Why do liberals struggle so much with the simple concept of "freedom?"?
2015-04-29 13:47:59 UTC
Why do liberals struggle so much with the simple concept of "freedom?"?
162 answers:
2015-05-01 23:56:02 UTC
Why do conservatives like freedom so much? What about freedom that ensures that you actually receive some sense of benefit. Freedom is a concept that just makes people feel good, because we as humans don't actually need it. Why do we call ourselves "humans" instead of animals, because being civilised people, we have to give up some of the luxuries and anarchistic behaviours. There should be a balance between the two, because failure to intervene in our basic human tendency to over stretch, countries and economies would be in shambles. America would not have been the country it is today if the government had not intervened throughout the course of history. For all you conservatives out there, let me ask you a question and you can answer it in your hearts. What is it about freedom that entices you so much. Ask yourself again, will your children be safe? Will you be safe? Does it give you benefits more than just an emotional sensation of "feeling free"?
2015-04-30 18:25:04 UTC
Why do conservatives like freedom so much? What about freedom that ensures that you actually receive some sense of benefit. Freedom is a concept that just makes people feel good, because we as humans don't actually need it. Why do we call ourselves "humans" instead of animals, because being civilised people, we have to give up some of the luxuries and anarchistic behaviours. There should be a balance between the two, because failure to intervene in our basic human tendency to over stretch, countries and economies would be in shambles. America would not have been the country it is today if the government had not intervened throughout the course of history. For all you conservatives out there, let me ask you a question and you can answer it in your hearts. What is it about freedom that entices you so much. Ask yourself again, will your children be safe? Will you be safe? Does it give you benefits more than just an emotional sensation of "feeling free"?

People don't think about stuff logically anymore, because if the world didn't have a certain degree of order, safety will always be compromised. Don't give the rubbish about "freedom should not be sacrificed for a temporary sense of security". How much money are you spending to ensure that you and your children are protected and safe? Why not ban guns altogether? Would you not live better with a peace of mind than with a gun in your glove compartment? Would a gun in your glove compartment guarantee you a peace of mind? Americans get so crazy about this freedom thing, and it's affected many other countries who have done so well without it. People are getting all starstruck by your sense of freedom that they aren't paying attention to the fact that freedom should be regulated so that people will not be able to rob another's sense of freedom. Why is there so much controversy with the Death Penalty? Imagine you being a mother to child who was shot by a guy who only got 10 years. How would you bring yourself to live another day knowing that he is still walking around, probably plotting to kill another kid.

As much as I love the feeling of being unrestrained, humans cannot be trusted with freedom, we just can't. No amount of educated or deterrence can wash the fact that we are still animals at heart. Humans do be crazy. I'm not saying take away all freedom, but freedom should not be delivered to the extent of allowing people to abuse it. Why should I have to deal with somebody else holding a gun to my head when they're trying to rob me? Yes I can die from a stab wound, but nothing's worst than knowing that with a gun, you have no chance of defending yourself. We need to be controlled, and I am proud that I'm English.
parochial school graduate
2015-04-30 06:14:48 UTC
Because they do not understand that if someone was the only human on the planet, living in the wilderness they would have freedom. That does not mean that they could not starve to death or be eaten by a predator. their decisions would dictate their fate.

Liberals think freedom means food and shelter would magically appear and if the lone person would snarl at a big predator the predator would be magically prevented from attacking .

Just to let you know I am fair minded; Big Banks believe that if they loan money to those who can never pay it back the loans should be magically payed back so the CEO can still get their 40 million or so. I think there are more liberals than we would like to admit.
2015-04-30 23:29:00 UTC
Whose simple concept of freedom are the liberals struggling against? Maybe the difference in definitions makes either side appear to struggle. Sounds a lot like the conservative definition is very similar to the Orwellian definition. That's pretty scary, when you really think about it. Freedom to do things my way actually is slavery for you, now isn't it?
2015-05-01 15:52:33 UTC
Think about it-

If you're in USA, your whole COUNTRY was literally FOUNDED for the single reason of 'freedom'.

But at the same time, freedom is so hard to spread.

Yes, you have religious freedoms.

African American Slavery is now gone.

Women can vote.

But in place of all these things lay, quite honestly, worse things.

Child abuse, harassment, sex slaves, kid slavery, and human trafficking (slavery). Now I so agree that basing someone on their race is horrible, and there were many kid slaves back in the day. But even still, now there's probably more kids being slaves, and less adults. Adults can handle it better- that's why I think it isn't AS bad, plus, when you were an African American slave, you'd get beatings and labor. When you're a slave now, your virginity is often taken away, along with tons of beatings. I don't know if there are more beatings now, and I don't know about you, but I'd rather be in labor and be whipped than have my virginity taken away by some stranger, my 'master'.

