Are you THANKFUL to President Obama for his 8 years as President?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Are you THANKFUL to President Obama for his 8 years as President?
203 answers:
2016-11-25 00:30:38 UTC
No, I wish he had never been elected. He, literally did nothing for this country other than create the hugest racial rift since civil war days. He was a babysitter president... he thought he could just come in an make nice and travel and golf and that's all there was to it. The few decisions he did make, eg. Health Care, are disastrous and he has made us more enemies than friends. although he has been very good to our enemies.. like Iran... you have to wonder what he got out of that... they sure don't like us any better. What an idiot he was and is!
2016-11-24 18:54:51 UTC
The only good thing Ovomit did, was get a Republican President elected, a Congressional Republican majority elected, and 30 states dominated by Republicans. Ovomit, with all his hatred for America and Republicans, accomplished NOTHING, except empowering Republicans, which is a pretty cool thing.
2016-11-25 13:21:09 UTC
NO !!!!! Obama has done nothing good for me!!!! I am thankful that Donald J Trump will be our next President as things need to revert back to the old days! This ''political correctness'' needs to go out the window as we have too many crybabies on the system!!! Yes I am old school but the way I see it its better then than it is now!! I think that Trump will be our best President since Reagan and I will argue with anyone about it!!! Thank God that Hillary wont be our President!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2016-11-25 09:08:04 UTC
No. He was easily the most divisive man to hold the office. He pushed a dangerously progressive agenda that was dreamed up more than 50 years ago by the likes of Alinsky, and Cloward and Piven. With the help of a complicit media he has raised racism from near extinction and split America along all sorts of racial and politically motivated lines.
2016-11-26 07:01:56 UTC
I am not thankful for his 8 years because he has pushed the Affordable Care Act, which, in principle, does not work. Think about it. This relies on young people who do not get sick or need surgeries often to get very expensive health insurance to help pay for the elderly and people with conditions, and they are not really held to getting this insurance. It doesn't make a lot of sense.

Next, since I only have 500 characters, I'll name some of the scandals that occurred under him: Benghazi, Fast and Furious, Green Energy, and more. Just pick up a copy of Stonewalled by Sharyl Attkisson, who, by the way, is a liberal and still dislikes what he has done.

The one thing I like that he did was the pushing of gay marriage. It is the government's responsibility to prevent people to use their freedoms to restrain those of others. This is a fundamental rule in order to maintain democracy, and I feel this falls under the 9th amendment.
2016-11-24 09:08:28 UTC
I am thankful that his eight years are coming to an end.
Jake No Chat
2016-11-24 07:13:55 UTC
Thankful that he is leaving would be more like it. I was hopeful when he was first elected. He should never had a 2nd term. Now I hope he just goes away and has a nice pleasant life and stays out of the limelight.
2016-11-25 23:05:19 UTC
Hell ****** no. Id rather have larry the cable guy or donny the retard as president than obama. I feel sorry for people who had to take his orders they deserved a better leader. We all do. When the riots and **** was happening he didnt call the victims family. Hell no he ****** called the peoples family that done the **** obama aint a leader hes a mother ****** traitor and so is hillary
2016-11-25 11:25:34 UTC
no. obamacare is a terrible law and obama did not make the changes he promised, our country is worse off because of hime, AND I VOTED FOR HIM IN 2008!!! his damage to this great natiin will take generations to undo
2016-11-25 09:14:51 UTC
I am thankful that he is leaving in less than 60 days
2016-11-25 06:28:10 UTC
No. He promoted the homosexual agenda and same-sex marriage. An abomination to any nation because it does not help the homosexual and for a leader it does not benefit all the people. When is a President to be concerned about the sexuality of any person? The economy is not better. Health care is not better. The military is weaker. More people than ever on welfare and who pays for these people? When did he consider the taxpayers paying his bill? It is the Middle Class and poor that pay the majority of taxes. The small businesses throughout America keep America running, yet he shut down a Christian baker and photographer. He put the Christian Judge and the Christian County Clerk out of a job.

The states on November 8 said "No More" to Obama and Hillary's way of thinking. Thank God for the Electoral College that allows each state to cast a vote and not the big states to run the country like California, New York and Texas. Rural America and Christian America stood up and voted down Obama's

America. Californian's will NOT determine who runs this nation; all states will be involved and benefited by their Electoral College votes.
2016-11-26 13:06:45 UTC
No. I am not thankful to President Obama for his 8 years as Supreme Leader. Americans who think the Presidency is some kind of prize for the "most deserving" person put Obama into office. Unfortunately IT''S A REAL JOB! Obama has been an abject failure as President. Obamacare and doubling of the federal debt to $20T are two obvious problems, but the worst thing is the loss of freedom in the world. Millions more people in the world are less free because of Obama's weakness and stupidity. They certainly aren't thankful, so why should you be?
2016-11-26 03:11:30 UTC
Yeah, I think so. I am not interested in any sort of extremist arguments from either side. He has made some tough decisions along the way but I do not doubt his sincerity in making decisions which he thought were right for his country.

