Is Trump strong enough to strike North Korea?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Is Trump strong enough to strike North Korea?
434 answers:
2017-07-09 23:45:24 UTC
I don't think striking North Korea is "strong." I think that would be rash. It could result in attacks on our troops stationed there and on South Korea. He may try to lob a nuclear weapon at us in Hawaii or something. That would be acting without considering the consequences. Please don't call rash actions "strong."
2017-07-07 11:52:12 UTC
The best and most effective way to deal with North Korea is to ignore them and the rantings of the nincompoop fullapoop Kim Jonk Un pendejo, and negotiate with neighboring nations to cease commerce with them. The people of North Korea are not to blame; they're a captive population. Should North Korea retaliate against South Korea, by attacking them, they'd find that American bases are fully prepared to meet them head on and shoot down their missals with our advance weaponry and technologies.

You know what? Whenever you see our tests fail... do you REALLY believe it was not a planned failure? HOW do you know those failed tests weren't planned to mislead our enemies? You know, USA is known for giving misinformation... look in the Internet and read about the time in the 50's-'60s when it was "leaked" that USA was training people with ESP to attack Russia... Russia quickly turned around and spent BILLIONS in testing subjects for ESP and training supposed individuals with signs of ESP; meanwhile, USA's intelligence department were having laughing fits.
2017-07-08 02:22:30 UTC
What on earth does the president being 'strong' enough have to do with anything? The president does not dictate the actions of the USA., certainly not in war. He is a political and media figurehead of a democratically elected party, not a dictator pushing his own will.

The USA has the military might to level the planet and the powers behind the president pulling the strings are clearly not shy about blatantly using military force and the media at a whim = see the recent supposed 'Syrian poison gas attack' and US attack on Syrian forces all fronted utterly ludicrously in the media by Trump. US foreign policy CLEARLY has no qualms about VAST civilian casualties for no credible point whatsoever it seems other than the almighty $ -from Vietnam (setting a precedent in false wars, media manipulation and outright lies) to Yugoslavia to Kuwait to Iraq to Afghanistan to Syria to Yemen.

NK love the game of taunting the US over SK or anything else.
2017-07-08 06:01:46 UTC
What is strong means just shoot off a few missiles to North Korea is nothing to do with strength it's puerile hubris. Real strength is end Kim regime permanently & make sure no one can resume to develop nuclear weaponry indefinitely that's the strength
Warren T
2017-07-06 11:43:05 UTC
Oh yes, the American military could easily and quickly take out North Korea. The problem is being able to eliminate North Korea from launching an artillary attack on South Korea before they could do much damage
2017-07-12 14:49:46 UTC
Yes, he is.

His legal powers as POTUS means that he has the authority to conduct a strike on North Korea from a political standpoint, or to authorise his staff to do so.

As for whether the U.S.'s strategic situation would allow him to, no. The United States would be in a problematic situation. You see, ever since the Korean War, the U.S. has learned that it is never wise to attempt a takeover of North Korea. It is literally on the border of China and the Chinese are not very amenable to the idea of having a rival power right on their border.

If Trump wishes for punitive strikes, there is also the fact that we cannot be sure that NK does not have proficient nuclear capabilities yet. If it turns out they do, a strike on NK could be catastrophic for the nuclear strategic situation around the world.

Could the U.S. strike NK? Definitely. It definitely has the reach and capabilities. But it would come at a cost. The question is whether Trump thinks America should take on that cost.
2017-07-05 23:22:39 UTC
As soon as you see a recruiter and sign up, Captain Underpants
2017-07-11 17:08:48 UTC
Yes I think so
2017-07-08 00:47:03 UTC
Pretty much anyone who's studied the situation over there knows North Korea will strike Seoul if they get striked.

It's one of those, who flinches first situations.

On the other hand, anyone who thinks the US is going to strike civilian targets is out of there mind. I have no clue why people are giving this answer and their thinking is well beyond my compression. The United States would strike military targets, missle silos, and airfields. There amount of civilian casualties would be minimal.

The primary concern here is and has been the Civilian casualties in South Korea.
2017-07-12 18:56:53 UTC
No balls. You gotta have at least one ball to "Strike"!
2017-07-12 14:01:17 UTC

2017-07-12 10:12:52 UTC
What you People thing, why Trump wants to become Villan or Hero in the world. I think Trump should not.
Nick M
2017-07-12 06:40:10 UTC
Let us all keep in mind that a president has to display no strength at all in sending others to war for them. Considering the US has a military larger than the next 20 nations combined, theoretically we could strike anybody and not have immediate retaliation.... except for the fact that nukes exist now which means maybe the strong person would try talking things out. As an American who is rather against the military and our country's involvement in 100's of different countries, basically I'm saying striking North Korea in a large way would cause for drastic and unnecessary consequences in the modern world and why can't we all just love each other?!
2017-07-11 23:51:11 UTC
Brigalow Bloke
2017-07-12 12:02:20 UTC
He can always Tweet at them
2017-07-12 03:08:36 UTC
No and he shouldn't
2017-07-12 02:34:32 UTC
He is dumb enough that for sure
2017-07-12 02:12:31 UTC
He is. But can we take a hit from them? If u can't answer then the correct answer is no.
2017-07-12 00:20:59 UTC
Hillary could.
2017-07-11 04:00:36 UTC
2017-07-11 02:35:46 UTC
2017-07-10 18:38:29 UTC
Strong enough? Certainly. Stupid enough? Let's hope not, you do not want to get evolved with occupying an Asian country.
2017-07-10 16:56:48 UTC
USA and South Korea are the aggressors!! Leave NK ALONE!!!! As soon as Libya disarmed themselves they were invaded. If NK disarmed themselves what would happen? US WOULD INVADE THEM AND TAKE THEM OUT! NK is only protecting themselves from those terrorist Americans!!!!
2017-07-10 11:32:56 UTC
Trillions of DOLLARS down the toilet since Bush oldie, and to show for it?

A wonderful idea. Bomb North Korea and their patron China a nuclear power will ONLY be happy too oblige!

Way to go!

Just as USA wouldn't let anything happen to Israel, neither will China sacrifice North Korea. "Trump seemed certain he could somehow cajole China into disarming North Korea’s nuclear arsenal. But the administration’s amateur foreign policymakers failed to understand that the only “deal” that could get China to disarm the North was by agreeing to remove all US military bases from the region – South Korea, Japan and Guam – and also moving the US Seventh Fleet far from China’s coasts. " "reason why stopping North Korea’s nuclear and long-range missile program is a priority for the Trump administration is not because it truly believes North Korea will launch an ICBM at the United States. Rather, it’s that if North Korea succeeds in establishing an effective nuclear deterrent, then this could have serious geopolitical implications for U.S. policy, as other targeted nations may follow North Korea’s example to ensure their survival"
2017-07-09 13:51:54 UTC
And start ww3 and kill millions of people
2017-07-09 09:01:57 UTC
creative business development
2017-07-08 14:10:20 UTC
usa can eliminate the entire world in 2 days,it is the greatest country ever,
2017-07-08 11:36:18 UTC
I think Trump hasn't reached those levels yet. His stats are pathetic
2017-07-07 03:24:05 UTC
No. Trump has no idea what's going on anyway. He turned everything over to the military.
2017-07-06 10:46:23 UTC
2017-07-06 05:37:11 UTC
I'm not sure if he would
the man
2017-07-12 15:45:49 UTC
He is not. We should make the military chiefs incharge of such strikes. Who knows if the president is a traitor? Military chiefs are much more reliable.
2017-07-12 14:01:59 UTC
No and he's weak enough that he will get impeached and be a permanent stain in the nation's history
Gerry G
2017-07-12 13:16:27 UTC
Hafej Eman
2017-07-12 11:55:24 UTC
Trump is strong, but he won't take risk.
2017-07-12 06:54:21 UTC
Trump talk a lot and he has no power, but if you literally mean America, YES America can be fighting with North Korea until China is not in the system, for example when their war happened china comes in starts helping North Korea, which makes it hard, especially for america, because America usually doesn't know what **** it's doing during war, no organisation during war.
2017-07-12 02:36:49 UTC
Trump with 5 deferments behind him,, should NOT strike at all. No more wars!!!
2017-07-12 02:18:16 UTC
Pray for peace
2017-07-12 01:22:04 UTC
Nobody on this planet is strong enough to strike North Korea without severe repercussions.

