If you want to blame anyone for 9/11 shouldn't you blame Bill Clinton?
Warren T
2016-02-21 06:39:05 UTC
George W Bush had only been in office for 9 months. Now I don't blame anyone including Bill Clinton or George W. Bush because no one saw it coming.

Yes there had been warnings that such an attack could be possible but no one paid any attention to that warning.
178 answers:
2016-02-23 00:52:10 UTC
2016-02-22 09:20:47 UTC
I've been saying this for over 10 years. George Bush didn't cause 9/11. You seriously have to be an idiot to believe that and can't fault a man that had barley been in office. Bill Clinton caused 9/11. He didn't have Osama Bin Laden killed when the CIA could have taken him out after the Kenya embassy bombing in 1998.

No, Clinton was too busy covering up his affair and lies and had no time.

It's funny how his wife Hillary is also a liar and covers up illegal activity. Those two were meant for each other for sure!
2016-02-23 04:22:22 UTC
Both were elected to protect and serve their country!!!!!!

Clinton was not elected to office, to indulge his zipper problem!

Republicans were more interested in hounding Clinton out of office then in governing!

Besides even before Bush took office he had a hidden agenda!

Ever heard of The Project for the New American Century?

*PNAC* was a neoconservative think tank based in Washington, D.C. that focused on United States foreign policy. One of projecting American power, unleashing total control on global resources, after all where would American military power be without a limitless supply of cheap oil?

All it needed for PNAC to be put into play was some kind of disaster equal to Pearl Harbor! Can't say 9/11 wasn't just that!!!!!!!!!!

The very fact 28 pages are still censored, says something is amiss!

Doesn't government use the phrase if you got nothing to hide, you should submit to wall to wall security/ surveillance?

State security & surveillance WILL keep you safe! Pah! What they mean is it will aid their attempts to silence exposure of wrongdoing on their part! Just like the East Germany stasi! Or the KGB.

There is enough evidence available, to categorically establish had the NSA been snooping on a need to know basis, instead of building a corporate style surveillance the attacks were preventable! Because the need to know info connected the dots!!!!!!

That's why neither party is willing to forgive and forget Edward Snowdon's revelations! Easier to scream "traitor" to take the heat off their own failure!

After all if wall to wall surveillance overloads the system, what is the point of further expansion? What's the point of identification after the atrocities? Why should the public be fair game? When the politicians responsible for putting them in the line of fire are not yielding to the same risks? An even playing field!

Under Clinton Al Qaeda was contained! Bush attacking them has loosened them exponentially throughout the middle east to Africa. Al Qaeda affiliates NOW flourish in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Mali.

Great job! NOT.

There was a very good reason, Bush' father did NOT remove Saddam Hussain! His underling Diick Chaney is even on record as saying, it would be an utter disaster!!!!!! Pity Bush Jr was otherwise imbibed with PNAC.
2016-02-21 10:52:16 UTC
It's obvious that there's lots of blame to go around; 1st to the terrorist who perpetrated the incident, followed by the negligence of the Bush administration on 911, and if warnings ignored by the Cliniton Administration they should get a share as well.

The problem is the GOP history re-write that never seems to apply their party! We all know that if Clintin or Obama spent more time at the ranch in Crawford or family retreat in Kenny Bunk Port, Maine, that's the narrative the GOP would point o as the failures of the Clinton or the Obama administrations to protect us. But they never accept there own responsibility for what they do and pressure the rest of the Republican party to fall in line and tow the BS company line.

That's what I have a problem with. I have a brother who fails to admit he's wrong even with the truth slapping him the face. That kind of delusional insanity screams "unfit to serve", so I couldn't in good faith vote for a party like that!
ray s
2016-02-21 21:18:14 UTC
Clinton is to blame. I do not know why, Hillary Clinton wants to get back in the White House. Some awful memories there, with her Husband and his Sex he had with others there. If Clinton feels, that People have forgotten what he did, he is very much mistaken. Also, what does she want at 70 years old, be President of the USA, I don't think so..
2016-02-21 19:18:33 UTC
I will never understand how both Bush and Clinton were warned of the very real threat of civilian aircraft being hijacked and used as missiles and yet neither decided to put air marshals back on planes which would have completely prevented 9/11. I don't blame them for the attacks because hindsight is 20/20 but I am certain I would have put air marshals back on planes.
2016-02-25 01:50:24 UTC
2016-02-22 23:12:11 UTC
If any blame is to be had its the terrible way Bush and Republicans handled it all. Having two planes hit nearly the same spot on the SAME day is inexcusable. Also Clinton warned the Republicans but they laughed it off only to use the attack as a political tool the rest of his term. Remember when you couldn't question anything Republicans were doing as another 9/11 sure was on the way if you challenged them. Also you where called unpatriotic, and all sort of terrible names if you so much brought up the lack of WMD's.
2016-02-21 14:58:23 UTC
I do blame Slick Willie, and so should anyone with half a brain, ie anyone but libs

Had he been more concerned about stopping UBL and al Qaida instead of playing Hide the Cigar in the Oval Office, we wouldnt have a TSA or DHS or 'war on terror' or 9/11 Memorial in Lower Manhattan
2016-02-21 15:13:51 UTC
Yes I do blame Bill Clinton for the 9/11 attack. He had been warned and decided to do nothing about it until way later. When he finally decided to do something it was too late. I also blame Clinton for sending Elian Gonzalez back to Cuba in which he did in combination with Fidel Castro. Janet Reno was following rules even though she also agreed to send him back. The Cuban Government was in power in combination with the Clinton-Gore Administration, with Reno and all INS agents to ship Elian back to Cuba and give him to Fidel and not to his dad. His father was following the rules by the government. That is one of the reasons why George W. Bush won the elections. Had Al Gore won the business with the U.S.A. and Cuba would have continued, and look at Obama now. He's going to visit Cuba very soon.
2016-02-21 17:34:54 UTC
I wanted to attack bin Laden before 9/11. But I was almost the only one. Just about everybody else missed it. Clinton, Bush, Gore, Congressional Democrats, Congressional Republicans, the public, and the media. There's plenty of blame to go around.
2016-02-21 07:05:41 UTC
If you want to blame anyone for 9/11 shouldn't you blame Bill Clinton? >> NO , NO ONE IS TOO BLAME for 9/11 - not Bush nor Clintion, or any one else BUT , MUSLIM TERRORISTS / DEASH !! Lordy, that doesn't take " Rocket Science " to know that !!!
2016-02-22 02:31:55 UTC
Is this a serious question? There is no single person solely responsible for the events that occurred that day. Some much more than others, but nothing happens due to one single factor alone, but rather a combination of many factors over many years. There is no definitive proof that 9/11 was an "inside job" contrary to countless conspiracy theories, despite their appeal.

Even if there were ambiguous "indicators" that such a thing could happen, no one could possibly know EXACTLY what would happen unless they had been specifically warned. Nobody has a crystal ball that I'm aware of. Blaming the president at the time, or any president for that matter, is ridiculous.

You could become aware of a tornado warning in your area, but until you physically see it and where it's headed, you've no clue where it's gonna touch down exactly. Impossible to know.
2016-02-22 00:38:16 UTC
All I know is in late August 2001 george bush was laughed off stage because his proposal for a defense budget was denied. Then Fox interviewed him on a plane and he laughed it up and said "lol!!! They WILL pass the defense budget, even if they don't know it yet :)".

