Getting sick of liberals bashing Bush?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Getting sick of liberals bashing Bush?
46 answers:
2007-05-07 18:02:30 UTC
I'm in no way a Clinton supporter. It's a different apple, but same tree. And the 1000's of pictures of the Clinton's & Bush's together should be enough to prove that. As far as 'bashing Bush', this man has gotten off Scott free for what he's done, and continues to do....

-Prescott Bush was caught funding the Nazi war machine after WW2, under the 'Trading With The Enemy Act'

-Bush went to war, without consulting congress, which is


-Bush got caught domestically spying on people, which is illegal

-Bush will keep this War Illusion going, so he can maintain 'War Time President' Dictatorship

-Katrina - Nuff Said

-WMD's was a lie

-Colin Powell takes the fall, Scooter Libby takes a fall, Alberto Gonzalez is about to take the fall....who's next to 'take one for the team/administration'?


-Bechtel, Halliburton & No Bid Contracts in General

-9/11 - If you say it's the "day of 1000 coincidences", I wonder how much FDA approved pills you've taken today?

-Taking away more 'Freedoms' than Osama Bin Laden could ever hope for

-The list could go on, and on, and on, and on

In closing, if your bashing Clinton for being the first President accused of rape. I guess Bush takes pride in being #2?
2016-05-18 02:54:57 UTC
If that was the case, then she would have been in the hospital a long time ago with the same thing. I do feel though that the main stream media are being very very bias and sadly, it shows. You can look up the stories for example, that one of the networks did on Michelle Obama, and then later on Cindy McCain and compare the two to see that bias first hand. With Michelle Obama they brought up how great she is as a mother, and all sorts of other "positives", while in the Cindy McCain story, they dug up any and all negatives that they could find. Very one sided and very sad.
2007-05-07 18:33:31 UTC
And if Hillary wins in 08, she has said she will make Bill the " First " Ambassador to the world. Do we really want this man representing us? Bush bashing is the only platform the democrats have. What will it say about us as a Nation if the White House is won solely on lies and the hatred of one man. I fear we are going down a path of no return. If Conservatives do not stand up and fight for our Country, and quit trying to be so politically correct with their democratic counterparts, We will lose our Country and everything it stands for. Do not believe the media or the press, when they say we provoke our enemies or our policies may hurt the rest of the world, this is not true. We are a great nation, we have fought for our freedom and the freedom of others around the world. when a Country is in need of help for any reason America is the first to step up to the plate. We can not forget this and let the democratic leaders convince us we are bad and everything wrong with the world.
Myles D
2007-05-07 18:07:54 UTC
why oh why am I even answering this..Well, lets get the most obvious out of the way. Clinton hasn't been in office for 7 years, why is it even relevant?

Yes, He was impeached for lying about cheating on his wife..and if I was his wife I would be really mad, but as just me..couldn't care less. No one died (especially 3,500 servicemen) for that lie. Most of what you mention refrences "friends and associates". I knew somebody who commited a crime once, doesn't mean I should be held accountable for it.

"accused of Rape" not convicted, so were the Duke lacross players. Anyone can "accuse" somebody of something it was obviously without merit, why bring it up?

Impeachment, legal defense fund, contempt of court, disbarred, = all the same instance, that is like charging Bush with waging a war in violation of international law, waging war with Iraq, and waging a war that has caused the deaths of 70,000 Iraqi (non-combatant) civilians. All the same thing. And as for the deaths surrounding Clinton = Urban Legend, see the link below. Anyway, get over Clinton, he is not the President and talking about him does not change the future of our country. Focusing on the current administration and the future of this country is what is important. Get out of the past it serves no one.
2007-05-07 18:00:23 UTC
Actually, no, I'm not. How many of those charges were brought on by republicans with a hard-on to get Clinton? I didn't know Clinton was on the supreme court. Got a link to where you got this info?
2007-05-08 08:03:52 UTC
I've always been sick at their rantings. But Republicans can't let Libs win, by weakening us. We're going to have to laugh at them, piss them off, and do what you're doing. Telling the truth.
2007-05-07 18:02:22 UTC
For just once, wouldn't it be a miracle if they could find something positive to contribute? But I must tell you that every liberal I personally know is always miserable about something so I'm guessing it goes with the territory.
2007-05-07 17:56:25 UTC
I know exactly what you mean. And I am TOTALLY on your side!!!! Clinton's a creep!!!!!! (Then next time you see him make a speech, watch him--- I have noticed that when he seems to be lying, he bites his lip....) And I think Hilary is even worse then Clinton! She already ran the office, just under the name BILL. Omygod; I'd die if she became our pres. She is such a jerk. She said that she was named after Sir Edmond Hilary... and he became famous 6 years AFTER she was even born!!!!! The whitewater scandal is also something dispicable that the two of them lead. Don't even get me started about that fake accent she tried to use in the south!!! What a TERRIBLE ACTOR! Both of them are just awful terrible good- for- nothing LIBS, as most of them are. I would be HORRIFIED if either of them ever stood in Oval Office again. They are sickos!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I luv u..... finally someone on my side
2007-05-07 17:56:13 UTC
Just be prepared for being reported for abuse. I jokingly said I was having a global warming party at the top of Mt. Evans in August when the average temp is 25. But due to Global warming it would be a balmy 26. For this I was reported and my answer deleted and my 2 pts taken. Don't insult the libs....we are outnumbered here.
2007-05-07 17:51:00 UTC
Falacious Ad Hominem.
2007-05-07 17:50:40 UTC
amen brother.