America would undoubtedly be the victor were a war to break out, but North Korea would not be the only loser. South Korea would lose millions of its population from bombing and WMDs from the North. Seoul has hidden guns trained on it from the border. It would truly be a Pyrrhic victory, the South would be leveled and any advancements made on the North would not be worth the cost.

This also doesn't take into account the political losses or economic losses. S. Korea and China are both economic powerhouses, and both would be either devastated or angry with America as a result of the war. If America made the first attack as the question implies, we would be seen as the aggressors and as an oppressor.

However! If North Korea attacked first, we would be justified in retaliating. It would have to be a large scale attack, though. China and Russia would stay out of any retaliation and just let us steamroll the North. The South still loses, though.
2017-07-12 01:06:21 UTC
Yeah, because Kim's a lil' weakling
Admiral Smith
2017-07-11 18:32:26 UTC
Trump is a ninja so he does have some tricky kicks to take on North Korea. But North Korea has their Taekwondo. Trump is just an old ox style ninja. Martial artists probably think Trump is too big and slow and too old to take on North Korea. (but there is a little chubby guy in North Korea too...huh...)
2017-07-11 08:23:24 UTC
he is not strong enough to strike up a conversation let alone another country.
2017-07-10 17:17:30 UTC
2017-07-09 02:33:07 UTC
I am not sure, I mean he's no Arnold Schwarzenegger....But maybe if he worked out a little just maybe... He might be strong enough.
Donnie Doom
2017-07-08 19:06:51 UTC
Real strength would be Trump going to North Korea alone and talking to Kim face to face and having a human conversation with the man. No special shows or media footage, no events, no politics--just a conversation between two human beings negotiating in order to avoid war.

"Kim, we do not want to be your enemy. We want the best for you and the North Korean people. And we want to be a friend to you. We will listen to all of your concerns if you are willing to listen to ours. Let's have a private conversation and talk about the future, as what's happening right now isn't working."
2017-07-08 15:04:25 UTC
Not without the rest of the world backing usa...
2017-07-08 14:54:33 UTC
Oh yeah. Trimp.has guts unlike ohbama!
2017-07-08 01:54:09 UTC
The question is, is he dumb enough?
2017-07-06 18:33:52 UTC
2017-07-06 17:20:54 UTC
I think if you touch his pussy make it tick or he'll say he he he he
Mr. Smartypants
2017-07-05 23:29:58 UTC
Of course he's strong enough. He only needs to order a strike. The real question is: Is he STUPID enough? Is he desperate enough? I suspect he's not. GW Bush's policy towards NK was the same as Clinton's. Trump's will be the same as Obama's.
2017-07-12 23:05:59 UTC
That's not strong , if he did however he could start a war and Kim could send nukes to hit south Korea Japan Etc And Even Us
2017-07-12 22:49:23 UTC
Not without getting hurt. Remember, he has small hands.
2017-07-12 16:55:13 UTC
North Korea didn't do anything to us lol so we Americans have mental problems
2017-07-12 01:09:13 UTC
i have concerns about the safety of planet. the world is stuck in the crossfire of 2 crazy egomaniacs. when nukes start going off we can kiss our a$$es goodbye.
2017-07-11 20:43:17 UTC
It's not whether he's strong, it's whether the Democratic Party can, in their strategy to remove him, get the Kim Young'un to nuke the west coast and make the radioactive victims a new voting block of protected citizens.

And of course so they can blame Bush.
2017-07-11 02:23:15 UTC
Strong enough? A 5 year old could order a Nuke Strike if he were President. It does not take strength. Old man Trump is just stupid enough to break out nukes. I only believe we should strike them if they 1st try to strike us. If we do strike 1st it had better be with 60 nukes,. That is the estimate it would be to obliterate the entire country....otherwise Kim will use nukes on SK.
2017-07-09 21:34:09 UTC
2017-07-09 18:14:06 UTC
You mean stupid enough?

Why doesn't anyone understand that North Korea will not attack anyone if they aren't attacked first?
2017-07-09 16:05:27 UTC
Yes ,If the North continues to launch ICBMs in our direction.
2017-07-09 11:25:16 UTC
I don't think he has the political power or know how to strike Korea, Congress would have to help make that decision and what would be the point he'd start a war with other countries as well so he needs to really think beforehand. Korea has minimum missile power we are a super power that can destroy them
Random Guy
2017-07-08 20:00:48 UTC
I heard he has the strength to even beat the Hulk.
2017-07-08 12:25:21 UTC
North Korea will not commit suicide on us ...They are thriving just the way they are, just keep American porn out of their country and they won't turn terrorists of self defense
2017-07-08 00:11:09 UTC
yes i think so,
2017-07-07 14:33:58 UTC
So, he's going to strike on a country and innocent people are involved?
Tad Dubious
2017-07-07 13:53:37 UTC
Brit', it should be posed as "Is Trump FOOLISH enough to strike North Korea?" The little despot if playing with some big fireworks, but if anything of any serious threat gets off the ground, the American Eagle and the Chinese Dragon will turn him into powder before he can change out of his missile launch watching clothes. No need to START anything from the US side.
2017-07-07 10:58:41 UTC
The best way to deal with North Korea is to just leave them alone. Trump is too weak-minded to realize this, too weak politically to say so.
fay v
2017-07-07 07:09:52 UTC
no... he's dumb enough to.
2017-07-06 22:32:48 UTC
Nope but dumb enough to try , it's only South Korea and Japan that will suffer if he does.
2017-07-06 15:49:09 UTC
I don't know if he pumps iron or does fifty push ups through out the day or what ever, but as long as there is a [strong enough military] at his disposal, then yes. Now the question is, is he stupid enough? I believe (and hope) the answer to that is no. But he may get together with other nations and impose some kind of economic sanctions or other means of "discipline" to give North Korean leadership a good little kick in the rear for their misbehavior or their naughty nukes or what ever.
2017-07-06 11:01:44 UTC
Have nukes is the best way to stop the Yankee imperialists
Roger T
2017-07-12 22:32:54 UTC
Yes he is. Send in Seal Team 6 and take out the fat kid.
2017-07-12 21:14:52 UTC
Trump is not. America is. We would have a better chance of prevailing if we weren't led by an overgrown child.
Jugram Haschwalth
2017-07-12 20:08:09 UTC
Yes. He has all the power since he is president.
2017-07-11 15:46:52 UTC
It's not a matter of being strong enough. Besides, doing such a thing without trying other options would be foolish, and could lead to a major disaster.
2017-07-11 14:17:32 UTC
If strike world war three will start
2017-07-11 11:14:09 UTC
I hope he doesn't have to.
2017-07-11 09:19:39 UTC
Don't you mean stupid enough? Thousands would die through such an idiotic move.
2017-07-10 18:13:10 UTC
2017-07-09 12:53:25 UTC
And take on China?

If you attack fat Boy China will have to defend him as North Korea is the Guard dog at Chinas back door!

Therefore you attack both of them which is mad in both sense.

Mad stands for Mutual assured Destruction .
Scott D
2017-07-09 02:18:50 UTC
Trump IS strong enough.... if you want me to answer your question. However, "strong enough" is not the words I would use. Is he arrogant enough? Is he dumb enough?

Trump has proven many times that he displays actions that you would see with a dictator. Love me, praise me, or you're gone. Ask Comey. Ask the entire table when Trump had everyone praise him.

This arrogance will lead to foolish actions. Could he strike N. Korea? Yes, definitely. I feel he has it in him to authorize the strike. However, his arrogance does not put into account the casualties that we'll face because of it. Remember, South Korea ( who is our ally and has thousands of Americans there) will be pummeled in a matter of minutes. Trump has to remember that China is N. Korea's ally. You mess with N.K, you're going to be messing with China. Even though China is our #1 import, just think about what would happen if China stopped importing stuff. That would destroy our economy without ever shooting a gun. I know you're going to say, "Buy American." I agree with you. I have the same amount of patriotism as you, but it's the Chinese imports and business that keeps prices low. Get rid of that will raise manufacture costs, hence raising product pricing.

Will Trump think about any of this before he so-called "presses the button". No he won't. He's too quick to irrational actions.

