Socialism is the right way, are the Scandinavian countries the example of this?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Socialism is the right way, are the Scandinavian countries the example of this?
287 answers:
2017-06-19 02:40:41 UTC
1) There is no such thing as complete "socialism" or a lack thereof. Technically, anything that the government does for the broader good is a form of socialism. So the socialism we talk about is a philosophy, not a form of government. For example, the United States actually operates under many socialist programs and such; it just isn't labeled "socialist" overall relative to how socialist other nations are.

2) Scandanavian-style socialism and its success only indicates that it works in those countries. Bernie Sanders is fond of referencing this success, but he is committing the logical fallacy that what works in one place is sure to work similarly in other places. The United States varies in many, many ways to the referenced Scandinavian nations, including in demographics, size, and economy; any direct application of Scandinavian socialism in the U.S. would probably fail in an ugly, spectacular way.

What works for some won't work for others. What the United States has undeniably gotten right (as right as can be done) is implement multiple branches of governance under a system of checks and balances, which allows the country to be dynamic and flexible. Change can take time, and mistakes can be made, but the people are more protected than under just about any other system. If it would be good for the nation to turn more strongly towards socialism, it would likely happen over time, and if it would not be good, it won't go there.
2017-06-23 06:04:37 UTC
2017-06-17 23:13:52 UTC
The "right way" for whom? Look at the population and land mass of Scandinavia. Now look at the population and land mass of the United States. Do you really believe the same type of government will work in both places?
2017-06-18 20:42:56 UTC
Complete socialism? Nope. Communism? Nope. Both don't work very well at all.

Democratic socialism mixed with capitalism? Yes I can see that working in the United States very well.
2017-06-18 05:29:58 UTC
We HAVE limited socialism in USA. We have socialized water purification & delivery service, we have free libraries, National Parks, Monuments & Statues... we "own" them all, along with public education, public lighting in streets and highways, we have bridges, road repair crews... all socialized for OUR benefit... we also have FDA, firefighters & police... all socialized, we pay & they work exclusively for US. I bet you didn't know there's also more...
2017-06-20 13:21:35 UTC
Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery.

Winston Churchill
Gerry G
2017-06-18 14:18:51 UTC
Socialism has never worked successfully for any country, and never will.
Em D
2017-06-20 00:47:31 UTC
Socialism is not comparable with our way of life...those who think so need to move to a socialist country, you won't be happy.
2017-06-19 15:57:00 UTC
actually this system has been tried and found in effective in the US already, it didn't work then and it won't work now or in the future, those that think so are very delusional
Mihhh Kadosh
2017-06-17 22:53:31 UTC
Fool, these countries are not socialist ...

The Nordic countries have many private companies and their population has a high level of education, the workforce in the third world, however, is cheap, without supervision, without bureaucracy. Many factories in the Scandinavian countries, Scania, Volvo and Ericsson (Swedish companies) end up going in these third world countries, taking advantage of cheap labor.

The Scandinavians threw their factories with their low wages and high level of profit for the underdeveloped peripheral countries. They are just getting the huge profits that go to the headquarters of these companies, and the Nordic governments charge taxes on wealth through the tax system, soon to distribute the population.

In the end, this is just capitalism, it is the first world to take advantage of the poverty and cheap labor of the third. All the wealth generated in these third world countries goes to the first world. And that is exactly what capitalism supports ...

Socialism intends to break this system, where only the first world benefits. It is very easy to say that the Nordic countries are socialist, when in fact the wealth comes from poor countries
2017-06-22 06:29:09 UTC
Sean K
2017-06-20 00:51:14 UTC
I've been to Scandinavian countries. It's awesome! They have moderation in everything. Common sense goes a long way.
2017-06-18 22:38:37 UTC
Yes, Scandinavian countries are prime examples of how well socialism works in a democratic nation. The United States is a good example of the failures of unrestrained capitalism. We in the U.S. have massive numbers of people poor or homeless, unlike northern Europe.
2017-06-17 22:54:20 UTC
2017-06-24 22:48:11 UTC
No. Definitely not! There is no other form of government in the world than the Constitution of the USA. Freedom is precious and cherished. Socialism is living by another person's rules on everything. Americans still are free to speak as they wish and attend the church that they wish. To lose this freedom to me is when it is time to fight again. I prefer not to lose any freedoms that I have. I have a famous forefather who said, "Give me liberty or give me death." Much blood has been shed for the freedoms I possess.
Paul H
2017-06-24 18:42:14 UTC
Socialism is most assuredly the wrong way. As for the Scandinavian nations, they hve small or non-exisitant militaries, that if attacked would collapse almost instantly unless NATO (read USA with a couple of other uniforms thrown in for optics) saves them. Heck Sweden is currently having a big problem with Muslims (yes MUSLIMS) and the men raping their women. Yeah Socialism! And until very recently, the Scandinavian countrird were much more homogeneous than a place like the USA, and if the population of a nation is all of the same ancestry, they likely share the same moralities and ideals and that makes it easier to build a socialist nation.

I will agree with the poster that says the USA has some tennants of Socialism such as welfare, healthcare, end other redistribution of wealth to individuals type of progrems. Writer Kalico uses some incorrect examples of Socialism, or is trying to make the case ALL nations of the Earth are Socialist....Most of what he mentions are NOT national plans, such as streetlights, water and sewer, highways, bridges, etc. THere are not federal (mostly) AND they are nto geared to the individual, but to ALL citizens (Other than Toll Roads, 99% of US Highways are for all to use). If a service is either controlled or performed by the government, but NOT granted to an idividual citizen, is that really Socialism? I say NO, that's a Constitutional Republic, which is what the USA is.

Socialism is goverment taking from one individual to another individual.....HMMM Communism perhaps?
Not Applicable
2017-06-24 17:59:20 UTC
They are examples of social democracy which has value. I suspect we will come up with something which goes beyond traditional socialism (or its social democracy variations) or traditional capitalism. One thing limiting the development of social democracy in the US is the weak labor union movement. Unions now represent only about 11% of the USA workforce versus around 80% in many Scandinavian countries. Within the institutional support to make it happen (like organized labor), it is hard to sustain a movement to make democratic socialism occur.
2017-06-24 15:59:39 UTC
Socialism cannot work in a multiracial nation.

Scandinavia was a white nation so socialism worked there.
2017-06-24 15:16:41 UTC
2017-06-24 14:28:03 UTC
They have capitalism mixed in, there is really no 100% Socialism, supply and demand always come into effect.
John de Witt
2017-06-24 11:10:09 UTC
Sweden did a wonderful job of it until they noticed they were going broke. They walked back from their socialist policies and began to have economic growth. Recently the Danish PM emphasized that they are distinctly not socialist, in response to the Bernie claims.

If we've learned anything, we know socialism has inherent fatal flaws, and the 20th century was proof that it has to fail, often with a massive fatality rate.
2017-06-24 10:01:17 UTC
no way!

Socialism - a way of organizing a society in which major industries are owned and controlled by the government rather
Par 4
2017-06-23 10:37:17 UTC
Funny how Liberals never want to bring up Venezula...Nazi Germany was also socialist, I should remind you.

But Nazi Germany didnt happen in your lifetime so I guess it didnt happen at all...typical uninformed Liberal
M Johnson
2017-06-23 00:14:28 UTC
Socialism is an agreement among the populace as to which services are better provided by the "commonwealth" via taxes versus private wealth enterprises. Avoiding privatized monopolies in water and sewer provisions, garbage removal, healthcare, etc. are common ones. It is NOT A FORM OF GOVERNMENT, NOR AN ECONOMIC SYSTEM. In the US infancy, it might be construed socialism where corporations needed a social benefit to get a charter. Now they are people, HAHAHHA. Backward we go,
2017-06-22 17:20:38 UTC
2017-06-22 16:49:09 UTC
The suicide rate is highest in those countries meaning that "the people are depressed" don't kill yourself when you are suicide for me.
2017-06-22 08:00:51 UTC

There are many small countries that do well and not because of Socialism. FFS, a small country is obviously easier to manage in the first fvcking place. Look at all the places where socialism (and its cousin, communism) fvcked up:-






to name but a few.
henesy williams
2017-06-22 07:57:25 UTC
2017-06-21 15:49:10 UTC
Just too many "isms" floating about. All have some good points but mostly bad. I wonder if ever humans will knock some sense into their collective heads and come up with a social order called "Sensibilsm"
2017-06-18 16:01:24 UTC
There are more failure socialist experiments than success stories
2017-06-18 09:06:42 UTC friend. Is beautiful in the paper only.

Socialism is beautiful copy of democracy,

But the reality is .....

