I have some arguments to make against Hobbit's answer (chosen for best answer) but they would not fit in the comments section. Just so you know, this is a long reply to Hobbit's answer and any other similar ones.
I disagree with your answer for several reasons, but rather than make a terse comment saying that this answer is "idiotic", "you are stupid", or just giving an insult, I have made my own arguments against some of the points you brought up. Let's begin.
1. Anti-American? Israel and America have historically been close allies for many years until President Obama was elected. In Netanyahu's own words, Israel is "the only reliable ally America has in the Middle East". Look at how President Obama has completely disregarded Israel and Netanyahu in recent history. If anything, Barak Obama is anti-Israel.
2. Unpatriotic conservatives? You did not cite any reasons why conservatives are unpatriotic except that the support Israel. So it is unpatriotic to support a stable, democratic ally? By that logic, Americans were unpatriotic for coming to the aid of the Allies in WW2. And besides, using blanket statements is not a very good strategy. Sure, there are differences in any social group, but don't assign all-inclusive (and unreasonable) characteristics to a large group of people. There are many unpatriotic liberals out there.
3. Netanyahu has a "violent agenda"? Since when? Is a country not allowed to use force when surrounded by hostile Islamic countries who want to wipe it off the face of the earth? In America, we take having many allies and peaceful neighbors for granted. Israel does NOT have a violent agenda. Its enemies do. Is Israel killing people just for the sake of killing? Are they beheading people who don't agree with them? No. Israel has no more of a violent agenda than America.
4.Anti-muslim and racist attitudes? Israel (in general) does not have an anti-Muslim attitude. They have an anti-terrorist attitude. I know for a fact that there are many very conservative Muslims out there. I don't hate Muslims. But what Israel will not stand for is RADICAL TERRORISTS who kill their citizens. And racist? What race is that? Middle-Eastern? Uh, last I checked, Israel is in the Middle-East too. And if you were talking about Americans, once again, there you go making blanket statements again.
5. Criticizing trying to find peaceful solutions? That has been tried. Israel has helped Iran in the past, both economically and militarily. Israel has sold Iran arms. What did Iran do? Well, they currently do not recognize Israel as a state. They have sold arms to Hamas, a violent Jihad group focused on attacking Israel. There have been open anti-Israeli sentiments from the Iranian government, as Tom Turner mentioned in a comment above. The Iranian president stated that he wishes "regime occupying Jerusalem" to "vanish from the pages of time". Now, Dr. Gregory Stanton, the world's top expert on genocide, has stated that "Iran has taken 6 of the 8 steps to genocide" and that it must be contained to curb that instinct." Don't believe me? Look it up. If a peaceful solution was possible, then by all means, Israel and America should take it! However, the cold, hard facts stand: it has been tried in the past and has been met with hostility. I'm not saying things can never be reconciled. They have been in the past, albeit briefly. It's just that a peaceful solution is nowhere in the near future and Israel must prepare for the worst.
6. An active and deliberate betrayal of the interests of the American people? So tell me, is supporting a democratic ally not and interest of America? That is what you are essentially saying. Iran has been given plenty of chances in the past for "peaceful solutions" and has spat in Israel's face. Iran is openly hostile to Israel and Netanyahu is perfectly justified in doing his best to protect his country, his own citizens. Trust me, if America was in Israel's situation, we would not be having this discussion. We would be doing our best to protect our citizens' lives by any means possible and that is what Israel should be able to do.
I hope all my arguments made sense. We shouldn't be anti-terrorist because of their skin color or religion. There are radical Muslims, radical Christians, radical you-name-it. A religion isn't the problem; terrorism is. All Netanyahu is trying to do is contain this violent, openly hostile country. America should be supporting its strong ally, not a nation who wants to destroy this ally.
Thank you for your time. GOD BLESS AMERICA!