Look, Trump "could be" a great President if he just listens to his hundreds of advisors and committees. But, his dictator mind-frame is going to destroy us.
2017-07-09 00:53:29 UTC
Well, trump probably lucky to stay in one term in Presidential position right now they way his talking and do
2017-07-08 06:14:15 UTC
2017-07-07 22:31:59 UTC
He's bad too but Kim Jong Un is worse
2017-07-07 17:02:49 UTC
Bigger better stronger
2017-07-07 04:30:00 UTC
**** yea
2017-07-07 00:49:25 UTC
It will result in manyyyyyyyy deaths. America has the most ready military to where even Russia won't mess with us but in the case of NK, we need to strike before they get a nuke that will hit us.
2017-07-06 12:29:04 UTC
North Korea has no chance against the U.S.
2017-07-06 11:47:08 UTC
The blow back of taking out NK would be far greater then this country is

prepared for.
Mr. Wizard
2017-07-06 02:57:58 UTC
I personally don't think it will come to that---but the time for poetic condemning speeches against U.S. enemies, along with equally weak useless economic sanctions has gone past ever being effective; they clearly didn't serve past LIBERAL U.S. Presidents Carter, Clinton and Obama---men who were embarrassingly disregarded by Communist leaders, for being soft and weak.

Reagan was NOT soft nor weak towards U.S. enemies who stupidly sized him up; China hated Reagan---but they, along with Russia, respected him.

President Trump IS going to give North Korea exactly what's coming to them---all in due time; the day and time will never be known......but IT WILL teach NK and Kim Jong-Un a lesson---one China will DEMAND Jong-Un shut up and learn.
Ole Sinky Face
2017-07-05 23:25:10 UTC
You are making 0 sense, update your question with something that we can understand.
2017-07-12 23:10:22 UTC
Yes!!! The United States is 10 times stronger ! HOWEVER, the problem is with the allies and military strategies that would make it simply stupid to strike
2017-07-12 19:05:57 UTC
Trump has the balls
2017-07-12 17:56:48 UTC
Ya maybe with his fist only
2017-07-12 08:15:39 UTC
yes but its not wise
2017-07-12 05:47:08 UTC
Not even close fam
2017-07-12 04:30:50 UTC
He is strong enough to strike, and he is strong enough not to strike.
2017-07-12 03:40:04 UTC
he has something called checks and balances.
2017-07-11 17:53:34 UTC
Kim jon un is a evil bastard
2017-07-11 15:31:52 UTC
Were way stronger then North Korea especially, have you heard news lately??? Putin is talking to trip about making peace with America no1 will ever stop us after that happens!!
2017-07-11 02:03:30 UTC
Maybe, I guess we will see soon.
2017-07-10 00:03:52 UTC
don't know if he's strong enough but he's stupid enough
2017-07-09 07:51:40 UTC
N. Korea has an army of 4 million and artillery aim at Seoul which is within miles from the border. Any U.S. attack on nuclear facilities would cost at least a few hundred thousand deaths in the South. It would be like war you could not imagine. Trump might be stupid enough yes. That worries me.
2017-07-09 02:57:17 UTC
Get him in a boxing ring with Kim Jong Un....then we will know.
2017-07-09 00:43:51 UTC

But then what happens...

We don't need another Vietnam

or Iraq.

As crazy and ruthless as Kim Jung-un is, he still offers some stability, at the moment.
2017-07-07 18:51:51 UTC
I don't think so.
2017-07-07 03:50:16 UTC
he is, congress isn't
2017-07-07 01:06:39 UTC
Strong is the not the word I would use for this idiot! He would cause havoc by spewing crap and this guy is a billionaire and president. Geez, god help us all!
The Devil
2017-07-06 18:04:49 UTC
He isn't going to do it, but he might throw your kids into N. Korea as his political gamble. He's always been one to gamble with other peoples' money, lives and property.
2017-07-06 12:50:33 UTC
yes! trump is always strong.
2017-07-05 23:38:07 UTC
With china and Russia saying that they are staying out of the conflict, he has to do something himself.

My suggestion would be to have a a meeting with Kim and find out what he wants. Paying him off would be be cheaper than war.
Alex Stevens
2017-07-12 15:19:00 UTC
Sure fire way to start world war 3
2017-07-12 12:50:35 UTC
maybe, he has to take orders from his corporate overlords first
2017-07-12 09:10:16 UTC
That's not an indication of strength. It's pure stupidity to strike them. Strength would be thinking systematically with your head, not starting ww3 like an idiot
2017-07-12 03:08:05 UTC
HA! What's he going to do? Bad mouth the Kim regime to death?
2017-07-12 01:57:03 UTC
2017-07-11 22:18:39 UTC
2017-07-11 13:43:58 UTC
2017-07-11 12:58:49 UTC
Wel... he is mad enough
2017-07-11 12:31:50 UTC
War is never the right solution. We should always try everything else. Negotiations are always in the first place. Let's not underestimate the power and possibilities of negotiation and diplomacy. The war relates to lives, destroys human dignity, and brings trouble, misery, and poverty. I certainly do not hold anybody here, but my opinion is clear and I believe that only fair negotiations can find the right solution.
2017-07-10 14:35:21 UTC
Of course but N. Korea is hard to strike
2017-07-10 11:31:54 UTC
YES ...........BUT...........Physical Ability is one thing ........Politically it would be incorrect ......AND.....It could have a FALL-OUT with China , South Korea and Russia ...........which could be dangerous !
2017-07-10 09:39:55 UTC
2017-07-09 14:54:07 UTC
yes but he wont
2017-07-08 03:23:27 UTC
Who knows he might
Proud Deplorable
2017-07-07 23:48:36 UTC
2017-07-07 16:15:10 UTC
If he is doing it through Jesus, then yes, absolutely positively, 100%.
2017-07-07 01:52:45 UTC
First of all, it won't be TRUMP striking North Korea. It will be the USA. And we could lay waste to North Korea in about 20 minutes if we so chose....
2017-07-06 17:08:42 UTC
No, America struggles with Iraq and Afghan, so NK is a no starter.
2017-07-06 13:59:43 UTC
North Korea is not a good match.
2017-07-05 23:26:52 UTC
2017-07-12 22:10:34 UTC
Im more concerned about restraint
2017-07-12 16:05:21 UTC
Not worth it
2017-07-12 05:39:57 UTC
No he's just an orange those are really soft on the inside
2017-07-12 01:05:44 UTC
no he is a weakling
2017-07-11 20:40:04 UTC
Trump is stronger than the world
2017-07-11 15:58:21 UTC
I do believe USA is strong enough to strike at N korea.
2017-07-11 05:30:01 UTC
Trump is no stronger than a 7 year old
2017-07-10 22:02:09 UTC
It's more, is the USA strong and SMART enough to strike North Korea at the appropriate time, and yes. We just haven't yet. North Korea is basically communist (not technically) meaning the people of North Korea have done nothing wrong, so we wouldn't attack the country, but its g̶o̶v̶e̶r̶n̶m̶e̶n̶t̶ dictatorship. The Korean war didn't exactly bode well for the USA, but if Kim Jong Un decides to be a moron and attempt at attacking/bombing the USA or our allies, we will squish him like the tiny ant he is.
2017-07-10 15:25:18 UTC
If Trump had that kind of power he would have went for something bigger than North Korea by now.

And strong isn't the right word for the situation, more like stupid enough.
2017-07-09 22:02:11 UTC
Not really. We are forgetting the 1 million completely loyal soldiers and thousands of fanatical para military forces as well as a potential refugee crisis. It would not go down well
2017-07-08 12:39:32 UTC
more than strong enough, but you have to remember, we only attack for defense, Nk hasn't attacked us yet
2017-07-07 23:33:08 UTC
He's seems radical enough but I don't think that'll happen. Unless America was attacked first then yea I think he would pull the trigger. Otherwise he probably wouldn't. There's American prisoners in North Korea but its not like he can do anything about it as its dealing with a single person. If a strike hits here then yes, most likely some type of retaliation will occur. A little tit for tat.
2017-07-07 18:23:55 UTC
The problem with NOKO is that they are in a very strong position geographically, and they know it.

I see answers on here proposing that we just ignore them...will we still ignore them when Seattle gets vaporized and several million people are killed?

Fatty has clearly stated that he intends to do just that.
2017-07-07 14:37:38 UTC
As long as they don't call him and his children to take part in the action, and the countries supply of young warriors holds out, he will think he is.
2017-07-07 14:18:09 UTC
No, but he IS crazy enough to d so. No need for strength when you're a nut job.
2017-07-06 19:47:34 UTC
2017-07-06 18:35:42 UTC
careful you tried n.korea after the 2nd war how did that turn out
2017-07-05 23:37:24 UTC
Why start a continuation of the KOREAN WAR that was started under Democrat President Harry Truman?

