Don't know if I could be on the level as G.W.Bush he has been a very good president.....I do however know I could be a wonderful president comparied too anything the Democrats have put into office or tried too put into office in the last 40 plus years!
I would make sure that burning our American Flag was a major crime warrenting the punishment of DEATH.... There will be no dishonoring the flag or those who served....
American English would be the national language...
I would keep our military strong and up to date with the lastest weopons and technology... the United States Marines would finaly get good equipment....and not be subject too hand me downs by the army or any other service...
There would be compulsive military service for a able body people living in America......they woudl have the choice of active or reserve.....joining the military just too pay for college will not use as an excuse....yes you would get college money and training but you would have too fight if you are needed...
Every one no matter what pays taxes....
A flat tax of 15% on your Gross wages would replace all other taxes....
I would try and cut a lot of the waiste in governemnt socail programs...welfare and other programs would be limited too you only being on them for 6 months out of a year......the dead beats would have too learn they can not sit on their asses and get paird for doing nothing......
I would get rid of the marrage penaltry tax- no man or woman should be taxed just for being married....and yes marrage would be between a man and a woman....that other crap would be illegal.
I would try too make America more self we woudnt have to be so depended on rag-heads and other assholes for oil and things...There would be drilling in ANWAR...would tap our coastal pottential for oiland natrual gas..... solar and wind farms would be set a trust .....That way the people have a bonus and some say too somehting they have up in Alaska...
There would be congressianal term wouldnt be able too pull a Ted Kennedy and stay in there for life...ect...the presidentcial term would be increased too 5 year terms instead of 4 years...
Eventualy Canada and Mexico as well as the Carribean would be anaxed or brought into the fold and a new nation would be formed The United States of Norht America....
Anyone who worked would have a retirment account set up and they would have too put at least 10% of there gross income into it..
The social securtiy program would be drasticaly changed....
You would acctualy have some say in what happened with your money....
50% of it would go into the social securtiy like it is now so that it would be their for the people already on it...
25% would go into it for you so you would have a government check for you when you retired and the toher 25% you could invest into the market or put into some other form of retirment with options too your likes and chosings.
The DEATH PENALTY would be inforced....NO MORE BULLSHIT!
I do how ever think that the ways they have for exicutions are bull...there should only be two froms firing squad and hangin.....
Prisons would no longer be like they are now .....each prison would be designed too be use as labor units....would have them doing things around the community cleaning it up helping build new projects roads houses ect......any money made by the prisoners a portion of it would go to the victoms of there crime too help pay restatution...ect....
no you wouldn't have too wory about murderers or rapist or crap like that because they wouldn't be around for more then 30 days if they couldn't prove their inosences...
If people in congress are going to take pac money then they do not get a salary for their job paid by the people...that is bullshit
phillabustering would be illegal..
if you do not get what you are suppose to get done bills and laws ect while you are insesion then you do not get paid have a job to do for the people of American and if you don't dop the job you dont get paid...
marry jane and same sex marrages or unions would be illeagal....
the power of unions in the working place would be monitored or their power halfed ...they are their too work for the people not thier own agenda .....all unions do is **** things up just ask Ford or any major industry.....
RAP music would be banned....or at least not played in public ...that stuff sucks lol...
Every one would have a computer and be trained in how to use them....
All tax paying ..... citizens surrving in the millitary would have economical fueleficaint vihicles.....
The American farmer would be helped out in times of need more scewing over the farms ....they are the back bone of this great nation....
Housing complexes would be build for the homeless...and some sorta job would be found for people who wanted them....but if you are caught messing up or damaging any housing that is provided too you will either have too repair it at your own expence or get your *** kicked more crap like we give the indians or other people housing and they strip it down too sell it too buy drugs or liquir....
There would be no separtate nations with in this nation.....
The department of education would finaly have too do the job it is suppose too do....providing the schools with funds and ways too to teach the kids....not teaching them lies or indocternating them with crap...
And I would keep up the war on terrorist and those who threatened the nation or the poeple of this nation!