Should the Canadian government take action on automated banking machine fees?
Y! Canada News Editors
2007-03-06 11:09:13 UTC
Canadian Finance Minister Jim Flaherty sat down with executives of the six biggest banks this week to discuss ABM charges after NDP leader Jack Layton blasted the banks, calling on them to assure clients that they aren't "nickel and dimed" in the future.

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Overt Operative
2007-03-06 11:16:41 UTC
I take there is no such thing as free enterprise in Canada. Unless there is price fixing going on between the banks, the government needs to keep its nose out of business affairs.
Andy B
2007-03-06 11:34:19 UTC
I think a fair solution might be..... let them charge fees for machines that they have placed in convenience stores...etc.. but get rid of all fees that pertain to using any machine at a branch. These machines are there anyway, so it just seems like gouging. That's what I think!
2007-03-06 11:39:56 UTC
They make BILLIONS in profit every year, with OUR money. why should I pay anyone to take back my own money, I am already paying backing fees, that should be enough. There is no way of getting away from banks, we need then to buy a house {I don't know anyone who can purchase that in cash}, so we pay interest, that is fine they are lending us money, BUT if I want my own money back, I don't care what system I am using there is no need to be taking more money from me. Besides the fact that banks have dumb hours, we work business Hours, they should have extended hours to serve us.
2007-03-06 11:37:51 UTC
Definitely lower the fees. The line 'lose the profit and the ATM's will go away' is BS...the banks save so much money on staffing that the ATM's aren't going anywhere.
bev b
2007-03-06 11:44:01 UTC
Lets see, the banks already are posting multi million dollar profits (remember this is after all financial compensation to top management has been issued). They take your money, give you pittance in the amount of interest, and turn around and charge you a monthly fee to bank there. Then they use YOUR money and loan it to others at much higher rates. The banks should just aborb the cost of the ABM's as they cost far less to maintain than a actual branch. That's why they were implemented - to save them money.
2007-03-06 11:34:59 UTC
Next to the oil companies, the banks make the most profit in this country. They are nickel and diming citizens...most people do their own banking and it has saved the financial industry billions of dollars in staff.
2007-03-06 11:22:30 UTC
Banks should pay people a fee for giving them their business.
2007-03-06 11:41:04 UTC
The Canadian government absolutely should step in and place controls on the banks . The major banks are making billion dollar profits ......How much is too much ? and how are they making those profits? on the backs of the regular joe. They introduced the automated money machines , promoted them to get people to use them and were able to reduce staffing which in turn reduced monies paid out in salaries . why? ....oh gee let me see! mmmmmmmmm.........more profit .

It has been argued that if you have accounts at one bank and use another banks machine that this is the only funds being made to use a machine. That is absolutely not the truth. They are charging people's accounts for every transaction that goes thru using a bank card .

All I can say to the banks and the government is "give me a break" .
melanie j
2007-03-06 11:44:15 UTC
Banks are already making huge profit of interest by having our money stored with them... why all the piddly charges...shouldn't they be paying us?
2007-03-06 11:34:34 UTC
The money we pay to simply have an atm card and account should be payment enough for the maintenance of the machines, should it not?
2007-03-06 11:16:12 UTC
I don't think there should be ATM fees, at all. So, yes.
2014-09-20 07:24:23 UTC
When you're on holiday the ATM is far cheaper than using money changing services in the other country. What I don't like is the double dipping. You pay to use some other Bank's machine and your own bank charges you again! What's that about? What service has your Bank provided. Is this "penalty" to discourage you from using other Bank's machines? Why is that an issue? It's an electronic transfer no matter where it's done. No, I think it's the new corporate strategy that paints a customer as a victim. They don't have a machine where you need one and they charge you for their poor service.I have a membership at another. Or I should be able to use my co-op card lock at any gas station. What is being said makes no sense at all. What would happen if the banks pulled there bank machines and you could only withdraw cash from the bank during working hours then what. If it is regulated by the government then so should every other private sector business in how much they charge on everything. Yes the banks make huge profits I agree with that however they are a business and like any other business they are out to make money.
2007-03-06 12:28:51 UTC
Of course this should be discussed, you dont even need to ask this question! Banks do nickel and dime customers to death all the time and they make massive profits off of us.

If President's Choice can offer no fees banking dont try to tell me that no other bank can not do the same. I have been a PC customer since they opened up for biz many years ago and I'll never change from them.

I had to put our biz acct with Canada Trust when Bizsmart went under last Nov. and I truly resent the service charges they have and they were the least repulsive/expensive place to deal with. We should not have to pay a small fortune to access our money each and every time we need a few bucks.

Those white label abm's are the worst and the fees are bordering on loan sharking and that should be resolved so that if they are not free to use then they should be a heck of a lot less than they are. It's all a scam and if banks think we dont know it they are wrong. I hate banks in general.
2014-08-24 06:29:56 UTC
The private ATM's charge more than the banks. There are also bank accounts available that allow transactions ( some unlimited and others not) but they all charge if you use another banks machine or a private ATM. The have to come to a reasonable consensus on the cost because the maintenance on the machines are the banks cost so that has to be taken into consideration as well. It is a situation that will take need the participation of all the interested parties. I know that the government should not be trying to tell the banks how to run their business but the banks have to consider that not all people have the kind of money to pay allot of fees and we know banks do not really do much to assist the low income or the people on a fixed income. The banks want us to use the machines and the computer and telephone banking but allot of that is to cut down their payroll overhead. I agree that the computer and the machines are very convenient and ease the banking process for people that are really busy including myself. I only go into the bank on average once in six month since I started computer banking and depositing using the bank machine and it is a time facter for allot of people. So the only answer is a consensus among the participats to assure people that they will not be service charged to death for transactions.
2014-10-20 19:46:24 UTC
Why as Canadians we just lay down and let the large corporate world walk all over us is beyond me. Experts say if the consumers does not **** it they can make a change. Can anyone out there tell me were there is a bank in Canada that does not have these FEES?? What a no brainer. The banks will say what about the private operators they will be put out of business if they do not charge us fees. I fell very strongly that we should not be charged money to use our own money. The Government has made it so that we have to use banks hoverer they also as usual want us to also pay the bill. So wake up everyone tell the banks to take a hike!! Or sit there and pay them but when they Make a combined 19 Billion a year don't say a word!!.
2007-03-06 22:57:17 UTC

The banks can talk all they like about costs but their record earnings year after year, cuts to staffing to the point that tellers are not even part of the system for some banks clearly shows that while the machines cost a great deal to install, they make so much money that claiming they are simply conveniences just doesn't wash.

Banks gouge and over charge for everything. The machines when they first arrived were supposed to be the new tellers. We are told we are fast becoming a cashless society. Yet we are paying to access our own money. Charges for accessing money that is transferred between banks, branches and even cities in the blink of an eye, without documentation beyond computer entries DO NOT COST.

These transactions are fully automated through integrated systems shared by all the banks on the cirrus or other system. Thus, it costs them nothing. Its numbers only. We take it out, our our bank's computer credits the bank we took it from by debiting our account (all in cyberspace) and its all even.

It seems every time the bank tells us that we need a service, they are only too happy to charge us for it. That is fine, but cooking up new ways to charge us for taking out our own money and then creating a false sense entitlement for those charges and attempting to guilt us into paying is riduculous.

As I recall, more than 20 years or so ago consumers were furious with bank charges. I clearly remember their response. New bank machines are going to come in erradicating the need for teller charges and thus eliminating those hated bank fees. Use the machines and its free.

I am just old enough to know what a crock that is. Here we go again. Keep up the good work Jack! I don't hate banks but I don't trust them or respect them either.

Now, if you could just get the government to forgive all student loans for those 45 and up, I could actually earn enough to save for a retirement. Oh well, I suppose that has enough chance of happening as will the possibilty that the banks stop stealing from us and our current government will put people ahead of profit.

The world has lost all sense of justice, human dignity and fairness in policy. Still, I am ever hopeful that the ND will take over.
2007-03-06 14:24:41 UTC
Several have mention no fees no ABM. That is wrong ABM are far cheaper than a teller and larger branches. In the beginning they did not charge for ABM use but did for teller transactions. why because an ABM doesn't cost as much as tellers. The actual cost of running ABMs has gone down over the years. But fees have gone up. I do believe that interact fees for using another banks machine are fair but must be kept reasonable. I think that some Government regulation of banking fees is in order. without such laws banks would charge us 20% or more on loans in reality there is little difference between interest FEES or other bank FEES all are the banks charging for a product. And government regulations do govern a great many of the prices we pay in general, which in the end is a good thing.
Super Ruper
2007-03-06 13:54:38 UTC
I have recently moved from Canada, and am now seeing our great country through different eyes. I've long heard Canada called 'socialist', particularly by Americans - and it never registered. Watching the news on this particular issue, however, I can clearly see from where the label comes. In a truly Capitalist society, the government has no business impeding the profit making of private enterprise. Plain and simple. As well, when your own bank will not charge fees for using their ABMs, it is the customer's choice to use a more local or convenient ABM from a different bank, and pay the fees.

I think this is a dangerous precident, and the Canadian public may well rue the day they cheered on their government for intervening on their behalf. Where will it stop? How much power do we want the government to have? At the moment, it seems like a good it MAY bring down fees. But whats next? What if you were a business owner and the government came into YOUR business and told you where and how you can make money?
2007-03-06 12:47:29 UTC
As part of a larger strategy of regulating bank fees then yes they should also consider inter-bank ABM fees. Like previous respondents have said, if you go to an ABM from a different bank then you could probably be charged a fee. What that fee is, should be regulated as there is a fixed cost to transferring money between banks. What that cost is, I have no idea but the bank does and so should the government. However, I believe user fees in general, when dealing with your own bank, should not exist. That service should just be a cost of doing business. ABM's will not go away if the user fees are removed any more than the self serve pump or pay at the pump will disappear. It is cheaper for the customer to pump the gas and pay at the pump than it is to staff the pump, that's why it's cheaper to use self serve than full serve. These machines save the bank money by removing the teller from standard operations like withdrawing or depositing cash. Finally, who would deal with a bank that has no ABMs?
2007-03-06 12:30:15 UTC
Are ABM fees too high, maybe in some cases, I try not to use other machines. You know there are are so many other things that the Finance Minister should be upset about ABM fees are near the bottom of the list. What about the outrageous price of gas right now and the trickle down effect that will have on other goods and services. What about the "working poor" you know the people who work 40 or more hours a week; and still can't make ends meet. Make more than $25,000 a year and the GST refund goes bye bye the baby bonus is drastically cut, no rent rebate no nothing. After all that's considered a moderate income. He should try living on that for a year. What do you pay and what do you let go? Do you pay the rent and not by food, or buy food and not pay for lights and heat, or put gas in the car so you can go to work and not pay the rent? It just goes around and around. The government takes from those that can least afford it and gives to those who have too much. But as far as ABM fees go use your own bank machines and you can avoid fees in most cases. Sorry for the rant!
2007-03-06 12:16:39 UTC
I agree that there should be a limit on what the banks charge but there are so many other bank machines from private companies and that should have a limit as well. The private ATM's charge more than the banks. There are also bank accounts available that allow transactions ( some unlimited and others not) but they all charge if you use another banks machine or a private ATM. The have to come to a reasonable consensus on the cost because the maintenance on the machines are the banks cost so that has to be taken into consideration as well. It is a situation that will take need the participation of all the interested parties. I know that the government should not be trying to tell the banks how to run their business but the banks have to consider that not all people have the kind of money to pay allot of fees and we know banks do not really do much to assist the low income or the people on a fixed income. The banks want us to use the machines and the computer and telephone banking but allot of that is to cut down their payroll overhead. I agree that the computer and the machines are very convenient and ease the banking process for people that are really busy including myself. I only go into the bank on average once in six month since I started computer banking and depositing using the bank machine and it is a time facter for allot of people. So the only answer is a consensus among the participats to assure people that they will not be service charged to death for transactions.
2007-03-07 05:44:41 UTC
Are the ABM fees too much? If you end up using another bank's machine of course it is since that bank charges you and then your own bank changes you. But everyone has the option of taking out money at the beginning of the week and working off a budget to make it last. Not to mention the fact that every bank account has a certain amount of transactions included in the monthly banking fee. So try to stay within your limit.

Now I'm not a complete goody-goody. Are the banks goudging us? Too right!!!! But the only option then is to take your business away from them. Over the past 10 years, the bank fees have risen so much that I changed my account from the bank a used as a kid. The new bank I was using then started to ridiculously increase their fees so I'm in the process of moving again. There are banks out there that are very reasonable and ACTUALLY REWARD YOU FOR GIVING THEM YOUR BUSINESS. I'm not sure if the bank I'm changing to now is included in "the six big banks" but I do know that it's stable, its been around for years, and that they actually treat their clients well.

My other suggestion to individuals to save money would to not look at little things like banking fees but look at the big picture. DON"T have your savings account at the same bank where you have your chequing...use something like ING - way more interest and just as easy to set up, get your money, etc. etc.

Yeah the banks are greedy, but you know that if you asked for an explanation of what the fees are being used for it would be a simple, "staffing costs, administration costs" blah blah blah.

The best thing to show your discontent is to leave. IT'S 9 TIMES HARDER TO GET YOUR BUSINESS BACK THAN IT IS TO SIMPLY KEEP IT (proven). Don't let them win because you can't be bothered to look.
2007-03-06 22:48:50 UTC
Layton and Flaherty are correct. I have been travelling through a number of countries including India recently. They either have no fees or are lower than Canada. The Banks are claiming that there are capital expenses involved in running the network but shouldn't there be a reasonable amount of time before we can consider those costs covered. In countries where there is much more competition in the financial sector bank machines are seen as a marketing tool to attract customers rather than cash cows.

The Canadian banking system does not face this competition due to pressure of regulation lobbied for the banks themselves. As consumers we should demand that the government ask for reasonable costs in exchange for this.

As for the arguement that banks will install less machines. I don't hear this when a bank closes a branch in a rural town and installs a machine. These machines do end up costing human jobs. We really shouldn't be expected to pay for that.
2007-03-06 21:59:37 UTC
Way to go Jack! Sometimes we need the best of all political parties to rule our country. It is about time someone of Authority spoke out. Competition is not working and as "all" raise the fees we keep paying. Didn't we visit ABM fees 5- 10 years ago. The private machines need to be put in check too. Lets put this into perspective; In 1 hour there are 3,600 seconds, If you make $20/ hour or $0.0055 per second and you give 2 dollars for 5 seconds it won't take you long to go broke. You also have to wonder how the government can permit a federally protected instituition to pilidge you from your own money. Don't buy into the tear jerker that it is expensive to maintain these machines as the banks and others would have you believe. Imagine the $20/ hour bank machine maintenance person working on these machines. Oh!!! you cant? It is hard to do because we never see someone working on these machines. Maintenance must cost them $0.0000000000000000055 in the grand scheme of things. Remember your mortgage and car loan fees too!
2007-03-06 15:20:10 UTC
The matter should have been addressed long before now

From what I saw of Finance Minister Jim Flaherty he wants to negotiate with the banks and let them come up with somthing.

How weak knee is he ?

The banks are blatantly stealing from the poorest members of society for massive profit lines - Sum 400 million came out of the general economy and into the banks pocket The entire service fee needs to be looked at.

But not looked at as if the bank were anything more than a corperation that must obey laws Mr. Flarety seems to think of the bank as some sort of shadow government that needs to be negotiated with and not told

Legislate fairness into the syestem don't sit thier like a weak knee sub manager to them - Your the government act like it protect Canadians - justify your wages and represent the people for a change .

If it is beyond the scope of this government to do this then resign and call an election
2007-03-06 14:40:02 UTC
If you figure the population of Canada is approximately 38 million, take 1.50 (the amount a bank charges everyone for a transaction either at the ATM or in person) multiply that by 38 million, and you will get 57 million dollars (thats an estimate of how much the banks make in Canada figuring everyone made one transaction a day)...I know I make way more than that sometimes, and some people NEVER use it, so thats a pretty good average. So, yea, if you added up the "maintenance fees" banks charge every month, (which is like over ten dollars a month), the banks charge way too much to keep OUR money. I think I might have to start just keeping my money at home...oh yea, but if there's a fire, I would have no money anymore, so I have to keep it in a bank. But the banks take what little money we have, so its a vicious cycle. It blows. Go Jack Layton (I've met him, and he's a great guy). Too bad he isn't our Prime Minister.
Double Y
2007-03-06 13:18:06 UTC
I see a lot of arguments here that doesn't make any sense. The argument of how much the bank makes or that without service charges the ATMs won't exist has nothing to do with the discussion at hand. The real issue is how much the banks are charging for use of the ATM.

Banks don't charge if you use the machines of your own bank. In this sense, it's fair because you're their client and they are making money off your deposits. However, the current ATM charges are usually $1.50 from both the machine you're taking it out from, AND your own bank. Thus, you're getting double charged for one service. This is my first problem with the ATM fee. I can live with the ATM machine charging you if it's not your bank, since that's what provides the service. However, your bank should not be charging you for taking out your own money.

Secondly, paying $1.50 to withdraw $20 is excessive. How much is charged should be on a rated scale, with a cost ceiling. In terms of cost accounting, there's a variable cost and a fixed cost to running those machines. The machines should charge a set rate below a certain amount, for example, maybe $0.50 for all withdrawals under $50, and incrementally increase from there, until you reach a maximum of maybe something like $5 for a $1000 withdrawal. Paying 7.5% fee for a $20 withdrawal is just ridiculous (and if you add the charge from your own bank, that's 15% for a $20 withdrawal)! That's borderline loansharking.
Sava Z
2007-03-06 12:53:15 UTC
I bank with Presidents Choice Financial and have probably paid approx $10 in bank fees in 7 years.

The only time a bank fee is incurred is when I withdraw money from an ATM that is not a CIBC or Pres Choice bank machine.

Pretty sure this is the case at most institutions, which means that people have a choice, if you don't want to be charged bank fees, switch banks or use your bank's ATM not a competitors.

The only problem here appears to be that Flaherty actually believes that something the NDP are saying actually warrants action. At least with bank fees the general public has a choice to avoid these fees.

Why not direct this energy toward the oil companies and/or insurance companies?

We all know these folks are in collusion and are making billions based on our Gov't coddling them.
2007-03-06 12:24:39 UTC
Yes they should! All you people who feel it is a slight against free enterprise blah blah blah, in the US there are more banks with far more competition and they do not change service fees (at least TD Waterhouse - a Canadian company doesn't according to Layton). It used to be you would only be charged a fee from your own bank if you went to another - then "free enterprise" kicked in with the white box ABMs, then suddenly we have to pay our own bank AND the bank the ABM is being run by (if not our own)

On top of all this - I remember the banks used to say that ABMs would save them money, because they wouldn't have as many tellers and/or branches.

Even if this were to happen, the ABMs are going nowhere.

But don't worry, all you "free enterprise capitalists" can just relax and sleep comfortably at night knowing the oligopoly of only a few major banks (unlike the true competition in banking in the US) will live on, because while as mentioned elsewhere the banks should be paying us for using OUR money - nothing will come out of this.
ks b
2007-03-06 12:06:31 UTC
We are all well aware that the world revolves around $$$$...for the longest time I have felt that there should be a 'governing' body with respect to the banking institution. Oh...was it to be our 'government' governing the banks all this time? Hmm...thanks for that. I'm really broke now. I cringe when I have to use an ATM somewhere other than my own bank (plus my own monthly banking fee of 12.50. A $1.50 charge to use an ATM...pure robbery!!! We need a voice (or more than one with this whole disgusting affair).

Of course the government should take action on these ridiculous banking fees. As a single mother, it's very difficult to manage as it is. But of course, the banks do not care about lower income/

single parent families. The banks charge the same across the board!!! I have been with the same bank for over 20 breaks, no incentive to keep our business...not really. It's then a game of trying to find another bank who may charge a little less here and there, but a huge headache and a lot of time to change everything over...then if things get mixed up...more time and aggravation.

Again, it's like the telephone/cable company monopoly (game...). We still need to use 'a bank'.

LET'S SCREAM LOUDER!!! Then again...will anything come out of this? Will the 'governing' body enforce strict guidelines once all opinions are out there and the speakers (Finance/politicians) have their say? Do we as Canadian, just go on our merry way as usual and keep quiet. Let's not...cause we'll continually be forced to pay what we don't have!!!
George S
2007-03-06 12:03:54 UTC
Yes the government should take action. Why as Canadians we just lay down and let the large corporate world walk all over us is beyond me. Experts say if the consumers does not **** it they can make a change. Can anyone out there tell me were there is a bank in Canada that does not have these FEES?? What a no brainer. The banks will say what about the private operators they will be put out of business if they do not charge us fees. I fell very strongly that we should not be charged money to use our own money. The Government has made it so that we have to use banks hoverer they also as usual want us to also pay the bill. So wake up everyone tell the banks to take a hike!! Or sit there and pay them but when they Make a combined 19 Billion a year don't say a word!!.
Science teacher
2007-03-06 12:02:20 UTC
Here's the heart of the issue.

The operator of the ABM receives a fee from your bank. That fee is enough to cover rent for the space, the cost of the machine, it's maintenance and a profit margin.

The rate and the management of the payments are done through the networking companies like Cirus.

Your financial institution may in turn charge you a fee for using their own or other institution's. Usually these are covered in monthly fee packages etc. This is not the fee in question.

The fee, ie $1.50 or 50 cents or whatever is that is charged in addition to your withdrawal is the issue. When you take out $40 but $41.00 is charged to your account the extra $1 goes to the machine operator. This is in addition to what the bank pays the operator.

There were lots of ABM machines around long before these extra fees appeared. They made money then. If the extra fee's were eliminated there would be very few operators who couldn't still make money based on the network fee they receive.

Companies that do charge the extra fees are aware that people are willing to pay it for the convenience. It isn't about need to charge it, it is about being able to make as much on each transaction as possible.
2014-09-06 04:42:16 UTC
If that is the case then I should be able to go to any gym I want and not pay because I have a membership at another. Or I should be able to use my co-op card lock at any gas station. What is being said makes no sense at all. What would happen if the banks pulled there bank machines and you could only withdraw cash from the bank during working hours then what. If it is regulated by the government then so should every other private sector business in how much they charge on everything. Yes the banks make huge profits I agree with that however they are a business and like any other business they are out to make money.
2014-11-12 10:35:15 UTC
regarding ABM fees. I think its ridiculous that we have to pay a fee for using our debit cards for a purchase on a machine that is not your bank, it's not like we have a choice of what bank a business chooses to use or anything. Plus then theres the private banking machines that try to charge almost 7 dollars a transaction on some machines?!! I think thats insane, there needs to be a limit on what any machine or institute can charge as an ABM fee.

I would prefer that there were no fee at all, but I know that would never happen in a million years, bankers would be dropping over dead from the shock of all the lost revenue they ra
2014-11-29 11:55:59 UTC
ABM fees. I think its ridiculous that we have to pay a fee for using our debit cards for a purchase on a machine that is not your bank, it's not like we have a choice of what bank a business chooses to use or anything. Plus then theres the private banking machines that try to charge almost 7 dollars a transaction on some machines?!! I think thats insane, there needs to be a limit on what any machine or institute can charge as an ABM fee.

I would prefer that there were no fee at all, but I know that would never happen in a million years, bankers would be dropping over dead from the shock of all the lost revenue they rake in from ripping off their cutomers.
Glenn G
2007-03-06 15:50:26 UTC
ATM's are a service to the consumer. As a service the banks should be allowed to make a profit from any service they provide. The trouble comes in when the banks act in unison towards fee structures. At that point they act as a monopoly. In a free market ATM fees would be adjusted by the market to reflect the cost of doing business and a negotiated profit between the consumer and the provider. When the banks act as a monopoly this freedom of choice is corrupted against the consumer.

But government involvement will not make the situation better. Any involvement by the government would only ensure that the banks receive an ensured profit funded by the taxpayer and the consumer.

What we need is broader banking legislation to allow for more types of financial institutions rather than just the big banks. Then true market forces would play out.
2007-03-06 13:21:55 UTC
So what everyone is saying is that banks should not charge you to use someone else's machine. If that is the case then I should be able to go to any gym I want and not pay because I have a membership at another. Or I should be able to use my co-op card lock at any gas station. What is being said makes no sense at all. What would happen if the banks pulled there bank machines and you could only withdraw cash from the bank during working hours then what. If it is regulated by the government then so should every other private sector business in how much they charge on everything. Yes the banks make huge profits I agree with that however they are a business and like any other business they are out to make money.
2007-03-06 13:01:09 UTC
ABM fees should be discontinued. Banks are posting record profits be we as customers see no overall benefit from their success - just increases in user fees. Does anyone really know why they charge the fees to begin with? If its to run the machine...give me a break. If thats the case how much does it cost to run a pop machine? More or less than a ABM? Pop machine fees?

Long ago when the U.S. stock market crashed the people who went to the banks to withdraw their money found the banks closed. Thus the saying - old people stuff money under their mattress - because after that incident not many people trusted the banks after losing their life savings. Motto...don't trust them with the ABM fees. Its all a scam so "someone" can buy their kids a vacation cottage and they can get that new car.
2007-03-06 12:49:55 UTC
I don't think the goverment should take action on ABM fees. Other than oil companies Banks are the only industry in Canada that operates within a monopolistic price fixing environment. They are probably the only businesses that coincidentally continue to make exhorbitant profits. They are not used to government regulation and I think this would upset their business model. They had a lot of high paid executives who we cannot afford to have on social assistance which is already strained to the max. Also the only people who can afford to invest are federal politicians and therefore no doubt they earn significant returns from the banks. I guess when the bank turns you down for a loan because they have to look after the shareholders I guess they mean the fed investors and bank executives. Hmmm. Yes my response is tongue in cheek but with the influence such large organizations have over the government it is very difficult to actually make change.
2007-03-06 12:05:15 UTC
Personally, I think the Government is going after a very small issue. Sure the banks make fees on ABM's well over the costs associated with running them. Also, considering we are doing the work and not going to a teller, thus saving them money, you would think that the cost, if any, would be nominal. However, I think the bigger issue is the interest rates on credit cards. Good customers subsidize the bad credit risks. I think the interest rate on my visa is something like 19% which is absurdly high considering I am a top tier customer, never default on payments, have my mortgage and all my business with the same bank, yet they charge me the same fee as some kid out of school with no credit history, or someone with a poor credit history. Trust me, they make way more money off of credit cards than they can ever make off of ABM's. However, it is more politically palatable to say that ABM's hurt the poor and average Canadian than to say that credit does as this is something that people willfully get into. I can assure you, credit issues affect more Candian's than any ABM fee would in a more pronounced way.
2007-03-06 12:01:42 UTC
The Canadian Government should take action against the banks on the behalf of all of us consumers right away. What a travesty it is that banks are raking in the largest profits by charging us to access our accounts at ABMs. The whole reason they went that route was to cut their employee and branch costs. When do we the customers get to see the savings....never. Some bank exec needs a bigger house, TV, car etc. The average cost of having a single bank account these days is about $600 a year for each account. Plus they make money off of the money we have in the banks in our accounts. In the U.S. most banks are giving the customers free chequing, or free accounts to have the privilege of using their holdings until the customer needs them. Also you can be assured that while we are paid pennies on our savings balances, the banks are making minimum 20% on the same money as short term investments.

How about we all get a really good lawyer and start a class action suit against all the banks!!!!!
j t
2007-03-06 16:45:59 UTC
I think that the Canadian system is a joke in a lot of ways after coming over from the UK, where certain things like getting cheques and using ATM's is free..note the free!!

We pay enough in bank fees, so why are we charged to withdraw our own money from bank machines? I am not even talking about the private ATM's; or limited to the amount of time you can use a debit card when you have possibly a few thousand dollars sitting at the disposal of the bank? making more money for them than they ever give to you! People work hard enough these days for their money without having the extra hand in their pocket nickel and dimeing them to death!

Making $900 million in a quarter is not enough for the banks? as usual the rich get richer at the expense of the the average Joe. Someone should step in and put some limits somewhere!
2007-03-06 14:27:07 UTC
Most people have access now to free ATMs if they use their own Bank's machines. So, using other bank's machines can be avoided most of the time. When you're on holiday the ATM is far cheaper than using money changing services in the other country. What I don't like is the double dipping. You pay to use some other Bank's machine and your own bank charges you again! What's that about? What service has your Bank provided. Is this "penalty" to discourage you from using other Bank's machines? Why is that an issue? It's an electronic transfer no matter where it's done. No, I think it's the new corporate strategy that paints a customer as a victim. They don't have a machine where you need one and they charge you for their poor service.
2007-03-06 13:24:34 UTC
Absolutely. The banks say that the ABM is convenient and that we are paying for the "convenience", but the client is doing all the work. They don't have to pay a teller and the transactions are electronic. In fact if you are an customer who does the majority of your banking electronically then the bank hardly has to interact with you at all. They use our money for investments, give us next to nothing in interest and then have the audacity to charge us for the "privilege" of accessing our money. The banks are posting record profits in the billions of dollars and keep squeezing the little guy. I normally don't support the NDP, but I agree wholeheartedly that the government should force the banks to abolish or at the very least lower ABM fees.
2014-10-12 16:28:59 UTC
the bank does and so should the government. However, I believe user fees in general, when dealing with your own bank, should not exist. That service should just be a cost of doing business. ABM's will not go away if the user fees are removed any more than the self serve pump or pay at the pump will disappear. It is cheaper for the customer to pump the gas and pay at the pump than it is to staff the pump, that's why it's cheaper to use self serve than full serve. These machines save the bank money by removing the teller from standard operations like withdrawing or depositing cash. Finally, who would deal with a bank that has no ABMs?
2007-03-07 05:16:36 UTC
If people are careful they don't have to pay these fees. Just don't use machines from which you have to pay a fee. I've never paid a fee for withdrawing from a machine where charges apply.

I'd much rather see the government address other issues with banks like no/low interest on certain accounts, ridiculous interest charges on credit cards (I've never paid interest charges because I always pay mine in full before the deadline), lower rates for loans, etc.

But the bottom line is that people have to be smart about dealing with the banks ... stop complaining about fees that you don't have to pay if you use a bit of common sense.

The banks are making huge profits and they should voluntarily pass back some of these profits to their customers (even though the shareholders have a right to profit from their investment).
2014-10-31 15:32:39 UTC
laherty is simply trying to buy votes. He--like his peers on both sides of the floor--are bracing for an election yet, and this is simply something to garner a few votes later this year if/when the election happens. I agree banks make too much profit, but let's take a look at some of the other places they fleece Canadians for their money. How about bank accounts you must pay a monthly fee to have? I had an account for a small business, the business ceased having income and the bank account was drained despite not having transactions simply because the bank took $11 a month for the privilege of having an account there! This is where we're getting ripped off. They already make money with our money, and we still let them charge us more for doing so.
2015-10-15 06:15:37 UTC
I know that the government should not be trying to tell the banks how to run their business but the banks have to consider that not all people have the kind of money to pay allot of fees and we know banks do not really do much to assist the low income or the people on a fixed income. The banks want us to use the machines and the computer and telephone banking but allot of that is to cut down their payroll overhead. I agree that the computer and the machines are very convenient and ease the banking process for people that are really busy including myself. I only go into the bank on average once in six month since I started computer banking and depositing using the bank machine and it is a time facter for allot of people. So the only answer is a consensus among the participats to assure people that they will not be service charged to death for transactions.
2014-10-31 18:13:39 UTC
Banks gouge and over charge for everything. The machines when they first arrived were supposed to be the new tellers. We are told we are fast becoming a cashless society. Yet we are paying to access our own money. Charges for accessing money that is transferred between banks, branches and even cities in the blink of an eye, without documentation beyond computer entries DO NOT COST.

These transactions are fully automated through integrated systems shared by all the banks on the cirrus or other system. Thus, it costs them nothing. Its numbers only. We take it out, our our bank's computer credits the bank we took it from by debiting our account (all in cyberspace) and its all even.

It seems every time the bank tells us that we need a service, they are only too happy to charge us for it. That is fine, but cooking up new ways to charge
2007-03-06 22:52:06 UTC
If the banks withdraw ABM's not only will they lose the revenue they produce, two other developments will occur:

1) Lineups in banks will lengthen due to the increased traffic from the defunct ABM's.

2) The banks will have to raise staffing levels to cope with the increase in face to face customer activity at their branches. Reducing staff I believe was one of the main reasons to introduce ABM's in the first place.

I am just coming to the end of an extended stay in the U.K. where bank charges are a MAJOR issue.

The banks are almost out of control, they have been GROSSLY overcharging customers for service fees for years e.g. a missed on time credit card payment receives a service charge of £25 (in excess of $60), a letter from a bank can be charge at £30 (in excess of $70), it goes on and on.