You gonna' ENLIST, EH?
2017-07-05 23:24:04 UTC
The south Koreans will bravely stand as human shields, so yes!
2017-07-12 22:08:32 UTC
Yes, Trump has the ability and authority to strike N.Korea and could do so in almost anyway he wants to.
2017-07-12 20:03:20 UTC
We'd need new world maps that don't show a Korean peninsula anymore.
FN - 2187
2017-07-12 19:05:19 UTC
Mike Melvyn
2017-07-12 14:25:42 UTC
2017-07-12 08:25:46 UTC
2017-07-12 06:01:35 UTC
2017-07-12 01:53:27 UTC
Why isnt muslim pakistan getting the same treatment as north korea which is more dangerous. North Korea has nukes so what,so does Uk France Usa Israel India Russia China and Pakistan.Nk should be ignored.
2017-07-11 19:58:32 UTC
He has the power to do anything. I believe that he is related to Hitler and it turns out they are actually long distant relatives!
2017-07-10 16:32:39 UTC
2017-07-09 23:43:51 UTC
His more than stupid to do it
2017-07-09 05:19:20 UTC
Well, considering North Korea is a country and Trump is a person, I do not think he will be able to physically make contact with said country :)
Mac D
2017-07-08 18:17:36 UTC
He'd destroy NK. But he shouldn't strike unless they do something to initiate it like attack US citizens.
2017-07-08 08:53:25 UTC
I don't think so. Trump is strong but the leadership of North Korea is way more tough, and they won't change whether because of Obama or trump
2017-07-07 07:17:38 UTC
Lol no he a dumbass
2017-07-07 00:57:01 UTC
Trump, strong????? Nope. He's a fraud.
2017-07-06 13:26:16 UTC
No one needs to strike North Korea. Get the US out of South Korea and let the Koreans dictate their own future
2017-07-06 11:04:21 UTC
Trump is like that barking dog that makes a lot of noise but when you open the gate,goes,"now what?"
2017-07-06 10:19:26 UTC
Trump no, our military yes
2017-07-06 04:32:41 UTC
thousands will die if he does if the us can beat ussr without war we can out wait North Korea
Louie O
2017-07-06 01:15:56 UTC
The question should be is Trump strong enough not to strike North Korea...
2017-07-12 15:20:11 UTC
Donal Trump is strong or talened person's enough to Strike North Korea.Because strike the North Korea.

The USA has the military might to level the planet and the powers behind the president pulling the strings are clearly not shy about blatantly using military force and the media at a whim = see the recent supposed 'Syrian poison gas attack' and US attack on Syrian forces all fronted utterly ludicrously in the media by Trump. US foreign policy CLEARLY has no qualms about VAST civilian casualties for no credible point whatsoever it seems other than the almighty $ -from Vietnam (setting a precedent in false wars, media manipulation and outright lies) to Yugoslavia to Kuwait to Iraq to Afghanistan to Syria to Yemen.

North Korea love the game of thaunting the US over SK or anything else.
2017-07-12 03:18:11 UTC
Donald trump isn't even strong enough to take an insult on twitter
2017-07-11 17:45:24 UTC
it is long war plan if he can win
Stan Dalone
2017-07-11 04:30:34 UTC
It's not a matter of being strong enough to attack someone. Any leader with a big military at his disposal can give the order and send his people (never himself, of course) against another country.

The thing about North Korea isn't that it's a credible threat to us. Sure they could land one or two nukes on Alaska if it sacrifices a goat and mutters the right incantations, but no one reasonably thinks NK is a real threat to us. What'll most likely happen if sh*t goes down with Fatso is that the North Korean military will unleash holy hell on Seoul with civilian casualties in the millions, and then it will basically collapse because it's in no shape to fight a real war.

The trouble with any kind of real fight with North Korea is that we'll then have an unbelievable humanitarian crisis on our hands. North Korea is a backward and its people are starving and have few skill sets. If we (us, S Korea, or China) ever takes over NK, we'd have to deal with all that. It'd be hugely expensive and nobody wants to deal with it--so we reluctantly allow NK to stay the way it is. I don't see the Trump administration changing course on that.
Alright alright alright
2017-07-10 17:51:09 UTC
NO need to there useless
2017-07-10 13:08:20 UTC
no as #45 is not strong enough to put Putin in his place. It was a love feast at their meeting.

#45 would not use a similar military plan Obama had in place to route ISLS, either.

#45 is more tweet , than walking the tweet.
Barney Google
2017-07-10 02:47:08 UTC
He will be strong enough, if and when it becomes necessary. It is not only appropriate to ask a President's strength, it is advice given by the fourth estate to lend out feelers for the job and the consequences, and in times of war, the whole rogues gallery is with him, behind him, assessing with him, the plan with least damage. After that the Congress, if they put their approval on the deal, will show in terms of political/military strategy, just where they find his strength.
2017-07-09 16:32:17 UTC
That orange clown deserves to go the way of Kim Jong-nam.
2017-07-09 14:12:36 UTC
He thinks he is, he's not.
2017-07-08 23:48:44 UTC
I say Send him over there on a lone mission.
2017-07-07 22:10:46 UTC
I know The United States is strong enough
2017-07-07 04:27:26 UTC
Hint hint, I hope the North Korean generals realize that eliminating Kim Jong Un would be in everyone's best interests.
Houw Liong T
2017-07-07 02:28:59 UTC
Yes, but both will suffer from nuclear war, even the radioactivity will spread all over the world.
2017-07-07 01:26:25 UTC
Wont happen
2017-07-06 21:08:58 UTC
If they dropped him it would the mother of all splats. MOAS
Coop 366
2017-07-06 19:48:06 UTC
But with how many American deaths, also the possible end of the USA.
2017-07-06 08:45:00 UTC
Offcourse Trump is a better strategist then ceasar, Napoleon and Alexander the great
2017-07-06 06:56:20 UTC
It would be a very stupid decision to start something that he cannot finish and would have disastrous results. Trump is not smart enough to ealise that Nth Korea is doing all this to taunt him into doing something stupid that would result in most of the USA being wiped off the map.
2017-07-06 04:54:17 UTC
The real question is...Are you dumb enough to believe Trump has the sole power to strike North Korea...or any country for that matter?
2017-07-05 23:21:29 UTC
they will kill us first north korea
Brandon Lawson
2017-07-12 22:47:31 UTC
2017-07-12 18:20:43 UTC
2017-07-12 12:19:27 UTC
2017-07-12 04:26:41 UTC
2017-07-12 04:18:47 UTC
2017-07-11 16:26:06 UTC
He's an idiot
2017-07-11 00:47:32 UTC
It has nothing to do with strength. There are 10 million South Koreans within 30 km of the DMZ. Also there are 4 million NK troops and 60 U.S. troops at the border. What do you think will happen if Trump bombs the nuclear facilities.
2017-07-10 18:25:57 UTC
Trump isn't even strong enough to lift a baby
2017-07-10 15:09:58 UTC
north corea is prety Gay!
2017-07-09 13:13:46 UTC
He is. Well... USA is. It must remain the last option though, unless that fat korean f$## wants to speed things up.
2017-07-09 12:22:59 UTC
2017-07-09 08:27:17 UTC
Would you wish to be in Kim Jung-un shoes ! No way ! Bomb bomb bomb.
2017-07-08 04:06:24 UTC
HE CAN WIPE OUT THE WORLD IF HE WANTS TO. NO KOREA isnt going to do any thing.He is looking for attention and food + for his people. FEED THEM & HE WILL QUITE DOWN
2017-07-07 12:47:19 UTC
2017-07-07 06:21:53 UTC
Unlikely so no if we do attack North Korea will use thousands of artillery pieces will open fire upon the South Killing Hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians.
2017-07-06 22:29:36 UTC
Trumps version of striking NK = "PHEW PHEW PHEW!"- Posted to his twitter page.
2017-07-06 19:44:09 UTC
USA has a Token Force in the Area.

Still enough to defend the World if needed.