Then 2 weeks later some planes hit the twin towers and bush got his defense budget passed which was hundreds of billions compared to the double digets used like 63 billion.

That leads me to believe he knew more than he leads on. I don't care if it was magical aliens from mars that did it. I care about how hundreds of billions got wasted on a mentally challenged mans plan. Which eventually lead to trillions and trillions of dollars vanishing. This is why george bush is a mistake in general as a person. Has no worth and didn't follow through and basically destroyed Greece in his dumbass gamble. He sent the world back in time 50 years. Progress wise. He also illegally took office. We needed antionette tuff....
Chris H
2016-02-21 09:20:10 UTC
If George W. Bush heeded all warnings about what would happen on 9/11 and did all he could to try to prevent them, then I could understand blaming Bill Clinton.
2016-02-22 06:43:59 UTC
You could blame Bush 1 or Reagan as well or even OBL's mother and father.

However the reason for going into Iraq was all created and presented by George"Slam Dunk" Tennet who was appointed by the Clinton's and also a personal friend. Hillary and Bill also had security clearances and agreed with Bush.

The supposed warning was vague and shutting down the countries transportation system permanently since there was no timeline was not logical.
2016-04-20 20:07:11 UTC
There is just too much evidence now that suggests an inside job: the fact that ALL THE WRECKAGE WAS SHIPPED ABROAD as soon as possible, the fact that even ROLLS ROYCE themselves have said that the engine recovered at the Pentagon WAS NOT the type of engine used on the type of plane (b757) that was said to be responsible. The fact that some of the 'hijackers' are still alive: the fact that no jets were scrambled in time; that no significant plane debris was found at the pentagon site (planes do not vaporize!); that the buildings seem to be demolished, especially building 7; that jet fuel cannot melt steel, even though molten steel was seen "flowing like lava"; that the first responders heard explosions in the basement and within the buildings before they collapsed etc...

-WTC leaseholder Larry Silverstein admitted that building 7 was pulled down by a controlled demolition: (He changed his story the next day)

-The technology to bring down buildings with thermite and thermate in nano capacity was developed in the 1980's. They liquidized it in the mid 90's so it could be painted on like a gel coating. The twin towers underwent 'maintenance' for a whole year and guys in white hazmats suits 'painted' the core columns.

-Official version claims the towers collapsed due to 'pancake effect', meaning the floors came detached from steel girders and fell on top of each other, collapsing the tower. If that's the case, why weren't any of the (core column) steel girders left standing?

-Pictures show smoke coming from the basement seconds before the plane hits. People (including firefighters and employees) also heard explosions from below the towers, moments before the plane hit. PEOPLE WERE KILLED AND SOME SERIOUSLY INJURED IN THE BASEMENT.

-Pictures show steel girders with diagonal cuts in the them. This is exactly how controlled demolitions bring down buildings:

-Designers of the WTC say they were built to withstand MULTIPLE impacts from such an aircraft.

-Official version states the plane that hit the pentagon 'vaporised' which is why very little traces can be found. Yet they said they managed to find DNA to identify all of the victims on board. Furthermore the building didn't 'vaporise' in any way. What type of plane vaporises, leaving the building and human DNA relatively undamaged.

-The passport of one of the hijackers in the aircraft was supposedly found in the rubble at the WTC. It's clearly impossible for any personal effects to survive the impact and explosion, therefore it must have been planted.

-All CCTV footage from around the pentagon has been hidden and never released. Why do that if there is nothing to hide?

-86 CCTV cameras show no airplane???

-Released Pentagon Security Camera (FOIA) does not show a b757 and is clearly Missing a frame.

2016-02-21 13:44:40 UTC
There were no signs. There was no way of knowing what those people had planned. No president could've done anything because there was nothing to go off of. The only ones to blame are the people who took part in the attack. They were the ones with the plan. They were the ones who carried out said plan. Clinton was in no way involved.

Could we as a whole country done more to protect ourselves, increase security, question people, regulating more, yes we could've done more, but that responsibility doesn't fall on one persons shoulders, it falls on everybody.
2016-02-22 22:52:29 UTC
See the report, "Rebuilding America's Defenses" by the "Project for a New American Century." This report called for a "catastrophic and catalyzing event, like a new Pearl Harbor" that would allow America to carry out "two full theater wars." This report was signed by all the people whom you would need to FAKE 9/11 (many of whom were in Bush's cabinet) and everything it called for happened, exactly. Furthermore, 9/11 was the rationale that Bush needed to finish the war his father started in the Gulf. Clinton couldn't have stopped it if he wanted to--but he was never brought in. His cooperation was neither required nor desired. 9/11 was entirely carried out by the US military and other US interests in conjunction with certain Israeli interests. Not one Muslim was involved. If you believe a single word that comes out from the US Gov't, you have a great deal to learn about evil.
2016-02-25 02:42:51 UTC
You actually can go back to American international policy post WW2 to start the blaming, and yes the Clinton administration would be part of it. Reagan is also a major factor, he actually called the Taliban and militant Islam in Afg. fighting the Soviets in the 80's the "glorious freedom fighters" then when the Russians finally left Afg. Reagan bolted from that part of the world because Reagan didn't need them anymore and left a ravaged country and a vacuum and the Taliban became very influential thus setting up the "petri dish" for militant Islam and training areas. Then comes Clinton, who really never desired to deal with the threat, and had it in his means to take out Bin Laden but did not, thinking he was a threat but only a potential "small man" threat and never took it seriously, to George Bush who is what I call George "Patton" Bush, who had the mentality that I'm Mr. Tough on our enemies thinking that no one will do this to Mr. Texas, I'm tough on terrorism. They'll never attack while I'm in office mentality, didn't take security info. seriously and then POW, 9/11, the Islamist's did this on purpose knowing that the GW Patton Bush would go chasing them, and flare everything up which was in congruence with "Islamic Prophecies" concerning the set up of the great caliphate. That a big monster would attack and that the great Islamist's would defeat the big military beast of the infidels.

Conclusion: Yes partly Bill Clinton, partly many policies of different Presidents, I'm giving you information you will NEVER see on FOX and never read in Bill O'Reilly's KILLING REAGAN.
2016-02-21 06:51:45 UTC
Actually I blame the terrorists, something we keep on forgetting to do. When the WTC was bombed the first time under Clinton, the men were caught, tried and are still in jail. I'm not going to blame someone who did his job for not knowing what was in the future. A share goes to the Republicans who didn't want the focus taken off Bills sex life, and accused him of trying to distract by going in and getting Osama and taking a firmer stand in the mid East against the terrorists.

