Why do people think that all trump supporters are stupid?
2018-05-05 19:09:31 UTC
I voted for Trump because I am a recent Computer Science graduate and I noticed that no other politician talked about the h1b visa abuse and how foreigners are taking american jobs in silicon valley. Only Trump addressed that. So as a college educated voter, I voted for Trump.

Why do liberals believe that anyone who votes Trump is stupid when clearly I am educated?
120 answers:
2018-05-08 20:07:33 UTC
During the election Trump was joking around and said that Hillary's followers were uneducated. Hillary, wanting to win the election, turned around what he said and said he was talking about his followers instead. No, Trump was talking about Democrats.
2018-05-08 17:17:40 UTC
Maybe because trump himself is stupid? To support a clown like that then you can’t be the brightest bulb in the pack? He’s honestly a joke.

So the fact that he has no morals and have said derogatory things about women and Mexicans doesn’t bother you?

You might have a college degree but you clearly lack common sense.
2018-05-07 17:03:58 UTC
Because, those who are not actually stupid made a deal with the devil, and compromised ethics and values in order to get that person into office under their aegis. They wanted the name "Republican" on it that badly. Very badly done!
2018-05-07 05:42:41 UTC
Let people think whatever they want to, & you do whatever your heart says.
2018-05-07 00:12:57 UTC
Well congratulations, you voted for a isolationist potty mouth who is quite possibly a misogynistic pedophile with delusions of grandeur.

You got the President that you deserve.
forget it
2018-05-06 17:57:15 UTC
Unfortunately, you can be well educated but lack common sense.
2018-05-06 15:33:35 UTC
Because Hillary is crooked.
2018-05-06 04:43:47 UTC
I didn't vote for Trump, I voted against Hillary. If Satan himself had been running against Hillary I would have been out knocking on doors with red plastic horns on my head.
2018-05-06 00:30:04 UTC
Right wing billionaire Robert Mercer and his daughter and their network connections played the would be voters for suckers! "Meet The Man Behind Cambridge Analytica, Who Made Trump President

Robert Mercer. A far-right billionaire, who is a major investor in Cambridge Analytica that data scrubbed Facebook for Trump, brought Bannon to the White House, and made his daughter the major owner of Breitbart News and board member of Cambridge Analytica"

Watch and make up your own mind.

Trump' inner circle making policy are all millionaires/ billionaires. "By leveraging automated emotional manipulation alongside swarms of bots, Facebook dark posts, A/B testing, and fake news networks, a company called Cambridge Analytica has activated an invisible machine that preys on the personalities of individual voters to create large shifts in public opinion. Many of these technologies have been used individually to some effect before, but together they make up a nearly impenetrable voter manipulation machine that is quickly becoming the new deciding factor in elections around the world.

Most recently, Analytica helped elect U.S. President Donald Trump, secured a win for the Brexit Leave campaign, and led Ted Cruz’s 2016 campaign surge, shepherding him from the back of the GOP primary pack to the front."

@? If you lack the basic ability to observe when you are given an opportunity, that's your own misfortune.

No doubt R Mercer would BE overjoyed at individuals such as yourself! Who bury their heads like ostrich.
The Oracle of Omigod
2018-05-05 23:56:26 UTC
That is the mass deception which led to the election of Trump, and Liberals still can't get their heads around it. They ended up believing that the only Trump supporters were bitter, old, white, male, zealots.
2018-05-08 02:40:49 UTC
You are not stupid. Just ignorant.
Sammie Sutton
2018-05-08 01:38:53 UTC
Because they are
The Devil
2018-05-07 20:54:41 UTC
So, you should also join the Marines and go fight overseas for everything tRump tells you to. See how far you get with a computer program. You wouldn't last 5 minutes in the real world, "jenius".
2018-05-07 17:51:16 UTC
because the people who say it are stupid themselves
2018-05-07 16:12:53 UTC
Because they are
2018-05-07 14:20:11 UTC
I am a middle aged intelligent female who happens to think that you might be stupid if you don't support Trump.
Proud Deplorable
2018-05-07 14:14:33 UTC
There are idiots in every bunch. The libs seems to either ignore the smart Trump supporters, or just call them "RACIST!" whenever they don't have an argument. They watch a video of a low IQ supporter and goes "hah! Trump supporters are such dumb rednecks!!"... Which is also known as being ignorant.
2018-05-07 11:58:32 UTC
Still voting Trump and the GOP.
2018-05-07 10:16:17 UTC
Do you even understand what liberal means? It means "open to new behavior or opinions and willing to discard traditional values" And Liberalism in a political sense means " Liberalism is a political view based on liberty and equality. Liberals generally support civil rights, democracy, secularism, gender equality, internationalism and the freedoms of speech, the press, religion and markets".