There is a groundswell of resistance to this activity with a website now set up telling how consumers how they can reclaim these charges, check it out:

Interestingly enough no bank has ever allowed a dispute to go to court. They always payout before that occurs. They do not want their practices struck down in court.

So as bad as bank charges are in Canada they still have a long way to go before they reach the levels in the U.K. We can only hope that the U.K. banks are brought into line by negative customer reaction and goverment oversight that sends a message to Canadian banks to be careful, but I doubt it!
2007-03-06 18:59:49 UTC
ATMs are convient and save money for banks as well. They work 24/7 for less then the cost of a teller. The same principle applies to web banking. We should not be responsible for the costs for these services since they have reduced costs for the banks. I don't think if the Government limits/reduces/eliminates the ATM fees that ATMs will disappear.

The non-bank ATM machines are owned by private companies. They charge fees because that is their ownly source of income. They have to cover the cost of renting space in stores, malls, airports, etc and still make a profit.

Look at Presidents Choice Financial, they don't charge a monthly fee, a fee for ATM transactions, online banking or for cheques. They make their money through the difference between the interest they pay out and the interest they charge as well as interest they make on money in investments, credit cards, new stock issues, commissions from securities and wealth management. This use to be the only method for banks to generate revenue and I would like to see the government step in to eliminate the nickle and diming.

In 2005, revenue reached almost $12 billion from the Big Six but only 5% was from service fees. Banks are not going to go poor if they don't get these fees. I say make them earn their money.
Randy P
2007-03-06 14:31:29 UTC
Yes. This is because the banks have had record profits due to these fees.

It is bad enough that if you bounce a check or are given a bounced check, the bank charges not only the person who wrote it but the one who tries to cash it.

Charging to take your own money out is wrong. But if they must recover costs for the machines, it does not have to be a dollar or two a shot given the amount of transactions.

There really is not open completion in Canada and if they want to rip everyone off, maybe we should let other countries put their banks here to give them completion.

I feel twenty five cents max for a transaction. Even this would increase the usage and get more people to use it thus almost making the same profit as before. Worth a shot.
2007-03-06 14:24:35 UTC
My answer is, take the charges off. The banks are already richer than me. I belong to the human race as they do and I need to live on the little I get each month.

From all of the answers that I am reading people think that if the machines didn't make money then there wouldn't be a machine. Think back folks. The machines were put there to make less work for the tellers. The tellers have less work and these charges are like their tips. The banks were making big money from these machines before they decided to charge us extra.

The tellers are still trying to make us use the machines by charging the same $1.50 at the counter.

Big time Greed has set in.
2007-03-06 13:58:51 UTC
Yes ABM fees are insane! and are not explained to users in any form that is understandable

My son was charged 1.50 for not using his "home bank" by his home bank, the generic ABM charged 1.75 for the transaction, and a hidden fee showed on his statement for an additional $3.00 which i still have no idea who actualy charged this fee but his bank says all charges were approved and nothing is wrong with theese charges.

The machine is near his school and used by lots of kids.

With fees totaling $6.25 for a withdrawl of $20 this is insane,In the end my son withdralled 3 times each time only withdrawling $20 well to his surprise and dissapointment his hard earned money few out the window fees totaling 18.75 had been deducted he cant understand what has happend and is afraid to use his card. As my son says this is like all tnose fraud calls people get I pressed yes and they get the right to rob you.It not fair!!!!!!!!!

Please let your kids know the safe machines to use and the ones to not if unable to get to a "home ABM"

I called the 1-800 # on thar generic ABM only to get recording to leave a messege did so nobody got back to me. I lost that # whent back to machine to get # again and ABM had been removed how odd this seems that nobody will ever be able to tell me who's pocket that hidden fee of $3/trasaction.

Really hope the Canadian Government will step up and show who's boss.
veddy no veddy veddy yes
2007-03-06 13:55:07 UTC
Yes. There should be no fees involved for dealing with your own money when through the medium of your own bank (meaning your own bank's ABMs).

The fleecing of the Canadian public by the six banks is a national disgrace. If the bank fees are not completely removed for internal transactions the government should at least open the Canadian market to competitors from other countries, who can offer better services, cheaper.
2007-03-06 13:30:43 UTC
Banks already make money by charging you fees for holding your money. Then they make money by lending your money out and charging more interest than what they give you. So they are making plenty of money off us. ABMs are now a way of life. Even if they stopped charging for them they would not disappear. The only way that they would is if all the banks walked away from the millions that they have invested in the systems. If one had bank machines and didn't charge for use of them then they would have a business advantage, and would get more clients. I think the government should take action on all of the banks activities and force them to give a higher interest rate, and remove all the bank fees. They will still make plenty of money.
Rotimi O
2007-03-06 13:21:55 UTC
When Jesus was on the Cross, He was in between two thieves. The secular world had repeatedly indicated the two thieves were a medical doctor and a lawyer, I am begining to doubt if the lawyer was not actually a banker... afterall, think about all the thefts and the defense regarding the ABM fees. This is nothing but preposterous.

By all means the Canadian government should take action, otherwise these bank executives will end up in the paradise (not with Jesus this time), I mean vacation paradise. We got to stop them!

Rotimi, Toronto, ON.
2007-03-06 13:05:36 UTC
I definitly think something needs to be done regarding ABM fees. I think its ridiculous that we have to pay a fee for using our debit cards for a purchase on a machine that is not your bank, it's not like we have a choice of what bank a business chooses to use or anything. Plus then theres the private banking machines that try to charge almost 7 dollars a transaction on some machines?!! I think thats insane, there needs to be a limit on what any machine or institute can charge as an ABM fee.

I would prefer that there were no fee at all, but I know that would never happen in a million years, bankers would be dropping over dead from the shock of all the lost revenue they rake in from ripping off their cutomers.
atm useruser
2007-03-06 12:35:23 UTC
ATM fees are out of sight with some banks and white label companies. When you figure out the % cost per withdrawal it's outrageous.You're better off to use the debit portion at many stores with cash back. Remember the days when banks took your money, gave you good interest and didn't charge you a fee for depositing or withdrawing your money? They used your money to make a profit and then gave you some back. My suggestion: try a credit union. I haven't paid a service fee for 15 years, I get free ATM withdrawals from any credit union machine, and a healthy rebate each year because I am an owner/sharemember. And my CEO doesn't make multiple millions a year and we're still profitable. And what will the government do if they do investigate. Same as they did with the oil companies- nada
Sarah R
2007-03-06 12:35:12 UTC
Yes, because Joe Public getting peeved about the charges has not accomplished anything; the banks simply say that they are nominal service fees for their convenience. The government should do something to ensure that these 'service fees', if not dropped altogether, are reduced and capped. The banks are not in dire straits regarding their finances, and I am suspicious as to percentage of ABM fees that is actually put towards the 'upkeep and maintenance and new machines' that the banks claim the money goes towards, and how much is simply their profit. Also, if that is was the money is put towards, then why charge us more when we decide not to drive all over town looking for our bank and instead withdraw from another, closer institution? Shouldn't they charge less since I'm not using their machines?
2007-03-06 12:01:14 UTC
It's my opinion that Mr. Flaherty is simply trying to buy votes. He--like his peers on both sides of the floor--are bracing for an election yet, and this is simply something to garner a few votes later this year if/when the election happens. I agree banks make too much profit, but let's take a look at some of the other places they fleece Canadians for their money. How about bank accounts you must pay a monthly fee to have? I had an account for a small business, the business ceased having income and the bank account was drained despite not having transactions simply because the bank took $11 a month for the privilege of having an account there! This is where we're getting ripped off. They already make money with our money, and we still let them charge us more for doing so.
2007-03-06 13:29:28 UTC
Definitely it is about time that the government regulates the action of the banks in this regard.

I have been charged two times by CIBC in using an ABM rather than its own banking machine. The bank was closed and the bank's own machine room was closed. And since my son needed cash immediately, there was no alternative but to use an ABM. The CIBC charged me #1,50 per transaction by debiting my bank account. I made a complain of course. And the bank reversed its entries on my bankbook!

Imagine the bank charged you for withdrawing and using your

hard earned money!

Well, I am glad the CIBC did what is the right thing to do. But how many Canadians do the same thing as I did: Complain.
2007-03-06 20:35:03 UTC
I believe that the Banks should not charge for non-affiliated ATM use. I have several examples which to rely on. The first would be some banks already waive the fees if you sign up for their premium accounts. The second is the banks in England do not charge such fees and are still economically viable, The third example is that Bank employees are exempt from such fees (I was once such an employee). So I feel that the Canadian Banks can survive without the monies generated from 'other automated banking' fees.
2007-03-06 18:12:02 UTC
Yes , all banking fees should be regulated , why do some of these banks charge us so much yet have no fees for the same services in the US ? They would still make more profit than they could ever use and maybe help out the rest of us too . I would rather get paid in cash and hel drive the underground economy than do any business with a bank . If I find a way they will get no more fees from me.
2007-03-06 15:36:26 UTC
I see absolutely no problem with ATM fees since there isn't a reason why a person can't find a machine from their own bank to withdraw money from. I personally have never had to deal with these fees since I'm always making sure I'm going to my own bank's ATM. With banks in Canada spanning the country, there is no reason why a person can't find their own ATM, it's simply a matter of not being lazy and going to the first one you see. Pay attention to the machine you're using and the fee can be easily avoided.

There are much more important fees to be objecting about than ATM ones. Like how about the charges for simply having an account at a bank? Those overpriced costs should be addressed and not something as ridiculous as ATM fees, which can be avoided with a tiny bit of effort.
Benoit P
2007-03-06 15:06:23 UTC
Of course the fees should be removed. Banks have been gouging customers in Canada for the last decade. Whatever interest the average Joe can gain from his savings his killed by fees. Banks in Austria DO NOT charge for withdrawing at an ATM, be it at your home bank or a different bank... NO FEES. It's actually all under one umbrella system for all the banks.

When Canadian banks started pushing ATM and reducing branch hours, and charging you if you wanted to use a live, real-person teller, they told us it would be much cheaper and everyone would save. Yet here we are with less service, less human contact, and WE pay more, and THEY make even more profits. What a joke!
Laura M
2007-03-06 14:21:17 UTC
How much of that $1.50 ATM charge is going to the government in the form of corporate income tax? The government doesn't want to stop these profits because they benefit from it, just like they do from high gas prices.

There has to be some middle ground with regard to these fees. Unfortunately politicians like Bob Rae have paved the way for Jack Layton and not many are willing to vote for that kind of drastic change in the social system, including myself. Banks won't ever stop 'nickel and diming' . That's why we do all our banking online and pay the banks for the privilege. Truly unbelievable. People wonder why the gap between the rich and poor just keeps growing.
2007-03-06 14:20:05 UTC
No, the government should stay out of this issue altogether. ATMs are a convenience not a necessity. Customers have a choice between using an ATM or a branch office for little or no cost. Customers are smart enough to make these choices without government help. Further, the banks know their business far better than does the government, and competition is strong. There is simply no case for government interference here. Layton is simply into the old socialist banks-are-bad ploy. It's just silly grandstanding.
Irene A
2007-03-06 14:04:23 UTC
I personally do not mind my monthly fee of I believe $8.95, and as I do use my overdraft with TD I am not opposed to them charging me overdraft interest on the amount overdraft because I feel they are doing me a service. What I do mind is the withdrawal fees at the ABM machines and charges if you go over your quotas of transactions. I think it ridiculous that if you use an ABM other than your own bank there is a charge of $1.50 for the other bank and a charge at your own as well !!..

If I were in the six figure income bracket probably none of these charges would bother me, but since I am on my own and no where near six figures these amounts add up per month.
2007-03-06 13:56:45 UTC
Well obviously the banks are making money, probably by the truck load, but as obvious not a single person likes paying these fees. Now I'm still a teenager so my fees are usually waved, but still have to pay for the ones outside my bank. I believe that paying with a bank card and using an ATM is way more practical and safer than carying cash on you, especially if its a large amount. This being said however, banks will not remove these fees and will just find another way to get money out of us in the future.
Alaina B
2007-03-06 13:40:33 UTC
Yes the Canadian government should take action.

Service charges at the banks are out of control. I pay my monthly fees to them, why should I have to pay to use the ABM on top of those monthly fees? In fact, I am charged MORE when I talk directly to a teller over using ABM! It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that ABM banking is my banking method of choice.

Business accounts have outrageous banking fees. If you add a trip or 2 to the ABM for quick cash withdrawl?! We ARE being nickel and dimed to death.

Time to put and end to it!
2007-03-06 13:33:23 UTC
Ugh, this is a silly debate. Not long ago you could only go to your bank, and only when it was open, to get cash. There are processing fees and additional communication that you bank has to 'perform' when you use another bank's ATM, so if you don't like the $1.50 or whatever, find your own bank's ATM and then you'll have no worries. Some of those private ATM's in bar and nightclubs charge you 10% of your withdrawal...go after them because that's ridiculous. I've left a bar, found my own bank's ATM and taken out cash. It's called planning ahead...if you don't, than possibly the $1.50 will be your punishment. Big deal. There are more important things going wrong in this world, and in this country, for both the government and the media to pay attention to.
Garry S
2007-03-06 13:23:42 UTC
Yes. We are being gouged too much already by banks. A lot of banking is now being done on these "instant tellers" rather than having to go into a bank during their hours of operation and use the services of a real person. The banks are definitely saving on staff as well as all the other costs that go along with keeping people employed. I certainly don't mind a small fee for the convenience but I think the fees charged are far too extreme.
2007-03-06 13:09:49 UTC
Yes I believe that the government should step in. Some of these fees are outrageous and the big thing is there never used to be a charge until independent ABMs started showing up and charging a fee. The Banks just jumped on the band wagon.
cheryl m
2007-03-06 13:02:57 UTC
There is no way banks should charge people for using bank machines. In the UK, where I now live, this issue is also coming up, and the banks are claiming that in 'most other countries' people are charged (about a pound, or 2 dollars!!) when they use the service. This is simply NOT TRUE and the banks here have recorded record profits this year without introducing the charges. They got rid of bank clerks to save money, and that savings was never passed on to customers. By putting our money in banks, we are essentially giving them a very low interest loan, and these days it is almost impossible NOT to use a bank--believe me, if my employer would pay me in cash, I'd be stashing it in a shoebox under the bed or something! Actually, maybe I will!!
2007-03-06 12:42:33 UTC
Our business model is based on capitalism, correct? Why should the goverment intervene. We gripe about bank profits all the time. Buy shares in the bank so you can participate in their profits.

IMHO, the fee is one more way for banks to remind and encourage people to think about how they spend their money. Rather than taking out $10 or $20 at a time, be more responsible, plan ahead a little. Show some restraint. Take out $100 or more at a time. Just because it's in your wallet doesn't mean it needs to be spent. Plan your day so you can stop at a convenient bank machine. If you don't have a convenient ATM, switch banks.

The only part about this proposal that I agree with is that the fees should be waived for seniors, low-income earners, etc. If you don't have a lot of money to begin with, it does seem unfair to charge a fee to access what little you have.

For everyone else, quit whining. It's called a convenience fee for a reason. If you aren't willing to inconvenience yourself enough to walk to your own bank, then pay the fee. Call it a lazy tax.
2007-03-06 12:09:38 UTC
Something has to be done, the banks are making a fortune, almost forcing people to get the largest option to cover fees and then the poor client ends up in overdraft and then the banks get to charge for being overdrawn, it is a vicious circle and the only one gaining is the poor banks. People are frustrated with all banks you will hear stories all the time about being ripped off from the banks. Another thing to look at with the banks is the policy they have on holding cheques, or depositing into someones account, they are OUT OF CONTROL. Someone has to take action against these giants.

Judy A
Andrew S
2007-03-06 11:58:22 UTC
It's facile to behave as if these charges are fair or as if, if the charges were to be removed, the ATMs would be removed with them. The fact of the matter is that the banks are acting as a cartel and abusing the oligopoly position by gouging.

If you disagree, you have to explain why year after year the banks have reported records profits on the one hand and increased so called "service charges", for reduced levels of service, on the other.

I would agree that increasing service charges is necessary in only two cercumstances:

1. Banks actually were improving services.

2. Banks were making losses.

Neither is the case.

Banks in the UK, whilst no less rapacious, are not charging the same fees.

Lets open up the market to competition and see how well the banks fare.
2007-03-06 11:58:18 UTC
This is a hot issue. I can remember having a personal assistant of the bank behind the counter to "serve" the customers for their banking needs. Then one day the banks started laying off tellers and placing banking machines as a cost cutting factor to boost their profit margins. It appears that banks no longer care about their customers and just want "service fees" for using those silly machines. Account fees are high enough as it is but I get a feeling that a can in the basement floor or a stuffed mattress yields almost the same interest as the banks are paying (minus the account nickel and dime fees). They make too much money off the average person as it is.
2007-03-06 11:53:29 UTC
I think the government should step in to stop the banks from nickel and diming us for accessing our money. They already make money on us in monthly fees just for holding our money and pay us next to nothing in interest. Originally atms were a way for the banks to cut down on tellers/costs and they didn't charge for it or atleast very little but now they charge more for the service since so many people use them and you still get charged if you actually go to the real person teller. It's completely ridiculous! But there are some banks that don't charge you like President Choice Financial who are run through CIBC, ING and some of the credit unions so there are some choices out there for people to use and not get dinged constantly!

Maybe the banks CEO's could take a cut in pay to help cover some of the costs of lowering atm fees.
2007-03-06 11:51:00 UTC
Let's go back to when and why banks were created. In the early years, and certainly still in many countries, banks service their clients - and not the other way around. So, absolutely yes! It is the government's duty as a representative of the majority-not just the wealthy - to take appropriate action to make banking "affordable" for all Canadians. Ok, so the interests paid out are dismal, but do they also have to charge us for having us take OUR money out? Good for Jack Layton. I just might vote for the NDP after all.
2007-03-06 12:02:47 UTC
I believe that if clients elect to use a privately owned and operated ABM in a bar or convenience store they should be required to pay a fee to the provider of the ABM, but if they are already paying that provider a fee, the bank should not be allowed to charge an additional fee as well. The banks should be going after the private ABM providers for their share of the money.

The government in turn needs to regulate the fees charged by these private companies - as they are taking advantage of situation and location by charging obscene fees to the user.

The banks already charge enough in account fees every month to cover the cost of using Bank-Owned (and by this I mean ANY bank) ABM machines.

Point - The Bank of Nova Scotia reported record-breaking 1st quarter profits this morning.
2014-10-26 12:40:03 UTC
It seems every time the bank tells us that we need a service, they are only too happy to charge us for it. That is fine, but cooking up new ways to charge us for taking out our own money and then creating a false sense entitlement for those charges and attempting to guilt us into paying is riduculous.

As I recall, more than 20 years or so ago consumers were furious with bank charges. I clearly remember their response. New bank machines are going to come in erradicating the need for teller charges and thus eliminating those hated bank fees. Use the machines and its free.

I am just old enough to know what a crock that is. Here we go again. Keep up the good work Jack! I don't hate banks but I don't trust them or respect them either.
2007-03-06 19:50:24 UTC
ABM fees should be scrapped! It sickens me that the 'big banks' charge you to use their ATMs. What really irked me when I moved out of the big city was that even though the closest ATM from my own bank was nearly an hour away, I still had to pay all these extra fees because I wasn't using my bank's ATMs. Also, I find that many stores that use private ATMs don't even bother with having Interac terminals. Instead they will ask you to get cash from the ATM, which is an annoyance on two levels. To pay a bill less than $30, I have to take out $40 in cash, and then I get charged an outrageous fee of $2.50 on top of that. It's robbery and it needs to be stopped!
2007-03-06 18:35:36 UTC
Finally!!! There someone or somebody? out there has clued into the raw dealing of us! the consumers!!! losing hard earned money year after year of charges from automated banking. Whether it be the cost of a simple transaction like have an update of a account balance to a transfer to a line of credit which we're paying the banks in interest to have. I hope Jim Flaherty succeeds in talks to ease up on us, to eliminate this ridiculed for years of a cost, and support the NDP Jack Layton in many years of clearly a clean robbery of people's personal savings.
2007-03-06 14:24:45 UTC
YES something should be done to stop the banks from charging you a fee from getting your OWN money. We have NO bank in our small town(CIBC decided to pull out after over 75yrs here, no reason was given) I don't drive so it is really a hassle to get money.I can't depost my pay checks because the bank machine in our town is not my bank.. This has become a real problem for non drivers and seniors. It seems unfair that because of this reason I already have to pay more bank fees since I have to use my card more often.

I really get p.od when I have to use the CIBC machine (it is the only one in town that isn't private), because of the fact they shut down our bank, but even more so that I have to pay a charge to my own bank as well.

I feel that they make enough profits by using MY MONEY to invest , but do I a big return like they do? NO WAY the intrest is so low that it is never going to make me any money.

The Government itself depends too much on banks. Ask anyone on Ontario Works etc. if they can collect thier cheques with out a bank account. you'll be surprized.
2007-03-06 14:04:16 UTC
When Jim Flaherty sat down with the executives of the six largest banks was he sitting on a huge leather chair courtesy of the every day banking client?!!!

To be charged $1.50 to use a computer for a 3 second transaction tells me that tellers, for one aren't getting paid what they deserve, and two, to get our own money we get punished for it seems a bit ridiculous. But why suddenly is Jack Layton spewing about this? He's known about these existing charges for years, or does someone do his banking for him?

Disgusted in PEI
2007-03-06 13:48:51 UTC
I have a bank account in Japan. Most banks here do the same as Canadian banks but they close on the weekends and charge after 3 pm. However my bank is different. What I recommend is that all Canadian banks set up a structure similar to it. They charge you the ABM amount at the time of withdrawal but they send you back all of these fees at the end of the month. The only exception is on convenience stores. Here is their website

Good Luck Canada. Please change it by the time I come back!!!
2007-03-06 13:47:30 UTC
I believe in cases like this some method of regulation is needed. The rates seem to escalate without any solid reasoning behind it or justification. It seems that the risk of becoming victimized through the use of ABM's by criminals is increasing everyday and yet the banks do not seem to be keeping up with security measures to prevent this. The fees don't appear to be going towards protecting the public, just the profit margin of the banks.

Independant machines in small stores and bars are even worse because they prey on people in these locations.
Paula C
2007-03-06 13:24:34 UTC
The thing is...when and if the government does something about this (by this I mean the gouging that Banks do via IBM fees) the bank will just think of other ways to gouge the consumer. What needs to be find a way for companies in this country to behave more ethically, including banks. And upstanding ethics are all that will change the way companies in Canada view their consumer. As long as the banks continue to see their customers in a greed infested light ~ that is all the customer will be. I agree when I hear the banks response to all this...apparantly someone was quoted as saying..."If the customer is unhappy ~ they should join a credit union." Take the customer away from the bank, and the bank will change.
j c
2007-03-06 13:23:47 UTC
Clearly Mr. Layton should be much more concerned with our health care, and our taxes?? With regards to ATMs and fees, if someone chooses to use an alternate bank's machine, why is a bank responsible for their choice, never mind paying for it?

With all due respect, there is no logic nor fundamental reasoning behind any of this. If the discussion would surround the actual amounts of service charges placed on the the individual's bank ATM, fine, however that is another discussion all together.
2007-03-06 13:16:46 UTC
I agree that if one uses a non-bank ABM, the fees on small transactions can be quite large as a percentage.

However, I think any action in this case is an example of over-regulation. One always pays for convenience. The consumer should be aware of the charges and arrange his affairs accordingly. There are a lot of issues which should be looked at first.. Cheque discounting services come to mind.
Michael T
2007-03-06 12:59:28 UTC
Certainly Not! After all that would severely cut into the profit margin for said institutions . RBC reportedly Profited to the Tune of $4.7 Billion in 2006.

Think about how Poorly their Quarterly Reports would Look Next Year without these ABM charges boosting them.

Besides, Assuming the Federal Government actually followed through and forced the Banks to reduce these Charges; they'd probably follow through with another Tax Grab in the next Fiscal year to ensure it goes where it will do the most good.
2007-03-06 12:47:19 UTC
This is a waste of every-ones time. The banks will only find some other way to charge all their customers not just the foolish ones who choose to use just any machine rather than using common sense and using only the ones at their own bank where they do not have to pay. Mr.Layton and Mr. Flaherty should both think about what they are saying before opening their mouths!
2007-03-06 12:47:18 UTC
When I was a bank teller in my university days. I worked at the Toronto Dominion Bank. ATM's were being promoted as the new thing. We assured the customer that there would be no fees.

People back then wanted to deal with people. It was a tough sell to sign up customers. No fees and conveince were my selling points.

I remember thinking back then that machines were going to take over our jobs and that fees were going to kick in one day.

I still see people in the bank line-ups so I can't say that machines are taking over entirely. It still may be too soon to say-With on-line banking, telephone baking and ATM's I'm sure many jobs have been lost. Hey I don't want to stop progress. I do benefit from on-line banking today and it is convenient for me as well as for many others.

What I am sad about is that I signed up people on a lie. The fees did kick in.



Vaughan, Ontario

P.S. To answer the question...Yes, government should take action on automated banking machine fees to keep the fees resonable. I am sure that there is enough of a buffer for the banks for maintenance, repairs and upgrades.
2007-03-06 12:10:38 UTC
I believe that there should be a law passed that prohibits banks

from charging people a fee for getting there own money from ABM's. People give the bank their money and the bank uses their money to make money for the bank. The bank then pays very little interest to them; then charges people to withdraw their own money. In Canada you loose money by having a bank account. The ABM's also allow the banks to have less staff and cuts their cost of doing business.

I am not against profits, it is essential but their is a point where in my opinion it becomes criminal.
Darryl W
2007-03-06 12:09:53 UTC
What does this issue have to do with the government anyways?? Isn't there a country to be run, without worrying about a bank fee?? The government nickles and dimes us every day...maybe they should look in the mirror.

And, I don't know about you, but I don't get charged a fee unless I go to either a competitors or a no-name ATM machine. I honestly don't see a problem with the fee. The fee is really only a problem for those people who don't make the effort to go to their own branch's machine. If you want to just use any ATM machine, you are paying for the convenience. With the price of gas, it's probably cheaper than driving to your own bank.
Terri H.
2007-03-06 12:05:28 UTC
Personally, I avoid the ATM fees by getting cash-back on my debit card when shopping at the grocery store. I work very hard for my money, and no bank has the right to stiff me at the ATM machine. Since I'm not with any of the "big" banks, there are no credit union ATM machines close to where I live or work.

The banks are making money hand-over-fist on loans, RRSPs, as well as the monthly fees that are charged on individual and corporate bank accounts. Judging by the incredible bank profits that I've seen on the evening news, the bank can afford to cut back on the ATM fees.

If the banks want the best of both worlds, maybe they would consider lowering the fees to what they were at the beginning: 50 cents per transaction at an unassociated ATM machine.
2007-03-06 12:04:46 UTC
This is a smoke and mirrors PR exercise to divert the public's attention away from Flaherty's oxymoronic "Tax Fairness Plan" back on Halloween 2006 where the only tax fairness was to the government's coffers.

As for ATM fees, they can easily be avoided by maintaining account minimums and staying with one of the big banks with branches everywhere (as well as ATMs). Jack Layton - practically in bed with Stephen Harper - drummed up this non-issue to see if Canadians would bite. How about the government taking action on sending transfer payments to the provinces to boost healthcare? Or even sending a fuel tax dollars to repair our atrocious roads?

Now those are issues. (Oh, did I mention the environment?)
2007-03-06 11:50:43 UTC
It would definately be nice to see the government step in on this, as how can a fee be charged to use the bank machines when there really is no real person on the other end. The banks already charge a regular fee for having an account with them. If all people were to remove their accounts from the bank then they would not even be able to cash in on the bank investments that I am sure they do to generate income. I am 100% sure that they use the money that citizens have deposited to earn more cash flow as when you do a withdrawl of large sums there is a limit per day unless you call ahead!! This is my money and I earned it with hard work, I should not have to pay someone to withdraw what is rightfully mine. How many fees are we to pay for the same services??? Just alone in fees I pay about $10/mo this doesn't even come close to what the interest earned from having money in the bank returns, unless you have a huge sum of money sitting there!!!
2007-03-06 11:48:04 UTC
Get rid of the fees we pay alot of monthly fees already. I think charging 1.50 or more and then another 1.50 is ridiculous these are the banks that make millions in profit every year. We are not being nickel and dimed we are being robbed blind. No that the banks should not make a bit of money for the service, but getting my statement at the end of the month and seeing I have been charged my monthly fees PLUS other transactions which are sometimes greater than my monthly fees is outright robbery!!! Someone has to put a stop to this although I doubt they ever will. Bank Executives will charge us in other ways guaranteed but come on 3 bucks to use another banks machine is totally bogus!!
2014-08-28 07:17:13 UTC
The banks say that the ABM is convenient and that we are paying for the "convenience", but the client is doing all the work. They don't have to pay a teller and the transactions are electronic. In fact if you are an customer who does the majority of your banking electronically then the bank hardly has to interact with you at all. They use our money for investments, give us next to nothing in interest and then have the audacity to charge us for the "privilege" of accessing our money. The banks are posting record profits in the billions of dollars and keep squeezing the little guy. I normally don't support the NDP, but I agree wholeheartedly that the government should force the banks to abolish or at the very least lower ABM fees.
2014-09-22 06:48:47 UTC
They are probably the only businesses that coincidentally continue to make exhorbitant profits. They are not used to government regulation and I think this would upset their business model. They had a lot of high paid executives who we cannot afford to have on social assistance which is already strained to the max. Also the only people who can afford to invest are federal politicians and therefore no doubt they earn significant returns from the banks. I guess when the bank turns you down for a loan because they have to look after the shareholders I guess they mean the fed investors and bank executives. Hmmm. Yes my response is tongue in cheek but with the influence such large organizations have over the government it is very difficult to actually make change.Plus they make money off of the money we have in the banks in our accounts. In the U.S. most banks are giving the customers free chequing, or free accounts to have the privilege of using their holdings until the customer needs them. Also you can be assured that while we are paid pennies on our savings balances, the banks are making minimum 20% on the same money as short term investments.
2014-09-14 03:48:41 UTC
They are probably the only businesses that coincidentally continue to make exhorbitant profits. They are not used to government regulation and I think this would upset their business model. They had a lot of high paid executives who we cannot afford to have on social assistance which is already strained to the max. Also the only people who can afford to invest are federal politicians and therefore no doubt they earn significant returns from the banks. I guess when the bank turns you down for a loan because they have to look after the shareholders I guess they mean the fed investors and bank executives. Hmmm. Yes my response is tongue in cheek but with the influence such large organizations have over the government it is very difficult to actually make change.
Patti P
2007-03-07 03:54:14 UTC
Yes, yes, yes. It's about time, and not just the abm's the monthly charges and the NSF fees should also be lowered. Banks are making billions off of us. The NDP will get my vote from now on because finally someone has taken this on and it was Jack Layton.
2007-03-06 22:18:24 UTC
Most Definitely! There is no way the banks can justify the charges. It's my money, Why should I be penalized for taking it out? The ABM should not be a paid for convenience, it should be a free service. They don't charge us for going to the bank to take out money. (They came up with the ABM and as a result there are some branches that run with skeleton crews. So right there the banks are saving on salaries.)
2007-03-06 21:35:27 UTC
Yes, this is an intolerable situation made worse by having the banks say they need the money to update the system, but at the same time having over $1 Billion dollars in profit. If they cannot keep the system running without the fees, then they should get rid of the ATM's and bring back the tellers. Which do you think is more feasible?
Greg R
2007-03-06 17:52:40 UTC
Today I had to use an ABM from a branch other than my own as my bank was located elsewhere. I had a choice of either paying the $2.00 fee or simply going without any cash whatsoever. It really bothers me that I had to pay the $2.00 to a "faceless robber". ALL banks have hidden service charges that cost us millions of dollars already...why do they need to charge us for going "cross-banking" to access our money. I agree with some places in Europe where they are not allowed to do this. The banks already post Billion dollar profits...why take more of my hard earned money??? It would even "Feel" better to get robbed up close and personal than to have to pay this fee!! Then of course these days ROBBER = BANK !!!!!!
Andrew J
2007-03-06 17:36:26 UTC
Considering the banks WANT us to use the ATMs, arguing it is quicker, more convenient etc, while, in reality, it allows them to use less front line staff, the fees are outrageous.

Also, with the levels of profits, these fees are obviously exorbitant. Theses fees also have clearly shown us that there is no compititve forces driving the fees down, meaning that the banks must have some type of agreement, written or not, to keep fees up.

Wth the necessity of banks, we have little choice but to accept them right now, but they are not only killing our savings, but, more importantly, such fees are also really devastating to the poor.

