Why would you want government running your health-care?
2009-07-27 05:49:03 UTC
When you consider how well they manage our budgets, handle our debt, educate our children, maintain our infrastructure, handle foreign affairs, protect our borders, manage social security, manage medicaid and protect us from fire, flood and crime?

Why would I leave my life long health-care options to the whims of this administration or the next?

Why would I want the price of my private coverage to increase due to the new taxes imposed on it pay for the public option?

Why would I want to give government the right to force me into paying for the public plan if I have no other option?

Why would I even think to give our government another chance at a health-care over-haul when the last one gave us HMO's? Thanks Hillary!

Why after the debacle this administration has made of the auto industry would I ever trust them to do better with the health-care industry?

Why after the debacle this administration has made of the banking industry would I ever trust them to do better with the health-care industry?

Why is congress exempting themselves from the public option?

Why is congress exempting federal unions from the public option?

Is this a republic or an autocracy?
22 answers:
2009-07-27 05:53:21 UTC
Everything you say is true. What you don't seem to understand is the government paying for our healthcare is a change we can believe in. That's all that matters.

Think of it this way. The liberals will be the first to point out the following.

1. Someone else paying for health care is better than having to pay for your own health care.

2. Liberals love to use the tired old excuse that many Americans can't afford healthcare but what they're really saying is they don't want to pay for it. Many Americans can afford the really important things like cell phones with unlimited texting. Many Americans can afford a new car, a play station and all the latest music downloads they want. But for some reason they can't afford healthcare...

2009-07-28 13:49:17 UTC
They must do something right, you are still here.

The government didn't give us HMO's, neither did Hillary, that was a cost saving idea of the insurance companies who thought that it would cut costs because needing a gateway doctor before using an expensive specialist would ensure that only those needing specialists would be allowed to see one, with the insurance company offering extra money to doctors who didn't routinely pass patients up the ladder.

The auto industry made a debacle out of the auto industry, they took the money, all but Ford, because their management made many bad decisions in the past, and not just about the automobile making part of their organization. Nor was it their unions, a popular whipping boy, Ford had the same agreements and did fine. Again, the banking and financial industries adhered to greed rather than good sense and they were the ones who took advantage of lack of oversight to try and get more profits than legal.

You need to go back and learn what business has and hasn't done before you are so ready to tout them as the answer to a problem they themselves have created.

Federal and railway workers have always had separate pensions and heathcare. It wouldn't bother me if that changed.

The present cost of healthcare for a family of two in NY is $1360 per month. Thats like buying a flat screen TV every month. There is a reason people say its unaffordable, the idea that we don't want to pay for it is stupid when the actual figures are known. And those internet deals can easliy have you paying for coverage that you don't see until you have spent between $5-50 thousand dollars in deductibles.
2009-07-28 18:33:54 UTC
If you are currently unable to obtain health care, and the government offered it to you for 'free.'

Crappy health care is presumably slightly better than none at all.

If your other alternative, as you live in your cardboard box, is to self-medicate with Ripple.

Obviously, you wouldn't. You'd want to drop anything you pay for and go on the 'free' or subsidized publich system.

You wouldn't - you'd want it to force /other/ people onto it, on the theory that having people who don't need health care paying for insurance would reduce the burden on you.

Optimism? Maybe they'd do better this time?

We still have cars, don't we?

We still have banks, don't we?

As ineffectual and corrupt as Congress may be, it's members are not, individually, stupid.

Government-employee unions are a force to be reckoned with - unlike middle class voters.

A republic. An autocracy has only a single ruler, and tends to be more agile and decisive, if a lot less free. Not sure an autocracy with the right benevolent dictator wouldn't be an improvement at this point...
2009-07-28 02:54:03 UTC
1. The government will not be "running our health care." Read the proposals.

2. The military people and CongressmenI know think they have excellent health care, and it is provided by the government.

3. Our economy cannot be fixed if health care is not reformed.

4. Medical bills are the single biggest cause of bankruptcies.

5. 400 people die every week from lack of health care.

6. Doing nothing is not an option because health care costs are tripling and quadrupling compared to cost of living increases.

7. Health care companies are making record-setting profits by cancelling people's coverage--United Health up 155% in one quarter.

8. Most Americans do not feel the current system is working.

9. Insurance adjusters are making your medical decisions now.

10. The health insurance companies are spending 1.5 million dollars PER DAY to defeat reform--why would you stick up for them?

