What constitutes 'proof' to a neocon?
2012-07-10 09:55:13 UTC
Just wondering, because:

There's piles of empirical proof of climate change - 32,000 scientists signed a petition acknowledging it and thousands of reports have all shown the same trend. There is only a small handful of scientist deniers in the entire world.

Yet, neocons seem stubbornly set to repeat the dis proven lie that climate change is a hoax. They use only anecdotal reports or fringe science opinions to justify their claims.

There's no empirical evidence for individual voter fraud. Several studies have repeatedly shown that this type of fraud is the least likely to be committed. Conservative and Liberal studies have both shown this. Not only that, but the kinds of fraud that do exist (ballot stuffing) wouldn't even be prevented by the ID laws.

Here again, anecdotes are all they have. Even Fox has reported on how these laws won't prevent the real kinds of fraud that exist (look it up, I'm not your mom).

so neocons, tell me, WHAT DOES "PROOF" MEAN TO YOU? It apparently isn't multiple studies, or expert opinion. It isn't a trusted news source (again, even Fox has reported on these issues) or science or global petitions by knowledgeable professionals. To me, it seems like the only proof you believe in is the kind that agrees with your opinion. Can you please clarify.
Twenty answers:
tomas g
2012-07-10 09:59:46 UTC
+1 to another answer, once someone's mind is made up - facts, speeches, evidence all goes in one ear and out the other.

Some people don't really want to hear or know about any of the research because of predetermined mindset that is just that..set.
2012-07-10 10:13:19 UTC
The issue is man-made climate change, not climate change.

The proof I'd like to see is where you show both correlation and causation of climate change to man's activities.

A bunch of signatures is not "proof" of anything. But as more data is collected, the less is supports the holy religion of man-made global warmin... er... climate change.

Voter fraud isn't discovered as much because there are much fewer people studying it than the climate. And yes, you're right, it is the Democratic ballot stuffing that is the problem more than their support of the other voter fraud. That's why people trust machine counts more than they trust Democrat election officials "finding" boxes of ballots in their car trunks and other such nonsense.
2012-07-10 10:21:50 UTC
Dude, I think you've gotten confused somewhere. Those 32,000 people have signed a petition AGAINST global warming being man made. They are AGAINST taking measures on fake science, such as Cap and Trade and the Kyoto treaty.

Now, there are a few sources I found that say there are many dupicate names and even stupid names such as Perry Mason, but, still, almost 32,000 scientists signed this petition AGAINST global warming. Go to your link and read the first sentence of the second paragraph.
2012-07-10 10:07:45 UTC
"Proof" of climate change always leads to the usual threat of raising taxes on energy to levels people cannot afford. When we get an unusual weather event, it's always somehow man's fault. Raise taxes to give to Al Gore's carbon trading scheme, and all will be put back to normal somehow.

Tribes in the world's jungles die because environmentalists won't allow the use of pesticides. It's better that these people die off to save the Smelly Silver Speckled bot fly.

I don't have Fox News.

Agreeing with climate change does not make me somehow anti-science. What it does is makes me wary of the constant flow of bullsh## we are bombarded with on a daily basis, and all the dis- and mis-information is enough to make one vomit.

Proof to me is stopping all the lies and threats. 30 years ago we were supposed to be headed towards a mini ice age, we were all going to be locked in a sheet of ice at this time. Why? We were putting hydro-carbons into the air and the particles were acting like little mirrors, reflecting the sun back into space. Ha ha ! Wonder who came up with that asinine claim? The same language for global warming is being made today. Plus we are being steam rolled with more threats such as the "internet blackout!" Or Y2K, swine flu, bird flu, and other annoyances.
2012-07-10 10:34:03 UTC
Google "Climategate." The University of East Anglia -- formerly considered the premier research facility on climate change -- was revealed to have scientists who altered their data to a staggering degree to support their claims of man-made global warming. These same individuals were also exposed for their no-holds-barred campaign to discredit any professor or scientist who even dared question their claims. That alone should tell any reasonable and prudent person that (a) the "truth" of man-made global warming is questionable, and (b) the opinion of a scientist can be swayed from empirical "truth" for a price or for a personal cause.

32,000 scientists signed a petition acknowledging climate change? OK, fine -- did it specify the climate change was caused by mankind? What we see from the left is the litany of "Global warming is happening, mankind is the cause, you should believe it because we say so (and we're smarter than you), and you're an idiot if you don't agree." Those who support manmade global warming refuse to engage in free and open debate with the naysayers -- and your claim that there are only a handful of deniers in the world is 100% pure USDA B.S.

