2010-11-27 08:21:24 UTC
Now, this has never been a possibility before.
This is the most pro state rights healthcare situation in American history.
The responses I got were mind numbingly stupid.
Some people actually said "the bill takes AWAY states rights , not gives them." - No, I explained why it's very pro states rights.
Someone else said "it takes away individual rights"- Again, no, being
It seems republicans simply deny any viewpoint different from their own and refuse to accept the possibility of reality not agreeing with their agenda, even if the entire world and every major scientific organization backs it,
Half of the republican arguments seem to be "ah, but what if they DONT do that?"- no real intelligent thinking, just a stupid comment with no basis in truth or reality.
Most people who vote republican are voting against their interests, but are, of course, too stupid to realize how.
the states with highest life expectancies and quality of life rankings are all liberal, (no, idiots, i dont have a source, do some RESEARCH and EDUCATE yourselves.)
which takes me to my last point. stop asking for a source every f-ing time you hear a different viewpoint, do some research and find it yourself. thats what separates an intelligent person from a stupid person- an intelligent person can learn for themselves, a stupid person needs to be spoonfed information