How can people be against something they know nothing about?
2009-08-07 20:23:08 UTC
Conservatives act like they are experts on healthcare, overnight! The second Obama proposed changes to the healthcare system, they suddenly realized that he was wrong even without hearing him out.

Apparently, they have a better solution. What is this solution, conservatives? Something more than 'were becoming socialistic! the sky is falling! obama = hitler'.

Let's see some actual suggestions from the expert conservatives who have something better to offer....go.
47 answers:
2009-08-07 20:27:19 UTC
Amen to that, big star for you. They are operating on misinformation and spreading ridiculous rumors to scare people - and they are against...what? Their own misinformation, which isn't true to begin with! No one said they were geniuses.
Mike S
2009-08-07 20:37:59 UTC
Let's go to the other side. How can you be for something you know nothing about?

If something's getting pushed on you and you know nothing about it, why wouldn't you be against it? If you hear a door opening downstairs at 2:00 AM (or whatever time you're normally asleep/alone), do you think it's just the wife, or do you go down there armed with something (flashlight, bat, gun, phone, etc.) to see what it is? If you do go to investigate, you're hardly welcoming the unknown person into your home. That may change once you figure out who it is, but for the time being, you're not welcoming it.

Why should it be any different for anything else that finds its way into our lives? There's been so much smoke and mirrors, along with contradiction, by the White House (and other proponents for this along the way), that it is unclear what exactly is in this bill. Why should we welcome it with open arms when it could have a knife hidden behind its back?
2009-08-07 20:40:14 UTC

There are far too many unanswered questions with the proposed changes. NO ONE has stopped to considered the ramifications of these changes. That, in itself, is reason enough to be against it.

Yes. Our health care system needs to be changed, but health care and health insurance are so intertwined it will take quite some time for EXPERTS to determine the best course of action.

ANYONE pushing to make the current proposal law is doing it for purely political reasons, not to help the people.

YOU ask for "actual suggestions from the expert conservatives who have something better to offer."

The whole point is that this problem is too large for quick, simple solutions. It needs to be studied. The deep links among the many levels and services of health care need to be identified so that, by pulling on one we don't bring down the whole house of cards!

We need a cooperative, long-term solution -- not a band-aid on a torn aorta!
2009-08-07 20:39:17 UTC
Here is a much better question for you why do you but your trust in someone that has no tract record

Never ran a business

Never ran a local government

Never ran a state government

Never had had a payroll

No history of any accomplishments

Here is a scenario dumbkoff if you were starting a large company and the person above came for an interview for CEO would you hire him

If you said yes then you are a bigger jack**s than I could imagine
2009-08-07 20:35:12 UTC
Well if you'd open your ears and watch something other than the liberal stuff you've been watching, you'd hear the proposals. It's on the WEB, look it up as if you really care. Who are you to say conservatives are against something they know nothing about. How the heck would you know? Maybe you're the one that knows nothing about the health care proposal. Maybe you should be concerned because it's going to effect everyone except the politicians that are going to force us to take it. Maybe you trust your government to lead you by the hand blindly, the rest of us won't go quietly into the night.
2009-08-07 20:39:10 UTC
Obama even admitted he did not know what was in the health care bill, but he said he would sign it, if gets to his desk and told the people we WILL get a health care bill THIS year

I cannot give you all the details of my plan in this forum, but just a small part of it

subsection (3) of paragraph (6) (5) (23) are not included, but paragraph (2) (5) (26) (31) are to be revised to meet the standards of subsection (2) (46) (6) whereas paragraph (2) (3) (16) are to be enforced, in lieu of paragraph (2) (31) and (3)

that pretty well sums it up, it's alot more compact than the Democrats version and makes more sense***********************
2009-08-07 20:31:53 UTC
I have repeated solutions so many times, I am just going to say 'search the questions'.

There is a house bill but Obama's own words, that he will cut half a trillion from insolvent medicare and cover tens of millions more people including those with preexsiting conditions with it shows no one will get good care. The problem with medicare is that there is already NOT enough money. You don't solve that by adding more beneficiaries.
2009-08-07 20:29:43 UTC
There have been suggestions made by many top conservatives that are getting ignored over the rush to pass an ginormous tax burden onto the actual working class of america. My top 3 suggestions are Malpractice Caps, Taking all illegal aliens off the rolls, make them contribute to their gazillion dollar tax burden, and allowing the insurance industry to compete nationally so companies can be competetive rather than dealing with licensing restrictions in each state.
2009-08-07 20:29:28 UTC
Aparently the dumocrats do not know what is in the bill. Since none of them have actually read the thing.A true conservative would first pass tort reform. Then cut taxes to businesses so they can grow and hire. Then cut spending by big government by 75%.That would leave enough for our armed forces so we can remain strong to stop any other nation from an invasion because our nation would be so prosperous that everyone would be jealous and want what we have without doing what it takes toi get there.
2009-08-07 20:37:13 UTC
ok i hate politics cuz of people like you. im sure the second you find out someone a republican you judge them.. assume theyre an idiot etc.

