Why isn't socialism a crime?
2014-11-29 14:35:14 UTC
Socialists seem to believe that successful people have a duty to support the less fortunate. Isn't this the same kind of person who would break into homes of the wealthy and rob them? I personally think that it's in societies best interest to criminalize this philosophy and to put these kinds of individuals in prison.

Do you agree?

If not, aren't you concerned about the fruits of your labor being taken from you?
177 answers:
2014-11-29 21:02:22 UTC
I would like to have more faith in our voters instead of creating yet another piece of legislation to safeguard us from a philosophy that is deeply flawed. Unfortunately, the stage has been set. Our government is full of socialists on the right and left. I would like to keep more of my hard-earned money......I earn it every day like most Americans do. Our government has indirectly intentionally/unintentionally replaced the family unit with subsidies. Now they know that it is unsustainable and here comes the guilt trip on the middle class and rich to fix a problem that our government has caused.
2016-06-11 08:27:30 UTC
2014-12-03 12:10:14 UTC
I seriously doubt if you would recognize socialism if it sat on your lap.It's just one of those ism's that people fear with no reason why.You should be concerned about Fascism as it is creeping into our government at every turn.Look at modern Germany,clearly an envy of the world.They have a robust economy which with stood the great recession better than any other nation.They have a huge manufacturing base where productivity and wages are both high and unemployment is low.Corporate wealth is as strong as any.They enjoy capitalism,as well as a democracy.Why do I talk about the great things about Germany?They employ a socialist government.They are a socialist society.I know this about Germany.I understand socialism.That is how I know you have no idea what you are talking about.Maybe you were confused and intended to say communism.You sure weren't talking about socialism.
2014-11-30 11:18:18 UTC
What you are describing sounds more Communist than Socialist, and America is neither (on paper anyway) we are a lot o things mashed together but mostly we are Capitalists so we have lots of money as a nation. No, I don't think I should be made to divvy it up equally amongst the masses. I do charitable things, but I don't give to national charities, rather, I see to the needs of the people where I live. I buy groceries, feed animals in foster care, give art supplies and the like to the low income child care place, visit the shut ins and volunteer to teach illiterate adults to read. The Cancer Society, Habitat for Humanity etc can get their vacations paid for by someone else, I KNOW my money helps because I watch it happen. But no one MAKES me, I do it because it the right thing to do, doesn't deprive me and mine of what we need, and I can use the tax write-off some years.

NOBODY can legislate a generous spirit, or a sense of responsibility to the less fortunate.

You could spend a couple of hours reviewing the political parties you are trying to discuss though.
2014-12-02 23:46:43 UTC
Precisely why isn't socialism some sort of transgression? Specify transgression. What exactly transgression? Something which is going versus any local regulations? Something which is going versus man regulations? Something which is going resistant to the regulations involving physics? If you believe harming some sort of man is going unlawful, then you certainly are considering man regulations. Nevertheless, you need standpoint, what gains you may CONSTANTLY injury another person, pet or even issue, there's no definitive excellent. Simply by meaning, to have a excellent living, another individual really needs a bad living. View would be the essential. Socialism is simply as negative seeing that capitalism, these people both have positive features, but in the long run, a person are invariably screwed.
2014-11-29 23:28:29 UTC
Don't you own (or know how to use) a common household dictionary?

Socialism's where the general public collectively owns and controls all means of production, distribution and exchange.

Meaning everything from farms & factories to banks & business - and everything else in between.

There's no real need for government or politicians either since the public decides everything for itself.

No place on Earth has ever actually attempted actual socialism.

Anyone claiming to be socialist who doesn't even know the dictionary definition of it is deluded.

Anyone that thinks socialism exists is just plain stupid.

So why are you sitting there whining about something that doesn't exist anywhere in actual reality?

Do you also p*ss your pants in a panic over unicorns and leprechauns and dragons, too?

People who believe that the unequal division of wealth and political privilege among social classes can be justified if members of the privileged class practiced noblesse oblige and contributed to the common good aren't socialists.

They're the literal definition of historical, genuine Conservatism, known as Toryism outside the USA.

What America has is a lunatic-fringe, cartoon-parody of actual Tories.

Since Education is the only cure for Ignorance, you best quit making a fool of yourself and get some.
2014-12-02 02:51:35 UTC
Amazing how many people on here have no freaking clue what socialism actually IS.

Hmmm......maybe if we had the kind of educational system the socialist democracies in Europe have more people would actually know what they're talking about.

But I doubt it. Most people are far too quick to buy into it when someone gets on a soapbox pointing a finger at someone and telling you your crappy life is THEIR fault, and not any of their own doing.

You think socialism is a horrible thing? You're wrong. Socialism is an economic system, not a political one like so many people believe.

In your beloved capitalism, billions upon billions of YOUR TAX DOLLARS are being given to corporations in the form of subsidies. These are corporations that are making huge profits already anyway. As an example, the oil companies have posted record profits over the last few years.....and are still getting billions of dollars in government subsidies on TOP of those billions in profits.

Which would you honestly prefer:

Your tax dollars being GIVEN to corporations that are doing just fine without them


Your tax dollars going toward healthcare and free college educations for everyone equally. Including YOU. I mean, wouldn't it be nice to be able to go to college for no cost other than the taxes you're already paying anyway?

Stop listening to political blowhards sounding the conservative horn. They are lying to you so you'll buy into the notion that their corporate buddies deserve to get your money handed over to them just because they exist.

Capitalism USED to be a good system, back when everyone was still more or less on equal ground. But now that we have giant multinational corporations pretty much calling all the shots, everything is being skewed toward them making giant profit and getting more and more of YOUR hard earned dollars every year, whether you spend that money with them directly or they get it in subsidies your tax dollars went into.

Wake up.
2014-11-30 10:09:22 UTC
First, America is not a Socialist country, actually farthest thing from it, America has no national Healthcare or Retirement program like Europe's socialist countries do, and even countries with Parliments voted by their people have national Healthcare & Retirement programs paid by taxpayers.

Second, there is more "greedy Capitalism" programs in America than any other country in the world.

Programs such as Welfare, Social Security, Medicare, Food Stamps, and most recent Obamacare are designed to help ALL "The people" & have all been passed by Liberals, yet Conservatives disagree with all of these, and have even fought against some and lost in Supreme Court.

This is not Socialism, its exactly what our Constitution allows therefore not a crime.

Capitalism is closer to a crime. Businesses profit billions, yet they donate and buy Congress members so they vote to pass greedy Capitalist laws resulting in higher CEO wages, lower worker wages, higher outsourcing of jobs, more rights for businesses & less rights for Workers rights, more benefits for CEO's & less benefits for Workers, and businesses refusing to bring back jobs to America unless they get more rights... and most disturbing of all, these unlimited donating companies move their headquarters off-shore to avoid paying any taxes... This is criminal !!!
2014-12-01 16:55:20 UTC
Why isn't socialism a crime? Define crime. What is a crime? Something that goes against your local laws? Something that goes against human laws? Something that goes against the laws of physics? If you think killing a human goes against the law, then you are thinking about human laws. But you need perspective, what benefits you will ALWAYS harm another person, animal or thing, there is no definitive good. By definition, to have a good life, someone else has to have a bad life. Perspective is the key. Socialism is just as bad as capitalism, they both have positive characteristics, but in the end, someone will ALWAYS be screwed.
2016-03-04 19:43:05 UTC
What you are describing sounds more Communist than Socialist, and America is neither (on paper anyway) we are a lot o things mashed together but mostly we are Capitalists so we have lots of money as a nation. No, I don't think I should be made to divvy it up equally amongst the masses. I do charitable things, but I don't give to national charities, rather, I see to the needs of the people where I live. I buy groceries, feed animals in foster care, give art supplies and the like to the low income child care place, visit the shut ins and volunteer to teach illiterate adults to read. The Cancer Society, Habitat for Humanity etc can get their vacations paid for by someone else, I KNOW my money helps because I watch it happen. But no one MAKES me, I do it because it the right thing to do, doesn't deprive me and mine of what we need, and I can use the tax write-off some years.
2014-12-01 15:49:57 UTC
Since when did philanthropy lead to crime? There aren't "robin hoods" out there, just people who've come upon misfortune and taken to innovation (see mertin's strain theory

Secondly your saying that you think governments should punish people based on what they think. I don't know where your from but that contradicts the very core of a democracy. People can think whatever they want, criminal behaviour should be punished not thoughts.

