2010-02-12 11:23:59 UTC
2. Toyota suppressed dangerous design flaws for 10 years
3. Greece, Spain, Portugal falsified their Nations budget numbers for years
4. Bernie Madoff was able to run a mega ponzi scheme on wall street for 23 years
5. The Pentagon can not account for $3 Trillion for the last 10 years.
6. Sources in Washington and Wall Street warned since Reagan about danger of deregulation
7. Idi Armin, Mugabe, Saddam, Osama Ben Laden, Khomeini, Hamas where supported by the CIA.
8. Cheney, as Sec.of Def. killed 5500 civilians in 1989 (Panama), to catch CIA operative Noriega
9. The 9/11 report could not explain, how the 3 towers could so gradually implode
10. Health-care costs are gradually destroying USA manufacturing competitiveness.