Who is tired of all this Social Justice nonsense in sports?
2020-08-13 13:12:06 UTC
I'm really getting tired of social justice or any form of activism on the field or court. Sports should be a neutral setting where everyone should be able to enjoy it without differences in ideology. It's supposed to be a uniting factor and an act of diplomacy. Yet, after being bombarded with politics in the news, sports has decided to carry the baton forward and it really just is annoying now. I really don't care what you believe, but leave that outside of sports. Let everyone enjoy it without worry or fear of being judged of their opinions. 
101 answers:
2020-08-13 15:31:49 UTC
I think people should take back control and protest sports across the board and let these teams go bankrupt, our kids look up to these morons who live a life and luxury and seclusion who have no clue what its like to be poor while raising children, many may come from those back grounds, but they certainly forgot their roots and the history of politics in America, we should not be divided by our political affiliation, all this division stems from a few bad people who become the symbols for something none related.... sports is intended to be for entertainment, that's why I reject comedians who's comedy acts center around politics, that's why late night comedy is coming to an end, people are burned out.
2020-08-17 02:54:40 UTC
Politics should be left out of sports.  When you are a pro athlete,  you are on the payroll and on the job and should not be engaging in political activism, something that would get you fired in a normal job.  Greg Popovich, kneeling players, and their ESPN pundit-wannabees can say bye to high ratings as fans like me find something else to do.
2020-08-16 17:01:10 UTC
Me. It got old a long time ago. I miss the days of sports being sports.
Andrew S
2020-08-16 05:53:44 UTC
Libtards have politicized everything in the US, it makes an unpleasant living condition for everyone.
K S Lall
2020-08-15 18:46:10 UTC
Really? You prefer a return to the days when the NBA was all-white?
2020-08-15 12:27:56 UTC
No place for it in sports.  All lives matter
2020-08-14 21:21:37 UTC
Well, KKK still has their rallies. People let them be. It's freedom of speech. Just leave people alone if you don't like what they have to say. I'm sure people say something to you if they disagree but we aren't supposed to tell people that they can't say something and how they can't say it. People are allowed to disagree with you but they shouldn't limit freedom of speech. If someone disagrees with you why are you so offended? People can have different opinions & povs. We all need to just let each other be.

They're athletes if they want to say something they can. They aren't clowns. They're people. They still perform for you and play the game. Just watch and enjoy the game. If they say something about how they feel. It's not a judgment you. You aren't up for display. It's their right to take the risk to up themselves up for display. No one knows you. They aren't saying anything personal to you. They just want to express how they feel. If you don't want to hear it. You don't have to watch it. No one is forcing you to watch, just take a break until playtime. You have the right to not listen. I don't get what the big deal is.

FYI, what we're really dealing within our society is people feeling like they aren't understood or heard. No one feels understood. Understanding is the opposite of judgement. In this country white people & black people do not understand each other. It is impossible for a white man to know what it's like to be black and a black person to know how it feels to be white. It is possible to bridge the gap if both sides try. You can choose to try to understand or you can choose to be angry. Even if people judge you have the right to your choices.