So to answer your question, socialism isn't a crime because it doesn't lead to criminal behavior. I think your misinformed as to why people steal things.
2014-12-04 15:48:18 UTC
Socialism is an economic philosophy, not a crime, and it's been a part of the United States since George Washington first passed the National Bank. Also, your logic jumps from helping the less fortunate to robbing people, which would be like saying those who believe guns are meant to protect them from the government are the same kind of people who assassinate Presidents.
2014-12-01 18:47:37 UTC
Socialism is a political ideology based around the government caring for its citizens through subsidies, social welfare programs, etc.

Socialism is similar to communism and during the red scare post WW2, cold war era, supposed communists were arrested under McArthurism ideologies

It's not a crime because Americans believe in the ability of other countries to self- govern (to a certain extent)
2014-12-02 20:23:21 UTC
The socialist political movement includes a diverse array of political philosophies. Core dichotomies within the socialist movement include the distinction between reformism and revolutionary socialism and between state socialism and libertarian socialism. State socialism calls for the nationalisation of the means of production as a strategy for implementing socialism, while libertarian socialists generally place their hopes in decentralized means of direct democracy such as libertarian municipalism, citizens' assemblies, trade unions, and workers' councils[11] coming from a general anti-authoritarian stance.[12][13][14][15][16][17][18] Democratic socialism highlights the central role of democratic processes and political systems and is usually contrasted with non-democratic political movements that advocate socialism.[19] Some socialists have adopted the causes of other social movements, such as environmentalism, feminism and liberalism
2014-11-30 06:18:14 UTC
No, not in this extreme. On the other hand, the notion that society can beat up on the productive segment of society - that segment that is responsible for the general level of economic well-being, a direct consequence of Marxist thinking - is beyond stupid but this seems to be exactly what most posters believe. Beat up on these folks that underpin our ecenomy enough and they'll simply move elsewhere where they are appreciated - and leave you with REAL poverty of a type that you haven't even imagined.
2014-11-30 08:36:59 UTC
I live in Europe, in a socialist country no less, and let me tell you their system beats our system hands down.

The American Dream is that anybody can be a millionaire. Simple common sense tells you that this is a fantasy.

Read some political philosophy books and become informed on the subject before forming an opinion about it.

Can a socialist system work in a very poor country, no it can not, but neither will a capitalist system.

America needs to analyze its economic system and see what changes are needed ASAP.
2014-11-30 14:49:24 UTC
You could use the same argument for capitalism, where by buisiness owners ‘rob’ the wealth produced by the labour of their work force. Workers never receive the full ‘fruits of their labour’ in a capitalist economy, if they did, business owners would never make a profit. Thanks for giving a good argument for why capitalist ideologies should be made illegal. As for whether any ideology should be banned, part of living in a free and open democracy is accepting people with views you don't agree with; some people find that harder than others.
2014-11-29 21:02:21 UTC
Because it's the avenue Liberals have to legal steal. What Liberals refuse to believe is that the poor have higher incomes with countries that have free economies see study by The gap between the rich and is lower thats because of Capitalism. Under Obama Americas economic freedom has sunk from number 8 to 17th. Thus widening the gap between rich and poor, read the study for yourself.
2014-12-01 10:05:04 UTC
You assume everyone starts from the same place. We don't. Sure nobody wants to pay for the upkeep of the those who are too foolish to take care of their own, but Capitalism has built in flaws. Everyone has different advantages based on how well their families have done in the past. It is much easier for the rich to make money by investing than it is for the poor to make money by working. It is too easy for the rich to be tempted to buy success than to earn it.

Setting up laws to try to balance these basic flaws isn't Socialism, it is common sense based on the abuses of the past.
2014-11-30 09:25:45 UTC
Socialism isn't a crime as long as the people have an option of whether or not to opt into it's contracts.
2014-11-29 15:36:09 UTC
On the other hand, Capitalists seem to believe that successful people should be allowed to stomp on the less unfortunate and allow them to wither away and die (basically Social Darwinism).

What really works best is an economic with a mix of socialistic and capitalistic principles. of course we could always use new ideas to better the system!
2014-11-30 17:53:45 UTC
I guess since socialist poor people have such crappy lives and pay double for everything even though they don't have anything to begin with, no crime committed. They're just the unfortunates that the capitalists should be happy to live and work far away from.
2015-10-13 06:06:30 UTC
You think socialism is a horrible thing? You're wrong. Socialism is an economic system, not a political one like so many people believe.
2016-03-10 01:05:30 UTC
It doesn't. Crime and Punishment was first published in 1866, half a century before the revolution of 1917. Russia was still a monarchy state.
Barbara Doll to you
2014-12-01 09:43:57 UTC
I don't remember where but I came across this article about socialism.

"Equal rights, civil liberties, human rights. We hear a lot about these today from such organizations as Liberty.

Is there a contradiction in the individualism that these bodies promote and equal rights?

One appears to be for rights within the group, and the other a struggle against it.

Does one feel they achieve power, and rights, by resisting the pressures from the group? Is equality the sense that one can sit in judgment on all others?

Is socialism in fact a collective action against its own proposed principles? People understand that to attain what they wish they must bind together, but what they usually desire is not a social order for the group, but a social order that allows the development of individualism. As has been said, “The preaching of altruistic morality in the service of individual egoism”.

With a little independence, one desires more. Individuals arrange themselves according to their degree of power. They stop seeing each other as equals, and there is friction, and more, between the groups. Classes develop.

“One desires freedom so long as one does not possess power. Once one does possess it, one desires to overpower; if one cannot do that, one desires “justice”, i.e. Equal power”

On reading it again however it is very Nietzsche?
2014-11-30 18:24:12 UTC
U.S. Senator Joseph McCarthy tried your idea in the 1950's, and pretty soon it led to the most appalling civil rights abuses on an almost daily basis. If someone didn't like you or just wanted your job, all they had to do to get you fired was start a rumor that you believed in communism. Nobody wanted to defend you, because then THEY would be accused of believing in communism, and so on and so on.

