Nothing like reading comments from people such as "retired old sarge" whose basis in reality is based on fantasy.
First, although Trump did not, by law have to release his tax returns he was the only one of the candidates not to. As for demanding Pelosi and Shummer release theirs then each member of both Houses should since neither of them are currently running for President. When the Republicans controlled Congress I failed to note any of their people releasing theirs. The fact also remains that Trump stated he would release his tax returns if elected, a promise he then reversed once the election results were in.
Second, until a trial occurs no, the law does not give people the right to confront their accusers. Currently an investigation is underway and in law information obtained during this is generally kept secret until such time as formal charges are laid. Trump is not undergoing a trial as anyone with intelligence would realize. The trial, if any, would take place in the US Senate, not Congress, they are merely the investigative branch. Further, there is nothing to prove that either of the whistle blowers are Democrats except in the minds of the deluded. Actually there were 3 and the third is known to be a very well known member of the Republican Party and it was he who gave information confirming, at least in part, the comments of the first two.
Third, the lying seems to be coming from the right who seems to think that yelling loudly (such as the use of Caps in @retired old sarges comments) will replace actual facts.
Oh, and just so you know, the whistle blower legislation was designed to protect the identities of the whistle blower(s) thereby encouraging this type of reporting was supported by all members and signed into law by the Republicans. They are also the ones who enacted the rules and regulations for impeachment that are now being followed.
Oh and the transcript Trump released did, in fact, indicate a possible tit for tat request by Trump and, despite his claims, the transcript itself stated that it was not a full and complete account of the conversation which has been confirmed by several people who were involved in the conversation itself.
I noted one Anon also brought up the old demand that Trump made that Obama should release his educational transcripts. Why is it that Trump has not released his and has gone so far as to threaten to sue any institution that did release them. All we know about Trump is that his time in Wharton, despite claims, was undistinguished. He never led his class or made the Dean's List during his time there based on official documents released from Wharton listing those who did. Those who remember him, both staff and students, remember a mediocre student who seemed to do the minimum required to get by and did not stand out academically in any area. In fact the person who enabled him to enter Wharton was a personal friend of his brother's and known to the Trump family. Even Wharton has admitted that at the time Trump was enrolled, rules governing enrollment were a lot less stringent than they are today.
Trump has made a practice of demanding a level of disclosure for his opponents significantly higher than he has done for himself. To date the only support we have for the vast majority of Trump's claims about his abilities are from his own mouth, there exists no factual evidence to support them from outside sources.