Unfortunately, I think he has been a victim of human behavior and this alarming phenomena which is now in existence of 'internet snowballing'. When it comes down to it, sadly, when large groups of people get together, what you find is that often the most wilful amongst them, including sociopaths, have a tendency to lead others like a herd.

Having established the rights of minority groups and particularly the LGBTQ, what we have witnessed in recent times is individuals within that group taking matters too far and becoming the one thing that the Law was supposed to safeguard against - extremists.

These extremists seemingly want to suppress all forms of conflicting morality and silence all who oppose them and their life styles.

I suppose the biggest clue was that individuals, after they suffered a loss in the election, responded by burning the national flag. This is a disgracefully unacceptable and almost unforgivable behavior. If you do not like the democratic system, to the extent of burning the flag and therefore spitting in the faces of all those brave American men and women who have laid down their lives defending their country and it's integrity, you have a choice ..... to leave.

What it demonstrates is that many of these individuals care less about their country and it's democratic system than they do about their own personal interests.

This is something that President Obama could surely not have envisaged and so it is hard to fault him in a situation where many of the people who he has supported have betrayed him by showing their true colors.

He was the first black president and that was one of the greatest achievements in American history.

I just can't help feeling that someone or something just wouldn't allow that ground to be reclaimed.

Yes, I do know what it is all about and I sincerely hope that Mr Trump will take heed of people who are able to analyse all of these events to ascertain what exactly has happened to the minutest detail for the greater good of the American people and ultimately for the good of all humanity.

The internet is now an exceptionally dangerous place. Anyone who is oblivious to the dangers needs to wake up to the reality right now.

Otherwise, Mr Obama has been a great ambassador for his country but he was always fighting a losing battle for reasons beyond his control and beyond most people's understanding.


p.s. don't just take my word for it, look around.
Andy F
2016-11-25 18:51:48 UTC
On the whole, yes. I'm thankful. The biggest thing Obama has done for me is what he did for the entire society, which is to rescue the US financial system from a possibly total collapse in 2009 and push through an economic stimulus plan that -- too slowly, and too incompletely -- has since brought down US unemployment rates and caused the wages for many Americans to rise.

Caveat: President Obama also has disappointed me in many ways, since he has made some mistakes, as every president does. I don't consider him any kind of "messiah."

As a democratic socialist, I also have to say I expected him not to be a socialist president, but just a smarter capitalist president than many we've had. And I still admire him for his honesty in expressing his opposition to George Bush's stupid and illegal invasion of Iraq in 2003. Obama in campaigning against Hillary Clinton for her pro-war vote said that he wasn't a pacifist, and wasn't opposed to all wars, but he was opposed to stupid ones. I think his foreign policy choices have mostly shown the truth of that statement.

He is another US president in a long line who's basically committed to this country operating a global empire, and as a socialist I'm opposed to that. But I think he's smarter about how to maintain that empire than Bush & Cheney were, and less evil & bloodthirsty than Ronald Reagan and George HW Bush were in the 1980s.

-- democratic socialist for truth & realism in US political debate, not more stupid rhetoric
2016-11-26 09:36:48 UTC
Very thankful! He turned hatred into hope, and fostered the acceptance of all people. He saved us from the Great Recession caused by the Republican president before him, taking a country that was losing 200,000 jobs a week when Bush left office, and turning it around saving millions of people. He got millions of people healthcare who previously did not have any. AND he kept the hatred that is now sweeping this country in the wake of the Trump election at bay for 8 years. I can only imagine how REALLY great things would be now if only the Republicans had cooperated with him instead of trying to sabotage his every move. And to all you hate filled people out there who love to thumbs down any positive comments about Obama: Your thumbs down does NOT change the truth! It just exposes you as pathetic, ignorant haters who lack the intellectual and moral capacity to grasp the reality of the situation.
2016-11-25 05:56:19 UTC
Been waiting 8 years for Obama to take my guns and all I got was health insurance.