My mom remembers that time, and she says the only thing that changed it and brought it to a stop was Arthur Miller and Edward Murrow and some other famous people being brave enough to stand up under horrible pressure until the rest of society got brave enough to stop it.
2014-12-02 07:35:01 UTC
It really is miserable our Nations System of Proper rights and Judgment may be Breached and no Politician has been doing whatever automobile The item and Regain your Paths for you to Live With. Because time period proceeds we all should come to be just like those people various other Nations in which once presented your Ethical Concept to be the woman of Kingdoms seeing that another Nation/City Empire will likely be selected because of this found filter of mirror.
Vanilla Spice
2014-12-01 16:21:57 UTC
It could be like group insurance, it is cheaper for everyone. But some complain that it is not efficient in meeting everyone's needs. It isn't as good as the individualized attention that the wealthy are able to pay for.
2014-11-29 14:43:31 UTC
Maybe one day, you, your family or somebody close to you will need that extra bit of help to pay their mortgage, rent, food, or utility bills.

Your right, socialism should be criminalized. Put the people away for a long time.

Only one small problem. The privlidged now would have to feed them, clothe them, and supply the necessary medications they may need.

So it seems socialism works. Capitalism is the problem of generating inequality
2014-11-30 09:24:54 UTC
No, there is a such thing as freedom of speech. Just because someone has a philosophical perspective you don't like does not mean that they should go to jail. Also, you are confusing socialism with communism.
2014-11-29 14:38:37 UTC
Under the power of the State nothing is a crime as long as it's the one doing it.
2014-11-30 08:46:26 UTC
Socialism is good....too is predicated on the idea that we are all brothers and sisters and we all work for the good of each other nature.....we are competitive.......Russia tried it....communism was to wither away to socialism.....but it never got there because it was enforced and people did not want to work for the same wages...why should surgeons work for the same amount as street cleaners.....did not seem fair.

Don't worry...unless we all become like Mother will never work.


Univ Lec
2014-11-30 10:06:43 UTC
Because it's a crime to tell people what you think is wrong or right. It would be like outlawing Islam, or Confucianism. They are both philosophies. Whether it is wrong or right, socialism cannot be outlawed simply cause our country has free thought and free speech.
2014-11-30 15:59:56 UTC
Wouldn't that be a blast. As all of the sociopaths would be in prison where they belong. 1 in 5 people in business management are or at least borderline sociopaths.
2014-11-29 15:04:58 UTC
Because it gives the government the aurhority and power they crave. Since they make the laws, they're not about to put themselves out of a cushy job.
2014-11-30 09:45:32 UTC
If you read history more closely, you would have seen that American socialists have been put in prison (at the very least) for being socialists. As we here have grown beyond the need for outdoor privies and icehouses, so ( I would hope) we have gone beyond the vice of trying to imprison ideas.
2014-11-30 10:33:47 UTC
The only kind of government that makes socialist philosophy illegal is a fascist government. And fascism is far worse than socialism. In the USA it would be unconstitutional to make any philosophy illegal, even communism.
2015-03-25 19:29:20 UTC
You assume everyone starts from the same place. We don't. Sure nobody wants to pay for the upkeep of the those who are too foolish to take care of their own, but Capitalism has built in flaws. Everyone has different advantages based on how well their families have done in the past. It is much easier for the rich to make money by investing than it is for the poor to make money by working. It is too easy for the rich to be tempted to buy success than to earn it.
2015-01-15 20:14:45 UTC
People who believe that the unequal division of wealth and political privilege among social classes can be justified if members of the privileged class practiced noblesse oblige and contributed to the common good aren't socialists.
2014-12-01 15:09:59 UTC
Because in the United States, we have the right to free speech and outlawing Socialism would violate the First Amendment.
credo quia est absurdum
2014-11-30 14:19:37 UTC
As long as socialism is accepted by and supported by the largest portion of the population (there _always_ will be some who do not like whatever system is in place) AND the political leaders are not corrupt (like THAT will ever happen -LOL), there is not problem.
2014-11-30 12:32:23 UTC
I may not agree with socialism but as a libertarian i support free speech,so no i do not agree that you should be jailed for expressing you're view.
2014-11-29 14:58:50 UTC
Don't worry the rich are working on that right now via the Republican Party.
2014-11-30 09:10:58 UTC
We're well beyond "socialism" at this point, and the USA teetered into communism about 4 years ago.
2014-11-30 10:29:46 UTC
Socialism is the only way to live your life clear and moral AND it's a nice enviroment.
2014-12-03 14:50:14 UTC
Socialism is not a crime ! just an order with their own ideas
2014-12-01 15:50:50 UTC
I am a Christian and as such I passionately believe that we are all bothers and sisters under Jesus Christ and have a duty to help one another. Nothing criminal about it, on the contrary it is pure charity and love. Read the Gospels. It is not robbery, it is unselfish caring for the underprivileged. It is not Marxist, it is Christian. Marxism is atheistic but Christianity is God-centred.
2014-12-01 09:09:19 UTC
I think your philosophy should be criminalized as it's dangerous to free speech.
2014-11-29 14:37:37 UTC
Robin Hood Zorro Lone Ranger...criminals right..?
2014-11-29 15:50:17 UTC
Why do you say that when the whole american franchise sport system is socialist? Wage caps, profit sharing, draft system all in place to keep parity within the league. League parity is a socialist concept.
2014-12-02 02:30:38 UTC
You are being militant. You made a good point until you accused socialists of breaking iinto homes. Everyone has a right to live their life in peace no matter what philosophy they have. Socialism may be flawed but you cannot prison anyone for his or her beliefs.
2014-11-30 18:42:13 UTC
We have a mix of socialism and capitalism and it seems to be a really good combination.The people in charge appear to be going more socialistic wanting to have more control over our lives.Socialism does not seem to be the correct direction to go all of the way.I do not have a answer either that would be better.As far as a crime their are no laws against it that I know of.
2014-11-29 21:22:21 UTC
If "seeming to believe" something were a crime, we'd all be in prison.
2014-11-29 16:01:21 UTC
Yours is a leading question .... a set-up in other words----which I don't think I would want to attempt any reply back on.

Have a nice day.

gwyn g
2014-11-30 07:05:33 UTC
while it is not a crime for the wealthy to get even richer by ripping of the less well off, then socialism will never be a crime
Jim J
2014-12-01 10:56:42 UTC
'Marxist' Socialism should be a Criminal offence, Socialism per se is ok it can be even classed as Utilitarianism. Its when Marxists corrupt the ideology you get problems.
Don M
2014-11-30 05:59:42 UTC
Christians are obligated to help the needy through personal charity. But I seem to have heard somewhere--I think it was from a couple of left-wingers--that we should not use government to impose our morality on others...
2014-11-29 16:00:29 UTC
Was it a criminal act when the banks caused the financial by using self regulation to the extreme

and with their freedom caused chaos . Now a few years later they have been caught cheating again .

Socialism is a problem but Capitalism unregulated is evil May I suggest you go to you tube and watch --The Secrets of Oz -- It may tell you why Obama a man of the left as I understand it gave
2014-11-29 14:37:49 UTC
Why wouldn't you want the people to have their own revenues & resources?

Socialism is practicality- Why is capitalism legal?
2014-12-02 16:29:49 UTC
Seems like you're pro-communist. Perhaps you're in the wrong country.
2014-11-30 16:41:42 UTC
In extreme Communist countries capitalism is a crime. Your question makes you pretty much the same as the people you abhor.
2014-11-29 14:57:55 UTC
I no more agree with that, than I would agree with jailing people for holding the position that government should be a tyranny that jails people for holding the wrong political viewpoints. For example, you.
2014-11-29 14:36:46 UTC
well we have this crazy idea in this country that people are allowed to voice opinions even if you don't like them.

out of curiosity, what kind of freedom do you think we recruit people into the army to fight for?
John M
2014-11-30 03:56:19 UTC
Socialism is a crime, a crime against humanity.
2014-11-29 15:22:17 UTC
why isn't trolling a crime
2014-11-30 10:23:14 UTC
Wait, so you want a 1984-esque scenario in which thought-crime (i.e. punishment for being a socialist) exists? You ******* lunatic.
MrFactsTeller X2
2014-11-30 05:48:33 UTC
Yelling how bad 'socialism' is is how the rich try to keep all their money.