Socialism is a fake copy of democracy, behind that is a tyranny supported with an foreign army. That turns the citizens into slaves by Hungry and fear. ( see, Venezuela today)

Venezuela, the socialism of 21 century.

Socialism is not failing, it is design to make slaves . Venezuela is the riches soil on earth, Richest than Qatar or Dubai , Venezuela has been occupied by an international socialist army , turning the Venezuelans into poor slaves.

designers , owners and promoters of socialism ? The Scandinavian Countries.(monarchy )

Socialism is terrorism of state.

( Totalitarian dictatorship ) administrated with absolute control by a foreign international army .

In Venezuelan case ,none of the

" government's leaders "

are born in Venezuela.

How socialism took over,? ...chatter school's training camps.( government money )
Tom and Anna Marie
2017-06-24 21:51:47 UTC
The Scaniavian counties are tiny and they have the same demographics. There are counties in the USA that are much larger. The USA with so much diversity in life style and landscape and size does a remarkable job of providing opportunities for those who wish to have a challenging and rewarding life. The USA has hundreds of groups that advocate for the less fortunate. Why are Grease and France not also mentioned in the question regarding socialism?. The Scandinavian socialism model

is not working where immigration has been heavy.
2017-06-24 20:55:06 UTC
idk I'm 14
2017-06-24 17:58:54 UTC
Yes right.
2017-06-24 10:18:14 UTC
2017-06-24 05:42:02 UTC
2017-06-24 03:45:34 UTC
2017-06-24 01:33:10 UTC
2017-06-24 00:06:22 UTC
If you are a pussy that needs to be taken care of. I am a MAN and can take care of myself and my family. You liberals would rather live on your knees then die on your feet.
2017-06-23 03:04:18 UTC
Uh hmmm...
2017-06-22 06:09:05 UTC
Socialism is not the answer. I don't know if the Scandinavian countries are an example of this. Examples of Socialist countries today are Cuba, Vietnam, Laos and North Korea.

During the 80's, the U.S.S.R. was the birth place and greatest example of a socialist nation. Soviet Russia began to realize that it doesn't work out. This took place during the President Reagan's Presidency. The leader of Russia (I forgot his name) went outside his kingdom, and saw that his nation was a crap hole. In a socialist work environment, workers (no matter how hard they work), get paid the same. There's no motivation if everyone is getting paid the same amount of cash. Some employees don't show up to work at all because what's the point? In the year 1991, the U.S.S.R. became Russia. Another reason why Socialism doesn't work is because people don't realize that out of all the different types of government, Socialism is the greediest one. This is because the leader of the nation (most likely socialist nations that are Communist), are the only ones who are living a rich lifestyle. Everyone else is making the same amount of cash doing their jobs. It doesn't matter how hard you work, you'll still get paid the same. A lot of people think that Capitalism is the greediest. Capitalism has nothing to do with greed. The definition of Capitalism is the ability to find work in an environment that has economic freedom.
2017-06-21 16:03:16 UTC
If the US went for Scandinavian style socialism it would collapse in less than 13 years bringing the rest of the world with it
2017-06-20 22:19:05 UTC
Its "Enforced equality"--Those of us who are more productive and me gifted than others cannot realize our true potential---the purest form of oppression of the people a country needs the most. It only appeals to losers who are looking for a ride on the backs of others and Scoundrels who want to be the leaders and micromanage lives of others.
Biased Liberal Media Is Not News
2017-06-20 17:54:40 UTC
Scandinavian socialism is a failure!
2017-06-19 23:53:12 UTC
Venezuela went to socialism in 2006. The average citizen has lost 20 lbs in the last year because the country went broke and there is no food. The Soviet Union failed in 1986 after being formed from post WWII in 1945. "The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other peoples money." Margeret Thstcher
2017-06-19 14:03:25 UTC
Absolute socialism fails. It doesn't work due to lack of incentive and the fact that it is so easy to become totalitarian.

Of course absolute capitalism ALSO fails. It doesn't work because it eventually leaves a micropercentile of the population with all the wealth and everybody else destitute - and they eventually revolt.

Absolutes DO NOT WORK.
2017-06-18 21:30:56 UTC
2017-06-18 15:55:17 UTC
No. Read a history book. Socialism kills more than any other ideal in history. Capitalism isn't perfect but n societal construct is. Don't just use Hitlers NAZI (national socialist party) as evidence but Stalins Russia and Mao's China as well as current socialist regimes. Actually watch videos of people who have lived in these countries and look at the mess Sweden's in right now. And they're nowhere near even fully socialist, Scandinavian countries are still largely capitalist. Socialism is the WORST ideology ever thought up. Wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.
2017-06-18 12:55:08 UTC
That depends on your definition of "right way".

It's true, Scandinavian countries always rank among the highest when "happiness" is the sampling ...

... but some people (like authoritarian righties in America) ... need things to complain about as they like to contrast their self perceived superiority against groups of people they consider inferior, to blame. This constant level of discontent strongly contributes to why America doesn't rank among the happiest.

Incidentally, no country has a complete socialistic society which would indicate every worker made the same pay. Even the "socialistic heavy" countries have capitalism in their economies.
2017-06-18 12:14:05 UTC
much depend son you version of socialism. many communists for example cannot get office in UK unless they fly under false colours and calm to be 'socialists'.

communism on paper can be argued as decent and fair. reality is that there is no recognised fully open.fair and equitable system in action anywhere on planet.

you can look at any socialist country an find fault.corruption and self centred self rewarding individuals taking part. human nature in effect .greed . peer groups etc all abound.

any system that advocates violence and lack of freedom is not to be trusted as loss of real freedom and humanity occurs in that direction.
2017-06-18 02:18:03 UTC
You remind me of someone standing in front of 125 inch fan. Blowing

air at 100 mph. Socialism is the failed art of any lost government.
2017-06-24 21:55:36 UTC
Clinton and Obama are loved there.
The Watcher
2017-06-24 19:54:53 UTC
2017-06-24 00:39:09 UTC
Inject multiculturalisim and check agin.
2017-06-23 23:54:43 UTC
They also have a 60% real tax rate, and they're not socialist, they're capitalist with social programs that are funded with it. Their traitor politicians have also filled their country with low IQ third worlders, which coupled with their massive welfare state is their doom. Also no military, they rely on the USA for that.
2017-06-23 20:34:19 UTC
Big No !!!!!
2017-06-22 22:51:34 UTC
Every country is a mix of socialist-collective and individualist-capitalist ... life is a mix of doing things for other people and having them do things for you either voluntarily or for compensation.

It is not that a system is one or the other ... the Scandinavian systems participate in capitalism too, the real problem is that when capitalism goes too far and the money system is all that matters and the strong can take over the government and do whatever they want.

So far I've never heard of too much socialims-collectivism ... it just doesn't exist. The problems are always the rich and powerful playing their own games and using the people and the world as their gameboard.

The right way is to have the rule of law that limits the power of the powerful ... despite what the powerful fascists say there is no real need yet to limit the power of the powerless ... but if there ever was that would be an issue too perhaps someday.
2017-06-22 19:26:23 UTC
Only with little people you retard, nordic countries have 5 million people each
2017-06-22 11:23:50 UTC
The Myth of Scandinavian Socialism
2017-06-22 09:12:10 UTC
I'm 20, in college and living in the US and for some reason people just think am dumb whenever I say socialism is the right way... It is the only ******* way.
2017-06-21 07:00:33 UTC
There are no scandinavian socialist countries. If you think I'm wrong I guarantee you don't understand what socialism is. In fact, some of those countries are farther from socialism than the US.
2017-06-20 20:32:04 UTC
why not
Slade Cutter Whips Quiet Riot
2017-06-19 22:21:24 UTC
I only believe in the past regarding Scandanavian countries therefore only Vikings will do.
2017-06-19 17:33:51 UTC
2017-06-19 16:44:54 UTC
Perhaps you should move to where the political system suits you best. There are plenty of countries that are socialist, not so many like America. Let America be America and go elsewhere if you prefer.
2017-06-19 12:37:38 UTC
What works in some countries does not work in others. It would NOT work in the US and barely works in the UK due to land mass and population.
2017-06-18 18:13:42 UTC
Socialism is better than crony capitalism. Governments of all kinds have a natural tendency to gradually become more and more corrupt. Capitalism always evolves towards crony capitalism and worse. Socialism, done right, has a chance to become stable, and prevent ever-growing corruption. But it's usually not done right. When done very wrong, it evolves towards communist dictatorships, which are even worse than crony capitalism.
2017-06-18 05:19:38 UTC
Muslims are the best.
2017-06-17 23:44:31 UTC
Socialism and communism are poison and have never done well for the people they enslave .
2017-06-17 23:09:06 UTC
The grass always seems greener on the other side of the fence. It wasn't Socialism that save the world so many times during the 20th Century!