Also, IMO severe SJWs are in the wrong for trying to force everyone to have their opinion. Likewise, for anti-protest people. I think it's wrong to tell people they can't protest and they have no right to feel how they feel.
2020-08-14 15:28:23 UTC
I wish we could send them to the sun.
2020-08-13 19:29:14 UTC
Yes sports should get back to being sports not moral lecturing society of how it should behave.
2020-08-13 17:37:17 UTC
I am and apparently soccer fans in Dallas. It's funny how those players have the right to kneel but fans don't have the right to boo them for it. 
Homer Bufflekill
2020-08-17 10:58:58 UTC
Me... I started growing tired of it all about 5 or 6 years ago. With this latest round of non-sense I've decided to tap-out. I'm done with the NFL. I've been a fan for over 50 years, but I cant support a business that basically throws the finger to the customer. Believe it not, I was on the side of the people that were fighting against police abuse. Nobody likes a bad cop or enjoys getting effed with by the cops, black, white or any other color. But you don't kneel during our National Anthem, and then call me a racist because I'm not on board with it. The NFL writing messages in the end zone this season and whole whole 'Skins name change thing sealed the deal. I hope they don't play this year, and it wouldn't bother me if they went under. Maybe then these childish grown men would realize that in this world, you're going to run into bad lawyers, bad teachers, bad politicians, and yes..bad cops. But get up and show 1 minute of respect to the nation and the people that have fought for it. Salute and thank those that made it possible for you to become a millionaire for playing a child's game.
2020-08-16 21:21:48 UTC
The NBA has now joined the NFL on my do not watch list.  Dropped NFL when Kapernick dropped a knee.  Sad what the Left and political correctness has done to this country, personal security, and  law enforcement.
2020-08-15 21:15:04 UTC
It is not that much Social Justice than you assume. Also, there are worse things, e.g. corruption, crime, racism, tax evasion.
2020-08-15 20:24:00 UTC
i agree, especially the NBA&NFL, too much politics is making it have way too much negativity. on top of this lebrun james and other pro athletes should not lead people in politics, these athletes know no better than you or me about politics since being a pro athletes does not make you qualified to lead the way in politics. two completely different things.
2020-08-15 18:15:24 UTC
I'm just sick and tired of ALL the Social Justice B.S.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  It is NOT needed nor called for.  The Democrats are just using it to scare people into voting for them and to cause havoc.
2020-08-15 03:04:32 UTC
Sports and politics have gone hand in hand since ancient times. 
2020-08-15 00:15:36 UTC
Freedom of Speech is a right for anyone in the USA, we don't exclude anyone from that right, so why should we do that in Sports? Makes no sense to me, you must be an idiot I guess. 
2020-08-14 09:38:29 UTC
I'll put it this way, I don't spend or devote any of my time or money to organisations, networks or companies that promote leftwing agendas. I've stopped supporting F1, I don't watch Disney, cancelled Netflix, I do not watch TV full stop because I cancelled my TV license, and I'm very VERY choosy about what seminars (optional) I attend at the university I am doing my PhD at. 
Green Puffin
2020-08-14 07:04:17 UTC
If you were a non white sports person that has faced discrimination or attitude issues from both Management, Colleagues or Fans, based on your skin colour, you too would see why Sports are taking up the 'baton' and introducing political activism.

If you don't want to support sports people of all skin colours, then don't watch the sport.  Most of us, are willing to offer any type of support to stop prejudices based on skin colour, gender, age, ability etc....  That's how we have a fairer world.  Also politics affects every aspect of our societies, whether you like it or not.
2020-08-14 04:02:41 UTC
Do you feel the same way about overt displays of religion on the sports field, like Tim Tebow? 

Because that sh&ts me to tears. If you want to ban it all, ban religion too.

But sport can be a political act. The sports ban against apartheid South Africa was actually a big influence in ending it, because Saffers loved their sport so much. the US boycott of the Moscow olympics, then the soviet boycott of the LA olympics. There's more than your Trumpian hatred of BLM
2020-08-13 21:51:51 UTC
2020-08-13 21:02:54 UTC
We are tired of rightard trolls spamming Politics with Poll rants.

Make The GOP Extinct 2020
2020-08-13 20:55:28 UTC
Kneeling has nothing to do with anthem or the flag, it represents injustice to (mostly) black men being killed by knees on necks. Conservative news only tells you different, I guess to, just p*ss off Cons. @ sergio..apparently you have no idea what antifi is (anti fascism). So if you are a fascist, you can continue to complain about them. So here's a definition for you..Fascism is a form of government that is ruled by an authoritarian leader. They work for a totalitarian one-party state. This aim is to prepare the nation for armed conflict, and to respond to economic difficulties. So, are you for fascism? Apparently some of you are. For some, ignorance is "bliss" to them. 
2020-08-13 19:44:10 UTC
I agree, but to the liberal mindset, if you hold conservative values then you don't deserve to enjoy anything.
2020-08-13 18:07:58 UTC
because when you're neutral and've already picked a side and it's a sign of activism. 

If you're silent on BLM concerns then you're doing the job of the anti-BLM movement by stifling it until it goes away. 

