Is Michael Moore a hypocrite who does not deserve more than a C minus rating?
2007-08-25 18:45:59 UTC
I am not trying to suggest that Michael Moore is evil, or that he does not have some good ideas. He is, nevertheless, a very befuddled man.

Michael Moore lives a lifestyle that few people can afford to live. While striking out at the System and posing as a working class hero, Michael Moore allegedly lives in a million dollar condo in New York City and sends his kids to a private school. He denounces the war in Iraq, but I could almost swear that the funding for his documentaries comes from Paul Wolfowitz himself. Paul Wolfowitz, as you recall, is the man who promoted the war in Iraq long before Dubya and **** Cheney responded to the orders.

One aspect for which Michael Moore has been widely criticized in the election propaganda nature of his documentaries. The pro Democrat stance is difficult to miss. It is easy to understand why people would not want Bush and Cheney in charge of the country.
33 answers:
2007-08-25 18:51:03 UTC
NOoooo. No matter what, he always do a outstanding job.
Noah H
2007-08-25 19:16:33 UTC
George Washington could have kicked back, been a Tory and never lost a thing. He didn't. He put himself in opposition to the most powerful country in the world at the time. What was his motivation? Maybe it was a cause greater than himself. Jimmy Stewart, the actor, could have sat out WW2 making training films...instead he became a bomber pilot and flew over 20 missions over Germany. Why...maybe he saw that some overall good would come from his actions. Michael Moore believes, as do most Americans that the concept of private, employment based health insurance is way past its expiration's a failure because it doesn't cover all Americans. It's like some of our citizens not having electricity and running water. Michael Moore opposes the war in Iraq for the same reason that 2/3 of America oppose's a failure and its a war that never should have happened. It's a cheap shot to say he's in for the money or anything else. Opposing the right wing propaganda machine will always bring grief down on you. The reactionaries would hurt Moore if they could and if they don't it won't be for lack of trying. Going in I'm sure he knew that. But then so did Washington and Stewart and thousands of others in history that put it on the line to suggest there's more to life than 'go along, get along'. The truth is out there, and Moore seems to have discovered a large chunk of it.
2007-09-02 16:08:09 UTC
I am a Canadian and I can tell you that, contrary to what MM portrayed in his movie " Sicko" our Medicare does not pay dental. That is just one of many of his lies.

Also our Medicare system is broke and waiting lines for treatment are humongous. Our problem is that, our system gave everything to everybody all the time. This occurred right from the beginning, which caused mis-use of the system

I am not saying that the American system does not need fixing, however exaggeration and lying don't get problems solved.

Finally , look up "Glen Beck's show where he explains the real make-up of the often quoted $ 44 million uninsured


I believe that some sort of American/Canadian hybrid system could be worked out.

The bottom line is that no one should be deprived of affordable health care, but lies don't get things fixed they just drive people apart as to real solutions.

His other movies are the same.

By the way, I also think that those who think the health system

is fine as is are wrong.
2007-08-25 19:01:11 UTC
I have to respond for two reasons> A hypocrite would say he is a republican and then support Democracy. Michael Moore is a Democrat, supports democracy, the Constitution of the U.S. in its entirety, and the right of all Americans to speak their mind, and believe as they wish. Unlike you

And to Goldenrae9, get your facts straight. Bill Gates has ALWAYS been a republican, his entire family are republicans, and he has given millions to the Republican Party and supported CheneyBush when he ran for Pres. both times.
2007-08-30 12:46:52 UTC
His good deeds may overshadow his faults. He is but one person. We need more of him in order to make a real difference. I love what he did with Sicko. I haven't seen it but want to and will try to. I've been busy with work, school, and family. I haven't seen any of his movies but have seen interviews and received emails. He has a heart and blue collar roots. That's a lot. What about John Edwards? I have a problem with what he said about working hard to have what he has. So does that mean the rest of us are slackers? Deval Patrick, governor of MA said the same thing. That is total B.S. I have been working very hard ever since I turned 11.
2007-09-01 02:07:18 UTC
And who are we to say that what Michael Moore puts out is the truth? I don't get this at all? Because he labels it a documentary??

