Do you think you'd be a good president???
2006-09-24 16:02:13 UTC
Do you think you'd be a good president? Why or why not? What would you do different from Bush? Do you like Bush? Why or why not?
35 answers:
2006-09-24 16:05:59 UTC
Oh no way ... Not with all the trouble that our nation has faced during the Bush administration. Bush is doing a good job considering he has faced some of the most difficult times of our nation.

- worst attacks on our Country in History

- worst national disasters in our Country's history

- worst Tsunami in history.
2006-09-24 16:13:20 UTC
Wow - these are some serious questions! Brace yourself for epic novels on this one! :)

Do I think I would be a good President? I think I would be a whole lot better than our current President that is for sure! However, I would not sign up to lead our country today...we're in the middle of a global mess, and I am not too proud to admit that my instinctive answers fall short from the reality of where we war. Not only in Iraq, but in some ways, the entire world. I'm not sure we have ever been as hated and spited as we are right now and while I can tap dance with the best of them, I think it is going to take a miracle to repair global unity. I'm not that intelligent and I admit it!

What would I do differently from Bush? Well, I would start by being honest not only with the American people, but world leaders too. I would stop trying to control and manipulate my countrymen and women with fear of terrorism every time there was a drop in my approval rating!

Do I like Bush? No.


Biggest reasons I do not care for our President: My opinion: (I vote and I am a veteran so I am entitled to one!)

1. He went to war in Iraq rather than trust the good faith of Hussein (who turned out was not lying) or the diligence of U.N. arms inspectors; he has made clear that a lasting peace can come to the Middle East only through democratic reform. The very touchstone of his thinking is the moral and political distinction between democracy and tyranny.

2. He sits on a crown of conservatism, waving the flag of liberty, and conning Americans into believing he is a model Christian who is upholding our moral and values and we buy it all because of the ace card he pulls out every twenty seconds...GOD. Who wants to go up against God right? (Not me, and I am not being sarcastic either!)

3. A President who dislikes abortion but killed more inmates on deathrow in Texas than any other U.S. Governor. What an oxymoron!

4. The fact he held reports (like other Presidents this much is true) fortelling 9/11 in detail yet he and his cabinet denied this fact for months following 9/11.

Here's some of the smaller issues I have with President Bush: He stole the first election, his unfair tax cuts, and his cowboy phoniness, and his favors for corporate cronies, and oh yes, the way he walks and talks. He struts and talks like some kind of a yokel! My list of "small things" goes on: He doesn't know that Africa is a continent, not a country, and.........

I better stop now. I could go on all night.
2006-09-24 16:07:54 UTC
Yes, I feel I'd make a good president because of my political beliefs which are to long to explain at this point, the difference between me and bush is before i were to go on foregin land i would make sure our country is at our prime and even then i would with out a good reason and the support of our civilization. I don't hate bush, but i do disagree with a lot of his political veiws and decisions.
2006-09-24 16:08:53 UTC
geez if taking long vacations during national disasters is acceptable...

I think with the right support network I could be the POTUS but if it requires Law School or being Governor of a State as pre-req's, I guess I don't have a good shot

I am an ethical person, stick to principle and won't side with corporations so then I gues POTUS is out of question!

different from Bush? leave God out of State or National affairs

admit going AWOL and then make ammends

fire Rove and all political hacks who use me as puppet

do I like Bush? GW Bush? I think he personally may be a nice guy, but the character displayed is repulsive, a blatant disregard for human life and leading the nation into a war of choice? Impeachable and illegal, a war crime, high treason and treachery
2006-09-24 16:11:18 UTC
I would be a great president. Why? Because I wouldn't want the job but I care enough about my country that I would try to do what's best in every situation.

Different from Bush?

I would think before I act.

I do not like Bush.

