why do people hate George Bush, and why are there so many democrats?
Larenzo S
2006-12-18 17:57:26 UTC
why do people hate George Bush, and why are there so many democrats?
Sixteen answers:
2006-12-18 18:04:19 UTC
there aren't very many democrats. But those few are loud and very wrong. They hate Bush because he reminds them they are losers. gore-loserman the guy above is a prime example. A 90 IQ falls within average. And he was smart enough to become president 2 times. Al quiada was in Afghanistan remember them? Saddam had 17 chances to comply with the world. The UN is so corrupt they wouldn't actually do anything about it. Muslim extremists are the reason for most of the worlds problems.
Jake Lockley
2006-12-19 02:54:58 UTC
Most people seem to hate Bush because they think he's a religious zealot who threatens their ability to commit what the religious would label as sins. In other words they hate him because they think he is judging them and they are insecure about the choices they have made and their conduct. It all seems to stem from that. They have him for the Iraq war not because it's wrong but because it's him. The same people did not make the same arguments against Clinton over his military incursions. Most jump on the democratic party bandwagin just to be anti-Bush, which is the popular position.

The majority of the country (by red vs blue state), and even California, is actually Republican. Democrats speak louder and play to the camera relying on face value rather than experience and accomplishments, which is why they are seen in front of the camera more often than Republicans. Being democrat is seen as good by the young and uninformed because the idea of everyone voting and having the vote decide what happens seems like a good idea because it gives everyone a voice. Most people don't understand the meaning of the word republican, let alone what's wrong with democracy. Mathmatically speaking it's the mean not the median (I may have that backwards) that is more often the correct choice rather than the popular vote - hence the electoral college. The Wisdom of Crowds is all about this.

As for Democrats having a higher IQ, I've never met a Republican that wasn't smart. They are most often self-starters who end up having the ambition to rise throughout their career or own their own company. I have met many stupid democrats, the best example being the hippie freaks who want to do nothing but get stoned all day and live off government assistance. And just last year I heard about a study that said Republicans were more intelligent than democrats based on education level and career success, but that could just be because most people with labor jobs or in the service industry are democrats.
Tarun Banerjee
2006-12-19 02:10:11 UTC
It probably has something to do with the nature of people who end up democrats. Look around on the net for reputable studies by institutions and universities and you'll find many that tell you, on average, Democrats tend to be-

Better educated- This is consistent in every single damn election. From people who voted for Bush vs Kerry in New York to Texas

Have higher IQs

Have more contact with different types of people and opinions

And by default of the top 3, are much more informed.

I think the last point is the main reason. I'm a Democrat for the most part. I also have not come across a single person who voted for Bush who either has a very clear financial incentive to look the other way to Bush's policies, or is just quite simple, a narrow-minded, uninformed person.

I personally can't stand Bush because his policies sicken me. That isn't to say many Dems aren't far behind, but your question was about Bush so I'll stick to it.

Many Dems HATE Bush because his stand on Kyoto and global warming is doing the world irreperable harm;

because his wars of choice have killed hundreds of thousands;

because his tax cuts to the wealthy are despicable;

Of course, there are dozens more reasons but I think the main three are enough.

So, you see, the question of why so many people, particularly Democrats, hate George Bush is really quite logical when you think about it.

