Historically, the best word to sum it up would be ignorance. Simply, they didn't really know the Jews and made no attempts to work with them, and as such rejected them and hated them. People have always distrusted "the Other", which is how the Jews were sometimes referred to in older times. Though, it's really seen throughout all of history with other people who are not as numerous in areas with a population unfamiliar with them.
Concerning Christian anti-Semitism, the idea that the Jews bear the responsibly of Christ's death does play a part, and unfortunately not everyone was made aware of Jesus' pardoning and forgiveness. Not everyone could read, so often it was just left up to older bigotries already spread and awful rumors in places where Jews weren't numerous. For example, Shakespeare's England was devoid of Jews but he used the awful stereotypes to depict them, notably in the Merchant of Venice. When you are raised on that, people think they have a "good understanding" and don't see their bigotry.
However, you are correct in that jealousy is a part of it, in many cases. There are quite a few successful Jews out there, and notably during the last century many rose up despite the set-backs against them. A lot of that deals with the fact that a lot of Jews took risks that really paid off, and a lot were smart too and just used the system. It should be noted that not all Jews are rich and successful, and in fact there are poor ones as well. Ask a synagogue and they'll tell you that they have programs to help their own needy, as well as general ones designed for overarching community outreach. However, people just don't see that, despite the image of Jews in the earlier 20th Century being rather poor.
Muslims aren't so easily summed up by that. Not all hate the Jews, and all the hate isn't squarely directed at Israel. For starters - Israel doesn't bear the blunt of anti-Semitism. It existed prior to Israel and will continue to exist if Israel should fail. It'll exist long after that point (hopefully to never come to pass), as it did long before the modern nation was founded. The problem is that many, while prone to the above, are influenced by some rather hateful imams that do preach violence. Many do not get media which portrays Israel in any positive light and flat out LIES about it. Of course, our own media can be awful sometimes; for example, during the same month as Israel's most recent Gaza offensive, a hundred times more children died in a Sub-Saharan African nation due to violent causes. Because it got no press, I can't remember which one; but, if that's our news here, imagine what they get.
As for reclaiming land: That is true, but they genuinely bought it from the owners of the land. An ownership which, I might add, was never contested by the Palestinians. Ottoman Turks and later British persons, as well as a few Arab landowners, sold to the Jews who gave up everything to reestablish their land. It's legitimately formed, if going by secular grounds, and there was no concerns for persecution when it was almost wiped out. It's clear that genocide would've befallen Israel had they lost, so they didn't. The rhetoric of the armies very much suggests this, as do the Jews who lived in those nations at the time attest that it probably would've happened (Jews who later would be forced to flee). At this time, there was no "Palestine!" warcry, and it is clear that they just wanted the Jews dead. It was seen as an insult because, for many, the Jews were supposed to be dhimmi, not strong enough to form their own nation on what they saw as Islamic land.
For some Muslim nations, it is this dhimmi belief which causes a hate of Jews now. Some willingly subjected themselves to it, especially when they could still rise to prominence; however, now, it's just sickening and many have left it for Israel or elsewhere. In Yemen, Jews were made to clean out public latrines, forbidden to be taller than a Muslim willingly (meaning, they couldn't ride camels or build temples bigger than mosques), and were made to pay a special tax. Today, they are forced to live under government protection because Israel is an insult to this system, which was applied elsewhere. It's also, to many's horror, where the idea of putting yellow stars came from: Iraq did that first, not Nazi Germany.
I should make it clear that not all Muslims are rabid Jew haters; however, the above does exist and it insults many Jews to pretend it doesn't in the Muslim world. That's why over 99% have left the Arab world and many are unaware of how Jewish their own places used to be. They fled persecution or otherwise were kicked out, and many pogroms and executions did take place prior to Israel and after it, completely ignoring the rights of the Jews.
If you see my media example above, it should shed some light as to why some Jew hatred persists. Jews aren't allowed to be targeted in Europe, at least that's against social protocol; but, old bigotries sometimes don't die and can be manifested elsewhere. That, plus many anti-Semitic Muslims under misinformation have these too, and Europe does bend over to accommodate some things. It's why certain nations are NEVER criticized and others more so, because they don't want to offend people now there (and depend on oil). It could be jealousy too, especially in some nations where the Jews have done quite well despite most of the population has already left or is noticeably smaller than it was a century ago.