You also forgot. Killed citizens at Waco, TX ruby ridge. Did a lousy job with the black hawk down thing, had more home terrorism Oklahoma city bombing, flight 800, the 96 Olympic bombing, the world trade center, the Cole, the embassies. Stormed a house in miami to get the little boy.
Amaris in Wonderland
2007-05-07 17:56:52 UTC
yes - so tired of the liberal media... you should see the bent that CNN International spins... (it's disgusting)

Bush isn't perfect, but he is WAY better than Clinton...

ANY Pres. has to deal with terrible media bashing - look what they did to Reagan... and later sang his praises.

People always think the grass is greener on the other side, 'til they get there... and realize it was just the lighting...

I truly believe that later on down the road, much like Reagan, liberals will say that Bush didn't do THAT bad of a job... (They'll never admit that he did a GOOD job.)

Just hope that we get as good or better, this next election...
2007-05-07 17:53:04 UTC
Bill Clinton was a disgrace too, but at least thousands of people did not die in a war based on lies. Both Presidents sucked, but in different ways. As much as Bill Clinton suffered morally, he was a great diplomat and the rest of the world loved us. Bush seems more morally upstanding, but I feel like he is in over his head.
2007-05-07 17:56:47 UTC
Wow. Giving Bush a free pass on his crimes, but ALWAYS harping on another President for a BJ.
2007-05-07 17:51:49 UTC
Surely you've got better things to do than compare the two?

Instead of laundry listing Clinton's offenses, try tallying up positive things that Bush has done. The guy can barely string together two sentences and has lost our wonderful country untold amounts of credibility worldwide.

What does Clinton have to do with Bush? Maybe if we stopped looking back and started looking forward we'd find some answers out of the disasters that this man has brought us to.

Puleeze--you've got to be kidding.
2007-05-07 17:54:58 UTC
Well I like them both. I like Clinton because he was real, not to mention he did a lot of good, and I also like Bush because he doesn't let anyone's trash talking get under his skin. Not to mention he's a great leader, I get more money back at tax time.... I love it when people say "the rich get richer and the poor get poorer" and I just say....oh you must be one of them.....
2007-05-07 18:04:34 UTC
Why don't you try listing Bush's failures?

Oh, yeah--he's your "anointed of God" so he can do no wrong.

I hat to tell you this, but this is 2007--and Bush is the issue, not Clinton.
2007-05-07 18:04:23 UTC
yes, I was sick of it somewhere around Feb. 2001 and I think you left out a few things on the Clinton honors list.
2007-05-07 17:53:37 UTC
All you people who still like Bush have your heads in the sand!

When are you people going to grow up and accept responsibility for making a horrible mistake in following Bush?

Oh, and by the way, most of the "crimes" you are accusing Clinton of...

1) Most were NOT criminal or even illegal, and..

2) Were trumped-up charges brought by neo-con sore losers.
2007-05-07 18:02:22 UTC
I remember those dark days in our country's history oh so well. Thank God we are rid of him. Now we need to insure his corrupt wife doesn't get in there to further damage America's reputation around the world!
2007-05-07 17:58:14 UTC
And they pick at him for the tiniest stupidest stuff.