Not only that but the athlete comes off as entitled and a spoiled brat if they think they're above what other people around them are going through. 
2020-08-13 17:41:51 UTC
So just keep not playing any sports, and then you won’t have to worry about what athletes want. 
2020-08-13 17:13:56 UTC
They go woke and end up broke. no one's watching NBA games or major league baseball games. Reruns Gilligan's Island have better ratings.
2020-08-13 16:50:27 UTC
I know.  I'm no sports fan but it is disgusting how right wingers spit on the constitution and peoples' rights by not supporting those who do.
2020-08-13 15:54:08 UTC
It has, unfortunately,  become a false flag for the BLM movement's , bigoted agenda 
2020-08-13 15:15:50 UTC
I respect the right of peaceful protest. I also respect the sport league's right to set policy. Who knows, if the trumpsters had respected Kaeperick's kneel to the flag in protest of social inequality instead of considering him uppity, the Floyd incident might have been avoided. Kaepernick looks genius now. Passiveness is tacit approval. I saw activism in the 1950s result in the Civil Rights Act. Get rid of the racism and the cause to action dissipates away w/o support.
2020-08-16 18:38:51 UTC
I will never watch professional sports again, except for golf.
2020-08-16 13:23:13 UTC
Boycott sports.  It is incomprehensible to me that people get paid millions to play a game and are idolized for it when they have done nothing to contribute to humanity.  They abuse their notoriety to pander to the "cause du jour".
2020-08-16 12:26:17 UTC
Vote Dim in 2020 because you believe looting is the means to wealth equality.

2020-08-15 22:54:05 UTC
The time the players took to the knee was when all the Camera's were on Them.  They were protesting something and NOW THE WORLD SAW IT.   Black Lives Matter. Standing for the flag means nothing, the guys fighting wars mean nothing IF YOU CRACKERS CAN'T GET YOUR SCHIT TOGETHER.   The coffee has been boiling for hours.  You don't have to watch sports. You won't die.  It is time for YOU to reflect.
Free Advice
2020-08-15 17:43:07 UTC
I cannot afford to attend a game-- it is totally out of my reach.
paul c
2020-08-15 11:28:33 UTC
Yes, hearing about strangers being mistreated is a drag. Maybe if it was your people were being mistreated, you'd be interested in it ?  A few dead friends might make you more interested in stopping police that use excess force. 
2020-08-15 07:24:43 UTC
Trouble is, "Sports should be a neutral setting where everyone should be able to enjoy it without differences in ideology" is a great idea but it doesn't just happen by accident. People have to chose to make it that way in the real world. Which is why sport is as much involved in politics as any other part of life.

There is no sport that happens purely in a vacuum with no connection to the world outside of it - and that is especially true of professional sports.
2020-08-15 03:40:57 UTC
I refuse to watch the NBA because of it... their ratings have gone down drastically... when realistically, the ratings should've increased since some are still stuck at home
2020-08-15 01:10:24 UTC
Maybe it's time for you stop watching sports. Sports is one of our greatest symbol of unity and inclusion.  
2020-08-14 20:29:24 UTC
No I am grateful and glad they are using their position to draw attention to deep rooted problems in our society... It shows they have courage and morals and values. I am tired of the right wing media that keeps misrepresenting what the actual message of social justice is all about! There needs to be systematic changes to create better training  for law enforcement. There needs to be less pressure on law enforcement agencies who are taking on too many roles in our culture. There needs to be deeper understanding of cultural differences and just more accountability for people in power. Police shouldn’t be about us vs them. It is a buddy system and cops can’t even handle mild dissent bc they’ve been brainwashed to think you’re either for them or against them which is total Bs! We have to understand nuances in society so the ugly parts of it can change... But that takes intelligence and courage to face reality! 
2020-08-14 20:12:06 UTC
I am so sick and tired of being bombarded with the 'social justice" propaganda during breaks in sports broadcasts. The worst is CBS golf coverage. Every other break has more whining and complaining. Enough already. Networks like MSNBC and CNBC give 24 hour coverage of their whining .... I do not need that nonsense when trying to enjoy sports.
2020-08-14 14:50:34 UTC
I think its OK if they all agree that murder is a bad thing..kind of generic and not hold them up as role models...telling them that killing unarmed blacks is a bad thing is kind of a no brainer.
2020-08-14 12:56:39 UTC
Sorry (not really) for ruining your bread and citcus and waking you for America's problems.
2020-08-14 12:34:35 UTC
While I firmly believe that the American flag is supposed to represent different rights and freedoms as guaranteed by the constitution, I don’t think that kneeling is the most appropriate way to get your message across if your fighting for equality. I’m mean think about it do you think that you’re really going to change the minds of people who discriminate because they don’t want an America for people of different skin colors. No. So I think that all together people should stop kneeling and do more on their own part to start advancing the causes they believe because kneeling only creates more hatred and division in this country. And as you can, It drives conservatives nuts that people want to kneel during the anthem.
2020-08-14 08:23:25 UTC
Don't you find it strange that you find yourself offended by anything that falls under "social justice", fairness within society? It just makes you sound feeble minded, and incapable of any form of introspection. People who are reactive to even a minor expectation to self-correct/change, are also the most likely to be incorrect.

