My idea government protects property rights gun rights (within reason) life and liberty and all my constitutional rights. I can do anything as long as I don't violate these for any other individual or threaten there safety or property (like fireworks being shot up in the street in front of their house) I honestly don't mind pitching in for fire and police departments, roads and schools. I support a limited amount of public assistance like food stamps and housing subsidizing for society's most vulnerable as long as there at the local level this means not paying for high-speed internet, house phones and cellphones (my state gives these for benefits) I believe local communities have a right to make and enforce there own housing codes, I don't mind the FDA but it should be modernized used the information that the E.U, Australia and Japan use to cut red tape in the F.D.A and to have a state FDA agency have the last say. I also support regional governments to spend money to prepare for local disasters. As long as a corporation doesn't violate my Life (grounds for limited environmental protection and limited safety ) Liberty (Safety and so I don't become a slave) and property (also grounds for environmental protection) I wont have a problem with it. I support the government agencies that were outlined in the constitution (post office, Treasury ext.) I also support the F.B.I (for tackling illegal commence between states) The F.C.C not for censorship but for protecting broadcasting rights and the F.A.A to enforce flight routes. There might be a bit more but that sums up were I want government to be.
Were would you like government to be?