40+ Answer please.?
2008-07-17 12:13:25 UTC
For those of us over 40, I think there is a different view of our society and politics.
We've seen prices rise and fall. We've seen sabers rattled and blood spilled and Brinksmanship practiced by both winners and losers. Old enemies are friends and we've all been promised everything under the sun by politicians of both parties.
Do you see our current American and global situations as being very different from what has gone on before? Or is it the same old stuff with new names?
36 answers:
2008-07-18 08:00:38 UTC
People do over react and the media feds those fears.

With the emtional charged headlines.

Here is something about saber rattling that no two countries that have a McDonalds has ever gone to war.

In order to have the infrastructure to support McDonalds are less likely to cause a war or go to war with another country that has a McDonald.

So I say BIG MACs for peace.
2008-07-17 12:29:02 UTC
I see both, actually.

I'd like to think that we will come out of the high priced gasoline like we did in the mid-eighties when I seriously though of buying a car when gas was down to 85 cents a gallon. However, the factor that exists now that didn't then is China and India. They aren't going to go away and neither is their thirst for gasoline.

I think as a result we will probably continue to see high food prices and products that have to be shipped around the country, but not because of inflaiton, like it was in the 70's, but because of the high cost of shipping. And, if this lasts as long as many are predicting, I think we will see a lot more mom and pop type operations back in business where local products and goods will be the prefered consumer items over crap we are getting from China.

I also think that we have a much more serious threat in regard to enemies than we did during the cold war. Sure, the Soviet Uniuon and the threat of Communisim was just as real, but the enemy we are dealing with in regard to Islamic fundamentalism is much more frenzied and fanatical than the communists ever were. I do think that China has been biding their time and that they are going to be a much more serious problem than they ever were, particularly since we have gotten into bed with them regarding loans and all that nonsense.

At the same time, history has a way of working things out. I do believe though that before all this gets better, we are going to reach a far more dangerous fever than we ever did during the cold war, before it settles down and we have a new set of enemies and problems facig our decendants.
2008-07-17 12:47:16 UTC
I see a distinct difference in a few areas. The most commanding difference.,Is the total lack of respect

shown by the Obama youth. I've not seen this before

in any race. My first election was 1960. So I have seen

a couple of them. And remember seeing a few when I

was younger. This anger and out of control rhetoric is

something I've never witnessed before. If this is what

Obama teaches and Preaches, Then we are certainly

in serious trouble should he be elected.

As far as the war and economy we have seen this all before.

For my money Iv'e have to go with the old guy. John is like

an Old shoe. Reliable and fits the times well.
2008-07-17 12:45:46 UTC
In some ways it is the same old stuff. What is different now is the hold the special interests and lobbiests have on our elected officials. Foreign governments, even our enemies pay an american lobby firm to do their bidding with congress. In exchange for what they want they ply the campaign funds of the congressmen/women who go along with their plan. Our elected officials no longer do whats best for america or the voters-they are self serving and only act for money. Why do you think the dems are holding out on drilling? The environmental movement is sending in big campaign contributions to the dems. Its out and out dishonest.
No Shortage
2008-07-17 13:26:41 UTC
In many ways, yes, it's the same old stuff. Politicians are liars, inflation is escalating, the cost of living is going up, and the end of the world is near. Blah, blah, blah. What's different is America has lost favor with much of the world. This is scary and very dangerous. What is also different is there is a movement within America to destroy religion, capitalism and traditional families. These people are bold, angry and they aren't going to give up. We are fighting for our country, our way of life, and the future of our children, and we can't give up either.
Southern Lady Anita
2008-07-17 12:55:36 UTC
I am a 48-year-old female, and I have never seen anything like what's happening now in my life! I still believe we live in the best country in the world. But I also believe if things don't change very soon, we may lose the very things many have fought and died for in our country.

Many in this country don't understand what it really means to love and support their country. It seems to me that this generation is made up mostly of people that believe somehow that everyone owes them something.

I first started seeing this right after 9/11. Well really after a lot of people just forgot about 9/11. After the terrorist attacks everyone in the country stood together. We were a nation of one! As time went on, people just seemed to go back to their lives as if nothing had changed.