North Korea should be crushed.
2017-07-06 18:29:46 UTC
Trump will body slam North Korea like how he body slammed CNN
2017-07-06 12:45:39 UTC
We are into the end of the world & guess what?Everybody does unless Jesus comes 1st & then you get thiis bloodless body
2017-07-06 11:41:38 UTC
Its not if trump is. Its if we are as a country
2017-07-12 19:23:03 UTC
You don't attack tiny, insignificant countries because you're "strong." You do so because you're weak.
2017-07-12 18:17:24 UTC
no trump is crazy
2017-07-12 18:08:56 UTC
Physically? no, mentally? no

Orangely? ohhhh yeaaaaa
2017-07-12 17:22:12 UTC
It's not a question of if he is strong enough. The answer to that is No. Trump is a bully... and when it comes down to it... bully's are weak.

The real question is what incentive would the US have to striking NK? They have had a long history of genocide and oppression yet we do nothing. And this just isn't Trump... All the previous presidents did the same thing... A Big FAT NOTHING. George "W" said there were WMD's in IRAQ and thats why we had to go in... How did that work out? hmmmmm. Now Young Gun IL.. (That's right... I said Young Gun... sounds good dont it... LoL...) is not only saying they have WMDs... He is testing them... So did his Daddy!!! Did Daddy Bush go in? Nope... Clinton? Nope... "W"??? Nope.. Did Obama? No... Will Trump... No... why??? We should be locked & loaded and taking this guy down by any means necessary!!! People are saying it's because of China... China just placed an Oil embargo on them... so I don't think they are on NK side.

I've worked with people from SK that say they only get to see their family in NK twice a year for a few hours at the time... If anyone needed to be taken out... it's this guy... But herein lies the rub.... What do we get by invading NK? Nothing... and don't forget... we have to pay to rebuild them back up after we are done. Now if they had Oil we access while we are doing that... that's a good reason... I know we say we go in to remove a tyrant... but why do we really go in to a country for?

Think about the most recent "wars" we've fought...

Vietnam - Reason for going... Fight the Communists oppressors!!!!

- fun fact.... They have the 2nd largest Crude Oil reserves in East Aisa behind China... about 4.5 billion barrels.

Gulf War(Saudi Arabia/Kuwait) - Reason for going... The Iraqi's are coming... The Iraqis are coming!!!

- fun fact... Again... Some of the biggest Oil reserves in the world... 268 billion barrels.

Iraq Reason for going - credible intel that they had WMD's

- fun fact.. More and More Oil... 144 billion barrels...

are we starting to see a theme here? okay..

NK has a Tyrant Dictator that killed his own brother.

The Countries people are oppressed.

The leader boasts about their Nuclear Weapon capabilities (WMDs)

but yet we dont go into NK...

fun fact... NK "imports" most of their Oil...

Why does the Oil matter? Well.. somebody has got to pay for the war and the rebuild... Where do you think that money comes from.... hmmm

But the only thing we will get from War against NK is good PR... and all Good PR and $2 can buy you is a good double cheeseburger at Wendy's.

So when it comes to politics... it's never personal... It's "ALWAYS" about the money... So follow the money... That's the only real reason any decisions are made... Don't believe the hype... and follow the money... or in this case... follow the drip... :-)

2017-07-12 16:43:42 UTC
2017-07-12 00:59:15 UTC
He thinks he is, that the problem.
2017-07-11 13:23:14 UTC
He's dumb enough to
2017-07-10 15:46:04 UTC
No, people need to do some basic research and learn that Trump can't go to war, and Kim Jong Un is not in a place to attack USA. Either way, it'll ultimately lead to North Korea's downfall. I find it absurd that some want communism in the country.
2017-07-10 07:39:41 UTC
That would be a dumb *** decision.
2017-07-08 19:57:22 UTC
If our country strikes North Korea, it will disturb the beehive China into sending nukes at us (North Korea is their sole bilateral ally). The nuclear gift that never stops giving, on both ends...and end of prosperity for the North American continent.
2017-07-08 16:42:38 UTC
Omar Faruk
2017-07-08 05:59:54 UTC
2017-07-08 01:43:36 UTC
north korea is poor 3rd world nation.


no food

no electric

little -kim has mad korea into a Stone-Age Nation.
2017-07-07 14:04:29 UTC
2017-07-07 03:10:57 UTC
No. They have been planning for years, ready for war. It would be stupid to bother them 😣
2017-07-06 16:32:07 UTC
With that out-of-shape body and those tiny hands? Are you kidding?
Randall Young
2017-07-06 12:45:59 UTC
Any war with the North would turn into a full blown insurgency funded by China and Russia, who seek to bankrupt the US.

Think Vietnam, but instead of a decade to dig in, they've had 50 years of constant threats of war.

North Korea is prepared.
2017-07-06 04:47:38 UTC
America sucks.
Minister of Truth
2017-07-06 02:40:56 UTC

HELL no!

that's why nk is laying on their challenges to dt: so heavy now:

even w/in the short span of 6 mos,

a mental case like kim & his intel and state dept can see dt is mentally disabled


So therefor trump is a DRASTIC danger to the US!

The Evil Doers see this is a 1 in a billion chance ! :

the Mighty Unitd States is fundamentally FLOUNDERING on the GLOBAL STAGE, stage-center !


The American people ELECTED this guy ?!

and the foreign trump bashers like Merkel will be looking at newsreels of dt and his DEMAGOGIC BIRTHER BUFFOONERY,

and say, The American ppl KNEW dt was mentally and ethically unfit abt TEN YEARS AGO ! !

and they STILL electd him !


so ALL this, Russia-gate included, makes the mighty America look CRIPPLED by its OWN GROSS WEAKNESSES,


and that's what's been happening : Putin play dt for a puppet, and steering clear of the shrapnel when it exposed,

and leaves the senile dt standing along & confused on the world stage.


Dt MUST be "25-ed" out NOW!



electing the
2017-07-05 23:22:46 UTC
There's no way to do that without killing thousands of South Koreans
2017-07-12 23:50:11 UTC
Well the US has the strongest military.
quickfit auto
2017-07-11 18:59:10 UTC
2017-07-11 02:16:07 UTC
He's the President.
2017-07-10 18:30:07 UTC
yes but why would he want to?
2017-07-10 18:00:19 UTC
Probably but it's not worth it.. we both have nuclear weapons and the US and N.K. don't really have a switch in their heads that tell them "maybe we shouldn't bomb a whole country"..
2017-07-10 11:28:24 UTC
Yes but It will cause all sorts of problems between other nations
2017-07-09 20:34:27 UTC
If America is attacked by North Korea. All it would take is 2 bombs & North Korea would'nt be there anymore. Its just as simple as that. especially with our forces watching ALL. Mike
2017-07-08 14:39:29 UTC
Yes, but whether he actually will is another matter.
2017-07-07 16:52:03 UTC
Hmm. Trump would have to lose some weight and get fit. Also he should buy some 1911s and then take on north korea alone. He could get some quick kills.
2017-07-07 16:29:11 UTC
This is an area that has to have Trump in a particular dither! He is dealing with someone who is actually very much like him: paranoid, narcissistic, thin-skinned, easily manipulated, immature...the difference is, Kim has absolute power, Trump does not. Whatever Kim does is totally unpredictable, but he can do it on a whim. Trump is equally unpredictable, but he cannot do things on a whim like Kim can; he has Congress and the courts to deal with, not to mention millions of citizens who will question his moves and motivations. Probably the most effective, maybe only thing to do would be to launch a massive preemptive strike at North Korea with the aim of taking out as much of their military assets pointed at South Korea and Japan as possible. If we wait for them to launch a strike against SK, there is the risk of millions of SK people dying within days. We, South Korea, and Japan could retaliate with prejudice, and pretty much level the country, but the death toll would be horrendous.

Trump is right about one thing, though, and that is that China needs to step up more and punish North Korea for their belligerence. Kim, however, may be so crazy that even this won't hold him at bay.

North Korea is a relevant parable. If Trump had his way, he would turn this country into a similar police state, with restrictions on religion, the press, public protest, even thought. Thank God we have a Constitution, a Congress, military and police sworn to uphold it.
2017-07-07 14:07:17 UTC
Weasel McWeasel
2017-07-07 08:48:16 UTC
Is the MILITARY strong enough to launch a strike? Oh, absolutely.

Does Trump have any clue? Oh, absolutely not.

