:34 UTC
Trump shut the border down saved 10's of thousands the numbers are totally skewed. MCcain was a loser he pushed the steele dossier got our soldiers killed overseas. When he had the chance to kill Obamacare he shoved it Trumps face with a no vote. Trump has every right to call him a loser,. War hero or not he XXXXed up. He owns hotels everywhere donates his pay was living fine before presidency. So your opinion on lying is just that your opinion.
2020-09-29 01:58:43 UTC
Trump is not lying to the whole country. You're being told lies by someone else. Possibly another lib-tard?
2020-09-28 22:44:21 UTC
2020-10-02 15:19:16 UTC
Everybody lies 
2020-10-01 19:59:24 UTC
No, it is not OK especially an Orange one who hides in the Bunker.
Coop 366
2020-10-01 18:53:21 UTC
As of right now the Donald is President but soon he will be a private (citizen) which he should have been when he was 21.
2020-10-01 08:59:46 UTC
Yeah and Biden is the bigger liar.
2020-10-01 05:42:59 UTC
No. He manages to lie about everything he has previously said despite it all being on record. Americans should be horrified that this man claims to be leading their country.
2020-10-01 04:18:32 UTC
That's a good question. He. Is a human as we are.
2020-10-01 00:51:46 UTC
That's never been ok. 

Just one of many reasons why my parents didn't like or trust Nixon, 

and why I don't like or trust Putin's obese puppy.
2020-10-01 00:33:32 UTC
You're worried about lies but you read the Washington Post?!?  That's like being worried of heat and choosing to live in Hell.
2020-09-30 23:10:11 UTC
Does it count as a lie when the senile candidate has dementia and is always confused with numbers, etc? 
2020-09-30 16:53:12 UTC
Trump is not the liar but liberal media is. Media always portrays negative things about him and doesn't mention any positive thing about Trump. Liberals don't know the actual truth.
paul c
2020-09-30 10:09:32 UTC
 No,  It isn't OK with me. I hate having a liar for a president.
2020-09-30 06:55:49 UTC
If you like your doctor, you can keep him.

I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Ms. Lewinsky.Read my lips , no new taxes.I don't recall.

I am not a crook.

People wouldn't know what to do if the President always told the truth, we just have more of a problem when we catch them in a lie. it's getting harder and harder to lie in the information age. 
2020-09-29 21:41:47 UTC
THose "20 Thousand" are made up numbers from the DNC... and Polifact is owned and run by SOros... but you need a BRAIN to comprehend things something you obviously lack
2020-09-29 15:25:43 UTC
yes its fine, if he can only pay 750 for taxes damn what can he do for economy, and embargo trade. Looking forward to 4 more years
2020-09-29 14:55:50 UTC
You mean a well documented pathological liar? Of course not. That's why I voted for Hilary 4 years ago & I'm voting for Joe this year.
2020-09-29 13:34:24 UTC
8 years of Obama Biden and you lapped it up . Now you whine
2020-09-29 02:31:16 UTC
All politicians are liars. Trump 2020
2020-09-29 00:43:08 UTC
As long as there aren't any consequences for lying why would he stop?
2020-09-29 00:42:07 UTC
No it's not. It's a terrible thing.

LOL OMG at some people on here saying that the OP can't back it up with proof when Trump is on audio that I heard and that anyone can listen to on YouTube.
2020-09-28 15:08:44 UTC
Most presidents lie just not to this extent. I've always said that Jimmy Carter only made two mistakes. 1 he promised to never lie to the American public. 2 he kept that promise.
Nifty Bill
2020-10-02 23:56:45 UTC
Name me one President that has not lied?  Name me a President that did not have an adversary murdered?  Are you in Lalaland?  Can you name any of the Democrat disruption Committee that has harassed the President from day 1 that had a real legitimate or real report that the President acted incorrectly?  You need to cool your dilutional jets dummy. 
2020-10-02 04:46:34 UTC
NO, it isn't okay to have a pathological liar as a leader.
2020-10-02 03:49:42 UTC
What lies? Just because the media is spreading that he is a liar? Joe Biden is the REAL LIAR. He is the real racist and you can look it up for yourselves what he has said about blacks being super predators. Did not want his kids going to that type of jungle school among predators. Hear it for yourselves. His ancestors owned slaves. Maybe he should be the one paying reparations not us taxpayers. We had nothing to do with it. 
2020-10-01 16:17:12 UTC
youre a liar . New flash McCain lost, so how was it a lie? How could Trumps returns prove anything since they havent been released? As for lying Presidents, we had 8 years of Clinton and 8 years of Obama, but a lying President is better than a lying media. I dont get news from the President.
2020-10-01 04:01:49 UTC
When Trump makes a lie, he's got to live the lie. He's been living 20,000 different lies for 4 years. He's long forgot what's real and what isn't. Makes you wonder what hole the government is going to bury the hard drives holding his Twitter comments in so nobody gets access to them.
2020-10-01 02:21:04 UTC
Sorry Jimmy, but that doesn't change my mind. Joe didn't answer the questions in the debate. He talked about prosecuting criminals. That wasn't the question. A Proven Lie! He said Hunter didn't commit a crime. In fact, he did. Burisma & China never would havegiven him money. had he not been Joe's son. Influence peddling Joe said he did not receive $3.5 Million from a Moscow. A lie. You believe a liar.
2020-09-30 18:04:26 UTC
OMIgosh - you think Biden never lied to the American people?

"In 1987, when Joe Biden was running for President for the very first time, his campaign got swallowed up in a swarm of lies that Joe Biden told about himself all over the country. First, Biden was caught plagiarizing a famous speech from British Labour Party Leader Neil Kinnock - including parts of the speech that came straight from Kinnock’s personal life that simply were not true for Joe Biden. Then, he plagiarized yet another speech from the late Robert Kennedy and another from JFK and another from Hubert Humphrey. You have to understand - this was pre-Internet, pre-social media, and something in Joe Biden’s mind made him think he could get away with it. He didn’t. And it ultimately tanked his campaign."
Weasel McWeasel
2020-09-30 16:44:48 UTC
Hell no  it's not okay, and  precisely why I didn't vote for the Birther moron the first time, and damn sure would not for him this time. 
2020-09-30 14:32:11 UTC
My President is not a Liar!!!!!  but every democrat and liberal are all liars!!!! are you people that stupid and uninformed???? Every president in my life time has made false promises and delivered nothing!!!!!