Plus, since slavery went on so long, some African americans have become racist. That's not in my area as much, but my father has a lot of students and co-workers that are extremely racist against him. They're African American; he's white. Now obviously, not all African americans are bad. I know this pair, and theyre extremely funny. I also know this one kid who's nice and shy. These three people are African American, but do you see much bad in them? More than a white kid? No. My father says it's sometimes the parents and environment they grow up in. I think that's true because those factors definitely have a big impact on your life. If you grow up around thugs and drugs, (didn't mean to rhyme there o_O ) chances are, youll be a thug and a rug addict. But if you grow up around wonderful people who are patient and pray every night, you will most likely grow up to be a wonderful person. There are bad whites and good whites; there are bad African americans and good African americans. Race doesn't decide what kind of person they are.

Women still have less salary than men sometimes, and some people are sexist. I wont lie- I'm a bit sexist myself. But why? I grew up around sassy, bratty girls. I am a girl, yet if I meet a girl for the first time, I will be guarded. If a girl hugs me, I will be disgusted.

Many people have pride and don't want to give it up. That is why people often struggle to give freedom. At the same time, one person can't control everyone, and nether can a few or even a lot.

Freedom seems simple, but if you had the choice of, say in the olden days, keeping your job and not doing as much work as you should, or your 'property' gone, which would you choose? Back then, people seriously believed that African americans were property. It took a lot of selflessness for the North to go against slavery like that. Also, it took their eyes being opened to the truth of how horrible slavery truly was.

Think about your own community though- perhaps there's some non-freedom going on that you could change.... Do you want to change it? Or are you too selfish or too close to what would disappear?
2015-05-03 17:11:39 UTC
The real question is why freedom is taken for granted. Most of the people from the left or right side not truly understand. They both assume it is a" birth right". Freedom has to be EARNED. Many soldiers died in the past for others to have their freedom and sadly this will not change in the future too. Also , people have to vote for the their politicians so their freedoms will be still there. There is a growing apathy in voter and it shows in IS Congress. Last note, cops work hard to people freedoms do not get abused.
Homeschool produces winners
2015-05-01 04:22:19 UTC
It's not so much the concept of "freedom" liberals struggle with. Liberals struggle with the the concept of who has to pay for it.
Andy F
2015-04-30 17:51:30 UTC
Why do anti-liberals so often use the word "freedom" to signify what looks to liberals like robbery, destruction of the environment, and discrimination against religious & racial minorities?

The reason liberals "struggle" so much with the concept of Freedom, I think, is because THEIR understanding of freedom is different from yours. The liberals, bless them, probably don't think that libertarians and conservatives have a monopoly on this value.

For example, consider "liberal" ideas on gay rights, reproductive rights etc. compared to rightwing conservative ideas on them.

-- democratic socialist / not a liberal, though many friends are.
2015-05-03 20:57:20 UTC
Freedom doesn't mean you don't have the responsibility of the outcome (we're all human)...that would be like Groundhog Day movie where you're immortal and you don't have any consequences. If you haven't seen it, check it out. In the movie, Bill Murray finds out he is stuck in a never ending loop and does whatever he wants. Eventually he gets bored and wants more, but can't get the person he wants and fails every time because he doesn't care or empathizes about anything other than himself (he learned it the hard way). The point that I'm have to care besides yourself. We have freedom in this country (U.S.) with freedom of speech, otherwise you would be arrested or worse, killed in some countries.
2015-04-30 13:41:40 UTC
Well lets look at freedom.

My Farther went to work full time as a sand hog, that is tunnel work at about 12 or 13, maybe 14. No child labor laws. 160 women burned to death because the owners thought is was a good idea to chain the doors closed so they would not try to escape. When the fire broke out, they were trapped, no fire codes or escape plans.

Freedom is a funny word, like I am free to enslave you or you me. Freedom means different things to different people. Take your land away because I have more money than you, that's freedom. Dump nuke waste in the river, free to save a lot of money on haz mat dumping fees.

Be careful what you wish for, people with a lot of money will see freedom as your slavery for their benefit.
2015-05-03 02:14:53 UTC
The reason liberals "struggle" so much with the concept of Freedom, I think, is because THEIR understanding of freedom is different from yours. The liberals, bless them, probably don't think that libertarians and conservatives have a monopoly on this value.

For example, consider "liberal" ideas on gay rights, reproductive rights etc. compared to rightwing conservative ideas on them.

-- democratic socialist / not a liberal, though many friends are.
Freethinking Liberal
2015-04-30 20:39:49 UTC
Actually it is the communists and conservatives (no real difference between the two) who have have such a problem with the simple concept of "freedom".