Yes. He was not the very, very best we could ask for (too authoritarian, doesn't help with some issues like DAPL, no great boost in economy), but thank God he was elected to stop the US from going into a second Great Depression and for making huge steps forward with Gay rights and universal healthcare. His economic policy in his first 2 years was brilliant in jump-starting the economy. He made more policy for the people his next 2 years. After that, he couldn't make a cup of coffee without Congress rejecting it.
2016-11-25 09:03:48 UTC
We are still here and better off than we were when he first stepped in office 8 years ago. kept us from hitting the very bottom in the recession that brought the banks down by the money hungry pocket stuffers on wall street and the oval office before Obama. The President as a man kept integrity alive lets see what Trump does and what The first lady can pull off other than her clothes. The Obama's whole family kept their presence as clean, upright and polished. Well mannered, polite and most of all kept the family the most important thing of all while running the government. shall we even bring up gas prices, something Bush remained rich on during his 8yrs on office. I could continue but these stick out the most in my mind. Not one president has ever completed his promises not even close so why the stiffness with Obama? Are you just pissed that he did as well as he did with what he was left with by the Administration i'm sure you voted for! Can you list anything that Bush had completely accomplished from start to finish on his own in his 8 years. other than hunting with the boys living most of his term on the woods of on the lake. excuse me but when did the towers come down? under who's Term? I can't even wait to see what happens next. The officer before brought this country to its knees and lets see what this loud mouth Bass has to offer us. If we will be around to even gloat. PEACE!
Random Guy
2016-11-26 16:42:45 UTC
No, he's an overall mediocre president who spend much of the time apologizing to everyone while flip flopping on his actions and yet blames Bush for some mishaps that would occur. Only thing I am thankful for was when Osama finally gets knocked off in 2011 but that's one moment out of how many?
2016-11-27 18:08:35 UTC
I'm not American but as a Northern Irish person I'm thankful. When he visited Northern Ireland during the G8 he went to an Integrated primary school beside my high school. He was a smart man when it came to public relations. He understood how division is in Northern Ireland. Him going to that primary school with David Cameron meant a lot. It showed they were standing against schools segregating based on religious persuasion. He made speeches with Michelle Obama too, they were inspiring. The rest of the world saw a new America. An America that was finally moving forward when it came to race, gender equality, gun laws and healthcare. We thought you were all going to be a nation we could look to for guidance. We saw your black president and elected a Muslim mayor of London. I thought America would be "great again". But then you elected Trump and we all sighed and thought 'you were doing so well'. Two feet forward five feet back. At least Obama tried.
Dave W
2016-11-26 16:30:12 UTC
NO! Im thankful the 8 years of incompetence is òver. He's left the country in worse shape ànd done nothing for those he claims supported him. Worst president ever.
2016-11-26 16:50:15 UTC
Absolutely ! More people have jobs. Property values are up. The economy is good. Medical care is excellent. One of our truly great intellectual and caring presidents.

We thought W was the pits as president. "We ain't seen nothin' yet." Just wait to see how the Donald wrecks our lives. He will make Attilla the Hun and old man Adolf look wise, warm and fuzzy.
2016-11-25 22:26:36 UTC
Yes, Obama was the best president this country had. Bush was the worst because he did 9/11 and killed all of those people. I will definitely miss Obama ❤️
Smokies Hiker
2016-11-26 19:24:25 UTC
No way! He has divided this once great country more than any other president I can think of! He has chosen to get involved in certain problems while he ignores others, just proving that he doesn't care about racism in the United States.
2016-11-24 07:32:51 UTC
Are you THANKFUL to President Obama for his 8 years as President?

Hmm, ASKING or HATE MONGERING like so many stupid people / haters beings one politician ( including Presidents ) are NOT all powerful > his & Hillary's RACE BAITING emboldened asshats to MURDER but politicians are not all too blame > A Govt is only a reflection of its People !
2016-11-24 20:12:20 UTC
When President Obama took office, my retirement, which had been on track to take place at 60, was then looking bleak. Because of the ARRA and the ACA I was able to retire in 2013 at age 60
2016-11-26 19:43:05 UTC
He helped restore the economy, brought down Al-Queda and helped create a more diverse and welcoming society (though Grandma Nixon and the Screaming Carrot Demon tore that apart) to everyone, regardless of their race, gender or sexuality. I say he has been a brilliant president, god bless him and I hope he has a peaceful retirement.

Let me guess, I'll get at least 50 down votes and some death threats.
2016-11-25 13:52:05 UTC
No. Obama has done more harm than good. He's tripled our debt. He's bowed down to corrupt foreign countries. He's promoted racism, looting, and riots. He's tried to infringe on the second amendment. He's done nothing to address immigration. Nothing to address Islamic terrorism. He's depleted our military. As far as I'm concerned...he's the worst president in U.S. history. Go Trump!!!
darrin b
2016-11-24 08:40:33 UTC
I am.

And I will miss them come January 20, 2017.

They are one class act. And they are a tough act to follow.

Thank you so much President and First Lady Obama. You all were the best!!!!
2016-11-28 00:31:44 UTC
Reading these remarks above about Pres. Obama, shows me how much hate there is in this world, he is a good man who tried to help make changes that allowed all Americans to have a equal foot in the world. Straight, gay or what ever we all deserve equal rights in our world. You folks that don't understand the real world out there need to get off your *** and leave the farm and come into a big city and see how the other half lives and and the same for city people get out of the city and see our amazing country side. I can honestly say Obama gave it it a good try and deserves respect of the American people.
2016-11-24 07:11:36 UTC
Not too bad. Could have been better. He should have rolled back more of W's policies regarding human rights, citizens right to privacy. But then again, he is just a CIA asset like the Clinton's so we shouldn't have expected him to do much about surveillance and Guantanamo and other CIA interests.
2016-11-26 11:37:26 UTC
Nope, no way, no how. He did not leave the USA better than he found it when his Presidential term began.