2020-09-29 23:32:58 UTC
I am amused by all of these Dimocrat (Yes, I intentionally spelled it that way} sycophants that are all indignant and outraged over Trump.Obama lied through his teeth for eight years and committed seditious acts as president. Bill Clinton was not only a pathological liar but a rapist and sexual predator and was rightfully impeached for his perjury and obstruction of justice. Bob Woodward is not a credible source.He is an old political left-wing hack who made a mountain out of a molehill with his  Watergate so called scandal.  Ever since then the rabid left has worshiped him. So all politicians lie. Trump has accomplished more in three years as a president than any of these other clowns did in eight years. From the Bushes to Clinton to Obama. He is not a career politician who is beholden to power and money and foreign entities like most of the Senators and Congress dolts are. 
2020-09-29 16:48:53 UTC
Trump will win in 2020 regardless of any inflammatory questions you try to ask
2020-09-29 16:09:28 UTC
I'm a bottom line individual.  I research the results.  You might want to look at his "Campaign Platform" from past 3.8 years before you begin shooting balloons.  Yes, many past Presidents have lied, given personal opinions about serious situations.  Your own OB1, aka Barrack Obama slept with the enemy , gave them billions of dollars to quiet Iran for the remainder of his term, but do you honestly believe that Iran wasn't trying to find other means to acquire rich uranium deposits to continue their mission to develop a nuclear bomb that will wipe out entire major cities?  If you do then you've never served overseas in the Military and you are living in a fantasy world.
2020-09-29 15:52:23 UTC
No, but whether it's okay or not, everybody who runs for President and nearly all politicians are liars at one time or another. Of course, there are extremes, but it's just something we have to live with.
2020-09-29 15:18:27 UTC
No. All politicians lie though. 
Fugazy Theatre
2020-09-29 15:10:18 UTC
Trump is a security risk to the US as he owes foreign entities alot of money . He has not put his assets into a blind trust and has continued to use the office to make profits for his business . As far as a liar , one only needs to see his tax returns.  He is a cheat , a con man and a threat to our country .
2020-09-29 14:31:58 UTC
Trump is going to win in November, and all of you democrats will be crying and rioting. We all can’t wait to see it and call out your hypocrisy.
2020-09-29 14:03:41 UTC
In the words of the character Gregory House from the TV show "House" - "Everyone lies." 
Rodney James
2020-09-29 02:43:29 UTC
Absolutely not, which is why I voted absentee for his opponent. No regrets.
2020-09-28 21:30:58 UTC
When President Trump put the travel bans on in January , you leftists said he did it just because he didn't like Chinese and Europeans because the virus was no problem . It is the Marxist who lie . Remember your age old Marxist saying " the ends justify the means " ?  The Democrats Marxists now have an updated slogan which says " by any means necessary " which now includes not only lies but  rioting , looting and intimidating people . Americans are too smart to be taken in by all the leftists lies and tactics . 
2020-09-28 15:29:28 UTC
We've never had a president that wasn't a liar.
Sean Dalt
2020-10-02 02:55:51 UTC
Biden is the one who lied
2020-10-01 22:08:23 UTC
tldr- im still voting for trump!
2020-10-01 20:15:25 UTC
Of course he is, but his simple minded supporters will believe everything he says. You need common sense to realize he’s a horrible president, he’s a really good business man though, just not president. He only cares about the economy.
2020-09-30 19:19:30 UTC
Why ask this question? he never lied and also, you should get ban from ehre for calling the president a liar.
Dont Call Me Dude
2020-09-30 12:52:13 UTC
Hard to say. As an American in my sixties, I've never known a president, or ANY Republican or Democrat, who wasn't.
2020-09-30 12:45:48 UTC
It's never ok, a democracy is structured to allow accurate information to pass freely allowing citizens to utilize this information in the making of decisions.  For themselves, and or their loved ones.  All decisions aren't critical decisions though.  Like the now ancient expression, bad input = bad output.  Think of any good reason why you should be lied to and sway your decision making to equal bad output for yourself or anyone else.  I honestly cannot find any.  Usually a scammer manipulating for money or influence.
2020-09-29 18:55:46 UTC
2020-09-29 13:56:49 UTC
It is okay for them to lie if it helps this country (e.g. it is not possible to tell the truth about sensitive intelligence data), but not okay to lie us into war or to lie us into having hundreds of thousands die due to a pandemic.
2020-09-29 11:43:26 UTC
Every president in history has lied.

if you fact checked every thing obama stated it would come out to the same number as trump. The difference is they didn't bother fact checking obama because he was their boy.
2020-09-29 11:29:31 UTC
If you live in the US having someone that's not a liar for president would be unique.
2020-09-29 11:26:43 UTC
LOL @SBR32277 Are you serious? I'm not claiming President's don't lie; they do. Obama lied around 380 times. Nixon lied around 1.8k times. Trump, in half the time of either, has over 20,000 documented lies. Even if you want to play devil's advocate and say only 10% were actual lies, he's still outpacing freaking Nixon in half the time; let that sink in for just a moment.

Trump has decimated farmers with his tariffs and stupid trade war, set coal miners back a generation by not helping them adjust to an inevitable energy switch, allowed Chevron access to literally a million acres of land for drilling (if you're gonna go after a resource, abuse your competition first, not yourself), relaxed water regulations so who knows what's being dumped in now... soon we just might have another Ohio incident, destroyed the ACA (which would have been a safety net for all that damage I mentioned prior), is now actively trying to destroy social security, and has mismanaged a pandemic in the worst possible way that it is now the 4th largest event that has caused US citizen deaths after the Civil War, the Spanish Flu, and WW2. And you have the balls to claim he's working for the people? How blistering tard-r can you get?

TL:DR Trump is the anti-thesis to the US Constitution. 
2020-09-29 11:26:32 UTC
Better a patriotic liar than someone allied with the traditional enemies of the USA, Marxism and Islam.

I don't think there has been a more analyzed president about every phrase, every word, every letter, every comma like orange was and only because it was not politically correct.
2020-09-29 06:04:47 UTC
If you need your answers from any social media product ( especially Yahoo Answers ) , you need to learn to think for yourself . Nothing has been proven . Both sides lie to a degree . Trump was elected on a platform that he tried to carry out , but the corrupt bureaucracy has opposed him at every turn and tried to make him look bad . For those of you that are to stupid to get it , Trump is not a good liar . Obama was an excellent liar because he fooled a lot of people . I like to refer to Obama as " The Silver Tongued Devil " .
2020-09-29 05:16:30 UTC
LINCOLN was a liar and you made him a hero

