Can we (FTC) pull the license of Conservative Talk Radio?
*~Karnac the Magnificent~*
2009-07-02 10:33:22 UTC
In order to get around free speech could we pull the license of talk radio for not meeting community needs?

Then we liberals would have total control of Schools K Thru College, TV (Major networks) Newpapers and eventually talk radio if this works. Then the Conservatives would not have a voice and we could do as we wish.
33 answers:
2009-07-02 11:00:14 UTC
Oh sweetie. I am sure a way will be found. It is absolutely essential to stop conservative radio and also to get Fox News either totally discredited or off the air.

One of the first tasks for a successful dictatorship is to totally control the media and the school system, gain control over the economy and disarm the populace. Once control has been achieved it is very simple to pull a few strings to change the constitution to remain in power indefinitely.

I think Obama is doing a fantastic job!!!
2009-07-02 10:41:06 UTC
According to Congressional Democrats, that is indeed the plan. All honest people know that RATINGS prove if a show meets community needs or not, which is why 100% of Democrats oppose using that system. Instead, they intend to politically redefine it with the STATED aim of suppressing dissent.

Democrats say that almost 5% of voters EVER hear as much as ONE entire segment (11 minutes plus commercials) of conservative talk and that the Democrat agenda positively cannot withstand that many people hearing any dissent.
2009-07-02 11:38:37 UTC
Actually, that would be a function of the FCC and the answer is still 'No'... but perhaps not for the reasons that you might think. Putting the partisanship aside to focus on the REAL fairness issue... everyone, the FCC especially, has been 'asleep at the wheel' while a handful of conglomerates bought up the mass media.

Over the past four decades, and with the government's (via FCC) help, media conglomerates have steadily gobbled up media outlets across the country and stifled dissenting viewpoints with cross-media (print, radio, TV) ownership in concentrated geographical areas. The airwaves for example were declared as OURS (public domain), yet media outlets no longer must prove that they are serving the public interests in order to get their licenses renewed. Instead, they just send in a card for renewal and our opinions are no longer part of the process. We aren't going to get straight answers about the FCC and media ownership from the mainstream media because it better serves their interests to 'divide and conquer' us with wedge issues like the 'Fairness Doctrine".

-- Why the Fairness Doctrine is Anything But Fair

-- 10 Facts Kevin Martin Doesn’t Want You to Know About His New Media Ownership Rules
2009-07-02 10:41:34 UTC
To GET free speech? You mean the talk show hosts that you disagree with are not expressing free speech? You people are pathetic. That's one thing I admire about Joy Behar from The View who's a flaming liberal. She believes in free speech even if she disagrees with it. You should take a page from her book.

Oh, and you don't have total control through schools. There are many of us teachers who are conservatives, hon. Don't fool yourself.

And by the way, the FCC would have to pull the license, NOT the Federal TRADE Commission (FTC). Yeah, let's give the liberals total control.
Daniel T
2009-07-02 11:05:05 UTC
Of course you're a troll. A true liberal would deny that their agenda was control.

As for your question, you must certainly mean the FCC (Federal Communications Commission), not the FTC (Federal Trade Commission). You also must be referring to the so-called "Fairness Doctrine", which gave the FCC authority to require radio stations to give "equal time" to opposing viewpoints in its programming. The "Fairness Doctrine" was abolished in 1987. The FCC cannot "pull the license" of conservative talk radio.

As for bringing it back, both Nancy Pelosi and Hillary Clinton have mentioned "fixing" talk radio, but neither the Obama administration nor most liberal members of Congress have the stomach for that fight.
Smug Liberal
2009-07-02 10:45:00 UTC
Heck no, we need to keep them where they are. Look, conservatives are always bragging about "ratings" and how so many more people listen to their programs and watch Fox News. But really, look how effective that is. Let them have their ratings, and we liberals will take the election victories. Bragging about their media ratings is really about all they have left in this country.

Edit: I completely agree with you about the 2nd Amendment. If we can't repeal it, then all we have to do is appoint enough liberal justices to the Supreme Court to correctly re-interpret it to what it actually is, a state's right to form a militia, not a personal right. Conservative radio has nothing to do with it though. With the changing demographics, conservative white people are shrinking as a proportion of the electorate with every election cycle. Keep the radio on, it will be fun to listen to them cry.
2009-07-02 10:41:45 UTC
Leave it to the liberals to find another way to put more people out of work and dependent on the government. Why is it that liberal talk radio doesn't seem to work as well as conservative talk radio? You would think that with all the liberals we would be bombarded with liberal talk radio.