The French Revolution, or the Ferguson riots, are how poor people remind the rich that greed can be hazardous to ones health.
2014-12-01 13:28:33 UTC
OMG How ******* stupid are you? Is this the level of ignorance our Oligarchy wants to boast about. The current system is what's criminal - Less than 1% of the population having 95% of the wealth, and everyone else living on the edge of poverty. But you go ahead and keep helping them divide and conquer. You keep hating on people that could actually make your life better. This nation was supposed to be found on LIBERTY, the word whose root is LIB as is LIBERAL. Use a dictionary. Get an education. Figure out that maybe something other than the corporate media propaganda they're feeding you might be the answer. Currently, corporations received about $360 BILLION dollars in tax payer supported subsidies. Read that again in case you didn't understand. Children whose parents don't make enough money account for about $7 million in aid. While you're letting the rich use you as a pawn in their oppression of the rest of us, they keep getting richer and richer and encouraging you to legislate hate. Whatever happened to the Repulsives wanting smaller government. They talk out of both sides of their mouths so much it's surprising their teeth don't fall out. You disgust me
2014-12-01 09:21:29 UTC
Socialism is an idea, and a idea in itself its just that. Your proposition however takes America down a very scary road to where if we punish one group for their political ideology, it opens the door for other groups to be imprisoned 'deemed' as a threat to the balance. Kind of like how blacks would love to strip even the thought of racism out of whites... except its not going to happen. Your concept is perfect world theory with criminalizing a belief system that threatens your monetary accumulation. Like bigotry, people have the freedom to believe socialist policies are good... as long as your belief isn't harming anyone. You have the right to feel the way you do, but you don't have the right to encroach upon the civil rights of another simply because you don't like their policies.

Furthermore you have been given your hard earn money to the Government for years through federal and state taxes, who usually turns around and invest that into social welfare systems that predates the Obama administration. The government doesn't work forsay, their not making a product and producing money off the sweat of their brow, but they are taking your money and investing it into a slew of things that if you had the privilege to know it all... you probably wouldn't like what you see. The Federal reserve also have the ability to print money out of thin air and expect you to pay it back, because we don't have anything to back this newly made dollar. So in my opinion you're arguing about the wrong thing, because the constitution isn't a perfect world concept, its not designed to. It however protects your right to get on Yahoo and complain about socialism, as long as a lot of other things you may not be aware of. `
2014-11-30 21:24:16 UTC
It should be a crime for companies to exploit their blue collar workers and then cast them aside
2014-12-01 12:59:58 UTC
Frankly, trolling should be a crime.
2014-12-01 11:37:10 UTC
It is Capitalism that is the crime, because it takes all of a workers production and only as small an amount as it can possibly get away with is allotted to the worker, so that the worker can survive and have a miserable subsistence. The workers should have a seat on the board of management and should also help distribute the wealth he produces!
Louie O
2014-12-01 10:54:36 UTC
Unscrupulous capitalists get much more of the fruits of my labor than the poor do.
2014-12-01 10:01:20 UTC
I think you need to stop talking like an uneducated American buffoon and go away and actually pick up a book (if that is allowed in your household) and learn just exactly what socialism is all about before you come on here spouting misguided unadulterated clap trap like this!!!

Every country has a degree of socialism, IT HAS TO!!! but that does not mean that people can't get on and be rich, Germany has very socialist policies more so that say the UK, but there are some very rich Germans, they are just not the greedy irresponsible idiots that we seem to have!!!

You and others like you need to understand just how socialism or should I say when the extreme (communism) comes about, it is not from desire, it is not from want, it is when there is so much disparity between rich and poor, when the rich become richer and the poor become poorer, and when the poor finally say enough is enough and take matters into their own hands!!! Don't you idiots ever pick up a history book???
2014-12-01 09:29:51 UTC
as govt. is not considering it as like.
The Inquisitor
2014-12-01 08:45:09 UTC
Well the issue is that poor people elect those who claim they will act in the interest of the people YET have no idea where to start and end up doing what their advisers say which results in yet worse situations, don't forget you grew up in a material world dedicated to trade yet you weren't put to work as an exploited child sex worker the poor vulnerable were under (certainly) the last right wing government. Do you really want the indignity of relying on charity handouts in your own old age when all the state is dismantled and anyway the chattering classes are the socialists making decisions for everyone else without any notion of care, truth or respect, lies, lies, lies and lies with a generous helping of bullstuff as the vulnerable get shafted for 2% arms deals (oh and today's Indie (1/12/14) forgot to mention Syria and Iraq, today's holocaust state sponsored, for UK poor good luck as we don't hold the balance of even a conversation with no chance what-so-ever, disagree?)
2014-12-01 08:24:14 UTC
because no rich one wants and let it be done.
2014-12-01 04:51:09 UTC
Be careful, since sometimes people who loot or rob others like during the Russian and French revolution become the same thing over time, that they destroyed.

Just under a different name.
2014-12-01 03:59:12 UTC
it should be
2014-12-01 01:34:55 UTC
Pure Capitalism leads to mergers until just a few people or businesses own everything. With such power, they rule a monarchy (kingdom that passes power to their idiot sons who become presidents without the knowledge or intelligence to do so). Or, if not a monarchy (rule by one person), then an oligarchy (rule by an elite few).

The Founding Fathers (who wrote the United States Constitution) fought a monarchy (Britain) to achieve self-rule. The Constitution, therefore, opposes monarchy (and opposes oligarchy).

The preamble of the US Constitution, which lays out the purpose of the government and the purpose of the Constitution, states:

"promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty"

This doesn't mean "hand government over to the rich and powerful" nor does it mean "every man for himself." What it means is that the government does (and should have) the right to do what is right for the good of all (perhaps eminent domain, or perhaps taxation of the rich for the good of all).

There is a vast gap, and growing gap, between the rich and poor (haves and have nots). The president of a company now earns many many times more than an average worker (this is not how it used to be). This makes a gap in education (a violation of "Brown Vs. Board of Education, 1954) which states that separate schools are necessarily non-equal schools. These separate schools held back Blacks from obtaining equal education. Now, cities with low tax rates pay less for their schools and get worse education for their citizens. Often Blacks live in poor neighborhoods, so they receive worse educations. Blacks don't want a "hand out," they just want a "hand up." That means that they could compete head to head on a level playing field, if only they could receive an equal education.

Taxation is one way of leveling that playing field. It takes from the rich (who decide how much they should be paid, and almost always decide that the poor should get less money), and it gives to the nation as a whole. Tax money is used to make schools more equal, provide roads that even go through poor neighborhoods, and it keeps the air clean, water pure, and food germ-free and edible. Tax money is used for a variety of regulations that keep the poor alive so that they can be economic slaves of the rich (and not die of horrible ailments).

In short, socialism shares money, so that the rich capitalists don't keep it all, and it applies that money to needed projects to assure more equality.