Go look at their debt on the Debt Clock, almost all are heavily in debt. Though most have reduced their debt when they eased Socialistic practices over 10 years ago.

Netherlands.......Population 16,852,684 GDP $771 Billion and $490 Billion National Debt

Norway..............Population 5.207,778 GDP $376 Billion and $139 Billion National Debt

Sweden..............Population 9,870,301 GDP $518 Billion and $228 Billion National Debt

California.............Population 38,000,000 GDP $2.3 Trillion and $460 Billion Debt.

Homogeneous Countries with very little resources compared to California and combined don't have the GDP of that State, and California has problems paying its bills as the IRS must bill all California Employers for California's share of Unemployment Benefits not paid by California.
2017-06-17 22:54:36 UTC
Its a failure
2017-06-24 14:40:03 UTC
2017-06-24 12:57:26 UTC
2017-06-24 02:10:17 UTC
2017-06-23 14:59:32 UTC
2017-06-23 09:57:55 UTC
I live in sweden and it's amazing here! Free healthcare, paid maternity and paternity leave, free education and university etc. Other swedes tend to complain, but they really don't realise how good they already have it.
2017-06-23 09:34:37 UTC
2017-06-23 07:53:26 UTC
2017-06-22 13:54:44 UTC
Scandinavia is not socialistic, wel kind of but more like social democracy.
2017-06-21 11:59:44 UTC
2017-06-21 11:17:33 UTC
Regit Nairebis
2017-06-20 20:11:44 UTC
The US is a vastly different country from the Scandinavian countries. The systems that are doing well there may not work in our nation. The US has a far larger, more diverse population, and has major differences in government than those states.
2017-06-20 20:01:27 UTC
No Scandinavian country is fully Socialist. They would be nice regardless of political system because of the advanced and civilized Scandinavian people who live there. Although this many change because of mass immigration.
2017-06-20 18:14:35 UTC
It's only a small point but, Hitler was a socialist.
2017-06-20 13:24:21 UTC
Heres the answers I see here:

1) Dummies who think public service is socialism

2) Dummies who think those Scandinavian countries are actu ally socialist states

3) Dummies who don't even know what socialism is

"The goals of socialism is communism ." Vladimir Lenin
2017-06-20 00:30:02 UTC
Socialism is mentioned in the Bible 2 Corinthians 8:14 "but that by means of an equalizing, your surplus at the present time might offset their need, so that their surplus might also offset your deficiency, that there may be an equalizing. 15 Just as it is written: “The person with much did not have too much, and the person with little does not have too little."
2017-06-19 19:52:24 UTC
2017-06-18 09:12:52 UTC
X is correct, is Y an example of X?

I would have to question whether X was correct. In previous generations, we used to be asked questions rather than being fed opinions as truths. I might even be tempted to question the equation to whom X had previously proved the solution. My limited knowledge of the history of the Russian and Chinese nations under Communist rule for such a long time, and how they fared under such conditions would be more than enough to make me agree with Capitalism. And the idea that nobody has yet produced a properly Communist nation to see Communism succeed as it ought would always be replaced in my mind with the notion that the failure of Communism amongst two such highly-intelligent nations says more about Communism itself than the people who tried it. Y would not bother me that much, since I was not looking for proof of X anyhow. I know you'll say Communism is different from Socialism, but as far as I'm concerned whatever the difference between them might be, they're both headed in the same wrong direction, and can make the journey without me sat in the back seat taking notes.
Mir Quasem
2017-06-18 06:29:18 UTC
This is not a fact that Scandinavians are in socialism.Actually many countries are in the process of mixed economy.
2017-06-18 00:15:48 UTC
They aren't socialist; they have a much stronger private sector in some respects (even the post offices are private) and lower corporate income tax rates.

Cuba is socialist, as is North Korea.
2017-06-17 23:35:40 UTC
Yes. Socialism has only been tried in Scandinavia and a few other nations such as Canada, all other nations only claim to be socialist when in reality they aren't.
The Acme
2017-06-24 23:49:21 UTC
US has more illegals than they have in their entire country, comparing US to European countries ridiculous. Not to mention US bankrolls Europe's defense at a great expense , maybe if we didn't we could pay for more free ship here.
2017-06-24 20:17:36 UTC
No ... look at the effects of socialism in history and how it slowly makes a contry fall apart.
2017-06-24 18:24:08 UTC
NO .....
2017-06-24 17:00:59 UTC
2017-06-24 00:20:18 UTC
2017-06-23 14:52:31 UTC
2017-06-23 09:56:58 UTC
capitalism unless you want to be poor
2017-06-23 05:48:08 UTC
Ya ive always had a hunger to live in death camps... ive long dreamed of waking up unarmed to a foreign invasion by more dominant world powers.

Idk about you but going to jail for having the wrong haircut or laughing at poloticians sounds like a blast to me.

I cant wait to try it out
2017-06-22 18:11:46 UTC
Do you mean, "assuming" that it's the right way...
Dark Jonathan
2017-06-21 21:03:23 UTC
They aren't Socialist, they just have mixed economies same with Canada.
2017-06-21 18:38:48 UTC
k w
2017-06-21 10:32:31 UTC
a real Republic is most God like, the rest are frauds. They are frauds as well.
2017-06-21 07:23:59 UTC
The Scandinavian countries, especially Norway, benefit from a large store of natural resources and relatively small populations. The standards of living reported in those countries have as much to do with rich mineral resources and available geothermal and hydro-power as socialist ideals or good governance.
2017-06-21 04:57:01 UTC
How are Cuba and Venezuela doing.
2017-06-21 02:30:48 UTC
it may be right for a small community of 2 mil but for a nation consisting of 50 unique states and personalities: NO
2017-06-20 11:31:38 UTC
Yes. It is legal for Muslim men to rape white women in Sweden.
2017-06-19 21:51:04 UTC
Socialism as Europe knows it came in with the Brent fields. Followed by high priced oil. America was a oil importer not seller. Today there is a trade surplus of a few million a month to the U.S. on oil sales. With over cheap oil. Europe is taking a beating. Socialism as they know it goes with oil. Those field are today old fields. In many of them. Enjoy while there is still money being made of those fields.
2017-06-18 16:46:46 UTC
I'd say “The failure of socialism in countries around the world can be traced to one critical defect: it is a system that ignores incentives.” - Perry

And the list:

Cuba, Republic of

Iraqi Republic (Ba'athist)

Socialist Republic of the Union of Burma

Republic of India

People's Republic of Bangladesh

Polish People's Republic

Democratic People's Republic of Korea

Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya

Democratic Republic of the Sudan

Democratic Republic of Madagascar

Syrian Arab Republic

Arab Republic of Egypt

German Democratic Republic


You get the picture.
2017-06-18 11:12:13 UTC
2017-06-18 02:22:58 UTC

Those "countries" sponge off of NATO without paying the percentage to NATO that they promised to.


@Shawn Robin LOL! Like Shawn Robin is your REAL name! That's mighty brave of you, using a pseudonym to lie and troll on the World Wide Web like that! Anonymous is NO different from a fake name and you know it. THAT'S why YOU use a FAKE name - Take YOUR lies and pseudonymous cowardice and shove them.

