What is it with socialists and their 'universal healthcare' schemes?
2007-07-07 01:59:26 UTC
Socialist medicine is the wrong prescription for US healthcare. And yet, here were have flaming socialist leftwingers trying to drag our system down into their collectivist gutter.

40 million uninsured? So big deal? There's also a guy at the blackjack table in Las Vegas who got dealt two face cards and didn't double down. Should we make a government agency follow him around make his choices for him?
28 answers:
2007-07-07 11:44:27 UTC
Socialism is the greatest evil ever set upon mankind, it destroys all it touches, but they do have a great PR plan.

Really it all boils down to a couple of simple beliefs. Are you personally responsible for what happens to you? If so, then take care of your own and donate to charities that will help those temporarily down on their luck. Second do you believe capitalism to be a more moral system than Marxist based systems. Meaning, you go participate in the free market, there is a ton of opportunities out there to do well, unfortunately when they knock on the door they are dressed in overalls and look like work.

These two things are the dividing point in AMerica today, people want to put the blame on someone else and they do not want to do what it takes to do well or be satisfied.

for the idiot who called you a fascist, they have no understanding of the word, socialized health care is fascist.
2007-07-07 02:16:46 UTC
You are 100% right. As to what is wrong with socialist anything - there is Kolyma - one the Union of Soviet Socialist Republic's death camps and Buchenwald - one of the death camps of the National Socialist German Workers Party [NAZI].

The Left wants to allocate resources politically so that they can steal them. For instance, in Australia, the homosexual lobby is able to get retrovirals for free, but no one else can; the feminists can have drugs for breast cancer for free, but men cannot have it for prostate cancer. There are whole swathes of drugs that can only be had if you get a bureaucratic approval, no matter how much money you have. Sylvester Stallone was prosecuted in Australia for having some DHEA, something that you can buy over the counter here.

Socialism delivers control and it permits life and death decisions to be put in the hands of socialists if they have the health system. The power to exterminate your enemies under the guise of doing the public good essentially makes you an American Stalin, with none of the negative recognition.

Most of us do not know what they would give up by socialized medicine, because we have not seen what happens in these other countries.

Castro interestingly enough, hates homosexuals and confines those with AIDS in concentration camps. Such are the powers conceded by quarantine and socialized health schemes.
2016-10-01 05:55:17 UTC
What genuine conservative desires to maintain Social risk-free practices and Medicare? Please look up this be conscious and examine out precisely what genuine conservatives ought to assert on those 2 subject concerns. base line, you're a socialist, not greater, in basic terms a socialist by definition of how you view wellbeing care.
2007-07-07 02:20:33 UTC
DeadMarxist, you're a man after my own heart.

I, once again, completely agree. I think the number of 40 million is greatly over-exaggerated anyway. The Democrats, Socialists, and Liberals try to use the "woe is the poor" tactic on us everyday, to pull at our heart strings and make those of us who refuse to fall into their trap, and feel sorry for them enough to throw more money at them, look like cold-hearted reptiles. The fact is, we already have socialized care - it's called Medicaid and Medicare.

The rest of us who do not qualify for those programs have jobs. Those jobs should either provide an HMO program, or they should be gainful enough to afford an outside plan. If your job is not doing either for you then consider getting a new one, going back to school to get a better one, or (imagine this) use that tax return money for something beneficial to your family rather than buying that boat, going on that vacation, or another 50 inch flat screen TV. Stop living beyond your means.

I shouldn't be punished or have to pay for those who can't budget their own money or have unhealthy lifestyles. Not to mention everything the government touches turns to poo. I don't want a federal bean counter in charge of MY medical treatment.
2007-07-07 04:30:58 UTC
The United States is the only industrialized nation that does not guarantee access to health care as a right of citizenship. 28 industrialized nations have single payer universal health care systems.

Federal studies by the Congressional Budget Office and the General Accounting office show that single payer universal health care would save 100 to 200 Billion dollars per year despite covering all the uninsured and increasing health care benefits.

The United States spends 50 to 100% more on administration than single payer systems.

There would be free choice of health care providers under a single payer universal health care system, unlike our current managed care system in which people are forced to see providers on the insurer’s panel to obtain medical benefits.
2007-07-07 02:04:59 UTC
I pay taxes, I work two jobs, I would like some healthcare so when I get sick I can get over it quicker and get back to work.

I know not everyone deserves it, but a lot of us do, and even more need it and don't have it.

