Obama is Bush. White Bush is out and black Bush is in. The majority public hated white Bush and we will come to hate black Bush equally as much.
Bush's Third Term? You're Living It
By David Swanson
September 02, 2009 "TomDispatch"
Obama is a Corporate Marketing Creation
John Pilger
5 minute video
From Bush to Obama: On the eve of a “seamless transition”
By Patrick Martin
17 January 2009
World Socialist Web Site
Six months of the Obama administration
21 July 2009
World Socialist Web Site
What evaluation can be made in light of six months’ experience? The facts speak for themselves. On every critical issue, Obama—presiding over substantial Democratic majorities in both houses of Congress—has continued the basic policy of his predecessor.
Obama’s auto task force: a collection of Wall Street investors and asset strippers
By Jerry White
24 March 2009
World Socialist Web Site
President Obama's auto task force has a March 31 deadline to approve updated restructuring plans by General Motors and Chrysler LLC under terms of the federal loan agreement. The task force—which has the power to revoke the loans and has not ruled out the use of the bankruptcy courts—is pressing for sharp reductions in the wages and benefits of autoworkers and a drastic downsizing of the auto industry.
The selection by the White House of the personnel to oversee the restructuring of the industry makes clear that its aim is not "saving" the auto companies, in the sense of preventing mass layoffs and protecting the jobs and living standards of autoworkers and the millions more connected to the industry.
On the contrary, the Obama administration has chosen representatives of America's financial elite, including former private equity investors and corporate asset strippers involved in previous restructurings, including in the airline and steel industry, where tens of thousands of workers were robbed of their jobs, wages and pensions.
As the World Socialist Web Site has noted, the near bankruptcy of Detroit is being exploited to destroy the gains of generations of autoworkers in order to make the auto industry a lucrative investment for the same Wall Street financiers who are responsible for the economic crisis