Right after 9/11 everyone was all for President Bush's War on Terrorism. He told all of us that this would be a very different kind of war than any other in history. He told us that it would be a very long and hard war. Still most American’s supported President Bush. Then a lot of people did just what they did after 9/11. They went on with their lives and forgot why we were at war.

When things started getting bad, a lot of people started the blame game. It hasn't stopped since. This is what leads me to tell you what I believe makes this election very different than any other.

People don't want to admit to the fact that there are many Islamic radicals that all they think, breathe and act is death to America! They learn this from a very young age. They live this every day of their lives. They DO mean to KILL us!

With the way a lot of people in our country wanting to cut and run from any conflict simply because they want "Peace" is what will lead to our country's demise. They claim we shouldn’t be fighting at all for many reasons they pick and choose from. Many to me, just parrot the words from others they have heard.

They don’t support our brave troops much less the President of the United States of America. This is one of the things I haven’t seen in my lifetime. We always supported our President no matter whether we voted for him or not, especially in wartime! Everyone always supported our troops and their cause, no matter what.

God Bless America and Her People!

God Bless Our Brave Troops!

"Character is always lost when a high ideal is sacrificed

on the altar of conformity and popularity."

2008-07-17 12:23:09 UTC
Same and different. The difference to me is the gap between the two parties. Wedge issues are more prominent. Abortion, gay rights and gun control cause voters to vote one way or another. More people are radical about issues. We didn't call all Democrats lazy or all Republicans bible thumpers not that many years a go. Less willingness to compromise for the good of the country. There have always been pro and con when it came to wars and the economy.
2008-07-17 13:16:11 UTC
So many people have made this race an election about race that, as someone over 40, I would love to see ALL of the Candidates ( regardless of their race or sex or age ) wearing a paper bag over their head like the " unknown comic " used to do on the " Gong Show " .

If Hillary would have worn her pants suit; you wouldn't be able to tell them apart & we voters could decide whether we believed any of them or thought that any or all of them were telling us something that was so ridiculous that it was a joke.

As silly as it may sound, maybe we need Canidates wearing this paper bag on their head so we can stop worrying about their race, sex or age & just going back to the good old days of voting for a Candidate based upon what they stood for not what they looked like.
2008-07-17 12:45:13 UTC
I'm 43 and I've seen it worse,but that doesn't mean it's not bad now.Times are hard for the average folks.The backbone of this great land is held up not by the handful of rich folks, but by the average struggling hard worker. We turn to the Government when things are out of our hands, hoping they'll have some solutions. When we get stupid replies like,it's in our minds and if we drill off shore,we'll be alright in 10 years,that's what angers me.The majority of politicians and media are wealthy, so they can sit back and enjoy the ride and say it's not so bad.I think alot of these folks are out of touch. Hopefully things will get better and not much worse.
2008-07-17 12:24:54 UTC
People building fallout shelters in backyards and the Cuban Missile Crisis were pretty scary. The Kennedy's and King assassinations; the riots at Kent State; Israel's Six-Day War; the 1968 Democrat Convention; Nixon's dastardly deeds; and the taking of American hostages by Ayatollah Khomeini's thugs - these were all troubling.

Current times are not worse.
2008-07-17 12:23:52 UTC
Different view. Bush is probably the last

of the older guys that has enough guts to

go after any other country that uses planes

or anyother weapon to murder 3000 of our

"innocent" citizens. He believes in the

preservation of the nuclear family unit. He

believes in the sanctity of life. He strives to

do what's right. But then we have the other

younger side of politicians who are so very

negative on America, has racism in her

people, class warfare in society, and

political incorrectness in her character. So,

yes there is a different view of society now.

Having said that, politicians still will be

No more Y/A for me!
2008-07-17 12:19:37 UTC
I think some things are the same but the politicians who promise everything are getting more people who are willing to vote for a handout. When those people outnumber the rest of us, we're in big trouble. Our enemies have changed in that they are not from any single country but from an ideology
2008-07-17 12:38:37 UTC
I am a few months shy of 50.

I want to compare the present political/economic situation to the Carter days. I was in college back then and I just hated watching the evening news because it was just all bad stuff. It was very depressing to watch. Nothing was going right and no news was good.

However, as time proved, we quickly shook off the malaise of the Carter years. I am loathe to give all the credit to Reagan because he wasn't that great in many areas and I just don't think the damage was that bad. Carter only had 4 years to screw things up and he did manage to keep us out of war.