But forget about Yahoo! Answers. Go read newspapers! Read newspapers in England, or Russia, or India. Find out about the world outside you. With the internet you have no reason to claim ignorance when you're really held to the question of why you and people like you continue to support a dangerous man.
2006-12-19 02:07:21 UTC
People hate George W. Bush b/c they dont think that we should be in over in Iraq. People in this country just dont get the fact that we are over there trying to set up a government for those people so they can live life happily, it hasnt started yet but it will soon enough, and it will be a lot better for them than having Suddam Hussan over there killing off people. Also another reason is that the gas prices are going up b/c of weather and other problems, and the dope smoking liberal democrats of this country think that Bush is some how rising them up and that he is doing this on purpose. Another reason is that the democrats just care about themselves and not the good of the people they represent, so to make themselves look better they talk bad about Bush and them just so they can get votes and look good walkin up capital hill.
William H
2006-12-19 02:02:33 UTC
After the land slide win in 2004 President Bush and the Republican Party decided to target the Middle of the party and kick them out Thinking they could lead from the far right and still maintain the majority but they failed. They are still smarting after that and planning to move even farther to the rigtht. When they realize that they can win that way The party will heal but they have to stop targeting Moderate Republicans as soon as they get power.
2006-12-19 02:09:27 UTC
People hate George Bush Jr. because he is a tool of the republican party. His credentials for being president are pretty weak. He does not seem to be very intelligent. In fact, he's said some things in his speeches that would be funny if they weren't being said by the most powerful man in the world.

In regards to your second question, I can't speak for any democrats, but they believe that the federal government should assist with citizens' problems, whereas republicans believe that problems should be solved by private parties. Because of this, democrats support welfare assistance, medicare, and other forms of government assistance. In addition, they tend to be more welcoming to immigrants. Democrats are supposed to be the more liberal of our two major parties, and republicans are supposed to be more conservative.
summer love
2006-12-19 02:36:40 UTC
people hate george bush because he is a murderer and an idiot. i also have to comment on what carolinatinpan said about a 90 IQ being average. its not. 100 is average. someone with a 90 IQ is someone you want washing your car, not running the country. he was elected twice with this IQ because carolinatinpan or whatever is right about not a lot of democrats. he was elected do to all of the republican cooking pans.
2006-12-19 02:09:04 UTC
It seems to me that for some reason, everyone wants to be better than someone. I don't know why. I think they are insecure..

President Bush has done some unpopular things, but he is very strong in his beliefs. Would you like him if he gave in on every issue? Remember he has protected us very well since 9-11.

As to why there are so many democrats, who knows? The old "something for nothing crowd"?

The democrats love to tax you, and give your money to someone else, mom says, "when someone gets something they didn't earn, someone earned something they didn't get"!

Sounds wrong to me!

Also, I think the democrats are allowing illegal aliens to come so they will have more people to give your money to, and so they will get more votes!
2006-12-19 02:08:22 UTC
The drive by media have done their best to brainwash everyone into believing all the worlds ills are caused by Bush & the Republicans.

They just can't imagine tha anyone could actually THINK for themselves.

The school system has been teaching Political Correctness for years. It is essentially the dumbing down of America's youth.

People who think the world owes them something (and the politicians who want to manipulate them) usually end up being Democrats.
2006-12-19 02:05:08 UTC
The hate is largely payback for the Impeachment of Clinton. These people want a pound of flesh in return for the Republicans having dared to call out the last President on his behavior and his perjury in front of the Grand Jury.

There aren't any more of them the there has been. The country is more or less 50/50 split between the two--the Dems are just more vocal because they are making political hay out of the lack of progrss in Iraq.

Republicans are on the defensive because the Conservative Base stayed home this election, causing many Repubs to lose elections. A conservative voice will need to speak up before we will see more moderation in forums like these.
2006-12-19 03:13:42 UTC
2006-12-19 02:03:57 UTC
For one, he is not very bright, his IQ is 90 and mentally retarded is 70, not to discriminate against stupid people, but for President? Second, a war that should be stopped. Third, Using 9/11 as a reason to attack Afghanistan and Iraq. and a bunch of other reasons. Google it and see how man sites come up.
2006-12-19 02:08:07 UTC
who da man?
2006-12-19 02:00:40 UTC
I will answer the first one only, because George Bush is bombing the Talibans and killing alot of people, all he cares about is killing, him and his father have killed too many people to count, who wouldn't hate him.
2006-12-19 02:14:57 UTC
it doesn't matter, he is the PRES.what he says goes, and as far as democrats go, who cares you can vote how you like.
Jack C.
2006-12-19 02:05:04 UTC
well, i cant answer the democrat one, cuz idk. but i do know that people hate george bush because of 102 reasons, which are...