The government should have some type of regulation for this if the banks are clearly unwilling to operate as real competitors should. I am generally against government stepping in, but when the average consumer is being taken advantage of to such a degree, I think the government needs to be involved.

p.s. using the machines is not always "a choice". Some people's work hours make them unable to attend at a bank during their hours of operation, and, with automatic deposit, machines become the only way to get your money....
2007-03-06 14:38:10 UTC
The banks should be allowed to charge a modest fee to offset the cost of maintaining and managing an ABM. After all, they are providing a valuable service to their customers. HOWEVER, if they operate ABMs in the USA and because of USA competition they do not charge their US customers a fee, then they should also not charge Canadian customers a fee that effectively subsidizes the US customers at Canadians' expense. If I knew my bank was doing this, I would change banks.
Boun K
2007-03-06 14:28:10 UTC
Yes, Canadian government should take action on automated banking machine fees as soon as possible. Because it is too costly and much burnden on the low income Canadians who have more often used automated banking machines than other higher income groups. It is a shark blood sucking fees from the masses without much money, times, efforts and risks in the investments of the big banks. Let's call it as an "exploitive service fees" for the rich.

Boun K.
2007-03-06 13:51:11 UTC
Canadian Government most definitely should take an action on automated banking machine fees. We, as citizens are already paying an enormous amount in every service we get, however the most expensive is banking. On the other hand, the security is the most important factor when it comes to banking. If automated machine fees will be removed, will it effect security issues?

If, removing these fees will most likely not going to happen, then I would love to see the fees decreased, like 25-50 cents per transaction.
2007-03-06 13:47:03 UTC
I tend to recall that the main driver of for ATM machine in business was the opportunity of cost reduction for the banks themselves. By using an automated teller, they are reducing their cost of doing business which adds to their bottom line anyway. And that is exactly why the banks do not charge if their own machines are used.

But they charge if their customers use other bank's machines. Is this really a charge or a deterrant to their customers not to even closer to a their competitor. It probably started off as a penalty but now the banks know that they can make money from it so they are keen to carry on.

Should the businesses be allowed to penalize their customers if they go to the competition? Where does the concept of fair trading come in play?
george b
2007-03-06 12:49:20 UTC
It is kind of ridiculous how the Banks and the independent ATM providers are taking advantage of the consumer , if you use an Independent ATM , you will get charged twice from them and your bank .

I don't know why banks exist anymore , I thought they were suppose to save your money and make it grow and all they do is sucking your blood with Fees and Charges Left and Right and at the end of the month they will pay cents back to your money that they are using to get richer.

Even Get rid of all the Independent ATM Machines and increase the big six banks in Canada ATM's all over so you don't have to use other Banks .
2007-03-06 12:43:02 UTC
It seems a paltry thing and even if they back off on this, you know the banks will stick it to us elsewhere (ScotiaBank just posted a profit of 20% more in the First Quarter of this year than they had last year) but yes, someone should stick up for us. I'm tired of the banks increasing fees whenever they feel like it. They are already making a profit on my money when they give me 1.5% interest on anything in savings and charge me 6 - 8% for a loan or mortgage. All so they can post a profit and pay out dividends to those wealthy enough to be stockholders.
2007-03-06 12:27:47 UTC
I think it's about time something is done about "service charges" at banking institutions. The charges for using a bank machine are ridiculous and are nothing but a blatant money grab from the public. It seems the only way to keep your money safe from service charges is to keep it in a safe in your own home! We earn less interest on savings accounts than we are charged in service fees, and there doesn't seem to be any regulation on how high these fees can go. Are we not the customers? Shouldn't a bank be doing what they can to keep us happy? I think we as the public learned to accept this "fee for service" hogwash as normal and is not as likely to fight for the service that we should be getting for our money. (When was the last time anyone actually spoke to a person when calling their bank?)

In my opinion, banks should not be going out of their way to charge the very customers that enable them to make billions of dollars per year. Even without the average of $420 million dollars in ABM fees*, the big banks still make hundreds of millions of dollars a year. How much money is enough?
2007-03-06 12:11:32 UTC
Yes, absolutely, banking fees are charged on probably everyone's bank statements every month, I still don't understand the fact that we are charged banking fees on "self-serve"banking, we are doing our banking ourselves yet banks charge us for this service, living in a small town, I frequently use the ABM machine (CIBC) which I may add, in our local convenience store which I am charged $1.50 for every transaction, which to me is actually a penalty I am paying because I am not a CIBC

customer. Banks make enough money from us and I believe that the Canadian Government should take action and delve into the reasons for these idiotic charges.
Sue R
2007-03-06 11:59:13 UTC
Yes the government should take action on automated banking machine fees. The banks have found a new way to capitalize by placing large services fees on the ABM user: the increase in the banks gross yearly earnings are likely correlated to the increased use of ABMs.
2007-03-06 11:51:52 UTC
Losers is what we are either way. Whether we boycott and stop using the abm's, for example by planning to withdraw enough for the whole week, or otherwise, we will always be on the losing side. If we boycott them, they will raise the service fees to make up for the loss. All the same they know you will still use their services.

Gas keeps going up but did you ever see demand for it going down?

This is the art of setting traps. It's like hunting. You set traps where you think the animals will come for a drink of water. So are the banks and the gas stations. They've set up their traps in clever spots and for sure they are catching a lot of meat. So stop complaining and come up with practictal suggestions. Avoid the traps. Take the longer route to avoid the traps.
2015-07-17 05:33:43 UTC
He should try living on that for a year. What do you pay and what do you let go? Do you pay the rent and not by food, or buy food and not pay for lights and heat, or put gas in the car so you can go to work and not pay the rent? It just goes around and around. The government takes from those that can least afford it and gives to those who have too much. But as far as ABM fees go use your own bank machines and you can avoid fees in most cases. Sorry for the rant!
2014-10-31 15:02:49 UTC
sed, you dont even need to ask this question! Banks do nickel and dime customers to death all the time and they make massive profits off of us.

If President's Choice can offer no fees banking dont try to tell me that no other bank can not do the same. I have been a PC customer since they opened up for biz many years ago and I'll never change from them.

I had to put our biz acct with Canada Trust when Bizsmart went under last Nov. and I truly resent the service charges they have and they were the least repulsive/expensi
2014-09-14 07:06:57 UTC
I think the bigger issue is the interest rates on credit cards. Good customers subsidize the bad credit risks. I think the interest rate on my visa is something like 19% which is absurdly high considering I am a top tier customer, never default on payments, have my mortgage and all my business with the same bank, yet they charge me the same fee as some kid out of school with no credit history, or someone with a poor credit history. Trust me, they make way more money off of credit cards than they can ever make off of ABM's. However, it is more politically palatable to say that ABM's hurt the poor and average Canadian than to say that credit does as this is something that people willfully get into. I can assure you, credit issues affect more Candian's than any ABM fee would in a more pronounced way.
Comish Peter
2007-03-06 23:44:55 UTC
NDP leader Jack Layton is right on for blasting the Banks. I am not a NDP supporter but at least he is looking out for the little guy.

When Banks and bank officials make the kind of money they do I say its down right robbing its customers. No CEO deserves the salary and benefits they receive. I get sick to my stomach when I read or hear the news when the @#&^%$ declare there income and yearly profit. Our politicians should not be afraid to stand up to these @#&^%$ we, will stand behind them and vote them back in! It is legalized mafia at work as far as I am concerned.
2007-03-06 18:49:10 UTC
Having worked for one of the major banks for two years previously, I was disgusted at the way they treated the average customer. Unless you had a regular balance that continuously had a certain amount, you were penalized for every movement you did within your own account. A common complaint I heard daily was, "You are charging me to use my own money in my own account. How is this fair?". Our trained response the company instilled in us was to claim that these fees were "for the convenience of service and security". This sounds good to some people, but I was disturbed at how the average account was being charged MORE than $20/month! That's $240/year! Now, most people aren't even aware of what's really happening, because the banks have slowly increased these fees over the years. It is disgusting to recall the attitude managers, supervisors and those people above them had towards the regular Canadian account. I am glad to hear that finally people are recognizing this as a political issue!
2007-03-06 15:32:12 UTC
ABMs will not disappear if the fees are taken away because they are saving money on the amount of full time customer service reps needed to do transactions.

I believe that the banks do everything possible to take money from us. How can you save money with all the transaction fees. and the interest they pay us is very little. The government should take action against this robbery.
2007-03-06 14:42:50 UTC
Yes. I've had to use an alternative abm and I was hit up by double fees. One by my bank and another by the abm. It's ridiculous. I've avoided using abms that don't belong to my bank but in emergencies and in certain situations it's hard to avoid. Not everyone has the time or resources to walk around looking for an abm that belongs to their bank. And there are many other fees that a bank uses that catch people off guard when they least expect it. Taking charge of abm fees sound fine with me.
2007-03-06 14:13:59 UTC
Yes, absolutely they should take action. I'm very happy that our government and the NDP leader are finally taking action on the behalf of the many people who have little influence over this situation. I only wish they could similarly take action against the money hungry record profit taking oil and gas companies.

The big banks have nickel and dimed us for a very long time and our consumer groups as well as the so called self-governing bodies have done little or nothing to tackle this problem.
Cheryl M
2007-03-06 14:02:33 UTC
Yes!! When I worked as a bank teller over ten years ago, we were instructed to strongly encourage customers to use the ATMs for their transactions because management wanted to cut down on the number of tellers they had to employ. It worked...there used to be 10-15 tellers and now there are 2-3 at my old branch, and many branches have closed down. So now our only option is to us an ATM if we need a bank transaction. The banks say they need the fees to maintain and supply the ATM machines, but they are no longer having to pay the salaries for service personnel. No one had to pay per transaction when they came into the branch and got service from a live person back in "the old days", but that almost isn't even an option anymore.
2007-03-06 13:57:02 UTC
WELL!!! let's bank at least has made 450 million dollars from ATM fees. They claim to need it for maintenence and to replace old machines. How stupid do they think we are?????? This is a no brainer. YES! We are being ripped off! When will people get it? Yes, they need money to maintain the machines....blah..blah. But 450 million dollars???? Give me a break. We ARE stupid if we don't start complaining and get them to eliminate these fees. British banks don't charge. How do they manage??? Canadians need to wake up. I will never believe these fees are necessary, we are being fed a line of crap. If they really do need a fee, how about 25 cents? So instead of a huge profit, they just make enough for the "maintenence"? That would still be an amount in the millions. So.. banks, if you are listening, give us a break, we work hard to make our money, stop stealing it!!!!
2007-03-06 13:49:06 UTC
Yes I think they should - bank fees can be outrageous. I think that if we are fined a fee each month (I pay $12.95 for unlimited) that should be all they are allowed to charge - even if using other banks. If each bank would agree to not charge that fee - more people would withdraw from other banks I am sure. I can see the private tellers that are at some business - charging an access fee to help with the cost - but the big banks make enough money.
2007-03-06 13:37:25 UTC
Yes. They should be banned, completely. But to provide better service and mitigate opportunity costs to banks, Canadians should be able to use their cellphones at points of sale to make purchases. They should be able to quickly review their bank balances before and after a purchase, with the pos terminals not able to capture this information. (ie all the pos terminal should care about is that there are sufficient funds in the account to cover the transaction) There should *never* be a fee for accessing your own money from a regular "chequing" account. Such fees should face an outright ban, whether provided by your own bank or an associated financial institution. Debit point of sale fees should be banned as well. Such fees represent something too similiar to a mode of private taxation, which is *wrong!*

Or, how about just expand Bank of Canada services to serve consumers and Canadian businesses alike, thereby removing the falsely perceived "necessity" of Canadian chartered banks to begin with?

If I keep talking like this, I better switch mutual funds! Mine is heavy into Canadian financials!

But still, f- the greedy-assed chartered banks! Let's get our services on a non-profit basis from our own bank, the Bank of Canada, instead!
2007-03-06 13:30:56 UTC
Yes, the government should set some guidelines or regulations for the ABM charges. Jack Layton is correct, we are being nickle and dimed or $1.50'd to the poor house. Banks want people to use the ATM's so that they can cut costs in staffing, then turn around and charge you for it. It's almost as if they were working for the government!!!!
2007-03-06 13:26:14 UTC
A resounding YES...banks make inordinate profits. ABMs are convenient but they are not staffed. Once the initial outlay is paid for...banks have relatively little cost of maintenance.

As consumers we are doing them a service by doing the "work" ourselves. To provide the same level of 24/7 banking convenience to customers, using paid staff, would be cost prohibitive which is why the Banks introduced ABMs in the first place. Since consumers have adapted to the ABMs, banks have reduced the number of teller positions. The money saved should be offsetting ABM costs...charging us to provide a service they should be providing anyway is usurious.
2007-03-06 13:18:17 UTC
The profits at Canadian Banks are at all time record highs. Where, exactly do you think they are making this profit???? They are making it my using OUR money, and then charging outrageous fees for us to access it! And all the while these banks - AND MANY Credit Unions - are acting like they are doing us a favour????

Hogwash! We are paying through the teeth for access to our money. I will not deny that there are some costs associated, but the fees that banks are charging are, IMHO, way over the top.

I am NOT a big fan of government intereference in anything! But some times it is absolutely required, and this is - IMHO - just such a case.

It was only a few short years ago that you could NOT open a simple chequing account at a big bank if your Credit Report was not good! Clearly a mis-use of the information if you were not applying for an overdraft or any credit! But the big banks looked at it this way.... "Well, there is no rule against it, so we can get away with it!". So after a lot of complaints from the electorate, the Feds passed the "Access to Basic Banking Services Regulations", which prohibit a bank from refusing to open an account for individuals who can produce two pieces of proper identifiaction.

I think that the Federal Government needs to consider fair access policies and also to consider limits on fees that banks can charge for "fair access". Case in point: I bank with HSBC. And last July they changed their fee structures. I used to get up to 2 free withdrawls from my savings account per month. But with the new fee structure, there is NO FREE ACCESS even in person at a branch! There is an 85 cent charge for ALL withdrawls. And all this while the interest paid on the account is what 0.05 percent, 0.01 percent??? So you MAKE 7 cents to 10 cents a month in interest, and get dinged 85 cents to take out YOUR money???? WTF??? What is prime rate these days?? 6%??? And a loan goes for, what - prime + 3%???? So 9% for you to borrw money from the bank, and they pay Less than 1% to YOU for the use of your money so they can screw others???? They are worse than credit card companies!

I call that gouging, and that is only one example. The "surcharges" put on cross network ATMs is another example, and point-of-use fees added to Interac purchases is yet another example of proof positive that teh Banks AND Credit Unions NEED to be heavily regulated. These financial institutions have proven conclusively that they DO NOT have the public interest or trust in mind - they are singlemindedly focused on not just profit, but excessive profit at the expense of the public. Who do the Banks think they are??? Oil Companies???

IMHO, the Federal Government will be in breach of its duty to protect the public interest if they do not take action against those who would indeed take our dirst born if they thought they could get away with it.
2007-03-06 13:06:10 UTC
Yes the Canadian Government should take action on automated banking fees because man has proved time and again that if you give him an inch they want the proverbial mile and then another, and another and another. We have become the greediest animal on this planet. I think the government should take close looks at all the fees associated with banking because I firmly believe many of those fees are little more then legal extortion. As far as I am concerned banks get to pick our pockets to much now.
Kenneth D
2007-03-06 12:46:46 UTC
Yes! The government should be taking action to keep the banks from gauging consumers with ATM and other charges.

While mention is made about the costs of setting-up ATM technologies there is no mention of the fact that ATMs have replaced tellers who used to get paid for the services ATMs now provide. Banks no longer have these employees on their payrolls. This must save the banks significant sums in itself?

Banks have been consistantly recording record profits on the backs of consumers for who they claim to be offering services.

Have you ever had to go to a bank to speak directly with a teller?

More often than not, you are required to wait for what is usually an interminably long time to get served.

I feel that banks represent an important part of the corporate raider mentality that is strangeling the population.
2007-03-06 12:40:32 UTC
I think ABM fees are a little too high for consumers looking to access their OWN money, wether they use their bank machine or another machine. But consumers, simply need to use their own machines to avoid these charges, or use a credit union which is always free.

A more pressing problem though, should be charging people MORE FEES for having LESS MONEY in the bank, as for some reason it seems to be harder for banks to manage $900 than $9000, as you have to maintain "minimum balances" often $1000 or $1500 to avoid paying $3.95 "maintenance" charges on accounts. This is just a way to gouge the poor in my opinion.
2007-03-06 12:21:26 UTC
ATMs save the big banks money with their original purpose: to replace staff and reduce actual hours of operations. The fees MUST be looked at. It makes no sense that any interest made can be so easily eradicated by just a few transaction fees (or less). Why not have the big banks charge a percentage of the amount withdrawn? Say, the same percentage they offer on their basic savings account? Yeah, right!
Nipsy R
2007-03-06 12:09:45 UTC
While it is prudent to watch out for society moving into a communistic/socialist regime, it would perhaps be nice to tell some of the largest and profitable corporations in Canada to please remove their foot from the public throat.

Yes they should be allowed to make money, no not every little thing in the world should be regulated to death. And no just because someone can figure out a way to communicate the concept If we all gouge the public then we all make a lot of money so let's not compete with each other " without meeting in a the hotel collusion for the big bank and gas station gougers in collusion convention.

People have to use banks just like they have to have gas for the car. While there should be profit, it shouldn't be the sky is the limit.

How about the government protecting my butt instead of Afghanistan's for a while?
2007-03-06 12:09:39 UTC
ABM machines are a service. Don't use them if you don't want to be charged. Also, most banks have their own ABM machines scattered across every corner of the major cities. These machines are there to be used by bank clients and are part of the regular banking fees a client is charged every month for bank services. No added fees are charged.
2007-03-06 11:56:31 UTC
The issue of ATM machine fees is a tricky subject. The fact that people get charged up to $2.00 in fees when using a bank machine other than your own banks sucks, but it is fair. What upsets me is, when you use another bank machine, that is not my banks, you get double charged. You get charged $2.00 from the competitor and another $2.00 from your own bank. The second charge is where the government should investigate. I know that the argument of not using a competitor's machine if you don't want to get service charges sound compelling, but a lot of banks don't have enough bank machines in enough locations to make it feasible to use your own bank's machine. I pay a $15.00 fee per month to use unlimited interact, which the bank set up, should that not cover the cost? The banks make record profits every year, while most Canadians struggle to get by, then they get "nickel and dimed" to take out THEIR own money. What happened to the times when banks used to cherish and fight for your business?
2007-03-06 15:24:36 UTC
I rest may case on this: Give me a break: You know the problem though? The USA banks rape you for the same 1.50! So, expect this to fail!

Scotiabank smashes through $1B profit barrier

By Ottawa Business Journal Staff

Tue, Mar 6, 2007 9:00 AM EST

At a time when the federal finance minister is asking Canada's big banks to justify a raft of ATM banking fees, Canada's second-largest bank is reporting its first quarterly profit of more than $1 billion.
Jeff D
2007-03-06 15:20:10 UTC
In part I have to agree with Bobotronic, simply to the fact of banks being able to raise ATM fees at their discretion, or are they (canadian banks) following American financial trends. Just a couple of days ago I used an ATM which NOW charge a fee of $2.00 (cdn) relative to the prior $1.75. That's a 25c increase on every debit transaction at the ATM.

IF, banks state that their hands are tied, then who are the activists that are imposing the fee increases, and why are banking customers being subjected to the fee increase? Banking customers/clients consolidate their money to either pay loans or secure their money in trusted bank accounts, trust funds etc. Without loyal customers/clients (business and/or personal), Banking Corporations would cripple.

ATM fees, interest fees should be reduced and capped at the percentage of Consumer Price Indexation (CPI) relative to the usage ratio. I am by no means a Financial Analyst, though somewhere in fine print (very fine), possibly in Terms and Agreement of bank accounts ... "That we the customer/client have a voice to matters of consideration", pertaining to unjust fee increases, and the likes?

Is the answer to take the technology out of banking, ie; no ATM's, no online banking, no secure banking transactions to purchase goods via credit cards? Maybe passbook savings accounts will regrow and operate as pass book holders had previously operated prior to the computerization and technology takeover.


2007-03-06 14:28:39 UTC
Absolutely not! Banks allow customers to use their own ABM's without a fee. If you want the convince one other than your banks you should pay for that convienance. People who pay no fee's with a virtual bank need to accept they are limited to where they can withdrawal without fee's... if you bank with one of the top 5 retail banks you the ability to go to any of that banks locations as a part of your monthly service plan. You are able to chose from any of their hundreds of ATM's across Canada. Its a fair trade, you get what you pay for, as you would with any service industry. You can't have it both ways!

I'm sure the gov't wouldn't care about this if they weren't concerned with an upcoming election or if they were able to somehow add a tax to this and profit themselves. They are trying to win the votes of people who don't understand how the service/retail industry works, which sadly is a lot of Canadians.
2007-03-06 14:22:00 UTC
Absolutely!! Aggregate bank profits in 2-digit BILLIONS are obscene. Profits - NOT income - from ATM fees alone last year topped $420 Million, clearly proving that in this one area alone, fees are unacceptably high. Apparently at this point, all the federal government can do is attempt to 'persuade' the offenders. I say put amendments to the Bank Act of Canada before Parliament, granting the federal government regulatory authority and appointing the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions as watch-dog. To control abuses in, for example the supply of energy, telecommunication services and investment products, we now have provincial Public Utilities Boards, the federal CRTC, and Securities Commissions. To deny there are abuses in the Canadian banking system is absurd. If banks are raping the public and do not respond appropriately and promptly to government 'persuasion', then they MUST be similarly regulated - end of story!
Simon W
2007-03-06 14:02:45 UTC
The Canadian government has been behind closed doors making a deal with their beloved banks to throw the public a small bone to shut us up. That's why they are mentioning that maybe they can decrease the charges for students, retired and disabled. What about the other 90% of us!!! We don't like getting ripped off either!!

I think a mass blacklisting of off-branch ATM's and a campaign to encourage minimal usage of ATM's would be effective. Even now they feel the pain from people finally realizing that it's a $1.50 for each bank and that the total charge for off branch ATM use is THREE FREAKIN DOLLARS. Now lets talk about the oil companies...Monopolies create unstable economies and eventually lead to the general public being financially abused.
Gary S
2007-03-06 13:40:11 UTC
The Canadian banks record record profits year after year with no end in site. People on the lower and fixed incomes give a significant amount of there income to banks for the privilege of having an account. The banks are plain out "greedy" and have no social responsibility to Canada, nor do they care. Gord Nixon could work for Imperial Oil, the way he likes bending Canadians over the barrel.
Mike M
2007-03-06 13:39:24 UTC
I don't know that banks would do away with ATMs just because the fees were removed - many banks encourage the use of debit and ATMs because it allows them to reduce staff and thus save money for themselves. What would most likely happen if the ATM charges went away, we'd all suddenly see our banks charging us higher service fees to make up for the money they no longer make off of non-members using the machines.

There is a certain justification for charging members from other banks for using your ATM, since those people are not paying service fees into your bank, but getting a second charge from your own bank for doing it seems more punitive than anything else - penalizing your clients for using another bank's machine. That part I definitely disagree with - my own bank makes enough money off me as it is!

Of course, I'm a bit biased because I moved to a new town for work a few years ago and my bank chose to pull up its stakes and leave - so their nearest ATM is now about 45 minutees and two towns drive away.
2007-03-06 13:35:39 UTC

This is financial censure and as free enterprises, they should set their own price. It is up to the consumer to be informed and to CHOOSE to use the service - both while they travel and when they are at their own bank. What I am afraid of is if they start with this, what's next? My company's fees or prices... or perhaps yours?

If they really want to make a difference, I think the government(s) should lower the fees for car registrations, driver's lcienses, their take on the gas tax, the booze tax (they can continue to tax tobacco though)...shall I go on? Lower government waste and improve the civil service. Pay our soldiers more money and give them better equipment. Improve healthcare and manage jobs for the high skill immigrants better.

Quit deflecting the real issues and get on with it for crying out loud. To Messrs. Layton and Flaherty, heal thyself - first.
Jason R
2007-03-06 12:56:59 UTC
I do NOT agree at all with being charge extra at the ABM Machines and they should restrict banks of doing this. I get charged 3 dollars already for using an ABM through my account and then another 1.50 for the convenience of using say TD over my own bank which is BMO. I think the government should TAKE ACTION NOW!
2007-03-07 18:17:44 UTC
Yes the Canadian government should take action to force the bank of Canada and all of the sub-banks to not have the internal fee when using another ATM or an ATM usage fee. they hold our money and use it causing their worth to increase. In a sense, they owe us a little bit more than the ease of debit card and a wonderful fees we get every month.
Lukis M
2007-03-06 18:14:05 UTC
Folks, it's called CAPITALISM. If you are rich it works very well for you, if you are poor or middle class it sucks. Since there are more middle class "voters" than rich, then of course the NDP is going to try and fight it, just like they favour the creation of workers unions. IT'S FOR VOTES AND POWER, NOT YOU!!! So, back to the banks. Just like all other corporations on this planet, they exist to make as much profit as they possibly can in order to maximize shareholder's wealth. If you want not to be taken advantage of in this country you have several options, some of which are: MOVE. Others include, join the game, become a shareholder. Too much risk? How about a revolution? Ever seen Fight Club? In a capitalistic society, EVERYONE is 'nickel and dimed to death'. You can be sure that as soon as the government intervenes and stops one nickel and dimer, there is another right behind. If it all seems hopeless, you can just wait a few years for the foreign bombs to send us back to the iron age and any loose change you have could be used for ummm fishing lures? !&*@ politicians and banks, neither of them are your friends. BUT, back to the age old dilema, people need to be governed in order to avoid complete chaos. So, we have to deal with it and struggle through an unnatural existence. Baaa Baaa where is my shepherd! Back in line sheep!
ms tru-d
2007-03-06 16:11:53 UTC
Yes, by all means. The poorest people get dinged one way or the other with what little finances they receive from Social Services. Also the people on disability have a tough time making ends meet each and every month. They are the forgotten ones the Government overlooks in their researches of how they get nickel and dimed to death. Why? because most people on fixed income cannot afford the luxury of bus rides to a better area for a better deal. That has been proven by way of some grocery stores with half rotten produce at premium prices, while high end grocery stores have a half price sale on their produce because naturally, the wealthier people will not pay such outrages prices for half rotten produce and dinted canned foods.

First Nations People suffer great injustices by having to pay all these little charges because they do not have anywhere else to go. Prices of food is about four times higher in villages because there is no Safeway or Super Value stores in the Northern Regions such as Prince Rupert, BC. First Nations People have to spend all their pension or social services cheques on travel just to buy every day living expenses since they can no longer live off the land without being charged just trying to put food on their tables and feed their families. This is a shame the way our Canadian Government treats all First Nations People in British Columbia.

Not only that, now we as BC First Nations People are clearly not included in the First Nations so called help (benefits) with low rentals or other educational benefits because: Other First Nations People from Eastern Canada have nearly frozen BC Natives out of all societies and bring in their own people without thought of the unemployed that already reside here in BC.

BC Natives wait for years and years to get a decent apartment, while othe natives from back East only needs to get off the plane, train or bus and practically move into a nice low rental housing system. It is also a well known fact-these same people will hire out of province to get their relatives here on a free rides whether if they are qualified for the job or not, most times, they do not even have training. Yes Sir, every penny counts when you are BC First Nations People.
2007-03-06 14:13:49 UTC
The banks have gone wild with this ABM and Debit card fees. This is in my opinion a big reason that the banks all have record profits. It is unfortunate that they make this money gouging the public. The government should do something to hold the banks responsible.
2007-03-06 14:10:56 UTC
The problem is not just ATMs. Banks have slowly turned their business around so that we actually pay them to take our money and invest it for their own profit. The people who pay the most are the people with the least money and credit. Banks are businesses and the country wouldn't last long without them, but there need to be limits and an understanding of how this business works. We need to be educated and protected to a certain extent. I think this minor issue will serve a purpose for the banks: to detract attention from all their other charges and their obscene profits.
Luke and Kim
2007-03-06 13:26:21 UTC
The entire banking fee system is an insult considering that banks post ludicrous profits using customers' money as working capital and then turn around and charge a fee for doing the work yourself, and denying the right to talk to a trained and competent person face to face when problems arise.

Banks should not be allowed to charge service fees, especially to access an account holders own money.
2007-03-06 13:23:34 UTC
I'm 32. I pay a lot more for every single product out there than any person has in the past. My hydro and gas, my house... etc. It just doesn't work out anymore. My dad made 1200 a month when I was a kid, take home, when he was my age. I make about 2800 a month take home. You would think I'd be much wealthier, but I'm not. I literally have enough money to cover my budget- just that, that's all. After paying my student loans, with a pretty shameful interest rate, if you ask me, I have nothing left. No partying, just enough for diapers.

So, I'm not worried about ATM fees. I don't have any money to take out of the bank.
2007-03-06 12:42:38 UTC
Nothing is free today. To suggest the banks should provide a service for nothing is as if we were to say to a labourer you must work for nothing. I do not know of anyone that is prepared to do that. The unfortunate matter is that the fees have gotten out of hand and the banks should be encouraged to review their fees and eliminate the fees which are unnecessary. We all have a choice .. if you don't like the fees don't use them or find a service provider with lower fees. We do not need more government regulations.
Peter B
2007-03-06 12:26:31 UTC
No. This is a waste of time and of government resources to be discussing ATM fees by the Finance Minister. There is already plenty of choice out there for Canadians who do not want to pay ATM fees. There is also a great deal of transparency of what it will cost you to withdrawal your money using another bank's ATM. You have a choice before you use another bank's ATM and if you find yourself paying these fees often then look for another bank with a conveniently located ATM.
2007-03-06 12:24:29 UTC
I think a better question that that is . Will they?

Jim Flairity is a big Irish bull shooter, remember just a few Weeks ago when the infamous Steve Harper stated he would never touch income trust, maybe he did it behind Steve's back or how about the price of gas, the oil companies have a fire and were on the hook for the entire price. i don't pay it myself i go to Detroit to fill up, at least there the crooks are wearing masks when they rob you. Flarrity and his band of thieves hide behind ATM machines and pick on our suited burglars but is he really, i heard from a guy at the mall they are as thick as thieves, I pray he wont get the banks to back off i just may need a doctor and we know what that get into. this Country is in shambles and its all the so called alliance conservative pc's what ever you want to call them its their fault.
Terry h
2007-03-06 12:00:17 UTC
The problem is that if the government forces the banks to eliminate or reduce these fees, banks will simply find another method of extracting this money from the public, mostly those that can ill afford it. The banks will not loose revenue under any circumstance it is not what they do. There was a time when banks were your friend those days are dead and gone.
2007-03-07 04:35:28 UTC
Yes, absolutely, cut out those ABM fees at the very least..

There was a reason why automation became the accepted way to do our banking. Certainly it is efficient, but the main reason was to cut the manpower needed to do all of this day-to-day banking. The banks have saved money by hiring us to do our own banking instead of paying tellers.

I suggest that they take those fees out of the profit they've made from cutting staff.
2007-03-06 19:38:09 UTC
I have an account that charges me zero fees, unless I choose the convenience of using a competitor's machine to withdraw money from - this isn't a special offer and I'm not a special person that gets perks, so I don't see why anyone is complaining about being charged fees when you can easily avoid them. Banks are businesses too, you know, and they make their money best off of people who are uninformed about the service fees (if any) and are too lazy or disinclined to find alternatives.

Go into your branch, phone telephone banking, check their website - see what types of accounts they offer if you don't feel yours is suitable - if your bank doesn't satisfy you, I am sure there is another one out there that will.
2007-03-06 15:38:56 UTC
The Canadian government has no place in this. The bank's are a business and if the gouvernement steps in on this the ATM's will either disappear or the banks will simply say that you use the machines that belong to the bank that you are associated with and you will no longer be able to use any other ATM's which will cause more problems than what will be helped by the government stepping in.
2007-03-06 13:58:44 UTC
I believe Gord Nixon's response to the government inquiry is a pathetic response to the ATM fee question. If the banks are to be profitable, make them be profitable on merit and not expensing ridiculous service fee's to their captive customers. It has been a long, long time since I have seen a bank do something positive for their customers. Drop the fee's ad let this be a first step towards credibility in their annual profit statements and not an average return pumped up by excessive bank fee's across the board
2007-03-06 13:37:58 UTC
Any fee's to access one's own money should be abolished. One of the primary reasons ABM's were introduced was to cut costs (for the banks) by eliminating the need for branches. Now the ATM's are proving too expensive? At a time when banks are raking in Billions in profit, there is no justification for these fees. When you accept a job, you now have no other option but to accept your payment via a direct deposit to your bank account. Hence you need one. You should not be charged for accessing your own money. Banks should be allowed price their services as they see fit but this is hardly a service in todays world. Perhaps the employer should be made pay these fees?????
Peter P
2007-03-06 13:02:56 UTC
Folks, let's get the facts straight. If you have a couple of thousands in your account, you may get the odd penny in interest. When you withdraw money or use your debit card, you are charged. There in no need for extra charges to be added on.