Lots of reasons.
2006-09-24 16:33:54 UTC
In a country as divided as this one is now, not even Abe Lincoln or FDR would be a good president! Our current

Re(tard)publican president is a "uniter, not a divider", and a "decider", yet he cannot formulate a coherent sentence to save his life!! Like everything he has ever touched, our country has turned to sh*t, because he has put all of our money in the pockets of the war machine, and of his big business friends!! And as far as he is concerned, the poor, the uneducated, the homeless, the people without health care, the indigent, our schools, and our hospitals can all go to hell!! By god, he's gonna save the world from Muslims and terrorists, and he'll even rape our Social Security system to do it!! Forget about the fact that we'll be digging out of his mess for the next thirty years!!! He has turned our country over to Big Business, making us the First Fascist Republic of the U.S., and he has seemingly had our blessing, because NO ONE will stand up to him!! His cowardly Re(tard)publicans won't, and his administration certainly won't--King George the First would have their heads!!

No, I wouldn't be a good president--I'm a decent human being who believes that we all deserve a break in this country, and I wouldn't turn my back on ANYONE!! And I hate George W. Bush with a passion, because he is the embodiment of all that is evil, to me! I would focus on our people, instead of being the world's police and savior!! The sign of a great country is one which takes care of its least able citizens, instead of simply casting them aside and ignoring their plight! Give our people jobs, make them feel as though they are contributing in their own way, give them self-esteem, create an environment of love, and NOT OF REVENGE!!!

I surprise myself at times with my harsh words toward our president! But the schlub has NO BUSINESS being president! He is simply there as a puppet governor of the State while Big Business manipulates him and makes us Fascist, right in front of our very eyes!!

Alas, it's just hopeless!!
2006-09-24 16:05:46 UTC
I would probably be a good President but I wouldn't want to find out. I have no idea what I would do differently than Bush. Yes, I do like him. I think he's doing a pretty good job, faced with such hate from outside and within the country.
2006-09-24 16:29:29 UTC
The presidency of the United States has become a big role, and not enough high caliber people want to take it on.

Corporate leaders earn far more, and usually find a way to conceal themselves and not have to face ridicule.

The U.S. Presidency itself has changed since the earlier times of Eisenhower and John F. Kennedy.

Today, they are kept out of the public reach, and when exposed, are surrounded by many secret agents.

Since 9/11, it is virtually impossible to get to meet the president, so he is now removed from the public eye and is more or less a hermit with little effect on the common person.

I can't bring the presidency back to more normal times again.

I don't believe I can do much to help ordinary people out enough as their president because they face obstacles in their daily lives such as health, job inadequacy and a host of personal problems.

Bush came along and threw everybody a bone. $300.00.

That was supposed to get people to like him.

Instead, he became more of a nuisance to America with his same old patriotic sounding speeches that are long and drawn out by now.

He comes off as being a total phony.

How can you like somebody who decided to invade another country and now it costs lives of kids who had to join the militay because jobs ain't what they should be.

I believe he's a bumbling fool with a shady past, and his wife is the same (she cost the life of a person in a car crash).

I don't have blood on my hands, so I might be a better president.
2006-09-24 16:10:13 UTC
I do not think I would make a good president, a great dictator maybe, but not a president. I could not pander to the masses.

Yes, I like Bush insofar as he has stood up for this country against whining opposition and he was a better choice than that coward Kerry.
2006-09-24 16:04:53 UTC
i think id be an even more hated president than bush, both sides would hate me, cause i would offend everyone getting cleaning house in this country. Of course, the president doesnt have a whole lot of power to clean up, that would be more of a benevolent dictator to do that.
Wait a Minute
2006-09-24 16:04:01 UTC
No, not at all. A president must act in accordance with and support the choices of his most powerful supporters if he wants to remain in office. That is why we see such poor character out of our presidents. For example: Why are our borders wide open if we are at war with terrorists?