Maybe not universal healthcare, but how about cheaper health care, how about perscription prices that don't cost so much.

No the government shouldn't follow the guy gambling around, but they should be there if that guy needs help becoming a productive member of society.
2007-07-07 02:22:34 UTC
No your so right Only some deserve medical attention

The people who make more money than you should get the operation that you do not deserve

I mean if it is a coice between you and someone who makes twice what you do - Then you should be pushed aside how dare you take up the space of that guy ?

The poor should die in the streets - thats what god would have wanted - I am sure Jesus said that

40 million people weren't smart enough to buy insurance than they get what they deserve -

On that note these poor people just die in the street expecting the state to pick up the tab for disposal

My tax money should not be spent on that - If the dumb poor guy that wasn't smart enough to buy insurance or get a job dies I say let them rot in the park where they could do somthing useful like become fertalizer -

Boy you sure have converted me thanks

Just don't get in my way if I have to go to the hospital because I am certain I make more than you do and so I get first and best -
ll_jenny_ll here AND I'M BAC
2007-07-07 03:02:46 UTC
Ok ... Firstly I am an Aussie and extremely proud of our national health care system .. I do wish it was even broader.. .

Secondly .. I feel the same way about education and personally believe in an extremely high standard of education FOR AL CHILDREN .. the same high level for all.. not a better education for the wealthy

thirdly I believe our aged population should be cared for in the manner they deserve and not treated worse than people in prisions.

Why do I believe this...

Well firstly a healthy nation is a strong nation, mentally and Physically...a strong and healthy nation is a BETTER nation

A wonderfully high standard of education for all children makes a clever and intelligent nation, one that is less dependent on the scientists, doctors etc of other nations...

For all we know it could be a poor child that could come up with a cure for cancer, alzheimers etc .. if only they had the opportunity of a decent education....

And caring for our elderly shows our respect and compassion

I understand the need for conservatisism, I am conservitive in many ways ... with the exception of Health care, education and aged care.

A healthy , educated and compasssionate nation is truly a powerful nation and I believe would be one that would have a loyal and faithful populace...

call me a gutter dwelling socialist all you like because i hold these views.. I'll wear the title proudly, but will you wear Ignorrant doofus?
2007-07-07 03:55:48 UTC
Seems like one of those douchebag questions where everyone who doesn't agree gets a thumbs down.

Silly Americans. Survival of fittest rules supreme until you or someone you love needs some help, then you look for someone to blame like immigrants. Newsflash - Australia has Medicare for all Australians but immigrants can't access it until they get permanent residency after at least 2 years. Canada, UK, Netherlands, Italy, New Zealand, etc. all have universal health care.

The attitude that if someone needs heart surgery and cant afford it - well that's too bad let the weak just die... this is so sad and so unAmerican. You should be embarrassed that you can't even look after your 'poor huddled masses' while you are happy to spend 100 TRILLION dollars on a war to protect oil so you can drive around in your cars and getter fatter and closer to that heart surgery date.
2007-07-07 02:12:17 UTC
What about the fire department? Does everyone deserve services from them? Or just the people who pay the insurance.

What about the police department? Maybe we should only have police for the people who can afford it. Let the rest live in anarchy.

It's about public service. Minimal health care (emergency and general care) should be some part of the tax package. We are too rich of a country to deny that. If you are too selfish to see this then you need some education. Who pays for lack of health care? Not the poor. Surely not the insurance companies. It's the government and the hospital who picks up the bill when someone goes to the emergency room and has no money and no insurance. Sounds like a tax to me! Might as well get some for yourself.

It's not "Socialism".. It's common sense! We will still be a Republic of crazy nutjobs even if we have healthcare benefits. Those that are the most against this are the insurance companies that have a death grip on the industry as well as the pharmacutical companies who also have a death grip on prices for their products that sell for 10X or more what they sell for in the rest of the world.
2007-07-07 02:07:33 UTC
I agree. Let me bore you with a little story I heard yesterday. These two "kids" one is 18 the other 16 both from a so called low income family. Both have IRA's, they took 15% of their allowance or other income and put them in their indvidual IRA. The 18 just joined the Air Force, when he set up the direct deposit he requested 15% of his income go directly into his. By the time he gets out of the military 20 years he will be a millioniare at the age of 38.