BTW - to the person who said Clinton was not impeached - YES HE WAS. He was acquitted, but he was impeached.
2007-05-07 19:13:41 UTC
I don't know what it is you are trying to prove but, the fact of the matter is Clinton don't matter any more he is no longer president and Bush is and he is "fing" our country up
2007-05-07 17:57:16 UTC
2007-05-07 17:55:33 UTC
in total agreement with you,,but you arent suppose to remember that stuff,

you know slick was a great and honorable president--NOT

I'll put a star there
2007-05-07 17:53:28 UTC
So? Besides, Dumbya can't even be any of those things - he couldn't pass the bar exam if his pathetic life depended on it, nor get some action on the side (no women have as little tast as Laura). His top aides are quitting left and right. His buddy Wolfowitz is history. And I haven't even started bashing him yet, just listing the facts!
2007-05-07 17:49:07 UTC
lol i saw that on some far-RIGHT site. Btw Clinton wasn't impeached. In fact after the trials he had the highest approval rating of any pres. (cant say that about Bush jr or sr.)
2007-05-07 17:49:06 UTC
Oh, all of us liberal Bush-hating scum are soooo in love with Clinton you know.

The last US President I somewhat trusted was Reagan, and I was 10 when he left office.
2007-05-07 17:55:55 UTC
You sir, are 150% on the dot! Unfortunately, many libs will just disregard this.
2007-05-07 17:49:54 UTC
Who cares, did Bill Clinton ever start a war responsible for the deaths of over 3300 American soldiers and countless Iraqis.
Bill W
2007-05-07 17:51:14 UTC
ok, who cares? say what you want about him and i'll continue to call bush a child killing retard

ok due to these bad ratings i think i should explain a little more. i just had a friend i've known all my life get back from iraq. hes a marine and got shot at almost every day. had a few explosions knock him on his @ss bad enough to be checked out for brain trauma. my brother in law is about to go to iraq for 15 months (his 2nd tour) and he'll be in helicopters getting shot at with no cover. and now i ask you...what is this for? f*ck bush, he doesn't know what he's doing to these kids.
2007-05-07 17:47:52 UTC
I DEFINATELY AGREE!! i think that pres. bush is doing the best he can for his situation, and id like to see the liberals try to come up with someone better!! if hillary klinton is elected pres., im seriousely gonna commit suidide!! i think bill klinton is the worst frekin pres. that we have ever had!! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR POSTING THIS!! i gave u a star. GREAT QUESTION!!
2007-05-07 17:51:28 UTC
Last time I checked, it wasn't only liberals bashing him.

Just because you elected him doesn't mean you have to be a blind follower.

Now, how many soldiers did Clinton send to war?

How many soldiers did Clinton see DIE in said war?
2007-05-07 17:49:44 UTC
Comparing Bush to Clinton is like comparing a monkey to a human.
2007-05-07 17:50:18 UTC
all that and most of the country would rather have clinton back instead of the f-ing moron we have now. what do you think of that fact?
2007-05-07 17:48:20 UTC
And the liberals only focus on how Bush "lied" us into Iraq. They think it's fine to kill babies and let gays marry and raise taxes.
2007-05-07 17:50:19 UTC
**yawn** 6 1/2 years later and you're still using "but but Clinton". pathetic.

PS. 28%
2007-05-07 17:49:46 UTC
just to let you know, both democrats and republicans are full of bs. They are all part of a conspiracy to take over the world and kill us all... sounds crazy but true. research freemasons...
2007-05-07 17:52:04 UTC
are you getting sick of all republicans says the most outrageous things on Yahoo?
Angry EX-DEM
2007-05-07 17:49:48 UTC
You hear that??? I hear a stampede of leftists! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES! Nevermind...they're harmless...for now.

They actually think their answers sound witty and intelligent!
2007-05-07 17:49:39 UTC
Yes I am sick of Bush bashing.

And Clinton was lower than whale dung. And to the ones who will say that the Clinton issues are HISTORY, with Hillary, darlin', they are not history. They are more relevant today than they were then.
2007-05-07 17:47:53 UTC
Chew on this: Bush and Clinton both are traitor Zionist pigs that have shat all over the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Both of them have instigated terror attacks for political gain. Anyone that puts party above nation is an absolute retard.
2007-05-07 17:50:14 UTC
YES!!! I'm with you all the way man!
2007-05-07 17:49:14 UTC

You really did your homework on that one!!!

