Can you convince me to vote for Trump ?
2020-08-20 21:24:04 UTC
Can you convince me to vote for Trump ?
113 answers:
2020-08-21 15:15:30 UTC
Only mad will vote Trump. So be careful. 
2020-08-23 13:59:37 UTC
The First Step Act he passed.   That is the ONLY reason.   Google it.
2020-08-22 12:05:41 UTC
If you want to tear down America, vote Democrat where there are plenty of examples of Democrat ran cities and states doing just that. If you want to make this country better because you love this country, vote Trump. You can also go online to see all of the achievements the Trump administration has done in record time despite the do nothing democrats attempting to impede his ability to do anything.
Warren T
2020-08-22 02:09:00 UTC
2020-08-21 15:50:19 UTC
Of course I can’t convince you to vote for Trump.  Only Biden wants to significantly increase our taxes.    
2020-08-21 15:25:48 UTC
No, so I wouldn't even bother.
2020-08-21 00:14:03 UTC
I wouldn't want you to.
2020-08-20 23:01:10 UTC
If you hope we all die of covid, vote Trump. Biden and Harris will do whatever it takes, starting on day 1, to get it under control and help the economy.
2020-08-20 22:14:45 UTC
I'd really hope not.
thomas f
2020-08-20 21:41:12 UTC
In my opinion, Voting for Trump is about jobs, jobs, jobs, for Americans, that is. And consider these:

--Trump was right about approving the KeystoneXL oil pipeline and the Dakota Access oil pipeline, which Obama refused to approve.--Trump was right about re-allowing oil drilling on Federal lands and in the Gulf, which Obama had banned. Nowadays, oil and fuel and gasoline prices are at near record lows.--Trump was right about cutting the US Income Tax, while capping the deduction for real estate taxes, causing high income tax payers who live in expensive homes to pay more Income Tax.--Trump was right about almost tripling the IRS Earned Income tax Credit for America's working poor.--Trump was right about repealing the "individual mandate" portion of Obamacare, which would have fined people for not having health insurance.--Trump was right about repealing most of the draconian anti-business regulations that were put into effect by Obama. The economy has since boomed (before the COVID-19 epidemic), causing black and female unemployment to be at record lows, until recently.--Trump was right about cracking down on illegal immigration, and keeping and requiring asylum seekers to stay on the Mexican side of our border until they can be processed.--Trump was right about cancelling immigration from seven Islamic countries that had no vetting process for their citizens. (Hillary stated that if elected, she would immediately increase Muslim immigration by 550%, just as a beginning.)--Trump was right about renegotiating NAFTA, and replacing it with his own USMCA trade agreement with Canada and Mexico.--Trump was right about brow-beating our European NATO partners into increasing spending and appropriating their fair share of our collective NATO defense funding.--Trump was right about cancelling Obama's TPP trade deal (Trans Pacific Partneship), which would have sent many more US jobs to Asian countries--Trump was right about banning travel to and from China in January, 2020, when Democrats said such a move was racist and Xenophobic. --And don't forget about Trump's two new Supreme Court Justices.
2020-08-20 21:31:51 UTC
If you enjoy your freedom, you would vote fro Trump. He's the guy standing in the way of socialism. Biden and Harris will take this country so far left you will wish you could get Trump back. 
2020-08-23 22:19:38 UTC
Yes.  Your alternative is Joe Biden with his crew of socialists.  If you want much higher taxes, gun control and looting, by all means vote for Sleepy Joe.
2020-08-23 15:43:28 UTC
No, and the reason is, well just look around, do you want four more years of this?
2020-08-23 09:40:05 UTC
I am not mad insane or stupid and used to be a corporate secretary and Trump is what the United States needs: A financial genius who knows what to do to make the United States again.
2020-08-22 22:35:44 UTC
People have called Trump old and senile yet Biden is older than Trump and he appears to show signs of becoming old and senile so that could be the key to voting for Trump. Unless you want to be told what to do from a possible female president than vote for Biden. I do not know if men are ready to be corrected and controlled by a female. Trump may be hated but he has balls to go to one of our many allies like North Korea. In the last four years at least for now there hasn't been any attacks to the US since the bombing of 9/11. People praise Obama/Biden yet they didn't do anything for Black Lives Matter or homeless people. The list can go on forever of the what will happen if I did vote for Trump. The covid19 isn't Trump's fault for if he had shut down travel from China somewhere this virus would have shown up from another traveler that just came back from China. People are trying to keep voters from voting for Trump because of this pandemic. Now, Biden/Harris will shut down if needed and do something for the economy. How? Is Biden/Harris planning to stop all taxes from the business owners so they can lower their prices to bring back customers? Tax revenues is what pays off the debits of this US economy. Is Biden/Harris planning to raise minimum wage to $20-25 an hour? There is no way Biden/Harris can play catch up with this fallen economy. We are doomed for the next four years if you vote for Biden. I feel the Independent party might win this election.
2020-08-22 15:20:00 UTC
If you can't look at what the democrats are offering and what Trump is doing. And you can't clearly see where the RIGHT vote is.. Then there is no convincing or hope for you..
Intrinsic Random Event
2020-08-22 13:58:16 UTC
Not really.