A war almost occurred during 1828-1832 over the tariff when South Carolina passed nullification laws. The U.S. congress had increased the tariff rate on imported products to 40%. This crisis had nothing to do with slavery.On a human level there were 4 causes of the war--New England Greed--New England Fanatics--New England Zealots--and New England Hypocrites. During "So Called Reconstruction" ( 1865-1877 ) the New England Industrialists got what they had really wanted for 40 years--THE SOUTH'S RESOURCES FOR PENNIES ON THE DOLLAR. It was a political coalition between the New England economic interests and the New England fanatics and zealots that caused Southern secession1. TARIFF--Prior to the war about 75% of the money to operate the Federal Government was derived from the Southern States via an unfair sectional tariff on imported goods and 50% of the total 75% was from just 4 Southern states--Virginia- North Carolina--South Carolina and Georgia. Only 10%--20% of this tax money was being returned to the South. The Southern states were being treated as an agricultural colony of the North and bled dry. John Randolph of Virginia's remarks in opposition to the tariff of 1820 demonstrates that fact.2. Abraham Lincoln had a blatant disregard for The Constitution of the United States of America. His War of aggression Against the South changed America from a Constitutional Federal Republic to a Democracy and broke the original Constitution. The infamous Socialist Karl Marx sent Lincoln a letter of congratulations after his reelection in 1864. A considerable number of European Socialists came to America and fought for the Union (North).3. CHRISTIANITY VERSUS SECULAR HUMANISM--The South believed in basic Christianity as presented in the Holy Bible.The North had many Secular Humanists Southerners were afraid of what kind of country America might become if the North had its way. Secular Humanism is the belief that there is no God and that man,science and government can solve all problems. "The South Under Siege 1830-2000."4. CULTURAL DIFFERENCES- -Southerners and Northerners were of different Genetic Lineages. Southerners were primarily of Western English (original Britons),Scottish, and Irish linage whereas Northerners tended to be of Anglo-Saxon . The two cultures had been at war and at odds for over 1000 years before they arrived in America.5. CONTROL OF WESTERN TERRITORIES- -The North wanted to control Western States and Territories such as Kansas and Nebraska. New England formed Immigrant Aid Societies They passed laws against slavery that Southerners considered punitive. These political actions told Southerners they were not welcome in the new states and territories. It was all about control--slavery was a scapegoat.6. The Northern Industrialists wanted a war to use as an excuse to get the South's resources for pennies on the dollar. They began a campaign about 1830 that would influence the common people of the North and create enmity that would allow them to go to war against the South. These Northern Industrialists brought up a morality claim against the South alleging the evils of slavery. The Northern Hypocrites conveniently neglected to publicize the fact that 5 New England States ( Massachusetts, Connecticut, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and New York ) were primarily responsible for the importation of most of the slaves from Africa to America.7. This political cause ties in to the above listed efforts by New England Industrialists. Beginning about 1830 the Northern Newspapers began to slander the South. The Industrialists used this tool to indoctrinate the common people of the North. They used slavery as a scapegoat and brought the morality claim up to a feverish pitch. Southerners became tired of reading in the Northern Newspapers about what bad and evil people they were just because their neighbor down the road had a few slaves. This propaganda campaign created hostility between the ordinary citizens of the two regions and created the animosity necessary for war. The Northern Industrialists worked poor whites in the factories of the North under terrible conditions for 18 hours a day ( including children ). When the workers became old and infirm they were fired. It is a historical fact that during this era there were thousands of old people living homeless on the streets in the cities of the North. In the South a slave was cared for from birth to death.8. . Abolitionists were a small but vocal and militant group in New England who demanded instant abolition of slavery in the South. These fanatics and zealots were calling for massive slave uprisings that would result in the murder of Southern men, women and children. Southerners were aware that such an uprising had occurred in Santa Domingo in the 1790 era and that the French had been massacred. The abolitionists published a terrorist manifesto and tried to smuggle 100,000 copies into the South showing slaves how to murder their masters at night. Then when John Brown raided Harpers Ferry,Virginia in 1859 the political situation became inflammatory. Prior to this event there had been five times as many abolition societies in the South as in the North. Lincoln and most of the Republican Party ( 64 members of congress ) had adopted a political platform in support of terrorist acts against the South. Some including Lincoln had contributed monetarily as supporters of John Browns terrorist activities.. Again slavery was used as a scapegoat for all differences that existed between the North and South.9.. SLAVERY. Indirectly slavery was a cause of the war. Most Southerners did not own slaves and would not have fought for the protection of slavery. However they believed that the North had no Constitutional right to free slaves held by citizens of Sovereign Southern States. Prior to the war there were five times as many abolition societies in the South as in the North. Virtually all educated Southerners were in favor of gradual emancipation of slaves. Gradual emancipation would have allowed the economy and labor system of the South to gradually adjust to a free paid labor system without economic collapse. Furthermore, since the New England States were responsible for the development of slavery in America, Southerners saw the morality claims by the North as blatant hypocrisy. The first state to legalize slavery had been Massachusetts in 1641If the war had been over slavery, the composition of the politicians, officers, enlisted men, and even African Americans would have been different. Confederate General Robert E. Lee had freed his slaves (Custis estate) prior to 1863 whereas Union General Grant's wife Julia did not free her slaves until after the war forced to do so by the 13th amendment and court action. Grant even stated that if the abolitionists claimed he was fighting to free slaves that he would offer his services to the South. Truths Of History that there were more slaveholders in the Union Army ( 315,000 ) than the Confederate Army ( 200,000 ). Statistics also show that about 300,000 blacks supported the Confederacy versus about 200,000 for the Union. The famous English author Charles Dickens stated " the Northern onslaught upon Southern slavery is a specious piece of humbug designed to mask their desire for the economic control of the Southern states."10, Proof that Abraham Lincoln wanted war may be found in the manner he handled the Fort Sumter incident. Original correspondence between Lincoln and Naval Captain G.V.Fox shows proof that Lincoln acted with deceit and willfully provoked South Carolina into firing on the fort . It was politically important that the South be provoked into firing the first shot so that Lincoln could claim the Confederacy started the war. Additional proof that Lincoln wanted war is the fact that Lincoln refused to meet with a Confederate peace delegation. They remained in Washington for 30 days and left only after it became apparent that Lincoln wanted war and refused to meet After setting up the Fort Sumter incident for the purpose of starting a war, Lincoln called for 75,000 troops to put down what he called a rebellion.The WAR 1861-1865 occurred due to many complex causes and factors as enumerated above.The following conversation between English ship Captain Hillyar and Capt. Raphael Semmes during the war on August 5th, 1861. It is a summary from a well-educated Southerner who is stating his reasons for fighting.Captain Hillyar expressed surprised at Captain Semme's contention that the people of the South were "defending ourselves against robbers with knives at our throats", and asked for further clarification as to how this was so, the exchange below occurred. I especially was impressed with Semmes' assessment of yankee motives - the creation of "Empire"!Semmes: "Simply that the machinery of the Federal Government, under which we have lived, has been made the means of despoiling the South, to enrich the North", and I explained to him the workings of the iniquitous tariffs, under the operation of which the South had, in effect, been reduced to a dependent colonial condition, almost as abject as that of the Roman provinces, under their proconsuls; the only difference being, that smooth-faced hypocrisy had been added to robbery, inasmuch as we had been plundered under the forms of law"
2020-09-29 04:05:47 UTC
No choice.  All presidents have lied.  
2020-09-29 03:05:48 UTC
You mean Obama? I think he lied every time he opened his mouth. I am glad he is gone.
2020-09-29 02:25:11 UTC
20 thousand false statements? I don't know man sounds like an extreme exaggeration from a leftist biased fake news media
2020-09-29 00:59:45 UTC
Of course not! That's why I'm voting for Trump. 