fcuk that

my moms an extreme conservative in the most democratic area you can live in (idk about the for sure), in MA so im about as confused at they come

but her side is that "if you want something done, like surgery, someone decides how important its going to be and that determines how long it takes. say you need your wrist fixed with surgery. well thats not that important so youre going to wait in line, maybe even for years because they must treat the more needy first"

then she says this "even right now, you can not be denied health care."

i said "well ya but if you dont have insurence you could have thousands of dollars you have to pay for a single visit"

she replied "they cant hold medical bills against you. if you dont pay your taxes, you go to jail (thanks democrats) if you dont pay your mortgage you lose your houes but if you cant pay your medical bills, theres no punishment thats why people without health insurance go to the emergency room when they have a cold" (she said that kinda pissed off)

im not exactly choosing a side. i dont understand these things well enough but it kind of scares me that with the way things are going im going to have less control of my own life when i get older.
Harry Vagina
2009-08-07 20:37:47 UTC
Your the "expert" tell me how Hussein Obama's plan is better than what we have now? I don't think I should have to pay higher taxes to get worst health care just so the lazy can get free health care.
Jenean M
2009-08-07 20:29:12 UTC
It is impossible not to hear Obama talk about health care as he has been on the TV regularly spouting BS. His problem is he talks incessantly but never says anything hoping none of us will notice the country's broke and care will have to be rationed and taxes will have to be raised. And it's not just the conservatives who are wise to his BS. Democrats also realize they voted for a pig in a poke. One doesn't have to be an expert to know when he is being lied to.
2009-08-07 20:46:59 UTC
You are correct about that. They are protesting all wrong. Above all you have to be informed about what you are protesting against. They are afraid they are going to lose their social security and medicare which are both socialism type benefits. Yet, they are holding up signs banning socialized health care. They are protesting against their existing benefits in that case which makes them look ignorant and uninformed. Perhaps they no longer want their Social Security checks. Get it protesters its called SOCIAL Security.

No one can listen to a bunch of screaming, angry people. Protesting is a good why to bring about change but it needs to be in a controlled, cohesive way.
2009-08-07 20:34:46 UTC
well genius if you have read the bill on page 58 it says the government will provide a national insurance card with a chip to your bank account so they can withdraw money at their digression at points of dispute with health care issues. You want that?
2009-08-07 20:30:14 UTC
hey go on youtube and type in 7 coincidences juss dont judge us without seein our side you get f***n heathcare bye bye economy!!! Hope you like gas prices high cuz ummm they and many other things are gonna skyrocket haha yea not good! but w.e. you know my whole family only deals with this stuff for a living i was raised on the damn idea and my family does good cuz of our positions so you are outta your mind for likin obama if you like prices low and money actually being worth somethin oh and the war over there rather then here cuz if our troops leave they come here aka 911!!!! but ya know at least we made peace. haha
2009-08-07 20:33:10 UTC
Well, Obama with the health care thing, in my opinion is a bad idea because, then our system will be like Canada, and people there, since they have free health care, have to be on a long waiting list, even if they could die the next day.
volleyballchick (cowards block)
2009-08-07 20:30:45 UTC
I keep asking that. . .

People need to read a regular health insurance plan and see that what the government is proposing is the very same thing. And it will offer affordability to those that can't afford private insurance, thus keeping the costs down for those of us that can afford private insurance.

My friend - he pays $500 per month in insurance provided by his employer - and he makes $10 per hour. And he just got a letter that on Sept 1st, it is going up an additional $25 per month. So now he is going to have to really bust his @$$ to cover his family with health insurance, plus be able to bring home a check that is over $500 after everything comes out. He has to work over 90 hours in a two week period just to bring home about $500 after all comes out. That is sad to me - the more he works, the less he sees his two young sons. What about being a father to them?