Besides what difference does it make? Is it a threat to the liberals? It must be because they all want to get rid of it. As well as FOX News. Then Obama can just give us all the koolaid and we don't have to think anymore and the government will take care of us. Maybe that isn't such a bad idea.
2009-07-02 10:39:24 UTC
That's ridiculous...

If the talk radio does not meet the community's needs, the community is free to boycott the radio station by refusing to patronize advertisers, or just refuse to listen in general.

You are also free to start your own competing radio station.

Doing anything otherwise would just be being a bad neighbor and cause you to fail miserably.
Pea Pod
2009-07-02 10:47:08 UTC
Yea I am going to say no. The FCC is what your prob thinking about and no. They would not pull the license of them. N besides what? Do you want lil sheep that just follow you? Doing whatever you want because they don't get any other opinion? AND that is not going to fix anything dear. They can just go on the computer and broadcast there :-p
2009-07-02 10:45:46 UTC
You white liberals are scaring most of us. You have the house, the senate, & newspaper. All three seem to be failing now.

Please don't attempt to take over radio and television news because then these mediums will fail as well.

Why is it everything some of you liberals touch fail because of your over reaching? Reverse Midas Touch.
2009-07-02 10:55:22 UTC
As soon as you can amend the Constitution prohibiting freedom of expression.
Uncle Pennybags
2009-07-02 10:38:56 UTC
Silencing the opposition.


What does that say about the strength of your ideas that the only effective way to combat opposing ideas is to silence them?
2009-07-02 10:37:39 UTC There not public service but private companies. except for the Emergency Broadcast System, they have nothing to meet community needs.
2009-07-02 10:40:15 UTC
LOL, look around, Skippy...yall have everything now, you have all of the government and oh yea because you have all of the government everything bad that happens will land dead on the shoulders of the Democrats and believe me we Republicans love that part of it.
2009-07-02 10:40:40 UTC
Good idea, most their funding comes from companies not people that own the airwaves. But even if we did some fading generations democrats would still side with other fading generation Republicans with their dated ways and old fears and trickery that the youth sees through.
Spock (rhp)
2009-07-02 10:38:09 UTC
trying to start rioting in the streets, are you??

that's a felony and we have a prison for you.
2009-07-02 10:44:25 UTC
I resent, very much, my tax dollars being used to pay for that drug addicted windbags contract on armed forces radio. Kick his *** to the curb.
2009-07-02 10:39:11 UTC
Works in theory but doesn't account for the subsequent rental trucks full of fertilzer and diesel fuel that you will be certain to encounter.

Hey the world is just one big game of "one up" on the other guy.

Live and let live and we'll all get along without the nonsense.
2009-07-02 10:47:29 UTC
Who would be STUPID enough to do THAT?

Are you under the delusion that everything Liberals say is true?

Go take another hit off your Bong. You must be on drugs!
2009-07-02 10:36:06 UTC
The Federal Trade Commission has no say in radio licensing, so my answer is a definite "no."

Besides, you're a troll.
2009-07-02 10:35:43 UTC
wow. as a liberal myself, i would never suggest that. and i'm gonna call liberal bullshit on you. a real liberal supports liberty, individual opinion and free speech even when we don't agree with what's said. i believe you are a double axe welding, peasant eating troll. and you look like hannibal from A-Team. i love it when a plan comes together.
kathleen O
2009-07-02 10:41:06 UTC
You are not a liberal. Talk radio in the form of Rush and his ilk do nothing more but stir up the stupid and amuse the smart, but I would never ban it.
2009-07-02 10:38:06 UTC
I smell a troll.

However, even though I detest con talk shows, I would not like to see what you're advocating.
2009-07-02 10:36:56 UTC
A troll by any other name is still a troll.
2009-07-02 10:36:46 UTC
They'd love you in China. NK too!
2009-07-02 10:44:42 UTC
2009-07-02 10:41:48 UTC
Thankfully real liberals don't think anything like you. Good try though...
2009-07-02 10:36:43 UTC
They're meeting my needs.
2009-07-02 10:43:39 UTC
R u kidding. Rush is the best Tool we libs have.
Senor Magoo
2009-07-02 10:36:56 UTC
The future of car radio is internet radio. The feds cannot license that because they do not own it, just like they cannot license the content of satellite radio which is being replaced by internet radio.
I bet ya!
2009-07-02 10:39:14 UTC
PLease speak more are a great example of Liberal thinking
2009-07-02 10:44:54 UTC
Nateums said a real liberal supports liberty. Socialism is kind of anti-liberty don't you think? No offense but the most liberal of your party wants to take away liberties from me and my party.
2009-07-02 10:41:00 UTC
Umm we all know you;re not a liberal.

PS Duh.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.