He did absolutely nothing for me and my family other than make healthcare unaffordable for my sons, who no longer live at home.

Allowing Hillary Clinton in the White House as Secretary of State did not turn out very well, now did that?

I will be glad when I do not have to hear his voice filled with lies.
2016-11-26 15:54:13 UTC
Yeah mate, Obama's term was the best 8 years of my life!

Cheers from Manchester xx <3
2016-11-27 00:34:02 UTC
2016-11-26 06:15:03 UTC
I 100% am. Now we just need Michelle Obama to run for president!
2016-11-24 21:42:40 UTC
Yes, indeed. He IS and was classy throughout his Presidency. He was given a raw deal by the Repukes in Congress and all the lies they fabricated will not change the fact that he kept his cool and was very diplomatic with the adversarial, treacherous (bordering on treason) mutts in Congress, the worst Congresses (during his 1st and 2nd terms of office) with the lowest approval ratings in the history of Congress, having accomplished next to nothing, just sitting around scheming against the President for 8 years, with their historical number of obstructions and filibusters (amounting to almost half of all the filibusters in the history of congress). America regained respect worldwide with President Obama and Mrs Obama. Here's how classy he is, Obama and Michelle as well as Bill and Hillary Clinton are very cordial and known to be extremely friendly with Bush-daddy and Momma Bush, as well as with Duhbya and Laura, and can all set their political differences aside and enjoy a healthy, caring friendship... but fanatical Cons seem to hate Obama & Michelle AND Bill and Hillary Clinton without ever having met them... what a sad world we live in when some use political differences to justify hate! I never voted for any of the Bushes, yet I've maintained a degree of respect for them.
2016-11-27 00:28:48 UTC
2016-11-25 22:46:58 UTC
Well I'm certainly thankful Obama will no longer be our president.
2016-11-27 08:26:55 UTC
Nope. I think he has taken race relations a giant step backward (like into the late 50's). As well, I haven't found work in over 5 years, so I don't see how our economy has improved with him at the helm.
2016-11-26 22:02:31 UTC
There are some things he did that I don't agree with, but overall, yes. I respect him as a president and he did some good things as well
Mir Quasem
2016-11-27 00:10:20 UTC
2016-11-26 07:40:41 UTC

but we paid him $400,000 per year.

He did a nice job along with the Congress, getting us out of the recession. He and the Congress made a lot of changes to Medicare (within the ACA and now MACRA) to make it the best healthcare program in the US.

I especially like the Improper Payment Elimination and Recovery Act (IMPERA of 2010) and IMPERIA of 2012. You would have though some Conservative would have come up with those, but Conservatives have fought some of the mechanism in those laws, like the Recovery Audit Contractors.
2016-11-24 22:08:53 UTC
2016-11-27 13:00:25 UTC
I'm fine with him and mainly thankful for what he did. Personally I think Obama would have been able to do a lot more if the Senate had actually cooperated with him instead of getting so caught up into parties.
2016-11-26 17:37:24 UTC
Yes. He pushed same sex marriage and was a good person in general.

Congress is the one who's in charge of most of the things that go on. Like obamacare. Stop blaming Obama.
2016-11-26 08:16:27 UTC
Oh yes! Absolutely! I have thoroughly enjoyed the four pay cuts and finally the layoff that I received through Obama's economic policies. And the fantastic race relations along with being divided along socio-economic lines has been wonderful.
2016-11-24 07:18:28 UTC

The ACA probably saved my life. I didn't have any health insurance for many yrs. I was extremely reluctant to see a doctor. Once I got insured, the reluctance greatly diminished. I made an appt. I would never have made w/o insurance and they caught something early that had the potential to be terminal.
2016-11-27 06:51:40 UTC
Yes, very. Probably our best president. He made gay marriage legal, and I'm gay. He also passed the Trans bathroom law, which is good. And has tried to be friends with other world leader,s because we don't need to be jerks to them and make them mad at the U.S. He has done a very good job as president, yet no one recognizes all the good things he has done becuase he is black.
2016-11-24 19:36:36 UTC
2016-11-26 10:53:33 UTC
2016-11-26 16:40:35 UTC
No! I am not thankful to Obama! because he helped destroy Christian Marriage by oviserating the Defense of Marriage Act and by not condemning the Supreme Court when it legislated from the Bench and negated all the marriage laws in all of the States which then violated the Constitution by not separating Federal Law from State Law which the Constitution demands. These acts relegated true Christian marriage to the ash heap of history, and diminished humanity, because the purpose of marriage is to originate and perpeptuate in existance the Human Race in existence!
2016-11-26 20:24:18 UTC
I am thankful because he has put forward more liberal ideals in society (which has translated into an increasingly liberal young adult generation- almost all states would have been blue states in the recent election had only millennials voted) and has made progress in areas such as social equity and affordable health care. Personally, I am thankful for his support of the LGBTQ+ community as a lesbian myself.
2016-11-26 18:09:36 UTC
No. He was just the 3d Bush administration. His historical importance was that he confirmed the Unitary Executive police state, and began the Kill List. Otherwise, the first Black president was in Haiti, a couple centuries ago.
2016-11-26 16:41:48 UTC
Yes. The economy was a complete disaster when he took office. Now it's going pretty good.