The USA pays the bills for NATO along with England - Germany helps a little - Canada does nothing - Canada lived in the shadow of England for most of its existence - then it conveniently found refuge by being the USA's poor relative. NATO belongs to those who pay its bill - i.e. NOT Canada. The minute America stops paying the bill, NATO ceases to exist - there's nothing Canada can do about it. Canada couldn't afford even half of their social programs if they weren't hiding behind the USA - Canada sponges off the USA and uses the fact that it's protected by the American military to pretend it's an important "country".
2017-06-24 19:54:40 UTC
2017-06-24 18:24:59 UTC
We could conquer them in a heart beat. Capitalism baby.
Fields of Dreams
2017-06-24 16:26:23 UTC
eat shorts
2017-06-24 08:57:58 UTC
They are capitalistic countries. Socialist countries are: USSR, North Korea, Cuba etc...
2017-06-24 08:43:13 UTC
you sure they are not the highest taxed in the world and still going broke? better find this out before you post here
2017-06-23 20:31:56 UTC
If you like socialisme that much go to north korea
2017-06-23 18:38:13 UTC
find background
2017-06-23 17:37:50 UTC
2017-06-23 08:46:57 UTC
2017-06-22 14:39:49 UTC
I live in Denmark and we are capitalist and market economy, even our prime minister said it. We're constantly having savings and our economy in both sectors aren't the best lately. We are definitely not a good example of socialism.
2017-06-22 09:34:48 UTC
It might work with strong border security and nationalism. Otherwise, it's doomed to failure. Just look at Sweden. It barely has any refugees and socialism is starting to fail because of it.
2017-06-21 19:49:41 UTC
2017-06-21 10:24:46 UTC
Maybe it is there sweetie, but we are a constitutional republic here, and socialism does not play well with capitalism.
2017-06-20 11:38:59 UTC
Yeah, they have such "freedoms" over in Sweden

So much freedom that feminists keep trying to ban men from peeing while standing up, and other bullshit
2017-06-20 01:27:31 UTC
Agreed,system in europe far better than american greedy capitalism
Enter Name
2017-06-19 22:39:09 UTC
Easy fix: Move to one of the Scandinavian countries so you can live in socialism. Have a nice flight.
2017-06-19 10:32:00 UTC
2017-06-19 01:15:29 UTC
No.Socialism is satanic
O s c a r
2017-06-18 22:56:21 UTC
Yes, only that un those countries, there is no socialism. Or tell me, how monarchies can be socialism?
2017-06-18 18:24:48 UTC
Socialism will ruin our county
2017-06-24 20:48:42 UTC
any "ism" is viable if it is supported by the majority people under its sway.
2017-06-24 18:30:34 UTC
2017-06-24 17:11:25 UTC
2017-06-24 15:12:59 UTC
White people getting everything they need is not particular to socialism
2017-06-24 14:51:45 UTC
More or less yes. In the U.S. The Rich are too greedy to ever accept a plan with universal healthcare and free tuition. Americans live shorter livers by several years than do Scandinavians.
2017-06-24 13:24:36 UTC
Why they are called "socialist" is beyond me - Scandinavian countries (ALL Nordic countries, actually, plus the Netherlands, Germany, etc.) are the best in the world in any respect, but they are primarily capitalist - they just make capitalism work for ALL citizens, not just a super-lucky, super-rich elite.
2017-06-24 03:39:36 UTC
Socialism . Would you like me as your leader being in control of what you eat , what you drive , the temperature in your room , and in control of anything else I think to be important ?
2017-06-24 02:51:43 UTC
2017-06-24 01:14:36 UTC
2017-06-23 18:07:58 UTC
The Norwegians have a small population, and all kinds of oil resources in the North sea. They can afford to be generous at home.
2017-06-22 21:12:23 UTC
2017-06-22 20:43:35 UTC
What most people think of when they speak of Socialism, at least as far in the US are concerned is not what many of these countries actually have in place. The basis behind them is the provision of a social safety net that provides basic services to the citizens of the country in a number of fields such as medical, education, and social services to support the population. That is why, for example, that medical costs are often less expensive than in the US and medical services available on a need basis to all legal residents of the country. Although none of them is perfect the countries citizen's are generally happier and healthier than in a "for profit" situation such as currently exists in the US.
2017-06-21 23:14:53 UTC
I think there should be limited governmental involvement in everyday life, including the national market, so no, I don't think socialism is the right way at all.

Case in point, modern-day Venezuela.
2017-06-21 18:56:54 UTC
The Scandinavian countries are capitalist, not Socialist. They have class ownership of the means of production, wages system, production for profit, oppressive state. Socialism has none of these.
2017-06-20 12:34:08 UTC
Here in Sweden we can choose whatever politicial ideologi we have. Its socialism, liberalism and conservatism. The socialist parties works togheter for a socialist country while the liberals and conservatist unite together for a independent society free from the state controlling us humans too much. The conservatists are liberals in Sweden because they choose independent controll of the themselves and their own jobs and lifes rather than working together with all humans when you can work your way and get your own money.
joseph b
2017-06-19 13:13:15 UTC
No, they are not. Socialism is the opposite of what thos country was founded on, it places the rights of a society over the rights of the individual. In some of those countries, if you get a traffic ticket, you can pay more of a fine than the guy next door for the same violation, simply because you earn more. Taxes are through the roof and while life may look great over there, it would not work in our country, we have too many people
2017-06-19 01:32:28 UTC
Their actually not socialist.
2017-06-18 17:36:16 UTC

Scandinavia is not Socialist.

Venezuela is Socialist.
Minister of Truth
2017-06-18 11:17:11 UTC

Socialism! the only ism that WORKS! ---

Peter MacLeish
2017-06-18 04:15:08 UTC
Socialism has killed 20 million.
2017-06-24 18:07:40 UTC
Those countries are dying lol
2017-06-24 11:31:26 UTC
Yes, of course it's a great example, only an ignorant person would say no. But some people obviously can't tell the difference between socialism & utopian communism on one side, and totalitarian dictatorship like e.g Stalinism and Khmer Rouge on the other side.
2017-06-23 18:44:42 UTC
2017-06-23 14:04:15 UTC
2017-06-23 05:59:16 UTC
No. There is no room for growth this no competition. No wonder why Swedish stuff break all the time
2017-06-23 00:33:13 UTC
2017-06-22 15:08:29 UTC
Take a look at the country of Venezuela if you want an example of how bad things can get under socialism. That is a current example, but the Societ Union had the same issues and went back to capitalism, more or less.
2017-06-22 05:03:05 UTC
They are not socialist. The "Nordic model" is based on a hybrid system incorporating social democracy, free-market capitalism, and cooperativism.

True socialists are revolutionary. We seek the overthrow of capitalism and the bourgeois state apparatus, and the institution of a people's transitional state headed by a class-conscious vanguard.
2017-06-21 04:49:08 UTC
I don't think socialism worked anywhere. I remember hearing that the Russians had a saying under Communism. They pretend to pay us and we pretend to work.
Katie J.
2017-06-21 02:08:29 UTC
No, because they aren't socialist. They operate under free market economies. Just ask the Prime Minister of Denmark.
2017-06-20 21:26:11 UTC
Sure, if you don't mind paying a 70% tax rate (no returns). Free school lunch? Sure. But the parents pay in tax. Free transportation? Yep, they've got free buses. But, you pay a tax for that, too. Everything is free in Scandinavia, after tax.
Andy F
2017-06-20 20:51:32 UTC
I think the Scandinavian countries are a sign that a socialist society COULD be far better than what we have now

None of the Scandinavian economies is fully "socialist," because they still have a lot of private enterprise and/or cooperative enterprise; none of them is a centrally planned economy like the old Soviet Union. But they demonstrate that some great social and economic progress is possible when "private free market" capitalism isn't the system by which entire societies run themselves.

To answer your assumption in this question, I'm a socialist, and I HOPE that socialism is the "right way," because for many different reasons, the kind of capitalism we have now is the WRONG way.

We need some alternative to American capitalism, of some kind. Because any fool can see that it's a system that can't exist without wrecking the natural environment, and that regularly produces recessions, bank panics, unemployment, poverty and wars for oil & foreign market opportunities.

As a socialist, however, I think leftists like me need to do some hard thinking about what "socialism" will look like. We need to look at what went wrong with "socialist" revolutions in the old Soviet Union, Cambodia aka Kampuchea, North Korea, and to a lesser extent some other socialist societies, including most of the Eastern European socialist countries before 1990.

"Socialism" as a word is nothing more than a word. It has been used to justify (and demonize) many different kinds of economic and political arrangements. Here in the United States, socialists need to understand differences among these different arrangements, and places where they failed as well as places where they succeeded. And we need to draw up an "American" road to socialism that will keep the good stuff and reject the bad.

It's only common sense to do this. Even in the capitalist auto industry and the capitalist computer and software industries, new thinkers and entrepreneurs are constantly looking at older product lines and older ways of doing business and finding inefficiencies and problems with them. This doesn't lead most of the capitalists to reject the whole idea of manufacturing things; it leads them to create new product designs and new business models.

By constantly rejecting what it has already done, capitalism in this way pursues "progress."

I think socialists, the smart and honest ones, need to do something similar. We shouldn't reject "socialism" because of the USSR's problems, or North Korea's problems, or the violence and chaos of Mao's "Proletarian Cultural Revolution," any more than the American auto industry gave up making cars due to the market failure of the Edsel, back in the 1950s.

But we shouldn't just copy the imperfect designs of the past, either, any more than the global auto industry has decided to manufacture Edsels and nothing else. Smart and honest socialists need to examine our old designs for "revolution," see where they need improving, and come up with better models.