Kennedy took office in January 1961, the Bay of Pigs was in April and recruitment for it had begun under Eisenhower by the CIA. Know who got blamed for the loss? Yep, Kennedy.
Rick N
2016-02-23 12:00:35 UTC
I read the book called Seal Target Geronimo (Osama Bin Laden) where he talks about the 9/11 attacks - he basically said that the 9/11 attacks were retaliation for US involvement in Lebanon, and he talked about many people who warned about terrorists using commercial aircraft as weapons - and how there were multiple emails and showed over and over that they ignored the emails. I beleive even President Clinton warned people about this but they didn't listen to him either. This was a collossal failure of the intelligence agencies especially the CIA - and you can't blame everyone because there were people who sent their superiors messages that specifically outlined what the terrorists were planning on doing. I think you can blame the superiors at the CIA and other places who chose to ignore what people were telling them. It was a disaster in every possible way.
2016-02-23 20:53:35 UTC
Osama Bin Ladin and Al Quaida had been planning attacks since R. Reagan was in office. They were too scared to do anyhing while Clinton was in office. When GW Bush became president they saw a perfect opportunity yo attack because a dullard was in office. Bush and the intelligence community had been alerted for several MONTHS that an airplane attack of some form was on the way and they ignored it. I really dislike Tump, but he is RIGHT when he blames 9/11 on GW Bush and cronies. they were incompetent and ran this country into the ground in less than 7 years.
2016-02-21 12:56:19 UTC
Actually you are right that Bill Clinton is at fault because of his bombing Iraq for years after Bush I started that, but G.W. Bush and Condo Rice were given warnings about an attack and ignored them. I have often thought that because the Bushes and the royal Saudi family were in business and they were here on Sept 10, that angered bin Laden enough to plan the attack on Sept 11.
2016-02-23 04:07:13 UTC
No because republican congress and Newt Gingrich worked with Bill's foreign policy, and we had Osama on our pay roll at that time. Also, Bush did have a chance to kill Osama according to some leaks I've seen from wikileaks. The blame is shared.
2016-02-23 07:59:23 UTC
Stop making excuses for Bush. Bush, as all Presidents do, received daily security briefiings for the CIA updating the activities and threats of terrorists, Al Qaida and Bin Laden. He was on duty in the White House at the time it happened. If Al Gore had been in the White House would be making excuses for him?

Bush received a CIA briefing titled: "Bin Laden Determined To Strike In U.S." on August 6, 2001 before the 9/11. He was well aware there was an imminent threat.


The last paragraph of the briefing said

Nevertheless, FBI information since that time indicates patterns of suspicious activity in this country consistent with preparations for hijackings or other types of attacks, including recent surveillance of federal buildings in New York.

The FBI is conducting approximately 70 full-field investigations throughout the U.S. that it considers bin Laden-related. CIA and the FBI are investigating a call to our embassy in the UAE in May saying that a group or bin Laden supporters was in the U.S. planning attacks with explosives.
2016-02-22 21:59:48 UTC
When something like that happens everybody wants to point their finger, to find one person to blame. You cannot blame just one person. I mean if our issues with Middle East started with Bush in office you could blame him, but most of the Middle East hates America...with or without Bush 9/11 would probably have happened. If not, something similar would have.
2016-02-22 00:59:53 UTC
If anyone should be blamed, it should be Ronald Reagan. After the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan in 1979, Reagan decided to arm the Afghan mujahideen (resistance fighters) as well as other fighters from neighboring Muslim countries to fight against the Soviets. He also decided to station American troops in Saudi Arabia which infuriated Islamic fundamentalists such as Osama bin Laden. It was these two decisions that led to the formation of al-Qaeda several years later which then resulted in 9/11.
2016-02-21 06:42:14 UTC
"Now I don't blame anyone including Bill Clinton or George W. Bush because no one saw it coming." But seeing an attack coming is the first priority of our extremely expensive military and its leader, the commander in chief. The job of the Department of Defense is to see an attack coming and protect us from it. There are no excuses.

Thats what the 660 billion dollars we spend every year on the military is for, and they failed. Do we really believe the job of our defense system is to protect us "unless we get attacked in a way that we did not expect"? No, their job is to protect us UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, and they would agree with that.

Do you think that conservatives would have blamed Obama if he was POTUS when 9/11 happened? You bet your booties they would.
2016-02-21 14:21:26 UTC
I don't see the blame to be with any President.This was the result of lapse surveillance and security.The run up to this event was tried by the terrorists on numerous occasions as dummy runs to check the weakness's....They infiltrated the security system possibly up to five years previous,they saw the weakness and 9/11 was the result.
2016-02-22 14:36:06 UTC
You mean because he could have had Bin Laden's head on a silver platter?! I do blame Bill Clinton!
Andy F
2016-02-21 10:46:37 UTC
No, you shouldn't. Mind you, Bill C. had many faults. As a democratic socialist, and as someone who voted for Bill twice and gave money to his 1992 campaign, I believe he turned out to be a really lousy president. He lied like hell, not only about his sex life, and betrayed the Democratic Party's liberal and labor constituencies by joining with the Republicans to push through the NAFTA treaty and deregulate the banking system.

He also screwed poor unwed moms by pushing through a welfare "reform" bill that cut government spending on poor children, and his popular anti-crime bill of the mid-1990s helped to create the crisis in mass incarceration that our nation suffers from today. He even committed the US in the late 1990s to "regime change" in Iraq, thus helping to bring on George W. Bush's idiotic and illegal invasion of Iraq in 2003.

Nevertheless, Bill's administration was fairly aware of the risks posed by al-Qaeda. It was the Bush & Cheney gang that chose to ignore the CIA's warnings, not the Clinton team.

It is true that Bill Clinton's willingness to sign a Republican-sponsored repeal of the old Glass-Steagall Act helped to prepare the way for the 2008 financial crash. Clinton in the mid-1990s also was a big fan of Enron, the basically fraudulent energy-trading company whose dishonesty helped to bring on a stock market crisis early in the GW Bush administration.

In terms of Al Qaeda terrorism, though, Bill C. and his team were fairly alert. Let's not lie about this or confuse ourselves about the facts; it just makes US politics more screwed up than it is already.

-- democratic socialist / "To tell the truth is revolutionary" - Ferdinand LaSalle
Mr. Wizard
2016-02-23 03:32:53 UTC
Bill Clinton deserves SOME blame for allowing the evident inter-departmental COMPLACENCY between FBI and CIA divisions; indeed, both entities were DIVIDED, due to a complex myriad of workplace political dynamics, that further aggravated recon / intel gathering that COULD have prevented the terrorist attack in the first place.

The torch of incompetency simply got passed on to Bush Jr--himself too busy avenging" his father and Bush family name, by focusing on:

1) exacting revenge against Enron ( remember them--and the thousands of innocent people financially ruined by the debacle? ),

2) focusing on eliminating Saddam Hussein, so Bush and VP Dick Cheney could.......c) secure control of Saddam, Inc. oil properties--and pocketing epic PROFIT$ ( something some whisper is the REAL motive behind Bush's "war on terror", the longest in U.S. war history ).
2016-02-21 09:31:32 UTC
Blame is easy to pin on anyone. That is a fact proven every

day in our court system. Manufactured or otherwise. As far

as 9-11 is concerned. The fault lays at the feet of the American

people. We elected the self serving assholes who should have

had their eyes open. But choose to feather their own bed.

We have no one to blame but ourselves.
2016-02-23 18:58:51 UTC
America's leaders as a whole can be blamed for not being more aware of the dangers that exist in all parts of the world. They didn't pay attention to the threat until it was to late.
2016-02-23 11:03:51 UTC
The 911 Commission comprised mostly of democrats found Clinton more culpable. Bush has actually only been in office for 8 months when 911 happened and Clinton had 8 years but Monica was his priority.
Smokies Hiker
2016-02-23 17:08:12 UTC
Clinton knew what a problem Osama bin Laden was for the United States, because he mentioned one time that he knew exactly where Osama bin Laden from intelligence briefings, but he ( Clinton ), decided not to go after bin Laden and kill him. So G. W. Bush should not be blamed for anything that Osama bin Laden was behind.
2016-02-22 08:43:36 UTC
You mean like how Obama had only been in office a few months before the crash happened?

