Are the BNP the most democratic party in Britain?
2009-04-16 12:57:52 UTC
The BNP understands the frustration of the British people with the UK's current corrupt parliamentary system.On immigration, on capital punishment, on the surrender of British sovereignty to the EU and in numerous other areas the british public have had no say whatsoever in the matter-despite living in a so called democracy, the lib-lab-con masters just do whatever the hell they want to once they're elected-with no regard to what the public think.

To put an end to this, and to give the British public a voice again, the BNP will overhaul and reform britains corrupt parliamentary system, whereby power will be devolved to the lowest possible level.

Do you agree that the BNP are Britains only truly democratic party?
24 answers:
2009-04-17 04:27:53 UTC
Yes, without doubt, because they are saying what we the British think and honesty is always the best policy, tell me Brit? how many of the hecklers above think the Dictator or Cameron are honest? Oh gosh, there is no one who is honest enough to comment. Maybe' 'Peter Hain', 'Jacqui Smith' and 'Conway' are the typical honest mainstream politicians that we need to follow by example, lets face it if those three get there way democracy will include robbing banks, getting your family jobs they don't have to do at £40000 a year and a Waank on the sofa while watching porn on TV, paid for by the British tax payer of course..

The Dictator and his mainstream Nazi friends, Cameron and Clegg are so democratic that the referendum on entry in to Europe (an absolute promise to the British people by the Dictator) is to be totally ignored and the Dictator intends to take us in if we like it or not. Hey! don't the BNP say we will withdraw from a European Super state. Now that sounds like democracy to me.

You know Brit? to my mind The BNP are the most democratic political party we have in Britain to day.

2009-04-16 13:21:54 UTC
No BNP are not the only truly democratic party in Britain. Democracy should mean the people vote for a government and policies they most prefer. The two main parties in the UK (Conservative and New, Labour) today have virtually the same ideologies and policies as one another, but try to deceive voter and are totally out of touch with the people on very many issues but do not care. The Lib Dems are even more out of touch and have different policies in every constituency in which they stand. The BNP did not have a candidate in most UK Parliamentary Constituencies at last Election so most people did not have that choice available to them. But the BNP ended up with zero MPs elected from the Constituencies in which they did have a Candidatewhich means the voters did not consider voting for them would bring a government to power with policies they most preferred. Everywhere the BNP stood the main party candidates all got more votes.  But that said, true democracy will only come into existence in UK Elections when we have Proportional Representation, but both the Conservatives and  Labour (whether Old or New version) remain united in being determined that will never happen. So democracy will not happen.
2016-05-26 07:45:26 UTC
No UKIP are the fourth... BNP are the 5th largest party (by the number of votes) At about 1/2 a million.
2009-04-17 12:49:01 UTC
Oh my the BNP a democracy, I think not. A Neo-nazi extreme right, fascist group yes. Nick Griffin the leader of the BNP received a prison sentence, a few years ago for inciting racial hatred. He also denies that the holocaust ever existed. As a former member of the National Front, he wore the t-shirt with the slogan "white power"...The BNP appear to have "watered" down their racist discourse, along with this and the fact that Nick Griffin and other's wear suits, reveals how they are trying to appear "democratic" in order to be elected in June this year.

The BNP are also linked with Combat 18 another extreme right group who incite racial hatred and violence. Combat 18 have provided security at BNP meetings. I would seriously do your research on the BNP and what they stand for.
2009-04-16 13:31:30 UTC
This is a difficult question to answer, per se, as no political Party can be democratic, by the very nature of political Parties, or, for that matter. golf clubs. A political Party largely reflects an interest-group, and thus a party is bound to be biased towards that interest group. It is not possible for one who is not a member of Little Blogsville Cricket Club to vote on the internal policies of this club, although the club may have a policy of democracy within the membership itself. Golf clubs. cricket clubs and political Parties are groupings of private members. Most people in the UK do not belong to a political Party.

Democracy roughly translates to "rule/representation by/of the people".

The implied question posed by the asker, ergo, is 'are the policies of the BNP the most democratic policies of any Party in Britain'. This can only be decided by the electorate. Those that can be bothered to vote are invited to do so at the next elections, which are for the European Parliament and some County Councils in June.
2009-04-16 13:12:38 UTC
i don't believe in democracy that great britain is anywhere near any kind of real democracy.

we elect liars and charlatans that have their own agenda, we believe their lies and vote for them and yet when they have been elected, they lie even more and renege on their promises. the bnp is simply another party that we elect and what then? do they follow their own agenda like the other political parties? do they actually give the people any kind of change? do they offer anything that the people really want?

true democracy, does not exist, and our poor excuse for a democratic society is the fact that we can only vote for one political agenda or another.

we need to open polling stations permanently and give the people the vote on all issues instead of leaving it to the chosen few to make our decisions for us. then we will have a democracy.
2009-04-16 13:47:30 UTC
The BNP are not internally democratic. Griffin can alter party policy at any time on a whim. Members do not get a vote for the first two years of membership. Effectively less than 300 members discuss policy and "advise" Griffin. Read your own Party constitution. It is at last available on the BNP website.

BNP reform of the wider political system would mean the franchise being restricted to those who meet the qualifications set by the party - in other words, by Fuhrer Griffin. Read your own manifesto and policy statements.

If you count the Fuhrer Prinzip and the BNP as democratic then you really need to go back to the drawing board and read a little history and political philosophy.

BNP power will certainly be devolved to the lowest possible level - the sewer where it and its leaders belong.
Kurious Oranj
2009-04-16 15:34:43 UTC
Their internal regime is not at all democratic and will ultimately have to change when and if they start growing significantly.