So why is it all these pro Trump supporters attack people that see through his rhetoric attempt to use liberals as a insult and label them as liberals? Is it not true that the majority of people that supported and voted for Trump, against the way the gov was being ran, and wanted a change? Does that not fit the definition of liberal? And now you are advocating about civil rights issues on a political scale. Does this again not make you a supporter of liberalism?

Maybe you should request a refund from your college you attended. I think you went their under the impression they would make you smart. Clearly you are very ignorant.

Now as far as your update of " I honestly don't care about the mean things he said about women or any affairs that he had. Hell I don't care if he murdered someone in the past. So as long as I benefit from his regime, then I am content.".

Clearly you only care about yourself. You are a very selfish person. I really don't know where to start, but you clearly need help. And I really hope your joking. But sadly, I see a growing number of supporters with this type of mentality unfortunately. Please ask your parents to consider post birth abortion.
2018-05-07 01:28:30 UTC
Al Capone
2018-05-06 20:43:31 UTC
Stupid is as stupid does
2018-05-06 15:53:05 UTC
Because people are uneducated
2018-05-06 08:32:33 UTC
Because those people are stupid. They honestly think Trump is a cult of personality when, in fact, he was just straight up clear as a bell regarding how we were no longer the saviors of the world and that we need to address our own needs and let other nations deal with their own problems.
2018-05-06 04:24:00 UTC
Computer science graduate. aka a 21st century dishwasher.
2018-05-06 02:02:25 UTC
Experience. They celebrate ignorance and stupidity. They elect ignorant presidents like Trump and Bush the Younger. The smart Republicans have long since turned Independent or even Democrat.
2018-05-06 01:05:24 UTC
They are those terrorist loving, America hating liberals
2018-05-05 23:52:17 UTC
Here's an idea for you, try understanding how you've been played. Try understanding how a billionaire, with his billionaire backers like Robert Mercer and Trump's cabinet full of Wall Street bankers fed off of peoples concerns and told them any old pap.

You fell for the lies and now you're in a position where you are such a snivelling, subservient coward that you can't even try and hold the turds to account.

Talk about being played or how you ended up a useful idiot, don't bore me with your excuses.
2018-05-05 19:49:21 UTC
Because they get conned by Trump's lies. The visa issue is just another of those
2018-05-05 19:24:56 UTC
Being educated and being smart are two different things.
2018-05-05 19:14:50 UTC
It's anti-Trump prejudice combined with pro-Trumpians' prejudices.
2018-05-09 18:06:56 UTC
Because trump stupid himself
2018-05-09 01:27:34 UTC
many are
Tom S
2018-05-08 18:11:04 UTC
Not all people, just the smart ones.
2018-05-08 17:27:21 UTC
Because they are. Trump is a pediphil, adulterer, liar, thief, cheat, idiot, mentally ill, low life, white trash, etc.
2018-05-07 06:00:56 UTC
That's true. I just completed my doctorate in chemistry - my neighbor (a high school dropout) tried to steal my Trump sign and replace it with a Hillary sign, but my Irish wolfhounds discouraged that effort. Not too bright of him - he went to jail.
Cole World
2018-05-06 21:30:00 UTC
2018-05-06 21:20:13 UTC
"Update: I honestly don't care about the mean things he said about women or any affairs that he had. Hell I don't care if he murdered someone in the past. So as long as I benefit from his regime, then I am content."