-- democratic socialist for common sense and the study of economic & political history
2017-06-20 18:24:12 UTC
Socialism MIGHT be ok for smaller countries, but I doubt it could ever work for super-scale nations such as the US.
2017-06-20 09:01:13 UTC
idk whats going on tbh
2017-06-19 08:20:31 UTC
All I know about scandenavia is VIKINGSSS
2017-06-18 21:20:48 UTC
Yes, but I am afraid it is too late for the US. We have enshrined the 1% as veritable gods, and too many foolish voters continue to elect Republican politicians who do not have their best interests at heart. In many ways, "the Greatest Generation" has also been the most foolish; it may take the dying out of the Baby Boomers and their progenitors for more liberal, socialist policies to be enacted.
2017-06-18 08:49:57 UTC
Socialism and communism are poison
2017-06-18 01:09:03 UTC
It may work for them but I am not sure about us.
2017-06-17 23:10:21 UTC
Socialism is the WRONG way, and Venezuela proves it! The only reason the Scandinavian Countries are spared is because of the cold weather, but, soon, ALL of Europe will feel the pain of what it is to be unarmed.
Gary the Sneagle
2017-06-17 22:53:32 UTC
No, socialism is the left way.
2017-06-24 22:05:21 UTC
2017-06-24 20:53:51 UTC
Of course. Socialism is always the right way to go.
2017-06-24 11:53:06 UTC
I am on mix way by elections
waynederek s
2017-06-23 20:12:59 UTC
scandanavian countries feature pornography.true socialists consider that to be degrading towards women.original socialism was close to the church,and worked with the church to eradicate poverty and general social abuses.
2017-06-23 13:27:13 UTC
It is morally right in many ways, but I personally don't think it works.
Queen of Castle
2017-06-23 08:18:43 UTC
Scandinavian countries are possibly the best examples of how well socialism can work in a democratic country without almost all the money going to the rich few, so everyone has a fairer chance.

Unfortunately in capitalist countries there are no restrictions for the rich to get richer and an increasing amount of average people getting poorer to the point where they can't even buy food to survive.
2017-06-22 05:29:38 UTC
The Scandinavians live by what is called 'The Nordic Model' a system of government which is based upon the Teachings of Jesus Christ.

The Nordic model (also called Nordic capitalism or Nordic social democracy) refers to the economic and social policies common to the Nordic countries (Denmark, Finland, Norway, Iceland, and Sweden).

However, the success of the Nordic countries has more to do with their Nordic Capitalism than anything which Bernie Sanders wants to inject into American politics on the left. This link will help explain.

Surprisingly it was not the Nordic countries which started 'social welfare' it was the Germans. But that's a history largely obscured by the rise of Nazism and so forth. But even the Nazis has a social welfare state system. They are not called 'National Socialists' for nothing.

"Now for something completely different", as Monty Python would say. . . .you just knew that Hitler had escaped to Argentina - here's some of the evidence for that.
2017-06-22 01:00:02 UTC
Oilmoney helps
2017-06-21 19:35:35 UTC
No. Not used like that.
2017-06-20 18:29:54 UTC
No. The Socialists are like the Grinch who stole Christmas. Claiming that they are taking everything

including your Christmas Tree, so they can redistribute it to the poor. Really, they just want control,

and 10 for me, 1 for you, when it comes to handing the money out to the poor.

The Scandinavians are highly social peace loving people, that's why their society

is working well for them. You're just like Cindy Lou, the tiniest who.
Full Metal Jackson
2017-06-20 16:04:59 UTC
In terms of "primary means of production controlled by the state", this idea has been thoroughly embarrassed throughout history, unless you like standing in line 6 hours to get beets. The Scandinavian countries don't even practice it, they just have more expansive wealth distribution programs (the leader of Denmark even said so). You must also remember, though, that the United States has been subsidizing these places by effectively paying for their military. It's kind of like saying the shire is a superior society to Gondor... Plus these are tiny countries. Compared Norway to Vermont for a more accurate comparison, and maybe even explore the uncomfortable realities about racial and cultural demographics in these places (hint: Scandinavia is extremely uniform in their culture and race).

Lastly, if you are someone who values freedom above all else, the most free country by far is the USA. No laws against 'hate speech', you can buy guns, etc.
2017-06-20 09:39:46 UTC
EVERY SINGLE PERSON who supports socialism is a complete moron. It shows that humans will never learn from their past mistakes.
I want MOAR
2017-06-19 22:27:06 UTC
Um, no. Socialism doesn't work. Some countries like Denmark and Sweden have been able to pull it off with some success, but that doesn't mean it wasn't a stupid risk. They've been able to sustain it because they generated large amounts of wealth in the 80s and 90s and have small populations, but since then that growth has slowed down. I don't know why people want to expand the state, most people don't need aid to pull themselves out of poverty they just need to get a job. We have it pretty good in the UK, people have opportunities for work and education, but apparently, people still aren't happy, need more government, more spending, huge numbers of people came out to vote for our socialist party. Admittedly a lot of people vote conservative for the wrong reasons, but I don't think anyone with a brain would vote Labour.
md oli
2017-06-19 19:02:04 UTC
2017-06-18 04:46:57 UTC
Do you know how to tell when a socialist goverment fails? They run out of someone else's money to spend.

The problem with socialist agendas is that they start out simple and just try to help people a little. But then folks get on the "If you are helping THEM you need to help ME as well" band wagon. So there goes more money. Then folks who are getting help say "I need more than this because I have special needs." And there goes more money. And eventually you have Greece; Flint, Michigan; Chicago, Illinois; and other places where the socialist agenda bled the workers dry AND IT STILL WASN'T ENOUGH!

As harsh as it may be, a touch of starvation is great motivation to get people off of welfare and on to the roles of working people. No, I'm not heartless. I just know that too many people try to "game the system" in order to avoid doing one lick of work! We have to strike a balance between a handout and a helping hand UP.
2017-06-18 03:10:40 UTC
No. The source is a good start...

But anything put to the extreme is bad. Pure capitalism is bad. Pure socialism is bad. The term 'socialist' is a give or take term; some describe it mildly. Others describe it radically.
2017-06-18 02:20:18 UTC
New Labour saboothed socialism in the UK. NHS is abused and bankrupt. People are coming to this country looking for work aka for welfare. State schools are at breaking point.
2017-06-18 00:20:37 UTC
It's not socialism. They have social democracies. This means that the government takes care of you in most situations.

You have a newborn? You get paid.

You have no job? You get paid.

You are sick? You get paid.

Your company screwed you over, and didn't put money aside for your pension? You get paid.

You go to university? You get paid.

You don't have a job yet, so you can't afford healthcare? You get paid.

Minimum wages aren't too low super low, like in the US. There also isn't a huge wage gap between the middle class and the poor.

But to afford this, most people need to pay more taxes. Americans don't like to pay more taxes. Especially Republicans. You can see how much they struggle with Obamacare for example. Besides that, most minimum wage jobs start to disappear, and get replaced by robots/computers (automatization). Which IMO is a good thing, because you're forced to get a better education, but some people also see it as a bad thing.

You can't find a normal job without a degree, you will either be too expensive, or know too little to do that job.

It basically depends on what your country prefers. And Americans prefer freedom (less taxes and less government intervention) over a social democracy.
2017-06-18 00:08:27 UTC
There are planes going there on-the-hour.

Have a safe trip
2017-06-24 10:46:36 UTC
2017-06-24 08:39:20 UTC
They are happy because there are only about 5 million people there. New York City alone has twice the population of their giant country.
2017-06-24 02:24:23 UTC
Scandinavian countries have social safety nets, not socialism. There's a huge difference. The difference is that nobody reaps anything in large doses for free.