Liberals have brought freedom to us all. Look at David Lloyd-George and Churchill (Both members of the Liberal Government 1900 > 1918)
Danny Livewire
2015-05-01 07:57:14 UTC
Because conservatives have bastardaized the word... The "Freedom" Conservatives want is actually Facism in disguise! Just look at the affects: Large increases in the Federal Government (US Military), "Read my lips no new taxes" ... Privatization of Public Resources (The Nazis did this to ensure Party Loyalty too), banning of science & history topics in schools, control over a woman's body, etc. etc. etc. ... I can go on and on and on...

The ideal of "Freedom" that the Conservative party is selling is simply a CON

Liberal Ideology = True Liberty ... It's in the phonetics of the names!!

LIB~ eral

CON~ servative
2015-04-30 19:02:36 UTC
Freedom isn't a simple concept.

The government could say, "hey, feel free to do whatever you want -- we don't care", but then someone else might come along and abuse you, take your property, force you to obey their religion, or take away all the natural resources that you were using. Life would quickly turn into something like gang violence, which would turn into something like feudalism. That the government doesn't mess with you would be cold comfort.

So, modern governments set rules and regulations, and are strong enough to enforce them. Not everyone *likes* the rules, and someone will always complain that his freedom was taken away, usually citing tradition ("I should be free to beat my wife to death when she displeases me, like my religion says I should!"), but most of us agree that it's better than the scenario above.

Modern governments also provide various services, which have public costs, but usually have public benefit. Roads impose various restrictions on human activity, but generally increase freedom of mobility and freedom of job choice. Public education is a little broken in the US, but when it's designed well (as in some other countries), it does foster a more informed society, which improves everyone's range of options and has a lot of synergy with freedom of speech. Food stamps and welfare programs, while controversial, provide people with the freedom of not living in desperation (a state in which people are easily exploited).

Of course, if the government takes over too many functions or sets too many restrictions on human behavior, it becomes authoritarian and that deprives people of a lot of options.

There are no obvious "correct" answers about what the government should do/enforce and what should be left to individual discretion. Liberals and conservatives have different ideas, and society seems to lurch back and forth, overcorrecting in one direction, then in the other. Meanwhile other aspects of the world are changing rapidly (such as technology). In fact, it's not even totally clear what "liberal" and "conservative" mean, because ideology evolves as well.

Generally, people are considered "free" if they have a certain set of basic rights (freedom of speech, freedom of religion, right to a fair trial, etc.), a certain degree of security (against violence, illness, natural disaster, undue discrimination), and a meaningful say over how their government operates.
Barry Drewmore
2015-05-02 00:55:23 UTC
Because they acknowledge that freedom is a complex notion and that one everyone has their own version of the f word. Conservatives often take a more simplistic approach, i.e. their freedom is the only one that counts regardless of whether it encroaches upon the rights of others. Smokers often use the expression "free choice" while polluting the environment for others and placing an unfair burden on the health system. Their "freedom" is paid for by others.
2015-04-30 16:18:18 UTC
Liberals struggle with freedom because they are control freaks who want to control you and society. Liberals subscribe to the socialist theory that freedom is exercised through the context of restraints. Liberals enable their communist/socialist allies in doing the dirty work of collectivizing America through restrictive laws, judicial activism, over regulation and high taxes, and an aggressive left wing media. All are created equal (but some are more equal than others) is the liberal's first amongst equals agenda.
2015-05-01 23:06:46 UTC
Freedom ! What it is?

Is that what ever you want to do?

Is that what ever you think it's right?

Is that what ever you say it's correct?

Is that how ever you act it's right?

No ,really what it is?

There's no such think as freedom ,since all are not same ,some are violent,some are crazy,some are wise,some are stupid ,some are danger ,some are innocent and you can not put all these in one category.It's like put the wolf and sheep in one cage ,what you think will happen ?Can we use word of freedom for wolf ,but what about the sheep ?Does sheep has freedom too?
2015-05-03 20:36:19 UTC
Wait LIBERALS struggle with the simple concept of freedom?
2015-04-29 23:40:23 UTC
Do you mean like the freedom to marry the person you love? Or are you talking about the freedom to dump pollution into public resources? Or the freedom to conduct business in a dishonest or illegal manner? Or do you want the freedom for employers to pay substandard wages or provide an unsafe or unhealthy work place? Like most liberals I'm all for the first item. When I hear a conservative talking about freedoms being restricted, it usually involves one or more of the other three.
2015-05-01 03:18:31 UTC
Norman Thomas said this in a 1944 speech: "The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But, under the name of 'liberalism,' they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened." He went on to say: "I no longer need to run as a Presidential Candidate for the Socialist Party. The Democratic Party has adopted our platform.
Joe John M
2015-05-04 11:36:18 UTC
Perhaps because "liberals" believe in freedom from the consequences of your actions. Freedom means that the state will take care of you with resources taken by force from the productive members of society.
2015-05-01 12:26:52 UTC
Wow, I can't believe how many liberals are answering so honestly here. It's crazy. They're basically admitting that they're willing and ready to accept a dictatorship.