In eight years after the Repukes have completely destroyed it again, we will have to get another Demopfhag to clean it up and straighten it out.

True... true.
2016-11-24 17:53:47 UTC
Okay. You people who are giving Obama ****.... ******* STOP IT!! He did his best, he helped our economy the best he could. After the Bushes and the past presidents bringing us into debt, Obama helped big time. [Do your god damn research!] His Obamacare was supposed to be like an insurance idea from Europe, Medicine be free for all; but the stupid Congress said no and to change it, so after many 'suggestions,' we have the current Obama care. He is pro-everything I believe in too; LGBT, IMMIGRATION (HELPING THEM), AND ETC.
2016-11-24 09:43:44 UTC
I'm thankful that this man who wasn't the same color as all the president before him showed the racists in this country how ignorant they are towards people that don't look the same as them. Other than that he didn't do that great but he didn't do that bad while he was there.
2016-11-24 07:01:28 UTC
Yes thank you Obama for destroying America so badly that the people elected a reality tv star as your replacement.
2016-11-25 21:00:45 UTC
Yes, I am thankful that his 8 years helped to get Mr. Trump elected, otherwise, NO, but I will settle for Trump's win.
2016-11-26 20:23:21 UTC
2016-11-24 18:50:29 UTC
2016-11-25 18:11:01 UTC
Yes.I respect Mr.President Barack Hussein Obama and thankful to him not only as a president but a man for all the seasons!!What didn't he do globally or internationally to re-establish peace all around the world!!!?YES,YES,YES....Factwriting is his moral guidelines too!!!Justice Rights,....
2016-11-25 19:08:57 UTC
2016-11-26 15:09:13 UTC
NO! He's by far the worst president this country has ever had. He's a socialist dictator and wants to do nothing except destroy this country.
2016-11-25 08:28:48 UTC
Yes, now Jimmy Carter is no longer the worst president in history.
2016-11-26 11:53:15 UTC
Yes!!!!!!! We are better off than we were in many ways than we were eight years ago. We are more inclusive as a society, respecting each others rights, our economy was saved from collapse, millions enjoy healthcare benefits they did not have, he put on a good fight for the poor and disenfranchised.
Jon B
2016-11-24 22:41:34 UTC
THANKFUL? are you KIDDING?!? lets look at the DAMAGE he CAUSED downgraded US Credit from AAA to AA+renewable energy FAILURE got us MORE in dept($20 TRILLION+&counting)Obozocare DISASTER set race relations back 50 years making secret deals with KNOWN terrorists MOST welfare recipients in US History gave Iran the green light on developing nuclear weapons SEVERELY cut down our Military to record lows making us weak vulnerable unsafe & susceptible to an attack Radical Islam terrorist sympathisers in his OWN cabinet lets his buddies like Al Sharpton skate on 6 million dollars he OWES in BACK TAXES scared shitless of Vladimir Putin WIDE open border not knowing who or what is coming into this country record #s of infectious diseases Obozo is the WORST potus we've EVER had in HISTORY & i can't WAIT until we flush that gay muslim TURD and his tranny down the 🚽 ONCE & FOR ALL!!!!!
2016-11-24 20:41:06 UTC
Obama pulled us out of the Recession of 2008 ok give him credit that he deserves. Under his presidency unemployment rate has diminished and our country has been prospering.
2016-11-24 08:04:48 UTC
Yes I am, from 0-10 I give him a 6.0 overall
Nick Danger
2016-11-24 19:05:49 UTC
History will show that he was the best president ever, and the next four years will be the worst, if not the last for America.
2016-11-26 07:40:56 UTC
I voted for obama 2x first time for hope and change .. second time cus of the absolute garbage the rrepublicans chose to run against him. and i am so upset at the obama (bush tax cuts, romney care, wealth inequity, survelliance state etc.. ) that i will never vote republican again (unless it's sanders). obama lied to us to get elected. so i voted for trump (never again a clinton or a bush or any of their friends) and now already.. trump has lied to us to get elected.. he shoudl b e changed with election fraud.. and tossed in prison for 50 years. TOSS HER IN JAIL got him elected.. when he had no intention of tossing her in jail.. he used lies and fraud to win the election.. trump should not be president.
2016-11-26 08:05:06 UTC
I definitely think his time in office is and should be up. He did a lot of things I didn't approve of, such as bowing down (so to speak) to Muslims and terrorists. He was too sympathetic towards them and wanting to allow a Mosque to be built on the site of the twin towers made me sick to my stomach.
2016-11-27 06:11:12 UTC
Not especially - delighted Trump won - although Obama was a whole load less bad than Clinton and her crooked bunch.
2016-11-28 18:42:42 UTC
He did a good job the past 8 years despite the hate from the right and republicans blocking any progress in our nation. Next 4 years will go to pot.
2016-11-26 14:21:04 UTC
Yes, I love Obama. He's awesome.
2016-11-26 14:12:26 UTC
I'm thankful for having a black president. That's it.
2016-11-29 10:35:51 UTC
no... he was easily the most divisive man to hold the office... he pushed a dangerously progressive agenda that was dreamed up more than 50 years ago by the likes of alinsky, and cloward and piven... with the help of a complicit media he has raised racism from near extinction and split america along all sorts of racial and politically motivated lines...
Atsa me Atsa you?
2016-11-26 16:14:00 UTC
NOTHING. I only hope and pray for the money I have to pay out every month for health care, because some won't work, I end up paying for them, I hope it hits Obama lovers somehow, someway...something, anything.
Rick Ekene Ukwu-Onwo
2016-11-27 00:14:39 UTC
well, i'll say he did okay; he did the best he could. I'll score him a 7/10 ... President Trump will take it from here,, and make America Great again!!
2016-11-25 06:25:42 UTC
No. Worst president ever!
2016-11-25 08:39:34 UTC
Absolutely. Even more considering Trump is the next president.
2016-11-26 07:07:59 UTC
I'm grateful that we can now get back on track since this whole "never had a black president" thing is dealt with.
2016-11-24 07:00:00 UTC
Yes, he took the USA from it's lowest moment in 60 years and actually saved America from itself inspite of 7 years of a non-cooperative GOP......JOB WELL DONE
2016-11-28 09:16:40 UTC

