Yes, I agree, most Americans are obsessed with either worshiping or hating him.
Obama was on the cover of more magazines than the other candidates and he was on Rolling Stones like he was a rock star. The media continued to praise him and knock the other candidates. Hillary Clinton pointed out the unfairness of the debates that gave Obama the advantage.
Others keep spreading anti-Obama messages on bumper stickers, emails, and forums such as this. Some of it is anti-sitting president which was common in the Clinton and Bush eras, but I do not remember seeing as much as I see about Obama now. The heavy critique against Clinton did not start until after an affair became publicly known and it grew as more affairs became known and after the proof came out that proved he lied under oath. With Bush, the heaviest critique was with the beginning of the wars and it grew as they wars went on and still no WMD's were found, and Bush continued to defend the war on that apparently bad intelligence and the other weaker basis. With Obama, the critique began immediately and has not let up. Some emails about Obama are inquisitive about his origins, but even some of that adds hateful lies or insults.
The obsession has spread across America's borders with the media showing other countries celebrating Obama's election. Then Obama won a peace prize right after getting elected as president. His achievements at that point were promises to shift most of the troops from Iraq to Afghanistan, to delay trials for prisoners at Guantanamo Bay, and to transfer those prisoners elsewhere.