As for the independent ATM's, the only reason that they exist is the insane charges that the banks charge (the private owners want a piece of the bank's action) which is then duplicated by the big banks, resulting in more than one charge for one transaction.

I believe that it should be illegal to be charged a fee in order to have what belongs to you anyway.

Oh, and for those who think that we should be paying these fees, I would like to bring to your attention that since the 70's, when the banks started pushing these ATM's on us, they have saved a vast amount of money by reducing the number of tellers that they employ and have closed numerous branches. I'm sure that they didn't introduce ATM's out of the goodness of their hearts, but dreamt of this day, (when the next generation of customers would have no clue what it felt like to walk into a bank and be referred to by your name instead of being a number). We lost this $1.50 at a time.

God help us if they are ever allowed to merge!
2007-03-06 12:51:24 UTC
I can't believe the government hasn't already taken action...unless somehow, they too get a cut somewhere down the doubt. I would absolutely love if Canadians as a whole, would start to stand up for themselves and stop being so passive. It amazes me just how much we let corporate business, and our government walk all over us. In Britain, the people worked and planned together to boycott using the ATM machines, which in return, gave the banks a massive loss in profits...all in a 24hr period. It would be such an honour if Canadians would stand together to show those in power that they can't just crap all over us! Between monthly service charges, ATM charges, interest on loans/mortgages/lines of credit, I do not believe a $19 billion profit is justifiable.
f*ck yahoo, i'm doing google
2007-03-06 12:48:37 UTC
Any business needs to make money off the service they offer, otherwise...why offer it? The banks aren't actually that bad, it's the private abm's in bars, gas stations and convenience stores that should be regulated as they charge an extra buck or 2 and then your bank does on top of it. The disclosure should be made clearer. They should still charge whatever they like, but point out that on top of their extra fee, your bank will charge you as well...if you don't want to pay it, don't use it, go to your bank's machine
Peter Gückel
2007-03-06 12:36:52 UTC
The banks make record profits year after year, in the billions of dollars. The negligible interest paid on savings likely accounts for a significant portion of the gains. The unfair fee charged for receiving a bad cheque is only further example of unfair practices by the banks. It is to be noted, however, that there is no ATM fee, unless money is withdrawn from another bank. Nevertheless, many accounts are charged additional transaction fees, for withdrawing funds (by whatever means), even for transferring funds from one account to another, when the money stays in the same bank! And this for transactions the customer does himself, over the internet, or via an ATM. As Jack Layton pointed out in an interview on the National on the CBC in the latter part of February, there should be no fee when the other bank is on the same network, ie., Plus System or Interac. I feel there should be no fee for taking one's own money out of an account when using the own bank's ATM or one of a member bank on the network, or when transferring money from one account to another. In short, handling one's own money oneself should not cost. All of the fees for manipulating one's account are unfair and unethical.
2007-03-06 12:20:01 UTC
Absolutely. There are many countries (including developing countries) that don't charge fees, simply because it is considered a service to customers. A rich country like Canada where banks are making billions in profits should not be nickel and diming customers who bank with them. It was a shock to me when I came to this country to have to pay the bank for withdrawing my own savings, and I still think it is a shame. It is time somebody did something about it.
Diane S
2007-03-06 12:12:59 UTC
Yes, they should. We already pay bank fees for the use of the ATM so why should we be charged a fee for every time we use an ATM machine that is not from our home branch. We get charged once from our own bank and then another charge for the ATM we are using. Gouging yes. Not every person has transportation to get to their own bank,or ATM and there are people out there who do count every penny because they have to. $3.00 is a lot of money to someone on a fixed income. Once you had a choice in the locally owned convenience stores for an ATM machine from your own bank, now most are privately owned and we have to pay for it's service. What happened to our banks controlling them at least we knew they were safe.
2007-03-06 15:48:45 UTC
I live on a fixed income and find banking fees outrageous. I have changed my banking habits as a result and now pay for everything with cash. I live in a fairly large city so I am not happy about having to carry cash and I ensure I only carry as much as I need but I do fear being robbed. I doubt very much that the Conservative government will ever get involved with this issue but I am not surprised that one of the big banks sees this as a "small issue" that does not warrant attention. Just ask anyone who has to fork out $20-$30 per month in bank transaction fees if it is any important issue to them! If you live on a fixed income that is half a weeks worth of small sum nor small issue! You can sure tell that it was a fatcat bureaucrat who made the statement; not someone who has ever had to worry about money. It shows where their loyalties lie....low income Canadians are not important to bigwig bankers! But they'll happily take our money!
2007-03-06 13:44:29 UTC
Definitely yes; banks are in the business of making money with our money...ask them for a loan and there is a big bureaucracy to take your eyes out anyway. What it is going to take to stop them?..not wonder why they earn billions of dollars in profit annually. Politics and classes play a major role here; most of the money stays withing the high end employees, while entry levels make peanuts.The government have to keep up cleaning offices at the federal level and so on...lead by example. In the public sector; employers treat and pay people as they wish and nobody cares for the regular employee either...which are the ones that do the dirty work for the big shots to be where they are...nice way to show appreciation.
2007-03-06 13:09:51 UTC
I believe that the Canadian Government should take action on banking machine fees.

The banks earn a lot more money on loans, mortgages and credit card interest than what they pay out in interest. Service fees are just a way that banks can make money from those who do not have loans or carry credit card balances.
2007-03-06 13:05:17 UTC
I heard this morning that Scotia bank had a first quarter profit in the billions of dollars. I guess people are really using their ATM cards eh? I think if we pay a monthly fee for our banking it should include bank ATM's. If we choose to use an ATM in a convenience store, by all means that machine should charge us but our own bank not. I mean really $3.00 to take out $20? Huge interest rate if you look at it that way.

We want the gov't to intervene when we need money (ie floods, poor crops etc) so by all means, let them intervene now in our favor as well.
Pete G
2007-03-06 12:58:50 UTC
There should definitely be a limit to how much they can charge. The Bank's are enjoying a surplus of millions (Scotiabank recently announced $1 billion surplus).

I wish people would stop calling them ATMs though. ATMs and ABMs are two different banking machines. ABMs are owned by Banks; ATMs are not. Calling them ATMs is very American too.
Dave Hanley
2007-03-06 12:08:58 UTC
Government intervention should always be a last resort but, in truth, I do wonder how financial institutions in other western nations (Great Britain, USA, Germany) make winfall profits - like Canadian banks - but do not charge ATM fees. Competition in the States dictates that charging ATM fees means an increase in customer "churn" (leaving one bank for another so most banking execs won't even consider implementing them... in Canada, we do not have the same competitive structure... maybe we need it. We could certainly use some competition in the public transit sector here in Toronto (the "customer experience" with most TTC drivers and employees speaks for itself! Sorry for the digression!)
John W
2007-03-06 12:07:57 UTC
I am a Canadian currently living in Europe (Belgium to be exact) and my bank (ING) charges me 9 Euros a year (yes, a year) to be able to do unlimited withdrawals from any bank in Europe including non-ING banks. They also pay a few percent interest (not a lot, but interest none the less) on my current account and 3 or 4 percent on my "Green" savings/slush account that I can access anytime without penalty. When I couldn't believe it and told my local manager what I paid for service charges on my Canadian account, he thought it was outrageous. So, bottom line, about $14 Cdn a year to have unlimited withdrawals and transfers all over Europe. Get with it Canada!
2007-03-06 12:04:28 UTC
This was a manufactured crisis by Layton. These are voluntary fees. I have never paid them, as my bank's ATMs are everywhere. If you can't plan ahead and take out the money you need from your own branch, I have no pity for you. I'm sick of Layton's posturing about how he's looking out for the little guy. Well, as a little guy, my pension fund is invested in banks, so I want them to do well. If you don't like it, go elsewhere - it's a free country as long as petty dictators like Layton never get hold of power.
2007-03-06 11:53:49 UTC
They make soooo much money off of everything else, i'm sure they can afford to take the $420 million cut. those fees add up. You can't do ANYTHING with banking anymore that doesn't cost money. First they tell you how much you can and cannot take out from an atm and then they charge you for it. It's my money and i want access to it now without being bent over. There's always a catch 22 and it's about time someone looked into it. I'm thinking about using my matress as my bank....
2007-03-06 20:55:34 UTC
What people don't realize is that banks don't make their big profits from service charges. They make their profit from other parts of their business. Believe it or not, banks are businesses. Would you want to deal with a company that was not profitable? Not likely. People want to deal with someone who they know will still be in business tomorrow. The choice is yours to use a bank machine other than that of your bank and if you use an independent machine, known as white label machines, you will pay an additional fee so it costs you twice as much to use those. I don't see people complaining about the fees independent bank machines charge. The big banks always take a shot when it comes to fees. Bank machines are expensive to maintain and process the transactions. Your own bank does not charge you that extra fee. The fee came about due to the increasing number of non-client transactions processed at the machines and the cost to transfer those transactions bank to bank. I agree with the fee. I make a point to use my own bank's machine whenever possible and when I don't, it is my choice to do so and I treat that fee as my cost to do the transaction with a company who is not my bank.
Ty Nitty
2007-03-06 19:56:34 UTC
Why should we have to pay a fee to access our own money? The banks already take our money and lend it out to people and charge interest. There should be a law that says the banks are not allowed to charge ABM fees. I hate looking at my statement and seeing $1.50 charge because I was not near my main bank. The banks make enough money through loans and other instruments to be charging us ABM fees. Its ridiculous!
2007-03-06 17:43:59 UTC
The banks make enough money from the money we deposit and invest with them. It is sad that they couldn't give their customers a break by not charging fees on automated bank machines. They are not paying out in wages like they once did due to the machines. Or at least that is my take. So any help the consumer can get is appreciated. Not sure how this could effect business by setting a precedent on government involvement in other areas of business.
Red head
2007-03-06 16:32:16 UTC
It is ridiculous that banks charge for using ABM machines. They should come up with a system of allowing their own customers a certain number of transactions a month free. This number could be based on each individual customers average usage. The amount of free transactions should not be linked to the balance, as it is extremely hard to keep an average balance throughout the month.
2007-03-06 16:19:53 UTC
Yes, the government needs to take action to ensure the banks stop nickel and diming clients on ATM rates. It is obvious by the outrageous yearly profits shown by banks that they can't and won't police themselves. More likely they are together in how much they can rip off their clients at each and every transaction. Personally I am considering keeping my money under my mattress, at least I can get at it whenever I want it and it will stop being eaten away each month by 1.50 every time I pay for something, 3.95 for the privilege of keeping it in the bank, 3.95 for a monthly statement etc, etc.
Jennie W
2007-03-06 16:11:37 UTC
Yes the government should take action. As a single mom the $1.50 for a bank machine adds up very quickly. It costs money to walk in my bank to talk to someone in person and every time I swipe my bank card another charge is added. The banks make tons of money off their customers and what little interest they do offer to their customers is never seen because of these insane charges popping up every where. Being a single mom in this country is hard enough, but when the banks are taking the food out of your cupboards, we all need to start opening our eyes.
Dave V
2007-03-06 15:18:12 UTC
Yes they should! I tried to open a business account at a national bank and the fees were outrageous to say the least. I went with an out of country bank instead. Much Cheaper.

And Our useless government does not stand a chance against our big banks.
2007-03-06 14:34:58 UTC
I think the Canadian public should take action and just keep all their money in a mattress! I mean, seriously, bank fees are getting way out of line. It costs me money each time I want to pay a bill. I would be better off to have my clients pay me in cash, and then pay my bills with cash, buy my groceries with cash etc. I even get charged to transfer funds from my chequing account to my savings accout (where I earn pathetically little interest!).

Banks are, quite literally, nickling and diming us to death with crazy bank and ATM fees. What if every Canadian actually went to the bank once or twice a month, took out enough cash to pay for expenses for the month, and paid with cash everywhere we went? We would only be charged for that one (or two) transactions to withdrawl the cash, and we would be saving money every time we didn't whip out the ATM card.

When I was a child, my parents didn't have ATM cards! They had to physically go to the bank and get cash (or write a cheque). They survived just fine.

Isn't interest though, that the more we Canadians rely on our ATM cards, the more the banks charge us.

The power to evoke change lies within the Canadian public - it's pretty clear: just stop using your bank cards.
2007-03-06 14:14:16 UTC
Here's what I think.

Are ABM's convenient?

Does it save you time?

Do you think it costs the bank money to maintain, house, monitor ABM's?

I can't live with out ABM machines?

I can't wait in line for 30 mins to take out 20$

I can't wait till the next business day before you can make any transactions?

If you answered "YES" to any of these questions, you should not be supporting this government action. Because if it passes, Banks will stop doing this service for us.

Here are some tips:

1. Use your own bank machines. Don't use another bank's ABM or worse, these machines which are not tied to any banks. Those guys are the real thieves here!

2. Maintain the minimum amount of $ in your account so that you qualify for unlimited transactions on any ABM machines.

3. Don't take out $20 at a time. Plan ahead, take out money that you will use for that week... or even for the month! If you really want to save money.

4. Take advantage of Cashback options at your local retailers if they offer it. Ie. Walmart.


4. Take out your entire paycheque in cash. Only deposit what you want to save.
2007-03-06 14:12:06 UTC
Canadian banks are a joke and Canadians dont even realise it. I moved here from Ireland and was horrified to hear all the charges the bank were applying to me. $2 to use an ATM? Ridiculous. Canadians dont realise what good deals the rest of the western world are getting. For example In Ireland its 5 cents to use an ATM. And two of the major banks are now offering free transactions on all current accounts just look at and to see it for yourselfs. YOU'RE BEING RIPPED OFF
Brian L
2007-03-06 13:36:16 UTC
Take away the private ATMs and the banks will have to put thiers back. Did you not notice that the big banks have taken away 90% of thier own machines? The small little ATMs are privately owned and they take even more of our money! Since the small ones have popped up all over the place the big banks would rather have a private company deal with all the maintainence and problems that come with the ATMs. I say screw the big banks and DOWN WITH ATM FEES!! We already pay monthly to the bank as it is!!!!!!
2007-03-06 13:18:53 UTC
No. Banks provide free ATM transactions to their own customers. If any one chooses to use a bank other than their own, a charge will apply. This a matter of choice and convenience. How would the government deal with the so called "white ATM" market? That is where the highest fees are charged.
2007-03-06 13:00:10 UTC
Yes, I agree that the government should take action in this matter! Of the many billions of dollars that Banks make every year in profits, I think that the mere 420 million they make on ABM transactions is 'a drop in the bucket'. Credit Unions don't 'ding' you (to quote their add here in BC) for any transactions and I think the major Banks can well afford to do the same!
2007-03-06 12:52:37 UTC
In my personal opinion. I wouldn't mind paying a fixed fee of $1.00 for using ATM machines. But there are a lot of other ATM machines placed in convenience stores, gas stations, fast food restauraunts, the fee is 10% - 20%.

So, I think the Canadian government should take action on some of these ATM machines. I do not know about the other Provinces, but I have seen this in many places in Toronto the ATM charges are so high.
2007-03-06 12:40:17 UTC
It is the right of Canadians not to be subjected to these fees just so they can withdraw funds from their own account. Surprisingly, banks are not charging fees to use human tellers, whose maintenance far exceeds the cost of running one ATM machine, since banks as employers must cover health insurance, life insurance, sick days, vacation days, pensions, employment insurance, etc. In fact, due to the introduction of ATM machines, banks have needed far fewer tellers ever since.

Actually, ATM fees act as "penalty fee" for using other ATM sources, other than those your bank owns. It is truly unfair to Canadians when they have no choice but use the nearest machine they can find on a moment's notice.

Now the newfangled idea cropped up lately is to offer no fees or charges to seniors and students and persons with disabilities. I say, wait a minute, both seniors and students could use proof of age and documentation to show that they qualify for the exception. However, disabled people would be subjected for medical notes from their doctors. Since when does business institutes now need to invade the privacy of the disabled people?

Let's make it easier for all--scratch the useless ATM fees for all Canadians!
2007-03-06 12:08:54 UTC
YES of course they should remove the atm fees along with other bank fees.there was once a time when common people could actually make a little interest from banks but not now, there are way to many hidden fees,banks make enough money as has come to the point in time where the smartest people are the old age who still keep thier money under their mattress.
Jeremy B
2007-03-06 11:49:52 UTC
We are being nickel & dimed!...everywhere, by everybody. $7/month EXTRA "service fee" when I sign up for a cell phone, what's that about. It's all lies. The banks make a healthy profit, there are 3 TD branches in my neighbourhood, all a few blocks apart- how much did that cost, who did that help more..the customer, or their share holders? Customer service doesnt exist anymore! The Gov't should do something, although I dont expect them to- look at car insurance, biggest scam on the planet- illegal not to have, but privately run with ridiculously expensive rates, good driver or not!
2007-03-06 11:44:50 UTC
The government should stay out of this debate. What the ndp fail to understand is that the banks are for profit businesses. They are not out to do us any favours. The banks will waive all fees if customers keep a certain amount in the account. It is pretty simple. Maybe do without some things for a while like smokes, beer, movies. It only takes a couple months to set it aside. Stop crying about being poor and start saving money and working more. Believe it or not it has been proven to work. Lots of work in Alberta.
2015-09-13 05:53:19 UTC
Banks gouge and over charge for everything. The machines when they first arrived were supposed to be the new tellers. We are told we are fast becoming a cashless society. Yet we are paying to access our own money. Charges for accessing money that is transferred between banks, branches and even cities in the blink of an eye, without documentation beyond computer entries DO NOT COST.
Johnnie L
2007-03-06 15:54:34 UTC
I think that between the Banking Industry, and the Government that every Canadian gets "Nickel & Dimed" every day, every purchase. High fees from Banks to use their systemsadd up, but 18% tax on everything one buys is bloody robbery, especially when one looks at the poor quality of care we get in the medical community, hey Socialized Medicine sucks. No dental treatments available uless one works for a company that provides any. Lots of Canadiens have terrible teeth and or dental needs, but this means nothing to the fat cats who sit on thier buttocks and rake monies in from the hard working people of Canada. No pharmacutical coverage either? It means nothing to be diagnosed if you have no access to medications, look in the damn papers at all the people who have died each week at much younger ages by comparison to other first world countries!!! I say that if the Politicians and the Banking Industry want to help thier fellow Canadian's they need to look at these issues first!!!
Dean C
2007-03-07 02:21:31 UTC
Definately. The Canadian banks already have substantial account fees. Why do the banks need to charge a so called network fee when you use a machine other than theirs? You would think it would be cheaper as someone else is paying for the machine and its maintenance
2007-03-07 00:04:11 UTC
Every time you pick up a newspaper, the headline in the Business/Financial section informs us of "record profits" by the big banks. Duh, it's thanks to us "loyal valued customers" who are getting shafted everytime we stick the plastic into an ATM.

From recent experience, I took money from one ATM, only to find out that i was dinged $1.50 from both the ATM bank and my own bank also. 3 bucks WHAT A RIP-OFF !!!

Then there's the No-fees ******** from banks like PC Financial, whereby if you inadvertently, mistakenly pass a cheque and it goes NSF, they steal $35 bucks from your account. BEWARE of fraudulent practices such as these.

Valued customers we are , alright !!!

These days, it's kinda like Robin Hood...........they steal from the middle class, and GIVE to their big money investors.....the truth to this is that those with $$$$$ in their accounts DO NOT HAVE TO PAY ANY BANK FEES AT ALL, because these fees are WAIVED !!!

Anyways, let the banks profit from our stupidity, or inability to do anything about it. Lets see if Canadian Finance Minister Jim Flaherty can put his money where his mouth is.

Banks SUCK !!!

Read the following article and see if it doesn't make you wanna just vomit all over Gordon Nixon's office desk.....
Jose S
2007-03-06 20:27:53 UTC
Action must be taken ASAP by the government. Three dollars or more of fees for withdrawing $ 20 is a scandal! Thats 15% of fees in a transaction or more, an absurd anywhere in the world!

Fees must be reasonable, not something to make banks each day richer while most of the population goes each day poorer.
2007-03-06 19:55:45 UTC
Absolutely take all the charges away that banks charge! it is unbelievable, We help the banks by depositing money in our accounts, if it wasn't for us there would be no Bank!

We put our money in term deposits and the banks lend it out to others, and collect a certain % on that money, from people that borrow from banks.The money keeps moving all the time. I really think it is wrong of the banks to charge us monthly fees,and when we use the machine to take out money, and other small things we get charged for , it all adds up and I think it should be taken away, after all There would be no banks if it wasn't for all of us people!
2007-03-06 16:37:30 UTC
Clearly this is a smoke screen to soften the blow to consumers when the 6 big banks begin to talk mergers and consolidations and are looking for approval. I'm sure it was initiated by the banks ceo's. Personally I have not paid any fees, many food stores offer cash-back transaction fee free. My bank does not charge if I use one of their ATMs, which isn't hard to find plus I do not find a big need for cash. Most purchases now days are done via credit card. I think it's a waste of time and effort of my tax dollars.
2007-03-06 14:29:05 UTC
It would be nice to see some action taken to stop banks charging people to access their own money. As it is ATM machines have allowed banks to decrease staff at a cost savings to them. When these fee's were implemented the profits banks are making were already well established so they are being greedy in this writers ever so humble opinion but what's new.
m j
2007-03-06 14:23:08 UTC
Yes ATM fees are a huge cost to consumers. Not only are we charges a fee by the bank to use our access cards but then we get charged for each use of the card. The banks are gouging their customers...I mean they pay us so little interest yet charge so much interest and then overcharge us for accessing our money, where will it end. They annually make record profits, perhaps they need to realize the average person isn't taking home 6 figures and perhaps they should look out for their customers.
2007-03-06 13:26:54 UTC
Yes the Canadian government needs to take action. Banking fees are ot of control. I understand the need for the fees however why can it not be 0.50 charge for using a bank machine that is not yours, instead of 1.50 from the bank machine you stop at then another1.50 from your own bank. The bank wants us to use the machine so they do not have to employ as many tellers and also can operate in smaller and fewer locations, so why charge so much to use the machine that is saving them money.
David M
2007-03-06 13:22:07 UTC
NO. Why should they. Its a service of convenience like any other. It saves customers the trouble of planning bank transactions when they have to see a teller at some inconvenient time of the day. I, however, have a choice like everyone else. I choose to bank with an institution, PC Financial, that does not charge a fee for most basic transactions including my cheques and on line or telephone bill payment. I have no compassion for those who deal with bank charges.
Banking IT guy
2007-03-06 13:06:00 UTC
Having worked in the IT department of a financial institution for a few years, I have worked on bank machine support / business cases, costing , etc....the actual cost involved in performing a withdrawal ( including machine cost, support, float costs, telco and IT expenses including batch processing) is less that 65 cents. I really enjoyed seeing the banking group stooge on the news trying to shout down the NDP by basically saying " the banks know best - when we're happy, you'll be happy too." Believe me, I generally have nothing but contempt for the NDP, but in this case, they're bang on. The banks are more than recovering the costs involved with bank machine business in 2 ways. 1) reduced staffing levels - tellers go for about 13$/hr including benefits,training etc... but excluding real estate costs and 2) interest spreads. the big Cdn banks pay basically no interest on savings, but accelerate that money by a factor of about 10, and lend it out at 5+%. The bank machines save the banks money ! yet they rape the consumer to pay for their e-banking vision.
ndaba n
2007-03-06 12:55:48 UTC
If action means forcing the banks to reduce the fees yes! Penalizing the banks- No.

In retrospect- the banks are charging way too much for that. That should be a free service. Even the world's poorest countries like Zimbabwe do not charge that much. The Canadian banks are not being fair to the consumers.
Dr. Bob
2007-03-06 12:55:25 UTC
ATM fees are way too high. In Asia it costs about 25 cents to use an ATM. You can transfer money from one account to another instantly at any ATM and there are lots of them available.

Banks here have been shutting down branches thus limiting access to staff, then telling us to use the ATMs. If I deposit $s into my bank's ATM, the CASH is held for seven days the same with cheques. It is often difficult to find your own bank's ATMs because they have been closing them down too. They talk about customer service but they only see profits. How do I know? Check out the last quarterly earnings from all the big banks.
2007-03-06 12:46:40 UTC
At one time, the banks paid us because they are using our money to make a profit, and they would pass the profit on to their customers. Not any more ... now they use our money to make a profit and nickle and dime us to death for taking out our own money. Then, with the money they make off us us (remember without us there would be no bank), they pay their ceo's huge bonuses or severance packages. There is definitely something wrong with this picture. I remember asking a bank clerk if she was afraid of losing her job, when ATM's were first introduced. She said, "no, now there are less line-ups." This was the big selling feature to get people to use ATM's. Now we line up to use the ATM, and the banks have closed many branches, tellers having lost their jobs in the process.
Michael B
2007-03-06 12:29:35 UTC
I think the government of Canada should stick to governing the country. Let the banks figure out banking. There are plenty of issues the government ought to address - child poverty, the increasing disparity between rich and poor, public transit, family sponsorship application wait times. The list goes on. What is next? Will Mr Flaherty start investigating the cost of concert tickets, or how much Cineplex charges for popcorn?
2007-03-06 12:23:11 UTC
In their unholy quest for more and more profits, respect for the banking customer has been thrown by the wayside by the big banks. The ATM fees are a perfect example. By making us switch to automated banking, the banks made bigger profits by closing branches and laying off employees. First they started with unlimited ATM use with the same bank. This was changed to a few maximum free transactions. This was changed to transactions on a sliding scale fee. It costs next to nothing for online and ATM banking. Why the $1.50 and sometimes $2.00 fees? The ads showing the bankers hands in our pockets no matter what our activity were correct!
2007-03-06 12:20:15 UTC
I agree that the government should stand up for us. I applaud Jack Layton for his initiative on this issue. I watched a program where he was interviewed with a woman executive from the banking community and she had a valid point that they are trying to make money but I believe that the initial internet hook up fee has long been paid and it is now a money grab by the banks. WE have so many friggin fees on us now, its appalling. Go for it. It is nice to see the government come to action in response to this so quickly.
2007-03-06 12:03:48 UTC
Do i believe that fees should be reajusted,to a lower amount ?


Do i believe these fees will decrease by much if any ?

I dought it!!And if it does it would only be temporary.

NDP leader Jack Layton had a good point .We as the people derserve the right to know and be heard.Dont you think so?

But in all honesty,its that old saying that keeps coming back to me :

The rich gets richer & The poor get pooer.

God help us
2007-03-06 11:59:34 UTC
I don't think there should be any charges by the banks for using your atm cards. When these cards first appeared on the market the banks never charged. These days all the major banks have increased their fees and are trying to force you to use the machine so they can lay off their staff and keep all the profits for their executives.
2007-03-06 11:59:24 UTC
The Canadian government SHOULD take action on automated banking machine fees. Heres why...Royal Bank posted a 1.2 BILLION dollar profit this year. Thats our money folks...the banks are earning enough off us working people.

Secondly, the fees themselves range from $1.50 to $2 PER transaction. Now imagine how much money that generates per year for the banks.
Louis B
2007-03-06 11:50:03 UTC
The Canadian Government should make an example of Banks making a tidy profit on ATM fees by declaring theses fees ILLEGAL. We clients are constantly being charged for Bank services - then we hear of banks making + $3 billion profit in the past year and have done so even when our economy has been in a slump - then they tell me they are hurting and can not afford free ATM transactions. The usual $1.50 fee is a Ripoff - we may accept something in the order of say $0.25 per NON BRANCH ATM transaction just to cover costs of maintaining an ATM.


Beardmore, ON
2007-03-06 19:00:26 UTC
I say no! We have enough government interference as it is and doesn't Jack Layton have anything more important to cry about than this. What an idiotic way for the leader of a national party to try and gain Brownie points. If you don't like the fees, don't use them, it's that simple. You can't expect something for free....convenience comes with a price.
never m
2007-03-06 14:18:38 UTC
Sure they should, because no doubt its a convenient but on the other hand its a business to all banks and they make alot of money out of it, other wise bank has to hire lots of teller staff and even then they cannot make that much money that they make it now from ATM use, these days bank just want to rip off in every way they can, they should realize that if there is no client to use their service(s) there will be no bank left to install ATM.
2007-03-06 14:16:09 UTC
The Banks make money in various other ways, why should ABM's be any different? They want their slice of the proverbial pie also, but , its us as the consumer that pays again and again and we will get stiffed in the end because now the banks will extract some sort of retaliation and raise the fees even more.
2007-03-06 13:25:10 UTC
I think we are too passive, we let the banks and the government walk all over us. We pay cause they say pay!! Other countries do not have ATM fees, why does Canada? The idea behind ATM's is to lessen the number of employees and teller service, therefore reducing the payroll for the bank. Basically ATM's are self-serve banking, so why are we being charged for this. We should not be charged ATM Fees.
Janice H
2007-03-06 12:07:10 UTC
While I don't always agree with Mr Layton, in this instance I feel he is totally right. Banks introduced cards and instant tellers to make things "more convenient" for customers. However, as most of us are aware it has resulted in ways for the big banks to lower payroll costs and increase their profits while using the customers' money. Service fees are outrageous and I believe these fees should be scrutinized carefully if for no other reason than to be sure that the banks are not double charging.

Since banks are using "our" money, should they not be our customers instead of the other way around?
2014-07-15 16:23:09 UTC
It has been argued that if you have accounts at one bank and use another banks machine that this is the only funds being made to use a machine. That is absolutely not the truth. They are charging people's accounts for every transaction that goes thru using a bank card .
2007-03-07 05:08:15 UTC
I really don't see the big deal. With all the "nickel and diming" the government does to us (for example - the 50+billion surplus in EI)why are they focusing so much on the banks? You have a choice in some of these bank fees, you can reduce the number of times you use them, you can make sure you use your own banks ATM, etc. We don't have a choice in what the government "charges" us. We have to pay PST and GST, we have to pay into income tax, EI, etc and I am sure it adds up to alot more "profit" than what the banks get. Why doesn't the government look into their own backyard instead of someone else's.
2007-03-06 17:48:23 UTC
No, the Canadan Government should NOT be involved.

I bank with Presidents Choice Financial (CIBC) , they are affilated with the Real Canadian Superstore in Canada. I am not charged a cent for service fees, unless of course I use another banks ATM. Instead of whining about excessive fees, and expecting govt to step in change banks.
Terry M
2007-03-06 16:33:16 UTC
Most definitely! Every quarter, the banks announce their profits, and they are obscene. These profits are made off the backs of the everyday banker. There are charges for everything, and most banking transactions are just computer transfers, just pushes of buttons. What alot of people don't know is that not only do the consumers get charged for using ATMs and paying by debit, but merchants get charged per transaction as well. Talk about double dipping!
2007-03-06 15:53:12 UTC
If the federal government doesn't take action we'll be paying ATM fees forever. I worked for a chartered bank many years ago... they don't stop services charges just because the customer doesn't want to anymore. Unless you're an extremely rich customer that is. Unless they're forced to stop the ATM charges the chartered banks will continue.
Derek W
2007-03-06 13:05:33 UTC
Yes. The banks charge high fees as it is, and then scoop a little more for withdrawals. It's the internet age, but they still charge to send money to someone else's account. And in return? In return for the fees we get bank machines and internet banking, and what may as well be 0 interest. I'm going to a credit union
2007-03-06 12:55:53 UTC
PLEASE> Us folks that ar on a fixed income, really, don`t want to be charged extra, extra, extra, PLEASE, give us all a break, atm`s ar just like RRSP`S, U work for the money, ur work taxes ur paycheck, U build ur RRSP`S up, @ one time or another, U have to take out, a person, gets charged 10% tax on that, then @ the end of the year, U get taxed, again, in all, 3 different times, & that is on the money U`ve already made, & taxed to death on it, same with the ATM`S, U get charged to use them, & the bank, gets to, get pd. too, all from the same transaction/s, & it is not fair, to any of us.

Don`t know which 2 Countries, DO NOT have atm charges, & we hope some day soon, the fees for using ATM`S, will vanish!