As the field of science has shown us, the capacity for self-correction is one of the greatest strengths one can have and nurture. You hold many beliefs(accept many claims), and many are likely to be significantly inaccurate. With your current mentality, they will stay that way until you no longest exist.

There are plenty of opportunities to fairly respond to and counteract overzealous and unfairly judgemental "social justice warriors", but nothing about your question suggests that capability or initiative. Instead you are worried about the mere existence of social justice and activism, as if you are a fragile snowflake flailing in a warm spring breeze.
2020-08-14 02:39:46 UTC
It's a constitutionally protected first amendment right to kneel and does not disrespect the flag or the military in any way. If you don't like it, move to north Korea where they shoot people who don't stand 
2020-08-14 01:29:00 UTC
you are over blowing this out of proportion 

there is no social justice activism in the field since athletes are rarely ever involved in any type of social activism 

the whole kneeling controversy is just prior to the game and some players are just making their own statement as a freedom of expression. 

I am not sure why its such a big deal since its outside the field or court 

if you don't care what they believe, then why are you making a big deal out of it??
2020-08-13 17:40:23 UTC
The problem is that racism is in sports. I'm from England so football (soccer) is our main sport. There was a time when black players were playing, some @rseholes would throw bananas on the field and make racist chants. There's absolutely no excuse for behaviour like that. Kids look up to sports figures, so I see no problem with sports figures standing against racism. It seems that European football has far more respect than the Americans. Everyone, players, officials and coaching staff take a knee. They also have a minutes silents for the victims of covid 19.
2020-08-13 13:32:54 UTC
It’s good to see athletes support social justice.  It’s the right thing to do.    
2020-08-13 13:13:48 UTC
We should invest in education instead of sports. Time for the nerds to rise.
2020-08-17 01:25:53 UTC
Idk I'm more about being peaceful tho. I'm not so convinced that starting wars and stuff to solve your problems and fanning the flames. Is that really a good idea. Or does that make things worse potentially. I don't think they are going anywhere anytime soon so you might as well try to get use to them and coesist unless you like war or something. Not me.. To them you might seem like part of the problem and the enemy to them and their point of views. So you'd become a target for disturbing the peace. I'm not so convinced that's the right way to go about things is it. I don't honestly know what to do. Hopefully people can figure out their differences and restore balance to stop us from going anymore downhill and stop us from getting into a unwinable unending war. 
2020-08-16 17:23:26 UTC
Justice? Biden & Harris want to give Blacks $15 Trillion. About $1 Million a piece. For now on, I'm Black. Is that Justice? Or buying votes? My family didn't have slaves & we've been here  since colonial days. Not all the states allowed slaves, And not every Black is related to a slave. Sure, you can say that it was racial but, isn't making me pay because I'm White just as racist?
2020-08-15 14:20:33 UTC
Simple answer is if you get tired of it, just turn it off.

Withhold your support from the sports that engage in this nonsense and let them wither and die.  

