2010-03-17 13:15:51 UTC
Peter Schiff, the investor who correctly predicted the current economic crisis, deals with Krugman's latest nonsense in this video.
Krugman is saying that the Chinese dumping our debt won't be a problem. The Fed can just print the money. Furthermore, Krugman actually believes that inflation is caused by low unemployment. Krugman says that China would be hurt if they dumped our debt, even though China is the country that is lending us money to purchase their products. Krugman actually thinks that monetizing the debt would be a good thing, as the trade deficit would go down (he is right that the trade deficit would go down, but not because of increased American exports, but rather decreased American imports).
Obviously, "inflation is always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon," as any good economist knows. If the Fed were to monetize the debt, we might see a hyperinflation (this is what happened in Weimar Germany when their central bank monetized their debt from WWI). Obviously, if China dumped our debt, they would no longer be able to export to our country. However, their own people would benefit greatly from purchasing all the products that they produce ("supply creates its own demand").
In a few years from now, as this Depression deepens, we will probably see the policies that Krugman is advocating put into practice. When his proposals lead to the ruin of our nation, I hope the socialists at the Sweden Central Bank take back Paul Krugman's Nobel Prize. He is probably even less deserving of his Nobel Prize than Obama.