I'm not sure what to believe. These agencies have managed to conceal so much information over the past 70 or so years. You have to give them credit, they are smarter than you think. I give them credit. They have figured out more than I will through intuition and piecing things together. They fooled all of you, as far as UFO/ UFO technology, the nature of reality.
I already knew what was going on but they were really transparent when they released these documents that detailed what was going on...I'm not a advanced psychic, but advanced enough to see that everything in these documents was true/ would work, gave an actual explanation to what is going on....
The amazing thing is that they HAVE released those documents and many don't even know about it, and some of these documents have been released for over 10 years now...
I'm not sure what to believe when it comes to the CIA, NSA....They clearly have control over the media/ news and what is disclosed, people's beliefs.... You believe what they want you to for the most part...
Yet, some of us are fortunate enough to know what's happening behind the curtain and they have actually given us scraps.... which is somewhat difficult to understand...
Whatever the CIA has to say though it's like listening to a disinformation agent, even if he's telling you the truth, his job, talent even, is to lie for a living... The CIA is like the boy who cried wolf....
The entire system is somewhat of a facade anyways....This nature of reality, this script we all follow in life is a facade.... There is more behind the curtain if you choose to find and follow "the yellow brick road" and look through that curtain or looking glass...
Who knows what the hell to believe anymore? I'm shocked that they released so much information to the public. ( So many of my own experiences can be explained now...)
The CIA, politicians, FBI, NSA....we don't even know who the hell these people are, what they are really up to...