Wow, just wow.

Basically, the reason is because Democrats have taken over education, and are not instructing the young and impressionable on what they're allowed to believe. So, they have successfully put a distaste for what freedom is in their mouths.
2015-05-04 10:30:48 UTC
Because they live in FEAR, and every decision they make is a knee-jerk reaction to something that man has no control over. It's the same reason that there are so many LEFT ON GREEN ARROW ONLY intersections,

someone once had an accident so now we must control every intersection for FEAR that it may happen again

so instead of being able to turn left when traffic is clear we must wait because the Government decided that were to stupid to think for ourselves in an intersection, and as a result there raising a generation that CA'NT THINK FOR THEMSELVES Which is what the libs hope to achieve.
2015-05-04 11:22:26 UTC
How are we free? We live in a society where everyone is judged and are under so much scrutiny to fit in. We have people that come from other countries that say americans always ask them how they like freedom? they all respond that they don't have freedom here, they all have to dress a certain way act a certain way and have no room for individualism.
2015-04-30 07:26:43 UTC
Corporate freedom enslaves the working class. Anti abortion laws enslave women. Liberals realize freedom can come at the expense of another's liberty and needs regulation. Don't confuse freedom with anarchy.
2015-05-01 10:22:50 UTC
Why do conservatives struggle so much with the simple concept of "freedom" ?

It is conservatives who demand everyone live according to their moral values. Liberals say, you are all free to live by your own moral values. You simply can't inflict your moral values on other peoples.

it is only the freedom to inflict your moral values on others, that conservatives are not free to do.
2015-05-03 15:18:33 UTC
2015-05-03 11:30:14 UTC
People are getting all starstruck by your sense of freedom that they aren't paying attention to the fact that freedom should be regulated so that people will not be able to rob another's sense of freedom. Why is there so much controversy with the Death Penalty? Imagine you being a mother to child who was shot by a guy who only got 10 years. How would you bring yourself to live another day knowing that he is still walking around, probably plotting to kill another kid.
2015-05-02 13:57:22 UTC
Actually it is conservatives that want to take away the freedom of people in many ways compared to liberals. Conservatives confuse sensible regulations about guns to be anti freedom at the same time they oppose sensible drug laws and the government trying to control people's lives.
Smokies Hiker
2015-04-30 17:29:22 UTC
Liberals believe that freedom comes at a very high expense! They're willing to spend as much money as it takes to justify changing laws or making new laws that only liberals agree with! This of course is because they generously spend everyone's money but theirs!
2015-04-30 07:10:06 UTC
We don't. We simply don't believe that freedom means the freedom to take away others' freedoms and the freedom not to contribute to the nation as a whole because we want to keep ALL our money.
2015-05-01 10:23:53 UTC
You cannot be free unless you are self-reliant. There are very few truly self- reliant people in this country. The federal government has forced most of us to pay into social security, medicare and now Obama care just to mention a few. These are all liberal socialist institutions so liberals will support to them. Simply put it is easier to be a slave of the state, give them your money and let them decide what s best for you and whether or not you deserve what you have. They are blinded by blind guides.
2015-05-02 02:41:23 UTC
They want someone to think for them and they want equal output without equal input. They are collectivists that want nothing to do with moral hang-ups. Natural law is selective and does not support their motives or desires. Nobody is equal, and it would be boring if it were so! So they need and use Government to achieve their wishes. There can only be strife as equality which is collective destroys the freedom of others to achieve their desired effects that never can be had. They are fleeting with the freedom they throw away!
2015-04-30 04:50:42 UTC

About 1/2 of liberals CORRECTLY assess themselves as unable to cope with civilization unless someone they will never meet prevents them making their own decisions.

About 1/3 of liberals are bat-**** insane and actually believe being allowed to make a decision is "slavery."

The rest are evil fascists.

No exceptions. EVERY liberal fits one of those three.
2015-05-02 08:52:23 UTC
Because, freedom isn't really that simple.

Let's take something libs and cons love to babble about: gun rights.

You can grant people the freedom to own guns, but you also give people the "freedom" to abuse them.

Inversely, if you restrict the right to gun ownership, you also infringe upon the right of others to protect themselves.

BTW, In my town, we had two recent scares of people bringing guns to school. Fortunately, no one was injured.

Another hot topic: aborsh.

To give rights to the mother over "her body", one must limit the rights of her fetus to live.

But to give rights to the fetus to live, you must restrict what freedom the mother has over "her body".