First I would have to assume that you are stupid. There is no version of reality where someone who votes for Donald Trump in 2020 is NOT stupid.

I'm sorry to say that middle America apparently contains many people who have been rendered stupid by decades of religious brainwashing and living in a culture that proactively rejects science and free thought.

That is Trump's voter base.

And I would never wish that upon you.
2020-08-22 05:14:53 UTC
I could probably convince anyone to vote for anyone - but that would take a whole lot of typing. 

Basically what I'm saying is these are slim pickings... and people usually vote emotionally. 
2020-08-22 02:09:52 UTC
TBags 2020 - No More Bullshitz - Just Let Him Ruin the Country Already!!
2020-08-22 00:46:33 UTC
Unlikely, even if I wanted to.  Nor could I convince you to vote for Biden.  Pretty much no one is going to get their mind changed on Troll-ridden forums such as this.
2020-08-22 00:46:19 UTC
Just like "he" can't rise to the occasion, I cant, wont convince you of that 
2020-08-22 00:42:46 UTC
i already am, and I suppose the majority will also this november.
2020-08-21 22:54:34 UTC
2020-08-21 22:43:14 UTC

But if I were voting for someone I would vote for the one who was going to tackle human trafficking and child abuse. That sounds like a good goal to me.

Most politicians right across the world are frightened to take on the elite pedophiles. In the UK we waited until our leading protagonist died then we prosecuted some of his contemporaries as a kind of consolation prize.

His contemporaries were scapegoats and had not committed anything like the same crimes as Savile. He supplied the great and good with children on request. It is believed that some children were supplied by Savile to a UK Prime Minister and while they got on the PM's boat they never saw dry land again.

No time-served politician seems willing to take on the deviant elite.
2020-08-21 16:24:18 UTC
No, so I wouldn't even bother.
2020-08-21 09:45:23 UTC
i dont care about the way he talks.      ill say what he did  and what biden. and its ALL FACTUALLY correct.

First Step Act signed by trump.

in one of his speeches his said one of his policies for the 2nd term is to reduce price of meds to the level of europe.   which is very possible.

UAE-israel peace.   (which can be compromised if the presidency would change)

ended 18 year war with the Taliban, and made peace with them. (sane people love peace)

beat that obama.

also biden is a warmonger who helped obama to kill hundreds of thousands.(unknown fact)

he also signed for the war in iraq.

biden proved to be SUPER-racist with his policies over the years and the things he said. he collaborated with KKK leaders and pushed for segregation.

he wants to raise taxes (he said it many times)

i honestly dont know why vote for biden.   i would vote for sanders instead.   (but with the peace between israel and an arab nation, im not sure. this is a once in a lifetime opportunity that wont come back)
Green Puffin
2020-08-21 08:42:22 UTC
If you want a President that splits his time between playing Golf, tweeting politically incorrect information without checking it out for validity with his expert staff, stirring up hatred towards ethnic minorities, homosexuals, non white skinned people, non Christians or any group that he decides is currently undesirable, vote Trump.

