Socialism is a midpoint on the way to Communism. In other words it is communism lite.
You do realize that Nazi is short for National Socialism don't you?
Socialism fails every time it is tried because it is not a sustainable system.
You do also realize that nothing is socialism is free don't you? The money to pay for it comes from some ones pocket. Do you really want the same people responsible for the current economic crisis and the IRS deciding what medical treatments you can have? I have to wonder if you have every been out of your little podunk village because you have lots of fallacies about Socialism.
Lets look at how wonderful socialized medicine is in England.
The waiting times for surgeries is a systemic disaster. Patients wait between one and two years for a hip or knee replacement.
"Patients wait for hip surgery", Daily Telegraph (London), Dec. 21. 2006.
Across specialties, one in seven patient waits more than a year for treatment.
Children must travel to the US to receive cancer treatment that are not available under England's health care system.
"British Cancer boy needs pioneering US care", Daily Telegraph (London) Jan. 23, 2007.
The National Health service passed a law requireing that all patients be admitted to a hospital within 4 hours. However the inefficiencies of a government run system cannob cured by a law. So instead of sitting for hours in a hospital waiting room, thousands of patients are forced to wait in ambulances parked outside of emergency rooms. If a patient is in an ambulance then he cannot be admitted to the hospitak and therefore, does not need to be treated within the 4 hour time required by law.
"A&E Patient left in Ambulances for up to 5 hours", Daily Mail (London), Feb. 18, 2008