How much money has Biden & family taken from Ukraine, China and other countries. You already have him on video admitting it. You don't seem concerned about that. I am. He threatened to withhold money to Ukraine if they didn't fire the lawyer investigating his son. What's up with the millions from China? 

Biden has been in politics for 40 years including VP for 8 and has done NOTHING to the betterment of American citizens. Only fatten his families wallet.

Will the debate ask him any of these questions. LOL NO. Because they are on the take. How can you not notice that? Seriously? Hillary with a 91% chance to win, all the ballot harvesting and dumping of Trump early voters? You don't see the problem?

BTW, if you haven't noticed yet - most of the MSM is fake news and corrupt. You can believe their stories or you can actually research the truth yourself. It's not hard, it just takes time. US media has been corrupted. That's why they lied about the riots, destruction of protests, fires, violence, etc.. and it's why they ONLY cover stories that benefit them. Many white people have been shot by police too, but not a peep. A father and daughter were murdered by BLM in their car. Not a peep. 
2020-09-29 00:16:31 UTC
and who says he's a liar? typical whiny excuse giving, accusation making and childish assumptions by liberals? no thank you.
2020-09-28 23:33:36 UTC
HELL NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2020-10-02 15:58:15 UTC
The President does not lie, he may exaggerate, he may embellish, he may insult but he is not a liar. You want to talk about lying, ask that same question to the Democrats. Ask them about the Russia gate,Muller gate, impeachment gate, Stormy Daniels gate. Too many Democrat lies to list.
2020-10-02 05:34:19 UTC
All politicians are lairs.
2020-10-01 18:49:27 UTC
Since when is it not?

Name one president that has not lied to the American people....

They all lie, most will tell you what you want to hear to get your vote, we seen it just this year with Biden, he is against fracking in green energy state but against it in states that support it, he is against guns in california but for them in another state like he does not realize that he is on tape saying it just a week earlier.
A Hunch
2020-10-01 17:10:46 UTC
1  Doesn't matter what he told Bob... Covid-19 is less harmful that the flu for most the USAFlu Season 2019-2020 (oct 2019-may 2020) = made 42Million people sick and another 21Million infected but no symptoms.Covid Jan 1 - Sept 30, 2002 = made about 5M people sick and about 2.3M had no symptoms.How is covid more harmful than the flu.16.5MILLION were hospitalized with the flu during last year's flu season.  That's more than double the amount of people who have tested positive for covid. 2. are you physic?otherwise, you have no idea what Trump's tax returns say.  You can't read them,This is what we know:- Trump is shady, so gets audited every year- 3 journalists wrote an article about his tax returns- the paper won't provide the source or show the returns.- we know part of the article is _____ (pick the word - fabricated, false, fake)The journalists' said that all the tax returns through 2018 are finalized (not under review and not under audit) and we know that CAN'T BE TRUE.  So what in the story is false?

Every politician tells lies. Get over it.
2020-10-01 16:19:08 UTC
Vote biden 2020
2020-10-01 06:31:20 UTC
no he has a job and that is not what his discription is that is why we are picking someone else
2020-09-30 17:52:15 UTC
just because you don't agree with something doesn't mean it's a lie. That's basically the whole mantra of the democratic party right now is to call everything Trump says a lie.  The liberal party is a freaking disease and it's killing America. 
2020-09-30 14:07:30 UTC
Yes, Trump is a self-serving, greed liar with the intellect of a 1st grader and the emotional maturity of an infant. But he perfectly represents the hyper-partisan, politically controlled American public, so I guess it's OK - besides our bogus, rigged elections chose him.
2020-09-30 03:37:30 UTC
The trouble is that Trump's lies are for himself and against the country.
2020-09-29 18:33:01 UTC
Definitely not ok with me, and his lying is definitely not the only reason I'm not okay with him being in office. Let's just say that I sincerely hope he doesn't win the upcoming election.
2020-09-29 18:24:14 UTC
It's dumb what you calls lies. 

For example: if Joe Biden says 200 million people died of Covid, they say he "mispoke" not that he lied. 

If Trump said he went to lunch with someone on Tuesday, but it was really Wednesday, you will say he has lied.

You and the News media are the ones who have lost credibility much more 

than Trump has.

It's plain to see that Trump has good intentions, and

a lot of heart. 

Make American Great Again 2020 !
Robin W
2020-09-29 16:16:46 UTC
Sure, other presidents have lied.  Bush lied to start a war with Iraq.  But no one has come close to the 22,000+ lies that Trump has told since he took office. 
2020-09-29 10:07:47 UTC
No....Period! And to all those who brought up Obama's saying that he lied about about "You can keep your insurance." He was right! It wasn't the government that took it away from them! It was THEIR OWN DAMN INSURANCE COMPAINY AND NOT OBAMA! And for those who keep harping about Hillary and Benghazi, Hillary was investigated 7 times and was found innocent of any wrong doings and 4 of those investigations was BY THE REPUBLICANS THEMSELVES!...............BAM!
2020-09-29 08:57:18 UTC
Of course not. Who wants a liar
2020-09-29 08:14:21 UTC
Which one wasn't?
Sir Grandmaster Adler von Chase
2020-09-29 06:33:40 UTC
'NO' it is 'NOT' ok to have a 'LIAR' for a president! This makes the sinister 'Mastermind of EVIL' Trump look like the most baseless, dirty, rotten, no good, stinkin', loser, low life 'LIAR' in the history of the presidency! 'We are better than this!' It is time to 'take back' our White House! =<)
2020-09-29 05:53:13 UTC
Yes. That's presidential. Welcome to the world of politics. 
2020-09-29 03:48:57 UTC
No, Biden should be made to disclose all the secret family deals he brokered with tax payer favors to the Russians and Chinese.  

Biden is as racist as they come being personally responsible for breaking up millions of Black family homes through his Crime Bill.

Trump's prison reform undid Biden's deployable act.

Trump permanently funded Black colleges because Obama wouldn't.  

Trump poured BILLIONS in to Black education because Democrats never want Blacks to read or think for themselves.
2020-09-28 23:24:11 UTC
The "affordable" healthcare act.

If you like your Dr you can keep him/her.
2020-09-28 22:04:33 UTC
Nope. I thought Clinton was a fine president in spite of all his lies.
2020-10-02 16:58:10 UTC
My fear is that this is a stunt him purportedly having Covid, then make some remarkable recovery like he is a Phoenix rising,and all his Flying monkeys will actually fall for it.My hope is,that it is actually true and that he will 'pop his clogs'..
2020-10-01 15:27:03 UTC
I will take a liar over someone who supports, celebrates, and encourages the slaughter of innocent human beings.  We all sin.  What is YOUR biggest sin?
2020-10-01 06:06:44 UTC
Governor Cuomo demonstrated that you can communicate with frighten people with the Truth and keep them calm to take constructive steps to combat the crisis.