Get off that.

Because it is made into a movie it is true? Okay, then lets see, we should also believe the Harry Potter scenario then?

And on a personal note, I can't stand to listen to the guy. He has the mannerisms of a slob!
2007-08-31 16:39:39 UTC
People hate Michael Moore because he uncovers and shows everyone the truth, whether people want to see it or not.

Example..Iraq War..Most Americans don't want to believe that there are small children be in paralyzed and blown up as they try to save or shield their baby sister from bullets and bombs caused by war...The average American hates him because he exposes the real world. Away from T-Mobile, Cheetos, beer, bars and the average American life...Michael Moore may be a hypocrite at times. But he has my respect for his intentions and work!
2007-09-02 13:10:40 UTC
okay ******* **** bag where are u going with this, yea he makes thousands of dollars off the fools who purchase his documentaries, if u dont like it dont buy it, secondly he prove all the BUSH ADMINISTRATION wrong for 9/11 it would have never happened if we would have taken the threats seriously the first time, im sick of this bloody ****-ing government ruining everything for the newer generations. VOTE FOR HILARY third off, we are in war with IRAQ trying to fix their so-called government WHAT IF WE WERE IN the position IRAQ wouldn't even give OUR CHILDREN FOOD AND medical ATTENTION why should we waste billions of TAX PAYERS dollars on helping them when they FOR SURE wouldn't help us during a time of need,. this is a never ending game with the bush administration and forth off WHERE IN THE F U CK is OSAMA tell me did we forget who the STATE ENEMY was? this government is two really bad presidential elections away from all hell and then im taking my *** back to britain where my people came from
2016-10-17 04:07:38 UTC
tell Me approximately him. He has been doing that for years. He replaced into only in Wis. Riling up the Protesters against the Wis. Governor Walker. He enjoys taking great element approximately people ,situations.
2007-08-25 19:01:22 UTC
The irony of the whole thing is that Michael Moore poses as a working man to make millions off of the working man.

The fact that a great deal of people think he is telling truth simply because he skews his information to his viewpoint is a different issue altogether. One could go on for hours about that but it is a shame that many do because they are gullible enough to believe his BS.
2007-08-25 18:59:33 UTC
Not by a long shot! The only 'problem' with Michale Moore is, that he tells the truth about subjects, that the Republicans claim either,don't matter, or don't exist, or they don't wish to discuss!

I would believe Michale about anything, before I could even consider a Republican's point of view! The Republican stand on ANY subject, is always, the most convenient!

Just look at bush! He has a different aspect on the war, every time he is asked about it! And if he does not like the question, he will not answer!, or he hems and haws!

Is he working today, or on vacation?
2007-08-25 18:56:45 UTC
I guess I don't understand why Democrats like Michael Moore who have started out in humble beginnings and made something of themselves are called hypocrites for living within their means. Why is it wrong for a rich Democrat to live in a big house and it's not wrong for a rich Republican to do the same. That's nonsense.

Hey, who_me. Take a look at the life expectancy chart at this site.

We do not have the highest any more. San Marino does at 81.1. Spain, Norway, Singapore, Italy, France the UK, all have higher life expectancy than the US.
Bob from Mars
2007-09-02 08:51:02 UTC
Why is it that the GOP can only profit from... anything, without being considered a hypocrite, by the neocons?
2007-08-25 19:05:47 UTC
I can not top "common sense" , but yes - he is a hypocrite and more importantly , a man who leads some to believe his propaganda films . America has the longest life-expectancy ..but Moore leads one to believe otherwise with his fake drama . Movies can be magic alright - but Michael Moore is no magician with answers by a long shot . His socialized whimsical medicine plan would plummet life-expectancy by sending many to an early grave by going undiagnosed & untreated ..such is the case wherever socialized medicine exists .
2007-09-02 18:11:35 UTC
A C minus?? Are you kidding??