In exchange for large U.S. oil companies gaining access to occupied territories, Bush reportedly gave $43 million of your tax dollars to the Taliban in May of 2001 - only 4 months before their September 11th attacks on the United States!

Bush had no concern about terrorist attacks on the U.S. before 9/11/01 (see #12 for more info).

Bush wholeheartedly supported the infamous "Patriot Act," which infringes on most of your constitutional rights. In addition, he is an outspoken supporter of the "Patriot Act II."

The Bush Regime failed to protect the people of Baghdad from looting, riots, bombings, and other undue circumstances, following the fall of the city - so that the oil ministry would be heavily guarded by U.S. troops.

Bush pulled the United States out of the Kyoto Treaty, a global warming agreement between major world powers, signed in 1997.

Bush banned federal aid to any international group offering abortions or abortion counseling, even if their funding from those projects came from other sources. THE HYPOCRISY HAS SPOKEN… although the Bush Regime has been attacking abortion rights in the U.S. too...

Bush used his presidential powers to repeal the Alternative Minimum Tax for corporations. All taxes paid under the AMT since its 1987 inception were refunded to the corporations. Does anyone else smell Bush's campaign finance scheme?

CRIMINAL ALERT!!! Bush appointed Elliott Abrams to the National Security Council. Abrams was convicted during the Reagan administration for Iran-Contra ties. Do you really feel safe with a convicted criminal helping to oversee national security?

Bush proposed to nominate the attorney responsible for the court case that weakened the Americans with Disabilities Act, Jeffrey Sutton, to judgeship in a federal appeals court.

Bush turned the 9/11/01 terrorist attacks on the U.S. into a scheme to justify severely limiting civil rights and attacking the Constitution (see #3), and to avert public attention from the extreme economic threats the Bush Regime has invoked upon the millions of middle-class, working-class, and poor Americans, while giving break after break to large corporations and rich individuals.

Of Bush's proposed $2 trillion tax cut 43% goes to the wealthiest 1% of Americans.

After Bush's "election" was officially announced, President Clinton requested numerous meetings with Bush - specifically to discuss terrorists threats and making them a priority of Bush's Regime. Bush refused to meet with Pres. Clinton, but allowed one of his staff "underlings" to talk to Clinton instead. Not surprisingly, Bush never bothered to find out what Clinton had to say.

Bush cut $35 million in funding for doctors to receive advanced pediatric training. Is this him saying, "No child left behind, unless they're ill"??

Bush has already packed the federal courts with radical conservative judges - Charles Pickering, Pricilla Owens, and Miguel Estrada - to name a few...

Bush loved Enron! To prove it, he appointed Thomas White as the Army Secretary. White is a former Enron executive who conveniently sold his stock after an Enron official contacted him. Oh yeah, and he is under criminal investigation for the Enron thing!

Bush used his infinite "wisdom" to completely halt international negotiations designed to monitor and prevent the production of biological and chemical weapons.

Bush refused to federally fund the continued clean up of a uranium-slag heap in Utah. Oh well, the large Mormon population there doesn't care if their kids come out with birth defects and die at a young age - do they??

The Bush Regime took an anti-human rights stance in the U.S. and abroad, by treating basic human rights as an obstacle of setting up civic security. Who needs freedom anyway?

Bush leaves abused and neglected children behind by cutting $15.7 million that was supposed to aid states in investigating their cases. As long as they're educated, who cares how they're treated, eh, Dumbya!?

Bush used the 9/11/01 terrorist attacks on the U.S. to create the Department of Homeland Security. Ironically, Hitler also created such an office, the Reichshauptsicherheitamt, or "Main Office of Homeland Security," and look where he took Germany. True Americans, BEWARE!!!

Bush lied to the American public and Congress about the Taliban's motives in the 9/11/01 attacks in order to gain approval of extremist foreign policies and shield their eyes from the true dangers of the "Patriot Act."