However, the present situation, while similar in feel, may be entirely different in fact. I openly wonder if we can shake off the disaster of the Bush years as quickly and easily as the malaise of the Carter years. Personally, I hope so, but I suspect that the damage might be too wide and too deep. For God's sake GM is on the edge of bankruptcy. GM!? When I was a kid, people still repeated the line from Coolidge that what is good for GM is good for America. Obviously, both are in deep trouble. Bush has had twice the time to screw things up and he has given us two wars with no end in sight for either of them.

Only time will tell. Sure, Carter was bad, but he was no Bush. Comparing Carter to Bush is like comparing a head cold to cancer.
2008-07-17 12:21:32 UTC
I'm 50, and today's happenings aren't at all earth shattering, or all doom and gloom as some would have us think. What I see as the big difference in today's world is all the anti-US sentiment coming from Americans. Despite what they see on TV or on the Internet, this is not the worst country in the world, it's the best. Yes, we have problems as a country, but as before, we can and will overcome them.
2008-07-17 12:24:11 UTC
There is one new wrinkle and that is the Green effect. The socialist policies have united around this environmentalist cause as a means to push their agenda. They mixed in some science with fear and wild speculation to create a dangerous direction that is fanned by the rising price of gas.

We need to eliminate the hysteria and put in policies that will be effective.
2008-07-17 12:21:07 UTC
No, the situation is very different now. The chief enemy of peace now is Islam and we currently welcome it with open arms. Communists were unable to manipulate our system to destroy it from within, but Muslims certainly are. Look what is happening in Europe as proof. The USSR never competed against us economically, but China does and will continue to do so, challenging what was our greatest strength. The rivalry with China will be more similar to what happened between Spain, England, Holland, and France from the 1500-1800's, but without the shooting wars.
2008-07-17 12:19:13 UTC
I think the current events are part of a larger cycle. Almost every issue we're facing has been faced in nearly the exact same way in the past 50 years at some point.
2008-07-17 19:54:24 UTC
With Bush its gotten worse andif McCain wins maybe the world will end
2008-07-17 13:18:34 UTC
It's the same game that has been played for centuries. About all that ever really changes is the toys get deadlier and the dead die younger.
2008-07-17 12:19:27 UTC
I'm not quite 40, but within my lifetime, we have definately reached the epitome of sensless, petty stupidity on all fronts. I'm sort of generally embarrassed and disheartened on a daily basis, but I'm not exactly sure of why. Maybe I should stop reading/watching the news.....
2008-07-17 12:32:52 UTC
It looks like America is up that creek in deliverance and the scene with the hillbillies is coming up soon.
2008-07-17 12:19:39 UTC
Germany and France (well their leaders) like us

Russia and China don't that's the way it was for most of

my life, I like it that way
2008-07-17 12:16:38 UTC
Same ol stuff, with a deadlier spin.
2008-07-17 12:19:30 UTC
I'm about 20 years behind this issue, but I read and feel empathy...

Anyway, I think that the whole world has been caught in a downward spiral since humans came into existence...

I'm not sure that it's getting worse, but it's not getting better...
2008-07-17 12:18:43 UTC
I think the threat from radical islam is as real as Hitler's threat and must be dealt with in the same manor as we once did with Hitler.

Perhaps when we get hit again, we will understand for good.
Homeless in Phoenix
2008-07-17 12:17:15 UTC
Same old stuff with new names.
Bob H
2008-07-17 12:22:12 UTC
The two big differences that I notice now, is they don't wear fedoras and play more golf.
moo goo gai pan
2008-07-17 12:20:05 UTC
Same circus different clowns////
2008-07-17 12:16:46 UTC
These videos are good examples of my point of view being over 40 please study them
2008-07-17 12:15:48 UTC
I'm not quite 40, but this is the worst I've ever seen
2008-07-17 12:16:48 UTC
you need someone over 40 to answer
2008-07-17 12:16:01 UTC
I'm not getting my panties in a bunch over it.
2008-07-17 12:23:21 UTC
No - it is different.
2008-07-17 12:17:04 UTC
same **** different players!
2008-07-17 12:17:14 UTC
liberals become ----> republicians

and no one goes back

Winter Knight
2008-07-17 12:15:50 UTC
Take down mr Bush! It will be better.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.