How can Obama be blamed for the problems in Arizona, when it was Bush whom left our borders open and porous?
2010-05-03 08:32:10 UTC
And then thought it would be a cool idea to construct an 800-mile border fence to cover 2,000 miles total at the cost of $900 million dollars?

A fence that was never finished and is more flawed than Bush's reasons for going to war with Iraq?

Then--before that--?

He tried to give illegals amnesty within our own country--so that they could do the jobs that Americans wouldn't?

And what about McCain's support of that law back then, and turned around in 2008 by saying that he didn't support the immigration reform which Obama was proposing in his election campaign for President--by making the claims that "current federal immigration laws--written and passed--are more than sufficient to dealing with illegals already in our country?"

So yes, Obama may not be embracing what Arizona has done illegally, but doesn't mean that he's "in bed" with those whom break the law by entering this country illegally either.

27 answers:
2010-05-03 08:36:11 UTC
it's much more than just the US political system. It has to do with Mexico not taking care of it's own, so they escape here to feed their families and live a better life. Mexico allows rich American companies to come down with their factories and pay the workers pennies and have them live in shacks with no indoor plumbing. Wouldn't you try to escape THAT?

Even a hundred foot wall won't keep them out, we have to address the economic problems, not try and plug the dam.

The Arizona law is just veiled racism.
2010-05-03 08:40:30 UTC
Well, I will agree that we have had and continue to have a porous border and no one has resolved the problem to date. We can blame Bush, Carter, Ford, Clinton, Bush, and now Obama. But why give Obama a pass, when 85% of Americans believe it has to be done, and done soon. IF your going to run as the hope and change President, that your "different" and not the typical Washington insider, well then prove it, do what no other President has done and seal the borders and make it fair for all to come into this country legally. When you allow the Mexicans to come in illegally, then you lock out the other immigrants trying to get here legally, through the process. So is it right that Vietnamese, South Koreans, Jamaicans, Colombians, etc can not get a spot in line because of the Mexicans just entering at will. No, so let's not take Political sides, and let's fix this problem by all of US just plain asking for our elected officials to do the job they were elected to do.
2010-05-03 08:46:07 UTC
The Obama/Bush/Clinton/Bush regime has had the same policy on Illegals, foreign and economic policies. I personally find it ludicrous to try to pin the blame for any of these issues on any one specific but on a total lack of understanding by our the almost aristocratic multi-generational leaders we've developed. An amazing number of them are the children of career politicians and in some cases 3rd and 4th generation career politicians. Those who were not born to be politicians started right out the gate in training. Obama for example never held a real job it was strait into a political college environment and out of college strait into politics. Hillary started with an eye on politics from day one and dragged Bill along with her. Bush jr and his brother both raised for politics. Gore the son of a career politician himself a career politician. No wonder they are out of touch.

Obama has repeatedly supported amnesty and like McCain and Bush been a traitor to this nation for doing so. Amnesty is the wrong approach and these are not people as a whole who even want US citizenship except for financial benefits. The war amnesty would provoke could not possibly be worth it and even if amnesty was the right thing to do which I'll catagorically disagree on, the act of giving it and the resulting bloodshed makes it an act of murder. Illegals should have been taken care of under Reagan. There was an agreement to close the borders then. Laws passed but not enforced. Each succeeding Congress and president has failed miserably in dealing with the issue and it's at a crisis point now. Inaction is no longer an acceptable option. These invaders are literally marching in our streets.
2016-06-02 12:41:09 UTC
It's not about fixing things, it's about fixing things the correct way. And you need to pay attention a little better. Bush did not leave us "10 trillion dollars in debt". Yes, he did spend out of control, but Obama plans to spend 4 times as much. We also have something called the Congress in this country (maybe you haven't studied that yet in school). They're as much to blame as Bush is when figuring out how we got to where we are. Barney Frank (a Democrat) blocked attempts for better oversight that would have lessened the housing crisis that began the economic meltdown. Grow up some, learn some history and get your news from a variety of sources then come back and try again. Edit: "PAY BACK THE DEBT"? Between his budget, so-called stimulus bill and health care, he's adding trillions to the debt. He's not paying a penny toward the debt. Who brain washed you, kid?
2010-05-03 08:36:46 UTC
This post is full of crap stuff:

A) At least Bush DID something, Obama stopped the fence

B) Don't complain about $900 mil, all I have to say is "$3 trillion"

C) Nice poke at Iraq, Bush's reasons were matched up with the entire f***ing US military so there WAS reason Einstein

D) As if that's not happening now

E) I though we went over McCain, he's not that conservative

F) Arizona hasn't done anything illegally. When the federal government fails to act (Barry has), the state has a right AND responsibility to protect its own citizens. Arizona has acted correctly.
2010-05-03 18:16:07 UTC
now see? on this point we can agree. Bush left behind more messes and grief than any prez in my lifetime. Obama isn't in favor of the Bill becuse he can't afford to be. I'd be willing to bet that his personal opinion of the bill is different than his political view of it. nonetheless, Obama is a good prez so far, has a lot of do-it power that most presidents lack the courage of their convictions to have. I don't think Obama shares any blame for the illegal alien crisis-yet. he has yet to put forward a plan that is BETTER than the one enacted by AZ, but I bet if he does, it will be a good one and it will go into law. he's got other chickens to fry, tho, with the foriegn policy debate over Iran, and getting the healthcare bill up and running.
2010-05-03 08:49:01 UTC
Excuse me, but it is time to stop blaming Bush for the broken promises that Obama made. One of Obamas promises was to do something about immigration. What exactly has he done? Every time Obama doesn't keep a promise someone finds some way to throw it back at Bush. Obama has been in office for some time now. When are we going to stop blaming Bush and start blaming Obama for his own mistakes and shortcomings? Is he ever going to be held accountable for anything?
2010-05-03 08:48:51 UTC
I do not blame Obama. I blame the Bush administration who knew our borders were porous! After 9-11 our borders should have been sealed in the interest of national security in the first place! Bush dropped the ball and it looks like Obama is just following Bush on this issue! This issue has not been remedied by the Democrats or Republicans! It is time for the people to rise up and solve our issues. The state of Arizona should be applauded! I am tired of the fat cats in Washington worrying about votes instead of addressing the problems! The problem of illegal gangs crossing our borders and slaughtering OUR citizens, home invasions, and kidnapping, is getting out of hand. It is time to act because the safety of our own people is at stake! The lazy fat cats in our federal government refuse to act. Our safety may very well rely on we the people!
2010-05-03 08:48:08 UTC
There is an old saying, "No honest man (or woman) goes into politics." There is no such thing as a good politician, only one that is less bad. That being said, George Bush Jr. was one of the sorriest excuses for a President that ever walked the face of Gods green earth. This is not just my opinion, but the opinion of the Gallup Poll (ie; the majority of Americans who took the poll).
2010-05-03 08:40:02 UTC
I know it's hard for you BUSH BASHERS to keep up with modern events... But... BUSH is no longer in the white house.

The "it's Bush's Fault" excuse wasn't valid on day 2 - it certainly isn't valid on day 400.

Is it really RELEVANT what was done before? Does it make the condition NOW - any LESS WRONG

Does anyone DISAGREE that the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT hasn't done it's job?

If Obama and his "Administration" would have spent every moment they have "SCAPEGOATING" and BLAMING others... actually WORKING toward a REAL and POSITIVE solution... LOTS of these things would be SOLVED.

Instead the solution to every CRISIS, real, imagined or invented is YET, AGAIN and ANOTHER HUGE and COSTLY GOVERNMENT PROGRAM... which... just COINCIDENTALLY just HAPPENS to be GOOD for OBAMA (and not so good for AMERICA)

Obama doesn't realize that BIG GOVERNMENT *IS* the problem NOT the SOLUTION. That fact, not BUSH is the reason we are NOT A LOT BETTER OFF... than we are.