Well that mentality is totally selfish. It's sort of the attitude Nazis wanted whites to promote while they shoved everyone in a concentration camp. I'm not liberal, but I gotta say, a lot of you assholes who call yourselves conservatives say "I'm not racist" or "I'm not heartless" and then you have a freudian slip to show that you're a bastard that's too far gone and has no respect of sympathy for human life or the rights of others. If we had another Hitler, by your own words, you could be bought off to sell off the rest of humanity as long as you got your stupid job. Jesus Christ you are a terrible human being. Don't even say you're patriotic or Christian. You're selfish on a genocidal level.

Now for the main question: Why do people think all Trump supporters are stupid and racist?

Not all of them are, but the stereotypical idiot rednecks like to scream their bullshit at the top of their lungs on the internet. They stick out more.

Some people who voted for Trump reluctantly because they were republican, they saw him as a slight lesser of 2 evils, they saw it as a break away from the deep state (admitting it might get worse before it gets better), or because they only agreed with 1 or 2 very specific things Trump promised, and didn't agree with all the nonsense he spewed. I almost voted for the guy. ALMOST.

But I think a lot of the sane and moral people who ventured Trump as a lesser of 2 evils regret it now. Not that Hillary would have necessarily been better. Some people knew from the get go that Trump, Hillary, Bush, Obama....they all blend the same in the important stuff-imperialism, police state, corporatism, etc-but you have to be able to look past identity politics to realize the false left right paradigm.

Those people who are left over who scream Trump at the top of their lungs most likely voted for Trump out revenge against liberals and SJWs calling them racist. The people who are assholes about defending Trump did so out of revenge and hatred, because they felt like a victim being left behind by the times and losing their importance in society. They became their own version of snowflakes, and an alternative to SJWs, CJWs (cultural Justice Warriors). These Red Snowflakes, these patriotically correct cultural (in)justice warriors are just as god awful and pathetic as Obama's SJWs and are motivated by hopelessness and despair. And they are the ones screaming their BS, indicators of small brains and penises.

The other people who voted for Trump for a more justifiable reason and were disappointed are kind of quiet about it, reflecting on whether it's even worth voting anymore.
2018-05-06 18:35:55 UTC
They don't, that's just one of the many baseless insults the far left throw at us because for some reason they think it will make us stop supporting Trump and vote Democrat
2018-05-06 17:53:39 UTC
People with a criminal mind set think your stupid if your an honest,

Hard working person who isn't a criminal out to plot and scream

People out of their property and money. To them the world is only

Wolves and sheep. I'm a good Shepard. They forget these exist.

Good shepherds best the crap out of wolves and protect the sheep.

Or honest people. Be a good Shepard we need more of them.
2018-05-06 12:00:35 UTC
Half stupid. Part selfish. Part racist. None are respectable.
2018-05-06 07:31:49 UTC
Graduating in Computer Science does not mean you are able to make good life choices. Formal qualifications do not necessarily equal common sense with issues regarding the real world. Sorry.
2018-05-06 04:56:44 UTC
they say it right as they look in a mirror
2018-05-06 02:01:45 UTC
I'm on the right side of the aisle, politically, and I think that Trump voters are stupid.

He's a TV star with a shady business history and nothing but lies. I can't believe that anyone fell for any of his "promises", as the only person he cares about is himself. How's what wall coming along?
2018-05-06 01:47:43 UTC
Sorry you couldn't get a job in Silicon Valley.

I'm sure none of the other pressing issues of the day would affect you in any way.

How are you at crop harvesting. Probably can't compete there, either.

Clearly you are not quite as educated as you think you are.
Toni Parr
2018-05-06 00:16:50 UTC
Don't tell me. You went to " Midvale School for the gifted.".
2018-05-05 20:09:15 UTC
Trump makes it easy.
2018-05-05 19:34:16 UTC
Well, since we are talking about Trump, yes he wanted to stop foreigners from coming into the country. But the ones who get jobs in good fields are there on work visas, and they have a degree or technical training with supervision. You can't just get an h1b visa. And Melania came on a work visa, Married trump, then she was able to get her whole family into the country on a visa and applying for residency. It's not that all liberals think all trump supporters are stupid, there are some liberals who couldn't care if you voted for Trump or any other candidate. But there are some liberals who go overboard, just as there are conservatives who go overboard.
2018-05-05 19:20:54 UTC
Because Trump supporters think that there would be jobs for computer science without H1B visas. Because Trump voters think there would be jobs in Silicon Valley without foreigners.