Individuals make choices, they could afford insurance and healthcare if they make the right choices. What's more important iphone or ones health. The $5 cup of coffee, the $5 pack of cigarettes, the $120 sneakers, the $100 pair of jeans?
2007-07-07 02:06:41 UTC
The 46 million uninsured in this country is a big deal and we all pay for it. Do you think that when they show up at the emergency room, there's no cost to the rest of us? Get real.

As far as socialist medicine, it's interesting that every industrialized country (yes, including capitalist ones) have a national healthcare system except for the U.S.

If you're opposed to "socialistic" government programs, then go no further than Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security.

Last time I looked, it wasn't just the commie s.o.b.'s that support these government programs. In fact, quite a few right wing wackos have no pangs of political guilt collecting the benefits.
2007-07-07 02:24:38 UTC
It's nothing more than the baby boomers just starting to retire, and like everything else they've pilfered this country for, they don't want to pay for their medical costs in retirement. Medical costs skyrocket when you get older.

Where were they when their parents needed it. Took the inheritance and ran. Now the baby boomers are into reverse mortgages as well.

By the time they are done, there will be very little left for the next generation. Probably most of the Chinese will own us.
2007-07-07 02:07:26 UTC
Since education is out there for everyone to take advantage of these days and this can lead to a good job and health insurance, the older people who had to work and could not go to school probably should get some help.
2007-07-07 03:49:38 UTC
I can tell you don't know much about liberalism. Contrary to conservative rhetoric, Democrats don’t exhort socialized health care, but single payer national health care. Single-payer national health insurance is a system in which a single public or quasi-public agency organizes health financing, but delivery of care remains largely private. Socialized medicine is a system in which doctors and hospitals work for the government and draw salaries from the government. The term socialized medicine is often used to conjure images of government bureaucratic interference in medical care. That does not describe what happens in countries with national health insurance. It does describe the interference by insurance company bureaucrats in our health system. Currently, the U.S. health care system is outrageously expensive, yet inadequate. Despite spending more than twice as much as the rest of the industrialized nations ($7,129 per capita), the United States performs poorly in comparison on major health indicators such as life expectancy, infant mortality and immunization rates. Moreover, the other advanced nations provide comprehensive coverage to their entire populations, while the U.S. leaves 46 million completely uninsured and millions more inadequately covered. Thousands of people with insurance are bankrupted when they have an accident or illness. A recent study by the prestigious Institute of Medicine found that 18,000 Americans die every year because they don’t have health insurance. That’s rationing. No other industrialized nation rations health care to the degree that the U.S. does. A number of studies (notably the General Accounting office report in 1991, and the Congressional Budget office report in 1993) show that there is more than enough money in our health care system to serve everyone if it were spent wisely. Administrative costs are far higher in the U.S. than in other countries’ systems. These inflated costs are directly tied to our failure to have a publicly-financed, universal health care system. We spend at least twice more per person than any other country, and still find it necessary to deny health care.The reason we spend more and get less than the rest of the world is because we have a patchwork system of for-profit payers. Private insurers necessarily waste health dollars on things that have nothing to do with care: overhead, underwriting, billing, sales and marketing departments as well as huge profits and exorbitant executive pay. Doctors and hospitals must maintain costly administrative staffs to deal with the bureaucracy. Combined, this needless administration consumes one-third (31 percent) of Americans’ health dollars. Single-payer financing is the only way to recapture this wasted money. The potential savings on paperwork, more than $350 billion per year, are enough to provide comprehensive coverage to everyone without paying any more than we already do. Costs would be controlled though negotiated fees, global budgeting and bulk purchasing. Everyone would have the same comprehensive health coverage, including all medical, hospital, eye care, dental care, long-term care, and mental health services. Currently, many people and businesses are paying huge premiums for insurance that is almost worthless if they were to have a serious illness.
Austin W
2007-07-07 02:19:30 UTC
Having read the polls on support for universal health care, sometimes called socialized, not socialist medicine, I honestly believe that I speak for those 40 million--those men, women, and children--and for a majority of Americans, when I say may you roast eternally.
Trevor S
2007-07-07 02:32:29 UTC
The debate over universal health care has a long history in the US. During the Progressive Era, in the first decades of the twentieth century, a campaign was waged by the reformist American Association of Labor Legislation for health insurance. The effort was defeated by the combined opposition of the medical profession, the insurance companies and the American Federation of Labor, which worried that a government program “would weaken unions by usurping their role in providing social benefits.”