The bank in years past, always had a profit, even before the ATM`S, were BORN, SO give us all a break.
Meghan C
2007-03-06 12:52:33 UTC
Absolutley the governent should be regulating this..even if is it a cut to the amount charged currentley...I paid 2 dollars last week to use a ATM on top of back fees....My 20 dollar withdrawl became a 24 dollar withdrawl...and I for one do not feel safe having cash in my wallet ...There is no way it should cost more that .50 fee for this servcie...I don't understand where the banks get off gutting us in this manner.....isn't the 20/mnth bank fees , additional charges for everytime you use you debit card, the savings in turning everything in to an automated service enough.....Oh yeah I'm speaking of a bank...there is never enough money when it's going in to thier pockets
2007-03-06 12:36:44 UTC
Yes, the government should take action on this. There are plenty of other options banking and trust institutions can use to support this service. And have you seen their profits lately? Initially, this service was free or involved a nominal fee, like 25 to 75 cents -- until they realized it could become another profit centre. Without the government stepping in, it could get mighty expensive to get cash.. as opposed to doing what the banking institutions would like us to do - more Point of Purchase credit transactions and debit transactions.
Lloyd H
2007-03-06 12:35:12 UTC

If you dont like bank machines... you don't have to use them. what did all of you do before ATM's? It's just like cell-phones. Everyone wanted one and now no-one can live without theirs.

I pay a flat monthly fee for my account. If I am well organized I don't use the ATM's. If I run into a situation where I need an ATM I use my own banks. I do not think I have paid an ATM fee in months.

Instead of complaining... don't use them. How much more simple does it need to be?

Do people really need the government to waste time and money babysitting everyones laziness, lack of organization, and stupidity?

I have more important things for my government to do, things over which I have no control. I do not need their help for things over which I have complete control. I feel more gouged for my income tax... come on... thats soemthing I need their help with. They are taking money from me for being productive?? Let them focus on that.

You control user fees... so CONTROL it.

2007-03-06 12:16:13 UTC
Banks definately don't do anything to help us out. We just keep paying fees which get higher and higher and $1.50 to $5.00 to withdraw money from a different ATM is ridiculous. The interest that we pay and the pennies that we earn back from them definately doesn't help either. When was the last time a bank didn't make a profit of millions if not billions of dollars??
2007-03-06 12:12:57 UTC
Should the Canadian government take action on automated banking machine fees?

Please do.

The banking machine fees are over the top, and I suspect putting tellers out of work.

I will no longer go to a ATM for that very reason. I think I'd rather talk to someone face to face and feel happy she/he is getting a wage then to pay $1.50 or more to have a ATM spit out a piece of paper at me.

I pay a fee to have a bank hold and use my capitol, then I pay again if I want to access it!!
Pat M
2007-03-06 12:02:05 UTC
We already have the highest taxes. This country is being nickle and dimes to death alright.

YES! We should have all these little "extras" on our bank accounts stopped now.

We pay a bank fee and then more and more fees.

I say YES! It's about time somebody did something.We put our money in banks to save. I think we would all be shocked at just how much we lose every year to the banks
2007-03-06 11:58:51 UTC
The reason the banking industry brought in ATM machines is that it reduces their costs with respect to staff. If you go in to most branches these days they maybe 3 or 4 tellers where I can remember going into branches many years ago where there might be a dozen. It seems obvious to me that the savings in staff must more than offset the cost of the ATM machines.

The banks may argue that the fee is charged for the convenience of access at the time and place of your choice. However, in answer to that point consider that in order to compete for your busines banks used to provide extended hours of service and also maintained additional local branches in times past. Now they can compete for your business simply by making their particular ATMs more accessable. In affect providing the ATMs is the banks way of competing for your business

As to machines in convenience stores only a limited number of those are provided by the banks themselves many are provided by companies whose business is ATM machines and charge you a fee on top of that assessed by your bank.

In summary it seems that ATMs are both a cost saving and an important aspect of the banks marketting strategy and as such do not need to be an additional source of income to the banks.
2007-03-06 11:58:21 UTC
We ought to be able to retrieve OUR MONEY at a time that it's needed and required. We as depositors are giving the particular bank of our choice the priviledge of using the monies place in trust into a specific bank. There are accounts that will not pay a depositor interest on the monies placed into various bank accounts ie T.D.that I am aware of; but they will pocket the interest made on these monies and not be accountable. The salaries that are mentioned regarding the CEO of any particular bank is preposterous. I would love to see these banks combating poverty in some way shape or form, bettering our schools, bettering the less fortunate that ought to be assisted.Our world is so money oriented and geared for wars that it is so very sad to see the extremes that are present in cities where the ultra rich are ahgast that there is a human being begging in front of his temple of fortunes and his heart can't touch his mind or vice versa to extend to the person a dollar or 2 out of the many many MILLIONS that are available to him/her.

The Bible mentions to all of us that being benevolent to the poor is a gesture that will cause warmth to flow in a cold heart.
2007-03-06 23:27:28 UTC
Yes they should take action on ABM fees. The banks charge for everything, and it is usually mandatory for one to have a chequing account for work purposes. I am outraged that the bank WAS charging 25$ for NSF, to 35$ and now 40$!!!! They place holds on your cheques, how much you can withdraw daily from the ABM, and yet it is YOUR money. One can be expected to pay an overdraft charge, a overdraft interest charge, service charge, NSF charges (although one should keep tabs on their account at all times,,but going from 25$ to 40$ is outrages)....Electronic Funds Transfer network transfer fee, and a fee to pay your bills through online banking, email money transfer fee....the banks literally have their hand in your pocket! We are being "fee'd" to death!
2007-03-06 21:11:15 UTC
No, I think military should as government lives of taxing those bank profits so it cant be trusted...I remember times when they were introducing ATM's and promising that will lower their cost, but instead of quarter ,fees are now 6 times larger.My question is; inflation is on average 3% a year, in last 10 years that adds to 30 %,which gives 8 cents to starting 25 cents,so only fair price should be 33 cents.Any more of that makes as equal to developing/commie countries standards
2007-03-06 19:15:15 UTC
There are a lot of people who are very quick to bash the banks without having all of the facts first. A financial institution does not charge it's own clients any fees for using its ATM machines. For example, if a client of RBC uses an RBC ATM no extra fees are accessed. The only times banks access ATM fees to their own clients is when a client uses a ATM from another financial institution or a private bank machine. This fee is accessed because of the extra work involved in processing a transaction made outside of the clients financial institutions network.

Bashing the banks is an easy way for Mr. Layton to get people to side with him because everybody is well aware of how much money banks make and nobody likes paying service fees. In reality the money collected from small service fees contribute little to none of a banks overall profit. Many people have chose to agree with Mr. Layton so quickly that they haven't realize that banks actually don't charge their own clients for using their ATM's. Clients can, and should choose not to use ATM's outside of their financial institutions. Any bank will encourage you not to use outside ATM's because machines make mistakes. If you use a ATM outside of your financial institution and it shorts you an amount of money it is much harder to recover that money from an outside ATM than it would be from you own financial institutions ATM.

Everybody is entitled to their own opinions. However, many opinions are formulated before all of the facts have been considered. In this case many people haven't realized that their own financial institution will not charge them for using their ATM's.

This issue is no more than a political ploy for Mr. Layton to gain popularity with the public.

Banks are buisnesses, if you don't agree with the fees they charge for the services they provide you can alway keep your money under your mattress.
2007-03-06 16:36:23 UTC
The banks charge for eveything to have a bank acount to use the ATM machine i dont think there should be fees( or if there are fees tell us how much and why). Canadains the biggest user of banking machines i think in the world not surprising as it such a large country. But the atms are here to stay as they are too convenient.
bryan h
2007-03-06 15:57:25 UTC
The government still has to clean up it's own house before it starts picking on other institutions. If the Canadian people would get off their duffs and allow free enterprise we wouldn't have to rely on our political system to try and make things happen. The market would settle what fees should be charged........ if enough people don't use the ATM's I bet the service charges would come down. Come on people stop the insanity.The government is always "nickel and dimeing" us.
2007-03-06 15:42:12 UTC
You people are not considering the fact that if you take away ATM banking fees, which can be avoided by simply not using ATMS as often as possible, since there is almost a bank that a person uses at every corner, banks will just up your account fees or service fees. Banks are not stupid, they will generate their pruposed yearly profit anyway they can, so banning the fees will only hurt you more than it will help you!
2007-03-06 14:23:07 UTC
ATMs are all about lack of service. We should insist on tellers and job creation.

Since Mulroney's Conservatives gutted the consumer protection aspects of our banking laws in the 80s we have been systematically raped by the banks. The government should definitely restore the legislation, and restrict service (lol) charges to those consumers who are too uninformed to join a credit union.

It will not happen with the Conservatives in power. They might make politically aggressive sounds, but in the back rooms they are kneeling, slurping and swallowing whatever the banks give them.
doctor vic
2007-03-06 14:02:38 UTC
do i think ? no thinking needed abm were put in place to shorten time at the teller wicket and lessen the number of tellers required,thus the banks could operate at a reduced cost. But as usual only half the deal was kept by the banks. It amazes me that our goverment would have let this go on as long as it has. It is not bad enough they pay us next to no interest for the use of our money, for their investments but to add salt to a wound they charge us when we want to use our money,what gives? is our goverment really that far in the closet,
Cheryl S
2007-03-06 13:58:41 UTC
I feel that the Banks do NOT need to charge for the ATM services as they are charging plenty in their service charges. I understand that Banks want to make money, but they are making far more than is necessary; and it is the little man that they are taking it from. Many middle/lower class people are not able to have bank accounts when you consider all the service charges they have and how expensive it is to own a bank account.
2007-03-06 13:50:44 UTC
I work at one of the frew "virtual banks" in Canada and was told that way back the most of the top banks wanted to go virtual as well so they estimated they would need alot of atm's in the future so they put them all in and started charging fees but then the canadian government put a stop to them going virtual and closing down their building but the bank decided to keep the fees they are charging everyone. So I saw YES get rid of them or go to a virtual bank.
2007-03-06 13:49:38 UTC
I am so grateful to Jack Layton for addressing this issue, which I believe troubles many thousands of people in Canada. It has always struck me as problematic when I hear of the big banks:

(1) announcing record levels of profits

(2) laying off staff

(3) imposing greater and greater service charges and costs!

If people are using ABMs they are, in fact, saving the banks time and money by doing a portion of the work themselves. Instead of rewarding customers for this, we are penalized for having access to our OWN MONEY.
Ben B
2007-03-06 12:34:53 UTC
The banks are raking in a fortune in profits but seem to want even more. It's our money we are withdrawing and we are being penalized for taking out our own cash through one of their machines. A charge of 25 cents should be enough to pay for using their ATM.More gouging of clients and very low interest paid on our accounts is what seems to be the norm now. As with all big business, big profits seem to be what it's all about and for that we get less personalized service while the big companies rake in huge profits.
2007-03-06 12:32:29 UTC
The banks already charge clients a monthly fee for using their banking services, I think the atm charges should be included in that monthly fee and clients should not be charged again for using the atm machine. The use of atm machine should be free at any bank branches because the banks are already charging a monthly fee.
2007-03-06 12:18:14 UTC
I feel that the bank fees for using atm's are way too high. After all they already charge a monthly fee for transaction withdrawl. They also save billions in wages because they dont need so many tellers as well. They admit that they make billions of dollars per year. With all that money they take in, they should be able to pay for the upkeep of the system. Their arguments that they need the money for upkeep does not wash.
alfred dooley
2007-03-06 12:02:55 UTC
I suppose it would be a nice gesture for really low income and disabled persons unable 'easily' to get to their own bank, but for heavens sake Jim, spend your time on something real! If the banks don't get this money from these fees, (which I don't incur because I go to my bank's machines) then they will get it from me somehow else. Just a thought, but I bet the abm network costs a lot to maintain so they have to pay for it somehow. Except for the aformentioned low income and disabled, I love it that they're getting it from the foolish and the lazy!
2007-03-06 11:49:34 UTC
Of course it is the NDP who speaks out on this issue and god bless them for it. However, I do beleive that it is the right of the business to do what ever they please to make profits. (of course with in reason) but a simple fee on ATM transactions is thier choice. Don't forget here, now that the issue is raised, all the banks will start to be in competition against each other, and the price or the fees will be lowered naturally. I see this a little as a platform boost for the NDP. There isn't that much difference between using an ATM and paying the fee, or using a cell phone and paying that 5-7 bucks a month in service fees... are we going to attack them next? Even though it would look good for a political party to attack, it probably won't happen. Business is business, when you put your money in the bank, you are signing a contract to thier terms. If you dont' like it, there are other banks. But for the case of the ATM machine, its thier choice. Unfair as it may be, it is the way it is. *Note however, I would love to stop paying them. I just don't like how the NDP is using this to boost themselves. Particuarly when they are also a platform who advocates for slacking government intervention in business.
2014-06-18 19:26:36 UTC
Anybody who defends banks, works for them, see through the lies. And to whoever posted that we have a better system than other countries, you clearly have not traveled a lot because it is at best equivalent to the US, Europe and/or Asia (and I have been to all of them). Make no mistake, I am all for a strong Canadian banking system but they should give up banking fees in order to extract billions EVERY quarter in profits from Canadians. And NEVER allow bank mergers - what is good for them, is bad for you, see through the lies.
2014-11-04 12:13:10 UTC
business ceased having income and the bank account was drained despite not having transactions simply because the bank took $11 a month for the privilege of having an account there! This is where we're getting ripped off. They already m
2007-03-06 21:03:20 UTC
Its rediculous.. Its fee on fee on fee. The bigest scam is that some stores are adding $1.50 at the till before you even use the card as their cut. I've caught atleast 6 venders that tried that and claimed they were allowed. I threatened 2 with fraud and they recanted but the others quickly apologised knowing it was unlawfull. I tracked a transaction that was surcharged six dollars. $1.50 at the machine, an additional 1.50 processing fee by the machine, 3 dollars levy by my bank for the transaction... I complained and got refunded the 3 dollar charge but was told next time to be aware of it.

Note it was one of those personally owned machines and not a regular bank machine owned by the bank itself...
2007-03-06 11:51:40 UTC
yes. the government should step in and limit amounts that the banks can charge. we all pay monthly fees and those should include ABM fees. i understand that if you go to another bank that they need to cover their fees, but really, 3.00 every time is ridiculous. how much money do these banks need to make and why are we charged for every little thing we do with our money. taxed when we earn it, put it into rrsp's and pay fees to do so, barely make any money on it, pull it out when you retire, and taxed on it again. holy smokes enough is enough. i do all my banking on line and by machine and my fees are twice as much as they used to be and i do not even get them to do much of anything. Canadians should put their foot down.
Jack P
2007-03-07 04:42:38 UTC
I think everyone should be permitted to a set number of free ATM usages (ex. 25 or 50 whatever) for each month before usage fees are charged and then the fees should be as small as they can possibly be. If the banks need additional profits for the year, why don't they reduce the salary of their top CEO's that are making millions in salary and millions more in bonuses each year.
2007-03-06 16:13:24 UTC
The banks make money on ATM's, even without charging this surcharge. Almost every bank charges a monthly fee to its clients for use of its ATM's. I think that it's unnecessary to charge extra to use a bank machine that is owned by another bank. The banks are making enough money from us as it is already.
2007-03-06 15:31:43 UTC
My bank finds a way to steal $20 to $40 from me monthly.The government should not only take action on the fees so we are not "loonied and toonied" in the future, but force the banks to go back into their computer records for the last 2 years and give back the money they have stolen.
2007-03-06 14:12:01 UTC
Yes I think they should do away with ATM fees.. They charge us enough of the monthly fee, just so we can put or money in their banks so they have money to lend out and make more of a profit on that. So lets give the poor man like ourselves a break somewhere. Cause we all can see that we are not getting breaks anywhere else.
Dan from Calgary
2007-03-06 14:11:25 UTC
I want to say yes but I shouldn't. As much as the bank gets fat by surcharging what has been charged in their cost of doing business, the second when intervention by government bodies come into play, out goes the free economy. I would prefer regulation against scam. Taking those banks who misrepresent to their clients and I'm sure once that starts, banks become more honest in their saying but not necessarily become less sophisticated in their approacd of 'poaching' us. Just read their ads. You'll know.
Bill R
2007-03-06 13:46:12 UTC
Yes. Banks are enjoying high profits without rewarding customers with better service! Their greed will turn clients to other options. ATMs have been a convenience for the banks as well as for clients. Staff reductions equate with reductions in operating costs. Personal service has diminished. The least banks can do is offer alternative services, e.g.: 24 hour ATMs. They should not, as their representative hinted @ today, hide the surcharge on another so-called service. They are as arrogant as Ma Bell use to be. We all remember when gas stations went from "we serve" to "you serve". They use to be known as "service stations". Now they are known as greedy gouging gas companies! Prices went up. Now you check your own oil and empty your wallet!
2007-03-06 13:34:02 UTC
Yes. I don't think I should be charged a fee for removing cash out of my bank account. I pay enough service charges let alone being charged a $1.00 or more for using ATM's that do not belong to the bank I use. I think we should be charged such a fee,if a fee is needed it should be less than a dollar per visit.
2007-03-06 13:26:22 UTC
Yes, for sure. We can not control where the banks put the machines there for we can not always use the machine from our own bank. I think the service fees should be removed or at least reduced and the banks should install more machines and get those NO NAME machines (that charge a ridiculous fee) removed.
2007-03-06 13:11:39 UTC
NO, the Government should stay out of these matters.

There are too many instances of Gov't intervention in our lives already and if this action is taken how many banking people will lose their jobs under the guise of "the gov't forced us to take this action with it's intervention". We are supposed to be a capitalist democracy, l don't recall voting in the Socialist's myself.

In the end, if you don't like the fees, buy a few bank shares - you will be more than compensated.

2007-03-06 12:52:09 UTC
Definitely. The banking industry has accumulated gross profits for years in part due to exorbitant charges for using machines instead of tellers. The machines do not get paid, they do not receive benefits or pensions and add nothing to the economy. The banks only need to purchase the technology and then maintain it to enjoy years of profitable transactions. This technology should regulated to ensure that the consumer receives the same level of savings that the banks do by eliminating the need for human beings.
joe d
2007-03-06 12:51:56 UTC
ATM is a service supplied by the banks to simplify transactions for their customers, and with the banks raking in billions of dollars per year, what difference does it make where the customer does their banking? What goes around comes around. They beat us over the head with so many other fees that they can cut us hard working people some slack. NO ATM FEES is my vote
Stephanie P
2007-03-06 12:40:11 UTC
YES, the government should take action against excessive fees that the bank charges its customers. We are charged extra for everything under the sun, including technology. The customer is "self-serving" themselves at the instant teller and not requiring the services of a "teller". Why can't the savings be for the customer for a change???
2007-03-06 12:38:13 UTC
The Canadian government to enact legisltaion that would force banks to repay automated banking machine fees for the last 5 years.
Norine *
2007-03-06 12:33:58 UTC
The banks should compensate us with compounded interest. We are providing them a service (to protect our money). They should be more grateful.

At bare minimum there should be a cap on the fee...maybe 50 cents. And the bank should pay the first 4 transactions. That would give us one per week.

And the banks should make it cheaper for retailers and service providers to acquire the debit that they don't charge us in addition to the banks charging us.

This is ridiculous. It's getting to be as silly as the cell phone companies in Canada.
2007-03-06 12:26:39 UTC
The ATM's have already whipped out alot of jobs once held by human tellers all over, but why should the banks be profitting by more than some smaller countries revenues and pretty much some companies over here trying to survive in Noth America. Just doesn't seem right.
2007-03-06 12:24:34 UTC
It's just a gouge. The banks charge for the service, because they CAN! A transaction doesn't add one cent, to the costs of running the service. Let's remember too, that the ATM's REDUCE the workload on tellers, thereby saving money for the bank.

It's time to rein in the exorbitant record-breaking profits the banks are making year after year!
2007-03-06 12:20:44 UTC
Absolutely not!

The government should keep it's fingers out of ATM. When ordinary Canadians press the OK button on ATM machines they exactly know what they are doing.

Either use an ATM from a bank with whom you have an account with, or pay for the extra charges.
craig t
2007-03-06 12:15:00 UTC
You can bet your last dollar that the banks will find another alternative to charge customers if the ATM fees are reduced or elliminated. They (the banks) like most other corporations do not really have their customers best interests foremost, although they pretend they do. It's the bottom line for the shareholders that drives them. This is evidenced by the double digit quarterly increase in profits.
2007-03-06 12:03:06 UTC
This response from ppl is BS "Take the profit out of ATMs and ATM will go away" I dont think anyone would mind if they did not have to pay those annoying fees... Why should we pay fees to take our own hard earned money out of an ATM machine? The banks make enough $$$ with our $$$ sitting in an account. YES!!! Get rid of those fees.
2007-03-06 11:51:57 UTC
Yes, I think the Canadian government should take action. The banks are already gouging us on monthly service charges, so automated banking machine fees just add insult to injury.
Pat J
2007-03-07 00:32:48 UTC
ABSOLUTLY NOT, If you want a good example of a country that does not charge for atms and bank machines just look at The UK. I was working there for 6 months not that long ago and they dont charge you for using the machines at any bank you go to. in fact they dont even make you pay for a "package" so that you can use debit at shops. they do all that and still there are plenty of machines everywhere and the banks are still making money, THE CANADA BANKS ARE JUST GREEDY.
Candice H
2007-03-06 20:31:46 UTC
No, ATM's require maintenance and servicing, etc and there is only a charge if you use a foriegn ATM (cibc card at a scotiabank for example) Bottom line is that banks and credit unions provide a service and said service is not free, are other services free? Anywhere? If people want to continue using those services they should be willing to pay a small fee, otherwise it will no longer be available and then people will be complaining even more.
2007-03-06 15:43:21 UTC

The government should put an end to these unwarranted usery fees, especially in light of the double-dipping that takes place by bank charges when an ATM is used.

What the banks are doing in setting fees for the use of ATMs should be illegal.
Denis O
2007-03-06 14:42:52 UTC
I have never paid a dime for using an ATM machine, its called planning! If you use a service of any kind there is a price to pay;

Now about Credit card charges, for stores that have there own credit cards IE CTC, Sears etc. If the govt or MR Layton wishes to be productive do something about these, after all your shopping in "their stores" shouldn't that be worth something other than about 26/28% charged for using their credit card.
ATM user Calgary
2007-03-06 14:29:30 UTC
No. We have the option to take advantage of ATMs to withdraw cash whenever we like all over the world and, by planning ahead, can use our own bank when in Canada. By selecting the appropriate account with a small monthly fee, I pay no per transaction fee. Why do people expect the government to look after them when you can look after yourself? If you don't want to pay the bank's fees, don't use ATMs and especially don't use those of other banks.
ron w
2007-03-06 14:04:10 UTC
I pay on my monthly account charges for a limited amount of ATM transactions.That should be more than enough charges. But it is typical of Banks and other large institutions to gouge when ever they have a good thing going. If the banks don't make decent adjustments to their ripoffs, then ,YES, the government should bring the charges into a proper alignment.
Betty in Vancouver
2007-03-06 13:14:09 UTC
Yes - Definitely!! The government should take action on the Banking Machine Fees. They are the voice of the people!! As individuals we get no where complaining to the banks about these outrageous fees. Finally someone in Government voicing the opinions of the minions such as myself!
Wayne K
2007-03-06 12:42:09 UTC
I think that fees should be abolished, we pay monthly fees for a 'plan' to give and take our money from the banks, they earn interest off our cashflow that we secure with them, we get less than pennies for interest in standard savings accounts and banks replace tellers with machines, thus saving salaries and then charging us using stupid machines that they got us hooked on in the first place. Oh and don't forget the multi-billion dollar profits that they rave about...mmm...lets do the 1$ per interact fee during the christmas season, how many times were they publicized as being used on boxing day...multiply that by 1$ and we got a crap load of 'cashcow' profit for the banks to rave about and then charge us 'plan fees' on top of that because they don't make money off us in loans, mortgages, etc....who is getting $crewed here...U$
2007-03-06 18:48:18 UTC
If the goal of major banks in Canada is to ensure competition and choice then the levy of so called ATM fees is totally irrelevant. Imagine this, last week to withdraw $40 I had to pay 1.50 as transaction fee to the other bank's ATM + 1.50 to my bank! Why this dual fee? Plus as has been pointed before, such type of fees does not exist in other developed countries, then whats the motive behind having them here in Canada? Banks are already gouging alot of money from the customers in the form of over transactions etc. then why this additional fee on the customer to withdraw his/her on own money?
2007-03-06 16:21:38 UTC
They wouldn't dare charge their patrons for teller services, yet they do charge us for using machines which are virtual tellers within themselves. If you notice; banks are dropping tellers like hot potatoes and expecting the machines, which they can charge for using, to pick up all the slack. They've gradually led us in to believing this is acceptable and its not.

BANK of Montreal is the biggest offender in my opinion, the only time I see employees in there is if people need to make a loan application. Apart from that you're faced with a bank of teller machines, which there are never enough of anyway.

You might as well put your money in a jar and bury it in the back yard, cause you'll end up with more in the end. The fees are beginning to outweigh the interest you're making!!!! The banks have slowly reversed the roles. Once they used to pay us for keeping and using our money ... now it seems like we're paying them!!! CROOKS!!!!!
2007-03-06 14:02:49 UTC
Like banks are going to go broke by eliminating ATM fees for people using FI( foreign institution) ATMs. Fee service charges alone give banks obscene profits. B of Mtl alone has ov er 130 services for which it charges a fee, and other banks are not far behind. Use your own bank ATM to avoid service charges. Doubtful the ATM fee for FI usage will be eliminated
2007-03-06 14:00:53 UTC
Any type of banking fee is an excuse to charge the customer at every 'intersection' of their business relationship with their Financial Institution.

Financial Institutions gain from the money they are entrusted with, however little the amount, and they should drop all banking fees, including ATM fees, to show their appreciation and keep their customers.
2007-03-06 13:57:38 UTC
Sigh. There are many other fees and charges to worry about - why pick on ATM fees? Especially, as others have mentioned, when you have the choice.

Working to reduce (not eliminate) overdraft fees and other penalties and charges that banks charge their customers would make much more of a difference to average Canadians in my mind, especially those who would need it the most.
Max K
2007-03-06 13:31:38 UTC
ATM's are "DO IT YOURSELF" banking that allows the banks to provide services without the overhead of personel salaries. There are costs to operating ATM's, such as the stocking, internet connection charges etc however this should be looked at as overhead the same as the teller salaries were. Banks traditionally did not charge you for coming in and withdrawing your money at a teller. They made their money through the difference between what they paid to you, savings interest, and what they charged for you to use the money in their care, loan interest. Charging a fee for me to do the same thing for myself is ludicrous. This is just 1 example. If the costs are to be passed on to the user directly, as in ATM fee's, then the charges for loans etc should be reduced ie lower interest rates. The arguement that the atm's cost is untrue, they reduce costs by allowing the bank to provide similar service with fewer people thus ATM costs are more than paid for through reduced salary costs. Canadians pay more and more fee's to keep banks in the black, and they have been very black for a long time, but banks forgive loans to other countries that come to staggering amounts, again we pay. Unfortuneately, with all banks basically running the same fee's we, as the customer, have little choice but to pay. It is only through our collective voice, government, that organisations such as banks can be made to listen
Andrew W
2007-03-06 13:23:29 UTC

ABMs are provided by each bank and they are a convenience. No one is forced to use them and if you want to avoid ABM fees, then use the ones associated with your bank. There are plenty of plans offering a range of services and usage rates including some banks that offer no fees and unlimited usage of their ABMs. You shouldn’t expect to get services for nothing.
2007-03-06 13:15:03 UTC
i think the banks should eliminate all ATM fees-they've taken away branch locations where they would be most needed eg the inner city sites that were used by elderly,disabled and lower incomed persons;as well they've pulled out of small towns that supported them and helped make them profitable but have now left those customers with little or no service.Banks say they need these fees for operating the ATMs;have they not saved enough from the loss of jobs which occurred when the ATMs came on line?
2007-03-06 12:51:20 UTC
I find it interesting that ONLY the fees for using a bank machine other than the home bank are being looked at.

How about all of the rest of the bank charges that are over charged???

Why I say overcharge is because I bank with a banking system that does not charge me any regular bank activity fees. (other than using a foreign bank machine).

There are a couple of them around, Presidents Choice, ING etc.

Do yourself a favour and shop around and as for the good Minister, what about the rest of those bank fees?????????
2007-03-06 12:07:50 UTC
No, it is a business decision. It is dangerous to interfere business strategic decision by the Government. Banks and opposition party (particularly the NDP) should educate users of how they can use alternative methods to draw cash without going to a machine, e.g. when doing grocery shopping, ask the store to return some cash by overcharging to a bank account.
2007-03-06 12:02:13 UTC
Speaking from an english perspective, years ago we used to be charged for using machines that were not of our own banks. I'm only 24 and so i've never faced being charged to use an ATM. Years ago banks got together to form the "LINK" system.

The link system combines a large number of the leading uk banks and allows you to use other link machine atm's for free. This makes it easy to find a convenient way of getting to your money.

What would make you choose your bank? Perhaps free machines would be good for one company to get new customers... but I guess since banks don't then it cant be.
2007-03-06 11:50:21 UTC
I fear the only way the reason why the canadian banks have atm charges is because they relied on the passivity of canadians...

I challenge any bank offical to prove in the media why they need

such outrageous fees...funny,the U.K.,most European countries as well as many asian,african and poorer nations have NONE...

why?It's the cost of doing business,basically,it would be like Tim

Horton charging you for the cup that their coffee comes in,do the banks think were that naive or stupid,maybe not,but it does leave a bitter taste in one's mouth,that's why,recently,I've switched over

to a credit if the banks are smart,they would realize that it's not good business making your customers angry,they might never come back...
mark b
2007-03-06 20:38:17 UTC
Most DEFINITELY!!!!!!! When at the end of the day I'm lucky to bring home 60 cents on every dollar I make, the banks charging me for making THEM money is absolutely,without a doubt, old fashioned GOUGING!!!!!!! I mean, where would the big banks, or any bank for that matter, be without people like you and me borrowing money from, and investing our hard earned wages with them. The interest we pay for every dollar borrowed should be MORE MORE MORE MORE MORE than enough to cover the costs and maintenance of ATM machines. Go to ANY bank and ask to see their quarterly profit statements......... enough said
Charlie P
2007-03-06 19:58:50 UTC
Absolutely, the banks have been over billing us for a long time. Most charter banks charge you to deposit rolled coin into your own account, in other words you have to pay to deposit your money in your account. The banks first started up assuring the public they could put there money into accounts with them and they would look after it at no charge. Now you must have a min balance or you are charged, you are charged for every service they do for you including ATM's. They charge you unbelievable intrest on money owing but pay such a small amout to you for holding your money, meanwhile they take the money you have as equity to invest and make large amounts. Remember this is our money they pay you 0.2% intrest / anum on. You have to have over 10,000.00 dollars in the account to get over a dollar a month in interest. How much interest would you pay to them for the same amount per month? They provide a very expensive service and these days if you work for wages, especially for larger company's, you are told you must have a bank account in order to get paid since they will only direct deposit your pay...
2007-03-06 16:57:42 UTC
I certainly understand that banks are businesses too and are interested in making profit. However, the fees involved are ridiculous!!! First I get hit with the ATM fee, then I get hit with fees from my bank. We all know you can't get something for nothing anymore. The something we get? Convenience. However, convenience is starting to get mighty pricey. I feel that if there are going to be fees involved to get my own money, then those fees should be controlled much more so than any control there may be now.
2007-03-06 15:10:36 UTC
Yes I think the government should take action on ABMs.... it's ridiculous that banks have that kind of power over people...I shouldn't have to drive out of my way to go to MY banks ABM to avoid a HUGE (as far as I'm concerned) fee
2007-03-06 14:14:17 UTC
Yes, the Canadian government should take action in order to abolish ATM fees. Canadian banks are making a lot of money, they can share all these income with their clients by abolishing the ATM fees.

Thank You
2007-03-06 14:03:59 UTC
I would like the government to not only work with the banks on ATM fees, but also work with the banks on banking fees. Its pretty hard to find a bank who doesn't charge for transactions, statements, internet banking. It was said earlier - technology has made banking administration easier, AND it has also made banking more profitable. Banking is BIG business. Their ways of generating profits for shareholders is simple - 1,000,000 custumer base x $1/customer = $1,000,000.