11. If the right has so many great solutions to this problem, why did they do absolutely nothing about it for eight years or more?
2009-07-28 21:33:31 UTC
I don't want the government handling my health care. I pay for my own private medical insurance and it's going to stay that way. Obama has access to at least 12 PRIVATE insurance plans himself and he will not be a part of this government system he is pushing and neither will congress.
2009-07-27 13:14:54 UTC
No sane person would want a government run healthcare policy in this're right...look at SS, Medicare, etc. Its CRAZY. Also, what people are not looking at, if you have private insurance thru your employer now, you can keep says Obama. UNTIL you switch jobs...then you MUST choose the public option. Obviously, this will completely wipe out private insurance over a period of time where we will ALL be forced to go with the public option. And another thing, why do I, as a taxpayer, have to be forced to pay for healthcare for ALL illegal aliens, despite their illegal/non-tax paying status in this country with no tax burden on them WHATSOEVER????

BTW... to Bitter Taco: where do you get "a majority of Americans don't have insurance"??? Many studies show the true number to be 16-21 million without insurance in this country. Even the hardcore Dems put the the number at 50 million (which is grossly inflated). With the current US population at 304 million, neither number is even remotely close to "a majority of Americans."
2009-07-27 12:57:50 UTC
I don't want a national healthcare insurance plan. Let the free market decide. Insurance companies should compete to provide the most affordable, comprehensive insurance plan. Eventually, a plan that most people could afford would win. Those unable to buy a plan would still have Medicare or Medicaid. I hate SOCIALISM!
Auto Thrust
2009-07-27 13:18:58 UTC
I think the major stake holders for the health care industries are sitting in the sky. Obama has planned to bring them down so that you guys can see who have been ripping you off for a long time.
Joe S
2009-07-27 17:51:56 UTC
Just being picky, Richard Nixon actually introduced HMOs in 1971 [1], not Hillary. Your questions really ought to make us challenge whether government should be getting out of many activities.

Detractors to my view may accuse me of not recognizing the good that government can achieve. While I don't deny that we need institutions to mediate disputes and protect against uncivil people, the nature of government as an institution for coercion does not lend itself to broadly benefit society in other areas. Amassing great power to coercive institutions invites influence from special interests. Those of us who mostly mind our business are duped by the concept of voting. Rather than actually changing political outcomes, voting only persuades us to accept them with the false promise that we will prevail in the next election (ignoring that most people don't even know against what they ought to fight).

Even when political action is targeted benevolently, it still lacks crucial information that is available in voluntary affairs. When individuals deal according to mutual self interest, market prices arise to communicate the allocation of scarce resources to their most urgent uses. Those prices are completely absent in political management, being replaced by bureaucratic management. Government workers must be guided by adhering to arbitrary rules. There are few signals for evaluating the benefits of activities and little incentive to manage costs.

Understanding all of this, why would we trust much of anything to organizations whose method of operation was coercion. Thinking that we can coercively organize health care is absurd.
2009-07-29 10:37:32 UTC
The only thing I want the federal government to run is national security. Politicians and bureaucrats would "ruin" the health care system, rather than "run" it.
2009-07-28 17:07:24 UTC
If our government is as incapable as you portray why do we stand for it. We as American citizens pay our government a huge amount to be that incompetent.

The Patriot
2009-07-27 15:41:25 UTC
Silly question, as the government is not going to be in charge of everyone's healthcare if Obama get his way.

I am amazed that so many Americans are not aware about Obama’s healthcare plans. During the election, he campaigned for these changes stating that he felt it was unfair to have a system where insurance companies try to escape paying claims. In addition, insurance company executives have admitted this. They admit that they drive up costs, buy politicians and refuse to pay for valid claims.

Remember, he was elected to bring in these changes, elected by the American people who want healthcare reform. And he discussed his plans in debates with McCain, and he still won the election.

First of all, too many people do not know that Obama wants to make insurance more available to all. His system is similar to that which works in Holland and Switzerland. It works there and private healthcare companies provide most the insurance to the people there.

FACT - the USA spends more on healthcare PER PERSON than any other nation on the planet.

FACT - the US has higher death rates for kids aged under five than western European countries with universal health coverage.

That means that a dead American four year old would have had a better chance of life if they were born in Canada, France, the Netherlands, Cuba, Switzerland, Germany, Japan etc, all of which have universal health coverage. And no western European nation with universal healthcare has moved away from it.
2009-07-28 16:38:30 UTC
No American wants it. It's literally a definitional matter.

No one here is "without health care." That's a lying Democrat twist of the language that in HONEST terms simply means "having someone ELSE pay for it."

Insurance companies USED TO compete to provide the most affordable, comprehensive insurance plan until Democrats united to make that illegal.

According to DEMOCRATS' statistics no one is without coverage except by their own choice.

EVERY YEAR for the last 20 years running, Democrats would have you believe EXACTLY the same number of people are "without health care." Taking THEIR number as gospel, do the following:

Subtract out the uninsured illegal aliens.

Subtract out any uninsured making OVER $50,000 per year.