It's NOT too late to get rid of Trump!!! We can still get Donald Trump out of The Oval Office. It's NOT too late!!!! Come on! It's time to stand up and FIGHT!!! We need to stop being so nice!! We don't want this guy representing The USA!! We are better than this.

>>>>>>>The "election" you saw on November 8, WAS FOR TV RATINGS.<<<<<<< We have been played. It was just a guesstimate of who would win.

##### What to do?!? #####

>>>>>The "real" election is December 19. (US Constitution, Article II, Amendment 12) The Electors of The Electoral College haven't voted yet- they vote on December 19th. Donald isn't "locked in" as President-Elect until the Electors vote. If we tell the Electors what we want, and how we want them to vote, it could happen.

The Founding Fathers wrote this method of overriding the people's vote just in case something went wrong- for example just like this. All we have to do is use this method. It hasn't been done before, but we could give it a try.

(1) Go to the website: and sign The Petition. Make sure you get the right one. It is entitled: "Electoral College: Make Hillary Clinton President on December 19"- it is usually on the first page. We currently have 4.5+ MILLION signatures!!!

(2) Write to the Electors of The Electoral College and request save the country, and vote Trump OUT of the Office of President!!! Start with the Electors in the state that you reside. THIS was the reason the Founding Fathers designed this clause in The US Constitution!! Let's use it!

(3) Please tell everyone you know that wants Donald Trump OUT of The Oval Office about this. >>>The REAL election voting for president occurs on December 19 when the Electors of The Electoral College vote. We are running out of time!! Tell everyone you know that wants Donald Trump OUT of The Oval Office about this! The people have spoken! >>>HILLARY CLINTON ALREADY WON THE POPULAR VOTE!!!

Come on people! It's time to save our country and stand up and FIGHT!!!!
2016-11-25 10:43:26 UTC
2016-11-26 19:09:06 UTC
No. Obama promoted the degradation of human society by campaigning to normalize abominable behavior.
2016-11-26 14:57:37 UTC
I'm thankful the country is still here in spite of Obama
2016-11-26 20:13:56 UTC
YES and it is awful that the most decent President we ever must hand the Keys to our House, The White House, to the filthiest character ever residing there,
2016-11-26 03:34:25 UTC
No ! Not a good president material !
2016-11-26 14:39:22 UTC
yes. he had to clean up bushs' shyt and still ppl were ungrateful. he did the best he could during his run and those who hate him will see how much worse it can be now that that trump idiot is in office. they will wish obama never left.