The only people to blame for 9/11 are the terrorists that caused it.
2016-02-23 17:32:43 UTC
Bush received a memo saying that Osama Bin Laden's was aout to attack, then he ran to Florida to read a kids book. To blame Clinton means your an idiot.
2016-02-24 16:39:18 UTC
No, George Bush was President not Bill Clinton. Bush was warned in July or August of an attack and ignored the warning. George Bush is responsible for not taking the warning seriously.
Tom C
2016-02-21 22:40:24 UTC
The same republicans who tried to blame Clinton for 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center when he had only been in office maybe three weeks?
2016-02-22 04:27:58 UTC
Anyone who would do mouth sex has to be a Muslim sympathizer. I don't want Commie muslims living in MY America. Clinton had the CIA kill my neighbors dogs, so he can cheat on that Hillary. I'm going to build a wall around my yard! The GOP will win this.
2016-02-23 13:47:45 UTC
If one actually reads credible history accounts, working backwards you get -

- George W Bush's Administration ignored repeated warnings from Richard Clarke that OBL was planning an attack. It wasn't until George Tenet, CIA Director, agreed and a meeting of Administration principles was held in August 2011. With more time and attention, could they have figured out someone would commit suicide by flying planes into buildings? We'll never know.

- Bill Clinton's Administration had OBL in their sights but his Joint Chiefs of Staff advised him not to kill by missile strike due to massive collateral damage to women and children in Kandahar. It was part of the retaliation for the bombings at U.S. embassies in Tanzania and Kenya earlier that month. The U.S. did launch airstrikes at terrorist bases in Afghanistan and a pharmaceutical plant in Sudan that officials alleged was helping al Qaeda build chemical weapons - the GOP mostly criticized him for taking these actions.

- George HW Bush - Negotiated with the Saudis for the Americans to retake Kuwait from Saddam Hussein. OBL had lobbied the Saudis to let him and his Mujahideen to take on Saddam themselves. The Sauds turning to Bush instead was one of OBL's major motivation for declaring war on the US.

- Ronald Reagan - continued "Charlie Wilson's War" in Afghanistan which created the OBL and his Mujahideen in their fight against the Russian occupation. During Reagan tenure, OBL saw the Israelis bomb the Beirut towers and blamed the US; he also saw Reagan turn tail after the US Marine Barracks was bombed and concluded that Americans are whoosies.

- Jimmie Carter's administration allowed Charlie Wilson to start the arming of the Mujahideen with shoulder launched anti-air and anti-tank weapons to take on the Russians.

Generally, the details may have been different but Middle Eastern religious nuts wanting to live in the 12th century were going to tangle with the US regardless. It has something to do with the ending of colonization, so I guess you can blame the American Revolution and our Founding Fathers if you must. But since most of what's coming out of the ME these days is a result of the Sunni-Shia split more than just a few centuries before the US was even a thing, one must be pretty desperate to blame America first - just doing so along Party lines so it looks less traitorous. .
2016-02-22 15:36:02 UTC
Yeah sure. Always blaming someone else for your costly fatal mistakes. They attacked us and Bush was President. O.S.B.L was a friend and told him he would. He didn't take it serious. When are you people going to take responsibility for all these bad things under your watch that has happened in America?
The First Dragon
2016-02-21 08:19:43 UTC
It's true that the first attack on the WTC happened on Clinton's watch, and he should have paid attention. But then, Congress didn't pay attention either.

And to be fair, Al Qaeda was the perpetrator, not any American.
2016-02-21 11:29:09 UTC
He cannot do anything without Congress approval. He tried. The Republicans said he was too obsessed with bin Laden. The CIA and FBI refused to certify that bin Laden was responsible for the embassy bombings. The army did not want to go.

Meanwhile Bush received intelligence on 6 August 2001 about Al Qaida operations. His administration chose to ignore it. They did not see it as a credible threat. He was too obsessed with Iraq...
2016-02-21 14:31:33 UTC
I not only blame GWB for 9/11, I blame him for all the crap that came after it. Taking on countries without a clue, wrecking our economy. He was among our worst presidents in history.
Coop 366
2016-02-23 01:01:22 UTC
Bush/Cheney were in office long enough to have developed their own intelligence but they had only one thing on their minds and that was get Iraq. There was also a surplus but in eight years we were in a hole with two wars to pay off. When it comes history I watched the first Eisenhower election on TV and the second in a Republican school, a class of 49 but only 5 who were Democrats.
2016-02-21 06:43:12 UTC
Those warning came when Bush was in office, not Clinton, and Bush chose to ignore those warnings. I'm not sure why you would believe saying "but no one paid attention to those warnings" is an excuse for Bush's incompetance.
2016-02-23 15:13:54 UTC
Reagan's al Qaeda buddies waited until America was at its weakest and most vulnerable state before they launched their Pet Goat Day Attacks.

America was at its weakest and most vulnerable when Boy George Bush was in the White House.

End of story.
Tim M
2016-02-22 12:43:27 UTC
There are people to blame for 9/11. They are members of al-Qaeda.
2016-02-23 12:21:19 UTC
This all goes back to America not finishing its jobs... Just leaving them all half-completed. Go watch Charlie Wilson's war and learn about the Mujahideen fighting Commies during the Cold War. He said, if we don't stick around and build schools and hospitals, another mad man is going to swoop in take control of these desperate peoples and we'll have another terrorist group on our hands. The Republican Party was all about killing Russians, but when it came to supporting our allies, the Mujahideen, we dropped the ball again. Those freedom fighters with our weapons, and training from our other allies quickly became a wild religious fighting force.

So no, I don't blame 9/11 on Bill or Bush, I blame it on the short-sightedness of our government during the Reagan administration.
2016-02-22 15:37:03 UTC
you can only blame those who carried out the attack, for the attack. yes there had been warnings that one would occur, but in the overall scheme of things, these kinds of warnings come in all of the time. i don't see how you could blame clinton, and although he was in office, i also would not blame bush. and you have to idea how hard that last sentence was for me to write.
2016-02-26 03:54:38 UTC
I blame the people who decided it was too expensive to put secure cockpits into commercial aircraft to prevent hijackings. There is a long list of them going from the late 60s and well up into the 90s . Secure cockpits and no 911. Politically, shafting your allies is never a good idea, nor is supporting dictators and the US was great at doing that on all fronts.
2016-02-21 17:19:16 UTC
Blame George bush based on the South Park episode?
2016-02-21 17:18:14 UTC
Bill Clinton is like Jesus , but only better . You can't blame Bill . He is just too damn cool.
Weasel McWeasel
2016-02-21 22:17:30 UTC
I blame those that carried out the attack. PERIOD.

But like it or NOT.........Clinton wasn't predident when it happened . Bush was

And Bush's less than stellar RESPONSE to it, was to invade Iraq.........rather than persue those responsible , with EVERYTHING he had......he then sent all that equipment and Manpower and weaponry to IRAQ, to attack someone, who HADN'T attacked us.