His plan seems to be, to meet saber rattling with saber rattling. ....and then see who fires first.
2017-07-07 00:01:59 UTC
2017-07-06 23:58:19 UTC
Yes, that commie marxist pig in for a liquidation of his regime if he is not careful.
2017-07-06 15:19:43 UTC
North Korea who? Are you ignorant...
2017-07-06 13:45:58 UTC
apparently much stronger then any of the other Asian countries as they are doing nothing. I'd prefer to bomb strategic sites and do an immediate full assault invasion. We would destroy them, they would surrender and maybe even free the people and who knows...Korea could be one country like it used to be long ago!
2017-07-06 12:36:08 UTC
North Korea has no chance against the U.S.
2017-07-06 02:04:18 UTC
No he is weak
2017-07-05 23:31:53 UTC
Steven C
2017-07-05 23:22:06 UTC
yes, strong and crazy enough
2017-07-12 17:29:13 UTC
more like is he arrogant enough, and the answer is yes
2017-07-12 14:02:31 UTC
He may be strong enough, but would it be a wise thing to do unless it's in retaliation?
Andy F
2017-07-12 02:34:57 UTC
Even Trump - whom I dislike -- is strong enough NOT to strike North Korea, if he thinks about it.

There's no need to do this, because even with nuclear weapons, North Korea poses no real military threat to this country. It would be like an aarvark attacking an elephant; the elephant would win.

-- democratic socialist for common sense & against hysteria
2017-07-12 02:16:07 UTC
As a trump voter he could but it would be in nobodies better interest to allow a large scale inducing conflict. Historically we would fund, arm , train , and assemble possible coup d'etat and if north korean information is correct once the seeds of revolution begin to sow the kim dynasty will fall. There are other options he islooking at its easy to declare war recklessly but our president understands the historical, political, and national importants of dealing with the north korean threat
2017-07-11 16:39:16 UTC
Xpewar noob
2017-07-11 08:14:02 UTC
2017-07-11 02:25:31 UTC
He is, but it would be a bad idea. North Korea has allies with china and russia, so if trump striked north korea, china and russia might strike the us, and with all 3 countries having nuclear weapons, the outcome would end up bad
2017-07-11 00:56:32 UTC
idk. And although I am rather a Trump supporter, I still don't think that it's ok to bomb NK right away like that...
2017-07-10 20:05:05 UTC
2017-07-10 06:38:37 UTC
No, I don't think so.
2017-07-09 15:55:55 UTC
2017-07-09 07:48:12 UTC
America wouldn't be that naïve, the real reason that we have not attacked north korea is because of fear.
2017-07-08 23:16:47 UTC
No. He cannot, should not.
2017-07-08 21:17:07 UTC
No reason to. We have more of a war going on against liberals in this country and ANTIFA. The rebel groups we have supported in the Middle East against Assad's regime and ISIS are commies. We have to settle all this crap out first.
Eric Ingham
2017-07-08 14:35:02 UTC
Thwn they would strike South Korea and create a big mess..
2017-07-08 09:43:13 UTC
You dont have to be strong to strike north korea(as a president, not as an army. The US army can take on anyone.) just crazy. And he is crazy enough.
2017-07-07 10:48:51 UTC
Yes and he's stupid enough to think you can have a limited nuclear war too.
2017-07-06 19:13:51 UTC
Yes, he is, because he has our military behind him, and that alone makes him VERY strong!
md oli
2017-07-06 16:30:13 UTC
Clint Taurus
2017-07-06 10:10:08 UTC
Let's hope so. Things are getting a bit stale in the nuclear war front. So boring. Do something!
2017-07-12 23:22:35 UTC
I don't think he is strong enough to strike a match!!!
2017-07-12 19:41:08 UTC
2017-07-12 04:19:05 UTC
2017-07-12 04:05:48 UTC
With the amount of power which he gained from being president, yes he is able to strike North Korea. North Korea is a very small compared to the United States of America.
2017-07-12 03:58:35 UTC
maybe idk lol daoNAKSD
2017-07-12 01:24:50 UTC
The question should he stupid enough. I don't think he is. I think he knows that ultimately, the solution

lies with motivating China to shut down NK by assuring and demonstrating that in doing so, China will not face additional threats to it's security.
2017-07-11 17:09:27 UTC
Of course but let's not
2017-07-11 04:41:12 UTC
Trump can't even go to the bathroom without any asistance
2017-07-11 03:09:11 UTC
Of Course. USA is a super power. That's not an issue. The question is whether it's wise.

And the answer is "No, he should not." War should only be used as a last resort.
2017-07-10 13:02:26 UTC
Yes definitely
2017-07-09 13:07:08 UTC
That would be a great catastrophe.
2017-07-09 01:16:17 UTC
2017-07-08 23:12:44 UTC
Yes, we can overcome N. Korea quickly. But China will not allow a western base country on its border. And that will lead to world war 3.
Jan C
2017-07-08 21:06:50 UTC
That is not going to be Donald Trump's decision to make. We have intelligent military people who will call the shots and we as Americans don't want another war. Our people are not stupid.
2017-07-08 17:16:27 UTC
He will tell someone else to strike

and he will run and hide.
2017-07-07 22:59:37 UTC
No. Teddy Roosevelt would have personally lead the charge up North Korea but Trump is so weak willed he just does whatever his advisors tell him to, so long as they keep flattering him.
2017-07-07 19:56:46 UTC
2017-07-07 07:14:06 UTC
Hasn't been in politics long enough and is there any other reason to strike.

The likes of China and Russia are more than capable of destroying America,why invite someone else ?
Sunday Crone
2017-07-07 05:01:49 UTC
Trump hasn't got a clue, If by strike, you mean a military action, it would not be very wise, as it would pit China, and Russia against the US , which would amount to World War III.
2017-07-06 00:01:47 UTC
No, but the United States Military certainly is!!
2017-07-12 03:39:25 UTC
I believe so

He seems to be fighting for and investing money into the army a lot

So I think he would create a huge power house big enough to stop North Korea
2017-07-11 19:54:07 UTC
i dont think he would!
2017-07-11 12:54:24 UTC
To be honest, judging from history, no president is going to be strong enough to take out North Korea.
2017-07-11 11:36:19 UTC
i think usa will win but they will strike back and they will erase lot of cites around the map of usa
2017-07-10 23:18:57 UTC
No, he has no DICK.
2017-07-10 12:09:19 UTC
luis l
2017-07-10 06:00:16 UTC
The Massive kill of human lives,IS POWER?

Maybe you spend the weekends whit your preacher?

After you talk whit your preacher,what you get,hate or peace?

2017-07-10 05:11:13 UTC
yes. No doubt about it....R.I.P North Korea..
Lindseys AdviceBox
2017-07-10 00:15:31 UTC
This whole thing is ridiculous.

Is North Korea going after countries who keep to themselves? Uh, no.

They think all Americans hate them. Have you seen the interviews of their citizens?

"They're coming for us, the Americans, stay out of North Korea!"

All they want is to be left alone.

I'm not sure what the US Military is doing over there on the DL, but I sure as heck know the average American doesn't think or even care about North Koreans or their totalitarian government. I'm sure if the US Military, inarguably a world superpower wanted to go after NK, they could- easily, but NK would retaliate. Too much of a dilemma for Trump.

Remember, we bombed Middle Eastern countries COUNTLESS times without ANY reason other than we were pissed they didn't want US assistance, (cough cough Afghanistan and Iraq) then one of them shoots down the World Trade Center and THEY'RE the bad guys?