Good Job!!
2007-05-07 17:48:55 UTC
No I'm not. There right;-)
2007-05-07 17:47:26 UTC
Yes..Yes..Yes!!! Thank you for that!
2007-05-07 18:03:17 UTC
Bush's Accomplishments While US President:

He attacked and invaded two countries so far, losing more US soldiers after I claimed "Mission Accomplished" than the total number who were killed during full combat operations in both wars combined.

Hespent the largest surplus in the history of the country and nearly bankrupted the treasury.

He shattered records for the biggest annual deficit in history.

Set an economic record for most private bankruptcies filed in a 12 month cycle of any presidency, beating the previous record which was set during the depression years.

Set all-time record for biggest loss of value in the history of the stock market during any presidency ($5 Trillion drop equalling a 27% drop in investor stock portfolios from the date of my inauguration).

o First president in decades to execute a federal prisoner.

o First president in US history to enter office with a criminal record.

o First year in office set the all-time record for most days on vacation by any president in US history and continued that practice throughout my term in office.

o On August 6th, with plenty of time available to prevent or thwart the predicted attack, I received a Presidential Daily Briefing entitled, "Bin Ladin Determined To Strike Inside The US" and later claimed that "I never saw any intelligence that indicated there was going to be an attack on America", and due to my charm and excellent public speaking skills, I made the press and the people believe me instead of the facts.

o After taking the entire month of August off for vacation, I presided over the worst security failure in US history, the September 11 attack on the World Trade Center, and sat calmly expressing strength, bravery and reserve for at least 7 minutes during the attack, standing sure and certain, strong as a rock, while almost 3,000 American people died.

o Set the record for most campaign fund-raising trips on Air Force 1 than any other president in US history.

o He approved and allowed his Saudi friends to traverse the country, hopping from airport to airport, and fly to Saudi Arabia. This was while the rest of the country was in fear of its life after several Saudis perpetrated the worst crime in the history of the United States. (9/11)

o In his first three years in office over 3.3 million Americans lost their jobs, so I asked for another $550,000,000,000 (that's $550 Billion) in tax cuts because they're obviously working.

o Cut unemployment benefits for more out of work Americans than any president in US history.

o Appointed more convicted criminals to administration positions than any president in US history.

o Set the record for the fewest amount of solo press conferences than any president since the advent of television.

o Presided over the biggest energy crises in US history and refused to intervene when ENRON corruption was revealed and many states faced bankruptcy.

o Presided over the highest gasoline prices in US history and refused to use the national strategic oil reserves to alleviate the crisis. Instead I filled up the reserves while the prices were high. (I treat my friends well)

o Cut healthcare benefits for war veterans while posing on aircraft carriers in a flgiht suit and despite praising the troops at every opportunity.

o Set the all-time record for most people worldwide to simultaneously take to the streets to protest me (15 million people), shattering the record for protest against any person in the history of mankind. (

o Dissolved or abandoned more international treaties than any president in US history.

o My presidency is the most secretive and unaccountable of any in US history, surpassing the secrecy of the Nixon administration at its darkest moments.

o Members of my cabinet are the richest of any administration in US history. (the 'poorest' multi-millionaire, Condoleeza Rice had a Chevron oil tanker named after her)

o First president in US history to have all 50 states of the Union simultaneously reach the point of insolvency.

o Presided over the biggest corporate stock market fraud (ENRON, WorldCom, Global Crossing) of any market in any country in the history of the world.

o First president in US history to order an illegal, unilateral and unprovoked attack and military occupation of a sovereign nation.

o First president in US history to start a war against the will of the United Nations and the world community.

o Created the largest new government bureaucracy (Department of Homeland Security) in the history of the United States.

o Set the all-time record for biggest annual budget spending increases, more than any president in US history.

o First president in US history to have the United Nations remove the US from the human rights commission.

o First president in US history to have the United Nations remove the US from the elections monitoring board.

o Removed more checks and balances, and have the least amount of congressional oversight than any presidential administration in US history.

o He ignored the United Nations demands and requirements pursuant to international law and warfare.

o He has systematically eroded the civil liberties of American citizens more than at any other time in US history.

o He has promoted and passed landmark laws making sweeping new surveillance activities, spying, arrest, imprisonment, interrogation, and obtained the power to order the death of any person, without cause or due process.