That's on BUSH.................not Clinton, no matter how you want paint it.

Bush FAILED to keep his promise......................Obama KEPT it for him and GOT Osama .

That's what a President SHOULD have done.
t s
2016-02-22 00:41:04 UTC
IN the late eighties, I recall reading an article in the Wall Street Journal, that mentioned that terrorists planned to fly planes into the twin towers. If that article was written back then, everyone had a chance to act on it. The head security people for the towers knew about the risk of planes hitting them, yet no one ws able to stop it.
2016-02-21 12:37:42 UTC

Anything that goes wrong in their life is someone else's responsibility, all their problems are somebody else's fault.

That is why they blame conservatives for everything, and why they want mommy government to take care of them.
Mikecox Sux
2016-02-23 10:13:53 UTC
Dick Cheney was drunk when he shot that old coot in the face and then ran off to sober up. This means, of course, that he was an alcoholic and probably he was hung over during the 'terrorists are determined to hit USA' meetings and couldn't properly advise dubbya. Clinton wasn't to blame; it was Reagan's fault for breaking with the USA's policy of not negotiating with terrorists when he paid for the release of the American Hostages Held in Iran so that he wouldn't have to deal with it when he was president the proper way. Bin Laden saw that Reagan and the USA were spineless and it emboldened him to act... plus with 41 not killing Saddam Hussein in the gulf war and cutting and running the Taliban rose to power and created a safe-haven for Bin Laden to hatch the schemes that Bush W. and Cheney allowed to happen. The 9-11 Report notes that if Clinton had ordered and Airstrike on Bin Laden it would have been unsuccessful because Bin Laden left his room. Report Pages 140 - 141. PS Cheney also had Bush/Cheney Goons, Karl Rove and Scooter Libby, out the CIA agent Valerie Plame and Bush Commuted his sentence over Cheney's strenuous objection! Their destructive legacy on our nation is unparalleled in the annals of history..... disgraceful.
2016-02-21 20:28:09 UTC
Yes, Bill Clinton allowed Osama Bin Laden to operate freely even though the Clinton administration had evidence that Bin Laden was plotting to attack the US.
2016-02-21 17:07:27 UTC
Hmmm I will blame the Jewish airport sercurity company that let them slip around the metal detectors. It was owned by jewish owner who won double insurance awarded by a jewish judge. Don't forget the Jewish agents dancing on the roof tops. I'm not sure if it was even a terrorist attack. Was it?
ms manners
2016-02-21 12:24:27 UTC
They should. The terrorists were issued visas by the Clinton State Department. But they don't.
2016-02-23 08:51:31 UTC
How about blaming the Islamist nut-jobs who were behind it for 9-11?
2016-02-24 21:28:09 UTC
"there had been warnings that such an attack could be possible but no one paid any attention to that warning"

Uhh how naive can you be? They knew it was coming, they let the attacks happen anyway so that they'd have and excuse to start a war.

It has been done before in world war 2. Roosevelt knew the about the pearl harbor attack
2016-02-24 08:48:14 UTC
The blame rest on Osama Bin Laden, the 19 hijackers and Al Quedia
2016-02-21 17:34:44 UTC
No you should not blame Bill Clinton. You should blame Islam, it is the root of all evil.
2016-02-21 19:05:57 UTC
I'd love to be able to Blame Slick Willy. But I don't think the fault

is all his.
2016-02-21 23:50:24 UTC
Blame only falls on person who commits it should of bill done more yes but they where grown ppl who knew better to act like fools
2016-02-24 16:52:42 UTC
You know because no one blames the democratic god Bill Clinton for ******* anything. One thing that makes BC and GB alike is that they both ****** up some during their term and terrible things happened.
2016-02-23 00:38:12 UTC
It happened under Bush's watch. End of story.
2016-02-23 10:19:38 UTC
Reagan funded the Taliban and Al-Qeada when they fought off the Soviets. Bin Laden was on the CIA payroll for decades.

But don't look behind the curtain.
2016-02-23 14:40:41 UTC
failure in relaying intelligence to the TOP , FAST enough.

as a result the US got caught with their pants down on 9/11.


or they knew it was gonna happen....and LET IT HAPPEN.

they needed the perfect pretext to go to war in the middle east and into invate Afghanistan and Iraq.

by allowing the worst terrorist attacks in history, they got it.

then again i dont know which of the two is true.

but those are the ONLY two theories behind it.
2016-02-21 23:27:37 UTC
Both the former Defense Minister of Germany and head of Intell would disagree that no one saw it coming. Guess it never made the "news" in the US. Bush ignored repeated and very specific warnings from German Intelligence. Mssgs came fast, furious, specific just b4 9-11.

ps: neither one believes this was the just the work of party-animal "terrorists" who outsmarted 15 US Intelligence agencies. Why was no one fired.....(?)
2016-02-22 18:01:45 UTC
No because bush did 9/11 confirmed gg m8
The Oracle of Omigod
2016-02-21 07:03:20 UTC
Bin Laden attempted to bring down the World Trade Towers in 1993. When that failed he immediately began to plan a different method.
2016-02-21 21:08:54 UTC
George W Bush was on vacation for 8 months since he become a president.
2016-02-21 13:32:54 UTC
didn't the weapons inspector tell the U.N.that he didn't believe there were weapons,also wasn't sadamn america's ally in the 1980's against iran, america was giving sadamn chemical weapons to use against iran

inspector just needed a little more time to prove it. bush,said i'll go it alone if i have to. hence isis.

was that any way to treat and ally?

2016-02-22 16:56:54 UTC
I do not think bush nor bill are to blame. These individuals cannot see the future, theyre not fortune teller theyre presidents. If anyone is the blame its OBAMA he knew it happened under his presidency and did nothing!
2016-02-22 06:11:17 UTC
I blame Al Qaeda. But if you want to blame American presidents, Reagan also empowered bin laden by working with him in toppling the USSR
2016-02-21 14:42:03 UTC
It happened when Bush was in office. How can you possibly hold someone else resposible? How is that logical? If you have a babysitter at your house & your child plays with fire is it the babysitter who wasn't watching him at fault or yours for going to work?
2016-02-22 05:25:30 UTC
Exactly--and I do. It was his "Speak loudly and carry no stick" approach to terrorist attacks on us that spurred them on to 9/11. They're final incentive was the attack on the USS Cole when they killed 17 sailors and Clinton did nothing.
Elijah Tenenbaum
2016-02-21 06:41:46 UTC
The CIA saw it coming and warned President Bush in July and August 2001 that bin Ladin was working on an attack on US soil involving the use of airliners as the delivery system.

Bush and his advisors thought it would work.

He was obviously wrong.
2016-02-22 10:18:26 UTC
Okay, so blame any presdiant you want who'd be blamed for such a disaster. It happened.
2016-02-21 13:55:58 UTC
I blame the CIA, false flag attack just like operation northwoods.

Look at who was put in charge of the countries that america destroyed.

American buisnessmen,

look at who killed the most

American soldiers bombing civilians.