Yes it does bother me that as a taxpayer I do not have access to all of the benefits a big corporate business does in Canada. Get your hands out of my pockets!!
Hung up Mikey
2007-03-06 13:58:34 UTC
All I have to say is that banks are making incredible profits with our money. Cutting the fees on banking machines would decrease their profit of aprox.5%. Why not cut us a break and have us use their banking services at no fee. Without us, they are nothing.

e.g.- Royal Bank reported a profit in 2006 of 4.7 billlion -

- Mr.Clark CEO of TD Canada Trust paid 12 million in '06

see links below
lynne c
2007-03-06 13:56:15 UTC
yes! first they tell you they have to reduce the number of branches to reduce costs, then they tell you they have to reduce tellers to save costs, then they introduce ABMs and tell you it's easier for everyone use the ABM 's to have instant access to their own money and to pay bills cause AB M's are everywhere!!! What they don't tell you is that every transaction (except deposit) will cost you$1.50, there must be a minimum number of clients available to use them, it costs several hundred thousands of dollars to install them and they must recover the costs - in order to give higher interest rates!

not only do the banks screw the public and their employees but they do a good job of screwing economy as well since very little of the money stays in the country. Most of the money is used to buy banks in the US of A - more profitable less regulation!
2007-03-06 13:36:33 UTC
Yes I agree you don't have to use an ABM machine if you don't want to. But why should you be charged to have choices in life, and sometimes I get better service from an ABM machine. They charges us for everything, cheques,money orders, stop payments and the list goes on and on so why not give us a break on one service.
2007-03-06 13:28:15 UTC
This is a catch 22. Yes, it would be nice to "change to the Bank Act that will reduce or cut the charges" but what's to stop the government from holding true to form and finding a way to share in the profits? Would this be unheard of?
2007-03-06 13:26:18 UTC
Yes....I think that banks should only be able to charge the original banking fee applied monthly to each customer depending on account dynamics. I find it ridiculous to have to be charged for withdrawals as well as interact fee's especially when the store we're spending the money at is also charged fees. In effect banks are double sometimes even triple collecting on the same transaction. In effect holding the very money we paid them to keep hostage.
2007-03-06 12:44:39 UTC
Yes. They should take action. I don't agree of having ATM fees for ATM maintenances. Banks always have money to cover that. And back in my country (Singapore) Banks will deduct $2 every month if your account balance is below $500. So every month the bank makes millions from the public. I do not think it is fair.
2007-03-06 12:41:15 UTC
Yes...if the stats I have heard are correct. That the big banks in Canada have posted 19 billion in profits then why are we paying a dollar to 1.50 for service through a ATM. The banks have apparently made 480 million off of ATMs, yet they complain that the automated tellers are expensive to maintain.....19 billion in PROFIT!!!!! Lets take the half billion they made from the ATMs and add teh samew amount in costs to service them...the big banks still made 18 billion...give us a break banks...let us keep some of our money, you are making enough as it is.
Sasha A
2007-03-06 12:40:33 UTC
How can anyone defend this? ATM's were free at the beginning, remember? North American banks basically collusively agreed upon this charging matter at a point in time, as a new profit center generating billions of dollars of additional revenue. The truth of the matter is this: the inception of the ATM drastically reduces banks overhead, because they do not need to pay for employees to service us as they used to do. We go to the machine to get money, and we go to the machine to deposit money - no teller. No teller to a bank means no salary, no employee taxes, no workers compensation, no health benefits, etc.

The banks already make money on us because the interest they pay is less than inflation - your money sitting in a bank is continuously losing money, while they use our money to make loans and investments on which they make money. Charging to access our money beyond that is rape.
2007-03-06 12:38:05 UTC
Yes, I believe the Canadian government hsould take action to have ATM fees lowered or abolished all together. The banks are multi million dollar operations, making huge profits. They just don't need to stiff John Doe Public with these fees.
2007-03-06 12:24:24 UTC
Yes the government should take action as the banks already charge a monthly fee also for debit card usage. Its not enough we pay monthly that we should also pay per use? We put our money in banks to keep it safe but its certainly not safe from the banks. They want us to save but how can we? We already took jobs from tellers because of the atm's when will it stop?
brendan o
2007-03-06 12:07:21 UTC
I wrote these words some time ago..

Click Click Machines

Clicking money machines spewing out cash

With reckless abandon

From holes in the wall and over new delivery lines

Feeding the frenzied consumption of nervous souls

Looking for safety and passion in this tired commodity

Blue collared bankers choked by their ties

Unable to meet the challenge of today

Confused looks of maximizing profits

Indifferent to its chaos

Fuelling consumption and creating needs and misery

When the cash flow dries up

During the term of the contrived recession

Fuelling exploitation of the resources in once distant scenic places

Where fond stories were relayed with the quill

And now the dilemma of the sacred balance

Is overshadowed by the search for eternal youth

Fuelled by the cashless zealots of the soul
2007-03-06 11:55:04 UTC
In my opinion Mr. Flaherty wimped out. He has stood up to the banks about as much as he has stood up to the gas companies. He needs to stand his ground and not only voice what the Canadian population wants but put in motion a stop to this "nickel and diming".It is time for Mr. Flaherty to get off the fence and do what we hired him to do.
2007-03-06 13:35:29 UTC
Banks and Insurance companies have been allowed to rip off the general public without any recourse for decades. The true cost of electronic banking per transaction is in the minute fractions of a penny. Why should the banks be allowed to make hundreds of millions of pure profit while they are laying off most of their tellers and other staff. Pure corporate greed.
2007-03-06 12:18:12 UTC
Yes, we are taxed on everything, and including the banks with fees for everything we do. The banks make 100's of millions or billions of dollars in profit every year, it's time the big banks give something back to it's consumers!
2007-03-06 16:43:54 UTC
Yes the Canadian government should take action !

My 16 year old son withdraws $20 and then gets charged

up to $4.50 for some transactions and on top of that he already gets charged a monthly service fee on his account.

Guess what ! We have to pay to self serve ourselves. How

ridiculous is that?
2007-03-06 15:12:05 UTC
ABM charges have got to be regulated! We get charged at the machines and then our banks charge us again. Does this not sound like double-dipping? Its just ridiculous that Canadians are getting ripped off this way!
2007-03-06 14:35:30 UTC
Who really cares!!! After the huge amounts lost by us income trust investor's on goverment lies pertaining to the taxing of income trust's and the failure to provide ANY proof of tax-leakage, this is just 'nickel and dime' politics. As the finance Minister is a proven bare-faced liar a la Mulroney clone mode, along with Harper,...whatever 'assurances' may have come out of these discussions should be taken with much caution!
Mark W
2007-03-06 14:04:59 UTC
Yes, banking fee's in Ontario are outrageous and not justified in my opinion. I went to a bank machine in the mall the other day and was charged $2.00, I only withdrew $20.00! It's bad enough the bank hits us with $35 + dollars for NSF's. It's time that banks start working for us, not against us. If I did not require a bank account, I would not have one. Banks are snivelling bloodsucking worms!
Mariah A
2007-03-06 13:49:39 UTC
Yes, the Canadian Government could do more with their " position' as leaders of the nation. By fixing the rate that applies to all the major banks.

ie. instead of one bank charging 2.50 while another bank charges 1.50

It would be nice to have one flat fee.
Chris C
2007-03-06 13:49:30 UTC
I feel the Cdn governement should abolish the fees to withdraw money from the ATM of another bank. Banks make enough profit as it is, I should be able to access my own money without having to pay every time I use my banking card, especially if I already pay monthly fees to have services.
Wise Wench
2007-03-06 13:32:18 UTC
A quick story...I was able to place $9,500 in my bank account (savings), until I decided fully what I wished to do with it. Due to certain circumstances, it took me many months to decide. During these months I received a grand total of .08 cents interest every month. Yep...8 cents on $9,500.

But yet, the bank can take up to $18.00/month from my account for using my bank card at ATM's and/or debit at stores. And they were happy to charge me .50 cents to $1.00 a month on another savings account that had around $200 but less than $500. The charge was for NOT using the account, deposit or withdrawal. (I thought the purpose of savings accounts were!).

So with these lil my honest opinion...the banks take ENOUGH of my damm money every month for very little actual "service" enough is enough!

I say NO MORE FREAKIN' bank fees..whether ATM's or anything else!! The banks make billions in profit per they really NEED $20 or more per month from me for doing diddly, while I get back .08 cents interest??
2007-03-06 13:31:17 UTC
Yes they should. The banks are already charging a service charge, some charge to use a teller now they want to charge for forcing you to use a machine. They also need to change their hours to meet the real worlds need. Not everyone can get in during the day and need to use the machines.
2007-03-06 13:27:59 UTC
I believe automated banking machine fees are too high. In most cases I believe they are not necessary at all. They are a money grab for the banks and with most banks always showing record profits I believe they could be lowered or eliminated completely.
2007-03-06 13:12:42 UTC
I believe that action should be taken . The banks are doing very well and by charging fees for the banking fees they are only taking more of what already belongs to the people.
2007-03-06 13:02:47 UTC
Most definitely. For decades the banks have been making billions of dollars for the priviledge of holding on to our hard earned money(most of which is much less than we deserve in the first place). Financial institutions consistently show that they have little concern/interest in their average customer. the more you have, the less you pay. As a person who has always worked in a career that traditionally pays around the poverty line(Social Services), I have had trouble just making ends meet. I have always wondered how the banks have been able to justify charging me so much in fees, interest, and penalties, when they give so little back. It is only in the last 3 years that I have been able to walk into my bank without feeling that they are doing me a big favor by charging me to hold on to my paultry few hundred dollars, for the few days a month that I don't need it for bills. Then of course when I pay those bills thru the bank, they charge me, if I send a cheque, they charge me, if I use my credit card, they charge me. ATM fees are just the latest form of customer abuse the banks have been able to heap upon us. As a person trying to establish/repair my credit, I was charged ridiculous interest rates to establish credit, then when I put the cash into a term deposit, I received under 2% for my efforts, the bank got 10%, and then didn't even bother to report my effort to the credit bureau, so after 3 years of effort, I still had to get on their backs to get them to acknowledge my progress.

A friend of mine was actually told by his bank manager that his meager business, was of little interest to them, that they preferred customers with higher income, and this was after he had gotten a mortgage from them. He no longer banks with that institution. I am all for free enterprise, but there is nothing free about the financial world. It is time for Government to step in and say enough. It is time for the banking world to start giving back to the people that have built their empires, us. In my opinion, the banking world epitomizes everything that is wrong in the world, greed and profit over compassion and people.

ATM fees are as good a place as any to start, then once they are gone, maybe they can look at paying us interest that is more in line with the interest we pay them, or even just the interest they make by having our savings at their disposal.
2007-03-06 12:45:13 UTC
Yes. The banks should be made to scrap the ABM fees which have been an unnecessary drain on the wallets of ABM users.
2007-03-06 12:41:00 UTC
With all the troubles in the world why the NDP and Conservatives are worrying about this is beyond me. You don't want to pay ATM fees walk across the street and use your bank's ATM machine. We all need the exercise.
Albert S
2007-03-06 12:39:57 UTC
banks should not charge u to take your money out or to deposit , as for using other ATM machines that are not owned by banks let them charge since that is a business , Banks are already charging u to have your account with them and a flat fee for transactions. so yes fee should be stopped. and by the way i work for one of the big 6 banks , and i don't pay any fees :)
2007-03-06 12:39:49 UTC
I think personally the banks YES are making enough money, and also the government should keep there nose out of this. Can know one ever make a decision without, the crooked government sticking there nose in everyones business.AVOID the machines people. Take enough money out to last you, so you do not have to use the machines.THATS WHY WE HAVE BANK TELLERS HELLO.
Jacey A
2007-03-06 12:38:14 UTC
I think they should.

I was over in England, and over there they have NO FEES for ABM banking. It was implemented unofficially because a bank started using it as an advertising gimic saying "we wont charge you fees for using our machine, but your bank might" and so all the banks just waived all fees.

The fees here, especially the private ones, are AWFUL, the fact I have to pay money to access my money is absolutely idiotic.
2007-03-06 12:08:16 UTC
I certainly believe they should. We pay enough already. Please give us a break somewhere. This is our money and why does it matter which bank we take it out of. It's all just a scam to make money so get rid of it for everybody not just a few groups. Oh the banks will still make millions or billions from all the service charges they do charge on loans, etc.
2007-03-06 12:06:06 UTC
Yes, they can basically charge what they want and it should be regulated. I am not necessarily saying that we should get rid of the ABM fees all together as they do provide a service as to which there is a cost but certainly not to the extent that they charge currently.

Natasha P
2007-03-06 11:53:49 UTC
I believe they should. I don't think that it is fair that we have to pay to take our own money. I pay $8.95 a month to TD for usage of ATM / Debit machines (which only apply to TD Green Machine's) and then I have to pay anywhere from $1.50 - $2.50 each transaction whether it's debit at a store or at another ATM machine. My total fees usually cost me $30 a month and I think it's ridiculous because I do not prefer to carry cash on me, I would much rather use my debit and since I pay a monthly fee to the bank to do so I should not have to incur any more fees to shop at someones store or to get access to MY own money. Suddenly hiding my money under my mattress doesn't sound like a bad idea - FREE access!
2007-03-06 18:50:42 UTC
Definitely! The govt. should take a look at the massive profits these companies are making, at the expense of the consumers. In certain parts of Europe these ABM fees don't even exists.
2007-03-06 18:31:32 UTC
I only wish the government would attack more pressing issues with the same vigor as this one. Sure it would be nice not to have to pay the fees, but I accept it as one of the many monetary extras in life. The banks are making money of us, but so is pretty much every institution and company we encounter. The government should forget it and pick something worthwhile.
2007-03-06 17:45:22 UTC
Taking money out from ATM's from other banks is purely a personnal choice, it's lazyness. You can easily take out money by using interact (Asking the cashiere for extra money). You can take money from your own bank without any fees. Setting up a system accross other networks costs money. So if you want more conveniance, you pay for it. Or else, go to your bank and save the 1.50$ or so. Jack Layton is is an idiot. He lives in never never land. He started this just to get a few extra votes. Nobody likes paying for stuff but the reality is if you want services and conveniance, you have to pay for it. It's like saying I want someone to shovel my driveway for me, but I don't want to pay them for the service. Doesn't make sense.
Steve C
2007-03-06 16:42:18 UTC
If you are taking money out at your bank there shouldn't be additional fees. If you are too lazy to go to your own bank then yes there should be a fee to get to your money. You should be allowed unlimited access to your money at the bank that you use not $8.95 a month for 20 transactions. They make enough by using the money you deposit that the monthly fee should not be so high.
do nothing
2007-03-06 14:43:52 UTC
Why do banks charge for ABM transactions but not for in-person teller service? It seems reasonable that it would cost more to service an account using a teller than a machine.
e h
2007-03-06 14:08:57 UTC
My bank makes no effort to have ATMs placed in convienent locations around the city, yet charges me $1.50 or more and the bank where I withdraw the money charges me aleast $1.50 to use a machine that is convient. It is about time the government steps in on the things that matter on a daily basis in Canadians' lives.
christine p
2007-03-06 14:01:50 UTC
i clearly think that the banks are really ripping us off with these bank fees , they already make so much money from us and these ATM fees in the long run are really making lots of profit for the banks and us the poor people who work hard for every single dime are been sucked dry. $1.50 might not seem a lot but i did the maths for example i we say $1.50 *12months lets say on average u get charged once and multiple by population lets say 20million and we get $360 000 000 ($1.50*12months*20million)now u tell me does this seem far to us ? i think banks should do away with these bank fees.
Proud Canadian
2007-03-06 13:41:44 UTC
The machines are a nice convenience and banks should be able to recover costs and make some profits from them. there should be a limit per transaction and we should not be double charged by the host and our home bank for the same transaction.

Proud Canadian
2007-03-06 13:15:37 UTC
I don't believe we should be payng for a service when we are already paying service fees at the bank. These ABM Machines are computerized and therefore no person is required to do any work just the IT Person.
2007-03-06 13:13:39 UTC
I think bank charges overall should be dealt with - banks and insurance companies (many of which are owned by banks) are making record profits year after year. We are charged fees for everything - writing cheques; making withdrawals; using atm; now my bank is even charging for making deposits at the teller!!! Charges are only lessened if you are holding a huge balance (in a chequing account!?) Enough is enough!
2007-03-06 13:04:18 UTC
Yes. canadians pay enough for everything else, and we work hard for our money. The least the banks can do it let us keep the 5 - 30 dollars they take from us in fees a month.
2007-03-06 12:54:15 UTC
i think that banks are getting away with pure robery. in europe they do not charge to use the interac system. Like always canadians put up with way to much without saying a thing. If they would try this anywhere else riots would dominate the news. Shame on the banks to rob the people.
2007-03-06 12:50:56 UTC
Get rid of all ATM fees. The banks are making enough profit. If they must, they can recoup the revenue loss by slightly raising other fees elsewhere. But actually, this is not necessary. Some banks' revenues are comparable to the GDP of small countries,

and their profits are more than adequate.
Jay K
2007-03-06 12:49:36 UTC
Yes i think the government should take action. They should not allow any more bank mergers and allow for more competition. Then the Canadian public can take action by taking their business to who has the best rates and best service. Should the government force existing banks to lower fees? Sure, if we want to live in communism!
don beebee
2007-03-06 12:49:25 UTC
No need to take action. Join a financial institution that doesn't have automated banking machine fees.

What a waste of time and money, doesn't the government have more important things to worry about?

If people aren't smart enough to plan ahead to have cash on hand, than that's too bad.
2007-03-06 12:47:22 UTC
Some of the credit unions don't charge ATM fees

Why do the rich chartered banks charge exorbitant fees, so they can make millions more for their stock holders.People have too learn not to use ATM 's.I never get cash from an ATM, It is so easy to get cash when shopping with a debit card.
2007-03-06 12:08:47 UTC
I think it is evil that banks charge fees to withdraw your own money - whether it be from ABM's, direct banking at a branch, or internet banking. I think this should be made illegal.

However, if I go to a different bank's ABM to get my money, and if that second bank wants to charge me money to withdraw cash, I think that is entirely fair.

This is perhaps a far-fetched comparison, but if you buy something at Zellers, you shouldn't expect Walmart to service or exchange the product.

Your own bank makes money from your account balances by loaning this money out to other people and collecting interest. (Also, likely by investing...) But what service does a secondary bank owe you if you have not entered a service contract with them and if you don't store your money in their bank so they can earn money from your account?

2007-03-06 12:06:24 UTC
I believe that if allowed, the bank would take every last penny that we have. For the working poor, this could mean the last jug of milk for the month. How is it fair that we as citizens work 40+hour weeks, NEED to have an acct to get paid, which cost us a fortune in the first place, and now they take the 'milk money' too. They make millions per year, and how much do we make...pennies...and how much do we spend...hundreds.
2007-03-06 12:01:18 UTC
Well let's just look at it from the perspective of good business. Is it good business to anger your clientele? More to the point, is it good business to be perceived as gouging and frankly, stealing, from your clientele. Like it or not, banks are perceived as such, and like it or not, unless they want to be legislated into it, they best learn quickly that people aren't stupid. We know that other countries, just as rich and just as greedy, have banks which know it's not Good business to nickle and dime their customers.

Consider also this fact. When ATM's first came out, they were bank machines, not generic no name machines. So of course, people became accustomed to using them and poof!! all of a sudden, no more branches, no more brand name bank machines.

Another point of contention is that we know that fees make up less than 7% of their profit margin. So the question then becomes one of greed. The banks make more than enough and yes we all benefit, BUT, there comes a point as I said, when banks must realize that it is we the customer who they are supposed to serve, it is not the customer who is supposed to serve them.
2007-03-06 11:59:49 UTC
Yes i do , Canadians have alot to pay for now, why should we pay extra to be able to withdraw our own hardworking money we earned. The banks already charge a monthly fee, why do they need too charge additional on top of that. Not all working canadians have a high paying jobs
2007-03-07 04:56:10 UTC
I think the government should step in and stop the extra charges that the banks are charging because they are not only making their BILLION dollar profit but they aren't offering their clients any interest on the money that the banks are using to make their profits.
2007-03-06 14:22:39 UTC
Yes, becasue Govt. has the right to interfere for good of Canadians.The whole thing started with Jack Layton, of NDP, it is good he think for good of Canadians, but surprizingly, is not it bad for other two major parties that they did not think about it.

As for as banks are concerned they are business people, made cigarettes, distributed free in first place to addict,and then to earn money.They can collect 1.50 from a poor street man, a student, or even from the beggars in the name of service.
David H
2007-03-06 14:01:44 UTC
Absolutely! The personal banking system is so out of control, and there are no easy mechanisms for consumers to exercise market control. This is a clear-cut situation where the government must step in on behalf of Canadians.
2007-03-06 13:21:45 UTC
Absolutely! Yes, with the banks making in the region of a $billion a quarter. Why should customers have to pay to get their own money. The banks just saw the "cash cow "coming down the street and decided to corral it.
Natasha S
2007-03-06 13:16:16 UTC
The Canadian government should take action on automated banking machine fees ASAP
Craig N
2007-03-06 12:00:23 UTC
Its nice that the government is so concerned about the big banks gouging their customers at the ATMs, but I would rather see the government go after the big oil companies for gouging us at the gas pumps. When gas goes up in time for the holiday travel seasons and pump prices jump at the merest hint of unrest or the possibility of a slow down in oil output in the Mid East, but takes forever to come down after the price of crude goes down, its hard to convince me we are not being gouged at the pumps. That would keep a lot more money in my pocket than saving on ATM fees.
2007-03-06 11:48:45 UTC
I realize that the bank needs to maintain the ATM machines and that does cost money for the bank but, the fees are pretty high I think the banks should consider lowering the fee then the government can't do anything about it!
2007-03-07 05:07:57 UTC
NO they should not! I pay $25 a month in service fees for my bank account. And there is no good reason to charge me $1.50 per usage. I firmly feel they are taking advantage of the public, because they can.
2015-01-13 05:28:39 UTC
Now, if you could just get the government to forgive all student loans for those 45 and up, I could actually earn enough to save for a retirement. Oh well, I suppose that has enough chance of happening as will the possibilty that the banks stop stealing from us and our current government will put people ahead of profit.
2007-03-06 15:53:17 UTC
Multi-billion dollar profits, multi-million dollar bonuses to upper management at the same time as cut-backs in 'service' and ever increasing fees for doing my own banking. Yes, there needs to be some sort of investigation into the fees and some intervention on behalf of the consumer, after all that's what we pay taxes for isn't it?
sexymama 104
2007-03-06 13:46:51 UTC
I am a single mother of three. I work as a legal assistant in downtown Toronto. I require my money to support my children as well as myself. I shouldn't have to worry about bank charges. I am tired of working so hard to make ends meet and at the end of the month, have to pay the bank to get MY money out of it, twice! For taking $20.00 out of the bank, I pay $3.00 or more because the ATM I use dings me $1.50 and at the end of the month, my bank charges me $1.50 for the same transaction! The banks should be taking care of us. The CUSTOMERS!!!!! I think that something should definitely be done.
It won't change
2007-03-06 13:28:37 UTC
The banks will never bet rid of ATM fees. If they are forced to do so, they will charge you more fees another way, or get rid of the ATMs. They got rid of giving out $5 bills at ATMs because it cost too much, but they told us it reduced bill jams, people preferred bigger bills, etc... The banks are greedy, they only care about profit and they only care about you if you have lots of money. I have seen the services get fewer and the fees get more numerous
2007-03-06 12:56:03 UTC
Definately Not, at first it will all be great, no more fees, but then the government can step in and try to push their own fees, because they will already have the opened gateway they needed, when they distroyed the banking fees..

BEEN DONE so many times before. Read the fine print. No cost, but at what cost. Whats the catch?!?
2007-03-06 12:22:20 UTC
Absolutely!!'s about time. The government should be obligated to speak out on behalf of the people, who are being nickled and dimed at every turn these days. We are sick to death of being used while the big banks are posting profits in the tens of millions. Bravo Jack Layton, I say.
2007-03-06 12:16:54 UTC
Banking machine fees are most defiantly too expensive for the customer/user. these machines are supposed to be a convenience, deleting the banks requirement for using real people, so why the greed?

Banks are fast becoming too greedy! Banks are offering less and charging more - who suffers - the customer, that is who suffers!

What ever happened to fairness, I must assume that Banks are truly greedy and impersonal.
Ravencrest Manor
2007-03-06 12:16:04 UTC
I feel that they have a right to charge for thier service, however, I do not feel that the fees should be so High. 0.25 per transaction is sufficient. The abm machines should be regulated and a cap be put on how much they can charge.
fred h
2007-03-06 12:14:53 UTC
Yes.Yes. Yes.

I can understand that initially there was a recovery cost for the develoment of ATM's but c,mon , after reporting a net profit of 31 billion it should be FREE.

This is very similair to the "Airport Improvement Fee" at airports.

The public are geting gauged by big corporations.

Im very happy that somebody is standing up for the general public.
2007-03-06 12:01:10 UTC
Definitely! I think it appalling that people who already pay account fees at their branches should have to pay to take out their money if its not their home bank or at these ins-ta cash machines that have so conveniently replaced every corner bank machine and have popped up in every restaurant bar or coffee shop in Canada. The bank should be a place to hold your money and save not a place to loose you money due to numerous fees. The bank should be regarded as a friend not a thieve. I honestly feel ripped off every time i pay a $1.50 to take out money.
2007-03-06 11:53:25 UTC
I believe that for all the service charges and fees and amount people rely on their banks these days that an atm fee is ridiculous. We already pay the banks so much, and they still ding us more. They are taking what they can, because they can. If this can be changed I believe it should be.
2007-03-06 11:46:38 UTC
The banks charge enough fees without adding the ATM fees to the mix. Their profits have been skyrocketing over the last decade, and remember it's our money they're using to do business. I like the idea of full disclosure of how the various fees break down as well; otherwise it will come off the ATMs and resurface as a 'service charge'.
Me Y
2007-03-06 21:36:59 UTC
The banks should do away with ABM charges and instead charge fees for withdrawing cash from bank tellers.
Masud C
2007-03-06 19:54:28 UTC
I found financial institution in Canada, specially the banks earning thru others money and shamelessly. Like, you need to submit a check in the bank who will hold your money for 5 days without crediting your account while it has already withdrawn this money from the payer's account without loosing any minute. Theses five days they enjoy the money without any question but at the sufferings of payer and receivers. How starnge this banking syetem here in Canada?

I am depositing my money and againg questing me ?

Garverment should take action against all those banks not only for banking machine fees but also for the cheating process they implemented in the name of security and safety.
2007-03-06 18:59:38 UTC
They definitely need to look into this. It was originally supposed to reduce costs for banks in the long run, but I find that I am paying alot more for services that I am performing myself. It becomes expensive too when you are paying two establishments for one transaction. If I take out $20 at a convenience store, I have to pay the vendor of the machine $1.50 and then $1.50 to my own branch. I don't think they are suffering because of this.
Irene S
2007-03-06 18:40:24 UTC
Yes I believe they should. Why is it, when I go to withdraw my OWN money I am charged $1.50 or more to get it. The banks are already robbing us blind with service charges for this that and anything else they can think of. I work hard for my money and I don't feel I should be penalized because I use another banks ATM.
2007-03-06 18:00:58 UTC
I believe that if they reduce the ABM Fees, the other banking fees will increase. Like everything else, it's a lose lose situation for the little guy.
Jon C
2007-03-06 14:00:10 UTC
I think that there should be a moderate change, which limits the amount charged. A maximum 1 $ fee. This would allow people to use cash without a major inconvience. I'm all about free enterprise, but at what expense to the comsumer?
2007-03-06 13:55:52 UTC
Absolutely the government should step in....Not only do we get dinged at the bank machine for $1.50 or more then we get dinged extra money at the end of the month by surplus fees by our banks. I think enough is enough already. We are being nickled and dimed to death and being a single mom I am personally tired of it.
Allan d
2007-03-06 13:55:02 UTC
Jack Layton, I for one am on side.

I do not see banks not making money. And if a Banks desires to reorganize, doing away with ATM, so be it bring Bank Branches back. I wounder which option is more inexpensive ATM's or people?
2007-03-06 13:26:58 UTC
The Banks are making enough money now, so the small person ends up paying for the richer clients of the Bank. Let the Bank seek restitution from them as they can afford it.
2007-03-06 12:54:18 UTC
No wonder the banks rake in such a huge profit each year, on the backs of clients. $1.50 each time you want to take your own money out of your account is ridiculous. The ultimate license to rob people. So, YES!!! please, Mr Flaherty, give the banks a blast, and tell them to stop this unfair practice.

Critical Will
2007-03-06 12:14:53 UTC
Let's be honest, two years ago the banks made a collective profit of $11 billion in Canada last year the number went to $ 19 billion! I think that is enough money to share! I don't mind a little profit but this gouging hands down......
2007-03-06 11:53:10 UTC
Personally, I've worked in banks and know several reasons why they charge. First they charge to make profits when people can not use they're bank ATM's due to distance and availabilities. Second to meet the demands of customers. And yes I agree that banks should not charge they're customers, how ever they should on NON customers.
Tony I
2007-03-06 15:39:49 UTC
There are two variables here. In the past TELLERS worked to serve the client at NO CHARGE.

The only thing that should of changed is the fact that Tellers have been replaced with ATM's. How did the no charge become a CHARGE?
2007-03-06 14:25:57 UTC
People seem to have difficulty understanding that EVERYTHING has a cost. From the technology, to fraud monitoring, to the people who count the money that comes from every ATM, to Brinks(or whoever) who picks up the money and deposits more...etc. ATM's have several different levels of maintenance than most people are aware of. If you are unhappy with any fees that are incurred to hold your money and withdraw your money at/from a financial institution OR are perturbed with the idea that banks make SO much money...then keep your money under your mattress.
2007-03-06 14:18:43 UTC
Yes i believe the government should get involved, because the banks don't seem to care!!! I pay a monthly fee, and i am still charged a fee everytime i go to the abm.

2007-03-06 12:53:32 UTC
Yes!!! It is totally stupid how much you have to pay at some machines ( up to $4 in Alberta) I am sick of paying so much for banking fees monthly and also having to pay fees elsewhere. If certain banks are not going to make there machines accessable they need to lay off the fees when we use other banks!
2007-03-06 12:45:59 UTC
It is not just the 6 biggest banks, but all the financial institutions that are overcharging for anything and everything that they can think of. Yes, we the public are being 'nickel and dimed' into the poor house.
2007-03-06 12:14:47 UTC
i am always paying anywhere from $1.50 upto $5.00 per transaction.this IS stupid.all banks charge different amounts.i think it should be a flat fee of $.50 per more than that if any.this"fee" is NEVER put back into the communities like it should.banks are in small towns and even the fee should go BACK into the community.
2007-03-06 12:10:50 UTC
If you don't like the fees, go to your bank branch and take out all the money you need for that week.

Just because banks make a lot of money doesn't mean they're doing something wrong.
2007-03-06 13:41:34 UTC
Yes these charges should be regulated. It would be interesting to know statistically how much money the banks actually have saved in employee salaries and rental space since the inception of bank machines.
mike a
2007-03-06 13:01:07 UTC
Yes and if the big banks dont want to change how they are doing business the federal regulators need to step in with some legislation and as a part of that included that banks who are reproting profits of billions to reinvest in the communities where they are taking their money from.
2007-03-06 22:13:08 UTC
Yes, because I believe it is getting too excessive. The government should make the banks give back our fair share of these unethical profits they get from gouging us as a yearly interest dividend into our personal bank accounts. That way at least both parties win.
2007-03-06 17:48:55 UTC
Yes, They have a government protected business, so the government(the public) has the right to set the rules involved with that protected business. ABM's are like self serve gas, it shouldn't cost you to do your own banking.
2007-03-06 14:08:19 UTC
Basically they provide the service, we pay for the fees. I do agree we have to pay service change for using other banks ATM. Everybody knows there is a service change and we still use it. If you don't want to pay, take the extra time go to your respective local banking institute for cash. Although I do not agree we have to pay our local banking institute changing us on the usage of ATM machine. Some regulation should be in order
Wossene B
2007-03-06 13:50:23 UTC
Yes, the canadian Government should take action on automated banking machine fee. They are so expensive and risky.
Jim F
2007-03-06 13:28:56 UTC
Driving around to find a machine belonging to your own bank uses a lot of gas. The banks could promote universally fee-free ATMs as their contribution to energy conservation.
2007-03-06 13:23:11 UTC
ABM's put people out of work.....ergo they save the banks hundreds of millions in wages and benefits. There should be NO charges against accessing our own money through automation.
2007-03-06 12:53:23 UTC
Yes. It's ridiculous to charge customers for the expense of providing and maintaining bank machines - although ATM's are convenient for most customer transactions, they have reduced the bank's expense for bank teller salaries and reduced the number of bank buildings that would otherwise be needed.
2007-03-06 12:35:52 UTC
Banks already use our money and make some more, so why should we double pay ? 1. For ATM service provider and 2. For your bank fees, which is keep increasing slightly all the time...?
2007-03-06 12:30:23 UTC
The banks should be glad to take our money without penalizing us.The ATM machines save them money by lessening the need for more tellers.We help keep their profit margins on the very plus side.It would be nice to see a bank acknowledge the contributions its customers make instead of finding every way they can to whittle down our funds.
Christine C
2007-03-06 12:25:39 UTC
Absolutely. And if they don't, the Canadian Government should be ashamed of themselves for allowing this criminal like action. You are allowing thieves to steal our money. Not everyone makes a salary like a governement employee. We don't have $2, $3, $4 or $5 to throw away every time we "NEED" to take out money for everyday necesseities such as groceries or prescription medication. Shame on you for not having done anything already! Isn't it bad enough that you rape us with your taxes!!
Michael D
2007-03-06 12:25:27 UTC
If they could they should, but they can't. the Canadian government has no power in regulating fees banks charge their customers. I believe that this was sadly just another case of political posturing. Lower bank fees? Not in anyone's lifetime.
2007-03-06 12:15:26 UTC
We pay fees for just about everything now a days. It wouldn't hurt to give us a break. Maybe we'd even use bank machines more if we were not always worried about extra fees. It's our money, we should be able to get it without a fee. Whenever we want it.
2007-03-06 12:14:54 UTC
Yes. I believe the banks take in more than enough money from the average consumer through all kinds of other fees, interest rates, etc. It would not hurt the big companies to take less from the people who keep their companies running.
s a
2007-03-06 12:07:34 UTC
yes they should. The bank institutions have gotten out of hand with all theses extra fees in order to place our money. Its about time that regulations normalize these fees. This would not have been necessary if the bank had given reasonable fees.
2007-03-06 12:05:09 UTC
No, if you don't want to pay fees to use an ATM other than your own bank's, then simply use your own bank's ATM.