There are also problems with pure socialism. If people are paid regardless of the amount of work that they do, there is no incentive to work harder, so they might sluff off.

The best form of government, therefore, is a combination of Socialism and Capitalism (the way we used to have it before the Bush presidents made so many tax loopholes for the rich.

Some rich people can afford better accountants, and they know how to use tax loopholes. As a consequence, some rich people don't pay any tax at all. For example, Bill Gates (of Microsoft) paid employees in stock options, thereby paying no tax to the IRS.

Perhaps it is better to not pay welfare to the super-wealthy?
Coop 366
2014-12-01 00:38:00 UTC
The first thing I thought of this question someone trolling?

What I get from the question and the follow up is that because you don't believe in socialism it should be a crime! They did the same thing in Germany (NAZISM) and we had a war, everyone lost. You spout that the Haves should not help the Havenots because they are the same people who break into your house and rob you. This is profiling, racist, bigotry and very anti Christians or Christ like.
2014-12-01 00:12:22 UTC
I love it when people talk about socialism, communism, and marxism without ever having read the relevant works. Who needs primary sources and independent thought when the talking heads can tell you what to think. For the record, OP, you are not a libertarian. You are a fascist goon, as you seek to imprison those that you are told not to agree with. You are just another angry, gun-toting sheep being tricked into voting against his interests.
2014-11-30 20:58:10 UTC
Why isnt stealing tha master emeroos a crime?
2014-11-30 19:35:04 UTC
You must be a big fan of Hitler. He also sent all his county's Socialists to prison and concentration camps.
2014-11-30 17:38:53 UTC
i love eating feces what about you guys. comment here for all your feces related socialist fanfiction. feces socialist fanficiton dot net. i love being a piece of ****. **** mne
2014-11-30 16:36:41 UTC
If socialism were a crime all of the rich Republicans wouldn't be supporting one big business that takes over all of the smaller businesses...
2014-11-30 15:41:54 UTC
I thought you were going to say something like ; why isn't it a crime for people to get forclosed on and forced to leave their home ? or why are women and children allowed to be homeless ? or why are there homeless veterans, why is so much food wasted every day while some children and elderly go to bed hungry ? why can't some people afford the medial care they need ? think about the real causes behind these things, it isn't the fault of most of these people,many of them would like a better paying job or not to get sick and have problems, but the mismanaged and greedy system does not structure ways for every individual to live in such a way so as not to be " poor". Think deeper, look farther.
Gregory B
2014-11-30 15:27:11 UTC
Actually a certain re-distribution of wealth is part of every civilized government's function. In seeking to do away with that, capitalists would revert to law of the jungle---every man for himself, survival of the fittest, etc. Thus it seems that capitalism is hardly a system at all, but a form of sub-human savagery. And thus it's often called "cutthroat capitalism." Police should be rounding up these dangerous money zombies...
2014-11-30 13:25:15 UTC
making socialism a crime would entail making liberalism a crime..and THAT is a "slippery slope" indeed!
2014-11-30 12:06:46 UTC
You must be a US citizen to ask such a question.Most of the rest of the world has no problems with socialists-socialist does not mean communist.Giving a damn about your fellow citizens shouldnt be seen as a weakness but as a strength.
2014-12-01 11:22:27 UTC
Socialism isn't a crime because it aspires to place equal value on all people, equal value to their lives and quality of life. In the United States, where we clearly declare in our Constitution that all people are created equal, socialism actually lands a lot closer to our first founders' philosophies than our current circumstance of rampant capitalism, consumerism devoid of social conscience, and an attitude toward the poor that smacks of indifference at best, outright hostility at worst.

It's not bad to hate poverty. It's AWFUL to hate the poor. A few bad choices here, a few unlucky misfortunes there and anyone can wind up poor. But to be hated for being in that situation is even worse.
2014-12-01 10:06:44 UTC
I answer with question. Why isn't capitalism a crime? In pure capitalism people who are not able to do work will have to choose between starving to death or stealing. Pure capitalism won't allow any public sector to be funded but instead there will be private "police".

Everything in moderation. The big answer to question capitalism or communism is what people do want. If everyone wants to share for poor, of course it's not stealing. I personally think while I make good money, I want to share it to ones with no income to let people have everything for basic life. I would feel horrible to live in where people have to steal for life. Do you really love your wealth more than peoples?
2014-12-01 08:28:02 UTC
You see , socialism and communism are very good things in their ideal form. Unfortunately, they do not exist in reality. They are/were used to abuse power and money.
2014-12-01 08:13:23 UTC
If we did that then the movie Frozen would be banned because Arendelle is a socialized kingdom and so is Sweden, Finland, norway and every other bleached blonde country. Socialism works in small countries where everyone looks the same. Socialism would never work in the united states and that is because we are a melting pot of pretty much every color of the rainbow. But that doesn't mean its a bad thing. It is however an ideology that is based on prejudiced racial differences and people's racist tendencies towards others who are different to them. Even so it has proven to strengthen economies and lower health care costs by trillions.
2014-12-01 06:58:00 UTC
Due to it's attempt to try and bring about, some means of quality of life to very poor people who would otherwise had died in dump communities horrible deaths, and with spreading illnesses, would kill off even the rich. such was epidemics, Why would you want to live or bring back Victorian England. Living like that is a inhuman passed. Child Labour, starving people, homelessness. Terrible things. Including unsanitary enviornments. What did we want that for. Even poor people work very hard, and for all their hard work, are getting nothing in return, but taken for granted. Some very corrupt people have been stealing the fair shares or what is good distribution, and good working wages. I must also insist that even when people are not working, for a so called wage it don't mean that people are not gainfully employed, and of use to the community, which do not get any reconisition from a narrow prospective, ie; People and children who look after sick and ill aged relatives, Taken for granted. People who are good neighbours who feed and help others cope is trauma situations, and countless people who give up there valuable time and work volunteering, That don't get paid, They companies that criminally use that so that they can have a form of slave labour and look good on the surface.
2014-12-01 05:54:08 UTC
I do not believe people with the socialist belief system should be criminalized. Socialism in a pure form might work. However, you always have human behavior causing corruption.
2014-12-01 04:31:31 UTC
Purporting. Socialism isn't a crime. No, similar this to; art is pure, but there is an unfortunate capacity to draw a monstrosity... Hence the carefulness of blurring a meaning so as keeping a brush pure also. Infact, in previous times people have tried to muddy the water of many things by hijacking stigmas and meanings.

I agree that those who steal should be put into prison for the various length of what was stolen. #FiveRings It's important to recognise what is rightfully someone's; and the work of Angel Robin Hood and the difference between my work and Angel Robin Hood's work. Financial crime punishment seems to be up to 15 years in many many cases and a few 5 years and a few less than a year, and very rarely over that unless it's a Madoff thing which was/is about 100 years.

Do not steal.

Do not covet.


2 Samuel 12: 1 to 31.
2014-12-01 01:38:10 UTC
Simply because 1) we live in a free country where people are free to have their own beliefs and 2) the underlying idea behind socialism is that the wealthy don't need the extra money they have and possessing it actually takes from the collective money pool of the population
2014-11-30 23:39:54 UTC
This is like asking why isn't being a conservative a crime
They Pelted Us With Rocks And Garbage
2014-11-30 22:44:17 UTC
Isn't a capitalist the type of person who thinks breaking into a house to rob them should be legal?