More like a D minus...and that's being generous.
2007-08-25 18:51:57 UTC
Well being rich because you have worked for it doesn't make you a hypocrite. He earned his money by making those documentaries and books and he has pointed out a lot of truth regardless of how he chooses to live his life. He puts his kids in private school because he believes its best for them and everyone needs funding when making movies. He isn't really a protestor who has to stand by his every word, he is trying to raise awareness at the same time as making a living for himself and family. If he simply didn't accept funding from people willing to give it, sure he might be standing by what he is saying better, but we wouldn't even know because he wouldnt be making these movies in the first place!
2007-08-25 18:56:40 UTC
I dont know that Michael Moore ever said it was wrong to be wealthy. Or even to live like it. He has spent a lifetime denouncing those who take advantage of others who are less fortunate.
2007-08-25 18:51:59 UTC
MM fights for the average person, and I admire that. So he sends his kids to private school; it's a free country. But he's much better than conservatives that are always fighting to *not* take care of those less fortunate than us (or those in the middle class). That he got money from Wolfowitz is a bizarre and unfounded fantasy.

I wouldn't call MM pro-democrat, since he's criticized a lot of Democrats. But I'd say he's fighting for people, and against corrupt corporate and government forces.
2007-08-25 18:58:56 UTC
I really think Michael Moore just gives the Republicans a taste of their own medicine. How many of them preach to be "holier than thou" and then wind up being adulterers, druggies, pedophiles, and (heaven forbid) homosexuals.

I think the issue with his left leaning documentaries is that no one on the other side has been quite as publicized. It's really the "Fairness Doctrine" in reverse. I've noticed no one really ever enjoys having the shoe on the other foot.
2007-09-02 13:48:41 UTC
I just think this "man" is not a good American, I think he is all about himself and his agenda. He is a "man" I do not have respect for, nor confidence in.
2007-08-25 18:54:52 UTC
I think that in the past he was very biased, but his film Sicko is neutral and just exposes our bad medical system. I hope the Democrats AND Republicans will move forward with Universal health care.
2007-08-25 18:53:22 UTC
Films made with facts that are both cherry picked and misrepresented is not a documentary. Anyone who knows the history of the GM factories in Flint MI realized Michael Moore was a fraud as soon as they read 10 pages of "Roger and Me."
2007-08-25 18:50:09 UTC
I don't understand why people think you have to be poor to be a Democrat.

I love Bill Gates for that reason. Not only is a democrat and one of the richest men in America, but he has a serious commitment to charity and education reform.
kent j
2007-08-25 18:52:29 UTC
I love how liberals in the movie industry rant and rave about things like how the oil companies are gouging america.

These people have never, ever purchased popcorn at a theatre.

WAKE UP libs... popcorn is a profit margin like non other.


Hollywood is full of hypocrites.. and when they are hypocrites they make a ton of money.

WHen conservatives are hypocrites they get outed or put in jail for what they do.

screw michael moore.. never paid one penny to watch his lies. He can take his health insurance and shove it up his wallet.

Next liberal I meet I will ask them to pay for my medical care.. bet they will whine and say no.

fck em.
Lindsey G
2007-08-25 18:50:08 UTC
Hypocrite he may be but he does have some great ideas. Posing as a working class man is only a way to attract more fans. His way of attracting more fans by posing as something he is not gets a C minus but his ideas get an A.
Wrong number
2007-08-25 18:49:23 UTC
Michael Moore deserves an A ++ rating for presenting the truth.
♥ Mel
2007-08-25 18:52:42 UTC
MM is a fat slob who lives off the money made selling his movies that stupid people believe and pay good money to see them. he should be deported for treason.
2007-08-25 18:50:56 UTC
Your Q is as contradictory as your ans.
2007-08-25 22:39:04 UTC
he's a genius.
2007-08-25 18:49:19 UTC
Yes, but I would give him a F minus rating. He is toilet scum.
Miss Kitty
2007-08-25 18:53:32 UTC
He should be rated 'P' for propagandist.
2007-08-25 18:51:33 UTC
Michael Moore is an Idiot.......That about covers it...........########
Big Daddy
2007-08-25 18:56:14 UTC

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