If you want your country to progress then vote for the Democrats, they are the party that tolerant people vote for.  They don't believe that hatred of different is a way forward.
2020-08-21 08:12:09 UTC
of course moron. get you loaded enough on booze and drugs youd vote in hitler and sell your grandma to the gestapo.

and the evidence says u morons are tied down stinking pissed drunk.

you'll vote for anybody.
2020-08-21 03:06:57 UTC
No I couldn't, because I sincerely believe he is the worst president we have ever had.
Const. King
2020-08-21 02:38:36 UTC
You shouldn't have to be convinced.  If you don't care about the country or your family's well being, go vote for Creepy Uncle Joe.
Mr. anonymous
2020-08-21 02:34:48 UTC
Trump is patriotic. He's the first and only president who puts our American economy ahead of the Chinese economy on his agenda. Trump is making America great again by trying to reclaim our spot as the #1 economic and military superpower that we lost to China during the Bush/Obama period. Trump realized this and is putting tariffs on China.

That is a great convincing reason
2020-08-24 07:57:30 UTC
No, I would not like to convince you to vote Trump.
2020-08-23 22:05:45 UTC
I wouldn't even try to convince you.  Personally I dont see the 2 leading candidates as good for the USA.
Lois & Peter
2020-08-23 19:57:39 UTC
That would make you a Magat
2020-08-23 19:15:17 UTC
Okay, I'll trap you in a basement with only potatoes, water, and a picture of the carrot we call our president until you go insane, and even then you might not even consider it. Only the truly mad vote for Trump.
2020-08-23 07:26:52 UTC
You're fully grown to have right to vote for Trump.
2020-08-23 03:57:33 UTC
Probably not if you are into supporting pedophilia. No matter who runs for president, it will still end up being either Trump or Biden to win and what we definitely know as a FACT is that the FBI made a public statement that president Trump was the only one giving them information to take out Jeffery Epstein. And to clear up how Trump and Epstein knew one another, they just happened to BOTH be in a very small circle of very wealthy white men who obviously were both invited to the same types of wealthy events and Epstein purchased a property on Palm Beach a few properties away from Trump. Trump STOPPED associating himself with Epstein AFTER Epstein did inappropriate things with one of Trumps associates daughters at his mansion which Trump then BANNED Epstein from. The flight logs showed that Trump flew on Epstein's plane only one time and that it WASN'T to the island !! Meanwhile, Bill Clinton was WITNESSED by victims on the island AND he was listed to have flown the the island TWENTY-SIX times !! Trump tries bringing up child trafficking while all democratic parties avoid the topic because the Democratic party is FULL of Pedophiles trying to normalize pedophilia as a 'sexual preference' !! JOE BIDEN is an OBVIOUS PEDOPHILE !! There are HUNDREDS of photos of him violating children and them looking absolutely TERRIFIED of him !! Soo..seeing as a 3rd party won't win. You can chose a man who helped the FBI put away a massive pedophile and brings attention to trafficking in America OR you can vote for a man who himself IS a well photographed pedophile. Your choice. But if you vote for Biden, I hope you don't have children. Because he won't do **** about child trafficking while Trump IS doing something about it. 
2020-08-22 18:56:54 UTC
Simple!  It depends on whether you are a communist or not.  If you are.. vote Biden.  If not, vote for a man who still loves this country.  you may not like him, but he is our best defense against the communists in our midst!
2020-08-22 16:34:44 UTC
Yes. Do you want Biden to bring back Justin Bieber's music?
2020-08-22 07:58:23 UTC
No, I don't think anyone is that stoopid.
Philip H
2020-08-22 02:46:36 UTC
Only if you have a functioning brain and are willing to connect with the Truth so Logic can prevail.
2020-08-22 01:50:54 UTC
How could you vote in a party that thinks Biden should get the Nobel Pease Prize for reading a teleprompter ? Vote with normal patriotic people who know Trump is working hard for Americans to have peace and prosperity . Trump is the first president in years who is not getting us into wars . As a matter of fact he is having success with bringing peace between Israel and her neighbors and preventing Iran from getting nukes .
2020-08-21 16:43:50 UTC
If you want a President that's a good person, a good role model, and cares more about the American people than his party... on second thought, no I can't, that's Biden not trump.
2020-08-21 15:48:04 UTC
Yep, take a long hard look at Biden, then AOC and her squad. If that does not convince you then you are lost.
2020-08-21 15:18:37 UTC
I find it ironic of the coments saying "if you want anarchy, riots and mass protests vote for Biden" because the riots and mass protests are happening in TRUMP'S america.
2020-08-21 12:53:17 UTC
Why? Are you gullible? That was easy.