That if you don't watch your own stuff, the government shouldn't do it for you?
2014-11-30 20:21:33 UTC
It all depends of whether you see robin hood as the hero or the villain.
2014-11-30 20:06:30 UTC
Because of freedom of speech.
2014-11-30 19:43:39 UTC
Because it's a reasonable and useful form of government that most industrialized nations have as the cornerstone one of their two main political parties.

Ask that to a European and they'd probably laugh their heads off.

It would be like a British person asking if being a Republican should be a crime.
2014-11-30 18:56:16 UTC
because what you think it is, isn't what it really is

you are clearly a product of propaganda and lies

and , you have fears that are ridiculous
2014-11-30 18:23:01 UTC
Special EPhex
2014-11-30 17:51:18 UTC
Although, I do not agree with socialism, I do not believe it should be criminalized. You comparison of a socialism to a robber is an ideological distortion of the facts and is not "legally" accurate. The government is allowed to levy taxes on it's citizens, and use them for social programs and wealth redistribution, unless a law is amended to the Constitution or there is a current law that says that it is not. That is different from a person breaking into someone's home and stealing possessions.

The people elect the method of governing imposed upon them, so we get what we vote for. Criminalizing socialism goes against what the Founding Fathers might see as intolerance of a belief system that do not violate our standing laws. Not only am I concerned about the fruits of my labor being taken away from me, but also everyone else's. I am more concerned about people educating themselves to make more informed choices, so that we don't allow our government to become a socialistic state. We can expose socialism for what it is and let the people decide whether that is what they want, which is a more democratic approach.
2014-11-30 16:06:43 UTC
Thats not the agenda of a socialist. What we are sick of is capitalism gone completely out of control. Corporations control government, big business keep merging into even bigger entities not much different than monopolies which impacts a level playing field and the presence of competition among several business. Do you have more than one power company, or garbage pick up service to choose from? No. So they have all the power to jack rates. Get it? Not to mention consumers get ripped off all the time. Look at GM and all they KNEW about those unsafe vehicles for years and did nothing while people died. They didn't want to put a dent in their profits. If your kid drove one of their cars you would be p*ssed too.

Its the greed and power that basically fcuks the people in the *** that is WRONG.
2014-11-30 15:32:35 UTC
Socialism could also be interpreted as the more successful as creating a social and business structure where many people are given the opportunity to become successful than giving back to those people who didn't have those opportunities. Do you think we could all be a bill gates all at once if we just tried hard enough, that's just wishful thinking.
2014-11-30 11:58:53 UTC
socialists run the goverment
Christopher F
2014-11-30 10:27:26 UTC
You ask two questions. The answers are "no" and "yes."

No, I would never advocate criminalizing a philosophy. Any philosophy. Not sadism, not nihilism, not Satanism. None. Criminalizing a philosophy grants it power, even though the goal is always the opposite.

In answer to your second question: yes I am concerned about the harm done by socialistic schemes. Just as I am concerned about the harm done by the rush to "criminalize" this or that. I am concerned about the harm done by the institutions of hierarchy and sovereignty in general. I submit that they ought to be your targets.
2014-12-01 13:24:46 UTC
2014-12-01 11:11:37 UTC
Any one trying to change the USA into a socialistic society better get their heads on straight or move to a socialistic country ASAP! The USA was founded on capitalism and that is what has made us so great. Under socialism people become very lazy and lose the incentive to be inventive. Why bother? Everyone is the same, there is no benefit to hard work and dedication. The Government rules your life. The reason so many people are trying to illeagally come to this country is to have the opportunity to better themselves, but if socalism takes over you can say GOODBYE to any chance of ever getting ahead in life. The American Dream was alive and well under capitalism, and the difference is that everyone knew that with a good work ethic and dedication they actually CAN become wealthy. Those that want socialism have given in to poverty, and do not believe in themselves and therefore want to sponge off the government and others who have worked hard to make the American Dream HAPPEN for them. Those that risk life and limb to come here and then VOTE irresponsibly for liberlism and socialism have little understanding of the dangers in store. They are voting for the same form of government they left behind, the same one they worked so hard to escape from! If only they would work that hard to make a LIVING, and stop depending on the good people who DO WORK and who STILL BELIEVE in America to pay their bills they may have a chance to be part of the very wealthy And if we have all this opportunity it is sad that only 10% take advantage of it and actually get there. The rest are burdened with taxes to pay for those on the "system" (socialistic welfare system) and can't get out of "employee" mode. Socialism is a sickness. Communists and socialist need to find a new place to live and get out of the USA.
2014-12-01 07:47:06 UTC
2014-12-01 04:46:15 UTC
fair point
2014-12-01 03:22:08 UTC
What are you trying to drive the less fortunate to do? If the system is hard enough on them, theyll know what to do, and theyll regret it, maybe for the rest of their lives, just because rich people are often not prepared to fund democracy and the welfare state.
2014-12-01 02:13:47 UTC
Socialism is a crime when you replace the

US Constitution with where your head is.
Ayana Linval
2014-11-30 21:09:23 UTC
Are you.... serious? I'm quite happy with socialism thank you. It's why I'm alive, and contributing to society. Socialist countries on average have a higher rate of education, health, happiness, and have lower rates of crime, war, and poverty. Iceland, the Netherlands, and most Nordic countries are extremely socialist in nature and have some of the longest life spans, most educated populations, and lowest crime rates in the world. Last year, someone was murdered in Iceland. It actually made global news, not just national news, but global news. Wouldn't you want to live in a country like that? Where when a single person is murdered, it's such an uncommon event, that the entire world is talking about it? University level education is free in Iceland for citizens, and when you get married, you get either $2,500 or $25,000 to put towards a down payment on your first home. Furthermore, when the global economy collapsed, guess what countries were barely affected? Yeah, Iceland rebounded almost instantly, along with Sweden, Norway, Canada ect. All socialists. You know what other country is extremely socialist? Germany, which pretty much IS the euro, and pumps out more science, and professionals than you can imagine.

This isn't a matter of slippery slope philosophy, this is "hey look, those guy are doing that, and it's kicking *** for them". Suddenly with state funded education, you have the smartest people graduating in their fields instead of just the people that could afford to graduate. With so much free education, there is less crime, less poverty. With less poverty, you have less welfare. There is hardly any people on welfare in the socialist countries my family lives in.

My family lived on the extreme end of poverty when I was growing up. My dad worked from 5am, to 10pm, my mom worked 3 jobs. When my dad got pneumonia and had to be hospitalized for two weeks did we go bankrupt? Nope, we're Canadian. My dad was cared for, didn't have to spend a penny, got all of his medications highly subsidized, and went back to work ASAP. Because of that, he never went into debt, and was able to keep working, invest, and now works a high profile medical job.

My older brother, broke his neck in a freak car accident. Did we go bankrupt? Nope, no debt for him even though he was in the hospital for 2 months, and had to see doctors, have multiple surgeries, and have years of physio. No debt for him. That lack of debt for you know, needing to live and be mobile, allowed him to study aerospace engineering. Our socialist heathcare you seem to hate so much allowed my brother to literally become a rocket scientist who designed tail pieces for the airplanes you fly in, making them safer, and more fuel efficient. Ie) You can thank my brother, and socialism for your cheap plane ticket.

My parents got divorced, and while my mother was broke, and working 3 jobs, we lived in government funded housing. Thanks socialism! Thanks to the fact that she was able to have cheap subsidized housing, and provincial child support, she was able to drop down to 2 jobs, and put herself through school to become a nurse. Now she's making over 80+ a year, and contributing back those tax dollars to the economy. Thanks socialism!

