Isn't this why Washington hates Hugo Chavez?
Arctic Dancer
2011-01-03 04:03:03 UTC
In late November, Venezuela was hammered by torrential rains and flooding that left 35 people dead and roughly 130,000 homeless. If George Bush had been president, instead of Hugo Chavez, the displaced people would have been shunted off at gunpoint to makeshift prison camps--like the Superdome--as they were following Hurricane Katrina. But that's not the way Chavez works.

The Venezuelan president quickly passed "enabling" laws which gave him special powers to provide emergency aid and housing to flood victims. Chavez then cleared out the presidential palace and turned it into living quarters for 60 people, which is the equivalent of turning the White House into a homeless shelter. The disaster victims are now being fed and taken care of by the state until they can get back on their feet and return to work.

The details of Chavez's efforts have been largely omitted in the US media where he is regularly demonized as a "leftist strongman" or a dictator. The media refuses to acknowledge that Chavez has narrowed the income gap, eliminated illiteracy, provided health care for all Venezuelans, reduced inequality, and raised living standards across he board. While Bush and Obama were expanding their foreign wars and pushing through tax cuts for the rich, Chavez was busy improving the lives of the poor and needy while fending off the latest wave of US aggression.

So isn't it the truth, that Washington despises Chavez because he is unwilling to hand over Venezuela's vast resources to corporate elites and bankers?

And isn't it the truth and that's why the Bush administration tried to depose Chavez in a failed coup attempt in 2002, and that's why the smooth-talking Obama continues to launch covert attacks on Chavez today?

And isn't it the truth as to why Washington wants regime change so it can install a puppet who will hand over Venezuela's reserves to big oil while making life hell for working people?
Eighteen answers:
2011-01-03 04:06:51 UTC
The power holders of America's government hate Chavez because he rejects neoliberalism (globalization).

In a poll conducted in February of 2005, Chavez's approval rating in his country was 70%. Bush's approval rating in April of 2005 was a paltry 45%. The numbers demonstrate who is acting in the interest of their electorate, and who is not. Despite victory (by landslide popular votes) in two presidential elections and the recall, Bush still questions Chavez's legitimacy. Tremendous controversy surrounded both of Bush's presidential "victories", and he lost the popular vote in 2000. Who is in a position to question whom?

Since the Bush Oligarchy came to power, over 5000 Americans have died in an imperialistic war which the Neocons initiated by flagrant lies. The Patriot Act placed stunning restrictions on the civil liberties of Americans as Bush and the Neocons leveraged the fear inspired by 9/11. Theocracy has crept into what is left of America's democracy through Bush's "faith based initiatives". Corporate interests predominate over the welfare of individuals. At $5.15 per hour, the pitifully low minimum wage has not increased since 1997. Organized labor continues to weaken as union membership has declined to about 12% of the workforce. Greedy, profiteering corporations like Wal-Mart grow exponentially as they strip-mine the American economy. 45 million Americans do not have health insurance and the Oligarchs are deepening the problem by slashing Medicaid's budget. Under Bush, the wealth gap has become a chasm. The top 1% of Americans own 40% of the nation's assets, and lay claim to as much wealth as the bottom 95%. The American government is infested with Neocon disciples of Leo Strauss like Paul Wolfowitz and Karl Rove. American leaders are driven by a Machiavellian lust for power and practice deceit like an art-form.
2011-01-03 12:13:39 UTC
You omit the fact that not only did he let people stay in the presidential palace but he took private homes of people he did not like and gave them to others. So be careful what you wish for, because if you get what you want YOUR home may be the one that gets commandeered and taken over for an emergency (or with Chavez just because he wants to).

Next, most sane and intelligent people dislike Chavez because a communist dictatorship has never worked in all of history


Lastly, what do you think about those rockets Chavez is trying to get to aim at the US?
2011-01-03 12:39:03 UTC
Absolutely spot on, also Socialism is when the government is responsible for providing the people with certain services ie healthcare or aid in an emergency as above. Not the US version in the media which scares them into believing the government will be in their house/face/life controlling everything you do or have.

'Stupid' americans believe everything that comes out of the tv and that they should be rulers of the world because they are the 'best' country in the world, problem is they rarely leave and see what a laughing stock they are to the rest of the world.

Now that you 'own' Iraq america hows that cheap gas going for you?
Clatty Mary
2011-01-05 11:24:53 UTC
I agree.

Chavez was CLEARLY elected by the People, unlike Bush.

Chavez is hated because he will not become a slave to the Bankers and big Oil.

2011-01-03 12:15:45 UTC
*Sigh - more liberal insanity. So I take it you are getting ready to depart and embrace the communism of Venezuela and become a "worker citizen" in the near future? If Chavez is not communist enough then may I suggest Cuba? They have done away with all the "evil capitalists" by a man named Fidel Castro and I am sure you would enjoy the comforts of communism in his country as well.

All I have ever asked of any liberal (aka Marxists & communists) is to simply live what they say they believe in.

Intentional ignorance of the truth = liberal insanity.
2011-01-03 12:26:06 UTC
the displaced people would have been shunted off at gunpoint to makeshift prison camps--like the Superdome--as they were following Hurricane Katrina.

The above tell me that you are

1. A pisspoor troll

2. A child under the age of 10

3. Retarded.

I leave it to you to compute the answer and repair it.
2011-01-03 12:07:53 UTC

"If George Bush had been president, instead of Hugo Chavez, the displaced people would have been shunted off at gunpoint to makeshift prison camps--like the Superdome--as they were following Hurricane Katrina."

It was not a "makeshift prison camp" It was emergency shelter. While there, the "guests" at the superdome raped, robbed, and killed each other. They were never forced to be there, they could leave at any time. They certainly weren't forced there at gun point.
2011-01-03 12:13:46 UTC
Yes, the people of Venezuela elected Chavez. The US needs to mind its own business.I am not a Communist, but I admit Chavez has leadership qualities. He told us too, that Bush was a devil when saying Bush was evil wasn't cool.
Randy F
2011-01-03 12:59:43 UTC
Why would you say that when Ostupid loves Chavez? You are exactly what this country has in store for it if they keep putting these liberal morons in office.
2011-01-03 12:14:40 UTC
Communist Obama is a better leader than Communist Chavez.

Because Communist Obama is not as Communist as Communist Chavez.
2011-01-03 12:49:51 UTC
Go ahead and try to move to Venezuela then. I guarantee once your there you DEFINITELY won't have anything bad to say about him. OR ELSE!
A Voice of Reason
2011-01-03 12:08:54 UTC
No, it's because of his alleged human rights violations.
2011-01-03 12:13:03 UTC
Well said KANYE WEST!!
2011-01-03 12:07:24 UTC
Right on, comrade!...:-)
2011-01-03 12:05:47 UTC

Chavez is a dictator and anyone with two grey cells knows it.
Knowledge Is Power
2011-01-03 12:07:04 UTC
Drunk off kool-aid
2011-01-03 12:04:59 UTC
Yeah yeah, he is such a humanitarian. What a joke.
Anti theist
2011-01-03 12:06:41 UTC
couldn''t agree more

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