You vote for Joe & you'll pay 18% more in taxes & since corporations do not pay tax, you will. Every time you buy something, you're paying their tax.

Drug costs have dropped, they'll go back up with Joe. President Obama made a "back room" deal with pharmaceuticals to start his O'care. They gave Billions, in return, they get to raise prices. Google it.

Creepy Joe is going to retire soon after taking office, leaving Harris to become president. Didn't Obama "pass the mantel" to her? Yep, in his DNC speech.

The Dow has gone from 18,000 to over 27,000. That means jobs. Yes, the Dow did drop. That was due to the pandemic response. Now, it's back up.

Trump has renegotiated NAFTA. Both Canada & Mexico are buying more & we're paying less. Europe & Japan have renegotiated to more fair terms. And, if Trump wins, China will also.

Lowest unemployment rate in history, before the pandemic.

Almost 4 Million jobs created in 3 years. President Obama created 4.7 Million jobs in 8 years.

Manufacturing growth hit 4.7% before the pandemic.

Your payroll tax was cut to 3 1/2%. It will rise immediately under Joe.
2020-08-20 21:34:06 UTC
Give up on the childish and dangerously naive idea that there is a "perfect" candidate out there.  Then compare what Trump has done for the people of this country in 3 and a half years, with what Biden has done to them in 38. If you want to hold Trump up against some idealized, make believe candidate, who doesn't exist, yeah sure, you can find a lot to criticize him about, but compare him against who's actually out there, and he doesn't look so bad.   
Mike W
2020-08-20 21:31:21 UTC
Not really, but being a cynical pessimist I'd be inclined to say that it doesn't matter who you vote for.  Depending on what state you live in, one vote more or less won't make that much of a difference.  
2020-08-20 21:27:02 UTC
No, nor would I want to. He's an incompetent buffoon who should be in a locked nursing home ward of a state hospital for the criminally insane.
Andrew Blomo
2020-08-20 21:25:17 UTC
First, look at Joe Biden. Second, listen to what he stands for. That should be enough to convince you...
2020-08-23 22:37:56 UTC
Trying to convince one person is a fool's game, especially if the person to be convinced already has their mind made up. Better spend one's time trying to convince a significant group of people who are reasonably open minds.
2020-08-23 19:58:10 UTC
No.  And, you can't convince 'me' to vote for him either.
2020-08-23 19:43:20 UTC
If you believe in the green new deal (more solyndra failures?), socialism, felons freed and voting, rioting tolerated as protests, I think you've found your party already. 
2020-08-23 13:08:59 UTC
Well the alternative is a vote for another communist debacle that will further divide the USA.  If you don't vote for Trump, you're voting for the USA to become a much larger version of Portland (where they are nearing day 90 of the violent communist temper tantrum the media stooges still claim as "mostly peaceful protests") or CHAZ/CHOP.
2020-08-23 12:10:31 UTC
No.  If its not obvious to you that Trump is the only viable candidate.  Then, nobody can.  You must come to this truth on your own.
2020-08-23 02:40:25 UTC
Just do your own research. Don't listen to the fake news media. 
2020-08-23 01:27:08 UTC
Not trying to give into because who would vote for a brain-dead businessman ohhhh. Half the brain dead Americans. 
dave e. lamp
2020-08-22 22:53:18 UTC
Vote to Rejoin the British Empire
2020-08-22 12:16:35 UTC
why in Gods name would I?   He's a complete disgrace. 
2020-08-22 11:04:06 UTC
Because it makes my time I australia a lot more comical, President Trump is a riot.
2020-08-22 06:11:41 UTC
should be a no brainer.  biden and 8 years with obama and look at what he did for the American people.  the intentional (key word) lie / fraud aka obamacare.  double digit increases (for those that actually work for a living), and more important ,made no effort to fix.  no effort to fix prescription costs.  in his many, many years in Washington has no significant accomplishment.  although, he did get his son hunter 2 huge deals.  one in the Ukraine where nobody has any idea what he did and when the firm was under investigation, biden threatened to withhold US dollars if the prosecutor was not replaced.  and of course, the other deal is with China, who biden calls the "good guys", which means china owns biden. 