It was the Vietnam war all over again

America gained so much yet lost so little (By war standards)
2016-02-21 18:04:56 UTC
and here's how it plays out.

uss cole

Clinton no response

African embassy bombings

Clinton no response

wtc one

Clinton no response

at least six chances to capture or kill bin laden in the sudan

Clinton no response.

this ineptitude went unparalleled until the election of Obama.
2016-02-21 06:42:11 UTC
Well if you wanna get technical you can blame Reagan for funding Bin Laden when he was figting the Soviets in the 80s
2016-02-21 21:34:57 UTC
He was too busy hanging out to be the target of media blame. The Microsoft and its cohorts were busy building a new economy credit give to both parties. U.S.S. Cole.
2016-02-23 18:04:27 UTC
There's dozens and dozens of people who deserve blame, and none of them are from al queda. If you think al queda is capable of undermining the entire air defense system and succeeding to attack 75% of their targets? You are crazy
2016-02-22 06:09:43 UTC
No. I honestly don't think there would have even been a 9/11 if Bush Jr. hadn't been elected. It was the Bush family who began invading Iraq in the first place, with Bush Sr. If Bin Laden had an issue with Bill Clinton, he had EIGHT YEARS to do something about it. But notice that as SOON as Bush Jr. stepped into office, 9/11 occurred.

Had Al Gore taken office, LIKE HE WAS SUPPOSED TO BEFORE BUSH STOLE THE ELECTION OF 2000, there would not have been a 9/11, and we wouldn't be in this 15-year war.
2016-02-22 12:10:31 UTC
No, Clinton warned Bush that he should keep an eye on Osama and his minions with daily briefings and take action against him when possible. Bush had other priorities.
2016-02-21 06:41:24 UTC
No you are stupid

stop blaming presidents

I'm tired of this ****

radical Muslims did it, blame them.

Funny how the Muslims kill thousands of innocent Americans and you are blaming US presidents and not the Muslims.LOOKS LIKE YOU FORGAVE THEM EH?
2016-02-22 11:54:27 UTC
You have to understand. The "plan" was "in play" 20, 30, 49..years before any "president" took office. It's not about political's an agenda. The "order" already knows who "wins". What was, what is and what will be..."We wrestle not with flesh and blood, but principalities and powers".. They know it..they gamble you don't. After all.. You are "publicly educated".. "Civilized" ...
2016-02-23 18:24:16 UTC

Man USA have advanced technology.. how can they go in space and take pictures and send satelites that far, but can't see plane coming? you know why? because USA did it. Usa is financing wars everywhere, they just needed reason to invade.
2016-02-21 13:58:32 UTC
Not me. I blame Ronald Reagan because he chose George H.W. Bush to be his running mate
2016-02-22 15:55:20 UTC
I agree. I blame the Clintons.
2016-02-21 16:24:15 UTC
Didn't happen on his watch and Bush received alerts which he ignored
2016-02-21 09:34:41 UTC
That's a possibilty but maybe the agency that installed the interior explosive devices to go off right at the right time.
Gerry G
2016-02-22 07:43:03 UTC
Why do people feel that someone must be blamed for this event except for those that actually carried it out.
2016-02-21 12:37:45 UTC
I blame Raph Nader.
2016-02-22 18:53:36 UTC
They both screwed up, but it happened on Bush's watch.
2016-02-22 14:48:35 UTC
We may not


to blame anyone,

but we know

Osama Bin Laddin was behind it.
2016-02-22 08:44:04 UTC
Ben laden attacked the basement twin towers 1st skippy, only an idoit didnt take precautions
2016-02-24 02:35:33 UTC
I decline to play the blame game.

I will accept jury duty if called upon.
2016-02-22 05:10:03 UTC
2016-02-21 06:50:26 UTC
I generally blame the person that did it. we can argue about who actually did organize and fulfill the acts, but to claim anyone else is responsible is pretty unfair to the others.
2016-02-21 21:59:36 UTC
How could it have been prevented? It wasn't Americans, much less politicians, who perpetrated those attacks.

2016-02-21 16:06:34 UTC
I blame the CIA for creating Al Qaeda in the first place.
2016-02-21 06:42:10 UTC
Both deserve blame, both had eyes on the target and never did anything. But thats what we "government" wanted. We got our war.
2016-02-21 16:33:43 UTC
What about the ppl that trained them to fly knowing they did not want to land and a bunch of Muslims
2016-02-22 15:48:41 UTC
Hard to one saw it coming fact it was start up of middleeast terrorism in usa we are on alert BIG time. No Presidents fault,...these terrorists dont even have logical rational thinking they are pure cold hearted evil.
2016-02-22 08:41:44 UTC
Just blame your national lack of good manners, which annoys people.
Matt Bruns
2016-02-23 20:24:56 UTC
It was Osama Binladin. Bill Clinton had absolutely nothing to do with it.
2016-02-22 07:54:43 UTC
Clinton had a chance to take out the terrorist and did nothing ... That is normal for them.
2016-02-22 01:56:02 UTC
You must be pretty desperate. Give Bush II the blame! Send him to jail or the gallows!
2016-02-23 10:25:25 UTC
Not really . Tenet and the CIA mostly and their Saudi counterparts . Rumsfeld and Cheney had a hand in the planning too .
2016-02-21 19:59:55 UTC
Neither, the blame goes to Al-Qaeda. There was no actionable intelligence, so there was nothing we could do.
Mark F
2016-02-21 08:02:35 UTC
How about blaming the people who actually did it?
2016-02-23 20:50:29 UTC
Clinton is a Democrat. Bush is Republican. Both are the Illuminati.
2016-02-22 13:02:26 UTC
The person to blame was Osama Bin Laden.
2016-02-21 16:50:53 UTC
I blame white supremacists. Which is 99.999% of white people not only globally, but 99.999% in America.
2016-02-21 07:36:59 UTC
Home grown terror to get the Patriot Act enacted.

Who hit the 3rd tower in NEW YORK? if you can answer that you can answer who is responsible. Do the research!
2016-02-22 13:13:05 UTC
Slick Willy is ALSO responsible for the CRASH of 2008. He could have EASILY vetoed the measure that separated commercial banks and investment banks.
2016-02-22 21:00:22 UTC
No. George Bush was already a long time sitting POTUS.
2016-02-21 15:42:03 UTC
Another Bush apologist. Oh my. jeb is out, why don't we just let bygones be bygones
2016-02-23 06:09:57 UTC
If you are a Republican, the good things that happen are due to the CURRENT Republican President; the bad things that happen are due to a PREVIOUS Democrat President.