On the other hand, I think I would make a great benevolent dictator.
2006-09-24 16:48:05 UTC
I would be the crappiest president. I would not even bother running!I I think that If you critisize Bush, You should try running! lets see if you have the spine to lead this nation during a crisis!
2006-09-24 16:12:38 UTC
I would like to think I'd make a great president, but I don't think alot of people would agree with me considering that I don't tolerate alot B.S. that happens everyday. It seems like our society just accepts the way the system is ran and the criminals are running that system. Sometimes I feel like people who for generations live off the government and prisoners get a better deal than the working class Americans who pay their taxes to support those systems. If you work, you get screwed, if you don't you get free ****, if you kill someone, you get free ****. Working is overrated. Maybe I should quit my job or commit a crime, and then the government will work for me, instead of me working for the government.
2006-09-24 19:06:19 UTC
Don't know if I could be on the level as G.W.Bush he has been a very good president.....I do however know I could be a wonderful president comparied too anything the Democrats have put into office or tried too put into office in the last 40 plus years!

I would make sure that burning our American Flag was a major crime warrenting the punishment of DEATH.... There will be no dishonoring the flag or those who served....

American English would be the national language...

I would keep our military strong and up to date with the lastest weopons and technology... the United States Marines would finaly get good equipment....and not be subject too hand me downs by the army or any other service...

There would be compulsive military service for a able body people living in America......they woudl have the choice of active or reserve.....joining the military just too pay for college will not use as an excuse....yes you would get college money and training but you would have too fight if you are needed...

Every one no matter what pays taxes....

A flat tax of 15% on your Gross wages would replace all other taxes....

I would try and cut a lot of the waiste in governemnt socail programs...welfare and other programs would be limited too you only being on them for 6 months out of a year......the dead beats would have too learn they can not sit on their asses and get paird for doing nothing......

I would get rid of the marrage penaltry tax- no man or woman should be taxed just for being married....and yes marrage would be between a man and a woman....that other crap would be illegal.

I would try too make America more self we woudnt have to be so depended on rag-heads and other assholes for oil and things...There would be drilling in ANWAR...would tap our coastal pottential for oiland natrual gas..... solar and wind farms would be set a trust .....That way the people have a bonus and some say too somehting they have up in Alaska...

There would be congressianal term wouldnt be able too pull a Ted Kennedy and stay in there for life...ect...the presidentcial term would be increased too 5 year terms instead of 4 years...

Eventualy Canada and Mexico as well as the Carribean would be anaxed or brought into the fold and a new nation would be formed The United States of Norht America....

Anyone who worked would have a retirment account set up and they would have too put at least 10% of there gross income into it..

The social securtiy program would be drasticaly changed....

You would acctualy have some say in what happened with your money....

50% of it would go into the social securtiy like it is now so that it would be their for the people already on it...

25% would go into it for you so you would have a government check for you when you retired and the toher 25% you could invest into the market or put into some other form of retirment with options too your likes and chosings.

The DEATH PENALTY would be inforced....NO MORE BULLSHIT!

I do how ever think that the ways they have for exicutions are bull...there should only be two froms firing squad and hangin.....

Prisons would no longer be like they are now .....each prison would be designed too be use as labor units....would have them doing things around the community cleaning it up helping build new projects roads houses ect......any money made by the prisoners a portion of it would go to the victoms of there crime too help pay restatution...ect....

no you wouldn't have too wory about murderers or rapist or crap like that because they wouldn't be around for more then 30 days if they couldn't prove their inosences...

If people in congress are going to take pac money then they do not get a salary for their job paid by the people...that is bullshit

phillabustering would be illegal..

if you do not get what you are suppose to get done bills and laws ect while you are insesion then you do not get paid have a job to do for the people of American and if you don't dop the job you dont get paid...

marry jane and same sex marrages or unions would be illeagal....

the power of unions in the working place would be monitored or their power halfed ...they are their too work for the people not thier own agenda .....all unions do is **** things up just ask Ford or any major industry.....

RAP music would be banned....or at least not played in public ...that stuff sucks lol...

Every one would have a computer and be trained in how to use them....

All tax paying ..... citizens surrving in the millitary would have economical fueleficaint vihicles.....