Bush repealed the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty, while spending billions of tax dollars building a large national missile defense.

Bush shows his true opinion on affirmative action, by appointing outspoken affirmative action opponent Kay Cole James to direct the Office of Personnel Management.

Bush nominated a lawyer for a teen sex video distribution company, Harvey Pitts, to head the Securities and Exchange Commission. Isn't that an abomination, Dumbya?

Bush and Cheney both refused to testify under oath - or by themselves - to the 9/11 Commission. What do you think they are trying to hide from the public?

After screwing up that nation's economy to the point of a record high number of jobless Americans, Bush cut $200 million in funding to help retrain dislocated workers. Oh well, if they're jobless, they can't pay their inflated working-class taxes, now can they?

Bush proposed a measure to use eminent domain to the government to seize private property for power lines.

Bush took steps to abolish the White House Council on Environmental Quality.

After the U.N. questioned Bush's "war on terrorism," the Bush Regime decided the nation should act with a small group of other nations stupid enough to believe the "weapons of mass destruction" fables.

More judicial horror... Bush nominated the leading critic of the separation of church and state, Michael McConnell, to a federal judgeship.

Bush's oil buddies celebrated when he nominated J. Steven Giles as Deputy Secretary of the Interior. Giles was an oil and coal lobbyist!

After brother Jeb "guaranteed Florida" in the 2000 elections, thousands of eligible voters in the state were mysteriously turned away from the polls. Bush and co. denies this ever happened, takes the election, and screws the world...

Bush cut $60 million from a Boy's and Girl's Clubs of America program for public housing.

Undermining a Clinton-era agreement, Bush gave $95 million to North Korea for their nuclear programs and waived the part of the agreement that required inspections to ensure no weapons-grade plutonium was being hidden.

Bush adds another passionate opponent of civil rights to his list by nominating Terrence Boyle to a federal judgeship.

Looking for a little more waste in America? Try Bush proposing to ease environmental considerations for permits for refineries, nuclear plants, and hydroelectric dam construction.

Bush nominated Linda Fisher - an executive for Monsanto - to the Environmental Protection Agency. Monsanto is one of the largest farming and pesticide biotechnology companies in the world.

"There is no gap in gender pay," implies Bush Council of Economic Advisers appointee Diana Roth.

Bush cut $700 million in capital funds for public housing repairs.

Promises, promises... Or outright lies! Bush promised $15 billion in AIDS funding for Africa in his 2003 State of the Union Address, then "accidentally" left it out of the budget.

Bush eased field-testing controls of genetically engineered crops.

In a Supreme Court Case, Bush opposed affirmative action at Michigan State.

Just because he can't read more than 5 words at a time, Bush is working to ensure you won't be able to - by cutting federal spending on public libraries by $39 million.

Faith-based idiocy! Bush created $4 million in federal grant money for HIV and drug abuse prevention programs - but only for religious groups and non-secular equivalents.

Eliminating workers' rights and environmental safety, Bush renegotiated a free trade agreement with Jordan.

Big business buddies love this one: Bush proposed to reverse a federal regulation to protect 60 million acres of national forest from logging and road building.

More Iran-Contra ties... Bush appointed unindicted high-level Iran-Contra figure, John Negroponte, as the United Nations Ambassador.

Even more Iran-Contra ties... Bush appointed unindicted high-level Iran-Contra figure, Otto Reich, as the Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs.

In these scandalous times of war crimes committed by Americans with possible ties to the executive staff, it's not hard to figure out why Bush renounced U.S. support for an International Criminal Court and aggressively campaigned to exempt all American personnel from its jurisdiction. He threatened to pull American support from all U.N. peacekeeping operations unless he got his way...

More reductions for the good of the corporations... Bush cut 28% of government funding for researching cleaner, more efficient automobiles.

Too bad Bush isn't an endangered species - he might not have nominated an advocate for repealing the Endangered Species Act, Bennett Raley, as the Assistant Secretary for Water and Science.