Freedom is a trade-off. When you grant freedom for someone to do something, you have to take freedom away from someone else.
2015-05-01 06:36:26 UTC
Actually I do understand this one from talking too many conservatives and finally getting the answer through just the way conservatives think. I have freedom too do what I want when I want and how I want, but you don t. All is fair in the idealism of selfish is what makes the world go round.
2015-05-01 01:29:41 UTC
This voting Liberal has frequently said at Yahoo Answers that Freedom

is Liberty being exercised. Twice elected President Obama is my proof.
2015-04-29 21:39:28 UTC
Liberals are selfish. They think "freedom" means that they personally are free to do what they want. But, no one else has freedom. Thus, if someone does something they do not like; it should be banned, regulated, or the offender be imprisoned.

Well, it doesn't work that way. In a real "free" society, everyone is equally free to do what they want as long as they DO NOT VIOLATE the freedoms of others.

There is only lone kind of freedom. It is called "Individual Liberty".
2015-04-29 22:28:12 UTC
To a liberal, freedom is the right to do anything they want to do even if it violates the rights of others and even if their actions are:

1) extremely offensive to most other humans

2) contrary to human natural social order

3) perverse public behavior which exposes innocent children

4) mean spirited attempts to silence people who want to teach their children how to have a traditional family with a real male daddy and a real female mommy

Liberals are just mean spirited people who want to silence anyone who does not share their perversions and rebellions against nature.

They call it "Political Correctness" and shame you if you don't share their idea of being "Politically Correct" or "Narrow minded" and "narrow focused" like they are...
2015-04-29 15:55:51 UTC
This of course is coming from conservatives whose idea of freedom is creeping into a uterus and telling a woman what she can and cannot do, and when she can and can't decide if she wants a child.

They think freedom belongs to an embryo but not to the woman.

Its a simple concept, a living breathing, thinking woman has the right to decide if and when she wants to go through a pregnancy and raise a child for the rest of her life.

Why do cons have such a struggle with that?

Freedom to do whatever doesn't harm other living, thinking existing humans, like gay marriage or to believe or not, and hew to the Constitution and not have a state approved religion.

Not to have prayers in public institutions or hate directed at those who don't share the majority religion.

The struggle for freedom in the conservative mind seems to be centered on how many freedoms they can take from others.
2015-05-03 16:09:35 UTC
Consider that the idea of liberty is not connected to U.S. Bill of Rights Preamble and ideas of free speech and human rights as computer program.In a documentary the point was emphasized in a statement made by Colin Powell or Dick Cheney about The U.S. Armed Forces standing ready for anything.A picture of a tank resembling a semi erect penis was behind his head and images of men with guns were emphasized instead of u.s. bill of rights as computer program.In ethe documentary young man was said join for reason he did not know what to do with his life and implied college fees were $30,000.The cost of an anti-malware program at the store is$ 20.00

or $50.00 at the most slightly over 100 hundred dollars so should not be a problem for a computer course at a University.The same could be said of the young woman who took modern dance who was interviewed about her decision to join the army.The U.S. Bill of Rights as computer program would have been preference for her to seek.Also calling the National Guard up to Wall Street put that question to recruiters or just ask The National Guard to restore control of City Buildings from corporations.The ther problem on liberty is a CEO is thought not military or The CEO of National Guard tasked with ensuring U.S. Cities retain control and not corporations.
2015-05-04 11:39:28 UTC
Because it isn't so simple. Freedom is part of a balance between personal freedom and social harmony. My freedom to swing my arm ends at your nose.
rob m
2015-05-02 15:20:16 UTC
as a real liberal i have no struggle with the concept of freedom, AT ALL, guns rights are alright with me, the freedom to bare weapons, the right for a woman to choose her right to abortion, the freedom and right to beleive in religion or not, the freedom which should be a right to healthcare for everyone, conservative limit freedom, in my experience by rehashing limiting ideas and beleifs
2015-04-30 16:23:24 UTC
Liberals advocate strong personal freedoms and social equality. However, liberals are also strong proponents of capitalism, which undermines both freedom and equality. As long as there is capitalism, true freedom will never be achieved and equality will remain out of reach.
Special Ed.
2015-04-30 09:01:43 UTC
Your question is quite disingenuous and it fails to hide the New Southern Strategy of hurling insults at Blacks under the guise of calling them Liberals. Since Conservatives have mastered the art of 'double speak,' are they basically forked tongue liars
2015-05-01 00:56:30 UTC
You do realize that freedom is a very abstract idea can can mean vastly different things to different people? Conservatives think the world is so simple and it keeps them from appreciating problems and issues more closely.
2015-04-30 11:02:48 UTC
That's funny because it seems to always be Republicans fighting against freedoms. Against the right to choose, blocking the vote, against the Marriage rights of others, against all human beings right to affordable healthcare. I think you might be confusing Liberals with conservatives.
2015-04-30 09:58:18 UTC
They don't.

Why do YOU struggle to understand how far to the Political Right you are from your Founding Fathers (and even Ronald Reagan!)