One could make out a case that as nationalists they seek to put power in the hands of people who live in the country; as opposed to the globalist Lab/Lib/Con parties who seek to place power in the hands of non-elected supra-national bodies. That would make them the most democratic by most reasonable definitions.
2009-04-17 13:03:14 UTC
Are you that sad that you have to attempt to make the Beer Nuts and Piss mob look genuine and caring? We have heard all of your rubbish before and that is what it still is..rubbish. They do not even understand the bare essentials of life like eat, shite, procreate and sleep let alone the basics required to keep a country running efficiently. Get a grip before you are carted off with your mate Nick the Knack to the asylum, OR are you Nick in a flimsy disguise? No you cant be as he has not got the brains to use the spell checker.
2009-04-16 13:37:15 UTC
Oh come on, one of the BNP's policies is they would get rid of proper democracy, how can that be considered democratic???

Get this

"The British people invented modern Parliamentary democracy. Yet in recent years the British people have been denied their democratic rights. On issue after issue, the views of the majority of British people have been ignored and overridden by a Politically Correct ‘elite’ which thinks it knows best."

This "Politically Correct 'elite'" as it is called, is elected by the people, in free and fair elections. That IS democracy.

"Power should be devolved to the lowest level possible so that local communities can make decisions which affect them."

Basically to the local councils, because the BNP have no chance of getting any higher.

"We will remove legal curbs on freedom of speech imposed by successive Governments over the last 40 years. We will implement a Bill of Rights guaranteeing fundamental freedoms to the British people."

Hang on. If they want a Bill of Rights, then maybe they should look to the USA, where the same restrictions apply to the americans as they do to the British. Rights have limits, they are not absolute. Perhaps they should do their homework on this one.

"We will ensure that ordinary British people have real democratic power over their own lives and that Government, local and national, is truly accountable to the people who elect it."

After they have got rid of all the "undesirables".

Bascially the BNP say all this stuff because they think it sounds good. In practice most of what they say would fall apart in 2 seconds.
Nom de Guerre
2009-04-16 14:40:33 UTC
The BNP hardly takes part in the democratic process, so can hardly be the most democratic. To be the most democratic party, you need to have the largest interaction with the democratic process ie to control many political positions, in Parliament and councils etc.
2009-04-16 14:32:13 UTC
lets face it our country is seen no more to immigrants than a damn doormat, which is why we have now got combat 18(neo-nazi movement) all over lincolnshire with rumors of a huge take over if BNP are not voted into goverment. not to mention BNP would run the country better than anyone for those few who still have faith in england.

if u want a better understating try watching things like (this is england)

or if u want a glimpse of the possible future of britain if BNP are not given a chance try (american history x)
2009-04-16 13:53:22 UTC
Nichlaus Von Hitlr Griffin has issued a death threat to the fat comedian after a comment on a comedy show about sending poop to Bnp people.

He has actually threatened her over something as insignificant as that and you have the stupidity to call the Bnp democratic because the Bnp are not Griffin would be a tyrant.
The Patriot
2009-04-17 02:54:07 UTC

The BNP wants to remove our rights to vote! How can they claim to be the most democratic party in Britian!

Thanks for this question, you certainly have put a smile on my face today!
2009-04-17 00:13:48 UTC
You ,ve managed to do it again r b. Power will be devolved to the lowest possible level. Well they don,t come any lower than reichsmarschal griffin. You ,v shot yourself in the foot so many times it must look as if it,s been machine gunned
Violation Notification
2009-04-16 13:14:14 UTC
No only a brainwashed individual such as yourself would say the BNP are the most democratic. If they got into power democracy would go out the window.

"we need to open polling stations permanently and give the people the vote on all issues instead of leaving it to the chosen few to make our decisions for us. then we will have a democracy."

That's a nice idea, something which I have thought of myself. However the costs of doing such a thing would be extortionate. We would end up paying huge amounts in taxes to fund it.

We just need someone who makes there policies clear (are not fascists) and sticks to them.
2009-04-16 15:20:54 UTC
I just hope that they don't give any more powers to Parish Councils who are nothing more than a gang of idiots spending their neighbour's money. These lower level Councils comprise mainly of cliques and if your face doesn't fit you will never be invited to "join". They avoid having elections by rigging the system. These Councillors had to be dragged kicking and screaming to sign the Codes of Conduct as it's a case of, we will do what we like. I have an overloaded filing system in relation to complaints concerning Town/Parish Councils. Heaven preserve us if they were to get any more powers.
Mr Sceptic
2009-04-16 13:26:24 UTC
How can a party which will not allow non-whites membership claim to be democratic?

The BNP understands nothing except race-hate.

Under the BNP "power will be devolved to the lowest possible level."? I hope you realise what you said! The very lowest level!
True Patriot
2009-04-16 13:24:56 UTC
I think the BNP would also have expectations of citizens; citizens would be expected to take responsibility and participate in society. In other words, 'no rights without responsibilities'. I believe this is fair; why should people think they should have a say in society without being willing to participate and 'pull their weight' in society themselves.

Full details of the BNP policies on Democracy and Freedom can be found at the links below:
2009-04-16 13:04:02 UTC
any parties that takes part in democracy are democratic parties, irrespective of whether they are left or right wing
2009-04-16 19:17:01 UTC
Yes, and the only hope for the future.
2009-04-16 13:03:52 UTC
Immigration? Immigration is hardly a huge problem mate, 5% of the world refugees make it to Europe and only 1% of those make it to Britain.

The BNP are Nazis, the most anti-democratic kind of Facists you get.
2009-04-16 13:05:09 UTC
No. They wouldn't understand the meaning of democracy with the help of a dictionary!

They are a sad little pseudo party of wannabees, having to resort to scare tactics, and using social networks sites like this instead of proper campaigning!
2009-04-16 23:20:21 UTC
no. democracy is not prejudiced.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.