Trump was able to see that on television, but he still claimed that he downplayed { LIED } because he didn't want anyone to panic. That lie cost many people their lives. Herman Cain for example. It was politics that made him attend a rally, sit close to people, and refuse to wear a mask. 3 weeks later he was in the hospital, and 3 weeks later he was dead.

That is not OKay. 
2020-10-01 02:31:50 UTC
That's really a stupid question it even sounds dumb
2020-09-30 23:58:27 UTC
I'm indifferent.... Either way the country's screwed.... God help us!
Paul L
2020-09-30 15:49:51 UTC
Absolutely it is NOT okay for a sitting president to lie.  Nixon tried it....and failed.  Even Bill Clinton who tried lying about having sex with Monica Lewinsky - he failed too. The current president has done it since his last campaign in 2016 and still does it today.  Hard to believe that the sheeple that follow him have no sense of right and wrong.  I hope and pray that at least 90% of voting Americans have had enough of lies, deception and misdirection from the current administration and GOP-led Senate.  It's far past time to change the hands of power.
2020-09-30 15:25:36 UTC
No, it's never okay.
Kazoo M
2020-09-30 05:00:28 UTC
Take the time to read MATTHEW 7:1 before spewing words that will come back to haunt you as noted in MATTHEW 12:36.

Hopefully, you learned something today.
2020-09-29 19:19:52 UTC
Every president in the history of presidents has been a liar.  Every person in the history of persons has been a liar.  It's an essential survival skill.  I'd rather have a liar for a president than someone who turns a blind eye to the facts and refuses to admit there's a problem.  Doesn't that make them a liar too?
2020-09-29 18:20:55 UTC
Show me one politician ever, on either side, who hasn't lied. I won't hold my breath. 
Yoi and Double Yoi
2020-09-29 18:10:19 UTC
You liberals didn't seem to have any problem with President "Benghazi was caused by a You Tube Video."
2020-09-29 17:07:48 UTC
No, it is not okay.
2020-09-29 17:07:29 UTC
0homo & Manchelle were evicted in 2016, the liars are gone. MORON.
Jake No Chat
2020-09-29 10:11:58 UTC
Yes,  Everyone lies.  The political system is so messed up, people were so frustrated that Trump was elected since the other option was Hillary.  Hillary lies as much as Trump, plus it is a pretty good bet that she has had people killed.  It would be nice if we had leaders that really cared enough to be honest with the people.  I hope we get there soon.
2020-09-29 03:48:59 UTC
Glad to hear that you won't be voting for a liar like Joe Biden!;_ylt=AwrDQ2ofrXJfyEIAIjG3mWRH;_ylu=c2VjA3NyBHNsawN2aWQEdnRpZAMEZ3BvcwMzMA--?p=biden+lies&vid=ecd99ea36ae28069aa832df54f91afd9&
2020-09-29 01:35:14 UTC
The United States hasn't had an honest president in over a century. It would be great to find a president who is honest but politicians are there to lie and deceive you in the United States.
2020-09-28 20:33:04 UTC
It must be, you voted obama in office twice, and he sure did a bunch of lying, you can keep your own Dr. that was a whooper. can't name them all but will say Trumps tax return was for  2017 when he was president and he gave his wages away and was not running his businesses. so no money earned. God how i hate stupid people like you a true dumb biden person
2020-09-28 18:31:16 UTC
Trump can't lie if he makes no sense.  Its always obvious when he is off script, because his grammar goes to crap.
2020-09-28 15:15:48 UTC
It is not alright at all.
2020-09-28 15:12:56 UTC
in summary, it's okay with the completely hypnotized 30% who would do whatever Trump told them to do--as Manson's family did for him.  Trump recognized this himself long ago--that's how obvious their uncritical, cult-like nature. "I could shoot people on 5th avenue and they'd still vote for me."   He owns you like a very large man in prison with a wink in his eye as they close the gate for the night...
2020-10-01 23:55:55 UTC
There are a lot of bitter people writing on here.  What you will notice is that the people most bitter are the Republican-minded people.  Their intellectual arguments, or lack thereof, stop much shorter than democratically-minded people.  It didn't used to be this way, but nowadays, people who are Republicans are "sub-intelligent."  People who are democratic are at par or above normally intelligent, but don't have the aggressiveness Republican-minded people have.  

This is relevant because people are more likely to believe open lies from political figures (especially what's considered right-wing in most countries)

Athough it's true that virtually every politician lies to some degree, it'd be foolish to point that out when Trump set a hole new standard of lying.   The worst dictator in In the African continental history has not lied as much as Trump.  Trump became the gold standard of political deception. Even Hitler did not deceive his people as much. Hitler might have been a bad guy, but At least HE was a good public speaker.  People who think Trump is believable AND/OR HONEST are clearly the death of humanity.  

You may now welcome the Orwellian society, given Trump wins his second term.
2020-10-01 13:17:18 UTC
2020-10-01 02:03:39 UTC
20K lies huh? You actually believe that nonsense? If you don't, you are truly a demented Liberal.

Just because you don't agree with the man doesn't mean he lied.

Do the research yourself, don't depend on false sources.
2020-09-30 21:43:37 UTC
Call me crazy but Biden is the better option 🇺🇸
2020-09-30 18:47:28 UTC
No. We need an honest President, someone who helps the homeless. Not the rich
The Football God
2020-09-29 23:21:46 UTC

Which one didn't? I’m not a crook. I did not have sex with that woman. No new taxes. You can keep your healthcare provider.
2020-09-29 18:48:49 UTC
Liars don't do 70% of what they promised during their campaigns. 
2020-09-29 18:34:23 UTC
"Yes or No. Is it OK with you having a liar for a president?"

I am not governed by a president.

 PS, being the devils advocate, silly you to think Trump is responsible for anything.

He blames Obama [a man who hasn't been in office for a half decade]

President Donald Trump on Friday deflected blame for his administration’s lagging ability to test Americans for the coronavirus outbreak, insisting instead — without offering evidence — that fault lies with his predecessor, Barack Obama.
2020-09-29 16:44:27 UTC
Taxes are complicated and often when there are properties involved if you owe money it offsets what you are worth on a balance sheet. Trump is not lying and he had to make arrangements to get in office and protect his future.  He donated part of his salary to fight off the drug problem in the United States. He cares about the people like no president have ever seen before. 
2020-09-29 14:59:23 UTC
No, I would hate to have a liar like Joe Biden in office.
2020-09-29 13:42:26 UTC


in my lifetime (58 years)

there has NEVER been any alternative.
2020-09-29 08:39:34 UTC
Yeah. It's okay for me. I don't really pay attention to much of what any politician says, besides looking at what he says to judge his character and intentions.

Donald Trump does lie a lot. But his management of the country has been going rather well and he gets things done.

So as far as Trump goes, I can't stand his character. But as a president I don't really need to care about his character, he does his job really well. So I'm okay with him being president. 

To compare him to his opponent who had done little of note and many things I disagree with despite being vice president for 8 years and having a long career in politics, I'll take Trump any day.