what he did for me was give hope me and to those like me (black ppl), that we can make it as far as he did and demand respect from anybody, even entire countries, without compromising our integrity and who we are.
Animal lover
2016-11-27 01:07:18 UTC
I like him . He may not have helped a lot but he done his best and his definitely not the worst President we have had.
2016-11-28 12:02:05 UTC
Would you be thankful if you had a pimple on your @$$ for 8 years?
2016-11-26 14:23:56 UTC
I'm very mixed. He did great tings like the Iranian deal but also horrific things such as pushing for the TPP.
2016-11-27 12:23:38 UTC
I'm thankful he can't get another four years in office. Does that count?
Marina 1
2016-11-24 08:23:50 UTC
Yes! Beaver spoke my mind. If Obama had the support of a working Republican Congress, he would have accomplished so much more
2016-11-27 10:53:05 UTC
After 2 years america realized the mistake they made and gave him a republican congress to effectively stop him.
2016-11-25 13:43:26 UTC
Of course

2016-11-27 07:53:09 UTC
No I'm thankful for white supremacy
2016-11-28 21:44:41 UTC
Yes.He got rid of Osama Bin Laden and almost closing on Baghdadi.
2016-11-27 16:48:14 UTC
No. I don't own stock in Goldman Sachs or Wellpoint. I work for a living, so he did nothing for me.
2016-11-25 08:56:18 UTC
I'm thankful the Earth isn't in a longer orbit around the Sun.
2016-11-28 13:06:32 UTC
Well, he hasn't been great but theres been way worse presidents than him.
2016-11-26 15:30:56 UTC
2016-11-26 05:44:20 UTC
2016-11-27 16:27:24 UTC
I'm thankful I'm still alive and well. Yes.
2016-11-26 16:51:16 UTC
Yes siirrr
2016-11-26 18:51:50 UTC
No. Only fascist enforce health care programs that the public never got to vote for.
2016-11-25 08:03:00 UTC
No. I am thankful his reign of unconstitutional dictatorship via Executive Order is done.
2016-11-26 13:35:17 UTC
I am thankful that he soon will no longer be president and that his chosen one lost.
2016-11-25 17:20:46 UTC
After what he did for nearly a decade, why would I be thankful for Obama and his slack.
2016-11-25 13:20:07 UTC
no...He is weak, with a big loud mouth that sounds good until it came down to stepping up to the plate....bowed down to people...apologized to countries.....yup yup yup...weak weak weak wimp wimp this horrible world we need to be strong again. Obama played golf and spent the taxpayers money on trips all over the world....
2016-11-24 11:40:03 UTC
If we can thank veterans for killing a bunch of innocent civilians overseas, then we can certainly thank a President for making that happen. So, let us give thanks to all of our politicians for their service to this nation.
2016-11-26 15:20:26 UTC
NO!!! He should have been gone after his first term He done nothing for the seniors and put some of them on welfare and other programs they did not want. Glad he is gone.
2016-11-25 13:04:03 UTC
Of course. I'm a islamic, communist, transsexual feminist and I hate America but refuse to leave.
2016-11-25 21:02:58 UTC
2016-11-26 09:46:44 UTC
Presidents are all the matter who you vote for, the government always gets in...
2016-11-26 07:38:30 UTC
No, I still don't have a job and my teachers will not quit lying about me. They work for a public, government school, mind you.
2016-11-26 20:17:53 UTC
I consider him to be one of the worst presidents in my lifetime.
2016-11-26 19:20:26 UTC
Helllllllllllllllll NOOOOOOO!
2016-11-26 01:51:28 UTC
Thankful for doubling our national debt?... Wouldn't think so
2016-11-26 10:36:35 UTC
2016-11-27 14:46:50 UTC
When did you enter into a comma? Oh it must have been almost 8 years ago you moron.
2016-11-27 20:09:52 UTC
I think so, but I don't think most of us saw it until the 2016 presidential election, because's pretty self explanatory. but i'm only 15 so "what should I know"
2016-11-25 06:54:25 UTC
About as much as I would having a dull stick shoved in my eye.
2016-11-26 20:57:05 UTC
Yes. Now we can blame all Trumps failures on what he inherited
2016-11-26 18:11:09 UTC
No he is a muslim and decided to avenge Islam and force it on America, its absolutely disgusting and wrong.
2016-11-27 03:36:14 UTC
Yup. And those who couldnt afford health care he used obamacare
2016-11-24 07:04:24 UTC
What's to be thankful for? That he failed and we aren't all yet wearing towels on our head?
2016-11-25 09:57:06 UTC
Nope. He cause my health insurance to go up in price for one thing
2016-11-25 09:21:28 UTC
Yes I am
2016-11-25 11:32:00 UTC
The great divider did nothing for the United States.
2016-11-26 13:37:50 UTC