Tech companies can't stay in a country where they can only employ Americans. If they can't hire enough foreign workers in the U.S., then they will have to move to a country where they can.

You may be educated, but you'll soon be unemployed -- if Trump is successful.
2018-05-05 19:19:11 UTC
They went to evergreen college.
2018-05-05 19:16:28 UTC
Education doesn't equate to common sense. There is a shortage of good candidates in your industry, hence the availability of the visas. You can go to sleep at night knowing that if you are good at your job, you will always have one.

That said, a common trait among conservatives is "I got mine". Ryan and Carson both benefitted significantly from federal programs that enabled them to reach the positions they are in, as did many republicans. Now they are voting to gut those very programs. Sort of like climbing a ladder to a treehouse then pulling the ladder up after you. To put it simply, many conservatives are concerned they have enough to eat. They aren't concerned that everyone else has enough to eat. Many conservatives fail to grasp the concept that when we all do well, we ALL do well. Perhaps you need to look beyond your own needs and understand that other people have needs too. And then maybe trump's utter incompetence and lack of fitness for office will become more apparent.
2018-05-07 20:44:35 UTC
because they are !!!!!!
2018-05-07 20:33:02 UTC
Your iq has to be below 80 to like Trump.
2018-05-07 17:21:04 UTC
You voted for Trump, and only a moron would vote for that son of a Klansman.
2018-05-07 16:36:18 UTC
Peter GGore Seer,

Bad Question Trump Was A Skull 322 Product , Stupid Never.
Crazy Horse
2018-05-07 14:02:40 UTC
Because most Trump supporters are stupid, misinformed followers of his bigoted nonsense.
2018-05-06 17:41:28 UTC
Because you voted for Trump.

It is rather self evident
Andy F
2018-05-06 17:19:55 UTC
This is a TROLL question, isn't it? You portray yourself as an intelligent Trump supporter who also doesn't care if Trump murders someone, just so long as he helps your job prospects. I think you're really a liberal who's satirizing educated Trump supporters as being moral midgets. Of course, I may be wrong.

Original answer: I don't actually think that ALL Trump supporters are stupid. But I can't understand how anyone who isn't stupid could possibly support DT in the White House -- unless they were dishonest, filled with irrational hatreds, or simply not paying attention to what a miserable human being Trump is.

It's obvious to me that Trump lies almost constantly, out of habit; that he's a bully who likes to say nasty things about women; that he's a self-centered jerk even if you happen to like his politics, that he's cruel to his own political appointees; that he's appealing to many people's fear and hatred of African Americans and Latino immigrants; and that he's got his head up his butt on carbon dioxide, coal and oil production and dangerous climate change

If you say you're intelligent and you can support the Donald anyway, I think either you're putting your immediate self-interest regarding H1 visas and immigration ahead of the public interest of this country, or there's something deeply wrong with you morally. It's easier for me to imagine that you actually mean well, but you just don't know any better,
2018-05-06 14:14:07 UTC
cuz they r
2018-05-06 09:24:44 UTC
Because of people like you.
2018-05-06 08:03:28 UTC
Well, Trump is not a perfect man but since he is better than the previous joke and the probable initiator of a nuclear war tha he defeated during the elections, it's normal the dems detract his voters in every mean way possible. Discrediting the intelligence of republicans and conservatives in general (who had no choice than voting for Trump because he was the lesser of two evils) especially by comparing the educational degrees of both political masses in which the dem is according to them owner of more universitary degrees, which can be partially true since they live mostly in the East coast and California (plus Wash. and Oregon) in large cities where there are more universities but the problem to this is that at the same time they have an enormous unemployed democrat segment that has neither higher degree on education nor job.

While at the same time conservatives live in the Mid-West a more quiet life some with college degrees or not but definitely with jobs and with productive lives not involved in crimes at the same extent that dems are used to. Even CNN has admitted that the conservative cluster has a well educated percentage despite their salaries can be lower than those democrats with the same professions living in larger liberal cities.