Perhaps dems or reps can get a better candidate and I'll vote for them, but I'm going to have to wait for that till next election it seems.

Also republican states and cities are doing really well at the moment. Especially Texas. I think in terms of not just the president, in terms of a republican party in charge would be more beneficial for the country right now. They seem to have more competent people in place.

Finally my own bias goes towards a conservative economy. I'm more of a liberal socially, but even then I feel like democrats are taking things too far with their support of rioters and far-left groups such as antifa. (Not to be confused with the actual peaceful protests. Just specifically the rioters amongst them)
2020-09-29 06:59:36 UTC
YOU DO KNOW WOODWARDS AUDIO TAPE WAS ALTERED THAT IS THE ONLY THING THAT TOOK 7 MONTHS to do thats why it took him seven months to release it, and no he did not say he did not call McCain a loser he said he did not call fallen heroes losers, McCain is not hero he is a traitor. you forgot every source that claims he lies is controlled by liars

how can his tax returns prove otherwise NOBODY has seen them. also TRUMP was not the one saying it was no worse than the flu DEMOCRATS were on tv doing so, he never downplayed the virus DEMOCRATS did  THEY knew it would end up in NYC and they told people it was okay to crowd even though they knew it wasn't, They KNEW it would end up in other places but said it was nothing worse than the cold or flu that was DEMOCRATS that id that STOP ******* SPREADING LIES
2020-09-29 02:48:24 UTC
20,000 false statements justified by the obvious bought and paid for liberal MSM? Yeah, real credible. LOL! 
2020-09-29 01:38:42 UTC
No, that's why I'd never vote for Biden. His list of lies is staggering
2020-09-28 23:59:32 UTC
NO. its strange how people are just now realizing what a horrible person he is as if he hadn't admit to so many disgusting things in the past
2020-09-28 23:54:18 UTC
If anything DEMOCRATS are proven to be the biggest liars on the face of this earth. Their true colors have been showing all 2020 & half of you idiot sheepies 

are blind to it. Say no to sleepy joe. #trump2020
2020-09-28 23:30:27 UTC
No and in glad CROOKED HILLARY CLINTON didnt win and make Bengazi a 20 million person deal.
2020-09-28 22:02:02 UTC
No, which is why I voted for Trump.
2020-09-28 20:46:10 UTC
Of course it is not OK to have a liar for President.  Everyone may lie about unimportant things like how was dinner? But not about important things like how dangerous is the pandemic?  However, I have said since before his election in 2016 that he was a liar, cheat and thief and no one bother to listen to me.
2020-10-01 22:20:42 UTC
Almost every president has at least lied like 2000 times. 
2020-10-01 22:06:26 UTC
He tried to protect the borders 
2020-10-01 20:18:40 UTC
Every one of the Prez's, going back to Washington, has been a liar.  It is almost a de facto job requirement.  What is your point? BTW, the examples of lying you cite do not necessarily reflect true lies and, in any event, would be of little consequence in this upcoming election.
2020-10-01 18:58:02 UTC
NO!!!!  A Lying president is bad for the country.
2020-10-01 07:16:24 UTC
Not happy about it, but I'm resigned that we'll have either the red liar or the blue liar for a president.
2020-10-01 05:43:56 UTC
Yes anything he does is good and anything Boden does is bad.
2020-09-30 16:55:39 UTC
Looks like somebody wants to get rid of Both Parties !

Also "Playing Down"  is not necessarily lying. Just like Being Hysterical about the same problem is not lying it's a reaction!

The Libs wanted to Fear monger you Sheep in to thinking this is the Apocalypse and the world would end if you don't vote for them and Trump is going to FORCE you to get the Virus ....... (Hysterics)

The Virus has ~ 99% Survival rate !

The Virus is ~ 2->3 times worse than the normal Flu !

Trump is being calm and realistic. Yes it's bad but we have to deal with it.

Look Trump does not were a Mask ! That is a Leader Leading by example!

He has not die or contracted the Virus !!!!......

So Obviously he is not that afraid of the Virus, and he's still ok! As are most Americans!
2020-09-30 16:33:21 UTC
2020-09-30 14:27:08 UTC
No. But that itself was no lie there are better (or worse) lies.
2020-09-30 13:57:06 UTC
No. His lies have killed over two hundred thousand people. His lies have tanked this country, perhaps broken it for good. His lies have destroyed America. Enough already. He should never have been allowed to be sworn in. He lost the popular vote, for one. He also refused to give up his properties, which is in direct violation of Constitution. He has installed his spawn all around him, who are also helping themselves to the public coffer while influencing policies. None have been elected to office yet they are making deals with dictators at great personal profit. Ivanka has deals with China, for instance. 

There are effectively not checks and balances right now. trump is acting like a king, not an elected servant of the people of America. The judiciary system has been thoroughly defiled by trump and McConnell. The SCOTUS can no longer be trusted as an impartial, non-partisan body. They are being used to rubber stamp whatever the GOP want rammed through, such as the end of the ACA [during a pandemic], end of all environmental protections, end of civil rights, end of Social Security and Medicare, end of social programs in general, end of workers to demand better pay and working conditions, end of rights for women to control their own bodies, end of everything that speaks of actual freedom and liberty for all. 

So yes, past time for that gibbering clown to go. Why let him burn whatever's left of America to the ground? 
2020-09-30 07:33:31 UTC
You're lying saying he downplayed the virus. And you're also stupid for believing theres a virus that's going to kill people who don't grocery shop with a mask on. Trump  banned travel from China in January while Nancy Pelosi and Dr. Fauci were saying there's nothing to worry about. You're a lying POS.
2020-09-30 04:18:28 UTC
There's NOTHING okay about Trump. He's incompetent, acts like a child, is not smart. He's a buffoon WHO LIES WITHOUT CEASING, TO TRICK DUMMIES & RETARDS. THE WORLD LAUGHS AT AMERICA NOW. You proud of causing THAT, retards?
2020-09-30 00:52:33 UTC
He is killing americans with his lies. Becauss ppl listen to him. So even though no influence on policy he still can influence individual decisions.