Thing is. It's not even a debate in my mind. A mixed system is usually better, but the countries that have slanted towards socialism... well, we statistically just have an overall better quality of life. So, that's why it's not a crime. It's logical, and it's factually working better than exclusively conservative capitalism.
Christian in Jesus
2014-11-30 19:41:22 UTC
It is a fact that the hardest workers in society are the most under paid. A fat wallet isn't a gauge for integrity. People find ways to make very large amounts of money due to their overwhelming love for money. It is the same people that you want to imprison that made it possible for you to be alive today. Look at home care givers. They are called givers because no one wants to rightfully compensate them. People that stay at home and provide a clean safe environment for you like parents, maids and shelter staff, are in those same lines of welfare. They made a decision of what true wealth is. They know that no matter how much money you have, if you don't have a clean and safe environment to come home to then you have nothing. We pay taxes for those rainy days. We need rights of protection, roads, parks, government business, rainy day funds and retirement plans, when we can't work insurances. Without these things we would be taxed merely to make politicians incomes grow. Your ideas about socialism are not a correct representation of why we pay our taxes. You are really an idiot to insult the poor and not understand and have compassion for those that are less fortunate. I would not like to bring the new year in with anyone as non responsive to society as your stupid oss.
2014-11-30 19:03:17 UTC
Well I think you are talking more about communism (yes there is a difference) but someone could also say why isn't capitalism a crime? It's a political ideology it can't be right and it can't be wrong. We think that nazism is bad (it is bad) but all those people still supported hitler. Personally I think socialism and communism are good ideas but humans have a natural tendency for self gain. Your right people that work hard do deserve good money!!! So why is the maid at your hotel, the guy that mows your lawn, and the first responders all barely being able to make a living while a single guy who simply made a company and barely broke a sweat has more money then the 3 billion poorest people in the world (it's a true fact look it up). It makes no sense to me I see these people working out in the hot sun all day sweating to death and they are barely making a living. All men deserve a chance to succeed and seriously those people with billions and billions can't even spend all that money in their life so why not donate it?
2014-11-30 17:26:55 UTC
Robbing from the rich and giving to the poor was the ideal in Robin Hood's day. Today's socialists want to bring back the same ideas but with much worse consequences.
2014-11-30 16:13:34 UTC
No and your claim is ridiculous naive.
2014-11-30 16:03:19 UTC
"Socialists seem to believe that successful people have a duty to support the less fortunate."

Actually research socialism first.

" Isn't this the same kind of person who would break into homes of the wealthy and rob them?"

Theoretically, no. and historically, no.

"I personally think that it's in societies best interest to criminalize this philosophy and to put these kinds of individuals in prison."

*it's in society's

You sound like a fascist. And why would it be in society's best interest? Do a cost-benefit analysis and then come back.

"If not, aren't you concerned about the fruits of your labor being taken from you? "

Don't use anything paid for by taxes.
2014-11-30 15:28:07 UTC
Freedom of speech maybe?
2014-11-30 13:20:42 UTC
i guess you really dont know the meaning of socialism
The Great Apostate
2014-11-30 12:17:38 UTC
Capitalists seem to believe that the general population have a duty to support the powerful elite. Isn't this the same kind of person that would buy off governments and end democracy for profit and less regulation? I personally think that it's in society's best interest to criminalize this philosophy and to put these kinds of individuals in prison.

Do you agree?

If not, aren't you concerned about your voice and rights being taken from you?
2014-11-30 11:06:00 UTC
I hate polotics
2014-11-30 09:45:56 UTC
This is very political
2014-11-30 08:18:20 UTC
Socialism is great, until you run out of other people's money.
Khalid Masud Sayasobe
2014-11-30 06:51:23 UTC
No? Men need many things to live. we get this from society. Without this we can not do live. So society is a must
2014-11-30 06:39:21 UTC
I had a very conservative economics professor at UAA who said that anybody who believes that there should be limits on what people believe or how they express their beliefs, including by spending money, is FAR FAR FAR more anti-American than socialism will ever be. Incidentally, there is a very real distinction between socialism and the sort of social democratic movements that flourish often in European countries. Socialism in itself has usually failed as a political doctrine. Social democracy, as practiced to some extent by Barack Obama, has brought huge and unquestionable benefits to many, many people. Incidentally, I challenge you to name one truly socialist thing that Barack Obama has done or even proposed doing while in office.
2014-12-01 12:26:21 UTC
Socialists, marxists and feminists should ALL be lined up against a wall and mowed down, they are very, very, very dangerous people, look at the level of brain washing in here, people truly believe that an imaginary force can enforce all this socialism or communism, that people will simply follow it, HOW? the only way to have socialism is by the government holding all the power, the more capitalist and sovereign you are the better you are as a nation, look at the swiss, less government control means more positives not negatives, it's PROVEN, all the countries that succeed do so through capitalistic means, it's that simple.

How did the housing bubble, the debt, the inflation all start and what makes it exist?.... the government, under free markets all these things were stable, the government regulations create these issues, which give people less freedom, less choice and make you helpless whilst they devalue everything you own and ruin your chances of livelihood.
2014-12-01 00:39:23 UTC
Have you ever read-up on the Aristocracy's Social-Responsibility?

Because what you're describing isn't Socialism, it's Social-Responsibility, and in the past the rich demanded that of themselves, only recently the 'nouveau riche' decided they want wealth, not responsibility.
2014-11-30 23:31:32 UTC
Gospel of Matthew 25: 33-36.

And he will place the sheep on his right, but the goats on the left. Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me.
Jon M
2014-11-30 22:30:32 UTC
Being a vicious and stupid sociopath also is not a crime... and you can thank your lucky stars for that.
2014-11-30 16:55:24 UTC
you are dead wrong my friend for this country to survive must turn to socialism all Europeans countries are social’s and they know best, socialism is the system that control the rich

capitalism is the worst of all ,very good for the rich but treble for middle man and pure

my friend you must wick up and see the world of witch we live
2014-11-30 15:02:27 UTC
it's not a crime because it works in some cases, even if they are few and far between
2014-11-30 09:58:43 UTC
Socialism IS an economic theory that in fact has been proven to be "light years" behind capitalism!!
2014-11-30 07:49:53 UTC
No need or reason for socialism to be a crime ... corrupt , greedy , stupid ... people , businesses, politicians and politics should be a CRIME tho !
2014-11-29 14:44:47 UTC
The irony of your plan is that the police forces are currently socialized. You'd have to privatize them, with the approval of the citizenry. If you just privatized them, and order them to do that which the people wouldn't agree with, the rebellion of the people would be dramatic, since your form of fascism would occur outside of a democratic system.

If people actually understood socialism, these types of questions would no longer be asked by the unknowing.
2014-12-02 07:31:20 UTC
Social Programs help this country get to where we are today!
2014-12-01 21:07:02 UTC
why can't capitalism be a crime, u sound like GOP
2014-12-02 02:20:15 UTC
I don't know
2014-12-01 16:19:11 UTC
because you shouldn't be forced to be friends with someone you dont like
2014-11-29 14:55:17 UTC
Don't people like you champion how wonderful free speech is? The hypocrisy is rife.
2014-11-29 14:40:12 UTC
Agreed. Charity should never be forced participation
2014-12-01 15:44:34 UTC
because it can't be easily justified, not that people in high power want to justify it though.
2014-11-30 07:00:40 UTC
why isn't greed a crime?
The Mighty Keyboard Warrior
2014-11-30 00:13:00 UTC
It is called freedom... In a free society, ideas are not crimes.
ibrahim k
2014-12-02 09:18:59 UTC
You are a very clever asker, who knows EXACTLY what to say to get people Torrenting answers!!
2014-12-02 14:02:58 UTC
Believe it or not.

