Why are Americans so afraid of Socialism?
2009-06-09 15:43:06 UTC
Socialism, and National Socialism, are NOT the same thing! Nor is Socialism and Communism!

Socialism is not a bad thing! Why are all of you so scared of Obama socialist ideas?! Have youever even been outsideof your podunk little village to explore the world to see how good a socialist run country really is.

Free medical, free college, .. the only pitfall to Socialism, is they have not quite caught up with the idea of preventative dental care.
23 answers:
2009-06-09 15:52:43 UTC
Even the liberal media is beginning to figure it out.
2009-06-09 23:14:07 UTC
The red scare, the other former super powers known as Russia (formerly) and China (potentially) were rivals to the democratic way. But this frenzy left people ignorant towards the truth of socialism and deaf to anything Marxist. I think that if people really knew about socialism that they would adhere to some ideas of Karl Marx. People do not know that capitalism is the last step towards socialism. In America many of us think that socialism is facism and do not know the difference. Socialism doesn't have to be communism either. For instance Americans enjoy free public schooling (socialist) government controlled police force (socialist) government controlled fire departments (socialist) and government controlled postal service (socialist). We the Americans have a very lucrative insurance scheme that leaves 10-20% of our citizens uninsured and broke as hell after going to the hospital. Yet our neighbors in Canada enjoy universal healthcare with the medicine we sell them and oh our neighbors in Cuba who have one of the worst GNP and GDP's in the world but can still afford to give everyone universal care. Oh our leagal system is socialist/capitalist if you cannot afford one a lawyer will be appointed for you (socialist) but if you can afford the best lawyer (capitalist) you can litteraly get away with murder . I am not a democrat or a republican I am an American history scholar. After ww1 America made it a point to ensure that socialism means communism and ignorance is bliss. PEOPLE EDUCATE YOURSELVES!!! you already enjoy some forms of socialism and you all the the potential failures of capitalism NO SYSTEM IS PERFECT unless we live in a system that can adjust to imperfection.
2009-06-09 22:54:38 UTC
Socialism is for losers and leeches and lazy SOB's that can't get off their butts and make something out of themselves. The UNITED STATES OF AMERICA has been the greatest country on earth because it is free, capitalistic society and was doing quite well delivering the rest of the world from fascism, socialism and communism. You don't see millions trying to enter Cuba, Canada, Italy, Russia, China, France or Venezuela because of the wonderful opportunities they would have in those quazi 'socialist' countries.

However, now that the Clintons, the Bushes, and Obama have paved the road to socialism here, our country has plummeted and within a year, will no longer be a free capitalistic society.

Socialism sucks. Guess that's why all the left wing socialists in the EU just lost their seats to right-wing conservatives. It doesn't work! and I want no part of it or Obama. I've lived in more countries probably than you have, and I'm a lot older and wiser and was also in the military, and believe me, I want the good old USA back!!!!!

Edit: The 'thousands of people pouring into those countries' are 99% Muslims. You don't see people from prosperous, capitalistic countries leaving!
2009-06-09 22:52:42 UTC
Nothing is free. Someone pays for all of those things.

Socialism, whether well or poorly run, is evil. A socialist economy is one in which the direction and planning is directed by the state, rather than individuals. Individuals, then, become tools of the state to arrive at specific ends with which an individual may or may not agree.

The state is superior to the individual in a socialist economy. I prefer that the individual and his desires be superior to the state.
2009-06-09 23:01:07 UTC
Socialism is a midpoint on the way to Communism. In other words it is communism lite.

You do realize that Nazi is short for National Socialism don't you?

Socialism fails every time it is tried because it is not a sustainable system.

You do also realize that nothing is socialism is free don't you? The money to pay for it comes from some ones pocket. Do you really want the same people responsible for the current economic crisis and the IRS deciding what medical treatments you can have? I have to wonder if you have every been out of your little podunk village because you have lots of fallacies about Socialism.

Lets look at how wonderful socialized medicine is in England.

The waiting times for surgeries is a systemic disaster. Patients wait between one and two years for a hip or knee replacement.

"Patients wait for hip surgery", Daily Telegraph (London), Dec. 21. 2006.

Across specialties, one in seven patient waits more than a year for treatment.

Children must travel to the US to receive cancer treatment that are not available under England's health care system.

"British Cancer boy needs pioneering US care", Daily Telegraph (London) Jan. 23, 2007.

The National Health service passed a law requireing that all patients be admitted to a hospital within 4 hours. However the inefficiencies of a government run system cannob cured by a law. So instead of sitting for hours in a hospital waiting room, thousands of patients are forced to wait in ambulances parked outside of emergency rooms. If a patient is in an ambulance then he cannot be admitted to the hospitak and therefore, does not need to be treated within the 4 hour time required by law.