In 20 years of using ATM's, I have paid fees less than five times. I plan ahead, or I walk the extra few blocks if necessary.

Allow free enterprise to work.
Paul H
2007-03-06 11:52:14 UTC
The banks will make 16 billion in profit this year. They don't need my $1.50 to keep the ATM open. Interesting that TD doesn't charge these fees in the U.S. Maybe banks really do have to compete there.
2007-03-06 11:50:22 UTC
I think it is a good idea for them to do this. However I feel that there are other places that they should be looking at as well. For instance car insurance. With one company they want to charge me $260 a month, and I am told that it is the only company that will take me on, where as another company TD auto insurance wants to charge me $100 cheaper. I think that the government should be looking into all issues that are costing the taxpayers money. This is just one petty issue that they think is going to make a huge difference, but I guess they have to start small. They need to aim bigger though.
2007-03-06 21:02:31 UTC
There should be no fees at all. We pay enough with monthly services charges so ATM's SHOULD be considered in that fee (considering they ARE a service). They are also replacing the jobs of tellers, so in the long run they're probably saving money with ATM's anyway. Pass it on to the client since it's our money anyway.
2007-03-07 04:55:45 UTC
Definitely. England stopped the Banks gouging it's customers years ago!!! With less branches around these days, it is just not acceptable to be changing these kind of fees. The banks make more than enough profit, they own half the skyline of any city...enough is enough.
2007-03-06 19:52:30 UTC
I have been living in the UK for many years where no charges apply to banking which is great and if some banks in Canada can offer this service, why can't all.

In the UK banks make their money from interest paid to them on credit cards, loans, mortgages etc. which makes sense since why should we have to pay the bank for access of our own money, when they use our money to make money anyway.

The customers should get VALUE FOR MONEY in the banking service as well. If it can work in one country why not work in another.....
Jason m
2007-03-06 17:01:27 UTC
Yes the Government should take action to regulate the banks because the money is are money and they are making money off are money all ready so why should we the people be lowing the bank to take advantage of us the working people of Canada.
Red Ensign
2007-03-06 16:55:50 UTC

If you don't like ABM fees, then DON'T USE THE THINGS!

IT is not the job of government to run every aspect of our lives. I am a grownup, if I use the local ABM then I pay. If I don't like the fees, then I don't.

Grow up people, and quit expecting the government to be your mommy all the time!
2007-03-06 13:54:51 UTC
With only 6 large banks in Canada, it's too easy for them to coordinate their policies and increase their fees simultaneously.

Banks should be paying interests to thank clients for investing their money. Clients should not be paying ATM fees for every transaction.

I think it's unacceptable to be paying $1.50 to the bank you withdraw at, PLUS $1.50 to the bank you withdraw from.
Paul C
2007-03-06 13:30:54 UTC
Yes it is ridiculous that we are being charged a "convenience" fee, we are costing the banks less money by using these machines, and it is after all OUR money. I am sure that Banks staff fewer counter employees since the hiigh adoption of the AMB's
2007-03-06 13:30:16 UTC
I think it is alright for the banks to charge fees as long as they are reasonable. It should be the same charge to withdraw money from all banks. So if i have an account with Scotia snd want to withdraw from BMO i should not be charged an additional fee.
2007-03-06 13:28:09 UTC
ABM fees should be abolished I moved to Canada from England two year ago their were no fees there. Banks make billions in profits it is just greed.
2007-03-06 13:15:59 UTC
yes i think they should take action with this matter. we pay a monthly fee and every time we turn around it is going up. we already pay enough to the bank, for them to keep our money. if you are going to do this then you should make sure the bank do not hike up the fees for the monthly charges. we pay interest on loans and so on, we also have to buy a money order and on and on. I think it is about time this was looked into.
2007-03-06 13:09:42 UTC
Absolutely! Since a home bank is not always available when travelling to other towns, it is a necessary evil to use another bank's machines. More frustrating is when my bank's machines are out of cash and I am forced to use another bank's machines, I must pay for the priviledge of retreiving my own money!
Jack B
2007-03-06 12:54:39 UTC
Jack Layton is right, the banks are ripping their customers of in a big way and should be much more controlled by government.
2007-03-06 12:25:21 UTC
No - There is no charge if you go to your own bank.

Why should one bank subsidize another bank's customers who are just too lazy to walk a block to their own bank to use their bank's machines.

This is just another case of the NDP misleading the public with a phony cause. You would think we all have more important issues to worry about.
2007-03-06 12:16:13 UTC
No, if fees for automated banking machines were eliminated the banks would cover those costs and more by simply widening the gap between lending and borrowing interest rates.
2007-03-06 12:02:17 UTC
YES! YES! YES! They should remove all banking fees on ABMs... The banks had already scammed us too much of our hard earned money of monthly service fees, why do we pay for an additional expense on fees? It's outright stupendous!!!
2007-03-06 11:52:00 UTC
For me this is a non issue. To avoid ABM fees, I simply use my own bank's ABMs. I would be more interested in seeing minuscule interest rates on accounts raised somewhat.
sharon v
2007-03-06 11:50:43 UTC
Yes, the Canadian government should most definitely take action on automated banking machine fees - afterall, we are paying through the nose as it is for banking fees for transactions etc. and enough is enough - we deserve a break and it's long overdue.
2007-03-06 11:16:59 UTC
Clearly the banks are making money on atm fees, otherwise they wouldn't exist. Action should be taken. People should be informed on every aspect of the fees, including what those fees are used for. If you take away abm fees, then since the banks won't be making money, and the automatic banking machines will disappear. The banks will not want to keep automatic banking machines if they arn't making money on them.

While it is a persons choice on whether or not to use the machines, some action needs to be taken.
2007-03-06 13:35:13 UTC
Pure politics at play here. The government should lower taxes and cut wasteful spending before they have the nerve to tell a private tax paying business what they can/should charge for a service. If people don't want to pay for ATM machines, they can choose not to use them.
2007-03-06 12:45:11 UTC
Yes, they get involved in everything else. Also, the Banks are making millions and millions off the working people and it's not fair that we have to pay account fees, then they add all these extra fees - it would be cheaper to keep our money in the mattress (no fees there).
2007-03-06 11:51:00 UTC
Bank customers in other countries of the world don't have it this bad. Why do we have to pay for every service and non-service (or pretended service) of Canadian banks? Little wonder the poor gets poorer and the rich richer in Canada. Could this be one link?
2007-03-06 14:00:05 UTC
yes, absolutely! It's about time that the Govt should step out and take action! The reality here is that, people in Canada consists mostly of blue-collar earner people and they are getting poorer and poorer everyday due to stagnant wage-salary. If these poor people are spared with every cent that the bank is taking, then maybe it will ease their financial worry a tiny bit.
2007-03-06 13:55:59 UTC
Yes I would welcome Government intervention in this issue. We trust the banks with our money and then they want to make us pay for accessing it !! At an estimated $420 million a year I think the banks show enough profit without skimming nickels and dimes in this manner.
2007-03-06 13:14:08 UTC
I have often wondered why we pay services charges for accessing our own money? The banks are lending and saving institution and should be made to make their money on those services. If the ratescharged for those services become uncompetitive, then they will face the same economic reality as any other business.
2007-03-06 13:10:50 UTC
Yes most definitely. It would seem unfair that banks have a few billion or hundred millions in profit and most of us under the poverty line are paying through the nose to a system that is set in stone. With no recourse.
Elaine p
2007-03-06 13:02:06 UTC

I feel so ripped off because of the rates the royal bank charges me every time I use my ATM card outside of Canada, plus the monthly fee I pay on top of that.
2007-03-06 12:24:38 UTC
Yes, the banks make record profits and use OUR money to make these profits.

I make teenie weenie almost laughable compensation / interest from the bank and yet they charge me not only ATM but also service charges for me freely giving them MY money to use!

If we get a break in ATM charges, they will no doubt greedily make it up in service charges / fees. I think that not only should banks scrap ATM charges, but they also need to downsize the service charges they take from me monthly. And increase the pitiful interest they pay me!

In a perfect world, I would be charging the Banks to use my money and I would get a percentage of their record profits!!!


Trevor Marr, P.Eng.
2007-03-06 11:57:16 UTC
The banks are making enough money as it is without them gouging us. They pay little in interest on saving accounts and charge as much as they want on loans etc..... Yes the government should regulate the charges as long as they don't add a tax like they do on gasoline.
2007-03-06 11:47:10 UTC
These machines have taken away the need to employ more staff; therefore, why should we have to pay for their usage?

I think that the banks are making way too much as it is on the average Joe. What was their profit for last year? Billions? Well, maybe it's time that they give back some of their profit to the people who pay for their services. Stop gouging us all the time and share. Isn't it about time that we get SOMETHING for our hard-earned money? All we get from the banks and the government is take, take, take. It's time for them to start giving something back. Thank you for your question.
2007-03-06 23:57:25 UTC
The banks made a combined profit of 19 billion dollars last year.

Nineteen BILLION!

They make their profit by using OUR money.

Tell me something, when we borrow money from a bank to invest in our plans, do they not charge us exorbitant interest rates for the 'privilege of using their money?

Well, why should WE not be able to charge them some sort of fee when they use OUR money to further their investment ideals?

It USE TO exist in the form of half decent interest rates they paid us. And it STILL should!

The rates they pay are PATHETIC compared to the charges they bilk from us!

So in my opinion, it's time the government stepped in and put an end to the 'organized thievery' that banks so conveniently call "service charges".

Think of it this way. You lend your best friend money to fix his house. You lend him $5,000 dollars of YOUR hard earned cash. The first thing that happens is your 'friend' charges you $10 - $20 to 'look after' this money. Then every time you take a payment from him, he charges you $1.50 - $3.00 as a 'service fee' for his 'trouble' of having to look after your money for you. Let's say he pays you back at a rate of $200 monthly over 25 payment periods.

By the end of that period, you have paid your friend in the neighbourhood of $50 - $75 for the privilege of lending him money. At the average going rate of interest these days on a $5000 amount, you'll be lucky to break even for helping out your friend.

How does that sound? You like that idea? Is it fair?

ON THE OTHER HAND, this 'friend' lends YOU $5,000 so you can fix YOUR house. Considering the same payment schedule he got for your loan to him, it ends up costing you at today's average rate, anywhere from $400 to $1,200 samolians for you to borrow the same amount of money that you lent him!

The 'friend'(bank) gets $400 to $1200 to help you, while you(sucker customer) 'break even' if you're fortunate!

Does that sound like fair business practices to you?

Remember people, nineteen BILLION in profit.

I shouldn't have to say any more than I already have.

The banks are screwing us left, right and centre, and we're letting them.

God Bless and thanks for reading.
Linda M
2007-03-06 13:55:16 UTC
I think it ridiculous that we the consumer have to paid these fee's. The bigger banks already charge us for everything under the sun and furthermore this is the way that the bank can make more money. It's outrageous!!!!!
2007-03-06 13:09:36 UTC
Canadians just do what their told and never question it.

We would rather pay bank fees than cause any problems with our bank. We even make up bad excuses for our own inability to stand up for ourselves, and let banks over charge us.
Dave R
2007-03-06 13:08:16 UTC
Bank use your money to turn a profit by investing in things like weapons. Banks should be happy that we are willing to lend them our money so they can make profits when the only thing they provide us in return is a holding place for our money - oh ya, and a minute amount of the profit generated from their business ventures (interest).
Mr. T
2007-03-06 13:01:38 UTC
ABMs will not go away. Consider that the alternatives are even more expensive for the banks to maintain: live tellers.
2007-03-06 12:58:01 UTC
Yes! Some machines are private and a charge to use them plus the bank charge could be over$3.00
2007-03-06 12:54:29 UTC
I don't think so. Generic ATMs are rip-off to begin with. If you use one of the private label machines you deserve everything you get. Use your own bank's machines. Convenience costs money and there are fees charged to banks for traffic between to different banks that the banks have to pay to Interac. If you want to be able to use the closest machine then it is going to cost you extra. And don't do silly things like buy a coke and a bag of chips with a debit card either.
santiago o
2007-03-06 12:40:45 UTC
If it is not a campaign to get votes and they really want to take action my answer is yes... It is absurd that the banks charge for use of the banking machines. Everything is expensive and now you pay one more feed? It is not fair.
2007-03-06 12:38:10 UTC
Canadians are taxed and fee-ed to the hilt as far as I'm concerned. We shouldn't have to pay fees to access our money. Banks have changed their teller hours because of banking machines. The banks are not as accessible as they used to be, because they are relying on the banking machines for other banking business. So should we be penalized because of this?
Edgar H
2007-03-06 12:28:59 UTC
ABM charges is way too much and rip off all the customer. Bank already making too much money
Pierre H
2007-03-06 12:25:22 UTC
Yes! The NDP has been calling for this for years. Why are the Conservatives just acting now? Elections on the horizon. Can we have some sincerety for a change?
Brodie S
2007-03-06 11:47:47 UTC
Yes the government should step in.

It is 100% pure greed

The banks say we are paying for a convenience.

but that same convenience also saves the banks a lot of money

in wages and benefits by cutting back their work force which has been happening more and more as automation develops new ways for the banks to scam us.
Anita B
2007-03-06 14:08:47 UTC
You only have to look at the profits these intstitutions have boasted in recent years to realize that we are getting ripped off. They make money off of our money and yet still charge us to access it via cash machines. When does it stop???? Our paychecks are not going up at the same rate the banks are increasing their service charges......who do they think they are? It is utterly disgusting the profit the banks are making at our expense--us, we, the ones who pay more and more taxes every year, more service charges, more more more .....
2007-03-06 12:59:22 UTC
Absolutely yes! When the average Canadian does everything they can to make ends meet, and the banks post record profits, perhaps they could cut us all a break and show their corporate hearts!
2007-03-06 12:35:58 UTC
Yes, i suggest the fee should be no charge if you are dealing with your branch. And if you have to use another bank to with draw from then charge you service fee!


Concerned Canadian Citizen
Mike P
2007-03-07 04:30:32 UTC
YES! Generally customers should pay for services received, however, when an institution like HSBC declares a PROFIT of $11.2 BILLION for 2006, then charging for services like ATMs is definietly 'nickel and diming' customers and is simply wrong.
2007-03-07 02:13:26 UTC
Yes get rid of those damn fees. However once the fees are gone, the atm machines will go away. I could care less however, because they are just there to rip us off. ive been in a situation so many times where my buddy wants gas moeny or something and theres an atm machine by us and he tells me to use it. I always tell they guys to go to helll(not literally), but it puts people in these situations where sometimes the atm machine suck you in. GET RID OF BOTH THE ATM MACHINES AND THE FEES.
Tight wad
2007-03-06 14:21:29 UTC
Get a life folks. If you don't want to pay the fees, you don't have to use the system. You can always go down to the branch during office hours and withdraw your funds. It is amazing that everyone wants something for nothing. Convenience costs
carl f
2007-03-06 13:56:47 UTC
Yes, they should as the banks are making a very nice profit that could be shared with community groups in the way of financial funding.
2007-03-06 13:19:44 UTC
Yes, the Government should step in. Why should we have to pay to get our own money. The banks are nickel and diming us to death. THey should do away with these charges.
dave w
2007-03-06 13:08:55 UTC
Lisa S
2007-03-06 13:05:29 UTC
I don't have a problem paying the fee at the ATM that's not my bank. The problem I do have, is when my bank also charges me a fee at the same time. I get charged $1.50 at the ATM, then my bank also charges me $1.50. That's where I have a problem.
marie n
2007-03-06 13:03:24 UTC
Yes i believe that the goverment should step in and take action, we pay enough on banking machine fee`s and the banks makes billions of dollars on us canadians,,,,,,,,,,, i dont believe the machine will go anywhere............. what i dont understand is when u go on line to do your banking and you want to put a stop payment on a check the banl charges you 10.00 and we are doing the work..................The banks dont give nothing in return, i think its about time they start thinking of us and not be so greedy............ if it wasnt for our hard earn money they wouldnt be making crap................
2007-03-06 12:55:27 UTC
the government should legislate the fees structure for banks as we have seen a tremendeous increase in bank profits - over the back of lower and middle class canadians
C. A
2007-03-06 12:52:23 UTC
Although I agree that bank charges need to be kept in check, I think the biggest concern are the interest they charge on credit cards.
girum T
2007-03-06 12:38:16 UTC
An emphatic Yes!

Thank you Jack Layton for representing our voice! Enough with the rip off!
a guy
2007-03-06 12:36:58 UTC
the rich just keep getting richer...go figure. what do the banks do with these massive profits they receive each year? If they insist on charging us fee's for every little aspect of banking then at least do something charitable with the money instead of giving the fat bankers fat bonuses. IM SO SICK OF BEING NICKLE AND DIMED FOR EVERYTHING!
2007-03-06 12:28:20 UTC
Yes...especially ATMs owned by independant owners. In an emergency or two I've had to pay up to $5 on top of what my bank was already charging me.
2007-03-06 12:11:40 UTC
Absolutely Yes.
2007-03-06 11:56:33 UTC
Yes, we don't need to be paying for the use of these machines as it is our right to have banks hold our money and these machines will not cost that much to maintain so there is no need for this charge.
2007-03-06 11:55:47 UTC
I think that the government should open the banking sector to competition. We Canadians pay way too much for services that are, more often than not, low quality.
2007-03-06 11:46:12 UTC
It is a sad state of affairs when the government feels it needs to step

in to regulate a business, however those in that business also have a responsibility to act in a reasonable manner. With all the profits that the banks make, using our money, I feel it only reasonable that they should not nickel and dime us to death. If it is necessary, then the government should step in.
2015-03-22 19:48:43 UTC
I had to put our biz acct with Canada Trust when Bizsmart went under last Nov. and I truly resent the service charges they have and they were the least repulsive/expensive place to deal with. We should not have to pay a small fortune to access our money each and every time we need a few bucks.
murray M
2007-03-06 15:02:37 UTC
No. If this is a problem the government could make it easier for foreign banks to enter Canada and provide more competition. No one is forced to use another bank's ATM.
2007-03-06 13:14:46 UTC
Why is our government wasting everybody's time with this?? This is peanuts.

Why don't they focus more on corporations that don't pay their fair share of taxes and are scamming the government and people of Canada?

Wasted effort I think really. Open up competition i.e. free trade, to international banks so we have a choice, wouldn't that be better?
2007-03-06 12:46:07 UTC
I think the Banks have installed these machines to save on expenses and have gotten rid of tellers and therefore more savings in expenses by eliminating so many jobs. Federal, Provincial and Municipal Governments have lost wage earners and therefore part of their tax based income.

Banks are ripping off all of us.
2007-03-06 12:44:29 UTC
THIS JUST IN THE NEWS TODAY!!!. Scotiabank has posted a first-quarter profit of $1.02 billion, up 20 per cent from a year-ago $852 million and exceeding $1 billion for the first time. What do you think they should do?
adam b
2007-03-06 12:16:15 UTC
Why should the bank subsidize people that are too lazy to go to their own ATM's? It costs money to have any network and if people want to have the ability to use other bank's ATM's they should be willing to pay for it.

Why the government is wasting their time on this is beyond me. Leave it to the government to protect lazy, stupid, and ignorant people.
2007-03-06 12:05:28 UTC
I think Canadian banks are totally taking advantage of the system, they lay off bank tellers for the convenience of these machines and then charge you more for using them.
robert l
2007-03-06 11:46:52 UTC
Banks are heartless bureaucratic profit takers who have not deviated from the days when they foreclosed on poor widows.

The banks should be held in check of the plundering fees they charge people to access their own money.Anyone looking at the profits banks make can ascertain the thievery banks levy on the working poor.
2007-03-07 05:03:31 UTC
I work for one of the big banks and am appalled at the amount of atm fees that customers, myself included, get hit with.

Are banks willing to take a hit in those gigantic profits of theirs by losing customers to a bank willing to reduce or get rid of them altogether?

Seems to me that refusing to even consider getting rid of the atm fees isn't a great way to entice new customers or keep the ones they have.

Time to get back to basics.
2007-03-06 20:11:02 UTC
I have had a $1.50 fee from the bank owning the machine plus a $1.50 from my own bank for the same transaction. that's $3.00.In my mind $1.00 total should be plenty to cover the cost of operating the machines.
2007-03-06 16:26:25 UTC
Yes Yes Yes... why do we have to pay to get our money out of a machine.... Going into the bank takes alot of time and is very inconvenient. I think our government needs to do something now!!
2007-03-06 14:20:08 UTC
Yes it definately should take action .As the fees hits hard on law income earners. I think it is extremly unfair on part of banking institutions to charge such high fees.
2007-03-06 13:48:26 UTC
ATM fees should be waived...period. Banks are making money hand over fist on every day usage of debit cards, and having to spend $1.50 or more to use other Bank's ATM's is pure gouging.
Keith U
2007-03-06 13:27:24 UTC
No. Banks will just find other ways to stick it to consumers. If the governemnt shouldregulate anything it should be the gap between interest rate paid on deposits and interest rate charged on loans and credit cards.
Leo L
2007-03-06 12:47:31 UTC
Yes something has to be done to control our canadian money. the banks have taken advantage of of their customers for way too long.also the banks are backed by the canadian government as to deposit security. the government has done a lot of advertising on that matter.
2007-03-06 11:59:30 UTC
Yes they should take an action as soon as possible.This is robbery.We pay $1.50 to ATM and $1.50 to our bank for using other bank's ATM so that's $3.00 each time we want to use our own money.I think it is better to keep the money in cash like in old days.Sergei Vidishev.
2007-03-06 11:58:56 UTC
I think banks are screwing people big time. It is insane how people should be charged to take money out of their own account. Action by the government does need to be taken.
2007-03-06 11:57:46 UTC
ATMs are a should be understood that if you seek a service, you pay for it. It costs alot of money to host the ATM network, and it is so much more convenient than going to a teller, so we should pay a premium for that service. Its not like banks are holding our money for ransom, just go to a teller if you don't wish to pay the fee!

Gordon Graff
2007-03-06 16:14:48 UTC
I feel like I am being nickel and dimed to deathh with bank fees. It has gotten out of hand, of late. My wife was hit 5.00 for service fee on one transaction!!! Isnt it supposed to be EASIER? Docked 15.00 per month for customer service?
tony m
2007-03-06 13:18:52 UTC
Yes definately, we pay enough fee's at the banks for everything this is just one more way to gouge us with ATM and banking fees.

We should definately have the rates lowered.
2007-03-07 03:12:29 UTC
I'm a Canadian now living in Vietnam and here the ATM is free of charge. So I think it should be the same in Canada.
2007-03-06 19:01:11 UTC
Jack Layton the leader of the NDP issued a statement that his political party wants to change the Bank Act "to prevent banks from charging fees to customers who withdraw, deposit or transfer their own money through bank machines." This is a wonderful sounding statement that is in reality both meaningless and in the words of Canada's banks "ignorant rhetoric." There seem to be two things that seem to drive this statement. One is that financial institutions made $ 19,000,000,000 (billion) in profits and this should be enough to waive the fees charged to consumers. The other reason suggested is that the NDP is losing support to other political parties and was attempting to "reconnect" with its core supporters.

The reality is that all Canadian banks earned $ 420,000,000 a year from ATM charges. While this number may seem large it only represents 2.6% of the profit generated by the bank. Mr. Layton really seems to be upset less at the fees than by the large profits earned. His belief is that one part of the business should be subsidizing another part of the business. The reality is that the largest component of bank profits come from "interest income" and other income comes from such things as "mutual fund and wealth management, securities underwriting, derivatives trading, asset securization, brokerage transactions, cheque processing, ABM transactions, credit card transactions, and payment and deposit services." It seems that ATM fees are easy to fight against since they are the easiest for consumers to understand and are the most visible part of how banks earn their income.

We as consumers are smart enough to understand that ATM fees are easy to avoid and are really convenience fees. All the major banks open early in the morning, late in the evening, and many branches are open on Saturdays as well. By banking in person or on the telephone ATM can be avoided, and in return your fees would disappear as well.

Users of these fees understand that nothing in life is free and certainly not something that brings this level of convenience to such a wide range of people. The banks are responsible for paying rent where the ATM's are housed, the electricity bills, supplies such as deposit envelopes and receipts, armoured cars to refill cash, and the computer networks for all of this to work. We as consumers expect machines to be available 24 hours a days stocked with the cash we need are realize that someone has to pay for this. There is also the realization that if no fees were associated with ATM use then we cannot expect the same level of service and availability as before.

Many gas stations offer free air for those who drive up but sometimes the air pump does not work. Since the service is free we don’t complain and our expectations are not that high. Some gas stations now charge a fee for air and find it in their interest to make sure the pump is always working since revenue is now being generated. Customers can simply avoid this fee by driving to a station that offers free air but with the understanding that the service may not always be available. This is no different that the fees associated with ATM usage. If consumers are really unhappy with what they are being charged then they will simply take their business somewhere else. Today companies such as Canadian Tire and Presidents' Choice offer banking, credit cards, and mortgages. A wide variety of options are available to the consumer.

Mr. Layton complains that "to take a few dollars out to go to the grocery store, the banks shouldn't be keeping $1.50 or $2 or any of that money." This does not reflect the reality that we are able to pay for groceries with an ATM card and do not need to withdraw cash and then use that for payment. Many grocery stores also allow ATM card users to get cash back from their account when making a purchase and there is no fee for this. It does seem that the banks are right in their statement when they say the NDP is ignorant about the subject that they are discussing. The statements issued by the party and it's leader are geared more towards an emotional response and will be easily avoided by those understand the facts.

There is a greater danger that the articles do not discuss which is that a federal act will not be used to limit how much and what type of charges a private company can levy. No other private institution is controlled like Canadian banks are. The Bank Act controls what services they can offer and with which restrictions. Foreign banks, other private companies, and credit unions are not managed by the Bank Act and are free to set their own charges and fees.

The NDP party statement says that they would regulate bank fees but Mr. Layton said in a news conference that he would like these fees to be eliminated. No consideration is given to the consequences of such an action. What would happen if the banks decided to cut back on the number of ATM machines available or impose restrictions that the machines would be available for only a portion of the time. No one would be happy with such a solution since the banks lose a part of their revenue and users are inconvenienced.

It seems that a solution is being created for a problem that really does not exist. People are willing to pay for convenience with the knowledge that they have the ability to avoid these charges. The policy statement on the NDP web site is vague and talks about regulating bank fees and charges but makes no specific promises or solutions. We have the danger that the solution could be worse than the non-existent problem that is being supposedly fixed. The banks built a nation wide network for the convenience of their customers with the expectation that usage fees would pay for the maintenance and construction. Corporations today easily cut back on services are not revenue generators or have to be subsidized the question remains would a bank offer a service that they could not charge for? It would be simple for banks to remove the ATM fees and then increase or add fees for other areas. As a consumer my preference is be aware of fees that are being charged so that I am both aware of them and can educate myself of how to avoid them. By trying to force banks to remove the fees we will simply lose sight of them and instead they will be hidden in some other area. The NDP and Mr. Layton should instead make all hidden fees visible so that consumers can be aware of where their money is going.
2007-03-06 14:04:42 UTC
I think that the banks should be limited on how much they charge. The canada goverment is the only body that has enough power to limit the banks.
2007-03-06 13:31:14 UTC
What kind of question is that, of-course they should take action on ATM fees, isn't enough they charge too much for monthly fees? I understand everybody needs to make money, and they have to cover their costs, but come on, the fee is too much
2007-03-06 13:18:30 UTC
I don't exactly what the fees for ABM machines pay for -- they are making a huge bundle on our $1.50 or $2.00 coin, but if they take away those fees, who will pay for the service? .....I think Jack Layton is fishing for votes.
2007-03-06 12:25:35 UTC
Yes. Take the example of TD CanadaTrust. They own TD BankNorth in Maine and do not charge their customers ATM fees. I wonder who is paying for that. Their Canadian customers.
2007-03-06 11:49:36 UTC
I say YES these fees should not be allowed. We already pay a service fee each month for writing cheques and the abm charges should be included.
2007-03-06 11:47:41 UTC
Yes. Jack Layton is bang on. If Britain can do away with ABM charges, Canada can as well.
2007-03-06 22:15:33 UTC




Kathy S
2007-03-06 16:30:27 UTC
I don't think that AMT should charge the customers for using the machines at all, because the bank makes enough with other charges.
2007-03-06 13:56:11 UTC
I think what the govt should do is enforce them to committ 50% of profits (the fee) to the DISABLED in this Country (CANADA) and the homeless then we won't feel so ripped off if it is going back into the community, c'mon they are rich enough and this necessary service is overpaid!

lets get some common sense and HEART into this country, c'mon NDP ....fight!
Cam S
2007-03-06 13:55:33 UTC
when the Canadian bank profits are down under a billion a year then maybe we can talk about fees. U ntil then all fees should be abolished.
2007-03-06 13:15:58 UTC
I think that service fees are ridiculous. The banks make enough money off of interest payments and other "fees" that they find for us to pay. I think that all of the service fees should be eliminated.
bruce d
2007-03-06 12:50:14 UTC
The banks should be paying you for using your money in the machines. Of course, that would cut down thier jillon dollar profit margin
2007-03-06 12:48:36 UTC
It's quite obvious all the big corporations are taking advantage of the consumers mainly banks and gas company's just look at the crazy profits and guess who's paying . That's right you and me.
Donna Marie
2007-03-06 12:08:45 UTC
Yes the government should step in.I am so fed up of having to pay to take my money out of my bank account.Banks takes your money use it to invest make billions then think they are giving you something special when they give you interest on your money like 2 cents.They even take money out of accounts even if there is nothing in them they borrow from accounts they have no right to access to cover the empty account cost they take take take and give nothing .So yes by all means step in .
Rob N
2007-03-06 11:58:27 UTC
You better believe the government needs to step in. I just found out CIBC was charging me a $1.50 every time I touched money from one account. That accounted for $30-60 a month that I would lose. In the past year the bank has charged me over $500 to access my money from my account...

The banks should be PRIVELEDGED to be able to hold our money for us so they can make money off it in other means. We certainly dont need to be charged to access our money that we let them hold for us.
Derek D
2007-03-06 11:56:52 UTC
Some one needs to do something! Record profits again and again

Yes iknow banks are in business to make money.

If they had to reduce their transaction fees they might be forced to open branchs with regular hours ....Like the rest of us working class.
Barb S
2007-03-06 16:45:26 UTC
Yes they should've jumped in along time ago, we sometimes have no choice to go to another bank or atm because our banks system may be down, so should we have to pay sometimes up to $3. per transaction or shouldn't our bank reimburse us?
2007-03-06 12:00:02 UTC
I don't have a problem with the banks charging a fee. What I have a problem with is charging $1.50 for a $20.00 withdrawal.