Actualy to be precise. Im ok with him lying at the beginning to prevent panic. Its that the time has long come for him to take leadership in encouraging mask and not treat virus as flu. As mentioned. Pipl look to him for guidance. For inspiration. Regretably thou. I do not believe mr biden is qualified to be pres of US
2020-09-29 18:16:03 UTC
You tell me, were you ok with all of Obama's lies? You didn't care at all about them :) so idc about Trump's. Payback sucks right? LOL
2020-09-29 16:14:16 UTC
Politicians lie. I have never seen one, including presidents, who didn't lie. And I've seen you lie repeatedly so this is an entertaining question.
2020-09-29 13:19:26 UTC
He didn't bully the poor, he fights for his people, he clarify as much as he can despite his busyness. He did his job well as a president. 
2020-09-29 13:04:39 UTC
What a baby you are.  It is pretty obvious that in your life, you have never had to do anything tough or venture off into the great unknown.  Hide behind your video games and think that is life, you do. 
2020-09-29 11:59:01 UTC

Funny how you don't use the same standard on sleepy Joe isn't it?
Joe Sanchez
2020-09-29 10:18:17 UTC
Everyone lies. Even if they dont intend to it happens which really doesn't count as a lie. I can say I will cut taxes but Congress can vote for higher taxes and I'm voted out but that doesnt mean i lied. I tryed tho. All the people who accuse the other of lying more than likely lied themself to make them self look good and the other look bad. All these false accusations that appear 20 or 30 years ago about a sexual allegation are more likely a lie. Why would you wait so long? All these commercials about one person  did that and I did this, are mostly lies but not illegal to accuse one of it. I have a feeling tho about joe Biden that he will resign due to (issues) and leave a women to become president because knowone will vote one in. Just a hunch.
2020-09-28 15:51:06 UTC
Every single politician and President has lied repeatedly.  When will people learn?
2020-10-02 18:10:54 UTC
TRUMP 2020🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🍻🍻🍻 get outta here if you support sleepy joe
2020-10-02 00:33:39 UTC
You are gonna be crying so many liberal tears on November 3rd. 😂😂 4 more years
2020-10-02 00:28:14 UTC
I'd rather a president with a history of taking advantage of tax loopholes from a previous administration than ******* criminals like the Bidens who receive foreign money for reasons the leftist news media will not talk about. 
Robert S
2020-10-01 19:26:58 UTC
I'm O.K. with it.......
2020-10-01 11:30:25 UTC
barack hussain obama -aka,barry sotoros,
2020-10-01 00:10:54 UTC
They are all compulsive liars. Get a grip, sunshine
2020-09-30 20:09:57 UTC
Trump is a good president. At least he's not a pedo who doesn't pay his taxes.
2020-09-30 14:23:45 UTC
I think that after 12 years, one gets used to something. Shame really
2020-09-30 10:26:30 UTC
Yes cause then people will finally believe in my cause; to find who asked
2020-09-29 23:53:11 UTC
No. That's why I'm glad Obama and his fake birth certificate are out of office.
2020-09-29 18:30:29 UTC
No, I am not okay with it all. A  ethical and decent president doesn't go around lying in the first place and they're also not supposed to be committing tax evasion either.
2020-09-29 17:37:55 UTC
No, but every single politician is a liar, so I am not ok with most of them Republican or Democrat.
2020-09-29 15:02:01 UTC
We haven't had anything else in modern American history, so I guess I don't have much choice.

I do like having the most transparent President in history.

TRUMP 2020
2020-09-29 13:06:43 UTC
No. No. No. No. 
2020-09-29 11:14:43 UTC
EVERY and I mean EVERY politician in the history of the entire planet regardless of party has lied and some just as much as Trump it's part of the job description but what bothers me MUCH more is when a politician lies and the MSM perpetuates and/or adds to the lies to hide the lies that the politician(s) tell in support of that person/party so it goes totally reconciled. In the case of Trump the MSM calls out ANYTHING and EVERYTHING he says that's not 100% gospel truth BUT they back and hide 100% the lies of EVERY LIEberal left DEMONICrat politician! Then again as far back as I can remember I can't think of ANY other POTUS in history that has been under as much scrutiny of EVERY sound uttered or gesture made by the opposing party or the MSM even tricky Dick during Watergate was NOT put under the same microscopic examination as Trump by the opposing party and MSM!
2020-09-29 09:57:28 UTC
Everyone lies occasionally but Trump never tells the truth. It's almost pathological with him. He. Must. Go.
2020-09-29 02:16:51 UTC
Yes I will choose Trump even if he lies. Politicians do that all the time
2020-09-29 01:52:00 UTC
Cons don't give a sh!t. Their whole ideology is based on lies.
2020-09-28 22:05:50 UTC
Obama and the democrats didnt say a single lie. LoL
2020-09-28 15:05:36 UTC
No it is not okay.
2020-10-02 07:02:50 UTC
So, you are saying neither Trump nor Biden is qualified? Look up Biden plagiarism on YouTube... plenty of videos available. And the man does have mental issues, and is quite old. Even if you do not like Trump, which is totally fine, Biden is not the superior candidate. The liberals did not pick someone who is better than Trump, despite all their incessant complaining.
2020-10-02 04:59:07 UTC
Depends on how white and racist he is. The more the better, if too white and too racist he can lie and be forgiven.
Disco Stu
2020-10-01 15:44:42 UTC
Trump lies a lot more than the others but The Washington Post isn't entirely trustworthy
2020-09-30 23:26:42 UTC
No, I am fed up with the lies. In my opinion the biggest lie he has told was, "Covid19 is a hoax". He thinks Americans are so stupid they would panic? 
2020-09-30 14:11:31 UTC
Everyone in the world is a liar. The Main Pillar of Humanity's Imperfection 
2020-09-30 12:41:51 UTC
I doubt anyone would win presidency through being honest in the first place.
2020-09-30 02:26:58 UTC
Noroider! I wish we had a real president like Obama again who visited 53 states!
2020-09-30 02:18:59 UTC
Yes, all presidents are liars. 
2020-09-29 23:36:02 UTC
Scratch a liar find a thief ! A quote from the movie "Ray."
Simple Simon
2020-09-29 22:15:39 UTC
Sure, anyone took money from friends, not as much as Biden son took from enemy...
2020-09-29 20:13:21 UTC
Not ok with me 
2020-09-29 19:18:49 UTC
To me it's okay that he's not a liar and for the record many presidents have been liars.
2020-09-29 17:42:59 UTC
It's now okay to have a humancidal for president given people don't care either way about humanity's existence or extinction. 
2020-09-29 14:10:42 UTC
As much as I dislike Trump, all presidents lie lol. But yea Trump is a habitual liar.
2020-09-29 14:00:17 UTC
As an adult ,especially an important role or somebody  like POTUS , it is impossible to be  absolutely honest . 

 Sometimes a lie is  just  for good purpose  ,  or rather , kind lie .
2020-09-29 12:56:47 UTC
Just because you do not like the facts doesn't make it a lie.

Look at the lies that came out of the Obama White House; If you like your plan you can keep it, Those jobs aren't ever coming back. Green Energy Job Boom. 
2020-09-29 09:01:32 UTC
No.  It's the reason I didn't vote for Hillary and won't be voting for Joe.
2020-09-29 03:51:32 UTC
Trump had always been a liar 

why people are still believing  him??
2020-09-29 01:46:06 UTC
Nobody in this world is wholesomely honest. Saying you want someone who is not a liar as President is like saying you want the swimmer that jumps into the pool and swims to the other side without getting wet to win the race. Just complete nonsense of a question.
2020-09-28 21:37:30 UTC
Which POLITICIAN of recent times did not lie?  Give me a list!
Eugene D
2020-10-02 16:19:35 UTC
Every president lies, look at Lyndon Johnson.  Some even committed crimes and are not charged, look at Hilary Clinton.  