2010-05-03 20:45:37 UTC
You watch a lot of MSNBC don't you? LOL Obama is Bush in black face. When are you idiots going to admit you made a mistake? Stop hiding behind false accusations of racism, when it is the liberals who are the true racists. Who was it throwing rock and crap at police in AZ the other day? And then you America hating scumbags want to accuse Tea Partiers of violence and racism? Hypocrite. I can't wait for Nov. Can you say one term president?
2010-05-03 08:41:16 UTC
The problem is the Federal government, regardless of who has been President has done nothing for years, which left Arizona to take it upon themselves. Right or wrong, at least they are trying to do something. When your state starts to become the kidnapping capitol of the country due to drug trafficking and human smuggling, you do what you have to.
2010-05-03 08:42:33 UTC
I know! Just because Obama swore an oath to uphold the laws of this country doesn't mean we should really expect him to uphold the laws of the country does it?

Let's just keep blaming Bush for Obama's refusal to keep the oath he swore when he took the office.
2010-05-03 08:36:57 UTC
I haven't heard much of anyone blaming Obama. Blaming the boobs in Congress, yes, of course as most of them have held their seats for decades and this has been a growing problem for Arizona and the other border states for just as long.

Kudos to Arizona for taking the steps we need to.
2010-05-03 08:40:52 UTC
Instead of focusing blame on one particular president or political party, why don't you recognize the fact that it doesn't matter who gets into office. Nothing is ever done about it.
My dog don't like liberals
2010-05-03 08:55:18 UTC
You need to get over your hangover, Bush was just as wrong as Obama but Obama wont's to take it one step further, he wont's to give them amnesty for only to help him get votes not for the good of America. wake up.
2010-05-03 08:39:19 UTC
Okay you hav NO IDEA what you are talking about. George Bush did an EXCELLENT job of securing our borders so illegal immigrants wouldn't be able to come into our country. Barack Obama wants to open the border and let all the aliens become U.S. citizens so they will vote for the democrats!!!!!!!!!!
Jay M
2010-05-03 08:34:14 UTC
I blame them both...There is no way we can even begin to tackle illegal immigration until we secure the border . A fence, the National Guard, Homeland security whatever. If we don't do that it will end up being useless. What good is turning off the fosset when there is a pipe busted. It ain't gonna stop the leaking
2010-05-03 08:39:09 UTC
I don't care who 0bama blames, just DO something already!

He cares more about the inconvenience of some drug gang members than the safety of US citizens. It's just fine that cartels kill innocent people without consequence. They get protected status because of their culture, so they can get away with murder?

How is THAT fair?
unmarried cheating & confused
2010-05-03 08:38:57 UTC
I am thinking it must be sad the way Libs love Illegals and terrorists more than America
2010-05-03 08:35:27 UTC
Obama is in charge now, and has done nothing. Just like every president ever, not just Bush.
2010-05-03 08:36:51 UTC
I knew one of the Obamorons would figure out that Bush did it sooner or later. Bush invented Mexico too.
2010-05-03 08:33:55 UTC
Actually there was a fence being built on the Arizona border but Obama stopped it. FACT!

Thats what sparked this new Law! Feds are moving away from helping the state. They also took the funds away from Manhattan to help them protect the people from terrorists- over 20 million fed dollars!!! Thats nothing compared to all their LAME Excuses of Earmark spending! They are chosing to help orgs for more VOTES over help people from being killed by TERRORISTS! FACT!
2010-05-03 08:35:39 UTC
He is the one that is president right now. So he gets the heat regardless.
2010-05-03 08:34:14 UTC
And exactly what has Obama done to correct the problem in the past 15 months?
2010-05-03 08:34:50 UTC
Ah, blame Bush. What a novel concept. Nobody ever thought of that before. You should suggest this to the messiah.
2010-05-03 08:34:51 UTC
I also blame it on Bush

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