o He disregards states rights when it suits me, but I ran for office on a platform that holds states rights above federal rights. In fact, He got into office by having the US Supreme Court operate out of its own jurisdiction and trample all over the sovereignty of the State of Florida.

o He has imprisoned more sick people for growing and smoking medicinal Cannabis than any other president, in violation of states rights, of course, and against the wishes of the states and local voters.

o His attorney General, John Ashcroft is encouraged to, and always prevents, anyone charged with a medicinal Cannabis crime in a Federal court from using the defense that the majority of voters approved the activities in the case before the court and that the alleged 'crime' was in fact perfectly legal activity and a well regarded resource for sick people in the state where it occurred.

o Withdrew from the World Court (Permanent Court of International Justice) and I refuse to recognize it unless it gives my administration, the US and global corporations special immunity so that the US can continue to torture and kill anyone in the world with complete impunity.

o Refused to allow inspectors access to US prisoners of war and refused to abide by the Geneva Conventions regarding prisoners of war by cleverly classifying them as "enemy combatants", thereby allowing us to circumvent the Geneva Conventions.

o He was the first president in US history to refuse United Nations election inspectors (during the 2002 US elections).

o IHe is the all-time US (and world) record holder for most corporate campaign donations.

o His personal friend and biggest life-time campaign contributor presided over one of the largest corporate bankruptcy frauds in world history (Kenneth Lay, former CEO of Enron Corporation). Kenny Lay was charged with several crimes, indicted by a grand jury, and will stand trial but he'll get off; he's just like me, innocent of all charges.

o Spent more money on polls and focus groups in the first two years of my presidenct than any president in US history, despite claiming throughout my candidacy that I would not use polling data.

o First president to run and hide when the US came under attack (and then lied saying the enemy had the code to Air Force 1)

o First US president to establish a secret shadow government, and I did this without the knowledge or participation of the oppostion parties in congress.

o Squandered world sympathy for the US after 9/11, and in less than a year made the US the most resented country in the world (possibly the biggest diplomatic failure in US and world history).

o With a policy of 'disengagement' and open public support for alleged war criminal, Ariel Sharon, allowed and condoned the most hostile Israeli-Palestine relations in at least 30 years.

o First US president in history to have a majority of the people of Europe (71%) view the US as the biggest threat to world peace and stability.

o First US president in history to have the people of South Korea feel more threatened by the US than their immediate neighbor, North Korea.

o Changed US policy to allow convicted criminals to be awarded government contracts.

o Set all-time record for number of administration appointees who violated US law by not selling huge investments in corporations bidding for government contracts.

o Failed to fulfill my pledge to get Usama Bin Laden 'dead or alive'.

o Failed to capture the anthrax killer who tried to murder the leaders of our country at the United States Capital building - my Attorney General is more interested in Louisiana prostitutes, paraplegic pot smokers, dancing kids and glass pipe salesmen than in capturing terrorists.

o Captured Saddam Hussein only after spending billions of dollars, using the entire armed forces and at the cost of over 400 American lives and 2000 wounded soldiers, most of them missing limbs, deaf or blinded.

o In the 18 months following the 911 attacks I have successfully prevented, stalled, diverted or spiked any real public investigation into the biggest security failure in the history of the United States. Additionally, I failed to capture any of the masterminds or people responsible for the attacks.

o In a little over two years created the most divided country in decades, possibly the most divided the US has ever been since the civil war.

o Entered office with the strongest economy in US history and in less than two years turned every single economic category into a sharply downward trend.

o Did nothing about the failing US power grid during the first two years of my presidency, despite repeated warnings, and later presided over the largest total power blackout in US history that incapacitated several states and part of Canada.

o In order to prevent financing abortions in China, I cut off all $34 million of aid to the U.N. Population Fund, which was also used to provide medical care to pregnant teenagers with defective pregnancies who will now die or walk around trailing urine and feces for the rest of their lives unless voluntary charitable help is found.

o He proposed removing overtime pay for millions of Americans despite the pay cut being overwhelmingly opposed by the public and Congress, and I will continue my union busting agenda as long as I'm the Commander in Chief.

o A detailed record of my envronmental accomplishments is available at this link:

o A detailed record of mine and my cabinet's history of service in the armed forces during times of war is available at this link:

o He passed a Medicare bill that will gut Medicare, sends billions of dollars to my campaign contributors, big pharma, and will increase the cost of medical care and prescriptions to the elderly

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.