To answer your question, no.  But he's our current leader.  It's best to be supportive instead of a whiner.  Being opposed to our president, no matter who it is, isn't helpful.  

Being supportive can include constructive criticism, acknowledging the good he's done and stop dwelling on the past.
2020-10-02 11:43:06 UTC
So according to Trump he and Melania now have tested positive for Covid19. If so this could just be Karma or perhaps just his way of getting out of another disaster of a debate. Trump hasn't told the truth for so long it's hard to determine which. I'm sure all his little minions are crying their eyes out and sending him get well cards.
2020-10-01 19:10:33 UTC
He is beyond an embarrassment. He is a shame, a disgrace. 
2020-10-01 03:57:15 UTC
Is it okay having liars for kids? President sets the example, like it or not. You get the country you deserve. Vote for a hate-filled racist and expect a dismal future of violence and misery. 
2020-10-01 01:38:00 UTC
He has to appeal to you.  
2020-09-30 18:56:09 UTC
Maybe you need to take the plank out of your own eye!! Biden repeatedly lied last night and Cris Wallace wouldn't let the President have rebuttal time. Which caused all the interruptions.  We know Joe BIden isn't calling the shots in the Democrat party.  He lied that Bernie and Himself had not made a manifesto.  He lied when he said he doesn't bow to the radical left like AOC. He lied when he said he denounced the rioting going on by peaceful protests of BLM and Antifa. He lied when he said he is supportive of the Police Departments. 

 He lied when he says Hunter wasn't involved with getting 3.5 million from Mayor of Moscow. Lied about his involvement with unmasking General Flynn. He lied about having no involvement with Hunter in Ukraine and in China.  He lied about Affordable Health Plan, costs have sky rocketed!!! How convenient that he won't give who he would nominate for Supreme Court justice, because he knows they would be so liberal, that conservative Democrats would not vote for him.   But Yahoo won't allow stories unless they refute Trump. That's why you can't respond back to their liberal backed story headlines.  
2020-09-30 18:25:44 UTC
Yes or no is it ok having a president with dementia?  
2020-09-29 18:59:12 UTC
I laugh at all the cons who say "every politician lies so it's ok for Trump to lie".  That's like saying "Everyone breaks the law so it's ok for John Gotti to commit crimes".  Cons are destroying America
2020-09-29 17:37:22 UTC
Your diagnosis is TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome). Sadly, the prognosis is not good.  By early November the acute symptoms you are currently experiencing will become uncontrollable and you may require supervised confinement

for ATDS  (Advanced Trump Derangement Syndrome) in a basement somewhere in Maryland. 

On the upside, it’s not fatal. 

You can pay the nurse on the way out - we accept MasterCard, Visa and Obamacare. 
2020-09-29 16:27:50 UTC
If you think Obama, Clinton and Bush weren't liars about many things then you are a fool!
2020-09-29 14:23:35 UTC
lol America does worse Crimes than Trump ever will....sad how everyone wants to attack him when the crime rate of this country makes his actions look like a walk in the park
2020-09-29 14:13:34 UTC
" Is it OK with you having a liar for a president? "

"Sure, everyone has lied."

I won't give you a yes or no as you contradict yourself and blur it into a grey area. Politics Is lying.. What might cause a panic might have to be suppressed. 
2020-09-29 11:33:29 UTC
Do they agree with my opinions or not? MAGA
2020-09-29 08:41:53 UTC
So, basically, you are basing your comment on straight left-wing news out lets. Of course anything 'anti-Trump' is all you hear. They don't talk about the FISA court fraud (obamagate) They don't talk about Joe and Hunter's China, Russia, and Ukraine scandal, or that the house dems do not back Pelosi. But, ALL news outlets have posted about Joe's 'touchy-feely' ways with the women and kids, his constant racist 'slip ups'. Even your anti-Trump stations. Trump has 3 Nobel Peace prize nominations. He has broker peace between countries that have been against each other for 1000 yrs. He brought thousand of troops home from Afghanistan and Iraq. In his 1st 3yrs, economy was booming.Oh, and NO wars. No president has EVER done this in there 1st term, and most of them , never.  Pelosi does nothing for anyone but herself, and you hang on the media mob's every word.  So, yes-- in 2016, Trump won, because he was the lesser of 2 evils. But he has earned a 2nd term. If the Blue wanted to win, legally-- they would nominate a legitimate candidate. Not Biden, who doesn't even field questions from the press, at his rallies of 27 people. Biden has literally been at home, by 10am, each day for about the past 10 days.  When he does talk, its like listing to Mush Mouth. No one knows what he is saying, and neither does he. Oh.. and Biden lies his @$$ off.
2020-09-29 02:30:43 UTC
We put up with his lies for 8 years.  I was surprised Obama was reelected for a second term after all the lies and false promises he made to the American people.
2020-09-28 23:35:30 UTC
"Proven lie. Trump downplaying the coronavirus. He said it was no worse than flu, but told Bob Woodward it was five times as bad.". Yes, IF he said both of those things, ONE of them is a proven lie BECAUSE those two things are mutually contradictory. :). Oh, I'm not attacking Trump here. I'm attacking PROGRESSIVES with YOUR measuring stick. See, progressives have mutually contradictory statements AS THEIR CENTRAL TENETS. Women are SO VERY powerful! Easily just as capable as men at everything! And.... women are totally oppressed by men in every conceivable way. This has been front and center in your movement and your movement never cared b/c it's A) bigoted and B) dishonest. Your whole party is poison in so many ways. Trump 2020. 
2020-09-28 22:44:20 UTC
Yes it doesn't seem you have a problem that the media lies  to everyone  . Plus can you back that up with facts 
tony b
2020-09-28 21:42:27 UTC
not to the extent trump has
2020-09-28 21:39:37 UTC
No, I do not like having a liar for President.  That in fact is the very reason I utterly despise Barack Obama, and that I would have died before voting for the lying, traitorous Hillary Clinton.

I mean that literally.  I wouldn't have voted for Hillary Clinton if somebody had been holding a gun to my head to make me do it.

You're not much better.  You're shilling for Biden, Harris, Obama, both Clinton, Pelosi and the rest of them.  Whether you really believe what you wrote doesn't make much difference, because you are allowing them to use you, to spread their propaganda.
2020-09-28 15:09:24 UTC
Who cares as long as he keeps doing what we ask him to do
Longtime Hubby
2020-10-01 00:25:34 UTC
Can't vote for Trump. Just can't.
big daddy
2020-09-29 23:35:14 UTC
well for sure we have a president that is a liar! Oh and someone who said his businesses were turned over to his children. wait he made money from foreign countrys.Oh just one more lie.
2020-09-28 17:17:21 UTC
Yes Donald Trump tells lies but then so does every last person alive! calling Donald Trump a liar and not looking at one's own self in the mirror well that's the pot calling the kettle black

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