No American wants it. It's literally a definitional matter.
No one here is "without health care." That's a lying Democrat twist of the language that in HONEST terms simply means "having someone ELSE pay for it."
Insurance companies USED TO compete to provide the most affordable, comprehensive insurance plan until Democrats united to make that illegal.
According to DEMOCRATS' statistics no one is without coverage except by their own choice.
EVERY YEAR for the last 20 years running, Democrats would have you believe EXACTLY the same number of people are "without health care." Taking THEIR number as gospel, do the following:
Subtract out the uninsured illegal aliens.
Subtract out any uninsured making OVER $50,000 per year.
Subtract out any uninsured ELIGIBLE for EXISTING subsidized coverage.
Guess what? Those three groups total MORE THAN the 47 million Democrats claim are without insurance.
"Special" people think involving lawyers, insurance companies, doctors and patients is WORSE than leaving it to JUST lawyers.
100% of people saying "the government is not going to be in charge of everyone's health care if Obama get his way" have either NOT seen the bill or are lying. NO third possibility exists. 100% of government health programs worldwide have entire bureaucracies devoted to avoiding care and payment.
Obama's bill FORBIDS the ongoing existence of ANY plan outside the "public option."
The USA spends more on health care PER PERSON than any other nation on the planet because EVERY other nation on the planet has legions of bureaucrats whose ENTIRE job is finding ways to NOT ALLOW care they would have to pay for.
The US has higher death rates for kids aged under five than western European countries kids from 2-5. Under 6 months to 2 years depending on the country, deaths are recorded as if they were NEVER live births to begin with. This is easy to spot in TWO ways if you can find detailed demographics:
a) Our mortality shows as LOWER across ALL other age groups even though infants are the hardest group to keep alive.
b) Their "stillbirth" rate is astronomically higher than ours.
ALL Western European nations with universal health care are scrambling for ways to move away from it and none have figured out how so they're ALL warning us NOT TO DO IT.
1. The government WILL be "running our health care." I read the bill.
2. The military people I know use private providers 100% of times they get a chance. Congressmen think they have excellent health care, and it is 0% similar to the plan they're pushing on the rest of us.
3. Our economy cannot WITHSTAND Democrats' health care proposal, according to Democrats. (I swear this is true. They were bold/stupid enough to say ON TV they would have to LIE about the cost to get it sold.)
4. Medical taxes will be the single biggest item on the average person's budget, according to Democrats.
5. NO ONE lacks health care.
6. Allowing people to act as if they are not BODILY government property IS an option - that NO Democrat would ever consider.
7. Only Democrats believe the key to profit is to alienate, generally piss-off and kill your customers.
8. Most Americans do not feel the current system is working because that's what the ADMITTED left-wing propagandists on their TV tells them. Asked about "your OWN experience," about 4/5 of Americans are satisfied.
9. Insurance adjusters are making decisions about what THEY will pay. It's still LEGAL for you to seek care they don't cover but WON'T be under the Democrats' plan.
10. The health insurance companies, and grass-roots groups representing millions of INDIVIDUALS are spending 1.5 million dollars PER DAY to defeat reform - NO DEMOCRAT would ever stick up for them.
11. "The right" has never had control in your lifetime - only "nominal majorities" that let them pick the committee heads. They have NEVER had power to pass legislation without cooperation from the left and NO Democrat has ever been willing to allow Republicans' "you are your own property" - based reforms.
The government DID give us HMO's during the Nixon administration. Kennedy wrote the law and Democrats used to claim they were PROUD of creating HMOs
The auto industry has had to deal with Unions as a matter of law. Unions have special legal privilege so any "negotiation" is literally nothing more than "is taking this deal better than going out of business TODAY?" Ford has managed to survive despite this due to GINORMOUS government contracts.
According to Obama, covering health expenses IS WHAT KILLED GM. According to Democrats, their plan will literally be IMPOSSIBLE to pay for.