If you are a Democrat, the good things that happen are due to a CURRENT Democrat President; the bad things that happen are due to a PREVIOUS Republican President.
Kurt H
2016-02-22 21:19:47 UTC
Mossad demolished towers to start ww3
2016-02-22 11:43:11 UTC
The 9/11 incident is right where it should be, Right on the head of both of the Bushes Presidency...............
2016-02-21 15:53:40 UTC
he shares in it,

there needed to be head knocking twixt these 2,and wasn't
2016-02-21 19:35:09 UTC
I blame Obama since he was one of the planners.
2016-03-05 10:28:35 UTC
Ever heard of The Project for the New American Century?
Bob T
2016-02-22 08:48:59 UTC
Extremists were responsible but there were deeper issues behind everything else that happened.
2016-02-21 06:48:34 UTC
the time for blaming is over. let's make damn sure it NEVER happens again.
2016-02-23 09:19:22 UTC
Everyone is to blame.
2016-02-21 16:46:31 UTC
Probably didn't know how it was coming.
2016-02-21 12:59:21 UTC

Bill was the best President the USA had for forty years.
2016-02-24 11:37:13 UTC
I blame stupid people who trusted the news
2016-02-21 23:50:12 UTC
no. bush got the intel but didn't act on it. additionally, he refused to show pentagon footage.
2016-02-22 23:01:05 UTC
I blame all the Democrats.
2016-02-21 22:14:13 UTC
as presidents both, they are responsible for our safety. whos to blame? im still reeling who knows, probley the terrorists...
2016-02-21 06:41:48 UTC
Hitlery was co-president remember, this is why she thinks she is a leader.
Tad Dubious
2016-02-22 13:53:48 UTC
No, WT, I blame those pilots.
2016-02-23 20:12:41 UTC
I blame the Saudis.
2016-02-22 15:07:37 UTC
2016-02-21 18:59:14 UTC
I blame the terrorists who killed American citizens.
2016-02-23 22:08:03 UTC
Hey guys I work for the government and I can tell you straight up those planes were holograms. They weren’t even good holograms. Also the buildings were made of C4 and Dick Cheney hit the detonator button with his ballsack. So if you want to blame someone, blame Osama Bin Laden for selling us the C4 and blame Tupac for the holograms. Check out my source below for more details.
2016-02-21 23:16:21 UTC
Or we could blame the terrorist that carried out the attack.
2016-02-22 08:31:45 UTC
Blame the perpetrators.
2016-02-22 21:29:28 UTC
2016-02-23 09:40:46 UTC
Osama bin laden parents
2016-02-21 18:16:53 UTC
It was Liam Neeson!!
Midas The Ruler.
2016-02-21 20:13:06 UTC
No you should blame that **** bush
2016-02-21 06:40:03 UTC
Blame the people who did the terrible attack.
2016-02-22 00:55:50 UTC
i blame isis
2016-02-22 00:52:01 UTC
The US government
2016-02-22 10:06:41 UTC
Its more Reagan
Armchair Goddess #1
2016-02-21 14:04:51 UTC
None of you have yet named the truly culpable person for the 9/11 attacks, Dick Cheney. If you dig a big back to the "wag the dog" election year lie-based Gulf War that "60 Minutes" showed was set up after the Bush/Quayle White House hired a right-leaning D.C.-based publicity firm Hill & Knowlton to falsely paint Saddam Hussein as a "villain" to the American people because GHW Bush was falling behind in poll numbers to both Ross Perot and Bill Clinton. A Kuwaiti woman was used in the false-publicity ads that GHW Bush pretended not to know, claiming that "Saddam is sending his soldiers to the hospitals of Kuwait to steal the incubators" (for the uranium---a popular Cheney/Rumsfeld lie) "and leaving the little babies on the cold floor." NEVER HAPPENED, "60 Minutes" investigators uncovered...and the "Kuwaiti woman" GHW Bush did not "know" and that Bush used to lie to Congress about Saddam (yet another Bush family lie) was the Kuwaiti Ambassador's DAUGHTER who had been to the White House on more than one occasion---GHW Bush knew her and "60 Minutes" showed a photo of her sitting at the head table during a formal dinner! Cheney was the guy who convinced the Saudis to let them set up a U.S. base in Saudi Arabia---and this is what infuriated Osama bin Laden for violating the Quran! The seed for 9/11 was planted, by oil-lusting BCCI-scandal-perpetrating Dick Cheney and his partners in crime Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, and the Bush men.

Now fast forward to January 24, 2001...four days after the soon-to-be lawless Bush/Cheney administration had been sworn in. Their then-Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill (in Suskind, 2004: "The Price of Loyalty") became upset that all Cheney and GW Bush were willing to talk about was "how to come up with an excuse the public would buy" to invade Iraq (a nation that had never attacked the U.S.). O'Neill wanted to do great things with the Clinton $362 billion surplus, but neither Cheney nor GW Bush were interested---they just wanted to figure out a way to illegally invade oil-rich Iraq to gain a Cheney-lusted foothold in the Middle East. This obsession would explain why at least eight warnings of a pending bin-Laden attack (both written and in NSA Director Richard Clarke's 2004 book, "Against All Enemies") were deliberately ignored. The attack, Cheney decided, would be the perfect way to have "an excuse the American people would buy" for their plotted ILLEGAL invasion!

What more proof? Okay...look up a few names of the people who profited from the 9/11 attacks, thanks to interventions form the Bush/Cheney White House: Larry Silverstein of Silverstein Properties and former Israeil commando Frank Lowy of Westfield Properties. These two men, contributors to the Bush/Cheney campaign, friends to Rupert Murdoch, and members of the United Jewish Appeal (UJA) whose only purpose is to raise money for Israel. Also a YJA senior member: Lewis M. Eisenberg, big contributor to the Bush/Cheney campaign and then-Chairman of the NY and NJ Port Authority (former Chairman of the Republican National Finance Committee). Eisenberg was pressured by the Cheney/Bush White House to award the 99-year lease to the World Trade Center (WTC) for the LOWEST BID to Silverstein and Lowy---and to do so only 59 days prior to the 9/11 attacks!

Of the more than 13 reinsurers of the World Trade Center, at least two insurers were headed by Bush family members: maternal uncle Wirt Walker I (Board Chairman), maternal cousin Wirt Walker III and GW's brother Marvin Bush, Board members, and paternal uncle Jonathan Bush a CEO in at least one Texas-based insurer. In addition, SECURACOM (changed to SECURATEC, Inc. post-9/11) was given the NO-BID CONTRACT by the Bush/Cheney administration to provide "security" to the World Trade Center, to United Airlines (two 9/11 planes were United), and to Dulles International Airport from whence two 9/11 attack planes flew.

Follow the money further: Eight hours after the planes hit the WTC, Silverstein ordered the nearby unharmed Tower 7 that he owned (original investment $350 million) "pulled" (torn down), for which he was paid by a Bush-family run insurer a whopping $850 million on a building that had not even been hit)---a quick $500 million profit. And Silverstein also sued to be paid double indemnity (double payout) by the insurers because, as Silverstein told the courts, "there were two planes."

The same motley Bush family four (Wirt I, Chairman; Wirt III and brother Marvin, and uncle Jonathan Bush) controlled the notorious Riggs Bank at the time of the 9/11 attack---and this is the same Riggs Bank found to have LAUNDERED MONEY for two of the 9/11 hijackers through the wife of Prince Bander---a long-time GW friend who was also a trained Saudi military pilot and friend of the bin-Laden family (see the documentary film "Fahrenheit 9/11" to learn more about this relationship).

