Old Bluegrass Picker
2009-05-15 18:06:52 UTC
The more I reflect on what has happened in the last few years, things such as Wall Street learning the 'slice and dice" mortgage scam and the no bid contract deals for Haliburton, the more I realize that we are silly not to take everything we can get that is not nailed down.
Our Republican friends have the volume at full blast, screaming that some poor person might get something for nothing but now even dumb me has caught on.
While fortunes fit for a king were being fraudulently made selling and financing houses to people the thieves knew could never pay for them, Bush fixed the tax system so the really big thieves could skate with a lower tax rate than the garbage truck driver.
Now they are getting their thongs in a wad that some single mom who lost her job as the receptionist at the Countrywide Home Loan Office when it closed is going to be able to keep her unemployment benefits while she goes back to school to try to learn to get another job.
So do any of you agree that if we have any sense at all we better take advantage of EVERY dime we can get from government handouts and grab anything else the Republicans didn't steal on their way out.
Of course, we can't get the big bucks like Bank of American and Wells Fargo, but let's at least get some food stamps and a free semester or two of school.