Let them eat their pie alone, don't get into their game of who's profession is better than the others'. Jut make them clear that you cannot respond for all the right wingers but at the same time that they can't tell you that all the left supporters are EDUCATED people because that is almost like an oxymoron given that many leftists are communist and many of those communist hate all forms of education. Those who are leaders of those communist groups or parties are educated and love to learn in part because they think what they have learned is something good but many of them do it in order to deceive through knowledge by knowing others won't have it. And they are very aware of that, you can tell when they make public their denial of God and all kids of justice on life, free enterprise and moral.

Even though their level of accomplishments in life with regard produtivity of some type besides making money (which they say it's not important for them) is far below compared to a right winger, except if that communist is a businessman, which is not rare at all if you see some of them talking about leaving workers every time more with less money like Gina Reinhart and some bankers. Many of those leftists at heart whose lives make them look like they should be right wingers, usually have a bunch of profession with less variety of what a right winger can have. Even when those leftists can turn themselves nuclear physicists, doctors or molecular biologists, their level of intelligence is never the same that the one of a right winger and this is demonstrated in the field of their own professions and with regard varied topics of knowledge, especially with regard with moral questions. They don't know how to defend indefensible crimes like abortion.

If they say one is stupid for voting for someone who cannot express himself like a graduated in political science, let them remember how the previous democrat joke used to stand in front of people just babbling for half an hour for saying later straight very stupid things like selling human derivates of babies and fetuses killed in abortive clinics is a normal and legal practice or protecting stupid but evil men like Jonathan Gruber, who said Americans are very stupid for allowing the democrat govt. to pass their healthcare reform, by just saying he never worked with them, despite the nation saw how Gruber was declaring at the Senate for his insults and apologizing constantly for them. This means that for lying upon something made by someone who works for the most televised person in the world, you don't have only to be bold but exceedingly stupid besides dishonest, corrupt, perverse and incompetent, not worthy of our votes at all. Voting for people like that is an act that demonstrate lack of intelligence and persisting on voting their worst version of that man makes necessary for the English language to have a new superlative for stupidest, which results short for people committing those acts or wishing more of them.
Weasel McWeasel
2018-05-06 06:17:08 UTC
when you seen an entire ROOM of Trump supporters shouting LOCK HER UP! in unison......or holding BIRTHER rallies, as they DID, they don't come off as the sharpest knives in the drawer.

When you see them holding up laughably misspelled doesn't speak to their inherent intelligence.

When they buy MAGA Hats, Made in have to wonder if any of them ever graduated high school.

When affairs with Porn stars and cheating on his wife doesn't even get them to raise one have to Marvel at the blazing hypocrisy.

I'm not saying there aren't a few educated Trump supporters out's just that they seemingly never show it.---or debate fairly, or admit any of his numerous faults.

I actually LIKE a few of Trump's ideas, too. It's just that he's a such a repugnant racist idiot.....and a bully ....and disgraces the office daily..............that I'm just too embarrassed to be seen as supporting such a moron.

I did not support Hillary at allllllllll, and everyone here who has seen my posts, knows that...........but I am not going to chant "Lock her up", like a brain dead moron, either. ---when you haven't even pressed a charge........and NO ONE is going to "Lock Up" a former first lady, for the same reason no one "locked up" Nixon.

Ya see.......I actually have an education and a brain........but the difference is........I actually use mine.
2018-05-06 06:14:02 UTC
Because you got conned. He addressed the issue but has done zero about it. Do you not realize that most employers are Republicans and they want even more H-1B visas to get more cheap labor. Were you not paying attention to all the things in his speeches where he stretched the truth then you bought the part you wanted to hear as the truth.

Trump went all out as he never thought he would win and never though he would have to keep his promises. Nor did he even have a clue how to accomplish them when he was there. It was obvious to over half the voters that he was merely telling people what they wanted to hear without the slightest care about delivering.