People pay into the safety net enormously far more than they will ever need to use of it, and the balance goes to administering the public programs. Nobody plans on being the beneficiaries and the perks of paid maternity time off and free tuition comes out of taxation so none of it is free, it's just people are as a society, real about managing these funds together through mandated agreement.
2017-06-24 01:40:38 UTC
2017-06-23 09:52:04 UTC
Socialism is great for people who don't want to work.
2017-06-23 07:21:03 UTC
That really depends.
2017-06-22 13:29:10 UTC
2017-06-22 11:19:09 UTC
Socialism is economically unsustainable. The fact is the structure does not account enough for hard work and actual ability to do your job.
2017-06-21 22:06:22 UTC
Well both Finland and Norway have a population of 5+ million each, Sweden 9+million, we have 300 million, we have 15 times more population then the 3 combined, it's not the same.
luis l
2017-06-21 08:02:01 UTC



2017-06-21 06:44:10 UTC
Pure capitalism is the road to failure. So is pure socialism. You need a healthy mixture - and the Scandinavian countries seem to be closer than most other countries on a suitable balance between the two...
2017-06-20 18:05:48 UTC
Outright, full steam ahead socialism is not the way. Neither is the crass-type Me Me Me capitalism way of the US, the way either, where millions of poor can't even get decent healthcare. A middle-of-the-road attitude is certainly better but terribly difficult to achieve, as GREED seems to be a strong human "gene" to be found everywhere and in every society.
2017-06-19 20:43:02 UTC
What is socialism
2017-06-18 22:40:01 UTC
Scandinavian countries aren't socialist.
2017-06-18 22:13:41 UTC
Pretty low GDP, nominal, real ect. Not to mention low salaries.
2017-06-18 17:56:37 UTC
Yeah America needs socialism
2017-06-18 17:12:59 UTC
Why would extreme left (Socialism) be any better than extreme right (Fascism). Extreme ANYTHING is no good!
2017-06-18 14:22:40 UTC
No and No
2017-06-18 08:35:46 UTC
For a start, it is important that we remember the difference between socialism and communism. Communism is when everyone is given equal amounts of property and work equally hard. Socialism is when the economic inequality is stopped. Socialism is a mix of capitalism and communism. The system they have in Scandinavia is a mix of capitalism and socialism. Companies ed to many countries they are more socialist but they are also capitalist. If you want a good example of socialism I would recommend Cuba in the 1960s as they slowly changed from socialism to become more communist.
2017-06-18 03:32:35 UTC
I don't get how so many people can even consider Socialism? Anytime its been implemented on a National Scale be it with Lenin in Russia or Mao in China or elsewhere it does not seem to do what they claim it will do. It may hang on for 50 60 70 years but it never seems to live up to what Marx and the others supposedly envisioned.
2017-06-24 16:10:42 UTC
The first sign of a socialist state is when public money is spent for public good. We could do with a little more of that right now in the UK. I have been to Scandewegia, it's a nice place, very relaxed, bit expensive, great people. Nothing wrong with Socialism, Communism does not work and replaces one corrupt regime with another.
2017-06-24 09:26:32 UTC
I mean the USSR was also socialist whilst the U.S. adopted heavy capitalist agenda, and citizens within the U.S. were thriving whilst people in the USSR were suffering
2017-06-24 01:11:17 UTC
2017-06-24 00:07:45 UTC
Socialism is the way to go for the future. Every developed society eventually turned to socialism. However, these societies were not developed so far to be able to bear socialism

Socialism in a good way is the future of the world but we can have anything we are not ready for yet.

For this reason socialism failed in past, including Egypt and prior empires.
2017-06-23 17:49:56 UTC
No system of government will resolve all problems, but democratic socialism seems to have the best potential. Many nations have advanced past the USA in terms of increasing literacy, general education, standard of living, health care, science, personal freedom, overall happiness and lifespan; and reducing crime, homelessness and infant mortality. Every single one of them has a social democracy for government. However even if you have a social democracy, corrupt or inept leaders can still sink the ship--look at Greece for example. It takes more than a system to make things work.
2017-06-23 05:11:06 UTC
What works for one country might not work for others.
2017-06-22 18:13:32 UTC
I'd rather model any Socialism using New Zealand as history.
2017-06-21 19:52:59 UTC
2017-06-21 10:58:24 UTC
American's think there's only unregulated capitalism or totalitarian socialism and nothing in between. European countries aren't socialist, they're capitalist with socialist aspects. It's called social market economy.
2017-06-20 17:48:06 UTC
2017-06-20 00:18:20 UTC
Socialism is the wrong way,the socialist European economies are largely stagnant with little growth
2017-06-19 21:11:45 UTC
Yeah, even Jesus was that kind of monarch. A good ruler is a steward of the people, not a bandit trying to profit off of them.
2017-06-19 18:58:02 UTC
2017-06-19 00:23:38 UTC
Yes but it needs to be in the framework of a democratic system so the people have the right to change the government. Scandinavia is a model and they have done a great job.
2017-06-18 18:51:03 UTC
2017-06-18 15:59:28 UTC
Socialism is the WRONG way! And despite Bernie Sanders' and others' lauds and admiration of Scandinavia over Socislism there, they're slowly moving back towards Capitalism and individual initiative.

Collectivism/Socialism/Communism ALWAYS fail eventually, when such systems run out of prosperous peoples' money, as will always occur.
2017-06-18 08:18:38 UTC
The uses of the theory is most important.
2017-06-18 07:15:54 UTC
yes it is
2017-06-18 02:13:08 UTC
Socialism is defined by the state owning the means of production and distribution. At this point only North Korea fits that description.
2017-06-18 00:14:55 UTC
Social democracy isn't the same as socialism.. A capitalist welfare state is still capitalist.
Lapiz Dominoes
2017-06-24 22:07:20 UTC
Well, it is liberal to have so many choices of 1st world`weird`, hey
2017-06-24 21:23:15 UTC
2017-06-24 17:19:01 UTC
Socialism is the same as Communism
2017-06-24 00:11:56 UTC
socialism promotes laziness and entitlement. that's why you see the low IQ millenials in shock when they realize they are not treated as they were told they would be in the work force and have to quit and go seek psychological assistance for the damage that was done to their feelings.
2017-06-23 21:39:32 UTC
I live in Denmark. I am danish. Yes, we have an ok welfare. It's "free" of cost to study. Hospitals and doctors are "free".

But The truth is, that nothing is pay high taxes for that. Everything looks so nice and almost perfect, seeing it from the outside. Danes are so proud to say that Denmark is the happiest country in the world. Bullshit!!

The state controls you completely,- they know where you go, travel, eat etc etc. Doctors are one of the worst in Europe. So if you want to feel like you are in sort of a prison....wellcome to Skandinavia.
2017-06-23 19:24:14 UTC
Scandinavian countries are not socialist! They are social democratic. They run on a capitalist basis with a generous social welfare system. But I can guarantee you they're not socialist.
2017-06-23 18:10:46 UTC
Well, socialism in its pure form isn't great. It is a recipe for mediocrity. However, if you apply elements of socialism and Keynesian economics ( two totally different things btw) to capitalism you should have a robust and prosperous society for most. If done correctly you will foster an environment where innovation and education can be attained to the benefit of society with less risk.
2017-06-22 15:37:24 UTC
Nice place

Easy women
2017-06-22 06:49:50 UTC
Socialism rocks man, my dad owns everything yet I can use it for free, Mum'll cook and clean and Dad'll bring home the bacon...(you got it we aint no muslim Arab fnckers)
2017-06-21 16:24:52 UTC
Those countries are the size of Detroit. Will not work in a huge country like America. Ask Russia.
2017-06-21 13:42:48 UTC
All countries have socialistic programs.

75 Ways Socialism Has Improved America

Well I hate to be the one to tell you, but Socialism, which you have been told to fear all your life, is responsible for all this...

1. The Military/Defense - The United States military is the largest and most funded socialist program in the world.  It operates thanks to our taxpayer dollars and protects the country as a whole. From the richest citizens to the homeless who sleep under the bridge. We are all protected by our military whether we pay taxes or not. This is complete socialism.

2. Highways/Roads - Those roads and highways you drive on every single day are completely taxpayer funded. Your tax dollars are used to maintain, expand, and preserve our highways and roads for every one's use. President Eisenhower was inspired by Germany's autobahn and implemented the idea right here in America. That's right, a republican president created our taxpayer funded, national highway system. This was a different time, before the republican party came down with a vicious case of rabies that never went away.

3. Public Libraries - Yes. That place where you go to check out books from conservative authors telling you how horrible socialism is, is in fact socialism. Libraries are taxpayer funded. You pay a few bucks to get a library card and you can read books for free for the rest of your life.

4. Police - Ever had a situation where you had to call the police? Then you have used a taxpayer funded socialist program. Anyone can call the police whether they pay taxes or not. They are there to protect and serve the community, not individuals. This is complete socialism on a state level, but still socialism all the same. Would you rather have to swipe your credit card before the police will help you?

5. Fire Dept. - Hopefully you have never had a fire in your home. But if you have, you probably called your local taxpayer-funded fire department to put the fire out. Like police, this is state socialism. You tax dollars are used to rescue your entire community in case of a fire. It use to be set up where you would pay a fee every month to the fire dept. for their service. If you didn't pay, they let your house burn down. Sadly, a man from Tennessee had this exact situation happen to him in 2011 because he didn't pay his $75.00 fee. I guess that small town in Tennessee would rather let people's houses burn down that resort to evil socialism. So don't take for granted the fact that you have a 24/7 fire dept. to put out your burning home thanks to socialism.

