I'm so happy you are willing to pay high taxes for other people's health care. Whee can I send you my tax bill?
I also feel that I have the right to travel but I can't afford a car. I have the right to own a mansion with a swimming pool loaded with naked bimbo's. Personally I would prefer to have my government supply me with these items before paying my doctor bills.
Here is the flaw in your argument. When 50% of Americans do not pay any federal taxes and they expect the rest of us to cover the bills...eventually things are going to crash.
Oh, and Beaver.....I know a lot of people in the medical profession. Do you want to guess how many people go to the doctors in expensive cars, wearing expensive clothing and jewelry...and pay with Medicaid? Any clue at all? No, didn't think so.
Like everything else in life, everyone is responsible for their lives and must take some responsibility. You can either spend money on insurance, or skip that and buy flat screen tv's, game systems, new cars, etc......and gamble you won't get sick.
Suddenly you get cancer....you lose. I should not have to pay for your poor bets.
Meanwhile, I just received notice that I get to pay another $80/month in premiums for my own insurance next year.
One more point.....pay careful attention to the lies from the media and lib politicians over the next month. You will see lots of references about how, since Obamacare passed, healthcare >>>spending<<< has dropped by 2%.
Interesting....my office visits have gone up from $100-$175 per visit, other procedures have increased....do you fools understand the difference between "health care costs" and "health care spending"?
When the government tells the doctor they are not going to pay them $175 for that office visit, but instead only $100, Wow! Lower spending! But doctors have bills to pay also, where do you think they are going to recover this loss?
Middle class, responsible patients who buy their own insurance. Insurance spending goes up, premiums go up.....
You people are idiots.