You should move to Iran, maybe their idea of 'liberty' would better meets your wishes....
2015-05-04 14:05:57 UTC
fact that we are still animals at heart. Humans do be crazy. I'm not saying take away all freedom, but freedom should not be delivered to the extent of allowing people to abuse it. Why should I have to deal with somebody else holding a gun to my head when they'r
2015-05-02 07:15:50 UTC
They want to believe everyone is created equal and should be entitled to things they haven't earned- what really gets me is two fold- the harder I work the more the government takes and the fact that Liberals think 'gun control' and even taking away all guns help prevent crime and gun related deaths when it is quite the opposite!
Joe Jagger
2015-04-30 21:25:13 UTC
We understand that the word "freedom" is code for tax breaks for the 1%.... to the Republicans.
2015-05-02 22:28:07 UTC
Liberals are called liberals because they believe in individual liberties. That is freedom according to definitions. So it is ONLY liberals who are in favor of freedom. Those who are against liberals are against freedom and want to eliminate laws that prevent them from coercing people into do what they want them to do.
2015-05-03 18:31:50 UTC
Freedom is an extremely subjective term. Liberals don't understand that true freedom requires boundaries. Without boundaries, people will constantly infringe on others' freedom. Liberals just don't understand.
2015-05-01 21:25:36 UTC
Everyone struggles in such matters. Nothing is absolute. Even freedom cannot be absolute. absolute freedom will lead to anarchy and zero freedom to serfdom. Hence we have to struggle to decide the extent of freedom.
2015-05-02 15:50:16 UTC
I think the question is more on entitlement. It occurs because parents don't teach their children that they can't have everything they want so, when they grow up, they don't expect the world to be different than when they were children. It's a vicious cycle of finger pointing and entitlement.
2015-05-01 13:09:47 UTC
That's democrats not liberals. We don't but we recognize that there has to be order in society, it is not everyone for themselves. We have responsibilities, for example paving roads, supporting infrastructure, supporting education. Those who are wealthy did not attain their wealth without help from others. No man is an island.
2015-05-04 19:07:13 UTC
Why do Conservatives struggle so much with the concept of "Intellect?"
2015-05-01 09:08:29 UTC
So, modern governments set rules and regulations, and are strong enough to enforce them. Not everyone *likes* the rules, and someone will always complain that his freedom was taken away, usually citing tradition ("I should be free to beat my wife to death when she displeases me, like my religion says I should!"), but most of us agree that it's better than the scenario above.
2015-05-01 15:52:11 UTC
I don't know about liberals, but Libertarians understand freedom perfectly.
2015-04-30 21:50:30 UTC
because they want all their government programs, welfare, food stamps, medicaid and for that you have to rely solely on the government who can either give you freedoms or take them all away. If you're relying on the government, you're down the wrong path. They don't seem to understand that they are losing freedoms by doing that.
2015-05-02 20:27:17 UTC
With them it is just a concept (idea). They think they have it as long as they keep making new government regulations and laws.

With conservatives it is life. Freedom is what every one should possess.
2015-04-30 09:59:26 UTC
Same reasons cons do, its there way or the high way.

Think of why cons oppose certain types of people having rights or freedoms to do things like anyone else and you will have your answer
Sally says...
2015-04-30 15:51:25 UTC
Well, even simple concepts are difficult for liberals to understand.
2015-04-29 14:55:07 UTC
I have no problem with the concept. I served to defend it and have supported it all my life. Why can't Conservatives understand that freedom includes the freedom of others to disagree with them?
2015-04-30 04:41:18 UTC
Liberals struggling in Baltimore, were given too much freedom to riot loot & rape.

2015-05-01 06:59:07 UTC
This is a joke, right? People complain that liberals are TOO liberal. Meaning they give too much freedom.
2015-04-29 15:00:24 UTC
There is the American Trinity

& the French Trinity Liberté, égalité, fraternité seems to create Terror

Freedom of opportunity doesn't isn't equal to equality of outcome
2015-04-30 04:23:21 UTC
You mean, the freedom to marry the person I want to, that conservatives won't allow me to?

You mean, the freedom to have control over my own body, that conservatives won't allow me to?

You mean, Freedom like that?
2015-05-02 20:12:07 UTC
Liberals don't, the question is in what freedoms are we talking about???
2015-04-29 13:56:18 UTC
I have no reason to assume most of them do. No doubt the confusions could stem from the many different ways in anyone, liberal or conservative, would view or define freedom.
2015-04-29 14:02:39 UTC
Largely, they mistake liberty for freedom. Anyone who has served their country in the armed forces, they would get it. To put things simply, Freedom is granted by god whereas liberty is granted at the whim of the government and can likewise be revoked at the whim of the Government.
2015-04-29 13:49:16 UTC
You mean like the freedom for a woman to deal with her doctor and her own body without government intervention?

