no not at all
tell me few things,
How many of people are alive who suffered in 1947?
What solution or justice u r expecting at this time?
don't u think 60 year is too late for asking a justice?
how does it matters to u now?
EDIT@ Ganda senoir* why now, why not before actually why not immidiately after 1947 may be in 1950-55?
no body is saying that what happend was perfect ( I don't know but I guess govt. of India must have helped for rehabilitation of people who suffered at that time)
Do u really hope u can get justice now, I really don't think so and one more u r not demanding for justice but for compensation.
justice and compensation are different things, As per me it would be really difficult to find any evidances, witnees regarding cases, so if any justice or compensation does occur how exactly u intend to keep watch on it, I mean what is guarantee for correct compensation it would be complicated matter besides it may arise few other conspirasies also and again peace for border people may be lost.
Just remember forgiving will help u alot.
If anybody is there who suffered in 1947 what would be his age now and if ok justice starts at all how much time it would consume? would he be satisfied?
better is to forget the past, learn from ur mistake don't repeat them in Future.
I would suggest u to consider yourself lucky for not seeing 1947 and would advice to try that such things would never happen again so that nobody gets harmed again,
remember Mahatma Gandhi said
" An eye for an eye will make the whole world blind"
One more point,
also brahmins may ask for compensation for riots after Gandhi murder, as I was told by my grandfather that time was reallly bad for brahmins, then why not justice for them now.
there is time limit for raising the claims, no point in fighting for it after 60 years.
so forget it it is better to forget and forgive.
If u demand for stronger rules to take care that it never happens again I definitely support u, but for justice and compensation no way.