Are Republicans really so dumb that they think Obama really controls anything?
Bitchtits Jones
2010-05-30 19:28:14 UTC
Example: illegal immigration. Big Agribusiness really decides whether immigration is enforced.
Thirteen answers:
2010-05-30 19:49:19 UTC
No, but they hope we are that dumb. They like to repeat lies over and over.

NO WAIT - it's all Bill Cinton's fault!!!

Yeah, and anyone who isn't Republican is a TRAITOR! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
2010-05-31 02:55:30 UTC
Are Democrats/liberals really so dumb to believe that 20 million illegal aliens are here working for Agribusiness/food production? Based on your question it appears so. The people who come here for agriculture reasons go back home to their country after the season. That's a separate program by itself. Do some research and learn.

illegal aliens cost the US over 250 Billion a year.

54% of illegal aliens are on welfare.

98% of illegal aliens have less than a HS diploma.

All illegal aliens need to be deported.

A study has been done to determine the cost of deporting ALL illegal aliens. The cost was estimated around 350 Billion and it was Noted that it would pay for itself in under 2 years. Some say the cost would be much lower. When you see a figure over 350 Billion it has been inflated to make it appear it is to expensive to consider.

Then that 250 Billion a year could be used to pay our deficit. Providing it was used for that purpose and government didn't waste it. It could also be used to pay for a fence, wall etc on our boarder.
Ken B
2010-05-31 03:04:23 UTC
Hmmm...seems like just a couple of years ago Bush was responsible for everything from your girl friend getting pregnant to causing a hurricane, not to mention blowing up the World Trade Center.. Oh...and just this morning he was responsible for the gulf oil spill. Sure am glad to see you folks changed your mind. You people are pathetic.
2010-05-31 02:42:02 UTC
Then what the hell good is he or the office he holds? So then the President of the United States is really pretty useless to do anything about anything if your statement is true. Thanks for explaining why Obama is so impotent. What it really boils down to is that he doesn't want to tick off those future Democrat voters after he makes them all citizens.
2010-05-31 02:47:36 UTC
He has control over his mouth and the words he uses, he has control over his Attorney General, who can make life difficult for Az. He has control over sending troops to the border, or increasing border


The feds have alot to say over illegal activity at the border, and alot of power.

Farms have little to do or say about illegal aliens, except in certain types of people's fantasy worlds.
2010-05-31 02:30:33 UTC
I don't think this has anything to do with who's dumb or who's not. Historically, and realistically, with our federal government system, the President has little power on a local scale. He/she can only affect the big picture. Finer details are for governors, mayors, and councilpeople.
2010-05-31 02:32:57 UTC
Didn't Democrats say Bush controlled everything for 8 years?
Rush is Right
2010-05-31 02:30:48 UTC
As dumb as Democrats that thought Bush could control hurricanes and terrorists in airplanes.
2010-05-31 02:32:00 UTC
Are Democrats really so dumb to think that Dick Cheney was Darth Vader?
2010-05-31 02:30:26 UTC
So you guys will retract everything said about Bush?
2010-05-31 02:33:10 UTC
americans dont know their presidents are just puppets of big oil and big weapons - have you ever seen what they are show and told is "news"?
D.R. East-Coast Elite
2010-05-31 02:30:45 UTC
He's a punching bag for them to take all of their frustration out on.
2010-05-31 02:30:37 UTC
Yes, they really are very dumb.

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