President Franklin D. Roosevelt originally intended to include a compulsory health insurance measure in the Social Security bill of 1935, but dropped it out of fear of opposition from the American Medical Association (AMA) and business interests. In his January 11, 1944 State of the Union address, in which he argued for the implementation of a “second Bill of Rights,” Roosevelt argued that among those latter were the rights “to adequate medical care and the opportunity to achieve and enjoy good health” and “to adequate protection from the economic fears of old age, sickness, accident, and unemployment.”

A national health insurance scheme was never introduced and during the Cold War era the AMA, the insurance industry and others took advantage of the climate to denounce such a measure as “socialized medicine,” hinting darkly about the “communist menace.”

There was also the abandonment by the American labor movement in the 1940s of any struggle for radical social programs in exchange for transient wage and benefit gains (most of which have now been erased). The unions’ alliance with the Democratic Party, notes historian Douglas Brinkley (in The End of Reform) meant that organized workers “forsook the struggle to win a significant redistribution of wealth and power within the industrial economy—the chance to create genuine industrial democracy.” All the great questions of social policy and program were taken off the agenda, and the American population has suffered enormously as a result.
2007-07-07 02:27:53 UTC
If you are talking about Hillary in specific, she has no plans to instigate universal healthcare. True, it is part of her platform, but just as in her first effort to reform healthcare, she will lie down to everything the insurance companies want in the end. Their contributions to he campaign serve as proof that what she says in public is once more very different to what she says behind closed doors.

She's a fraud and a marketeer above all else.
Army Retired Guy
2007-07-07 02:03:16 UTC
Allot of the 40 million uninsured have Sea Doos and SUV's parked in there driveway. Its priority, allot of them want toys, but not health insurance, its there own damn fault. They will change there tune when they realize taxes will go so high that they can forget the damn toys.

Christpherc is absolutely right, its all choices and priorites with most.
2007-07-07 03:10:45 UTC
The best answer to you is given by Lord Byron in one of his speaches to the British House of Commons (supposely you are able to read more than FOX network propaganda) "In your speach you show nothing but contempt for the lower orders ,but when you planed a war you have no objection to used them as a cannon fodder" the lower classes have also their rights and their dignity as you have! A person who denies the other's rights to life and digntiy (and no this commodity isn't to be messured with $) has forfeit these rights to himself let alone any claim to be human
2007-07-07 04:04:05 UTC
What is it with people like you and your fascist thinking? So what if millions of Americans die without health care? I bet you don't understand why you guys will lose the next election. I'm sure glad you're not my neighbor.
2007-07-07 02:09:53 UTC
why wont americans settle for being #1 (ok #37) in health care and die like good poor people!


>>>>>>There's also a guy at the blackjack table in Las Vegas who got dealt two face cards and didn't double down.<<<

PS. dont play blackjack knuclehead! LOL

KEEP TO HEALTH POLITICS-- its a much cheaper stupid.
2007-07-07 02:05:24 UTC
Alright your not for socialized medicine. That is fine. You do however realize or health care is an absolute abomination? We have allowed these HMO's to screw people out of care and charge insane amounts of money long enough. They do everything they can to try to save themselves from paying out to people who need care. Something has to change.
2007-07-07 02:07:01 UTC
Providing healthcare for Americans is hardly a "universal healthcare scheme".

Unless of course you refer to the USA paying for healthcare for illegal aliens in our country a "universal healthcare scheme", paying for medical for detainees at gitmo "a universal healthcare scheme" and paying for doctors for iraqi citizens a "universal healthcare shcheme".

Why not take care of Americans first?
2007-07-07 02:03:15 UTC
Whats wrong, really, with socialist anything? Much less health care? As long as quality isnt sacrificed for quantity, there shouldnt be a problem. Neither socialism nor communism is inherently a bad thing... its their improper and corrupt implementation. The reason why socialized "anything" hasnt happened yet is because the rich are powerful... and the rich think they deserve better and dont want to lose the value that comes with the riches.
2007-07-07 02:10:38 UTC
I thank whoever decided where I would be born That I was born in England and not the US. I have a genetic condition that means in the US when I got to the end of my allotted insurance I wouldn't be able to afford ant more treatment. You keep your system that means your mentally ill people don't get proper treatment so they wander round till they kill a bunch of people because the stupid socialists wanted to pay for their medication and hospital treatment. I'll keep my NHS I love it.
2007-07-07 03:17:00 UTC
What is it with Corp greed and killing people for profit on a nation wide scale?
2007-07-07 02:02:36 UTC
What's with you and your "screw the poor they don't deserve medicine anyway" belief?

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