US media makes us out to be the good guys. Do you're research. I love my country, not our a**hole military.
2017-07-09 20:58:58 UTC
Yeah, HE is one of the best President in USA history.
Dexter the liitle shihtzu
2017-07-09 19:30:50 UTC
He is
2017-07-09 18:26:48 UTC
not a good thing to do

America is strong enough not trump but that would be a stupid thing to do
2017-07-09 07:48:06 UTC
That thinking will kill thousands of SOUTH Koreans
2017-07-09 03:38:23 UTC
2017-07-08 20:24:24 UTC
I am British, the best ally the USA has. I would have thought that he has the metal to do it (subject to receiving military advice of course). Don't flame me for my reply. I am only from a little country called England after all!
2017-07-08 07:28:03 UTC
Yes but he is just not crazy enough
myrrdin emrys
2017-07-06 19:43:16 UTC
trump isn't strong enough to fight his way out of a wet paper bag.
2017-07-06 11:24:39 UTC
lets make one thing clear the Korean war has NOT ENDED its only a cease fire. I think north korea is clubber lange and we are rocky . yes there both stupid enough and crazy enough . the question is are we going to allow it to happen?
2017-07-06 06:47:47 UTC
Depends if he can get off twitter for long enough.
2017-07-06 01:57:40 UTC
Trump isn't but the U.S. is, or do you mean does he have the "guts" to strike N.Korea? The U.S. is strong enough the question is how many are you willing to see die??
2017-07-12 20:41:10 UTC
Strong yes, as in able to take care of North Korea's problem but he is just a busy man.
2017-07-12 18:19:58 UTC
Why fight in the first place.
2017-07-12 18:03:29 UTC
Trump admires Kim Jong Un too much for him to do such a thing.
2017-07-12 15:26:13 UTC
2017-07-12 13:19:02 UTC
digital media
2017-07-12 10:32:43 UTC
Is Trump strong enough to strike North Korea?
2017-07-11 11:00:45 UTC
The military is strong enough to strike NK. Trump has nothing to do with that. All he has to do is point to NK on a map and say go. If you mean is he strong enough to give that order then everything we've seen of his personality leads me to believe yes he would.
2017-07-11 07:24:53 UTC
Trump is not even strong enough to fix his own hair looking like a corn on the cob. of course not!!
2017-07-11 06:52:06 UTC
They are but just barely and its way too risky, plus before they reach and take down kim jung un he could launch his nukes and start a nuclear war
Verulam 1
2017-07-10 12:15:54 UTC
Strong enough - questionable. STUPID enough - for sure.
2017-07-10 09:17:27 UTC
I don't think so, he would need longer arms and hands.
2017-07-09 22:26:59 UTC
I doubt Trump even knows where Korea is.
2017-07-09 07:54:50 UTC
I'd like to see the Tweeter in Chief square of in a sumo match with the little fat fellow. They would probably bullshit each other to death.
2017-07-08 05:30:11 UTC
Dont know about the prez., but US is strong enough
2017-07-07 16:53:14 UTC
I offer that his uncontrollable and profound flatulence could do the job!
2017-07-07 14:22:49 UTC
no, because that would start a NUCLEAR WAR with rat butts.
2017-07-07 09:06:11 UTC
yes politicly
2017-07-06 17:43:44 UTC
2017-07-06 03:24:15 UTC
Romano Vargas
2017-07-05 23:24:57 UTC
Americans sure love war under a GOP President! SURE!
2017-07-12 17:55:40 UTC
strong or not it will be necessary if North Korea manage to get ICBM that are capable of carrying NUKES
2017-07-12 17:12:40 UTC
2017-07-12 10:20:09 UTC
Trump?? You mean the secretaries and the US Armed forces and congresses? Trump has barely anything to do with that stuff
2017-07-12 05:35:44 UTC
No nail is too stubborn with the right hammer.
2017-07-12 02:19:42 UTC
I'm not too sure. North Korea has nuclear weapons while America only has the simple non-nuclear missiles and other weapons which are not even close to being called a nuclear weapon. So North Korea could do some damage.
2017-07-10 19:18:56 UTC
Yeah but I think Korea are going to go first. Then they are going to retaliate then come allies..... you should google the doomsday clock....
2017-07-10 01:44:02 UTC
It is about being intelligent enough to solve this puzzle. Trump could get several hundred thousand Seoul residents killed.
2017-07-09 08:14:01 UTC
Is he stupid enough maybe his ego is on the edge of insanity
2017-07-08 14:57:15 UTC
Not Trump. It's the United States. If you want Trump to make decision. Do it in his own personal time. Do not involve innocent lives for his own personal problems.
Long Distance
2017-07-08 13:19:50 UTC
He isn't stupid enough. Is he?
2017-07-08 13:11:18 UTC
No...........but our military is. He is the COMMANDER IN CHIEF. He gives them the order to. Obama wasn't strong enough either but I'm guessing the Trump haters will miss my point.
Mr Keys
2017-07-08 01:04:08 UTC
2017-07-07 22:12:37 UTC
It wouldn't be trump himself striking north Korea, it'd be the u.s, and if you're asking if the united states is strong enough then yes they are.
2017-07-07 08:46:34 UTC
Trump is liable to do anything that

stops his agenda of destroying my

USA Government. So, yes, when

he fears the USA public sufficiently

Air Force One will let him dodge

any payback missiles from China.
2017-07-06 14:23:52 UTC
Strong enough? You don't have to be strong to put other people's lives at risk. I take it as a forgone conclusion that the US can win a war with North Korea. The problem being will it stop at that. Will China again support North Korea as it did the last time? Will Russia interfere? It may not be just the US vs. North Korea. There were 54,000 battle deaths in the 1950's war with Korea. Will this be a repeat?
Aakash C
2017-07-06 07:54:05 UTC
nobody is

war is always collateral damage

who would want to be a person responsible to millions off death
2017-07-06 07:38:44 UTC
I do not know, he is a fox or not. If he is a fox, he will strike to North korea well.
2017-07-06 06:52:07 UTC
No its Not enough to strike North Korea
2017-07-06 06:49:16 UTC
2017-07-05 23:24:20 UTC
Trump is not a strong man. It would be a terrible mistake. Japan and South Korea will get nuked in a heart beat before the US can muster any sort of invasion force.
No. 44
2017-07-12 19:57:02 UTC
luiz paulo
2017-07-12 19:46:29 UTC
Trump tem que pegar leve ,tem que ser diplomata ,uma coisa é a criança brigando com uma outra no final todos sai chorando e acaba a briga , outra coisa é o pai da criança que apanha bater no filho de alguém, ai vai parece covardia e ninguém vai aprovar essa atitude...
2017-07-12 19:09:24 UTC

A lady that got a yellow shower from Trump said he has a good flow
2017-07-12 10:42:33 UTC
2017-07-12 07:19:58 UTC
trump is always strong. USA is the best
2017-07-12 06:50:00 UTC
I think he is not that strong but his army is
2017-07-12 06:33:00 UTC
2017-07-12 00:04:43 UTC
2017-07-11 18:43:39 UTC
2017-07-11 17:16:23 UTC
At this point, I'm not exactly sure, I mean it is Donald Trump
2017-07-11 02:15:36 UTC
2017-07-10 22:02:03 UTC
Strong enough yes, but hopefully smart enough not to. If he did I think China might have something to say about it And we would be the aggressor in the eyes of the world.
2017-07-09 18:43:32 UTC
lol Nope
2017-07-09 18:19:41 UTC
he will not be allowed to due to congress
2017-07-08 23:15:34 UTC
2017-07-08 06:19:44 UTC
i think No.
2017-07-07 01:02:34 UTC
Well duh, of course he's strong enough.
2017-07-06 16:54:13 UTC
Yes in a word
2017-07-06 08:07:53 UTC
Strength has S.F.A. to do with it. You mean "Is Orange Fraud STUPID enough to strike N.K.?" Of course he is. He may well be the dumbest F to ever sit in the U.S. president's chair. He's already shown an immense capacity to be King Midas in reverse: Everything he touches turn to dung.
2017-07-05 23:56:56 UTC
Trump is stupid enough to attack NK. SK and the US is already instigating NK with their war games. The US better be careful , The US got kicked out of Vietnam and cannot control ,Iraq, Afghanistan,Syria, Yemen. NK is powerful .
2017-07-12 20:35:18 UTC
no he shouldnt strike N korea wether he got balls or not......
2017-07-12 02:48:30 UTC
True statement right here and google it if you dont believe me. On the 4th of July, the US had a clear shot to kill Kim Jong Un but decided not to and the reason is unclear. So yes he is strong enough and no i still do not support him.
2017-07-12 00:28:22 UTC
Jim Crockett Promotions Fan
2017-07-11 19:39:45 UTC
Yes, but North Korea has the capability of striking at Russia, China, Japan and South Korea with Conventional Weapons. Chemical Weapons, Biological Weapons and Nuclear Missiles and kill millions of people. So at this point, is it worth that price?
2017-07-11 16:51:27 UTC
So much confusion. This just shows how littlw we really know. These elites know more kmowledge in there pinky finger than all you you ants combined. Were the ones that suffer. We read a few in depth articles and act like we got it all figured. Ask yourself, do people really know you after a quick 20 minute conversation? These rulers are going to f*ck us so hard. We are in for something big here. Best thing the world could do is revolt and hope for a better situation. War will never get us anywhere. Even fighting for your country is pathetic, because that's what every other country does. We must change our minds
2017-07-11 10:17:12 UTC
tenho as minhas duvidas
2017-07-11 04:39:04 UTC
he wont hes scared aye dawg
2017-07-11 04:34:46 UTC
No Idea
2017-07-11 03:50:49 UTC
2017-07-11 00:41:20 UTC
Yes, but he is not strong enough to take on the Chinese Army of a million+ soldiers.
2017-07-10 14:22:06 UTC
you mean is he stupid enough to do so
2017-07-09 22:58:36 UTC
I know he is the president of such a big, powerful country, so he has a lot of power. Therefore he might be strong enough to take down DPRK. But not to forget, he has lost a lot of friends, particularly through taking the USA out of the Paris Deal and bombing Syria in an unprovoked attack.