I wish he had a flesh eating virus and was dying a slow agonizing death.
Vinegar Taster
2016-11-27 07:50:56 UTC
I'm thankful he's leaving office .
2016-11-25 06:22:30 UTC
Yes. He was most decent and responsible person in US goverment.
2016-11-25 12:00:22 UTC
I suffered everytime I saw or heard his voice. Now your turn mate
2016-11-25 17:57:10 UTC
NO, we are more racially divided, less successful and more open to our enemies. GO AWAY OBAMA!
2016-11-24 07:07:30 UTC
Hmm! Burp!
2016-11-25 12:21:38 UTC
You must be an Obama.
2016-11-25 21:05:43 UTC
Nope. Thankful it is almost over though.
2016-11-26 02:14:19 UTC
I wish he would move back to his native Havaii and leave the rest of the country alone.
2016-11-24 22:39:58 UTC
No, he wanted it, so he had to do it, though with making a lot of mistakes and wrong decisions.
2016-11-25 17:06:09 UTC
Yes he did well even though the gop co ck blocked him the entire time
I Egg
2016-11-27 15:46:07 UTC
2016-11-26 23:30:54 UTC
2016-11-24 22:00:14 UTC
τhε Sαgιτταrιαη
2016-11-26 07:18:31 UTC
Yep. We'll never get another like him.
2016-11-26 14:43:52 UTC

I HATE Obama!
2016-11-25 16:35:18 UTC
2016-11-27 08:22:21 UTC
2016-11-27 22:08:03 UTC
No because he didn't do ******** for the US.
Gerry G
2016-11-26 05:00:12 UTC
Nope, not one bit. There is now so much to repair.
Polar Bear
2016-11-26 21:16:23 UTC
Most of the time all he did was party!
2016-11-24 11:08:01 UTC
Roy clark said it best. thank god and greyhound hes gone.
2016-11-26 19:26:44 UTC
I m thankful the failure is going in a couple months !!!
2016-11-25 21:56:35 UTC
**** every president
2016-11-26 18:41:22 UTC
Yes i am
2016-11-26 14:53:34 UTC
2016-11-26 13:32:20 UTC
your party now fellas, now buzzard food
2016-11-26 21:48:10 UTC
2016-11-24 07:03:07 UTC
I`m thankfull that he`s going away soon.
2016-11-26 07:07:22 UTC
Thankful it will soon be over.
2016-11-26 17:10:42 UTC
"President" Obozo is a phony, an abject failure and the WORST "president" in U.S. history - period.
2016-11-26 16:41:01 UTC

He made socialism closer.
2016-11-27 20:33:18 UTC
I am thankful that he is leaving office.
2016-11-26 09:52:58 UTC
If I had to piss on him and his family I would not miss trust me!
2016-11-26 11:48:20 UTC
Yes he the best
2016-11-26 12:23:44 UTC
I will NEVER be thankful for that liberal. Bottom line!
2016-11-25 19:33:24 UTC
I am thankful and now we all see.
2016-11-25 04:43:25 UTC
very respect thankful
2016-11-27 06:41:40 UTC
no.the debt it going to hurt all of us except for the rich.
2016-11-28 13:25:59 UTC
no he said that he was going to help the homeless but he didn't!!!!!
gods creation
2016-11-26 20:12:41 UTC
yes. i doubt we will hear better answer on sad questions.
2016-11-24 07:03:20 UTC
2016-11-26 16:41:32 UTC
2016-11-25 07:06:57 UTC
Okay. Did his work.
2016-11-25 13:25:24 UTC
No. he was unsuccessful in all his plans
2016-11-25 09:57:55 UTC
No - but the "race industry" sure is.
2016-11-26 12:05:32 UTC
2016-11-26 08:44:01 UTC
no to many scandals
2016-11-26 08:07:44 UTC
2016-11-27 15:40:19 UTC
2016-11-27 08:15:12 UTC
2016-11-26 07:15:05 UTC
2016-11-25 11:07:51 UTC
2016-11-25 08:46:20 UTC
Lex Lodge
2016-11-26 03:30:18 UTC
Not really.
2016-11-24 07:01:24 UTC
2016-11-29 13:51:17 UTC
very much indeed...this is not even up for debate....
2016-11-25 11:29:26 UTC
well it MUST BE the bonus question
2016-11-28 13:19:09 UTC
2016-11-26 18:04:58 UTC
no no no
2016-11-27 12:01:09 UTC
Hell no
2016-11-29 19:25:57 UTC
2016-11-26 14:50:50 UTC
2016-11-26 11:09:33 UTC
2016-11-26 12:02:25 UTC
2016-11-27 05:31:56 UTC
Oh HELL no
2016-11-26 16:37:53 UTC
L M A O ! ! !
2016-11-25 16:57:47 UTC
2016-11-26 15:15:46 UTC
2016-11-26 10:04:44 UTC
hell no
2016-11-27 09:55:49 UTC
2016-11-24 16:38:04 UTC
HEll NO !
2016-11-26 11:38:43 UTC
Yes, thanks for nothing.
2016-11-28 09:19:24 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.