ok i hate politics cuz of people like you. im sure the second you find out someone a republican you judge them.. assume theyre an idiot etc.
fcuk that
my moms an extreme conservative in the most democratic area you can live in (idk about the for sure), in MA so im about as confused at they come
but her side is that "if you want something done, like surgery, someone decides how important its going to be and that determines how long it takes. say you need your wrist fixed with surgery. well thats not that important so youre going to wait in line, maybe even for years because they must treat the more needy first"
then she says this "even right now, you can not be denied health care."
i said "well ya but if you dont have insurence you could have thousands of dollars you have to pay for a single visit"
she replied "they cant hold medical bills against you. if you dont pay your taxes, you go to jail (thanks democrats) if you dont pay your mortgage you lose your houes but if you cant pay your medical bills, theres no punishment thats why people without health insurance go to the emergency room when they have a cold" (she said that kinda pissed off)
im not exactly choosing a side. i dont understand these things well enough but it kind of scares me that with the way things are going im going to have less control of my own life when i get older.