Think about it-
If you're in USA, your whole COUNTRY was literally FOUNDED for the single reason of 'freedom'.
But at the same time, freedom is so hard to spread.
Yes, you have religious freedoms.
African American Slavery is now gone.
Women can vote.
But in place of all these things lay, quite honestly, worse things.
Child abuse, harassment, sex slaves, kid slavery, and human trafficking (slavery). Now I so agree that basing someone on their race is horrible, and there were many kid slaves back in the day. But even still, now there's probably more kids being slaves, and less adults. Adults can handle it better- that's why I think it isn't AS bad, plus, when you were an African American slave, you'd get beatings and labor. When you're a slave now, your virginity is often taken away, along with tons of beatings. I don't know if there are more beatings now, and I don't know about you, but I'd rather be in labor and be whipped than have my virginity taken away by some stranger, my 'master'.
Plus, since slavery went on so long, some African americans have become racist. That's not in my area as much, but my father has a lot of students and co-workers that are extremely racist against him. They're African American; he's white. Now obviously, not all African americans are bad. I know this pair, and theyre extremely funny. I also know this one kid who's nice and shy. These three people are African American, but do you see much bad in them? More than a white kid? No. My father says it's sometimes the parents and environment they grow up in. I think that's true because those factors definitely have a big impact on your life. If you grow up around thugs and drugs, (didn't mean to rhyme there o_O ) chances are, youll be a thug and a rug addict. But if you grow up around wonderful people who are patient and pray every night, you will most likely grow up to be a wonderful person. There are bad whites and good whites; there are bad African americans and good African americans. Race doesn't decide what kind of person they are.
Women still have less salary than men sometimes, and some people are sexist. I wont lie- I'm a bit sexist myself. But why? I grew up around sassy, bratty girls. I am a girl, yet if I meet a girl for the first time, I will be guarded. If a girl hugs me, I will be disgusted.
Many people have pride and don't want to give it up. That is why people often struggle to give freedom. At the same time, one person can't control everyone, and nether can a few or even a lot.
Freedom seems simple, but if you had the choice of, say in the olden days, keeping your job and not doing as much work as you should, or your 'property' gone, which would you choose? Back then, people seriously believed that African americans were property. It took a lot of selflessness for the North to go against slavery like that. Also, it took their eyes being opened to the truth of how horrible slavery truly was.
Think about your own community though- perhaps there's some non-freedom going on that you could change.... Do you want to change it? Or are you too selfish or too close to what would disappear?