I am a 48-year-old female, and I have never seen anything like what's happening now in my life! I still believe we live in the best country in the world. But I also believe if things don't change very soon, we may lose the very things many have fought and died for in our country.
Many in this country don't understand what it really means to love and support their country. It seems to me that this generation is made up mostly of people that believe somehow that everyone owes them something.
I first started seeing this right after 9/11. Well really after a lot of people just forgot about 9/11. After the terrorist attacks everyone in the country stood together. We were a nation of one! As time went on, people just seemed to go back to their lives as if nothing had changed.
Right after 9/11 everyone was all for President Bush's War on Terrorism. He told all of us that this would be a very different kind of war than any other in history. He told us that it would be a very long and hard war. Still most American’s supported President Bush. Then a lot of people did just what they did after 9/11. They went on with their lives and forgot why we were at war.
When things started getting bad, a lot of people started the blame game. It hasn't stopped since. This is what leads me to tell you what I believe makes this election very different than any other.
People don't want to admit to the fact that there are many Islamic radicals that all they think, breathe and act is death to America! They learn this from a very young age. They live this every day of their lives. They DO mean to KILL us!
With the way a lot of people in our country wanting to cut and run from any conflict simply because they want "Peace" is what will lead to our country's demise. They claim we shouldn’t be fighting at all for many reasons they pick and choose from. Many to me, just parrot the words from others they have heard.
They don’t support our brave troops much less the President of the United States of America. This is one of the things I haven’t seen in my lifetime. We always supported our President no matter whether we voted for him or not, especially in wartime! Everyone always supported our troops and their cause, no matter what.
God Bless America and Her People!
God Bless Our Brave Troops!
"Character is always lost when a high ideal is sacrificed
on the altar of conformity and popularity."