I think of this differently. In Canada or England, the National Health provides the same level of service to everyone, paid by an income tax. Here, under President Obama’s plan, everyone has to have a minimum of coverage but each individual can select the one that’s right for him. This is better, isn’t it?
As for the rest, President Obama was handed a God-awful mess and did some pretty good work against unfair, unwarranted, unreasoned opposition from every Republican congress member in both the House and the Senate. Despite this mindless contempt from the GOP, the DOW closed above 11,200, jobs are up, GNP is positive, American forces are coming back from that senseless war in Iraq, the rotten, greedy, credit card companies can’t jack up your interest rate on any damn whim and sick little kids can no longer be denied health coverage.
Not a bad two years in my book. He should be easily reelected.