The GOP has been geed at suckering in voters for decades by promising lots of conservative goodies like smaller government and balanced budgets. But not once have they ever done any of these things. So basically, you fell for a con. Anyone can get fooled once. But carefully think about what if you are only being told what you want to hear the next election.
2018-05-06 05:41:57 UTC
Because they're stupid themselves.
2018-05-05 21:07:56 UTC
The Democrats want to portray the Trump voter as a hillbilly, uneducated, illiterate or a gun fanatic because thats the only chance they have to win in Congress and in 2020, they must make people believe the Dems stand for social justice and Republicans are mean and dont care about people, or they are for rich people only. Dont believe all the Democratic propaganda. You do have to figure it out for yourself.
2018-05-05 20:13:07 UTC
They are
2018-05-05 19:25:56 UTC
educated but stupid
2018-05-05 19:21:11 UTC
You can be educated and still so emotionally immature so that you are able to ignore racism, misogyny, Islamophobia, bigotry and lies just because of one issue that is important to YOU, disregarding the harm this candidate might do to huge swaths of your fellow Americans.and to our country in general.

Do you still feel good about your vote or are you paying attention? And BTW, has he fixed the H1B visa problem?
2018-05-05 19:15:09 UTC
So, you're purporting to be a single-issue voter and intelligent at the same time?

JenWales and anonymous are both right, in my opinion.
2018-05-05 19:14:52 UTC
The Democrats think if you don't think like a Democrat you are stupid. They can only see their own views. What is really amazing is that the liberals, who traditionally have been pro free speech are now very pro censorship. Only their views should be heard. The block conservative speakers every day. The real issue is that they cannot accept that about half the country thinks the other way. HALF.
2018-05-05 19:12:47 UTC
It's true that there are college graduates who voted for Trump.

It's also true that statistically, Republicans in general and Trump voters specifically are less educated.

But perhaps most of all, it's true that Spanky is unqualified and unfit, so anyone who voted for him and still supports him can't be all bright.
2018-05-09 13:17:46 UTC
Well ignoring the fact that he is unashamedly racist and sexist, that you seem to feel free to gloss over as if it were nothing,

there are multiple factors to consider here. This so-called wall that he claimed he would build and have Mexico pay for.

Anyone who voted for him on that principle, which was a lot of people from what I hear, is an idiot. Mexico themselves made it clear that they would not be paying for trump's ego-boosting wall long before he was elected. So America would, in the end, have to pay for it anyhow. Regardless of what trump said before he went into office. And if he were to somehow manage to build this precious wall of his, which I might point out hasn't even started construction even though his speeches made it sound like it would be one of the first things on his agenda as president, the money would have to come from somewhere. And it certainly would not be from the rich fat cats like himself. He made his interest in being buddy-buddy with other rich people and not giving a damn about the lower classes, pretty abundantly clear before he even got into office.

Probably the only thing he claimed in his speeches that he followed through on.

Which brings me to the other issue. Not caring about anything or anyone that isn't lining his pockets or helping him make minorities & poor peoples lives a living hell.

Not only does he not care about the plight of anyone lower than him on the social and economical chain of society, he has been actively trying to pass laws and bills to make things worse for the poor and trying to eliminate the middle class all together!

You don't care what horrible things he has done if you benefit from his regime? Well news flash! Unless your college degree plants you in the seat of a company ceo somewhere, you aren't going to benefit from anything!

He doesn't care about you unless you are rich and he talks big empty words full of hot air but doesn't follow through with hardly anything he claims! He is as lazy as he is cruel and sadistic. He should never have been elected into office. He is clearly trying to manage your whole country like a corporation. And it is not okay.

So yeah, trump supporters are stupid. they willingly brought into power some half-****** greedy prick that knows nothing about running anything aside from corporate businesses & companies where he fires almost everybody he can and screws over everyone he can't.
2018-05-09 09:54:19 UTC
Just because you’re educated about computer science does not mean you’re educated any other science or about politics.
2018-05-08 12:57:46 UTC
Because they’re stupid
2018-05-08 01:29:17 UTC
Because of dumb questions like this.
2018-05-08 00:18:04 UTC
Because they have eyes
Just another Y!A liar.
2018-05-07 16:09:25 UTC
I don't think they're all stupid. I recognize that many of them are actually rather bright, but at the same rapaciously greedy and completely unfettered by any normal moral constraints. AKA, sociopaths.