No evidence of voter fraud? Then how do you explain the fact that there were over 780,000 "registered voters" in the city of Detroit in 2008 (over 98% of whom voted for Obama and NONE of whom were required to provide picture ID to vote) but only 718,000 TOTAL residents in Detroit according to the 2010 census? Do you honestly expect us to believe over 100,000 people of voting age moved out of Detroit in two years?

Here's a question for you: What constitutes "proof" to a liberal? The vast majority of lefties blindly believe whatever the lame-stream liberal media tells them -- WITHOUT QUESTION. They can't be bothered to investigate the "truth" for themselves and it never occurs to them that news media organizations may distort facts or spin the truth in order to promote an agenda. That's why I take everything I see or hear on FOX News with a grain of salt -- I don't believe all the frothing-at-the-mouth liberals who say everything FOX News puts out is a lie, but I do believe those that say FOX News has a definite conservative bias. But unlike your garden-variety liberal I actually USE my brain and actually EXAMINE what I'm being told to see if it's true, as opposed to parroting the latest MSNBC talking points as so many "informed" individuals do here on Y!A.
2012-07-10 10:07:42 UTC
Jesus has to come down and say it to them before they will even give it another thought. Believe me, when I see towns ripped off the map due to EF3 tornadoes in the beginning of March in an area where they don't get that big and record temperatures every day and I hear someone say climate change is a hoax and part of the "liberal agenda" I want to jump in the TV and beat the **** out of them. Then take them to West Liberty or Salyersville KY and tell them what they said on TV about what helped cause the storm that trashed their lives.
Weise Ente
2012-07-10 10:03:52 UTC
Proof is anything that agrees with their current beliefs. Everything else is a lie to them.

"There are no 32,000 people alive in the world today, who would qualify as "scientists". A few hundred at most"

Err....try tens of millions. There are a lot of us.


"Tribes in the world's jungles die because environmentalists won't allow the use of pesticides."


The mythical "banning" of DDT as a pesticide is another conservative attempt to smear science, particularly environmentalism. It's still used in vector control, just not for agricultural purposes.
2012-07-10 10:06:33 UTC
There is no man made global warming. Man is not contributing to any so-called climate change. We recently had a heat wave where temps were up to 105 degrees. Within a few days, temps dropped to the mid 80's. Temps will continue to drop for the nex few days. What does that tell you?
Felonious Monkey
2012-07-10 10:03:12 UTC
Here's some more:

Cons claim liberals are welfare queens and leeches, but red states receive more government aid than blue states.

Cons claim to be fiscally responsible, but conservative administrations historically outspend liberal administrations.

Cons claim to be tough on national security, but the last conservative president (George Walker Bush) allowed the worst attack on American soil in 60 years, and the current liberal president gave the kill order on the world's most wanted terrorist.

Proof is a "soft concept" for cons. It doesn't come from data, and studies, and observations - it comes from opinion and gut instinct.
King Mob
2012-07-10 10:01:42 UTC
Proof equals what world nut daily proclaims in its headlines.

Proof is anything that makes a tiny world view appear larger

Proof is the cheet-os stained hands of conspiracy.
2012-07-10 10:00:52 UTC
I'm no "noecon" but I do know that there is a difference between accepting climate change and accepting anthropomorphic climate change; that is where the real issue is
2012-07-10 10:05:06 UTC
Proof to a neocon is anything Rush Limbaugh says. z
Texas Patriot
2012-07-10 10:02:21 UTC
You left out the part where leaked e-mails indicated data had been skewed in favor of man madeglobal warming. I believe in global warming, the Earth has been warming and cooling forever.
Walter C
2012-07-10 10:00:38 UTC
Ok you tell me which one of our human inventions is responsible for the melting of the ice the carved the Great Lakes and the Hudson Valley.
2012-07-10 09:59:06 UTC
There are no 32,000 people alive in the world today, who would qualify as "scientists". A few hundred at most...

As for proof, I'll believe in the dangers of seas rising no sooner, than Al Gore sells his recently-purchased OCEAN-FRONT home and moves somewhere into the mountains...
2012-07-10 09:58:52 UTC
A "MODEL" based on Erroneous and Cherry Picked Datum is NOT Proof.

Transient Changes in weather is NOT Climate Change.
2012-07-10 09:57:22 UTC
How many dollars will we need to send to Washington to lower the temp outside one degree?

Until someone can answer that I say we shouldnt spend a dime on it.
Texas Mike
2012-07-10 09:59:12 UTC
Doesn't matter. Can't do anything about it.

but, if, after 60 years if you can actually do something about the Smog in Los Angeles .. [which is smaller than the planet by the way] .. then I might consider it.
Bill Lumbergh
2012-07-10 09:57:15 UTC
the following represents the Neo Con Mantra: " Don't confuse me with facts, my mind is made up" Thank you for listening and have a great day..
2012-07-10 09:57:00 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.