the trump accomplishments are too long to list but you can look them up.  

best economy in the world, lowest minority unemployment - ever, tax reform, i have more money in my pocket (i am solid middle class), middle class salaries finally going up (they went down under obama/biden.  companies finally expanding in the US for a change, manufacturing jobs coming back (obama/biden told us they were gone forever) and made no effort to bring any back.  trump works for the people 24/7.  all of the trump accomplishments are totally ignored by our crooked press and of course the dems.  

best president - ever.

trump 2020

ex dem here.  
Ralph T
2020-08-22 05:28:52 UTC
If you want the government running your day to day life and making all the decisions you should be making,then by all means vote for the Democrats.

I voted for Trump as the choice of the lesser of 2 evils.

When Hilary first ran against Obama for the DNC nomination,the NRA said they would pick Hilary over Obama.

 If there was a candidate from another political party that I thought was bettter than the Democrats and Republicans,I'd vote for them.
2020-08-22 02:12:09 UTC
Yes. A vote for Trump is a vote to save the white race.
2020-08-21 21:48:18 UTC
Biden is a communist
2020-08-21 11:05:54 UTC
previously you voted for lying about benghazi fast and furious solyndra and the unaffordable care act. illegal intrusions into egypt and lybia. support of the muslim brotherhood al qaeda rebels in syria and ransom payments to iran.  as biden approved of all this certainly you can expect more of the same.  voting against this is probably a new concept for you.  its called ethics.
2020-08-21 06:15:37 UTC
Trump: democracy. Biden: authoritarianism.

The anonymous response is pathetic. In all the countries of the world the strict control of the population with quarantine destroys the economy. And vice versa.

You can't control the virus and help the economy at the same time, that's a fantasy. Saying that is pure demagoguery.

The dilemma was health or economy.
2020-08-21 05:03:52 UTC
'We the people' could convince you but then we would have to 'DEFEAT' you! Please join the 'Allied Forces' to totally 'DEFEAT' the 'Axis Powers' 'Mastermind of EVIL' Trump, all his henchmen & Trump supporters into 'OBLIVION!' Patriotic duty is take back our White House! =<)
2020-08-21 04:54:51 UTC
Trump is democracy, order, law, punishment of criminals, brake on hate groups that want to destroy the USA. Christianity. Capitalism.

Democrats are totalitarianisms, greater access for Mexican drug traffickers, Salvadoran gangs and Islamic terrorists to the country, maximum tolerance for violent fanatics and
2020-08-21 04:34:35 UTC
I'm not American, and I want Trump to continue as president as it's a good game of thrones show for me, and I want to see the US collapse under Trump,

