I think the issue is that Trump, being President, is essentially speaking for the Executive Branch. And thus, the platform must be left open for public discourse. If he were not an elected official, the principle would not apply.
That being said, I'm a free-speech absolutist. If speech can be silenced just because it is deemed "hate speech", then the party in power can silence any speech they want. All they have to do is deem it "hate speech". I don't know what the Left doesn't get about this.
If the Constitution allowed the government to silence "hate speech", then what is to stop Trump and the GOP from simply deeming any dissent with their policies "hate speech" and forcibly silencing it. Once you say, "Well, the government has the right to silence speech if it fits such and such criteria," and if that criteria is even A LITTLE BIT subjective, then you've basically given the government the right to silence whatever speech they want.
Before anyone brings it up, the only speech that can be restricted is:
1. Deliberate deception: I can claim Trump or Hillary are extraterrestrials determined to destroy our planet so long as no one can prove I don't honestly believe that. (I don't believe that, and I'm not claiming it.) The old adage, "You can't yell, 'fire,' in a crowded theater," isn't exactly true. You CAN yell, "fire," in a crowded theater as long as you sincerely, honestly believe the theater is on fire. THAT is what the law says.
The quote is from Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. who actually said, “The most stringent protection of free speech would not protect a man in FALSELY shouting fire in a theatre and causing a panic.” (emphasis mine) As long as the theater really is on fire, or as long as no one can show you didn't honestly believe it to be, YES YOU CAN yell fire in a crowded theater.
2: Making threats: Threats are not what the First Amendment was even talking about. So, that should really be a no-brainer.
Calling for state sponsored genocide against a population that poses no threat to you may be vile, absorbent, and evil, but it is still protected under the First Amendment. Telling your neighbor you're going to kill him isn't.
Jingoist: If I remember your posts correctly, I think a lot of your positions are so far out there that half the time I suspect you're a troll. But, if you're sincere, then I defend your legal right to say what you honestly believe … no matter how wacky or crazy I think it is.