That seems excessive to me.
2007-03-06 20:44:36 UTC
Have the banks pay this fee or make their own ATMs. Why should the individual be made to pay a fee to get his/her own money? We always forget - the banks are made from our money and the interests/fees/mortgages. They are there to make money on our money.
bruce w
2007-03-06 14:21:50 UTC
may i say when is enough is enough every body to day seems to be gouging us from the car dealers banks and especially the oil companies they just take our money for no service in return . the biggest one is the government at all three levels. charge and give nothing in return. like the tax on gas g.s.t. on top of tax witch is a tax on tax and heating oil as well thank you Brian Mulroney. there should be no charges to get our money out of the bank no mater how we withdraw it.banks make money while our money is in there . thanks for letting me rant
2007-03-06 14:20:27 UTC
Maybe the government should take action, but they won't. It's all 'soundbites' for the media to absorb and disperse. Witness the recent gouging of motorists in Ontario re: the 'sudden' depletion of gas, due to a fire in Nanticoke. Politicians were let off the hook due to that fire.
2007-03-06 14:03:07 UTC
Bank fees generate a huge amount of revenue for these banks, one has to wonder where they are going to make up these dollars? Possibly intrest hikes?
2007-03-06 13:22:10 UTC
Hands in my pocket, Hands in my pocket, Hands in my pocket.

Oh wait! That's another way to take our money. Same thing though. The banks force us to use ATM's we should get that service for free. I know "nothing" is free but it's easier for them if we use cards and making a profit besides??
2007-03-06 13:02:06 UTC
Yes, the fees we pay to ATM's are far too high. Small businesses are really 'punished' by the banks and their ATM/account charges.
2007-03-06 12:56:16 UTC
ABM charges are despicable. There is no good reason to charge people for access to their money. I can see why they do this...they are making a ton of money off us. BUT, they are already making huge profits off us, so they needn't take this too.. Scarlett
2007-03-06 11:56:37 UTC
Well, would the government themselves like to be charged a fee by the banks everytime they spend our money????
2007-03-06 11:46:33 UTC
damn rights, the banks make way too much off our money as it is. Canadians are going into debt and a big part of that is because they are getting penny pinched out of there hard earned money left and right. We should step up and force the government to set standards!
Alan S
2007-03-06 13:31:26 UTC
No, the banks should remove all ATM charges. Profit margins are so large that the upkeep/maintenance could be easily absorbed.
2007-03-06 13:25:31 UTC
I think that the fees charged by banks should be lessened. They already make billions on regular service charges!
Beulah P
2007-03-06 13:10:59 UTC
Yes Most Definitely - European banks faced a deluge of opposition

when they tried to collect fees for this practise. We should oppose it also and the Gov't should do it for us. Ed Pardy & Beulah Pardy
2007-03-06 12:48:07 UTC
Yes. Why are you charged by the other bank's machine then get charged by your own bank too?
2007-03-06 12:47:00 UTC
Yes...they should flip it around so that the people with $1000 or more in their accounts consistently have fees come out and the people who can't maintain that balance shouldn't have to paid...take from the rich, give to the poor.
2007-03-06 12:27:12 UTC
yes, the government should ensure we are not nickle and dimed to death, as then there won't be any left for the government to have, the banks will have it all, and there will be more of us, working up to 80 hours week, just to make ends meet, and go to the food banks, just to survive.
William H
2007-03-06 12:20:03 UTC
Take immediate action, we're been gauged with this nickel and dime charges while banks rake in millions, why?
2007-03-06 12:17:17 UTC
I think that banks, which continue to make record profits every year and make its customers do the work its employees should be doing, should remove all ATM fees.
2007-03-06 12:13:21 UTC
Greedy banks save money by using ATMs instead of hiring more tellers. Then they charge us fees for using them....sweet deal...for the banks!!!
2007-03-06 12:11:19 UTC
The gov.should leave banks alone& concern themselves with their own user fees ie. tax grabs You dont have to pay atm fees if you use your home bank dont have that choice of not paying the tax when you buy gas!
2007-03-06 12:10:00 UTC
Taxes are taken out of my cheque each pay-day.

My cheque is pay-roll deposited into my account.

I am charged a fee to spend MY money.

Any interest my money earns is considered income, I pay taxes on that.

Anything I buy, I pay taxes on it.

The ATM's aren't the only thing gouging my pockets!
2007-03-06 12:53:07 UTC
Yes they should, the banks are gouging us for money that is ours in the first place.. In other countries the banks don't charge for this so why do we have to pay.
2007-03-06 12:09:04 UTC
yes the government should step in the banks are making billions of dollars off of us already. give us a break it is our money that we are taking out the government is just as bad as the banks help the working people. please. and we are seniors and we could use all the help even Young couples just starting out in life family to raise and expense as it is so tell Harper to move his buns ....if he is for the people.
2007-03-06 11:47:07 UTC
I do not think there should be atm fees charged. I think that the banks make enough money on us. They make interest on all the money that they hold in the bank for us. They take the money that is invested long term in rsp's, mutual funds, etc., and make interest on it. How much more do they need?
kyver p
2007-03-06 21:01:27 UTC
Yes they should. It's ridiculous that banks charge you at all for withdrawing your own money. You would think they would be satisfied with all the money they make, but I guess it's true that greed knows no bounds
2007-03-06 15:14:29 UTC
It only takes gullible Canadians to believe the monopolistic banks when they say they need the fees to maintain the ATMs! Believe me, I work in the banking industry and they saved billions by laying off thousand of employees to replace them by ATMs. To add insult to injury, they pay next to nothing in interest and charge YOU to get access to YOUR money. Of course, you can always get it in person, they are conveniently open from 10h00 to 15h00, when most people work (so you will HAVE to use the ATMs). Do not get fooled Canadians, banks pay millions of dollars to professionals to spin you the story about how decent they are about robbing you of YOUR money. Anybody who defends banks, works for them, see through the lies. And to whoever posted that we have a better system than other countries, you clearly have not traveled a lot because it is at best equivalent to the US, Europe and/or Asia (and I have been to all of them). Make no mistake, I am all for a strong Canadian banking system but they should give up banking fees in order to extract billions EVERY quarter in profits from Canadians. And NEVER allow bank mergers - what is good for them, is bad for you, see through the lies.

P.S.: to all posters who think they avoid fees by using their own bank's ATM, think again, THERE IS NO FREE LUNCH. Bank of Montreal, for example, will charge you a fixed cost per month ($11) for your transactions but no fees per transactions (it's trade off but it's about the same, one if fixed, the other variable). They will offer to wave the monthly fees in exchange for a mimimum amount every month in your account (say $2,000). Again, THERE IS NO FREE LUNCH because they pay 0.5% (yooohoo - I'm rich - less the 50% taxes on interest) on your account but take the accumulated $2,000 of eveybody to make personal loans at 10% (plus the banking multiplier). If you think you do not pay banking fees by using your own bank's ATM, you are sheep being led to the slaughter...

P.P.S.: and to the other posters who put all their faith in free market competition, open your eyes. If you are an international bank, do you invest in Canada (which has a small population but a large territory to serve), in the USA (which is richer) or in Asia (which has a huge population and growing)? Get real! There are NO banks who will ever invest here to develop a physical network of branches and/or ATMs. If ING Direct , one the largest financial institutions in the world, chose only to set up internet banking when they came to Canada, that's because nobody wants to invest in adding more ATMs (otherwise they would!). So if you think more competition is coming (and by the way, they CAN already come here), then you can still daydream because there is no white horse coming to save the overtaxed Canadians.

If you are here, you have already opened your eyes to the fact that everything happens for a reason in the banking industry. Now open the eyes of your family and friends to counter balance the spin doctors of the banking industry who are putting everybody to sleep and robbing everybody in plain sight.
Shauna & Steven W
2007-03-06 14:05:00 UTC
Yes...I am currently working in the UK and ABM fees are unheard of. Chequing accounts are free as well - no monthly fees.
2007-03-06 13:56:49 UTC
Yes. It becomes outlandish when the banks use your money for investment purposes (to make more money for the bank) and charge you at every turn they can. It is akin to being taxed twice!
Norm .
2007-03-06 13:35:42 UTC
we should only be charged what it cost to buy and operate the machines plus an acceptable gain determined by agreement between bank and the government
2007-03-06 13:16:10 UTC
2007-03-06 13:10:35 UTC
2007-03-06 12:50:51 UTC
No, if you don't want to pay atm fees, go to your own bank's machine. But, if the government truly wanted to do something construction, they could certainly reduce tax rates.
2007-03-06 12:31:06 UTC
definitely, why should we pay to get our money back. Besides everytime we pay a fee to these machines, that money just goes into the pocket of some big fatcat who sits in his mansion and counts his take for the day while us working stiffs have to work for a living.
2007-03-06 12:01:50 UTC
2007-03-06 11:50:45 UTC
Bled by the bankers
2007-03-06 11:45:23 UTC
Yes, the banks save money by laying off staff who used to provide client service, then they shortened the hours they are open to the public and then charge fees to users for us saving them money in the first place. Absolutely brutal service and gouging all around. :) They make money coming and going at our expense.
2007-03-06 11:41:10 UTC
yes, the banks are making too much profit on the backs of canadians. it is time to legislate action against these carpet baggers. up the interest rates for savings accounts.

maybe it's time to get rid of the banks, (the middle man) & have one bank. The Bank of Canada. Let the government run the banking and only the government in this country
2007-03-06 13:17:04 UTC
Absolutely! It seems the banks are always trying to find news ways to get money out of us! They get enough from us with the $13.00/month account fee!
reg g
2007-03-06 13:03:42 UTC
No. The government should open up the banking industry to competition then the problem would be solved.
2007-03-06 12:59:37 UTC
If the banks are going to charge us fees, at least reduce those fees. Instead of the $1.50, they can charge .50 cents and they still will be making money.
2007-03-06 12:49:52 UTC
It's funny how banks charges us fees to withdraw our own money when they are making millions in profit investing our money.

I say, banks should be paying us fees instead.

In my opinion, banks are like day-light robbers
2007-03-06 12:20:18 UTC
The banks already make enormous amounts of money off of our money already through investing it, plus with their loans, mortgages, ect. They can afford to put ATM's out there without charging us. They already make tons off our money and give us sh*t for interest, and then they charge us for access to our own money?! Sounds like thiefs to me - the government should DEFINATLEY step in to abolish ATM fees.
2007-03-06 11:59:04 UTC
NO! Plan ahead and get the money from your own bank machine and don't use others, If you use your own banks machine it's free I think. or if you keep a certain amount of moneyin your account then using your banks machine is free. one or the other or both.
2007-03-06 11:55:17 UTC
Yes, the Canadian Government should step in.

The banks are charging US for taking out our OWN money.

Its a CRIME.
2007-03-06 15:43:31 UTC
I'm a student of ESL in my country the most of the banks doesn't charge anything for use your own the ATM of their have unlimited transactions at no extra charge...even if you account is zero...yes...What country...Panama...

Here...i have to pay for use my own money..the one that the banks use for their own business...
2007-03-06 14:15:43 UTC
Yes they should they have been ripping us off for years when they make profits like they are making then they don't need all those charges on everything we do when we bank
2007-03-06 13:31:30 UTC
They should be removed or lowered, especially for low income people such as seniors and students. The bank sees how little money I have as a student, and they still keep taking it!
ahmad z
2007-03-06 12:47:19 UTC
Yes,the govt.should take notice of that,and banks must keep their fees in reasonable limits to keep the friendly gesture towards their clients and general public.
Zachary N
2007-03-06 12:33:25 UTC
Banks control the economy. I believe that the government should take action, and control as well.
2007-03-06 11:48:45 UTC
These fess should be abolished immediately. With Canadian banks making record breaking profits, is this not a clear case of consumer gouging?
2007-03-06 23:12:59 UTC
Absolutley Not!!!! In my opinion the onus falls directly on us, the consumer. It is up to us to bank wisely. I do not pay any atm fees. If the government interferes, we are headed toward a very slippery slope.
2007-03-06 13:42:51 UTC
No I believe that we pay enough for banking fees now.The banks have reduced behind the counter clerks so we will use our bank cards instead.
2007-03-06 13:40:55 UTC
Of course it must , the banks always like to make us feel like they have us over a barrel . This would give us a little more control over OUR hard earned money . Who pays their salary ? ..we do . Therefore they should listen to us when we say "ENOUGH WITH THE PETTY THEFTS" !!!! stop the charges altogether !!
2007-03-06 13:15:49 UTC
Yes, the banks are showing profits in the billions,give us a break.
2007-03-06 12:12:53 UTC
Big bank fleecing of their customers has spiralled out of control. Would anyone who doesn't work for a bank answer no to this question?
2007-03-06 12:03:47 UTC
Yes, definitely they should take action, get rid of the fees! It's crazy what we pay in bank machine fees.

I vote for NO FEES!!!!

Who's with me?
2007-03-06 16:45:12 UTC
No. To avoid bank fees, you should just go to your own financial institutions bank machines.
2007-03-06 14:02:57 UTC
I think that $1.25 per transaction is a tad excessive. I am not opposed to paying a fee, but perhaps a smaller fee is in order.
2007-03-06 13:58:32 UTC
Yes I do think the government should take action because why should we have to pay for bank transactions that we do ourselves
lorne r
2007-03-06 13:41:23 UTC

If you don't like the charges then use the machine where you bank.
christine c
2007-03-06 13:07:56 UTC
WHY do I need to pay a fee when it is MY money...the banks are nothing but crooks! Money stored under the mattress is beginning to look appealling!!!
2007-03-06 13:27:32 UTC
Liviu C
2007-03-06 13:19:59 UTC
I am rlowering the fees. It is absurd to pay $1.50 when withdrew $20. A symbolic fee of $0.10 should be more than enough .
2007-03-06 13:00:31 UTC
I've always said the banks are nickle and diming us with ATM fees.
faye j
2007-03-06 12:52:40 UTC
i agree, banks are making millions on taking extra fees regarding banking machines. we are already paying

banking fees so why should they get to charge more.
Tara C
2007-03-06 11:55:04 UTC
Of course they should. The bank are raking in millions, and yet their service charges are outrageous. It's ridiculous that we have to pay to access our own money.
2007-03-06 11:42:38 UTC
With all the money the banks make, you're actually worried about losing our ATM machines if they don't charge us fees every time we use them?? In England, they don't charge for using the ATM if you have an account there - and they still have ATM machines...
the Advocate
2007-03-06 13:49:07 UTC
Yes, by getting all the bank CEOs to pay our fees.
2007-03-06 13:15:57 UTC
of course!!! they should have done something about this along time ago! its my money i shouldn't get charged to take it out. you already pay enough banks fees as it is. personally i think the bank should pay me to use my money, there the ones getting rich and richer from MY money!!!
2007-03-06 13:08:57 UTC
Why bother? The banks will just tack what they lose on to other services. They are nothing but legalized money sharks!
2007-03-06 14:14:58 UTC
Yes... unjustified profits... the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. Time to rein in the banks, oil companies, insurance companies and other profiteers.
pauline h
2007-03-06 13:38:13 UTC
2007-03-06 12:43:27 UTC
Don't I pay my bank a monthly fee to even use my debit card? Then I have to pay again if I want to use it anywhere else? It doesn't make sense.
2007-03-06 12:34:33 UTC
I'm quite sick of paying for the privilege of using my money no other person is involved in the transaction so why am i paying user fees for paperwork that does not exist
2007-03-06 12:08:06 UTC
I think they should it is ridiculous how much they "nickel and dime" you for everything. I need all the pennies I can save!! The government should do more. I'm loosing more and more respect for them.
2007-03-06 11:44:08 UTC
From what I understand the AB M's in England don't change their costumers,that being the case,neither should the ones in Canada be able to charge you the extra fees.
2014-08-27 03:06:17 UTC

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2007-03-07 05:07:45 UTC
3 bucks to take money out at some bars is stupid. Fees should be regulated!!!! I think 1 buck maxium.
Len B
2007-03-06 15:50:06 UTC
Yes, the banks make enough profit on lending you money, why should they be able to make more off of the money that is yours already.
2007-03-06 14:05:25 UTC
there should not be any fees on any abm's

banks make lots of money now,it's a BIG RIP-OFF
2007-03-06 14:24:07 UTC
yes they should stop the banks from charging abm charges
christopher h
2007-03-06 13:18:44 UTC
Yes defintely every time i goto the barber i pay .25 extra plus if don't you a ****** machine it's $1.00 or worst is online fees $1.50
2007-03-06 12:59:22 UTC
no fees please - the credit unions are able to allow withdrawl and deposit at any credit union - broadens the number of places to go and do business - they don't charge fees. I'm sure the banks can find other ways to make money and try to be friendlier to their customers.
2007-03-06 12:51:12 UTC
Yes the governement should intervene, because it doesn't cost $1.50 (or more) to banks to give us our money.

These fees don't have any reason to be, therefore they should be waived. Thanx
2007-03-06 11:41:51 UTC
If you're using your own banks machines, I don't believe that a fee should be charged. There's already a monthly account fee, part of which should be allocated to maintaining ABM's.

However, if I choose to use a competitor's machine, I am OK with being charged a reasonable fee. I am willing to pay for my own laziness to go and find my own branch.
2007-03-06 13:16:22 UTC
someone needs to take control of this....what are they saying these fees are managers raises? It is disgusting with a capital D!
2007-03-06 12:43:44 UTC
2007-03-06 12:41:34 UTC
Definitely should cause banks are just rolling in the dough and its high time they did something for their clients.
2007-03-06 13:42:15 UTC
I think they shouldn't take any action because the ATM machines are for people convenience.

If they take any action that will be bad for Canadians.
2007-03-06 13:14:38 UTC
yes they should. But like our movement as done before,they will give in .Walk away and do what the banks tell to do
Goof small
2007-03-06 12:58:43 UTC
No...much easier to let one enterprising bank like HSBC simply drop them. Customers will then vote with their feet & other banks be forced to drop fees. Or do I deceive myself with the smarts of bankers?


Nicholas J. Collins, Vancouver ,B.C.
2007-03-06 12:52:47 UTC
Yes especially when they post such huge amount of profits. It is absolutely necessary for the government to step in.
2007-03-06 18:10:09 UTC
i think they should wave those fees, cos it doesn't make sense on your 20$ you end up having 17$ the difference it's bank fees it's ridiculous.
2007-03-06 15:50:07 UTC
we pay for the bank stock holders can pay between4.95-11.95 in banking fees is this fair? i don't think so . i put my money to make money not to have it dwindle to nothing but banking fees up the ying yang.while they get rich , we get poor, eh
Connie E. M
2007-03-06 12:46:37 UTC
Absolutely not!!! They are using "our" money for loans, etc. so why should be pay them to get our own money out. They deleted most of the tellers and told us to use the ATM machines, so it's their problem.
2007-03-06 12:09:26 UTC
With all the profits they have made on us in the past years, Yes the government should impose restrictions. Afterall it is OUR Money.

allan s
2007-03-06 12:03:02 UTC
yes stop the outrageous fees put on atm banking, or at the very least make it more reasonable.
2007-03-06 15:48:30 UTC
Hell yeah the government should take action. I mean how much did they make last year? Do they really need to gouge us more??

We should be able to access our own money that we worked for for free.
2007-03-06 12:08:16 UTC
Its about time

---profit from loans, etc that I understand to some extent BUT why they have ATM charges to take my own money out that I dont understand.
2007-03-06 15:00:36 UTC
May as well get the Feds to jump in on that for us, it's the least they can do given how much we're taken to the cleaners on our income tax deductions...but that's another issue.
2007-03-06 12:46:13 UTC
yes i find it that the banks charges too much fees
2007-03-06 11:58:26 UTC
If banks remove their atm's, they will need extra staff won't they? People usually cost more to maintain then machines.
2007-03-06 14:55:22 UTC
Yes. ABM charges should be abolished.
Brandon F
2007-03-06 11:47:03 UTC
yes they should take action, Banks these days want more money and the fees they charge are ridiculous.
Dennis petter
2007-03-06 11:44:39 UTC
yes I think that the government should take action because it not fare that I should have to pay the bank any money before I can take my money out its not there money its my money I worked for it so unless I 'am taking out a loan hands off of my cash .
Richard Reid
2007-03-06 20:10:57 UTC
Banks will control forever ,rich get richer the poor get poorer.
2007-03-06 13:32:07 UTC
Absolutely, if the UK can abolish fees for their citizens I think it only fair that we should not have to pay ridiculous fees to access our OWN money!
John L
2007-03-06 12:43:34 UTC
I believe in profits not profiteering as the banks are doing.
Slopitch Knee
2007-03-06 14:21:16 UTC
Quite simply, Yes.
2007-03-06 13:46:22 UTC
Yes they should..and a very strict one too....Banks are making money from customer's to withdraw their own money..and this is ridiculous...its a rip off..
genus x
2007-03-06 13:24:27 UTC
Of course,the banks are taxing enough money from their clients already.Note what i said,taxing,it's like another government.
dave z
2007-03-06 13:11:25 UTC
the banks have been nickeling and dimeing us to death for ions why is it such a hot topic now .if we are to talk of being ripped off we should be attacking the speculators & goverment for allowing the price of gas and diesel to rape us

thanks Dave
nick b
2007-03-06 11:39:35 UTC
yes I think its a bit ridiculous and i think many agree, we are already one of the most heavily taxed countries in the world, at the end of each month i end up paying almost 20 dollars in bank fees for using my ATM card, and another 20 in ATM use fees...i think everyone would appreciate the break.
2007-03-06 13:34:31 UTC
like this we get the goverment in on this, what do you think they well chage us? be worse i tink who ever started this better shut up before we be paying more not less. too many chiefs out there not enough indians.

get my understanding. seems every time someone thinks this should be good better think befor oping there mouths.

i am fine!
Bill S
2007-03-06 12:59:42 UTC
Absolutely, we're being gouged to bankruptcy with these user fees, account fees, access fees etc.

They should all be eliminated.
Jesse U
2007-03-06 12:45:14 UTC
Yes the banks are stealing from us and it's time it stops!
2007-03-06 12:39:34 UTC
Of course! they have already less staff working at the counter. Even if some of the ATM's have to go...what, you can't walk a couple of blocks?
Darryl S
2007-03-06 14:19:54 UTC
yes as the banks are making more today then they ever made before and the customer is being gouge.
Jonathan S
2007-03-06 13:16:16 UTC
Yes, definitely!!! the more profits they make each year, the more the fees kept increasing.
Johnny Canuck
2007-03-06 12:50:28 UTC
Absolutely!! Those thieves that operate Canada's Banks have been given carte blanche to rip us off to their black heart's delight long enough!

Time to say to them: "I'm mad as hell , and I'm not going to take it any more!!"
2007-03-06 11:42:19 UTC
Yes, Automated BAnking is hear to stay, the banks should not charge us every time we make a purchase or withdrawl.
2007-03-06 19:10:21 UTC
Normally, I'd say the government should keep out of private enterprise... but when it'll keep more money in my pocket- meddle and interfere all you want!
2007-03-06 13:45:02 UTC
yes it is rediculous with the fees they charge, why should we pay fees plus monthly fess it is a rip off I vote to remove fees
Timothy C
2007-03-06 12:02:22 UTC
Banking fees should be eliminated.
2007-03-06 12:02:11 UTC
Yes, absolutely! Fees should be eliminated completely.
2007-03-06 16:22:29 UTC
yep, they should ban all bank fees...we're only catching up to what the europeans figured out 10 years ago....
2007-03-06 11:53:23 UTC
yes, absolutely!!!!!!!!!!! banks are gauging us right left and centre with fees, high interest rates and service charges. time to put a stop to it. many of these things used to be provided as "customer service". what ever happened to that????????????????????
2007-03-06 11:49:31 UTC
NO NO NO and again NO,

Their hands are all over ever penny made on our income from employment, income over interest, income over dividends and recently messed with income trust. "PLEASE LEAVE OUR MONEY ALONE", this is just another way to work themselves into getting more. That being said NO! Stop finding more ways of gouging
2007-03-06 11:43:04 UTC
Never use them so really doesn' matter. But the banks make to much money and they just spend it in the USA. Keep our money in Canada.
2007-03-06 11:41:36 UTC
the banks don't make enough money off of our cash ? They should maybe cut into the "billions" profits and give canadians a break for once
Markus H
2007-03-06 11:38:30 UTC
Layton is an idiot. I am no fan of the big banks, but I can say that the Canadian ATM system is the best in the world. And that is in large part not due to the banks but due to the private ATM operators who have bills to pay as well. Should they be banned from charging too? And if so why should they stay in business? Instead of people being "nickeled and dimed," they will no longer be able to go to the corner store to get cash. They will have to travel farther, are then more likely to drive or need a ride, putting more greenhouse gases in the atmosphere in the process - the more you think about it the more you realize that even from an honest left-wing perspective, Jack really didn't think this one through.
David S13
2007-03-06 14:08:39 UTC
NO interference with Free Enterprise

Banks make billions and oil company's make billions with flimsy excuses. Where do you step in.
Donna O
2007-03-06 12:56:50 UTC
absolutely! they are getting out of hand especially when you consider the profits the banks are making.
murray z
2007-03-06 12:54:21 UTC
Our Canadian Banks make BILLIONS of dollars of us, giving us a restitution every now and then would be nice...YES !!!
2007-03-06 12:49:11 UTC
Yes, along with a lot of other service charges: check and deposit charges.
2007-03-06 12:16:40 UTC
Yes they should ,banks are already giving almost no interest per annum on our checking or saving account.On top of that these fees.It kills us.
2007-03-06 13:32:06 UTC
yes thry should take away the bank fees
2007-03-06 15:43:53 UTC
Yes, the fees are unnecessary
2007-03-06 13:35:06 UTC
get rid of ALL ATM fees! why do we gotta pay to take out our own money? like the monthly fees arnt enough??
Ron G
2007-03-06 22:19:44 UTC
Banks should not charge those fees at all!!!They are lucky they get thier hands on our hard earned money at all!!!!!!!!!!!!
2007-03-06 16:02:58 UTC
2007-03-06 13:51:24 UTC
No they are not doing enough...but does it matter our country is run by banks and insurance companies, so what we say is irrelevant.
James Dean
2007-03-06 11:17:39 UTC
It's really a tough call. You don't HAVE to use alternate bank machines. You can go to your bank and take out money for the week so you don't have to worry about taking money out at machines that will charge you 1.50, with your bank also charging 1.50.

It's a person's choice to use these machines, so I don't think the Canadian Government should step in.
2007-03-06 21:45:13 UTC
2007-03-06 21:38:54 UTC
2007-03-06 15:33:25 UTC
who cares if the atms go away its all debit nowadays any way plus its cheaper than paying a teller
2007-03-06 14:58:51 UTC
2007-03-06 13:57:38 UTC
No. There are lots of choices and there are ways around the fees.

Waste of government's time.
ken g
2007-03-06 13:49:00 UTC
Jacqueline M
2007-03-06 13:40:41 UTC
ken k
2007-03-07 04:49:46 UTC
the government should speak for all canadians and have these fees eliminated.
2007-03-06 12:59:36 UTC
Yes. Enough said.
2007-03-06 12:03:41 UTC
Yes...banks make enough money without gouging us for more.
Lindsay P
2007-03-06 13:04:57 UTC
I guess it would be nice - who wouldn't say yes, really? BUT in my opinion, I would rather them deal with high insurance rates and lack of coverage. Insurance is RIDICULOUS - it's legal crime!
Agent Smith
2007-03-06 12:32:47 UTC
Gangs of organized crime are buying ATMs and using them to launder money!
2007-03-06 11:49:44 UTC
yes i think they should. even tho' i do not get dinged for ATM charges when i use my own bank's machine, i know that other banks charge their customers.
Melissa G
2007-03-06 11:37:59 UTC
I think that it is ludacris to have to pay to take money out of my own account. I think the banks make enough money on us that they could give people a break.
2007-03-06 15:59:01 UTC
yes they should it is a insult,to have to pay to take out your own money it is pure greed on their part. They will continue because they can...
nick name
2007-03-06 17:20:00 UTC
Yes,Immediatly,they should face crimanal prosecution for usary.
steve b
2007-03-06 13:59:31 UTC
yes the governmant should take action!

no fees are the way to go.
2007-03-06 19:34:58 UTC
yes they should. it is a scam , all other countries it is free to use a ABM.
Kyle G
2007-03-06 18:22:38 UTC
Don't we Canadians pay enough taxes or "fees" as it is?
2007-03-06 12:44:17 UTC
what? the banks need the money? I dont think so!!
2007-03-06 11:45:46 UTC
2007-03-06 12:58:36 UTC


2007-03-06 12:00:08 UTC
of course. the big banks are screwing us and if we can change this by all means lets do so.
Cheryl R
2007-03-06 13:52:30 UTC
yes they should, it is ridiculous how much they charge.

it's not even a flat rate either. each bank is different.
2007-03-06 12:42:47 UTC
Yes, it often cost 3$... It is unacceptable!
hugh m
2007-03-07 05:21:47 UTC
Yes, the bankers are ripping us off.
2007-03-06 16:23:41 UTC
yes. the fees are a rip-off
2007-03-06 11:54:44 UTC
Answering a question with a question. Who else is going to do it ? Enough is enough !
2007-03-06 11:53:00 UTC
Most certainly.
Mike Hunt
2007-03-06 12:12:15 UTC
they re not high enough, charge more, PLEASE BANKS, do it.

stop crying people, pay the money and be quiet. Dont use a bank if you dont want to pay.
Mike B
2007-03-06 13:05:27 UTC
2007-03-06 12:33:39 UTC
Kevin B
2007-03-06 19:08:31 UTC
2007-03-06 16:45:10 UTC
Nicole S
2007-03-06 14:00:29 UTC
2007-03-06 12:46:59 UTC
2007-03-06 11:37:50 UTC
It is my belief that banks are charging enough to their customers for their services, what interest people might be seeing on their accounts mean little when they are being charged for every little service.

Most banks you are allowed a certain amount of withdrawls before being charged for this service and yet with a bank card you are being charged everytime that you use it.

I feel it is smarter to use your card for transactions rather then carrying around cash in your pocket, from a stand point of being secure from being robbed for your money having it in your card is better to protect your from theft.
2007-03-06 13:47:38 UTC
hello...! hell ya the banks rob us on a daily basis charge me a $1.75 every time i spend my chash please someone call a cop i'm being robbed so ya stop them
parvez a
2007-03-06 13:36:16 UTC
yes. the fee should be wave off.
2007-03-06 13:13:32 UTC
OF COURSE THEY SHOULD......... but they won't,...everyone knows it's the banks, along with multinationals that dictate legislature!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
Brandon S
2007-03-06 13:19:43 UTC
No, free enterprise
angel f
2007-03-06 13:15:18 UTC
they are stilling money from us for so long and we never protest. I will say YES !! stop them !!!
2007-03-06 12:18:07 UTC
Yes, yes and yes
Bruce I
2007-03-06 11:45:11 UTC
2007-03-06 13:10:24 UTC
Yes, they have enough money
2007-03-06 11:47:59 UTC
2007-03-06 11:34:47 UTC
Not sure.

Should the government be allowed to interfere with the private business sector? Sure helps when it comes to gas stuff..?
Catherine E
2007-03-06 13:20:04 UTC
no, we as consumers should not be paying to access our own funds!
2007-03-06 12:06:36 UTC
no, ofcourse not.

NDP please stop doing this silly things. this kind of action should and will be decided by Market.

Get out of the way, please stop think like a communist.!!!
2007-03-06 11:44:15 UTC
yes its about time
2007-03-06 12:03:53 UTC
They most certainly should!
2007-03-06 14:01:57 UTC
YES!!! Of course they should!!
2007-03-06 13:13:52 UTC
yes! there is no reason we should be paying so much.
2007-03-06 13:53:13 UTC
yes there crooks
2007-03-06 12:54:10 UTC
of course---this is a total no brainer
Roger S
2007-03-06 11:32:14 UTC
Give us a break for once in our life cancel these fees enough is enough you want my first born too????
Brian D
2007-03-06 11:55:38 UTC
they make too much money anyway
Cynthia T
2007-03-06 13:57:29 UTC
YES and YES and YES.
eugene l
2007-03-06 11:39:05 UTC
yes we are paying way too much
2007-03-06 11:44:16 UTC
yes they should
Max G
2007-03-06 13:53:15 UTC
2007-03-06 12:31:40 UTC
kyla g
2007-03-06 12:23:29 UTC
No, the money is ours not theirs.
2014-11-03 03:28:55 UTC
2007-03-06 13:32:56 UTC
Rob S
2007-03-06 11:49:49 UTC
Brandy C
2007-03-06 11:56:56 UTC
2007-03-06 13:06:38 UTC
yes, sure.
Paul l
2007-03-06 12:40:59 UTC
Clarens S
2007-03-06 11:59:02 UTC
2007-03-06 11:12:26 UTC
Take the profit out of ATMs and ATM will go away.
2007-03-06 12:56:27 UTC
2007-03-06 12:40:12 UTC
2007-03-06 12:56:09 UTC
2007-03-06 11:14:46 UTC
YES!!! IT IS HIGH TIME THE...wait Canadian government? Oh wait, I don't care about that.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.