6. Postal Service - Like having mail delivered directly to your front door and paying next to nothing to send mail anywhere you want? Well it's all made possible by socialism.

7. Student Loans and Grants - Did you go to College? If you did, you family might not have been rich enough to pay your way through. So you got your education anyway through student loans and grants from the federal government at taxpayer expense. Of course you have to pay back the loans, but if not the government, did you know anyone else who was going to lend you tens of thousands of dollars? Probably not. So the taxpayers lent you the money and you paid it back with slight interest. The government grants you accepted were gifts from the taxpayer and the federal government that you did not have to pay back. Socialism got you through school.

8. Bridges - Along with our highways, our government used your taxpayer dollars to build bridges. This allows the public to travel across rivers without having to sail or swim.

9. Garbage Collection - Like having your garbage collected once a week instead of having to drive it to the landfill yourself? Thank socialism.

10. Public Landfills - Taxpayer dollars are used to have places to dump all of our garbage that is collected by taxpayer funded garbage men.

11. War - That's right! War would not be possible without socialism. Your tax dollars are used to fight wars for your country. This is Big Government at it's biggest. Private companies don't attack other countries, at least not yet. Government is the only entity in America that can defend us from foreign enemies and our tax dollars are used for every second of it. Socialism has brought down Adolf Hitler, Saddam Hussein, and Bin Laden. War may very well be the most socialist thing on this list.

12. Farm Subsidies - Our government uses taxpayer funds to pay farmers and businesses to provide their income and keep them growing food for the public.

13. CIA - The Central Intelligence Agency is vital to America's security. The CIA is completely taxpayer funded to protect the public from enemies.

14. FBI - The Federal bureau of investigations is a taxpayer funded government agency.

15. Congressional Health Care - As Republicans in congress warn us of the evils of government-run health care, most of them are covered by taxpayer-funded government-run health care. You literally pay for their health care while they tell you that paying for your neighbors health care through a public option or single-payer system is socialism. They are 100% correct, it is socialism. They're just not telling you that they like their socialist health care, they just don't think you should have it. They are afraid you might like it better than the private insurance you have now that funds their campaigns and gives them money to push what is best for them and not for you. Members of congress are free to opt out of their evil government health care, but most of them don't because deep down, they like socialism too.

16. Polio Vaccine - In the 1950's polio ravaged the United States. Until Dr. Jonas Salk invented a cure, finally ridding America of this terrible disease. Dr. Salk could have sold his vaccine in the free market and made millions and millions of dollars. Instead he gave it to the federal government to begin eradicating polio. He said that he made plenty of money as a scientist and felt it was too important to try and profit from or create a business around.

17. EPA - Republicans hate this taxpayer-funded government program because they have the nerve to tell corporations that they may have to follow environmental rules ad regulations for the greater good of the earth and the people who live on it. But if you don't like breathing mercury, drinking dirty water, and breathing in chemicals, you should like this example of socialism working for the people.

18. Social Security - You pay a tax to help ensure that our grandparents and senior citizens of America have money to live off of when they are retired or too elderly to work. I love hearing rich people ***** about this one because the truth is that they do not pay a social security tax, like most payroll taxes. This little piece of socialism helps prevent our senior citizens from sinking into poverty and starving to death.

19. Museums - Many museums are privately owned by organizations and groups, but many are also taxpayer-funded state, national, and federal museums.

20. Public Schools - Can't afford to send your children to an expensive private school? Thanks to socialism and government, you child can still get an education. Public education has been under attack for decades in this country by the radical right because public schools don't teach Christianity to your children and it enables people like Barack Obama to work hard, gain scholarships, and eventually become President of the United States.

See more at
The Lightning Strikes
2017-06-21 09:59:08 UTC
Those countries are small & have a different Culture than we do, in order for it to work it, it would require a Paradigm shift in our way of thinking on a massive scale, anyone who has any common sense would know that is NOT going to happen.

Our founding fathers had it right, the fact that we became arguably the most powerful Nation on the planet.

It was capitalism NOT Socialism that moves us to advance forward, You see, Marx studied history and concluded that society had for hundreds of years been based on agriculture. But the Industrial Revolution changed all that, in Marx’s mind, because those who had freely worked for themselves were now forced by economics to work in factories instead. This, Marx felt, stripped away their dignity and identity because their labor defined who they were, and now they were reduced to mere slaves controlled by a powerful taskmaster. This perspective meant that the economics of capitalism was the natural enemy of Marx.

Marx surmised that capitalism emphasized private property and, therefore, reduced ownership to the privileged few. Two separate “communities” emerged in Marx’s mind: the business owners, or the bourgeoisie; and the working class, or the proletariat. According to Marx, the bourgeoisie use and exploit the proletariat with the result that one person’s gain is another person’s loss. Moreover, Marx believed that the business owners influence the lawmakers to ensure their interests are defended over the workers’ loss of dignity and rights. Last, Marx felt that religion is the “opiate of the masses” which the rich use to manipulate the working class; the proletariat is promised rewards in heaven one day if they keep working diligently where God has placed them (subservient to the bourgeoisie).

In the earthly utopia Marx envisioned, the people collectively own everything and all work for the common good of mankind. Marx’s goal was to end the ownership of private property through the state’s ownership of all means of economic production. Once private property was abolished, Marx felt that a person’s identity would be elevated and the wall that capitalism supposedly constructed between the owners and working class would be shattered. Everyone would value one another and work together for a shared purpose.

There are at least four errors in Marx’s thinking. First, his assertion that another person’s gain must come at another person’s expense is a myth; the structure of capitalism leaves plenty of room for all to raise their standard of living through innovation and competition. It is perfectly feasible for multiple parties to compete and do well in a market of consumers who want their goods and services.

Second, Marx was wrong in his belief that the value of a product is based on the amount of labor that is put into it. The quality of a good or service simply cannot be determined by the amount of effort a laborer expends. For example, a master carpenter can more quickly and beautifully make a piece of furniture than an unskilled craftsmen can, and therefore his work will be valued far more (and correctly so) in an economic system such as capitalism.

Third, Marx’s theory necessitates a government that is free from corruption and negates the possibility of elitism within its ranks. If history has shown anything, it is that power corrupts fallen mankind, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. A nation or government may kill the idea of God, but someone will take God’s place. That someone is most often an individual or group who begins to rule over the population and seeks to maintain their privileged position at all costs.

Fourth and most importantly, Marx was wrong that a person’s identity is bound up in the work that he does. Although secular society certainly forces this belief on nearly everyone, the Bible says that all have equal worth because all are created in the image of the eternal God. That is where true, intrinsic human value lies.

Was Marx right? Is economics the catalyst that drives human history? No, what directs human history is the Creator of the universe who controls everything, including the rise and fall of every nation. In addition, God also controls who is put in charge of each nation, as Scripture says, “The Most High is ruler over the realm of mankind, and bestows it on whom He wishes and sets over it the lowliest of men” (Daniel 4:17). Further, it is God who gives a person skill at labor and the wealth that comes from it, not the government: “Here is what I have seen to be good and fitting: to eat, to drink and enjoy oneself in all one’s labor in which he toils under the sun during the few years of his life which God has given him; for this is his reward. Furthermore, as for every man to whom God has given riches and wealth, He has also empowered him to eat from them and to receive his reward and rejoice in his labor; this is the gift of God” (Ecclesiastes 5:18–19).
2017-06-21 01:18:40 UTC
Different countries have different cultures, histories, and values, what works in one country is not guaranteed to work in another. Socialism may work in Scandinavian countries, more power to them, but just because it works there does not mean that it would work in the US. The US was built on the premise of limited government and near-unlimited freedom to its individual citizens, after 241 years with that culture and established beliefs, it would be very difficult to establish Socialism (which is practically the opposite, lots of government control and power with a lot less individual freedoms) over in the United States. Another thing to consider is that the Scandinavian countries have a largely homogenous population, and a small one at that (Norway has 5 million, Sweden has 10 Million, Finland has 5 million, and Denmark has 5 and a half million people), the United States has 320 million and a largely diverse population with different religious backgrounds, cultural backgrounds, values, etc, making it difficult for people to come together, share, and agree. If the US was largely Homogenized and smaller, then Socialism would be much more well-adopted then it would be today, hence one of the reasons people adopted more Socialist-type policies in the 1930's that were proposed by FDR. Many countries have been extreme failures into socialist governments because largely later on, people decided it was too different and they could not get used to it, or the extra government power and influence gave corrupt leaders within the government too much power. One such example is the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union was formed after a group of people within the Russian Empire was sick of the autocratic government that was previously ruling over them, and therefore this group, known as the Bolsheviks, set up a Communist government which lasted a good 70+ years, but ended up collapsing because the people were tired of it, and corrupt leaders like Stalin, and Gorbachev did heinous things to the people in the name of "their best interests", and it collapsed later on. Many people in the Soviet Union also enjoyed the previous autocratic monarchy that Russia had, and found Communism too much of a stretch, and either tried to revolt, or tried to leave, both of which not helping the Soviet Union last a long time.