These are children's games after all.  Maybe it was never a good idea to support them to the degree that those playing them into adulthood can not only earn a living off of them, but earn many more times the income of people who actually can change the world?
2020-08-15 14:11:14 UTC
With the exception of certain sports like hockey, majority of the athletes are BLACK genius.
Destroyer of Opinions
2020-08-15 13:22:01 UTC
Who cares?  At least they aren't expressing the subhuman opinion that "people have a right to their opinions WITHOUT being criticized!"
2020-08-15 09:27:31 UTC
I was never into sports but their political pandering completely stopped what little i did watch. If you look at the money lost to those stunts quite a bit of people.
2020-08-15 02:48:57 UTC
I was a NFL fan who religiously watched football since the second grade. After the hoax at Missouri University where a black student went on a hunger strike because someone off campus allegedly called the Class President the n-word, and someone else painted a poop swastika in a dorm bathroom, the black football players decided to go on strike as well to fight against racism. One of these idiots even sent a fake death threat saying they were going to physically harm black students on campus. It was all a hoax full of half-truth, outright lies, and ended with lesbian teacher telling blacks students, "I need some muscle over here." - as she demanded an Asian student covering the protests was forcibly removed from a public area. The black student who went on a hunger strike also threw himself over a car and claimed to be hit by it. This sort of disconnect from reality is why I don't watch sports anymore. If you give irrational people an inch they will take a mile. Then the NFL started kneeling for black lives matter even though MORE White people are killed by police.
2020-08-15 02:46:11 UTC
So don't watch if you don't like it. 
2020-08-14 20:03:47 UTC
i'm tired of all of this identity politics in general. If you want to believe in all kind of

weird stuff, have at it. But don't try to convince me that I have to believe that things like destroying other people's property, injuring other people, and rioting is some sort of retribution. It's nothing but plain criminality.
2020-08-14 18:45:55 UTC
"Sports should be a neutral setting where everyone should be able to enjoy it without differences in ideology. "

Agree. Tell that to the 'fans' that shout racist abuse at athletes. You may be tired of it, but I bet you aren't as tired as those on the receiving end. 
2020-08-14 13:42:24 UTC
tired of it all.  it is everywhere now.  tired of all these "elites" who hate our country so much and feel they are actually relevant.  i would imagine most do not care what they have to say.  
2020-08-14 12:59:12 UTC
How about Americans stop fighting each other and start paying attention to the pandemic. The virus does not care if you are democrat or republican.

Practise social distancing. Wear a mask. Only go out when necessary.  Mass gathering to protest your "just cause" isn't  helping anyone.
2020-08-14 11:11:10 UTC
I never watched sports to begin I really don't give the slightest damn who stands,  kneels , sits, squats,  spits...............I don't care. 

Stand on your heads or dance the Hully Gully for all I care. 
2020-08-14 06:04:48 UTC
Don't worry little snowflake you won't be around much longer nor will all your conservative Karen allies.  Now go bugger off to your mechanical penis I mean motorcycle rally, feel free to ignore social distancing or face-masks as you rock out to Smash Mouth like its 1994.  #StopResistingChange
2020-08-14 05:42:59 UTC
The issue is that you think social justice is about differences in ideology and not morals. Just because issues in America always get politicized does not mean they're political. These athletes aren't doing it in support of a political party or some campaign. They're doing it as philanthropy or in support of their own family, friends, teammates, and experiences. It's no different from wearing pink for breast cancer or making a message about natural disaster relief. Many see it as their duty as people who were fortunate enough to be put in the spotlight and given fame and wealth.
2020-08-14 03:49:41 UTC
yeah but it's not me you need to convince, shall i mark you down for an inverview with Mr Corona  then?
2020-08-14 00:58:35 UTC
I'm tired of it in Sports, Psychology, Sociology, Journalism, Medicine, History, Business, and Politics. I'm not watching the NFL anymore.
2020-08-13 23:27:49 UTC
i have enjoyed sports my entire life and now i wont watch i minute of any of it 

if they dont want to stand for flag of the greatest country in the world let them go some where else and see how that works for them 
2020-08-13 21:15:52 UTC
I'm tired of it in general and as a black person, I'm tired of perpetual victim black people too.
My Clone Did it Not me
2020-08-13 19:33:01 UTC
Yes. It is worse than the baseball players protesting over pay I stopped watching 

baseball over that and haven't watched any sports sense than. 
2020-08-17 18:57:37 UTC
Very tired of it long ago, in a land far far away!
2020-08-17 09:26:46 UTC
Yes.   Especially within F1 racing at the moment.   All this bending (taking) the knee led by Hamilton just makes me puke.  And as far as he's concerned, it's hypocracy at it's worst.  ALL LIVES MATTER and as he is one who has succeeded, he should know that people, regardless of colour or creed, will usually get there through hard work - cream usually rises to the top.