Despite DPRK being such a communist nation, I hope Kim Jong-un wins by nuking Trump. IMO Kim is a better person altogether.
2017-07-09 21:05:07 UTC
"Striking" someone or some country doesn't make YOU nor anyone else

"strong." What makes a person GREAT is the ability to work well with others. To have the ability to seek PEACEFUL resolutions. This is what make Pres. Obama a great person / leader. Now let's see if Pres. Chump can learn from more reasonable people.
2017-07-09 16:24:33 UTC
I was told by a source inside the Whitehouse that the nuclear football was redesigned to accommodate Trump's little hands. So, yes, he can do it.
2017-07-07 05:57:11 UTC
He cannot touch North Korea until North Korea attacks another country first.
2017-07-07 00:16:05 UTC
No, unless he is desperate enough and confident NK and its allies won't attack the US or Trump's real estate in retaliation. Over half of Trump's wealth is in real estate. If Trump makes a preemptive strike at any level, his real estate, wealth, family, and reputation could be quickly decimated.
2017-07-06 02:33:25 UTC
Not on his own.
Mike Cooper
2017-07-06 01:16:26 UTC
Does that denote strength or foolishness?
2017-07-05 23:43:18 UTC
He should have never pissedoff China. Starting yet another war pushes the whole country further back. No money for Healthcare, Education, Infrastructure, all wasted on an avoidable war. His diplomacy is insanely bad.
2017-07-05 23:30:12 UTC
You mean DUMB enough?
2017-07-12 19:41:28 UTC
What You want to know instead is this,

Is our military strong enough to strike North Korea? That answer is Yes. But would it be smart? Time will tell.
2017-07-12 06:17:28 UTC
The question should be whether U.S.A. is ready to strike North Korea. The memory of Vietnam war may still be not lost when every U.S. citizen cried for end of war. It is the strength of U.S. citizens and armed forces that matters most. If Trump ventures into hasty action when U.S.A. is not ready, consequences will be disastrous.
2017-07-12 01:46:04 UTC
i hope so
Mohad Rehman
2017-07-11 15:23:17 UTC
i dont think so
2017-07-10 13:09:47 UTC
Winki green
2017-07-10 08:29:14 UTC
Trump don't make me laugh..
2017-07-09 21:40:03 UTC
lol, nope
2017-07-09 02:23:24 UTC
All he has to do is nuke the rice patties and them slant eyes will starve to death
2017-07-08 13:11:17 UTC
Heck, yeah. He could blow that little pouf off of Kim's stupid head.
2017-07-08 03:16:58 UTC
2017-07-08 01:46:51 UTC
2017-07-07 16:13:54 UTC
Trump is a coward. Trump is a p@ssy. He talks tough and loves to shoot off his mouth. In the end he will just flinch like the poker player that knows he really doesn't have a winning hand.

As another said. Just ignore Kim and you will see lots of this nonsense go away. Kim is like Trump. Give them the attention and they will do ton of crazy things to keep their names in the spotlights. Good or bad don't matter to them. Ignore both and watch both lose their minds literally.
Jay Findling
2017-07-07 07:16:20 UTC
2017-07-07 04:08:58 UTC
Trump is a politically short-sighted madman.
2017-07-07 02:05:46 UTC
No but he's dumb enough
2017-07-06 16:19:21 UTC
I'm not sure he has the mental capability to do so. I mean, he struggled to find a limo that was right in front of him....
2017-07-06 15:09:28 UTC
Do not forget, oh One of a Single Brain Cell, that he'd have to get the entirety of Congress to go along with such an idea. I do not see that happening. There are other ways and no, we will not be told. To tell this nation is tantamount to telling the Norks about what we have planned for them. Boogabama would do that; Trump is far too intelligent to do the same...
2017-07-06 14:49:13 UTC
Yes ,Trump is wel enough strong for against north korea.
2017-07-06 11:50:58 UTC
2017-07-05 23:31:16 UTC
As bad as I think Donald Trump is. I don't believe he would start a war on general principle.
2017-07-12 21:41:02 UTC
2017-07-12 21:10:39 UTC
God will make America fail. America became a failure since 1963. God needs Korea...perhaps a unified Korea along with Japan, Vietnam, perhaps a unified China(Communist and Nationalist),along with other Asian nations to invade Israel and be defeated in the Battle of Armageddon. Bible: "I saw the river Euphrates dry up so that the Far Eastern nations can easily pass over to the land of Israel.
2017-07-12 16:28:48 UTC
Put it this way if he even started to try the british armed forces would cut ties with america and north korea and lots of over countries would wipe america off the map

So no
2017-07-12 13:57:32 UTC
Trump is strong enough to strike North Korea, however what will be the fall out is the greater question? North Korea is right on the border of South Korea, the damage to South Korea will be horrific. Also, what will China and Russia do in response. It is a lot to think about.
2017-07-12 09:53:09 UTC
Well, Yes, he is!
2017-07-11 20:43:12 UTC
2017-07-11 19:28:21 UTC
2017-07-11 08:16:30 UTC
2017-07-11 01:39:15 UTC
um! that would actually be really funny! only because I watched a documentary about a guy that time travelled into the future and there wont be a world war for another hundred years it really upset me. He could derail the future, and change the entire outcome of humanity, just one person,
2017-07-10 23:22:20 UTC
The question is, Is he strong enough to NOT take the bait and bring about nuclear annihilation of the planet? Start the party now. Not gonna need that IRA or 401K.
2017-07-10 17:23:19 UTC
I'd say dumb enough.
2017-07-10 13:26:51 UTC
Oh yes, the American military could easily and quickly take out North Korea. The problem is being able to eliminate North Korea from launching an artillary attack on South Korea before they could do much damage
2017-07-08 22:24:27 UTC
Of course. He is a republican who has been strengthening national security and military. He definately has the power and support to strike NK if necessary.


2017-07-08 22:16:18 UTC
Going on what I have seen, my poodle would give it a go.
2017-07-08 11:52:28 UTC
No not really
2017-07-07 16:09:16 UTC
On his The United States on the other has enough power to leave a smoldering, parking lot where North Korea once was. However, doing so would set off a disastrous chain of events.
2017-07-07 12:35:58 UTC
they have nukes
2017-07-06 01:38:16 UTC
YES he is but he also is bright enough to know that striking NOKO is not wise for the world.
2017-07-05 23:24:58 UTC
You mean is he stupid enough as an attack would sentence 2000 US troops to their deaths on the boarder as well as millions South Koreans in Seoul

I honestly don't know.. I hope not
2017-07-05 23:23:24 UTC
Crazy is a much better word. The US is really not at risk from North Korean ICBMS. North Korea will strike Japan and South Korea with nukes first. Mark my words. It's similar to the Soviets using tactical nukes on a hypothetical European war against NATO. This time it will be South Korea or Japan.
Monique Rodenbach
2017-07-11 15:42:00 UTC
He would be the champion of terrorism.
2017-07-11 13:50:50 UTC
yesI think he should just go over there and smite 'em!
Alles Gute
2017-07-10 07:49:09 UTC
I dont think he will tho
2017-07-07 18:13:18 UTC
The best and most effective way to deal with North Korea is to ignore them and the rantings of the nincompoop fullapoop Kim Jonk Un pendejo, and negotiate with neighboring nations to cease commerce with them. The people of North Korea are not to blame; they're a captive population. Should North Korea retaliate against South Korea, by attacking them, they'd find that American bases are fully prepared to meet them head on and shoot down their missals with our advance weaponry and technologies.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.