Wendell S
2008-10-16 16:56:48 UTC
Now it's 2008, the Democrats have a young, handsome, Harvard graduate named Barrack Obama and of all the available young, intelligent Republican possibilities to represent their party, they again choose an old, washed up, ex-military man, who is totally out of touch and never was a serious contender in previous attempts, named John McCain. McCain is disliked by his own party and never liked the sitting President Bush,which is almost unheard of in modern politics, yet here he is. (Note: If Obama was a White man, this election would be a complete landslide, but racism keeps it close.)
It seems like the Republicans are trying everything possible to lose this election, because I know for a fact, that a young, intelligent, handsome (for the women votes), White male on the Republican side would leave Obama in the dust. Why are the Republicans trying so hard to lose? It's like 1996 all over again with a twist.