So how do I do it,

If you don't vote for Trump, I'll come to America and steel your job, :-D
2020-08-20 23:59:11 UTC
If you want to save our Democracy and Constitution you will vote for Trump. I don't want the United States to become a socialist third world country.
2020-08-24 12:26:11 UTC
no,in fact it is not possible in any way
2020-08-24 11:17:54 UTC
Trump is the best president in the history of our country. Before the Chinese infecting us with coronavirus we had the best economyOur country has ever seen or ever will see
Jess S
2020-08-24 01:44:44 UTC
you like clean water??? he gutted the clean water act. who needs clean water...
2020-08-23 14:39:07 UTC
Before democrats helped china attack us TRUMP( not obama/biden) had the best economy in over 50 years, given the chance he can bring it back, he also did more for veterans, the disabled and even LGBT world Wide 
2020-08-23 12:43:34 UTC
No one can convince you to choose good over evil. If you choose Christ, you will choose a leader who follows the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and God our Father in Heaven.
2020-08-23 04:35:22 UTC
If you do not mind being assaulted by the Burn, Loot, and Murder mob that Biden lets roam free (after Harris has confiscated your legally owned guns) then vote for Democrats. And do not expect the defunded police to come to your aid.
2020-08-22 21:40:26 UTC
Why would I want to do that?
2020-08-22 14:57:00 UTC
Trump's economic policies are better for the economy. The Democrats are heavy handed and more controlling of Big Business and tend to demonize them, thus not creating a nurturing environment for economic activity. How do they do this? with higher taxes, regulations, and just overall hatred of big business, including hatred of capitalism. We happen to need economic activity to maintain jobs. 
2020-08-22 13:44:26 UTC
This is a easy one. Do a simple search of this current administration's remarkable results that obviously the bought and paid for liberal MSM has been keeping from you. It's a no brainer, this current administration has ROYALLY BLEW OUT  the obvious failed former administration on EVERY venue and more all the way up to this virus situation, which NO administration would or could see coming. Just compare the former administration's accomplishments vs this administration's accomplishments and the time being in office and it clearly points to a common sense approach, the same common sense that went up against this virus. So why would you vote for a person from the obviously failed former administration and put that same ignorance back into the Oval Office? America will make the LAST and most grave mistake by putting Biden in the Oval Office. Period.
2020-08-22 12:56:15 UTC
Wages payed to illegals is so low.  That there tax dollars if they even pay.  Will not support you. Do you want a job here? Or make $850 a year in China to to the same job?  Do you want Taxed to death or see a death to tax? 
2020-08-22 03:42:24 UTC
Vote for Trump and America when shine for awhile until the dems screw up something. I have watched 12 presidents come and go. Regan was great. Trump is great he will straight things out as much as he can. The Dems racist crap has got to go every 4 years we hear this racist  this and that black black black its tricking weak the dems are evil I swear to god. They have to be stopped.
Judy and Charlie
2020-08-21 21:30:41 UTC
I wouldn't even try because it would bother my conscience.
2020-08-21 20:36:25 UTC

Look at the alternative

You're welcome
2020-08-21 15:52:02 UTC
No, because people are all at different stages in what they want the federal government to do next.  I know what I want the federal government to do going forward and you know what you need from the federal government and they may be totally different.  I hate to remind people of this, but we all vote for our own best interests.  The idea that we need to debate or argue over our differing stages in life is asinine.  And sorry to say this, but everyone already knows who they are voting for come November and to think anyone's mind can be changed at this point is ridiculous.
2020-08-21 14:47:50 UTC
The only reason you’d want to vote for him is if you are masochistic or you’re a billionaire...
Jake No Chat
2020-08-21 12:06:11 UTC
maybe you can be convinced and maybe not.  If you have TDS, then you probably cannot be convinced.  The best thing that I can suggest is to find some pertinent facts about where the candidates stand, what their positions are for other issues too, evaluate the likelihood of them being able to change the things that matter most to you, and then vote your conscious.  All you need to do is to convince yourself to find the best info you can to make a fair and informed decision.
2020-08-21 12:05:09 UTC
If you need convincing, Then your unable to see what

the man has performed, Ergo we don't need your vote.
2020-08-21 10:40:41 UTC
You should always vote for the candidate with the better looking spouse - this shows how alpha they are. Melania is much better than Jill or that bow-wow Michelle 
2020-08-20 21:38:21 UTC
DNC can't nominate real black Americans for POTUS ..... especially without jweish ties
2020-08-20 21:26:07 UTC
Do you....YES you hate America and everything it stands for, then vote for Presi-Donut.

Sounds enticing doesn't it.
2020-08-24 16:28:07 UTC
It's up to you to vote for whoever you choose to vote for and don't let others tell you otherwise.
2020-08-24 03:27:28 UTC
I can't even convince you to listen to him!!!!!!!!!
2020-08-23 20:42:23 UTC
why would i bother,mad people think everybody else is mad.
2020-08-23 03:53:44 UTC
I would hope everyone who votes would do the research if they haven't kept up with current events along the way and know already who they should vote in for office.