2015-04-30 09:48:10 UTC
They believe freedom means getting free things from the state and has no correlation with liberty.
2015-05-02 10:08:40 UTC
Which freedom would that be? Right wing so-called Christian freedom to live in the lap of luxury and to hell with those less fortunate?
2015-04-29 21:15:43 UTC
because conservatives will attempt to keep it from anyone who doesn't agree with them, so the liberals put up a strong answer the cons call for enslavement with a big fat NO.
2015-04-29 14:56:24 UTC
Because our idea of freedom is not hating on people and paying no taxes. Bombing people all the time is not a freedom either. Freedom is being able to marry another human being, controlling your own body, treating people equally and a living wage so you can live like a human being. Your's is being able to fire your gun at church.
casey m
2015-05-01 05:55:26 UTC
why do you ask idiotic questions? why do you drink at the Fox News water fountain? give me a break. I guess I do not understand freedom because I do not agree with many conservatives so by your logic I want a totalitarian state.
2015-04-29 13:56:50 UTC
In the Con mind freedom is a synonym for anarchy
2015-04-29 15:21:23 UTC
I'm giving this from the perspective a conservative, which I think will be the most helpful for you since you are also most likely conservative. Liberals, if you dislike this, that's fine because I wasn't talking to you. Anyways, both political ideologies want people to have freedom. Conservatives try to give equal rights to people through laws. Once everyone has the same rights legally, they're done. However, liberals go further than that. They try to force people by law to except these new changes. For example, privileging minorities, requiring diversity, etc. So to sum it up, conservatives give people all the same legal rights. Liberals try to adapt to the people's social interactions between minorities and make laws that seem fitting and socially balanced, but not legally balanced.
2015-05-01 05:42:25 UTC
Freedom is simple to minds that are simple
2015-04-30 09:01:26 UTC
as a kkkon yo apparently mean freedom ot be enslaved by the military industrial complex and the wealthy elite
2015-05-03 07:29:22 UTC
I don't struggle with my version of freedom just yours.
2015-04-30 21:38:16 UTC
I would assume that because of the huge overbearing amount of government supported by both sides no one know what freedom is.
2015-04-30 14:34:51 UTC
The simple is, they don't. Your questions is flawed and has a hidden agenda. In fact, it isn't a question at all.
Thomas Crawford
2015-05-01 16:23:05 UTC
Yikes.. I try and stay out of politics. I feel like people should be aloud to feel whatever they want to politically. Regardless of what people think, there will never be any resolve to things like this. Just accept that people have different opinions and move on.
2015-04-30 22:06:15 UTC
Cause liberals know that socialism means that their as free as the government will allow them to be and no more than that...oh, joy !
2015-05-04 10:54:08 UTC
Might serve you better to ask yourself why that is your perception and how you feel about it. But then, I have a degree in psychology. As stated, with undefined terms, you are talking about your own beliefs and either ascribing them to others or hoping to convert them. Luck.
Gerry G
2015-05-01 05:19:58 UTC
That is a very good question. It is beyond me why the libs are so against getting the government out of our daily lives.
The First Dragon
2015-04-29 22:12:40 UTC
Liberals value equality more highly than freedom. And equality, to them, means equal results, not equality under the law.
2015-04-30 04:56:08 UTC
with 'freedom' comes responsibility and these guys have a problem w/ being personally responsible.
2015-05-03 19:38:20 UTC
If everyone has freedom, I have the freedom to take away your freedom
2015-04-30 12:43:41 UTC
Most need a second MOM an government fill's that roll.
2015-04-30 14:16:56 UTC
It has to be their OWN definition of freedom, no one else's ideas can be tolerated if it doesn't agree with their own.
2015-05-03 12:30:46 UTC
Let's be honest, are conservatives really for freedom? Anti-abortion, anti-gay marriage, pro-war, pro-death penalty, anti-welfare... Such freedom! lol.
2015-05-02 18:17:05 UTC
Because they don't understand America
2015-05-01 14:59:40 UTC
Sometime freedom is deadly as no freedom at all
2015-04-30 13:10:31 UTC
Because they can't control the outcome, they perceive it as a threat.
2015-05-01 17:39:54 UTC
Um, its conservatives who want to take away freedom.
2015-04-29 13:49:12 UTC
Property is not a natural right; it is entirely a creature of government.

Reflect on that.
2015-04-29 15:34:11 UTC
because we stupidly refuse to believe that freedom means THEY'RE free to do as they darned well wish..but WE'RE constrained by THEIR rights to NOT exercise OUR liberties!
2015-05-02 07:33:40 UTC
Because they're totalitarians at heart.
2015-05-04 09:53:00 UTC
Because democracy is the worst kind of government... except all the others
2015-04-30 05:25:52 UTC
Its is all about the confusion of it all. I mean doing something on your own. Without being

luisa l hi
2015-05-01 01:17:25 UTC





Yeah, butt
2015-04-30 04:48:18 UTC
they're not struggling with it. They just don't want you to have any.
2015-04-29 15:26:38 UTC
We don't, "freedom" to a conservative is "bag the gays, give me a gun".
great knight
2015-05-01 09:44:15 UTC
As dictators they will have more freedom to hurt!
2015-05-01 10:09:41 UTC
I know, and why don't they just accept that conservatives need to control everything?
2015-04-30 18:46:23 UTC
both sides are corrupt.

they are on the same team, against us. its kind of like pro wrestling. they talk ****, put on a fake fight for the masses that still believe it is real.
2015-04-30 15:33:32 UTC
Because your average LIBERAL is STUPID beyond belief !!!