I not saying that Socialism is not a good idea or that it would not work in the US, but there would have to be some serious changes in both beliefs, and population types in order for the US to properly adopt Socialism.
2017-06-20 17:30:04 UTC
Oh yes I can't wait for Agenda 2030
2017-06-19 22:31:43 UTC
I don`t know about Scandinavian countries, but in Canada we have Socialized Capitalism.

I believe one needs a Social net to help the worst off, in society.

In the US - its a Corporate Lobbyist influenced Capitalistic with a Incorporated Socialist like programs.

The US haves low income house - Section 8 housing that is outside general society's housing area, of which separates them and labels them less persons.

The US gives monies to get food - Food stamps, of which again separates them and labels them less persons.

The most important part of the Socialist side of government - is it help stop those with nothing, from picking up a gun and taking that which they need from the Capitalists.
2017-06-19 18:24:35 UTC
Socialism has failed miserably in every single country that has tried it. Given time is collapases.
2017-06-19 17:13:22 UTC
Northern European countries are small population countries that were mostly homogeneous society, that can Handel social programs. The US has a huge melting pot population with people concerned about their own needs.
2017-06-18 22:41:47 UTC
I hate this reference.

"Look at the Scandinavians! They got it right!"

What many people dont understand is that a government is a reflection of its people.

Can America be socialist?

Of course not,

Capitalism is in our blood, its in the spirit of the people.

We are gold rushers, plantation owners, free traders, Jeffersonians, Hamiltonians, wall street bankers, consumers,

We made malls, hollywood, the empire state building, Hilton, Disney, etc...

We are not socialist,

Its not in our history, its not in our blood
2017-06-18 18:23:02 UTC
Everyone's different, you cannot compare countries, some things work for one country and not the other, different political views, different cultures, different way of thinking.
2017-06-18 17:33:45 UTC
you ASSUME socialism is the right way, but can you give recent examples of where it is successful and getting better results than capitalism ? How about Cuba, USSR, China, and many of the former satellite countries of Eastern Europe ? How great were they and how much wealth for their people did they create ?
2017-06-24 06:44:44 UTC
2017-06-24 02:29:31 UTC
Those countries are not perfect socialism societies. They just accept some part of socialism. Even usa is not 100% capitalism or anti-socialism.
2017-06-23 20:33:36 UTC
YES. Sweden! (So long as it's socialism and not communism)
2017-06-23 13:44:06 UTC
2017-06-23 12:15:07 UTC
Socialism has always failed. Look at Venezuela
2017-06-22 04:59:57 UTC
How long is this stupid libtard question going to be "trending"?
2017-06-21 19:11:38 UTC
2017-06-21 18:51:42 UTC
Yes. North Korea and Cuba and Venezuela and the USSR are all great places to live.
2017-06-21 05:26:35 UTC
Could be
2017-06-20 16:06:50 UTC
The Scandinavian model of socialism only works if the wealthy are willing to accept the levels of taxation that go with it. It costs a lot to finance things like universal nursery care and good state pensions.

In most countries there would be riots if the government told the population that the basic rate of income tax is going to be 40%.
2017-06-19 23:23:41 UTC
If you want to be a socialist, then move to a socialist country. And STAY there!
2017-06-19 17:15:17 UTC
Fake news. The PM of Denmark himself said that Americans calling Denmark Socialists is nonsense. Government does not control all means of production blah blah blah. They pay for healthcare with their export revenues from oil. The USA has a trade deficit.
2017-06-19 03:34:56 UTC
The people that want socialism to exist are the people that want to be lazy.
2017-06-18 22:51:59 UTC
2017-06-18 22:44:10 UTC
Socialism is atheism disguised as a political philosophy. Venezuela is socialist. The People have no toilet paper and hundreds sift through garbage dumps every night in search of something to eat. Is that what you want for America? Socialism works just fine until they who pay (the wealthy) for you to "enjoy" it run out of money. Then what? What will keep a super-consumptive government solvent when there are no more rich people to tax? Y'ever think of that? No; you just want those who have earned great success (the wealthy) to hand you a living. Shut your piehole, get off your obama and go get a job. Earn your own success, punk.
2017-06-18 19:42:34 UTC
Capitalism is destroying our planet. Capitalism regenerates itself with wars and genocides! (Why else are capitalist nations constantly at war?) Capitalism is the reason that millions of humans starve to death each year! Today's capitalism only serves the super-rich and the super-rich 'own the media'! The media tell us constantly how bad it would be if we changed from capitalism: Could it get any worse than this media-directed, planet-destroying, warfare-regenerated, right-wing nightmare that we currently live in?
2017-06-18 19:12:26 UTC
They don't have to pay for their own defense. They would have been taken over by Russia by now if it weren't for us. With all that money they save on defense, they can afford stuff like healthcare and schooling.
2017-06-18 18:58:16 UTC
USA has to deal with multi-culturism and thus rampant racism. We are different from the rest of the world. Racist whites do not like helping people of color. Socialism would help make things equal. Can't have that.
2017-06-18 15:32:34 UTC
Socialism is not the answer.
2017-06-18 00:58:15 UTC
OK. Let's ignore Greece, Spain (both have 25% unemployment and are bankrupt), the former Soviet Union and east bloc, China (while communist), North Korea, Cambodia, Vietnam (economy tanked after communist take over) , Cuba and Venezuela. That is exact how you leftists do it every time. YOU IGNORE FACTS YOU DON'T LIKE. If an engineer did this, the machine or building would fall down. You cannot ignore facts!!! So concentrate on a few 'success' stories but leave out that people are now in prison in Sweden and Finland because they criticize muslims online. Also leave out the FACT that NYC metro area has more people than Sweden and Norway combined. They are two large nations with lot of natural resources with a small population (neither even has 9 million) and the STUPID Americans foot there defense budget.

Just go ahead....ignore the facts. That's what all intellectuals do, right?
2017-06-24 16:44:39 UTC
2017-06-23 16:16:36 UTC
2017-06-23 15:47:36 UTC
Whenever I mention the French language, people only seem to think about France Quebec, and maybe Haiti.

Nobody ever seems to mention countries like Cote d'ivoire, the Congos, Senegal etc.

In fact many people haven't evern heard about these countries.
2017-06-23 13:15:38 UTC
Socialism is not right. I understand how our country got to that conclusion though. Probably why I decided to buy, which is true. I bought them fair and square. I feel sorry for students now and in the future. They don't know realize what the United States used to be and how wonderful it used to be for Baby Boomers and Silent generation to have freedom, democracy, and republicanism and Freedom of Religion and Speech.
Best Answer
2017-06-23 04:07:21 UTC
US states that want Socialism should wall themselves off from the federal government and the rest of us forever and collapse and starve on their own.
2017-06-22 22:01:59 UTC
sigh, politics can make a person go..........
2017-06-20 14:49:34 UTC
2017-06-20 14:19:39 UTC
NO, they are destroying their cultures by importing non European muslims, they are a cucked out JOKE
2017-06-19 13:53:37 UTC
2017-06-18 21:22:41 UTC
2017-06-18 18:40:16 UTC
When they start paying for their own military and security, instead of leeching off the United States, get back with me.
2017-06-18 17:05:02 UTC
Yes! Go Scandinavia! Heja Sverige! Jag är svensk!
2017-06-18 10:34:22 UTC
Socialism is the right way. Scientific socialism according to Marxist ideology is real socialism.
2017-06-18 09:41:12 UTC
YES but Socialism would never work in America since our culture is infatuated with money and profits . Capitalism only works for the upper class only where has Socialism only works for the middle and lower class.
2017-06-18 01:57:38 UTC

Simple! Because it is NOT true. Bernie lied.


The prime minister of Denmark recently remarked in a lecture at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government, "I know that some people in the US associate the Nordic model with some sort of socialism. Therefore I would like to make one thing clear. Denmark is far from a socialist planned economy. Denmark is a market economy."

Socialism has been a dismal failure in the Nordic nations..... unless you consider a 70% income tax rate + a VAT tax, in Sweden, to be a great example for the US to follow.

Before you again come here an make yourself appear to be uninformed read these:

2017-06-18 01:32:12 UTC
Socialism is another failed system, give it up.
2017-06-17 23:05:51 UTC
Socialism is the devis tool.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.