Perhaps, but you got a bigger fish to fry. The people who are really big about creating, training, radicalizing, arming, and funding ISIS to attack you are the Zionist NeoCons. Ever notice that every time a country doesn't want to play ball with the Petro Dollar, or they call out Israel on their Bullshit, or try to recognize Palestine, they conveniently get attacked by Isra, I mean ISIS? I notice. France was gonna recognize Palestine. So was Belgium.
Also have you noticed that all the countries in the middle east that the Wahabist Jihadis attack, aren't theocracies?
Funny....Syria was a democratizing secular nation that protected Christians and minorities, and had NOTHING to do with 9/11. And then we say we hate them, and they get attacked by ISIS, just in time for America to say "Ha! Told ya so. Guess you should denounce all non zionists. Now it's up to us, Israel, and our paid off Muslim allies in ISIS, Boko Haram, Al Queda, Al Nusra, and for all we know the Girl Scouts to come in and 'save' you from ISIS."
And then America air drops ISIS more weapons. When it's about to attack a convoy it gives them a 45 minute heads up so they can escape. If we do magically kill one ISIS goat ******, we make damn sure to kill 50 innocent civilians around them, giving people hatred of the US. And when Putin comes in and tries to save us from ourselves, kicking ISIS ***, guess who threatens him with war? America and Israel.
Oh yeah, and let's not get started about Israel being ISIS's air force and medical branch. Nor should we speak of the picture of John McCain shaking hands with ISIS. I guess cuz they work for Israel, he works with them. Makes sense because he covered Israel's *** when they INTENTIONALLY attacked us for 2 hours, knowing damn well who we were from the get go. But hey, Israel can do no wrong, even with the satanic imagery at their capital, the fact their sponsors also sponsered the Nazis and soviets, and none of them are related to ancient Hebrews (unlike Palestinians).
I could go on and on.
The Islamic bombings prove that Israel, America, UK, France, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Qatar are the parents and uncles of ISIS, in basically that order. It proves that they need it as a catalyst to declare martial law. It proves that they need to punish a nation for daring to recognize palestine or not playing ball with the International Bankster Cartel. It also proves the NWO needed to put them in line for not helping them bomb Syrians (our government wants to kill Muslims, not ISIS. That's why they invented ISIS. That way, if ISIS can't kill you, America will be their airforce. And no, I don't hate soldiers. I'm a veteran, and I'm damn proud of the soldiers who rebelled against unlawful orders to aid our enemies).
And no, I'm not a liberal. A good amount of dems are in on this. I'm just against tyranny, imperialism, Zionism, etc. NeoCons aren't real conservatives.
Actually a lot of NeoCons started out as Trotskyites from the far left. Same with Israel.
ISIS is an army of Mercenaries that recruit radicalized Muslims to be puppets and blind canon fodder. They are leftovers of mercs, sf, etc recycled for Al Queda and ISIS. They recruit actual Muslims, but the people on top are US, UK, Israeli, etc.
Oh yeah, and Saudi Arabia is like a legalized ISIS. AND 15/19 9/11 hijackers were Saudis...but we left them alone and went after somebody else, somebody secular who for the most part resisted Fundamentalist terrorists.