peacenegotiator: "Should Condoleezza Rice Be Indicted For Her Role In the Iraq War?"?
2007-10-14 01:13:04 UTC
As I was going through the news, today, I felt that this would be a good question for Yahoo! Answers. "Should Condoleezza Rice Be Indicted For Her Role In the Iraq War?" What do you think?

This question assumes that the President and others will be brought up on charges for their part in the commission of high crimes and treason against the US Constitution. Over one million innocent Iraqi citizens have died in the Iraq War (from 1991 to 2007) and our government REFUSES to withdraw from an illegal campaign!

This question may be answered by anyone, but I am hoping that a few of you or all of you educated people (including legal and political scholars) in level 7 will post good and thoughtful answers.

I am not posting things for points, nor for popularity. This question exist to get the country thinking as to morals and ethics and violations of US constitutional laws.

Four answers:
2007-10-14 17:20:51 UTC
i'm not a scholar,nor am i college educated. but i have an opinion. someone should be held accountable. but hasn't this country been through enough? we KNOW who's responsible. indictments & trials will only serve as catalysts for more unrest and divisions within our borders. the country needs to elect leadership that will exercise forethought & caution before getting mired in another fiasco like iraq. the country has to heal itself & even though bush & his henchmen should be indicted, it will serve no purpose
2007-10-15 09:46:27 UTC
A) The Iraq war hasn't lasted from 1991 to 2007. And President Bush is not responsible for every Iraqi that has died since 1991. To claim so is utterly ridiculous and proves just how senile you people really are. There is no way to justify or defend you statement.

B) Bush hasn't killed anyone. But you call him a murderer because Iraqis have died. Or troops are the ones pulling the triggers and dropping the bombs. You are calling the murderers to.

C) The 1 million number is completely bogus to begin with. The number comes from anti-American propaganda sources and you willingly and knowingly buy into it. Then you repeat it. There are over a dozen human rights groups in Iraq who sole purpose is to find dead bodies. When they come up with 1 million Iraqi bodies, I'll believe it. Until, you have no evidence and you are spreading propaganda.

D) The Iraq war is not illegal. President Bush did everything the law required him to do to make it legal. News flash: Congress declares war, not the President. The President does not have the authority to declare war. President Bush did not declare war. Congress did. Hillary Clinton did. Ted Kennedy did. Again, you knowingly and willingly lie.

E) There has been no violation of the US Constitution. This is another lie. The Patriot Bill does not violate the Constitution. The President proposed it, Congress passed it, The President signed it into law. It was done the way it was suppose to be done. For it to be unconstitutional, the Supreme Court would have to step in, bring it to the court, and vote with a majority saying the it did violate the Constitution and then saying how it violated the Constitution. At that point the bill would be sent back to Congress to give Congress a chance to change the bill. None of that has happened. This is all basic Constitutional Law. Even Political Science 101 covers this. The Supreme Court decides whether a law is Constitutional or not, not the political opposition. There's a reason for that.

F) Either you honestly have no idea what the Iraq war is about now, or you choose to ignore the truth. If you get your news from Keith Olbermann either one is possible. The United States is trying to free 57 million people. The United States is trying to setup an independent, democratic nation in the Middle East that is not Israel. This nation would serve as an example to the Islamic nations that they and the West can live peacefully together without compromising Islam. It is that simple. The people of Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran have all been lied to their entire life. They've been told we want to murder Muslims, destroy the Islamic faith. We are disproving that lie. But that lie is a lifetime's worth of propaganda and you will not overcome overnight. I'll be perfectly clear: If you want peace in the Middle East, then that peace will come from Democracy and personal liberty. If you truly want world peace, then terrorism must be eliminated. There can be no world peace, no third age of man, as long terrorism exists. Think of it another way. As of 1995, which nations were officially sponsoring and supporting terrorism? Iran, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Libya. Who's left? Iran and Syria. Only those two remain. That in and of itself is a tremendous accomplishment.

G) I believe the Iraq war is a just and noble cause worthy of victory. Freeing 57 million people is never bad. Removing a brutal dictator who has used WMDs in the past is never bad. Removing a tyrant who had a nuclear program is never bad. And there's a lot more people who feel the same way than you want to admit. Bottom line, we will not let you re-write history. We will not let your lies become the official record.

H) Liberals spread propaganda that in all likelihood comes straight from Iran. Terrorists are out there backing Liberal candidates for President. Liberals have been trying to convince everyone in this nation that we have lost the War on Terror and the War in Iraq since the third month of Operation Iraqi Freedom. Liberals are calling US soldiers murderers, rapists and Nazis. Liberals are the ones attacking free speech. Liberals are the ones preaching hate and intolerance. I'm not going to provide links. They're not hiding it. Murtha doesn't say it behind closed doors. Either you already know what they're doing or you are willfully ignorant and choose to ignore the truth.

All of this has led to me to one conclusion. I do not tell you this to upset you or even insult you, I don't believe you would take it as a genuine insult anyway. I tell you becuase I truly hope some of you will wake up and realize exactly what you are doing to this country and this planet. Liberals are anti-American and they are unpatriotic. They hate what this country represents and they will do anything to destroy it.

There is no other way to explain the things they do and say. There is no justification for burning Bill O'Reilly's books. There is no justification for calling the mothers of fallen soldiers murderers, at the funeral, because they allowed the child to go fight a war. There is no justification for burning flag draped coffins depicting fallen US soldiers in effigy. There is no justification for calling our soldiers Nazis when the entire incident was staged using human shields. There is no justification for the campaign of hate and smear and vitriol the left has used to demonize a sitting President of the United States of America.

As someone who loves this country with every fiber of being, I cannot fathom this. I cannot understand it. This country is the single greatest source for good, justice and liberty this world has ever seen. We have liberated millions up millions. We have stood for the principles of freedom when there was barely any hope of victory. We have accomplished more in our short time than all the greatest empires and civilizations combined. How, and why, can you hate that? And don't try to convince me you love this country. I've seen and heard far too much from the left to ever believe that lie again. If you believe it, I pity you.

I sincerely hope some of you wake up. I know it is possible. I've already seen it happen.
2007-10-14 09:35:49 UTC
I believe not! They are all pushing each others buttons. If I were the US President and those innocent people, who were killed in 2001 (Twin Towers, etc..... ) I probably would have gone to Iraq and Afghanistan and done the same. No race on earth has the right to terrorise any country for their beliefs, now, unfortunately, US can win, but it needs the backing of it's people, not sob stories. Why join the armed forces if you think your JUST going to get a decent career? cheers.
2007-10-14 10:25:31 UTC
In any war loss to human life is unavoidable. Not only peace loving citizens, but well trained army officials and military fighters sacrifice their lives for their country's decisions to be implemented.

Hence i n this modern world it needs to think again and again whenever a war is to be made.

My question is , even if you could have found fault with a leader for all the loss occurred what is that you are going to achieve,. Yo can not bring back the dead people, may be you are making another leader to be punished.


This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.