Subtract out any uninsured ELIGIBLE for EXISTING subsidized coverage.

Guess what? Those three groups total MORE THAN the 47 million Democrats claim are without insurance.

"Special" people think involving lawyers, insurance companies, doctors and patients is WORSE than leaving it to JUST lawyers.

100% of people saying "the government is not going to be in charge of everyone's health care if Obama get his way" have either NOT seen the bill or are lying. NO third possibility exists. 100% of government health programs worldwide have entire bureaucracies devoted to avoiding care and payment.

Obama's bill FORBIDS the ongoing existence of ANY plan outside the "public option."

The USA spends more on health care PER PERSON than any other nation on the planet because EVERY other nation on the planet has legions of bureaucrats whose ENTIRE job is finding ways to NOT ALLOW care they would have to pay for.

The US has higher death rates for kids aged under five than western European countries kids from 2-5. Under 6 months to 2 years depending on the country, deaths are recorded as if they were NEVER live births to begin with. This is easy to spot in TWO ways if you can find detailed demographics:

a) Our mortality shows as LOWER across ALL other age groups even though infants are the hardest group to keep alive.

b) Their "stillbirth" rate is astronomically higher than ours.

ALL Western European nations with universal health care are scrambling for ways to move away from it and none have figured out how so they're ALL warning us NOT TO DO IT.

1. The government WILL be "running our health care." I read the bill.

2. The military people I know use private providers 100% of times they get a chance. Congressmen think they have excellent health care, and it is 0% similar to the plan they're pushing on the rest of us.

3. Our economy cannot WITHSTAND Democrats' health care proposal, according to Democrats. (I swear this is true. They were bold/stupid enough to say ON TV they would have to LIE about the cost to get it sold.)

4. Medical taxes will be the single biggest item on the average person's budget, according to Democrats.

5. NO ONE lacks health care.

6. Allowing people to act as if they are not BODILY government property IS an option - that NO Democrat would ever consider.

7. Only Democrats believe the key to profit is to alienate, generally piss-off and kill your customers.

8. Most Americans do not feel the current system is working because that's what the ADMITTED left-wing propagandists on their TV tells them. Asked about "your OWN experience," about 4/5 of Americans are satisfied.

9. Insurance adjusters are making decisions about what THEY will pay. It's still LEGAL for you to seek care they don't cover but WON'T be under the Democrats' plan.

10. The health insurance companies, and grass-roots groups representing millions of INDIVIDUALS are spending 1.5 million dollars PER DAY to defeat reform - NO DEMOCRAT would ever stick up for them.

11. "The right" has never had control in your lifetime - only "nominal majorities" that let them pick the committee heads. They have NEVER had power to pass legislation without cooperation from the left and NO Democrat has ever been willing to allow Republicans' "you are your own property" - based reforms.

The government DID give us HMO's during the Nixon administration. Kennedy wrote the law and Democrats used to claim they were PROUD of creating HMOs

The auto industry has had to deal with Unions as a matter of law. Unions have special legal privilege so any "negotiation" is literally nothing more than "is taking this deal better than going out of business TODAY?" Ford has managed to survive despite this due to GINORMOUS government contracts.

According to Obama, covering health expenses IS WHAT KILLED GM. According to Democrats, their plan will literally be IMPOSSIBLE to pay for.
vertical and dangerous
2009-07-27 13:01:34 UTC
All Rational Questions!

You are asking 'WHY' and They are Answering 'We Don't Care'!

Look at how the Liberal Minded respond here on YA!

To them, WHY doesn't exist!

Arnold Slick from Turtle Crick
2009-07-27 12:59:32 UTC
I don't. They don't have the ability, and if people think they do, they should go to the DMV and watch that debacle.
2009-07-27 13:12:10 UTC
It's a slightly better system then we have now, with lawyers and insurance companies running your heath care.
2009-07-27 13:08:53 UTC
I wouldn't.....

Have you ever noticed how US GOVERNMENT is constantly ""REFORMING"" THEIR OWN HANDIWORK?

Health-Care reform, Education reform, Welfare reform, Tax reform........

The very fact that they're always busy ""reforming"" is an IMPLICIT ADMISSION THAT THEY DON'T KNOW WHAT THE F&@k THEY ARE DOING.


2009-07-27 12:54:18 UTC
If the goverment runs healthcare it will be awesome....sorta like the Social Security or Medicare....which are running perfectly

....cough cough..b^!!sh!t..cough...
Dr Doom
2009-07-27 12:53:26 UTC
I don't , they need to stay out of my life.
2009-07-27 12:57:15 UTC
Because any health care is better than no health care.
2009-07-27 12:59:04 UTC
1. because a majority of Americans can't afford it.... is that too hard to understand?
2009-07-27 12:53:56 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.