Bush ran from his duties, so he's not a veteran. That's probably why he cut the Veterans' Administration budget by $25 billion.

Many of Bush's buddies own oil companies, so it's not at all shocking that he cut government funding to research renewable energy sources by 50%!

Nuclear Bush undermined the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and the Comprehensive Test Ben Treaty by supporting testing of new nuclear weapons and refusing to rule out a nuclear first strike on non-nuclear nations.

Bush doesn't like women, or so one can assume following his closure of the White House Office for Women's Health Initiative and Outreach.

Who cares about the environment? Not Bush, he cut $500 million from the Environmental Protection Agency's budget.

More hatred of women!? Bush suspended U.S. support for the U.N.'s family planning programs and stopped short of supporting the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW).

How about all-out opposing the U.N.? Maybe Bush is just like his Under-Secretary of State for Arms Control and International Security, John Bolton, who opposes nonproliferation treaties and the United Nations.

Bush has refused to release federal funding designed to provide for stem cell research projects.

Thanks to Bush, federal employees can have Viagra but no contraceptives, due to his cut of a program that provided prescription contraceptive coverage.

Create an international offensive against the spread of AIDS? Nah, Bush refused to participate and helped his buddies in the pharmaceutical business capitalize by increasing costs of life-saving medications.

Bush suspended rules requiring rock miners to clean up sites on Western public lands. Gee, do you think your tax dollars will end up paying for the clean ups?

A little controversy in the Bush Regime... Bush allowed Interior Secretary Gale Norton to auction oil and gas development tracts off the coast of eastern Florida. Which one(s) of Bush's oil buddies benefited from this!!??

More cuts for the poor... Bush cut a federal program to provide childcare to low-income families transitioning from welfare to work. Anybody checked into the cost of childcare lately? Apparently, Bush likes to keep poor Americans poor.

Bush's America will stay uniformed about potential consequences from chemical plant accidents, thanks to his cancellation of a proposal to increase the public's access to the information.

Undermining world peace, Bush condoned the Israeli reoccupation of Palestinian territory and rejected the U.N. Security Council's resolutions that provide a framework for conflict resolution between the two. The resolutions have been supported by previous U.S. administrations.

Bush's Solicitor General nominee, Ted Olsen, has lied repeatedly about his involvement in the "Arkansas Project," which was designed to "bring down" Bill Clinton.

Bush compelled Interior Secretary Gale Norton to send letters to state officials soliciting suggestions for opening up national monuments for oil and gas drilling, coal mining, and foresting.

Bush abolished rules mandating energy-saving regulations for central air conditioners and heat pumps. What was that about an energy crisis?

Bush cut the Community Oriented Policing Services program.

Oh, oil buddies! Bush wants to redraw the boundaries of national monuments to allow for oil and gas drilling "outside" of them.

Bush further assaulted the AIDS epidemic by gutting the White House AIDS Office.

More controversial nominations... Bush nominated David Lauriski as Assistant Secretary of Labor for Mine Safety and Health. Did we mention Lauriski used to be a mining company executive?

Bush proposed $1.2 billion in funding to help find alternative renewable energy. The catch? The funding comes from selling leases in the Alaska National Wildlife Refuge - for oil and gas drilling. Want to bet his oil buddies are getting a bargain!?

Bush thinks the American Bar Association is "too liberal," so he will no longer seek their guidance or recommendations for federal judiciary appointments.

Bush further attacks women - this time Asian women who were forced to work as sex slaves in Japan during WWII - by seeking the dismissal of a class-action lawsuit against Japan.

Bush proposed a bill to prevent groups from suing to have an animal placed on the Endangered Species List. Again, too bad Bush isn't an endangered species.

Convicted of murder? That's okay, you can get financial aid for college. However, if you've ever been convicted of a misdemeanor drug charge, Bush has made sure you will never get financial aid for college.

