2011-06-24 15:28:42 UTC
A) a personal tax break for the owner, which is accounted separately than the accounting for the company. Which if the owner makes 200,000 a year, the tax break will yield him an extra 4000 to 6000 dollars a year into his PERSONAL wallet (not corporate wallet).
B) A government contract worth 2,000,000 dollars to build new widgets that help repair or improve our infrastructure? Especially if he is currently running near 100% efficiency BEFORE the contract is issued.
What will cause the owner to hire more people, a tax break that only affects his personal wealth (not his corporate reserves), or a new contract to make products that are needed?
Bonus question:
Will a tax break given to the owner stimulate the economy more,
Will a contract for work, that requires labor, outside services, raw materials, and shipping, help the economy more.
A personal tax break touches one hand (the owner only), produces NO product. It also requires the owner to spend, which he may not be inclined to do.
A contract touches many hands (the owner, the workers, the vendors, the suppliers, and the shippers), and produces a real product. Money is already being spent, and more money is in more people's and businesses hands.
Which one stimulates the economy and hiring more?
A) a tax break for the rich
B) a contract for infrastructure repairs and improvements