Irving is being tried for Holocaust denial.How these medieval beliefs and freedom of expression cohere in west
2006-02-20 11:06:30 UTC
You can find in usatoday:
"VIENNA (AP) — Right-wing British historian David Irving pleaded guilty Monday to charges of denying the Holocaust and conceded that he was wrong to say there were no Nazi gas chambers at the Auschwitz concentration camp."

I am really wondered that you can not express your scientific ideas in the cradle of civilization, freedom of expression and democracy (sorry laughable democracy). Are you really feeling freedom?
You can not say anything unless you rationalize this kind of democracy.

These are some links about the news about freedom of expression:,2759,181044,00.html,,1713922,00.html?gusrc=rss
Four answers:
2006-02-22 10:45:50 UTC
While we don't want to "ban books" or "burn books" it should be established in schools that Nazi Germany did kill 12 million people in the concentration camps, and while the Nazi's burned books, and we don't do that here in the West, in modern society, we still recognize that will some people have a right to be an @ss, they are wrong, and the established history is just that, an established history.

Lets present both sides. The one side is a piece of sh*t, and the other side is a) hitler wanted it, and b) people went through it and saw it with their eyes.
2006-02-22 10:48:12 UTC
People are still alive who suffered and escaped the Holocaust, how can anyone deny it, unless they are not schooled. Irving tried to deny it, because he was a part of it.
2006-02-20 11:55:53 UTC
The reason why no one answered is because someone already asked this question today.
2006-02-20 11:07:18 UTC
holocaust didn't happen u retard

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