The others, however, ARE stupid.
Lord Bacon
2018-05-07 08:27:52 UTC
So you voted on the basis of a single issue without taking account of the broader implications of the whole package? That is not unusual. Even educated people choose to wear blinkers.

Employers want to employ the best people for the job. If that is not American nationals, we need to ask why they are not the best and why you were worried about your job prospects.
2018-05-07 03:55:52 UTC
Because he's a cúnt that's why, just like you bastards that voted for him, what idiots.
Petra Chor
2018-05-07 00:26:13 UTC
Not stupid, willfilly ignorant and evil. Totally different.
2018-05-06 22:26:48 UTC
So how's that working out for you?
2018-05-06 21:26:45 UTC
It's a bigoted stereotype.
chris h
2018-05-06 18:52:52 UTC
It's easier for people to blame stupid hicks than blame someone smarter than them.
My Baby!
2018-05-06 18:28:51 UTC
IDK.....I think it all stems from the media, Hollyweird and the Hate that the left has for our President. I have never in my long life have I seen such division because the lady who ran for President was a disgrace yet she just knew she was going to win because it was her turn. She didn't even bother to go to all the states. She was too freakin drunk half the time campaigning. So I think Hillary supporters are dumb as she is.
2018-05-06 16:29:44 UTC
You shouldn't say that you don't care if he murdered anyone, so long as you benefit.

No offense, but that makes you sound selfish. (I don't believe that he murdered anyone,

but with Hillary, I'm not so sure). Hillary's (and other Dems) favorite game is to pretend

they care about the underprivileged, blind, handicapped, poor, illegals, minority, autistic people

and paint themselves as a humanitarian when nothing could be further from the truth.

Hillary will try to have you thinking she's Mother Theresa, but she really just wants to

grab as much power as she possibly can. She'd sell out the poor underprivileged

any day in exchange for her precious power if given a choice.
2018-05-06 14:16:17 UTC
Those people are stupid
2018-05-06 01:51:47 UTC
Because his supporters ARE stupid to vote for someone with his opinions, behavior and only being qualified to be a traitor.

Your suggesting that committing murder would be OK and not change your opinion makes me think you barely have a GED.
2018-05-05 19:55:42 UTC
Trump states one thing that 'other people' should do and does the complete opposite for himself/his businesses........... so on that basis there were many high educated people who have no common sense who voted for him... here we call them 'highly educated idiots' no life experience and selfish as in only out for themselves...which fits you perfectly
2018-05-05 19:41:19 UTC
It makes them feel better about their pitiful selves.
2018-05-05 19:15:28 UTC
When did trump talk about that? Prove it to me or you’re lying, which is no surprise, because all trump supporters lie.

Btw I’m a computer science graduate myself.
2018-05-05 19:11:30 UTC
Educated in computer science, perhaps. Intelligent and capable of discerning thought? Apparently not.

I think Trump supporters are short-sighted and generally have an agenda that is based on fear and hate.
2018-05-08 21:32:44 UTC
I think it’s stupid to support someone who is not good enough for your own benifits. You may call yourself smart but I feel sorry
2018-05-08 11:43:14 UTC
Because they prove it every day.
2018-05-08 01:03:45 UTC
Yes, they get scammed by Trump for being stupid.
2018-05-07 22:21:41 UTC
Trump was not my first on my list,but HILLARY was my last. SO GET OVER IT .
2018-05-07 22:12:55 UTC
Because the sheeple who worship him give ALL Trump supporters a BAD NAME!

If you hold the opinion that “if Trump says it, it MUST be true!”, you completely lack intelligence!
2018-05-07 16:51:26 UTC
cos all the evidence says they are
2018-05-07 12:27:49 UTC
I do not believe all trump supporters are stupid but I do think that there is only one thing that is the glue that holds all of you together and that is "BIGOTRY!" the promise to MAKE AMERICA WHITE AGAIN! otherwise, what can explain the fact that honesty, morality, decency, and all the things that most of us want for our children, what can possibly explain the deplorable approval of such an idiotic individual? Only one thing; prejudice. Be honest with yourselves.
2018-05-07 01:43:20 UTC
neither hillary or trump were good candidates in the first place.
2018-05-06 21:13:37 UTC
Because you believe Trump cares about the H1B visa while he is importing eastern Europeans like crazy to work at his properties instead of hiring Americans to be maids.
2018-05-06 17:17:51 UTC
First I am a Hiliry supporter, but I don't hate trump...I think hes just honest...but in a bad way.