The Socialists say the same about the political philosophy that you believe in.

They are criminals who do not care about the poor, the homeless, the elderly and, the sick.
2014-11-30 13:46:23 UTC
ask Satan since Jesus was a socialist. love thy neigher as thyself. there is no greater commandment. Satan was a self worshipper so feel free to join his minions.
Linda R
2014-11-30 12:21:27 UTC
Socialism should absolutely be a crime.
2014-11-30 16:18:19 UTC
It should be.

Socialism is forcefully taking wealth from people who earn it and give it to people who don't earn it.
2014-12-01 15:49:02 UTC
We need LIBERALISM to be criminalized much more than socialism !!!
2014-11-30 20:34:32 UTC
Because it is a belief and beliefs are not crimes, neither are forms of government.
2014-11-30 09:59:04 UTC
It is an immoral attitude. Ten Commandments State "Thou shall not steal" and "Thou shall not covet".
2014-11-30 07:08:12 UTC
Because Our country is very poor. and our job service is very bad.
2014-11-30 19:52:08 UTC
who gives a f
2014-11-29 16:32:36 UTC

Those hurt by their incompetence, HAD NO CHOICE!! HAD TO PAY SO THE thieving, get their mega UNEARNED REMUNERATION, BONUSES, PENSION POTS, courtesy of these WHO WORK HARD, GO WITHOUT TO SAVE FOR A RAINY DAY!!!!

NO accountability high up! Rewards for being doozy!

Crime? Its a crime when the greedy are still being bailed! 2008-2014 sage still continues! No punishment FOR THOSE High up that your idea?

One rule for the grubbing, want more, want more, regardless of damage they inflict




WHY ISNT LYING SPIN TO COVER THE BUTT OF THE LAZY WEALTHY A CRIME? "We scarcely discuss the injustice and inutility of large corporations taking what we all own and doing whatever they want with it, without compensating us. Consider the Earth’s atmosphere,

a prolific source of value that protects us from ultraviolet rays, keeps temperatures stable, delivers oxygen, and replenishes fresh water. No human-made product comes close in terms of usefulness. Yet corporations have been using the atmosphere as an unlimited waste dump, and the damages consequently accrued are both enormous and ignored.

It really is remarkable when you think about it (alas, most of us don’t think about it) — this corporate seizure, cannibalization, despoliation of things that we all own communally. Such takeovers are blessed by a government that corporations increasingly own. Yet if we take the time look more closely, we can see a state of affairs that violates the most basic principles of the social contract. Jonas Salk, the discoverer of the first polio vaccine, understood this. When asked who would own the drug, he replied: “There is no patent….Could you patent the sun?”

Well, six decades later…..almost.

… Corporations now claim ownership of everything under the sun, if not the sun itself: body parts, business practices, DNA. They even claim ownership of the English language. McDonald’s has asserted trademark claims to 131 common words and phrases, such as “Always Fun” and “Made For You.”

The Cost of Market Mania

The Internet has promised something different—information abundant and free. It has spawned an atmosphere of exuberant creativity and generosity. In the early days of the Web, a fellow named Jimmy Wales had an idea that probably sounded crazy to many at the time: create knowledge online for free, using volunteers who got paid nothing at all. Today, that idea is called Wikipedia. It is the ultimate commons—and how many of us would want to do without it?

But if the Web presents new opportunities for sharing, it also presents opportunities for corporations to fence off profitable chunks of cyberspace. These days, corporations are trying to block municipalities from offering their citizens universal free wi-fi. The reason? The corporations can’t make a buck off it. So they employ an army of influencers to convince us that something as innocuous as this is somehow harmful."

"Besides, anyone who thinks that private riches and possessions are entirely self-earned is willfully blind. As Rowe noted:

Virtually all “private” wealth emerges from collaboration among individuals, society and nature. The most “self-made” men and women draw upon a vast pool of knowledge and natural gifts they did nothing to create. They also benefit from schools, roads and other public services, including enforcement of contracts and property rights. Warren Buffett, whose candor is in the same league as his wealth, says that society is responsible for “a very significant percentage of what I’ve earned.”

In fact, the vaunted market economy as it actually works in the real world is replete with private interests eagerly accepting taxpayer subsidies. This ranges from our buying roads for private timber companies harvesting public land—more than we get back in fees from them—to media conglomerates getting free access to public airwaves so they can bombard us with ads.

We do not question the mantra of “private over all,” in part, because we have elevated economists to quasi-deities, and abdicated the responsibility to ask: does the creed of “selfish is best” really make sense for our lives?"
2014-12-01 17:37:47 UTC
What the flying **** is this? Are you seriously telling me that you should go to jail for charity?!
2014-12-01 15:33:45 UTC
because its basically like anything is okay as long as it doesnt hurt or kill anyone, as in EACH OTHER
2014-11-30 07:03:43 UTC
because of out governmanr
Captain Obvious, Defender of Snack Pudding
2014-11-29 17:10:14 UTC
Luckily for you, stupid is also not a crime.
2014-11-30 12:26:43 UTC
Dumb Question... Are you smoking "Wacky Weed" ??
2014-11-29 15:30:01 UTC
Jesus was a socialist.
2014-12-01 02:37:39 UTC
because socializing is good
2014-11-30 03:04:49 UTC
Because that what we are taught
2014-11-30 09:27:52 UTC
You look at it like the rich people who work hard have to support the poor people who don't do anything. If you look at it that way socialism is wrong. People should be compensated fairly for the amount of work they do. Nobody should be forced to take care of others just because they refuse to take care of themselves. However, capitalism without some degree of socialism is a dangerous thing. Do you think it's right that 99% of america's wealth belongs to 1% of the people? Gradually the masses are getting poorer and the elite are getting richer. This division of wealth is unfair. One could commend the minds behind Walmart. What a great idea making a 1 stop shopping center that's so cheap and convenient. They have been very successful and should be compensated for that. But it gets to the point that the few people at the top of the corporate ladder are getting all the profits that used to be shared by small business owners. More and more money is going to less and less people which in going to increase the amount of people below the poverty line. Either you make some sort of salary cap and get rid of the super rich or you will need socialism to help the super poor.
I was wrong once
2014-11-29 14:45:02 UTC
Troll much?
Ethan M
2014-11-29 14:52:45 UTC
Because stupid isn't illegal.
2014-12-03 09:02:15 UTC
its an opinion
2014-12-03 02:01:11 UTC
Ahahahahahahahaha! you are joking, right? How fistfucking silly stupid can you ******* be. Jesus christ.
2014-12-01 13:57:57 UTC
good question, lol
2014-12-01 06:13:33 UTC
Damn sure should be.
2014-11-30 22:51:59 UTC
bugs again
2014-11-29 14:43:42 UTC
Socialism is a form of slavery. Likewise our current tax code. If your next door neighbor forced you to hand over 50% of your income by threatening to lock you up or otherwise punish you if you refuse, you effectively would be his slave. But somehow, when the government does the same thing, it's benign and caring. Go figure.
2014-12-01 11:25:20 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.