Bottom Line: Cheney somehow convinced GW Bush to let the 9/11 attacks happen on purpose as their desired "excuse the public would buy" to invade Iraq, a nation that had no involvement whatsoever in the 9/11 attacks and that never once attacked the United States. For Cheney, the people killed that day and in the days thereafter were "collateral damage" and the Cheney-allowed attacks were simply an evil means to a desired end, no biggie.
2016-02-22 13:38:52 UTC
" We " knew it was coming , just like we did Pearl Harbor .
2016-02-21 08:50:44 UTC
i blame the cat
2016-02-21 17:45:28 UTC
2016-02-21 23:05:34 UTC
Bush is an idiot. Always has been, always will be.
2016-02-21 14:58:54 UTC
Why not blame the terrorist?
2016-02-21 06:41:45 UTC
A person should have. But......
2016-02-21 23:53:58 UTC
it wasnt his fault
2016-02-23 19:19:51 UTC
2016-02-22 00:56:10 UTC
Victim of Muggery
2016-02-22 04:07:49 UTC
I like the jugs
2016-02-23 01:15:07 UTC
I guess we should.
2016-02-22 10:10:36 UTC
2016-02-23 00:45:07 UTC
2016-02-22 20:08:26 UTC
2016-02-21 20:38:49 UTC
2016-02-21 09:10:13 UTC
2016-02-22 18:53:10 UTC
Your question: "If you want to blame anyone for 9/11 shouldn't you blame Bill Clinton? George W Bush had only been in office for 9 months. Now I don't blame anyone including Bill Clinton or George W. Bush because no one saw it coming. Yes there had been warnings that such an attack could be possible but no one paid any attention to that warning."

I have been under the impression that the infamous 11 September 2001 attack on the World Trade Center in New York was planned and carried out by Islamic militants, a group call Al Qaeda led by Osama bin Ladin.

What part do you believe Gorge W. Bush and Bill Clinton played in that?

And where is your proof?

"Al-Qaeda ... is a global militant Sunni Islamist organization founded by Osama bin Laden, Abdullah Azzam, and several others, at some point between August 1988 and late 1989, with origins traceable to the Arab volunteers who fought against the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in the 1980s. It operates as a network comprising both a multinational, stateless army and an Islamist, extremist, wahhabi jihadist group.[34] It has been designated as a terrorist group by the United Nations Security Council, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), the European Union, the United States, Russia, India, and various other countries... Al-Qaeda has carried out many attacks on targets it considers kafir [non-Muslims]."


Who do you work for, what cause, that you should feel compelled to divert attention to two professional political hacks while the worldwide Islamic war on humanity rages on?

Certainly professional political hacks are not protecting Americans as a matter of course in their otherwise greed-driven psychopathic professional lives.


A few reality checks from recent history that makes the world what it is today...


What do you think the two Senators cited below were doing while still in the Senate? Probably more of the same.

"Russian bank hires two former U.S. senators [former Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott, R-Miss., and former Senator John Breaux, D-La.,] U.S. sanctions against Russia are becoming a boon for Washington’s lobbyists"

by Alexander Cohen, 2 September 2014, The Center for Public Integrity



Please participate in this opinion survey from Patriotic Americans Standing With Our President (PASWOP, a non-profit organization) by reviewing the article below, then answering the question that follows:

" 'Gunwalking'… was a tactic of the United States Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), which ran a series of sting operations between 2006 and 2011... the ATF 'purposely allowed licensed firearms dealers to sell weapons to illegal straw buyers, hoping to track the guns to Mexican drug cartel leaders and arrest them'... The stated goal of allowing these purchases was to continue to track the firearms as they were transferred to higher-level traffickers and key figures in Mexican cartels... [also called] 'Operation Fast and Furious'... no means were employed to track either the firearms or the traffickers... the ATF monitored the sale of about 2,000 firearms, of which only 710 were recovered as of February 2012... Guns tracked by the ATF have been found at crime scenes on both sides of the Mexico–United States border, and the scene where United States Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry was killed December 2010."


"The information from the article above most likely means that..."

_____ No one in the federal government is connected to crime syndicates in Mexico.

_____ The Department of Justice is managed by well-meaning, ethical persons.

_____ Mexican organized crime is controlled by people with severe brain damage.

_____ Other: __________________________________________________

Thank you for your participation. Your feedback is very important to us. We use it to determine if the electorate has any clue to their predicament. If they do, we would like to change that. The President’s thoughts and prayers are with you.


Barack Obama got his start in falsely sanitizing Islam for political reasons at this event:

"What I saw was a powerful demonstration of an impulse and need for African-American men to come together to recognize each other and affirm our rightful place in the society..." -- Barack Obama on NATION OF ISLAM/Louis Farrakhan’s 1995 Million Man March for black nationalism, 16 October 1995


At the time Barack Obama took on Louis Farrakhan as a role model, he almost certainly knew that ten years earlier Muammar Gaddafi--the number one exporter of Islamic terrorism in the world in 1985--paid out $5 million to Louis Farrakhan in an attempt to enlist him in Islamic terrorism against the United States. Note the threat at the end of Louis Farrakhan’s statements:

"Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan said Thursday that Libyan strongman Moammar Kadafi [Gaddafi] is giving him a $5-million interest-free loan to help him start a 'self-contained economic system' for blacks in America, the Caribbean and Africa... At one point, Farrakhan suggested that the U.S. government also should contribute funds, saying that would ensure that 'we won’t be a burden on this society or anywhere else'... 'every intelligent American would rather see black people doing something for themselves than to see black people burning down the cities. America cannot afford internal combustion with a growing legion of enemies on the outside of the country' "

by Lee May, 3 May 1985, The Los Angeles Times



For many years and to this day Barack Obama’s personal religion is an amalgam of Christianity, Islam, and Black Nationalism:

"Obama’s Pastor [Jeremiah Wright] . . . Sen. Obama said, 'I don’t think my church is actually particularly controversial.' He said Rev. Wright 'is like an old uncle who says things I don’t always agree with,' ... . An ABC News review of dozens of Rev. Wright’s sermons . . . found repeated denunciations of the U.S. … [Rev. Wright] told his congregation on the Sunday after Sept. 11, 2001 that the United States had brought on al Qaeda’s attacks because of its own terrorism. 'We bombed Hiroshima, we bombed Nagasaki, and we nuked far more than the thousands in New York and the Pentagon, and we never batted an eye,' Rev. Wright said in a sermon on Sept. 16, 2001.”

by BRIAN ROSS and REHAB EL-BURI, March 13, 2008, ABC News



"North Korea will freeze and then dismantle its nuclear program. South Korea and our other allies will be better protected. The entire world will be safer as we slow the spread of nuclear weapons… The United States and international inspectors will carefully monitor North Korea to make sure it keeps its commitments. Only as it does so will North Korea fully join the community of nations." – President Bill Clinton, 21 October 1994

by Daniel Halper, 4 April 2015, The Weekly Standard


See also: “October 18, 1994: U.S.-North Korea Nuclear Agreement”



“No, I don't know that atheists should be considered as citizens, nor should they be considered patriots. This is one nation under God.” – George H.W. Bush, former President. August 27, 1987


"On the surface, selling arms to a country that state-sponsors terrorism, of course, clearly, you’d have to argue it’s wrong... But it’s the exception sometimes that proves the rule…. I think history has to prove whether it’s wrong... I think it is debatable, and I think on the surface, you can make the case that it’s wrong... I think we could argue that it was right.” – George H.W. Bush, 1987, in regard to illegal sales of weapons to the Islamic Republic of Iran

by Matthew Purdy, Inquirer Washington Bureau, 29 January 1987



And much more if you care to look. History did not start last week,.

2016-02-23 00:19:29 UTC
2016-02-22 19:41:39 UTC
2016-02-21 06:40:05 UTC
2016-02-21 16:14:24 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.