The incumbent President has a good track record.  He made his money prior to entering office, unlike so many of the politicians who get rich eating out of the public trough while IN office!
2020-08-22 19:27:30 UTC
I wouldn't  even try

There is no bribe big enough or no threat scary enough to ever get me to vote for Trump or any Republican  who ever supported  the traitor
2020-08-22 15:54:52 UTC
     If you don't want to pay higher taxes to pay for other peoples bills like collage tuition/student loans health insurance and other socialist handouts you should vote for Trump.

     Also if your 401k has given you the best returns ever, like mine has, you should vote for President Trump.
2020-08-22 15:38:09 UTC
Trump was elected for a REASON. That reason was because OBUMMER was so BAD. OBUMMER'S former VP. Need we say more?

This is a battle. For FREEDOM vs SOCIALISM. Socialism DOES NOT WORK. Never has and NEVER will. All it ends up doing is getting people DEAD!

125 MILLION people died in the 20th century alone because of MARXISM and all it bastardized versions. NO to SOCIALISM. No to CREEPY SLEEPY JOE.
2020-08-22 15:37:29 UTC
No because you shouldn't vote for him. He's done nothing but play golf and jerk off these past four years.
2020-08-22 06:20:13 UTC
Biden is a career politician that has spent nearly 50 years accomplishing virtually nothing and his only claim to fame is being Obama's shadow, he just wants to further advance his career. Meanwhile it's quite difficult to buy out a multi-billionaire such as Trump.
2020-08-21 20:28:30 UTC
If you dnt vote for Trump the Lord will become angry with you and hurl mighty thunderballs down upon your village.
2020-08-21 19:23:41 UTC
No I can't really .......
2020-08-21 18:06:45 UTC
Do you want ******* and liberals running the country?
2020-08-21 16:35:39 UTC
No.  Why would I want to convince you to vote for the man who's incompetent to end our pandemic?  
2020-08-21 13:51:40 UTC
If you are rooting for the decline and ruination of the United States then vote for Donald Trump.  Your motivation will decide your vote. 

Listen to Trump and read his tweets.  He is an irresponsible, lying, hatemongering idiot.  That should be apparent if you have any sense. 
2020-08-21 07:15:24 UTC
Yes I can given the type of corrupt politicians that are now endorsing joe biden most of them are political caucus that have criminal records even China that want to be greater than #US are routing for biden so VOTE FOR TRUMP 
2020-08-21 07:13:53 UTC
Yes  your not voting for Biden your really voting for Kemela  Harris . Biden is one step away from a nursing home  with his dementia . I really doubt that he can serve more than a year in office 
2020-08-20 21:40:24 UTC
Nope. Just don't. He's a ******* joke and a menace to everything America is and stands for. 

DeJoy & his wife own $30M—$75M of assets of USPS competitors Trump nominated his wife as ambassador to Canada 23 USPS executives have been reassigned or fired 7 USPS regions will become 4 USPS has a hiring freeze DeJoy was picked to destroy the agency he’s supposed to serve.

Betsey Devos is another one. And so on and so on. 

Trump is destroying everything he touches, either because he got his feelings hurt or smart people flattered him enough to slip their agenda into his to-Twitter list. 

Don't vote for him. Why would you? Do you not have a brain? Do you live in another country? 
2020-08-20 21:33:12 UTC
No, I'm not a sexist, suicidal, racist traitor
2020-08-20 21:26:26 UTC
Do you admire conspiracy theories and the Gambino crime family? If yes then Trump is your man
2020-08-20 21:25:57 UTC
Presentation of FACTS, not Biden's so called Truths.

You make your decision on Bias, Propaganda, whatever, Convince yourself, of what you need.
2020-08-23 02:12:43 UTC
Yu are brainwashed so why?
2020-08-22 14:28:34 UTC
Absolutely not. Nor would I ever try. Surely you've learnt your lesson by now.
2020-08-21 16:27:27 UTC
Not needed!

" You Will Vote for Trump "!

I'm sure!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.