It`s because of the hideous Liberal Virus that infects the brain and slowly ROTS it !!
2015-04-30 11:49:48 UTC
Because they are the product of a government school. Consequently they do not know how to think logically.
2015-04-30 14:39:03 UTC
Freedom? Freedom is worship word, you will not use it!
2015-05-04 14:57:30 UTC
(William Wallace Voice) What will you do without freedom?
2015-05-04 12:47:40 UTC
No such thing as freedom
2015-04-29 22:00:13 UTC
They want no part in empowering individuals to become better tomorrow than they are today.
2015-05-02 07:45:13 UTC
This is a loaded question with a false premise.
2015-05-03 21:55:26 UTC
All political parties are just as bad as eachother
2015-04-30 21:36:59 UTC
Its the root word free that confuses them.
2015-05-01 11:06:23 UTC
starving children can't eat freedom.
2015-04-30 22:37:08 UTC
nobody believes in absolute freedom
2015-05-01 21:57:34 UTC
freedom evolves
2015-05-01 20:40:11 UTC
Because people have just bastardised the word.
Prince Altoid
2015-05-03 09:15:39 UTC

you pretty much answered your own question. liberals are the single worst piece of human trash since the nazis.
2015-04-29 13:58:21 UTC
The Kittens answer illustrates the main problem at hand. They're ignorant
2015-05-03 02:52:27 UTC
Why do Conservatives ask such stupid, self-satisfied, and smug questions that presume they are correct ?
2015-04-30 00:06:02 UTC
Who knows?
2015-05-03 15:47:54 UTC
They only mean freedom for themselves when they say it not everybody else. Ever notice?
2015-05-01 04:38:33 UTC
Nice try troll, but epic fail.
2015-05-02 18:00:12 UTC
Its about the declaration of independance.
2015-04-29 21:05:05 UTC
Who are you to talk down to people, imbecile! Concept THIS!
2015-04-30 14:11:33 UTC
2015-04-29 23:57:36 UTC
Because your freedom is our shackles.

Why is it the cons project their faults on liberals?

You wouldn't believe how stupid you sound.
2015-05-01 18:31:33 UTC
Because they like totalitarianism better
Moscow Mitch
2015-04-29 13:57:38 UTC
For who, gay people? People that don't want their neighborhoods flooded with assault rifles?
2015-04-29 18:35:44 UTC
They don't care about freedom they just want free stuff payed for by Republicans
2015-04-30 07:40:34 UTC
The question is superficial and meaningless.
2015-04-29 20:26:01 UTC
Lack of school
2015-05-03 19:07:27 UTC
Because that goes against everything they believe in.
2015-04-30 20:55:36 UTC
You got that backwards pal.
2015-04-30 07:25:08 UTC


2015-04-29 18:46:49 UTC
because they have been indoctrinated, trained, and sublety to believe socialism, communism and big govt will be best. they have been deceived.
2015-05-02 16:36:08 UTC
liberals or conservatives...there all the same.
Adopted by Madonna
2015-05-01 23:03:52 UTC
They're friggin' dirt stupid.
2015-04-30 20:37:18 UTC
my only lover give out to give in
2015-05-03 14:02:35 UTC
2015-04-30 14:49:43 UTC
2015-04-30 17:38:10 UTC
Liberals will be always liberal. Period.
2015-05-02 19:02:29 UTC
because stupuuu heaaaaa
2015-05-03 01:38:42 UTC
2015-05-02 08:07:16 UTC
You have all answered your own question.
Linda R
2015-05-01 12:42:40 UTC
Because they have NO brains.
2015-05-02 16:10:01 UTC
Not everyone is perfect, you know.
2015-04-30 09:07:45 UTC
mental disorder.
2015-05-02 09:51:35 UTC
they are liberals
2015-05-03 10:26:10 UTC
2015-05-02 06:58:41 UTC
They are born STOOPID ... to STOOPID LIBERAL PARENTS , who are closely related !!!
2015-05-02 08:03:13 UTC
2015-05-03 20:23:57 UTC
money Lot
2015-05-04 08:50:32 UTC
Dang, only if we knew...
2015-04-29 13:48:10 UTC
2015-05-01 14:32:29 UTC
2015-04-30 18:58:54 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.