"Update: I honestly don't care about the mean things he said about women or any affairs that he had. Hell I don't care if he murdered someone in the past. So as long as I benefit from his regime, then I am content."
Well that mentality is totally selfish. It's sort of the attitude Nazis wanted whites to promote while they shoved everyone in a concentration camp. I'm not liberal, but I gotta say, a lot of you assholes who call yourselves conservatives say "I'm not racist" or "I'm not heartless" and then you have a freudian slip to show that you're a bastard that's too far gone and has no respect of sympathy for human life or the rights of others. If we had another Hitler, by your own words, you could be bought off to sell off the rest of humanity as long as you got your stupid job. Jesus Christ you are a terrible human being. Don't even say you're patriotic or Christian. You're selfish on a genocidal level.
Now for the main question: Why do people think all Trump supporters are stupid and racist?
Not all of them are, but the stereotypical idiot rednecks like to scream their bullshit at the top of their lungs on the internet. They stick out more.
Some people who voted for Trump reluctantly because they were republican, they saw him as a slight lesser of 2 evils, they saw it as a break away from the deep state (admitting it might get worse before it gets better), or because they only agreed with 1 or 2 very specific things Trump promised, and didn't agree with all the nonsense he spewed. I almost voted for the guy. ALMOST.
But I think a lot of the sane and moral people who ventured Trump as a lesser of 2 evils regret it now. Not that Hillary would have necessarily been better. Some people knew from the get go that Trump, Hillary, Bush, Obama....they all blend the same in the important stuff-imperialism, police state, corporatism, etc-but you have to be able to look past identity politics to realize the false left right paradigm.
Those people who are left over who scream Trump at the top of their lungs most likely voted for Trump out revenge against liberals and SJWs calling them racist. The people who are assholes about defending Trump did so out of revenge and hatred, because they felt like a victim being left behind by the times and losing their importance in society. They became their own version of snowflakes, and an alternative to SJWs, CJWs (cultural Justice Warriors). These Red Snowflakes, these patriotically correct cultural (in)justice warriors are just as god awful and pathetic as Obama's SJWs and are motivated by hopelessness and despair. And they are the ones screaming their BS, indicators of small brains and penises.
The other people who voted for Trump for a more justifiable reason and were disappointed are kind of quiet about it, reflecting on whether it's even worth voting anymore.