The American farmer would be helped out in times of need more scewing over the farms ....they are the back bone of this great nation....

Housing complexes would be build for the homeless...and some sorta job would be found for people who wanted them....but if you are caught messing up or damaging any housing that is provided too you will either have too repair it at your own expence or get your *** kicked more crap like we give the indians or other people housing and they strip it down too sell it too buy drugs or liquir....

There would be no separtate nations with in this nation.....

The department of education would finaly have too do the job it is suppose too do....providing the schools with funds and ways too to teach the kids....not teaching them lies or indocternating them with crap...

And I would keep up the war on terrorist and those who threatened the nation or the poeple of this nation!
2006-09-24 16:11:31 UTC
i think i would be a good president becasue unlike bush i would getthings done and as soon as their is a disaster anywhere in the world i will react on if it was necessary.

i dont like bush becasue look at the times the world was in a crisis he was either choking on a pretzel, reading to kids, or on a vacation
2006-09-24 16:08:05 UTC
I wouldn't let my ego or political ambition get in the way of genuinely doing what was best for the country, unlike Mr. Bush.

I would admit mistakes when I made them. And I would actually listen to other points of view.

All that alone would make me better than Bush.
2006-09-24 16:05:31 UTC
Judging by who they've let run the country the past six years, my CAT would make a good president. Anyway.....I'd tax the rich, better fund the military, improve social welfare programs, hire competent people to head departments like FEMA and not just my ol' drinking buddies with no to save the environment, enforce border patrols while helping naturalize current undocumented workers, and go to Bush's ranch and arrest Osama bin Laden personally. :)

And that's just my FIRST week in office, doncha know....
2006-09-24 16:07:30 UTC
Yes in my opinion but you all wouldn't like it as I'd honor and enforce all treaties made with American Indian tribes, I'd stop interfearing with forgeion affairs, withdraw support for Iseral, feed, clthe and house Americans first, socialize medical care, legalize pot, prositution, free Leonard Peltier, abolish income, property and inheirtance tax, up the minium wage, slash congressional aand presidential wages, out law lobbists, and be surrounded by the seest interns available, who knew how to swallow and a had dry cleaning service!
2006-09-24 16:04:20 UTC
I can respect and work with-in the constitution and this will be a far sight better then alot of recent presidents .
frank o
2006-09-24 16:06:48 UTC
in my eyes i would but there be so much talk from the community on how bad of a president i would be. and i would be the second bachelor president having parties with strippers in the white now i think i wanna be president thanks for persuing me man...
2006-09-24 17:14:12 UTC
Yes I do because I have an in-depth understanding of the 'dirty tricks' the Republicans use.
Old Guy
2006-09-24 16:11:27 UTC
No! But I probably could do a better job than the phoney thats there now!
2006-09-24 16:10:41 UTC
2006-09-24 16:04:11 UTC
I would print more dollar bills.
2006-09-24 16:03:29 UTC
i would be better than Bush for obvious reasons...
2006-09-24 16:12:47 UTC
Compared to the one we got now, anybody would be better, so yes. yes i would. thank you for asking
2006-09-24 16:05:29 UTC
No. I recognize that I am not qualified, unlike Dubya!
2006-09-24 16:05:10 UTC
i geuss i'd be better than Bush, but really, how hard is that.
2006-09-24 16:04:22 UTC
Dude totally a kick *** president....*shrug* i would legalize marijuana. Cool huh!
2006-09-24 16:03:31 UTC
I would, because death row would be empty
pinkygirl m
2006-09-24 16:03:32 UTC
me,no of course.
tom l
2006-09-24 16:48:18 UTC
Hell no ! ! !

Because if it looked like sh!t, and it smelled like sh!t,,,, guess what I would call it
leslie c
2006-09-24 16:03:42 UTC
2006-09-24 16:05:42 UTC
2006-09-24 16:07:28 UTC
yes vote dstr...look for me on your ballot ...thanks for your support!

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