The reason people think hes stupid is, becuase of what he has said about women,mexicans and disibled people.

He isn't an idiot tho is he....the guy has a billion dollor business.
2018-05-06 16:25:12 UTC
Because they are
2018-05-06 15:16:57 UTC
Duhhh - because they ARE. You foolishly equate having some education with intelligence. Intelligence is the ability to observe data, reason logically & then reach the correct conclusion. If your conclusion was the Oranger Fraud, then trust me, you are uncommonly STUPID.
The Football God
2018-05-06 14:26:00 UTC
Amazingly, those are who the MEDIA chose to show on the news.
2018-05-06 09:09:12 UTC
Liberal logic: "I are the smottest pirsen hear, en evrrebuddi hoo disagreze wit mi iz unejakatid."

If I had a penny for every Liberal who accused me of being "uneducated," I'd be richer than that Uranium Saleslady. I keep asking Liberals, "Please define 'education.' What kind of 'education' do I need to be as 'smart' as a Liberal?" But I get no straight answers!
2018-05-06 01:09:30 UTC
Because that is the way they act.

For instance, you think "computer science" is going to impress people.
2018-05-06 00:08:25 UTC
Why do people think that all trump supporters are stupid?

I think so!
2018-05-05 19:16:31 UTC
Eh, just read the comments on this site by Trump supporters, and then come back and tell me how "bright" the majority of them are!
Mr. Wolf
2018-05-05 19:16:01 UTC
I never meet a smart person who felt the need to prove they are smart.
2018-05-05 19:13:27 UTC
Stupid people tend to believe that most people are just as smart as them. Intelligent people recognize that there re people that are more intelligent.
2018-05-05 19:13:26 UTC
Not all Trump supporters are stupid, but the most visible of them reinforce that perception.

As for whether you're stupid, I wouldn't know. You may be very intelligent, but education isn't necessarily an indicator.

I've known some highly-educated people who were total idiots, and some not-that-educated people who were quite bright.
Kevin L
2018-05-08 04:15:50 UTC
Because anyone who would vote for that narcisistic moron must be stupid. The man is an idiot. His agenda is dangerous, the man is a mobster, crook, womeniser, admires dictators, has ni common sense or morality. I could write pages of adjustives that discribe this nut job ( as he would say ). Tell me ONE redeeming quality this moron has ? Sorry if you can see even half of what makes this guy a scary individual you must lack the any form of morality. It is a reflection of you ! Deplorable
2018-05-07 21:27:22 UTC
Because Trump is against transgendered people in the military and having a republican in office is always a danger to LGBT values. If you care about humans you vote liberal and vote democrat.
2018-05-07 19:44:54 UTC
Because they are. Have a nice evening Sir.
2018-05-07 19:35:32 UTC
That's just a stereo type. Stop thinking that's a fact. There a people out there who, just like you do not give a damn.
2018-05-07 06:01:54 UTC
Who knows
2018-05-07 04:11:19 UTC
"Trump as a politician is a complete and utter moron, ergo his followers must also be morons" seems to be a lot of people's logic.
2018-05-07 00:42:53 UTC
They are fanatics everywhere, and because of those fanatics people tend to generalize others.
2018-05-06 19:23:56 UTC
GIf you support Trump its pretty obvious

Education does not equal smart

Just like smart does not equal educated.

But Trump himself said it best in an interview about 20 years ago "If I ever run for President I will run as a Republican, because they are stupid enough to believe anything I say."
2018-05-06 11:53:15 UTC
You just told us. You voted for him.
2018-05-06 06:46:09 UTC
Because I voted for Trump and haven't done anything with my life yet. I certainly didn't go to college.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.