I'm a Reagan Conservative and I despise the Rebel Rag, and every corrupt thing the CSA stood for...slavery, treason, and civil war.
I'm very well acquainted with causes for the Slaver's Rebellion, because Confederates were very clear (at the time) what the war was being fought over. Read the secession declarations of Southern states and documents such as the Confederate Constitution, and the Cornerstone Speech.
The Lost Cause Myth...the South was defending the Constitution, and states rights is itself historical revisionism. The South seceded because they could no longer control US politics and meddle in the affairs of territories, and newly-formed states. THAT is what the Republican party was founded to oppose, and that is what the war was fought over...the South's systematic suppression of states rights in the West.
The only states rights issue of concern to the South, was the protection and expansion of slavery.
"The South fought on account of the thing we quarreled with the North about. I never heard of any other cause for quarrel, than slavery"...John Singleton Mosby...CSA.
Your post supports the erroneous view that Confederate Heritage, is the same as Southern Heritage.
There were a lot of Southerners who opposed secession, and fought against the CSA.
Read the book "Bitterly Divided, The South's Inner Civil War", by David Williams.
Think about it...what kind of people would base their entire "heritage" on a four year period in which they provoked a Civil War, to perpetuate African slavery.
Equating the Battle Rag with the Swastika is not stupid...it's dead-on accurate. Again, READ the Cornerstone Speech by CSA Vice President Alexander Stephens. It sounds a lot like Hitler ranting from a balcony in Munich.
The Confederacy was an act of domestic terrorism, and deserves to be remembered as such.
The South now controls Conservative politics in this country, so now the Lost Cause Kool Aid stand is once again, open for business. Well, this Conservative refuses to drink from that pitcher of swill.
Southerners don't want to believe that their ancestors slaughtered 360,000 of their countryman, so they could maintain the institution of African slavery...too bad, cause that is exactly what happened. The modern culture that tries to twist that history around, in an attempt to justify the CSA is a despicable, right wing, anti-American culture, that needs to be opposed, whenever it is encountered.
You can't be a true American, and support the CSA. The CSA tried to destroy this country. It represents everything that is un-American, and against our Constitution.