I think something needs to be done. Nothing has been done in all these years. Now it is way out of hand. Even if one is single they have to pay through the nose for health insurance. What would they propose to do for those struggling to make sure their families are covered??
2009-08-07 20:30:12 UTC
Leaving the system that works perfectly fine alone is the solution. Maybe some fine tuning is in order, but what's the rush to jam through radical changes?
2009-08-07 20:29:19 UTC
Yeah...just like Liberals think the U.S. Military is full of baby killers and psychos. The Clintons tried to get universal health care passed when they were in office, and even with a Democratic majority in the Senate and House they couldn't get it done because they couldn't pay for it. In those days, the economy was booming. How are we going to pay for it now? Do you really want to surrender half of your paycheck to taxes?
2009-08-07 20:27:59 UTC
I know that involves Big government and less freedoms...that is all I need to know in order to not like it..

And nope, I don't know what a good fair solution would be, but it doesn't mean that just any ole plan will work.
2009-08-08 02:34:28 UTC
Maybe it's you who know nothing about the people that know more about something you obviously know very little about.
2009-08-07 20:33:01 UTC
Really what's so hard about getting our Congress to read the bill.
2009-08-07 21:20:16 UTC
"ok i hate politics cuz of people like you. im sure the second you find out someone a republican you judge them.. assume theyre an idiot etc.

fcuk that"

Oh please, it's exactly the same when a Republican sees that someone is a Democrat.
2009-08-07 20:28:43 UTC
Well geez, sport, Obama won't even say what it's about. When pressed for specifics, he punts. Face it, if anyone doesn't know what it's about it's you, sport. All you know is that your pundit or politician of choice told you it was a good thing and so you think it must be true.
2009-08-07 20:32:16 UTC
Obama offered no changes. He is having congress do his work. Funny how you know nothing about what is going on....
The Cult of Personality
2009-08-07 20:27:08 UTC
Oh noez! I didn't read the whole bill but want all of the detractors to! Obama is an overnight health expert, even though he went to law school and not med school! Oh noez!

You're ranting...
Monika Lewinskeeze
2009-08-07 20:29:44 UTC
History is the proof. That's my 2 cents and you can keep the CHANGE. You can also keep your God Obama. Did you cry when he got elected? He's just human! P.S, He's also half white.
2009-08-07 20:27:13 UTC
How about vouchers for the poor to get their own health insurance and leave the rest of us alone. Does that work for you?
2009-08-07 20:28:51 UTC
They evidently know the crook they are dealing with. You know, the one born in Kenya under a bush.
2009-08-07 20:28:42 UTC
I'd say let our doctors decide what's best for our health care system.

You don't want a dentist doing heart surgery.

Just like you don't want a fat *** politician telling us how to get medical treatment.
2009-08-07 20:29:27 UTC
Read the bill. Perhaps you should too, before making blanket assumptions.
2009-08-07 20:26:52 UTC
I don't know anything about bugs.... but I know enough not to eat a cockroach.

I don't understand why you people think that the only way to reform our health care system is to let the government take over.

Sorry... I already have enough big government in my life.
2009-08-07 20:26:57 UTC
Read and understand the bill (you may need a codex expert) then ask your question again.
2009-08-07 20:32:27 UTC
People judge before they see/do something, because of what they heard. They think they know all about something from what they heard, but they are really clueless.
2009-08-07 20:30:19 UTC
I've read alot of your responses.......Pot meet Kettle.

The only thing I need to know is "will it help me or my family"? No.

Will it reduce my annual income while helping those who don't contribute? Yes.
Not I
2009-08-07 20:27:19 UTC
It is not broke. I don't want the government fixing it till it is.
2009-08-07 20:33:47 UTC
its better to allow insurance companies to suck us dry of our final pennies before we kick.
2009-08-07 20:26:20 UTC
tax cuts is always the solution
2009-08-07 20:28:38 UTC
simple, whatever obama comes up with is gonna be bad.
2009-08-07 20:30:57 UTC
Conservatives just want Obama to look bad, they don't really care about this country. They are effectively anti-American. Prove me wrong, seriously.
Breaking Stereotypes
2009-08-07 20:26:50 UTC
How can you be for something you know nothing about?
2009-08-07 20:29:42 UTC
Conservatives know everything. That's why they lost so badly in the elections.
2009-08-07 20:27:30 UTC
The TV already told them all they need to know.
2009-08-07 20:26:52 UTC
They live in a free society that has taken care of them all of their lives even though they are uneducated and racist.
2009-08-07 20:26:39 UTC
It's called ignorance.
2009-08-07 20:26:34 UTC
graw['k[gk[p4kw[5pk[pip[soikp[fojkepojtp6o3q049ut523408-19-590-09f-09-d09-0f9-0934-o-f0-0i[sp0i[feiop[fiq[ipr[iq[ done **** you.
2009-08-07 20:26:33 UTC
cus they are arrogant

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