"A&E Patient left in Ambulances for up to 5 hours", Daily Mail (London), Feb. 18, 2008
Lars G
2009-06-09 22:53:01 UTC
A lot of people don't really understand what socialism is. They hear socialism and all that comes to mind is the Soviet Union. Most people want some socialized institutions, but to completely socializing everything is going to far. I'd like to see a public health care, and more government aid to college students, maybe some more extensive public transportation in some cities, but beyond that it's fine to have a vibrant private sector. Socialism is hardly the cure all to our problems, but neither is capitalism. A combination of both is probably the best system.
2009-06-09 23:14:15 UTC
well how about this? why not move to a socialist country if that;s what you want and allow us to live like we were. and as for being afraid of barry he is pure evil he won;t stop at socialism. he wants total control. all people to bow to him. forget that sh*and i see what the help the college students got. most of them are now straddled with more than they can live with. nothing this man plans works.

and I never hear anything positive from the english about socialized medicine. Maybe it;s because you never had to be hospitalized when in Italy. I was in another country for 7 months and i wasn;t impressed with their medicalpracticee. nothing like america.

so go ahead and follow your dear leaderwhereverr he decides to take you. excuse me if I.m not as thrilled as you.

and gee seems you want everything free. and to listen to you democrats you blame the republicans for that.

with all the traveling and your satisfaction with all these countries why did you come back to this awful place as you make it out to be.

the democrats all seem to all of a sudden think america is not good enough for them. they hate the constitution. they hate our health care system they hate our freedom of speech. Nothing is good enough anymore. They suddenly love the terriost ,em brassingg the illegals . other than that what;s new?
2009-06-09 22:51:36 UTC
Nothing is free. Someone has to pay.

And many people, who believe they will never fall on hard times, don't want to have to pay for other people.

There is no village mentality to markets, profits, or capitalism.

I don't believe in all out socialism or capitalism. I believe that balance is always best.

Too much of any one thing makes one sick.

And it's corrupted capitalism that has made the whole world sick.
Scurvy Gums Ramona
2009-06-09 22:58:31 UTC
Look heres the thing Americans think their 'free' and are too easily manipulated and take everything for face value that they can't see past their own ignorance, so really they actually aren't free but led to believe so. Well that's the impression I am getting from these answers anyways.
2009-06-09 22:54:59 UTC
The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money. And BTW, there is no such thing as "free" medical care or "free" college.

Also, I'm from Chicago. I wouldn't exactly call that a "podunk little village." You are a prime example of the snobbery exuded by the left.
2009-06-09 22:50:11 UTC
Because someone has to pay for those things! If you like Socialist countries so much feel free to move!
2009-06-09 22:49:50 UTC
Are you freaking serious? Socialism takes over freedom in every which-way possible. You will not be able to choose what you eat, where you eat (as if you will be able to afford to eat out), which doctors you go to, where you go to school, where you can go on a vacation (as if you can afford to under socialist rule) and everything else in between.

Free? At the expense of who? Taxpayers? We are taxed enough as it is. Wait until our incompetent government starts providing education and medical benefits to everyone.
2009-06-09 22:53:41 UTC
Because its anti-business, homosexual, ineffective, and inefficient

Ask the British how they enjoy skyrocketing taxes. Ask the Labour party how the election went.

Then realize...America started a revolution with the get away from taxes.

Then come back and ask something else.
Universal Aardvark
2009-06-09 22:53:15 UTC
2009-06-09 23:00:44 UTC
Absolutely agree with you. Socialism communism is our furure. We should have free education for kids, free housing and free medical care for all people who work
2009-06-09 22:55:11 UTC
People move from socialist countries to come to America. Not the other way around. Why do you think that is?
2009-06-09 22:49:08 UTC
I quite like living in Europe yeah


Orion , if that is your understanding of Socialism then i do hope you're not one of those who believe Europe is Socialist.

I can eat anywhere I want , unless its in a 5 star fancy restaurant lol

I went to school where I wanted , I had quite a selection of doctors in my area.

We can afford things thanks


My aunt is a nurse , my uncle is a recently retired paramedic , and they have said that they have seen alot of Americans go on holiday here , suddenly get all sick, get their care here and go back to the US again.

Wonder why? Hmmmm
Silver Fox
2009-06-09 22:48:44 UTC
I'm an American citizen living in Britain. I beg to differ when you say "free medical". Do you really think it's free? Do your homework before you post here!
hand banana
2009-06-09 22:51:06 UTC
America and Socialism don't mix..
Western European Mutt - WEM
2009-06-09 22:48:10 UTC
I'll take my FREEDOM thank you very much. If I want a nanny to take care of me I'll pay for one. Otherwise, leave me alone and let me succeed or fail on my own!!
2009-06-09 22:53:27 UTC
So you liked it. A lot of us don't.
My Idiot Uncle
2009-06-09 22:48:53 UTC
Socialism is anti-American.

That's good enough for me.
the demoiselle
2009-06-09 22:47:57 UTC
i agree. people are ridiculous.

Western European: it's not socialism vs. freedom. it's socialism vs. capitalism. you can be just as free as you are now with socialism.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.