I believe that 'politics' has no business within sports.
2020-08-17 02:02:00 UTC
i'm sick of it everywhere not just in sports.
2020-08-16 15:21:38 UTC
Since we are all equal, I wonder why the NBA isn't split equally with white and black players. Must be because of racism.
2020-08-16 05:01:28 UTC
Me. Just play the game already JFC.
2020-08-15 17:27:00 UTC
ALL OF US except for those who are behind the whole thing.
2020-08-15 08:30:16 UTC
Damn straight, giving a okay sign is somehow racist now, soon thumbs up will be, they will find a problem with it. Don't worry they always find something to ruin everyones fun
2020-08-15 08:00:46 UTC
One funny thing is that I think they believe somehow their actions are ending racism or bringing improvements? I'm actually not sure what their goals are but they are bringing unity to fans of Trump.

All I can say is "Thanks" for helping to re-elect Trump!
2020-08-15 03:58:12 UTC
Boxing is Hysterical. Stand 6 ' apart and knock

yourselves out. 
2020-08-14 22:41:04 UTC
Then simply don't watch it snowflake!
2020-08-14 13:32:23 UTC
I would imagine racists and fascists are tired of hearing about social justice when they're trying to relax and watch a bunch of black men perform for their amusement.  How dare the people paid to entertain me share their opinions, am I rite?  What do we live in some sort of open free socity?  NO THANK YOU!!~!
2020-08-14 01:35:51 UTC
💔 💔 💔 💔 💔 
Judy and Charlie
2020-08-14 00:38:55 UTC
Not me....this country was founded on social justice.
2020-08-13 22:46:15 UTC
Patriotism is also an ideology, so to make sports ideologically neutral, we'd have to stop paying the national anthem. Are you OK with that?
2020-08-13 21:15:52 UTC
What is your problem that you are so bothered by it?  I know way more things that I am tired of that have nothing to do with social justice in sports.  
2020-08-13 20:58:28 UTC
Social justice is not nonsense.  Athletes are Americans too.  Many are also minorities.  They have the advantage of being able to express themselves in support of social justice before the public.  If they do it in a respectful and nondisruptive way, I believe that they have not only a right but an obligation to do so. 
2020-08-13 18:59:32 UTC
Only anonymous racist @ssholes are.
2020-08-13 18:07:13 UTC
After all the garbage the NBA and especially the Raptors are doing this year i'll never watch NBA again. Nick Nurse letting black assistant coaches  coach the team the latest one. That along with kneeling during the Canadian anthem and the ugly paint job on team buses.
2020-08-13 13:29:08 UTC
I’ve stopped watching supports due to all the Identity politics and other SJW nonsense.  
2020-08-13 13:14:16 UTC
Those people think that their own voiced opinion is some kind of freedom of speech right, when it is really just bad manners.
2020-08-18 03:37:39 UTC
We can all finally see who is controlled and who isn't. They are not athletes, they are actors.
2020-08-17 02:24:40 UTC
i'm tired of it, I'm more tired of this President running his mouth and tweet.
2020-08-15 16:00:53 UTC
Any one in pro sports who was brought from another country should be sent back instantly in they take a knee in OUR country and to OUR flag. They are making millions here and are slime balls.
2020-08-15 14:24:56 UTC
Social Justice nonsense - nonsense!

2020-08-14 21:50:23 UTC
Yup  It's  time to boycott  sports.   You don't have to like our president or our police force  but no one is going to get the recognition of disrespecting  our flag.   
2020-08-14 12:02:43 UTC
I havent seen any of it in harness racing. Perhaps you should watch harness racing.
2020-08-14 08:00:35 UTC
Yes, it's getting ridiculous.  They preach about "white privilege" when of course nobody has ever been as lucky in the birth lottery as someone born with the talent to be a professional sports person.

Oh and don't me started on "Saint" Lewis Hamilton. Tax haven dwellers have NO moral ground. None

2020-08-13 23:31:33 UTC
Sports has always been about stroking the egos of the rich owners.  It still is.  It is not diplomacy.  It is a vanity business.
2020-08-13 19:12:49 UTC
If athletes called for their right to salute Hitler, I mean Trump, would you feel differently ?
2020-08-13 17:24:14 UTC
Two soccer teams were boo'd by the whole crowd when they knelt during the anthem today. They'll all go broke soon then expect us to just forget when they stop doing it. Until every single one of them serves in a war I'll never watch nba, nfl or any other sports.
2020-08-13 17:11:00 UTC
Uh oh! Did someone kneel again? Are you uncomfortable now?

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.