Once upon a time there was a 2004 deadline for automakers to develop PROTOTYPE high mileage cars. Nevertheless, just like the June 30, 2004, Iraq deadline, Bush has pushed the prototype deadline up indefinitely. Maybe this one's because his oil buddies fear losing revenue if people actually get more than 30 or 40 MPG...

Bush censored the environmental concerns found by scientists his administration hired - to make it look like global warming is not a major threat.

"The terrorists are coming, the terrorists are coming!" That's all that our Chicken-Little-In-Chief cares about. Therefore, Bush proposed eliminating a federal program to help communities prepare for natural disasters. The program had been developed and successfully used in Seattle. Never mind that! "The terrorists are coming, the terrorists are coming!"

Bush just can't bring himself to help the poor... He reduced the Low Income Home Assistance Program, which is designed to help individuals in need of assistance paying energy bills, by 40%.

Bush blocked efforts to create international regulations to enforce fair labor, consumer rights, and environmental protections. He is still pursuing a global economic agenda to further the spread of transnational corporations though.

Bush 2000 campaign pledge: To invest $100 million in rain forest conservation. This was a promise the "compassionate conservative" didn't keep. More like "conservatively compassionate," if you ask us!

Bush has health insurance buddies too! Or so it seems, after he slashed the Community Access Program by 86% for public hospitals, clinics, and providers of care for people without insurance.

Another broken promise... Bush failed to increase public education funding and failed to fund the so-called "No Child Left Behind Act." It seems every child gets left behind, except those whose rich mommies and daddies send them to private or boarding schools.

Bush 2000 campaign pledge: To regulate carbon dioxide emissions. He didn't, decided it would be "too costly." This from the guy who has created the largest deficit in history!

"We the People" used to be an educational program to teach about the Constitution, Bill of Rights, and citizenship, in schools. Bush eliminated its funding. Oh well, since he's tromping on the Constitution and Bill of Rights, and can take away anyone's citizenship without due process, I guess it's not important for American children to learn about such things.

Bush hates fish too! He proposed to eliminate marine protections for the Channel Islands and the coral reefs of northwest Hawaii.

Reading is (no longer) Fundamental, or at least Bush thinks so. He proposed to eliminate the RIF program, which provides free books for poor children. Maybe he's afraid they will learn to read more than 5 words at a time.

Who says Bush isn't anti-American? He announced plans to open up Montana's Lewis and Clark National Forest to - you guessed it - his oil company buddies for drilling.

Benefiting big business even more... Bush repealed workplace ergonomic rules designed to improve worker health and safety. Ironically, now big businesses won't have to pay for the long-term side-effects of ergonomic injuries.

Bush eliminated the Wetland Reserve Program. It was designed to encourage and reward farmers for maintaining a wetlands habitat on their property.

A little arsenic in your water? Bush repealed a set of Clinton-era regulations to reduce the maximum allowable level of arsenic in drinking water.

The Iran-Contra and helping daddy... Bush sealed documents from the Reagan and Bush, Sr. administrations that would have further revealed illegal dealings. Hmm... Is this paying daddy back for the 2000 election??

More assaults on the poor and middle-class... Bush signed a bill to make filing for bankruptcy even harder for members of the "lower-classes." No mention of his rich buddies though. So that's why they get the biggest tax breaks!

Bush wants to eliminate minimum wage, thus the enforcement thereof. Anyone for legalizing American sweat-shops??

Bush finally realized the giant tax cuts for the rich had an effect on the economy. What does he want to do about it? He wants to take away benefits from children and the elderly to compensate.

There used to be rules against the government granting contracts to companies that violated workplace safety, environmental, and other federal laws. Not anymore! Bush wiped his butt with them and flushed them down the toilet.

Bush sure does talk big Spanish to Hispanic voters. Just don't let them know he was behind blocking government rules to require federal agencies to offer bilingual assistance to non-English-speaking individuals.

He stole another election.

He cannot learn from his mistakes. Hopefully he won't last another 4 years (like, um, maybe Congress will come to its senses and impeach him...)

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.